Thailand features nature. Amazing nature of Thailand

Beautiful nature spots in Thailand

The exotic nature of Thailand attracts everyone with its diversity and amazing beauty. On the territory of the kingdom you can find lakes, mountains, waterfalls, tropical forests and jungles.

The country itself is located on two peninsulas: part on the Indochinese, the second on the Malay. The shores of Thailand are washed by two seas: the South China and the Andaman.

The climate on the island is tropical, and the year consists of only:

  • Thai summer. Lasts from March to May. Characterized by very hot weather;
  • Cold period. Lasts from May to November. At this time, the monsoons bring heavy rains to the country;
  • Warm period. Lasts from November to March. It is during this season that he comes to Thailand a large number of tourists, since the weather there at this time is warm and there is no rain.

As for the relief of Thailand, the country is conventionally divided into five regions: the North-Eastern Plateau, the Southern Region, the Southeast, the Northern Highlands and the Central Plain. The soils in Thailand are different, depending on the location: in the north - red, in river valleys - alluvial and meadow, in the mountains - red soil, and in the southern part - podzolized laterite.

Jungle and wildlife of Thailand

Thai jungles occupy 60% of the territory, that is, most of the kingdom. They are real thickets of teak and mahogany, bamboo, xylia, palms, ficus, as well as all kinds of fruit trees and wild flowers.

The unprecedented jungle of Thailand

In general, in Thailand you can find more than 500 species of different trees and 25,000 different types of flowers. In conditions of such rich wildlife Animals such as tigers, tapirs, leopards, bamboo bears, elephants, rhinoceroses, etc. live there.

Habitat of the clouded leopard
Monkeys of the Kingdom of Thailand

The country is also home to more than a thousand species of birds, from flamingos to parrots of different colors and sizes.

The Siamese Lofura has been chosen as the national bird of Thailand.

Exploring the nature of Thailand on your own is quite risky. It is best to experience wildlife in the company of an experienced guide. Thailand, whose nature truly delights travelers, offers many excursions and trips into the wild jungle.

You can go swimming on the River Kwai, or stroll along forested hills and trails, exploring the Thai landscapes. In addition, the nature of this country can be explored in safer conditions. For example, in gardens or zoos.

National parks and reserves

Another way to safely explore Thai wildlife is to National parks and various nature reserves. They are located throughout Thailand and provide an opportunity to admire different parts of the country. In total, there are more than 50 reserves in the kingdom and national parks, which in total occupy 25 thousand square kilometers.

One of the most popular is this. The park consists of seven tiers, and on its territory there is the Erawan waterfall, which impresses all travelers with its wild beauty.

Another park that offers the opportunity to admire nature and animals is Khao Yai. It is located 200 km from Bangkok. There are also several waterfalls on its territory. Tourists are also encouraged to explore Mountain peaks.

Erawan Falls impresses all travelers with its wild beauty.

Fans of more extreme entertainment can choose one of the nature reserves located in the mountains. A walk along mountain paths and slopes in the natural habitat of wild animals will give you a lot of emotions and adrenaline. . You can do this in Doi Inthanon National Park.

It is located in the province. The mountains there rise 2565 meters above sea level. At the same time, at an altitude of 1800 meters there are beautiful forests, where wild orchids and lichen grow.

Wild orchids in tropical forest

There are also several waterfalls just below. At the same time, the park is not just a place for tourists to visit, but also home to the Meo and Karen mountain peoples who live in the villages built there.

Meo Highland Village

Hot springs are also popular. Most of them are located in forest areas. Therefore, there you can not only relax and heal your health in the hot water, but also see many trees and birds and animals living in this environment.

In addition, Thailand has many parks and reserves that provide the opportunity to admire the richness of the underwater world. One of these is Samet Island in Rayong Province. Despite its small size, it is very colorful. The park is surrounded by coral reefs and beautiful beaches.

The wealth of the underwater world

For divers and lovers of calm beach holiday You'll definitely like it here. Also suitable for snorkeling national park Tarutao, which is located in the province of Satun. Its territory is limited to 51 islands. Another marine park is located in. Ang Thong National Park attracts visitors to the kingdom with its silver sand beaches.

