Do you like to travel. Why I love to travel

This material was prepared for a competition on the website

The task is to write a large creative material dedicated to one country, your immersion in its history and culture, features of life, etc. through the prism of a traveler. This could be material about one place in this country, or about its nature, animals or attractions. But precisely in the context of one specific country.

The goal is to open new facets for Turbina and her readers. We do not set any restrictions here except the wish that the material should be truly creative, that is, come from the heart. And then it will tell you how! But we will evaluate the material by its creative depth and beauty of execution. Material form - Note. Submission of material through a comment post containing a wiki link to the material on the forum for this competition.

So, I’m trying to fulfill the task set by Turbina - “... to write a large creative material dedicated to one (favorite) country,...”. The material turned out to be so large that it had to be broken into several separate parts. ... It's hard to choose a favorite country when you've thoroughly traveled through 118 countries of the world. It's like a sultan choosing the most beautiful woman from his large harem. He will always say - they are all beautiful. Each in its own way. And he will be right.

People hearing that I've traveled around the world four times and visited so many different countries, they ask the standard question: - Where did you like best? I answer it differently:

1. Long and wrong

I liked it best where I met good people. And indeed, we perceive the country through the people we met there - friendly, smiling, hospitable,... We met, became friends and we think - everyone here is like that. Then I think - this is wrong. Almost the whole world, speaking about Russians, claims that we are gloomy, unfriendly people. These are those who don't know us. And those who have gotten to know us better unanimously say that we are the most open, hospitable and friendly nation.

2. Sometimes I diplomatically answer that my favorite country is our planet Earth.

The earth is our common home and, believe me, it is not at all so big that we would turn it into a communal apartment. Because I know that the borders of individual states are artificial “fences” between areas of good neighbors. And there was a time when these borders did not exist and anyone could easily move around the land without obtaining special permits. And everywhere they were glad to see him if this man came with good and carried this good around the world.

3. But most often I answer very briefly and definitely, my favorite country is RUSSIA!

And moreover, this is not at all because I was born and raised here (by the way, I was born in a completely different country - in Kazakhstan, and grew up in a third country - Kyrgyzstan, and I really like these countries, I love them too) , but because I have something to compare with. And comparing, I come to the conclusion that according to all comparison criteria - natural, cultural, historical, human resources, ... our country is unique. I'm talking specifically about the total component. Because there are China, Egypt, Italy, Greece, Australia, Japan, USA, Brazil and Argentina, ... - countries with very ancient culture, wonderful natural attractions, … . And yet, in my comparison, based on all the criteria, Russia still wins.

I have been traveling for a long time, a lot and in different ways. My personal experience various types of travel go back almost 60 years. Participated in various hiking trips in summer and ski trips in winter (all of Moscow and surrounding regions, the Caucasus, Karelia, Crimea, Central Asia, the Baltic states and Leningrad); water trips (along the rivers of the Middle Zone, Karelia, the Caucasus and the Urals). At the age of 17, I got wheels (I bought my first vehicle - a TULA-200 scooter), received an additional degree of freedom and began to “master” the surrounding space at greater speed. The geography of my travels, their duration and extent have expanded many times - from the Arctic, to the Crimea and the Caucasus, from the Baltic states to Central Asia. So for quite some time now I have traveled most of the Soviet Union, all its republics and Russia itself, from Karelia to Kamchatka.

In all respects, Russia has great potential in the development of various types of tourism, both domestic and international. Well, judge for yourself:

  1. Our country ranks first in the world in terms of territory - 17,125,191 km². (sixth in terms of GDP)
  2. In terms of population - 146,804,372 people, we occupy a very significant, 9th place in the world (population density - 8.56 people / km², 181st place in the world)
  3. Big total length highways and railways (7th place worldwide)
  4. Russia is a country with a long history, rich cultural heritage and generous nature. According to cultural and historical diversity
  5. By natural, plant and animal diversity
  6. In count climatic zones, supported by a fairly developed network highways
  7. Profitable geographical position country connecting two large continents - Europe and Asia. Borders with 20 countries, washed by three oceans and 12 seas

Automotive tourism is developing especially actively in Russia. This is facilitated by such components as:

