Hiking trip (hiking trip) - the main points in preparation. An excerpt characterizing the Tourist Trek

Byzantine Empire
Cilician Armenia


Guglielm Embriaco
Gottfried of Bouillon
Raymond IV of Toulouse
Etienne II de Blois
Baldwin of Boulogne
Eustachius III
Robert II of Flanders
Ademar of Monteil
Hugo the Great
Robert of Normandy
Bohemond of Tarentum
Tancred of Tarentum
Alexei I Komnenos
Constantine I

Strengths of the parties

Background to the conflict

One of the reasons for the crusade was the call for help made by the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos to the Pope. This call was due to several circumstances. In 1071, the army of Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes was defeated by the Seljuk Turk Sultan Alp Arslan at the Battle of Manzikert. This battle and the subsequent overthrow of Romanos IV Diogenes led to the beginning of a civil war in Byzantium, which did not subside until 1081, when Alexius I Comnenus ascended the throne. By this time, various leaders of the Seljuk Turks had managed to take advantage of the fruits of the civil strife in Constantinople and captured a significant part of the territory of the Anatolian plateau. In the first years of his reign, Alexei Komnenos was forced to wage a constant struggle on two fronts - against the Normans of Sicily, who were advancing in the west and against the Seljuk Turks in the east. The Balkan possessions of the Byzantine Empire were also subject to devastating raids by the Cumans.

In this situation, Alexey quite often used the help of mercenaries from Western Europe, whom the Byzantines called Franks or Celts. The empire's commanders highly valued the fighting qualities of European cavalry and used mercenaries as shock troops. Their corps needed constant reinforcements. In 1093 or 1094, Alexei apparently sent the Pope a request for help in recruiting another corps. It is possible that this request served as the basis for the call for a Crusade.

Another reason could have been rumors that reached the West about the atrocities that were happening in Palestine. At this point, the Middle East found itself on the front line between the Great Seljuk Sultanate (which occupied a large part of the territory of modern Iran and Syria) and the Fatimid state of Egypt. The Seljuks were supported mainly by Sunni Muslims, the Fatimids - mainly by Shia Muslims. There was no one to protect Christian minorities in Palestine and Syria, and during the hostilities, representatives of some of them were subjected to looting. This could have given rise to rumors about terrible atrocities committed by Muslims in Palestine.

In addition, Christianity originated in the Middle East: the first Christian communities existed in this territory and most Christian shrines were located.

November 26, 1095 French city A council was held in Clermont, at which, in front of the nobility and clergy, Pope Urban II made a passionate speech, calling on those gathered to go to the East and liberate Jerusalem from Muslim rule. This call fell on fertile ground, since the ideas of the Crusade were already popular among the people of Western European states, and the campaign could be organized at any time. The pope's speech only outlined the aspirations of a large group of Western European Catholics.


The Byzantine Empire had many enemies on its borders. So, in 1090-1091 it was threatened by the Pechenegs, but their onslaught was repulsed with the help of the Polovtsians and Slavs. At the same time, the Turkish pirate Chaka, dominating the Black Sea and the Bosphorus, harassed the coast near Constantinople with his raids. Considering that by this time most of Anatolia had been captured by the Seljuk Turks, and the Byzantine army suffered a serious defeat from them in 1071 at the Battle of Manzikert, then the Byzantine Empire was in a state of crisis, and there was a threat of its complete destruction. The peak of the crisis came in the winter of 1090/1091, when the pressure of the Pechenegs on the one hand and the related Seljuks on the other threatened to cut off Constantinople from the outside world.

In this situation, Emperor Alexei Comnenus conducted diplomatic correspondence with the rulers of Western European countries (the most famous correspondence with Robert of Flanders), calling on them for help and showing the plight of the empire. There have also been a number of steps to bring the Orthodox and Catholic churches closer together. These circumstances aroused interest in the West. However, by the start of the Crusade, Byzantium had already overcome a deep political and military crisis and had enjoyed a period of relative stability since about 1092. The Pecheneg horde was defeated, the Seljuks did not conduct active campaigns against the Byzantines, and on the contrary, the emperor often resorted to the help of mercenary detachments consisting of Turks and Pechenegs to pacify his enemies. But in Europe they believed that the situation of the empire was disastrous, counting on the humiliating position of the emperor. This calculation turned out to be incorrect, which subsequently led to many contradictions in Byzantine-Western European relations.

Muslim world

Most of Anatolia on the eve of the Crusade was in the hands of the nomadic tribes of the Seljuk Turks and the Seljuk Sultan Rum, who adhered to the Sunni movement in Islam. Some tribes in many cases did not recognize even the nominal authority of the Sultan over themselves, or enjoyed broad autonomy. By the end of the 11th century, the Seljuks pushed Byzantium within its borders, occupying almost all of Anatolia after defeating the Byzantines in the decisive battle of Manzikert in 1071. However, the Turks were more concerned with solving internal problems than with the war with Christians. The constantly renewed conflict with the Shiites and the civil war that broke out over the rights of succession to the Sultan's title attracted much more attention from the Seljuk rulers.

On the territory of Syria and Lebanon, Muslim semi-autonomous city-states pursued a policy relatively independent of the empires, guided primarily by their regional rather than general Muslim interests.

Egypt and most of Palestine were controlled by the Shiites of the Fatimid dynasty. A significant part of their empire was lost after the arrival of the Seljuks, and therefore Alexei Komnenos advised the crusaders to enter into an alliance with the Fatimids against a common enemy. In 1076, under Caliph al-Mustali, the Seljuks captured Jerusalem, but in 1098, when the Crusaders had already moved to the East, the Fatimids recaptured the city. The Fatimids hoped to see in the Crusaders a force that would influence the course of politics in the Middle East against the interests of the Seljuks, the eternal enemy of the Shiites, and from the very beginning of the campaign they played a subtle diplomatic game.

