Ternovka is a village in the city of Sevastopol. Ternovka - a village in the city of Sevastopol Village Ternovka Crimea

Ternovka(formerly Starye Shuli) is a village, the center of the Ternovsky village council in.
Located 26 km from the city of Sevastopol, on the territory, 55 km from Simferopol, 30 km from Bakhchisarai.
The area of ​​the village is 103.4 hectares, the population is more than 1.9 thousand people.
The Ternovsky village council includes.

A few kilometers from the village, in a picturesque Crimean forest next to mountain lake, the monastery of the Inkerman Monastery is located. On the territory of the monastery there are churches of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Kiev-Pechersk Saints, and there the spring of St. Theodore the Studite flows out of the ground.

Two kilometers east of the village of Ternovka, the watershed of the Belbek and Chernaya river basins runs along the intermountain ridge. One of the features of the geographical location of the territory is the proximity of the Black Sea. The distance to the sea in the Balaklava area is 15 km.
A permanent settlement on the territory of modern Ternovka arose at the beginning of the 15th century. The origin of the pre-war name of the village of Starye Shuli is unknown
There is a version that the word “shuli” has German roots (from “shule” - school), since until 1917 the lands in the district belonged to a German colonist who built a school in the village.
The word “old” appeared after some of the village residents founded a new settlement, also giving it the name Shuli (now Sturmovoe).

View of the village of Ternovka from Mount El-Burun

The history of the village is connected with the name of the outstanding scientist academician Peter SimonPallas, who came to Crimea in October 1793 and began describing its attractions.
Catherine II granted the scientist several estates, including Shuli (now Ternovka). According to legend, it was Academician Pallas who planted a plane tree in the center of the village, which has survived to this day.
A landmark of Ternivka and a place of pilgrimage for tourists is a tree about 50 m high and a trunk circumference of 5 m.

In 1897, the Inkerman Monastery of the Holy Martyr Clement was allocated by the state treasury a dacha in very picturesque place with an excellent source of wonderful water, which was located near the villages of Shuli and Ai-Todor (now does not exist).
The rector of the Inkerman monastery, Archimandrite Yakov, decided to build a temple in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord in a forest dacha. His Grace Alexy, Bishop of Tauride, blessed the construction of the temple and himself wished to consecrate it. The consecration took place on October 7, 1897 and the temple was named “Spasky Skete”.

In 1926, the monastery was closed, the territory of the temple fell into disrepair, which was finally destroyed after the Great Patriotic War. And only in the 90s of the XX century. its revival began.
Now the monastery attracts the attention of pilgrims, since on its territory there is a source consecrated by the founder monasteries Holy Father Theodore the Studite in the 3rd century. AD The holy water of this source is healing, especially for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Restored on the territory of the monastery Orthodox church Transfiguration of the Lord, the first service, which took place on August 19, 2005 in the presence of Metropolitan Lazar of Simferopol and Crimea.

Soviet power was established in January 1918. In 1929, peasants united in the collective farm “Memory of Lenin”.
The history of the village is inextricably linked with the heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol from the Nazi invaders. On November 6, 1941, the village of Starye Shuli was captured by the Nazis. The 1st line of defense of the city ran through the Kara-Koba valley, which was defended by soldiers of the 8th Marine Brigade. During the third assault on the city on June 7, 1942, the observation post of the commander of the 11th was located on Mount El-Burun German army General Manstein.

The villages were liberated on April 16, 1944. In May 1944, the Crimean Tatars were deported, and in August 1944, settlers from the Voronezh, Oryol, Kursk, Bryansk and Sumy regions began to arrive. They restored the economy destroyed by the war. At this time, the villages were renamed: Upa - to Rodnoe, Starye Shuli - to Ternovka.
In the village there is a stele with the names of soldiers who died during the liberation of the villages of the council during the Great Patriotic War in April 1944.
In the 70-80s of the XX century. There is a rapid socio-economic development of the village council. During these years, the villages were transformed, thanks to the work of the workers of the “Memory of Lenin” collective farm under the leadership of chairman Adam Sergeevich Pochuiko.

Chelter Marmara

Currently, traditional sectors of the economy - gardening, vegetable growing, tobacco growing - have been lost. But thanks to the unique geographical location, climatic conditions, historical attractions, the village council has very good development prospects.
Horticulture, viticulture, field cultivation, and the cultivation of essential oil crops are being restored.