  1. A large percentage of actively traveling people. According to statistics, more than 40% of the country's population (about 60 million people) travel. Of these, organized, through vouchers - 10% (6 million). All the rest - independently (54 million), and 60% of them - by car (more than 30 million people).
  2. High level of motorization of the country's population. Today, according to statistics from Russian analysts, more than 40% of our country’s residents (more than 45 million cars) own a car. 45% of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg have vehicles. Over the next few years, 13% of Russian families plan to purchase a car.
  3. Russia has a developed road network, sufficient in terms of the condition of the road surface for travel of various levels. The length of Russia's territory from west to east is almost 10 thousand km, from north to south - more than 4 thousand km.
  4. Auto tourism is accessible to all segments of the population and has great social potential. Our whole problem is that we do not know how to advertise and promote well, even within our country, everything that we have.

Here, get acquainted: I will offer three all-Russian routes for traveling around Russia, which cover the entire territory of our country. Take a look and travel with us along these routes.

A series of tourist routes "Great Russia. Monuments of the heritage of mankind"

Today on the UNESCO World Heritage List in Russian Federation There are 28 items listed, which is 2.7% of the total number (1073 for 2017).

7 objects are included in the list according to cultural criteria, with 6 of them recognized as a masterpiece of human genius (criterion i), and 11 objects are included according to natural criteria, with 4 of them recognized as natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and aesthetic importance (criterion vii). In 2017, Russia ranked 9th in the world in terms of the total number of facilities world heritage, and in terms of the number of natural objects - 4th (after China, the USA and Australia).

Also included in the World Heritage List is Crimea, located on the Russian-controlled territory. ancient city Chersonese Tauride and its choir (7 objects), marked “Ukraine” in the description.

In addition, as of 2017, 11 sites in Russia are among the candidates for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

It should also be remembered that there is also a list of objects Cultural heritage Russia of federal significance, the list of which contains several thousand attractions. (The background information on this list is mostly taken from Wikipedia, with some minor commentary by the author.)

Today, the general list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites includes about 1,000 cultural and natural heritage. The special value of these monuments is documented in the Charter of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Russian World Heritage sites can be divided into the following groups:

1. City complexes and kremlins.

This group included historical centers cities of St. Petersburg and Yaroslavl, monuments of Veliky Novgorod, Citadel and Old city Derbent, the ancient city of Tauride Chersonesos and its choirs, the Moscow and Kazan Kremlins.

2. Monasteries and cathedrals, such as:

Kizhi Pogost, Solovetsky architectural complex, Churches of Vladimir and Suzdal, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, Ferapontov Monastery (Vologda), Novodevichy Convent, Natural-historical territory of the island of Valaam, Assumption Cathedral and monastery of the island-city of Sviyazhsk

3. Listed natural objects World Heritage Sites located on the territory of Russia include the following: Lake Baikal, Ubsunur Basin, Curonian Spit. And also such mountain ranges, such as: the volcanoes of Kamchatka, Altai, Western Caucasus, Central Sikhote-Alin and the Komi forests, located on the Northern and Subpolar slopes of the Ural Mountains, and two nature reserves (out of 76) - Wrangel Island and the Putorana Plateau.

4. The UNESCO World Heritage List also includes one site from the category Heritage of science and technology- Struve geodetic arc (2 objects).

Monuments of the heritage of mankind represent the RED BOOK of a series of travel routes around Russia, a description of which I will give in the following materials.

With reference to this category of attractions, the route of the first stage of the Round-the-World Automotive Expedition “RUSSIA - FORWARD!” was formed. 100 countries - 100,000 km." The start of the first part of this stage is “GREAT RUSSIA. Connecting three oceans." April 27, 2018.

During May holidays we will go through a circular route - Moscow - Murmansk - Petrozavodsk - St. Petersburg - Veliky Novgorod - Moscow.

In August - 2nd part: Moscow - Vladivostok.


Do you like quotes? I know - I know, now tell me that they are all tired thanks to social networks like “VKontakte”, where they are posted in batches, phrases are torn out, distorted. But I still love beautiful quotes. The appropriate use of a quotation can turn a conversation on its head.