The nature of Thailand is diverse and beautiful. The tropical climate provides an abundance of exotic plants and flowers all year round, and caring Thais do everything possible to ensure that you can get to know her in conditions that are safe for life and health.

The climate in Thailand is tropical and hot. In the south of Thailand and the southeast, the change in dry-wet season is practically not felt, when in the north these seasons are pronounced. The north and northeast of Thailand receive approximately 1000 mm of rainfall per year, most of it falling during the rainy season (May to October). In the south and southeast, precipitation falls twice as much and is evenly distributed across months. In the north-east of Thailand, the dry season is too noticeable: rivers dry up, the soil cracks, canals and lakes become shallow. But already in April-May the monsoon rains begin, and by July the land becomes suitable for cultivation and sowing crops. Monsoon rains often lead to flooding. Because of this, local residents build houses on high stilts. The most fertile soils are located in the Central Plain, where all the agricultural farms and pastures are located. In the north of the country, in the Chiang Mai region, the soils are more or less good, but not at all fertile in the northeast.


Over millions of years, the nature of Thailand has created an incredible number of its inhabitants. Animal world It is diverse here, including very rare species that live only in the country of eternal summer. Elephants are considered the symbol of the Kingdom of Thailand; these six-ton ​​giants easily move along inclined surfaces, confidently maintain balance with the help of large legs and trunks, clinging to trees. All regions of Thailand are inhabited by monkeys. Orangutans, white-handed gibbons, macaques, and thin-bodied monkeys live here. Lemurs are found in the eastern part of the country. The country is home to Himalayan and black bears, wild gaur bulls, binturong cat bears, hornbills, wild boars, deer, different types snakes and lizards. As for predators, here you can find a black panther, a tiger, a leopard, and a golden cat. There are many dangerous animals in Thailand that can be found in the most different places. The most important things to watch out for are scorpions and snakes. The most dangerous are the king cobra, python, viper and sea snake. According to the latest data, about 175 species of snakes live in Thailand, 13 of which are poisonous. Crocodiles live in some places.

Many people want to visit this country as it is considered the epitome of romance. The landscape of the kingdom is so fabulously beautiful, you will get to know the animal communities that are unique to this particular area. Such animals often pose a danger to people. The danger of being in the jungles of Thailand is somewhat exaggerated. You need to listen to the advice of your guides if you have purchased a jungle tour. King cobras are considered the most dangerous, famous, graceful and graceful inhabitants of tropical forests. However, the king cobra can be seen in any part of the country. Thailand attracts with its beautiful nature, which attracts even seasoned tourists. Rivers, lakes, waterfalls, snow-white beaches, mountains, caves, rocks - all this amazes with its uniqueness.

If you are a plant lover, Thailand is a must visit. Here you will see amazing plants such as ficus trees, red trees, and a variety of palm species. The flowers are fabulously beautiful, beckoning with their originality and attractiveness: orchids, lotuses, fruit trees..... Thailand is famous for its forests, which are famous for the Monkey Temples. In the past these were Buddhist Temples. Now the monkeys have chosen and equipped these places. You can also find the Tiger Temple, although on the territory of the temple, in addition to these graceful and formidable animals, all animals live without exception.

The Kingdom of Thailand is located in South-East Asia on the Indochina Peninsula and a small area of ​​the Malacca Peninsula. It is worth noting that Thailand is the only country that has retained its sovereignty. Although at the same time neighboring countries became colonies of France and England. Thailand is a royal power, unlike other world states.

Many people want to visit this country as it is considered the epitome of romance. Therefore, most tourists book tours to the pristine jungle, which has not been affected by the spirit of civilization. The landscape of the kingdom is so fabulously beautiful, you will get to know the animal communities that are unique to this particular area. Such animals often pose a danger to people.

The danger of being in the jungles of Thailand is somewhat exaggerated. You need to listen to the advice of your guides if you have purchased a jungle tour. King cobras are considered the most dangerous, famous, graceful and graceful inhabitants of tropical forests. However, the king cobra can be seen in any part of the country.