The dolmens of Crimea play a special role in the movement of energies reflecting the development of the planet. Being in the sacred place of the planet - in Crimea, they close the division along the Dnieper River between the interaction of material energies on the western side and spiritual energies on the eastern side, thereby balancing the complex of energies bringing the planet and people into harmony. If you imagine the planet in the form of an organism, then Crimea represents the image of the appendix, which is responsible for the accumulation of psychic energy produced by the planet and people, as well as the balanced distribution of this energy across the right and left hemispheres of our planet in accordance with its purpose. In recent millennia, harmony has been disrupted towards material energies and now the time has come to restore the balance of the complex of energies in each of us and on the planet through contact with the spirits of dolmens. Interaction with the collective mind of the dolmens of Crimea builds a chain of knowledge that allows, on the spiritual and material level, to achieve certain knowledge and skills that contribute to the harmonization of universal energies in oneself and their projection in the universe.

In ancient times, wise leaders or ancestors of tribes, sensing their imminent death, asked their relatives to build a special chamber for them from stone. When a person entered this chamber, it was covered with a massive top slab, forever cutting off communication with the outside world. Complete isolation made it possible to plunge into deep meditation, in which a person communicated with the Mind of the Cosmos and comprehended much of what he knew about the world and people. Such meditation, followed by departure into eternity, made it possible to preserve valuable knowledge inside the dolmen, which could later be used by anyone living on earth. To do this, you just had to come, tune in to the desired “wave” and “talk” with the megalith. That is why for many centuries dolmens were considered shrines.

Scientists have proven that dolmens are unique acoustic cavities that certain time day they transmit ultrasonic pulses of a certain frequency into space. The strongest radiation comes from these megaliths in the pre-dawn time, as well as on the days of the equinoxes. Moreover, dolmens can not only generate ultrasound, but also direct it into space through a round hole in its front part.

In order to get to the village of Ternovka, you must first get to the capital of the peninsula, the city of Simferopol. To do this, it is best to fly there by plane. From there we quickly move to the bus station and then to road transport We reach the regional center of the city of Bakhchisarai.

Here you should make another transfer to the bus to the village. Now we have to cover about 30 kilometers on a good road. As we drive along, we pay attention to the fact that the flat part gradually turns into a hilly part. The first mountains of the Crimean ridge are already beginning to appear on the horizon. If you look closely at the map, you can see that the village no longer belongs to the Bakhchisaray district, but to the city of Sevastopol. Therefore, travel to it passes along the road that connects the regional center and the city on the seashore. The village is located approximately two-thirds of the way to Sevastopol.

Climate of the village of Ternovka

It is worthwhile to dwell separately on the local climate. This is a successful combination of air from the mountain range and steppe. There is an interesting wind rose here, which constantly brings fresh air from the mountains. This allows local residents feel more comfortable even in the summer heat. The mountains themselves, which surround the village, have vegetation in the form of trees and shrubs. Therefore, the aroma of pine, oak and beech is present in the air.

The village is quite comfortable for people who suffer from asthma or various allergic diseases. Thanks to the flat transition to Sevastopol, fresh sea air periodically enters the village, which is brought here by the breeze.

The village of Ternovka is located in the well-known Shul Valley, where there are many streams and small waterfalls. Therefore, there is always humidity in the air. The heat and comfortable nights are easier to bear here.

Sights of the village

When you get to the village, you find yourself in the beautiful surroundings of a small village where you are cozy and comfortable. If, for example, you are looking for a place to have a relaxing holiday then you should pay attention to Ternovka. The streets of the village are always clean and well-groomed. There is also a lot of greenery and flowers growing in the courtyards.

If you need to spend the night, you can always find suitable accommodation. You can also agree on food here. The excellent home cooking offered in local cafes will not leave any tourist hungry, regardless of his taste preferences.

The village harmoniously intertwines a variety of cultures. For example, the houses of the Tatars peacefully coexist with the houses of Orthodox residents.

In the vicinity of the village there is one of the most interesting monuments stories. This is the Shuldan monastery. If we translate its name from the Tatar language, we get the phrase “Giving Echo.”