As for travel quotes, this is truly a very motivating thing. Often, even when you are not in the mood, remembering them you find strength in yourself and you get a second wind. I would like to go again for positive emotions and adventures beyond the three nine lands.

Below I have provided an example of 23 of the best travel quotes that I think everyone should read!

1. No one realizes the beauty of travel until he comes home and lays his head on an old familiar pillow © Lin Yutang - it’s hard not to agree with this expression. We are often so overwhelmed with emotions during a trip that we do not have time to comprehend them. And only at home, sitting down on the bed and experiencing pleasant fatigue in your body, do you begin to realize that incredible adventures are behind you. Even better is ahead!

2. There is nothing more beneficial for the nerves than going somewhere you have never been© Anna Akhmatova – are you losing your nerves? Don’t know how to quickly get rid of depression, heal a broken heart and find the meaning of life again? Then just pick it up and go. To places you have never been before... New countries, cities... New impressions, people, atmosphere!3. Never save on something you can't repeat© Tony Wheeler – there are some things that you can do once in a lifetime. And only for a certain period of time. Or only in a certain place. And you should never save in this case. Do you want to go to the USA to work and travel under the Work and Travel program? Go for it! Arrived in New York and can fly in a helicopter over the city? Take the longest program! Overpay $50, but get maximum pleasure!4. Everyone says that they dream of getting out of here, seeing the world, but when it comes down to it, they won’t stick their beak further than their birdhouse © Cartoon “Fly Your Wing” - How often do I hear from my friends and acquaintances that they also want to travel. That they envy me. That they would be happy to keep you company. But as soon as I come to them with a specific proposal, they all come up with 1000 and 1 reasons why they can’t do it this time. It got to the point that I offered some people not only to save money, but to have the opportunity to travel for free for them! And they refused.

5. We travel not to escape from life, but so that life does not escape from us© Author unknown. – Every traveler has to hear at least once in his life that we are running away from life and from ourselves, from responsibility, from adult life. This quote is a worthy answer.

6. In 20 years you will regret more about the things you didn't do than the things you did do.© Mark Twain – in my understanding, this phrase is very closely intertwined with the one in paragraph 3. There is an opportunity - go for it! Don't think twice about it. I'm only 23 years old, but looking back, I'm scared of how many opportunities I missed out on due to ignorance or doubt. For example, I can go to the USA for a year under the FLEX program or move to live in the Czech Republic. Look at your life. Perhaps right now you are faced with a question that you doubt?

7. Life begins outside your comfort zone©Neil Donald Walsh - everyone probably already knows what a “comfort zone” is, but not many are ready to accept the fact that life begins there, outside this zone. Do you know how many people don’t want to stay overnight in a tent under open air in the mountains because they only see themselves in a hotel? But they will never understand what it is like to wake up at night, go out into a moonlit meadow, raise their heads and see the Milky Way above them... Breathe in the fresh night air...

8. When you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, it is not at all necessary to organize excursions: go to the market or the train station - and you will understand everything... © Anna Gavald - when I make a plan for getting to know a new place, looking for attractions, the first thing I pay attention to are markets and flea markets markets... There really is a different atmosphere there. There are real people there.

9. It is very correct to arrive in a foreign city in the morning. By train, by plane - it’s all the same. The day begins as if from scratch © Sergey Lukyanenko - I recently wrote that the early arrival of low-cost airlines often before dawn is their disadvantage. But, as you can see, Sergei Lukyanenko has a different view on these issues. And somewhere you can agree with him. A day with a clean slate. Sometimes - a whole life. You live your entire day with pride. You become part of it. You are a molecule in his arteries.

10. Traveling and living are much more interesting if you follow sudden impulses© Bill Bryson – Have you ever had a trip that you seem to have carefully planned, but some impulse pushes you to do something else? It’s trivial that recently I was about to go explore the non-existent Belgrade metro, and then I just turned around and headed to the zoo, where I spent a wonderful evening. Often you need to listen to such impulses.

11. Why on earth should you visit the same place when there are still so many unexplored corners in the world?© Mark Levy – people manage to travel at the same time year after year. Relaxing in the same hotel for decades... But what's the point? The world is so huge! Why not discover a few more corners of it that you have never seen before?