Thailand attracts with its beautiful nature, which attracts even experienced tourists. What's so beautiful here? Rivers, lakes, waterfalls, snow-white beaches, mountains, caves, rocks - all this amazes with its uniqueness. Don't forget about the jungles that cover most of the state.

If you are a plant lover, Thailand is a must visit. Here you will see amazing plants such as ficus trees, red trees, and a variety of palm species. The flowers are fabulously beautiful, beckoning with their originality and attractiveness: orchids, lotuses, fruit trees.

In Thailand you can see animals that languish in city zoos in the civilized world. Specially trained people prepare colorful, stunning and original shows for tourists. Wild animals participate in these performances, but every traveler strives to experience the unknown and original. Thailand is the leader in this position. How nice it is to swim in a pristine waterfall, which has not been influenced by civilization, to walk along forest paths, observing at least minimal caution. If you want to feel the adrenaline, you can wander through the rocky gorges that everyone remembers historical events happening in the state. After such tours, the traveler becomes familiar with the nature and beauty of the region, with the secret and historical.

Thailand is famous for its forests, which are famous for their Monkey Temples. In the past these were Buddhist Temples. Now the monkeys have chosen and equipped these places. You can also find the Tiger Temple, although on the territory of the temple, in addition to these graceful and formidable animals, all animals live without exception.
If tourists do not want to take risks and do not travel through the jungles of Thailand, they can visit the largest zoo: Khao Kaew. All animals living in the kingdom are presented here.

Thailand is a country of endless diversity with high mountains, covered with forest; with jungles rich in wildlife and exotic plants; with rivers, with golden beaches. The blue sea with azure water and the islands attract with their beauty and pristine nature. In Thailand, the ancient exoticism of the East and the latest achievements of our time peacefully coexist.

Thailand lies on the Indochina peninsula and is the only South part The country is located on the Malay Peninsula. The area of ​​the country is 513,115 sq. km. South coast The country, with its countless bays and beaches, is washed by the waves of two seas: the Andaman Sea Indian Ocean in the west and South China, which includes the Gulf of Thailand, in the east.

Thailand is located in the tropical rainforest area. About 65% of its area is occupied by jungle. The vegetation cover of Thailand is dominated by deciduous tropical (monsoon) forests, in which teak and mahogany trees, sal, bamboo and others grow. In the most humid areas, mainly in the mountains, on the elevated outskirts of the Korat plateau, on the Kra isthmus and in the north-east of the coastal part, moist evergreen forests grow. The main species of these forests are dipterocarpacia, hopea, ficus, pandanus and various palms. In the coastal strip in the south, mangrove vegetation is developed. Savannas and thickets of thorny trees and shrubs are widespread on the Korat Plateau. On the dry (leeward) slopes of the mountains, in the zone of 700-1700 m, pine-oak forests grow, in the upper zone of the mountains - evergreen shrubs.

Many valuable tree species grow in the jungle. Residents of forest areas receive various resins, balms, gums, and varnishes from these trees. The fruits of some forest plants (mangosteen, durian, banana) are edible. Palm trees - coconut and sago - are of great economic importance. Teak wood grows on the slopes of the mountains in the Northern region. Its height reaches 40 m, and its trunk diameter is 2 m. Teak wood is extremely durable and is an excellent material for the construction of ships and port facilities.

Almost all of Thailand belongs to the Indo-Malayan zoogeographic region. A wide variety of animals live in the forests and bamboo thickets: rhinoceroses, elephants, tapirs, tigers, leopards, wild cats, squirrels. There are especially a lot of monkeys there. There are not only macaques, but also anthropoids - gibbons. The savannas are home to antelope, deer, wild buffalo and wild bulls - gaur and banteng. All over the country, in the forests and fields, there are a lot of snakes, many of them poisonous, for example, “variegated ribbons” and huge king cobras. There is a variety of birds: pheasants, peacocks, parrots, hornbills, herons, Siamese red-throated crane. There are crocodiles in the rivers; various species of fish (mainly carp).