The monastery itself has two caves, which were carved into the rocks. There are also a number of auxiliary premises, the number of which totals 20 units. All rooms in the monastery are located on two tiers. At first it is believed to have been small in size, but gradually expanded.

In order to get there you have to overcome a difficult path. There is a road leading there that zigzags up the plateau. When you get there, you get an interesting view of local attractions. After admiring them a little, you should continue on your way. To do this, the path goes to the right. It runs along the cliff and is already heavily overgrown with vegetation.

Walking along it, we pay attention to the grotto. There probably used to be a source of water there. This is indicated by a groove, which is carved with water, and a small recess in the bowl under it. Now the source has changed its direction. You can meet him a little further down the path.

Next you can see the grotto, in which there are the remains of a staircase. This is all that remains of the room where there was a previous collapse. Previously, along these stairs you could get to the temple itself. Now the remains of it hang in the grotto.

If you walk a little further, you can find yourself at the entrance to a labyrinth of caves. This is a combination of rooms artificially carved out of rocks and natural caves. Gradually moving, you find yourself at the highest point of the tier. It is in this place that you can enjoy a beautiful view of the valley below.

After admiring it, we pay attention to the basilica, which is carved into the rock on the left. This is the main temple. A little to the north is the entrance to the chapel.

Traveling further around the village, you can pay attention to many other natural monuments, which leave a lot of pleasant impressions. Such a favorable location of the village of Ternovka allows you to relax here throughout the year, receiving a charge of positive energy and enjoying the mild climate. From such a vacation only pleasant memories remain, and you want to come back here again.

The house is registered as a residential one, an address has been assigned, there is a registration, within a month they will connect the 15 kW 380V light, there is a connection point for repair work, a ready-made septic tank with communications to the house, water (depth 8-10 meters) needs to be drilled, gas prospects 2020 House in the village of Chernorechny great option for life and recreation in the suburbs of Sevastopol. The house has an area of ​​145 sq.m., is sold without interior and exterior decoration, 2 floors. On the 1st floor there is a living room, hall, bedroom and bathroom. node On the 2nd floor there was a project for 3 rooms and a large balcony. The roof is a metal profile, ordered at the factory in Dnepropetrovsk as a set with flashings, The foundation is strip reinforced concrete with a seismic belt tied around all the walls, The walls of the first floor are a shell sandwich 20x20x40 ( inner part), polyurethane 20 mm and finishing with a molded finishing hollow block 20x20x40 for jointing ("French"), Second floor shell. It is planned to insulate the Izover "warm roof" with cross laying of 100 - 200 mm., The ceilings are reinforced concrete 150 mm on a metal profile. Located on a plot of 8 acres, type of land is individual housing construction. The neighbors are prosperous and live permanently. There is a dirt road leading to the house, 100 m to the asphalt. Nearby bus stop and the Oboronnoye-Tankovoe highway. You can get to Chernorechye by bus Sevastopol Ternovka from the 5 kilometer bus station. Route 129 Balaklava Ternovka also passes through Chernorechye. Chernorechye is one of the villages closest to Sevastopol in the Crimean Mountains. In 15 minutes you get to the outskirts of Sevastopol - the area of ​​the fifth kilometer or to Sapun Mountain. This location is optimal for those who love the mountainous Crimea, but would not like to go far from the city. Minibuses and buses go through the village to Sevastopol. You can also go to Bakhchisarai and Yalta. It is advisable to have a car for living, but you can do without it. The landscape around is more like Italian Tuscany: hills, vineyards, a river, forested mountains. The village is also partially gasified; not all streets have gas yet. A couple of shops, a transport stop, that’s probably all. The school, kindergarten and medical center are located in the neighboring village of Khmelnytskoye. It is a couple of kilometers away, you can walk to it. Children are transported to school by a school bus. The area around the village is very picturesque. Chernorechye is located at the gates of the Chernorechensky canyon - this is one of the most beautiful places in the mountainous Crimea. In spring, the Chernorechenskaya Valley blooms with various kinds of flowers. Poppies bloom especially beautifully in late May - early June. There are a lot of them along the roadsides and in vineyards. In some places of the Chernaya River you can swim in summer. Building materials are a bonus for the house, as well as a good bargain for the real buyer. Let's consider an option with installments, as well as an exchange for real estate in Moscow.