12. There are only two things we will regret on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.© Mark Twain – And again Mark Twain. And again “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.” Love and travel. These impressions will always be with you. These feelings will not leave you...

13. Travel only with those you love© Ernest Hemingway - one of the main reasons why I travel on my own is the understanding that I am ready to go on a trip only with the people closest to me. These could be parents, brothers, sisters and, of course, spouse and children.

14. People don't create travel, travel creates people.© John Steinbeck – But really. We often think that we plan our trips ourselves, that everything depends on us. But circumstances are stronger. Travel paints itself on the canvas of life, adding colors to our consciousness and our worldview!

15. Railway ticket raises more expectations than the lottery© Paul Moran – I sometimes played lotteries. And he even won. And I dabbled in sports betting. And poker. But I have never been so excited as before buying another train ticket. Or when I found cheap air ticket(well, a more modern version, so to speak :)

16. I now understand that the surest way to find out whether you like a person or not is to go on a trip with him © Mark Twain - I heard from my parents that we need to do repairs together. But for myself I realized something else. If I ever decide to get married, I will first go on a hike with my girlfriend. For a week. With backpacks and away from civilization. I have long noticed that it is at such moments that all masks come off. People become themselves and you can see all their ins and outs.

17. A ship is safest in a harbor. But that's not what it was built for© Grace Hopper – troubles can await us when traveling. Unfortunately. You have to pray to God and believe in the best. But what can you do, this still rarely stops real travelers.

18. The world is a book. And whoever has not traveled along it has read only one page of it© Saint Augustine – There are more than 200 states in the world with their own nature, climate, political and government system, language and architecture. Each country has dozens of regions, no less different than the countries themselves. The world is huge and grandiose. So why do some people muddle through one page, unwilling or afraid to turn it over and read this entire fascinating book?

19. To change the world, you need to see it© t\s “Missing” – this phrase is used by a politician and a diplomat. I perceive it my way. For me, this is, first of all, the understanding that I can only change anything in my country by drawing on the positive experience of others. Although the meaning of this quote will be different for most and there is nothing to argue about. How many people - so many opinions.

20. I am not a tree, born to always stand in one place and not know what is behind the nearest mountain © Jack London - Statistics show that more than 10% of people have not traveled outside their region\region\autonomy . About 30 did not leave the country. And over 60 - did not travel further than Turkey and Egypt. And this is in the age of technology, planes and trains! It is for those who want to correct this oversight, but do not know how, that I am writing this blog.

21. Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel.© Ivan Bunin – I would of course add that you also need health and money. However, I cannot deny the previous three things. Although with an interesting job it is difficult to remain without money, but with money, travel becomes much closer to most people.

22. To become men, boys must wander, always, throughout their lives, wander© Ray Bradbury – One of my favorite writers and such a gorgeous quote. I had no right not to include it in this collection. After all, travel strengthens and educates. They make a man out of a boy.

23. Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home © Anatole France - Yes, traveling is a lesson. Coming back from it we change. We learn a lot of new things, receive information and life lessons that will definitely be useful in life. You just need to have time, like a sponge, to absorb this knowledge.

Do you like to travel?

Everyone loves to travel. Someone goes on a trip, anticipating exciting adventures. For some, there is nothing better than new exotic dishes. Some experience an irresistible craving for cultural values. Others prefer to silently admire the sunset over the ocean.

As Mark Twain said, “There are only two things we will regret on our deathbed—that we loved little and traveled little.”

There are many reasons why traveling is beneficial. Traveling is one of the most interesting things that you will remember throughout your life.

Packing up and leaving for a certain amount of time is not always practical, but travel today is more accessible than ever. When there are a lot of opportunities to see unexplored regions, both in your own country and abroad, it would be a sin not to take advantage of them. With proper planning, this is possible even with the smallest budget. Here are ten reasons why you should travel!

  1. It's refreshing

How important is the root cause of travel? Your travel destination is not where you usually eat, sleep, work, or play. It's a completely new place with an endless number of new attractions and new activities for you to explore. It's very easy to become a homebody, and it's very boring! So try to get out of your home and into the world around you. Visit other countries or at least a few neighboring cities.

  1. It's simple

Yes, this is not an easy walk, but every day traveling becomes easier and easier. Of course, you should always plan your vacation so that everything goes without a hitch. Keep your travel documents together, check all your bookings are confirmed, make sure you know how to get from the train station to your accommodation. If you follow just a few simple steps in your plan, traveling can be truly easy.

  1. You open up a world of new things

While traveling, you learn new things about yourself, other people, unusual foods, and the world in which you live. Traveling is perhaps the most fun way to learn something new. It's interesting to explore the world outside of yours small town, so use this opportunity!

  1. Everything obeys you

While you are traveling without a guide or group, you have complete control over where and how to spend your time. It's so wonderful to do what you want. Is not it? Travel gives you a great excuse to discover and explore new interests.

  1. You meet new people

Traveling is a great way to meet new people. If you're a backpacker, it's often very easy to find groups of people going the same route as you. Hostels designed for those on a budget are in a good way meet new people. There are plenty of other opportunities to meet both travelers and locals.

  1. You acquire new skills

You can learn a lot of new skills. This could be learning a new language or learning how to tie a sea knot. Or maybe you gain time management skills by simply planning your day. The good thing about traveling is that you often learn new skills without difficulty and without even noticing it.

  1. You have something to look forward to.

Sometimes it's really great to have something on your calendar that you look forward to. Just a little reminder that in just a couple of weeks you will be on a plane heading to another country or having a road adventure. This anticipation and excitement is almost as enjoyable as the trip itself.

  1. And something that you will remember

Photos, memories, memorabilia, everything with which you want to remember your trip. Travel is wonderful because even if the trip is over, you have the opportunity to remember every moment over and over again.

  1. Will you try

Traveling is a wonderful way to experiment with new things. You can try ziplining over the abyss, go rafting and just relax on the beach if you have never done this. You will have plenty of opportunities to try something for the first time.

  1. It makes you better

Visiting new places is a great way to expand your horizons. Travelers are more interesting, well-read and most often more cheerful. Surround yourself with those who share your passion for travel and your interests in becoming a global citizen. And as a result, you will find that you gradually become better.”

I love traveling because traveling gives me a feeling of complete freedom. Traveling allows you to escape from “ordinary” life, see things you’ve only seen in movies, try new things and meet new people. Traveling awakens love and thirst for life. Travel expands your understanding of the world and nourishes your soul. Traveling gives you the freedom to be yourself...

Interesting Facts That Will Make You Love Traveling

  • France is the most visited country in the world.
  • And the most visited city in the world, according to 2013 data, is Bangkok.
  • Honolulu is the only place in the United States with a Royal Palace.
  • Russia is the leader in oxygen production worldwide.
  • France covers the largest number of time zones - 12.
  • In Canada more lakes than all over the world.
  • Mongolia is one of the most sparsely populated places in the world. Only 4 people for 2.5 kilometers.
  • Niger (not to be confused with Nigeria) is the country with the youngest population.
  • And India is the most multinational country in the world.
  • Monaco is less than central park New York.
  • The world's largest hotel is Izmailovo in Russia. It can accommodate more than 7,500 people.
  • 99% of Libya is desert.
  • IN THE USA greatest number prisoners.
  • Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the busiest in the world.
  • Approximately 61,000 people are in the skies over the United States at any given time and on any day. Probably because 1/3 of the world's airports are in the USA.
  • The San Alfonso Del Mar resort in Chile has the world's largest swimming pool - 66 million gallons (approximately 249 million liters).
  • Las Vegas has the largest number hotel rooms worldwide.
  • The shortest flight lasts two minutes and routes from the Scottish island of Westray to the island of Papa Westray.
  • And the longest flight in the world is from Sydney to Dallas. It lasts about 16 hours and covers approximately 8,500 miles (13,679 km).
  • New Guinea has the largest number of languages.
  • The book “Around the World in 80 Days” inspired many travelers to break the record of the novel’s heroes.
  • James Cook is the first explorer to set foot on every continent (except Antarctica).
  • The longest beach in the world is in Bangladesh.
  • The most expensive tour in the history of tourism cost exactly twenty million dollars. It was this amount that Tito Denis had to pay in order to become the first space tourists.
  • As you know, literally a hundred years ago only the richest people could go on a trip, but the first tour for not very wealthy citizens was organized in early 1840. This gave rise to the development of mass tourism in the world.
  • At the moment, tours to Thailand are very popular, but few people know that this country owes its popularity, oddly enough, to the war in Vietnam. It was at this time that American soldiers were hiding in Thailand.
  • According to Forbes magazine, the most dangerous and interesting excursion an excursion to the Chernobyl zone is recognized, because it is here that you can see plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the most interesting and educational facts about travel and tourism.

But, for example, the story of a real supergrandmother from Krasnoyarsk Elena Mikhailovna Erkhova or Baba Lena (as she calls herself), who, despite her advanced age, leads an active lifestyle and spends all her savings on travel.

Live the way you like! Travel! Open new horizons for yourself, break stereotypes! There is only one life - enjoy it!

Let's remember the best moments of our lives.
You can bet that a significant part of the memories will be associated with travel.
Whether it's a trip to the village to visit grandma during childhood or a long journey to the other side of the world, it's not just an ordinary pastime to pass the time or because we have to spend some holiday.
Traveling is a way of life, it’s something we are willing to spend both money and time on.

So what motivates avid travelers?
And why do we look forward to vacation so much and choose new routes?
Here are the opinions of different people from around the world.

Fighting xenophobia

One of the surest ways to not be afraid of other people is to learn their culture.
Being in an unfamiliar country, we penetrate and understand its traditions, getting rid of the stereotypes that have ingrained us.

Escape from the gray everyday life

This is another reason why we love traveling so much.
The excitement that begins to manifest itself not only when boarding a plane, but also when buying tickets, as well as the impressions that we take home - all this makes our life brighter.
The morning shift at work is already more bearable, daily responsibilities are not so intrusive, and the anticipation of the trip gives us a strong positive charge of energy.

Travel is the best investment

Studies have shown that people who spend money on travel feel much happier than those who spend money on material goods.
You will most likely forget expensive shoes in a couple of years.
But the moment you climbed the Eiffel Tower, met a new friend in Prague, or took a cruise Mediterranean Sea, you will never forget.

Euphoria continues after returning from travel

The duration of the trip does not affect the intensity of positive emotions.
Even the shortest trip will make you feel happy after returning home.
This is kind of a side effect.
Therefore, even a short trip to another city for the weekend will cheer you up for a long time.

Travel makes us more sociable

People who travel frequently are more sociable in everyday life.
That's why tourist trips have a positive effect on interpersonal relationships and socialization.
Travelers feel more comfortable in the company of strangers or people they barely know.
And they have more opportunities to expand their circle of friends.

Travel brings people together

Couples who travel together are closer to each other.
The experiences and emotions we share with a loved one strengthen the relationship.

Travel can change the course of history

A simple example: Charles Darwin's famous trip to Galapagos Islands.
There he conducted research that led to the theory of evolution.
Or Ernesto Che Guevara's trip to South America on a motorcycle.
It was this journey that inspired the famous Argentinean to revolution.

The biggest expense when traveling is the ticket price.

Sometimes a ticket is the biggest waste of money on a trip.
In some places you can live on a budget.
For example, a massage in Bali will cost 5 euros, for 8 euros in Korea you can order yourself a royal dinner, and accommodation in a Scottish castle will cost just under 50 euros.

Travel makes us smarter

People who travel frequently solve their daily problems more effectively and achieve their goals more easily.
In addition, they have a broad outlook and sometimes better knowledge of foreign languages.

Travel boosts the economy

Our money that we leave in the host country boosts the economy.
When we arrive, we learn not only about someone else’s culture, but also demonstrate our own.
Interaction between people makes the world a better place.

Travel helps us to know ourselves better

While traveling, we understand one simple thing: we are not the center of the universe, we are not alone.
Sometimes we feel like specks in this huge world, observing the diversity and beauty of the nature of our huge planet.
When we travel, we not only explore other countries and other people, but we also get to know ourselves.