In general, Muslim countries suffered a period of deep political vacuum after the death of almost all the leading leaders around the same time. In 1092, the Seljuk wazir Nizam al-Mulk and Sultan Melik Shah I died, then in 1094 the Abbasid caliph al-Muqtadi and the Fatimid caliph al-Mustansir died. Both in the east and in Egypt, a fierce struggle for power began. Civil War among the Seljuks led to the complete decentralization of Syria and the formation of small, warring city-states there. The Fatimid Empire also had internal problems. .

Christians of the East

Nobility Crusade

After the defeat of the army of the poor and the massacre of Jews in August 1096, knighthood finally set out on a campaign under the leadership of powerful nobles from different regions of Europe. Count Raymond of Toulouse, together with the papal legate Adhémar of Monteillo, Bishop of Le Puy, led the Knights of Provence. The Normans of Southern Italy were led by Prince Bohemond of Tarentum and his nephew Tancred. The brothers Godfrey of Boulogne, Eustache of Boulogne and Baldwin of Boulogne were the military leaders of the Lorraineers, and the warriors of Northern France were led by Count Robert of Flanders, Robert of Normandy (eldest son of William the Conqueror and brother of William the Red, king of England), Count Stephen of Blois and Hugh of Vermandois (son of Anna Yaroslavna and younger brother of Philip I, King of France).

Road to Jerusalem

The guide of the crusaders through Asia Minor was the Armenian prince Bagrat, the brother of the ruler of the largest Armenian principality in the Euphrates region, Vasil Gokh. Mateos Urhaetsi reports that with the departure of the Crusader army from Nicaea, letters informing about this were sent to the ruler of Mountain Cilicia, Constantine Rubenides, and the ruler of Edessa, Thoros. Crossing Asia at the height of summer, the warriors suffered from heat, lack of water and provisions. Some, unable to withstand the hardships of the campaign, died, and many horses died. From time to time, the crusaders received help with money and food from brothers in faith - both from local Christians and from those remaining in Europe - but for the most part they had to get food on their own, ravaging the lands through which their path ran. The leaders of the crusade continued to challenge each other for leadership, but none of them had enough authority to take on the role of a full-fledged leader. The spiritual leader of the campaign was, of course, Adhemar of Monteil, Bishop of Le Pu.

When the crusaders passed the Cilician Gate, Baldwin of Boulogne left the army. With a small detachment of warriors, he set out on his own route through Cilicia and arrived in Edessa in early 1098, where he won the trust of the local ruler Thoros and was appointed his successor. That same year, Thoros of Edessa was killed as a result of Baldwin's conspiracy. Thus, the first victim of the crusaders was the ruler of a Christian state, although its participants proclaimed the goal of the crusade to be the fight against the “infidels” and the liberation of the “Holy Sepulcher.” After the murder of Thoros, the County of Edessa was created - the first crusader state in the Middle East.

Siege of Nicaea

In 1097, detachments of crusaders, defeating the army of the Turkish Sultan [ ], began the siege of Nicaea. The Byzantine emperor, Alexius I Komnenos, suspected that the crusaders, having taken the city, would not give it to him (according to the vassal oath of the crusaders (1097), the crusaders were supposed to give the captured cities and territories to him, Alexius). And, after it became clear that Nicaea would fall sooner or later, Emperor Alexius sent envoys to the city demanding that it surrender to him. The townspeople were forced to agree, and on June 19, when the crusaders prepared to storm the city, they were distressed to discover that they had been greatly “helped” by the Byzantine army. After this, the crusaders moved further along the Anatolian plateau to the main goal of the campaign - Jerusalem.

Siege of Antioch

In the autumn, the Crusader army reached Antioch, which stood halfway between Constantinople and Jerusalem, and besieged the city on October 21, 1097. After eight months of siege, in the early morning of June 3, 1098, the crusaders broke into the city. The betrayal of the gunsmith Firuz helped them open the gate. In the city, the crusaders carried out a bloody massacre: “all the squares of the city were filled with the bodies of the dead, so that no one could be there due to the strong stench.” Emir Yaghi-Sian, accompanied by 30 soldiers, fled the city, leaving his family and children, but then the accompanying people abandoned him and he was killed and beheaded local residents. By evening, the crusaders captured the entire city with the exception of the citadel in the south of the city. Four days later, on June 7, Kerboga's army approached and, after an unsuccessful assault, besieged it.

The battle continued all day, but the city held out. As night fell, both sides remained awake - the Muslims feared that another attack would follow, and the Christians feared that the besieged would somehow manage to set fire to the siege engines. On the morning of July 15, when the ditch was filled in, the crusaders were finally able to freely bring the towers closer to the fortress walls and set fire to the bags protecting them. This became a turning point in the attack - the crusaders threw wooden bridges over the walls and rushed into the city. The knight Letold was the first to break through, followed by Godfrey of Bouillon and Tancred of Tarentum. Raymond of Toulouse, whose army was storming the city from the other side, learned about the breakthrough and also rushed to Jerusalem through the southern gate. Seeing that the city had fallen, the emir of the Tower of David garrison surrendered and opened the Jaffa Gate.


Crusader states in 1102 (in red)

States founded by the Crusaders after the First Crusade:

Crusader states in the East in 1140

At the end of the 1st Crusade, four Christian states were founded in the Levant.

Edessa County- the first state founded by the crusaders in the East. It was founded in 1098 by Baldwin I of Boulogne. It existed until 1146. Its capital was the city of Edessa.

Principality of Antioch- was founded by Bohemond I of Tarentum in 1098 after the capture of Antioch. The principality existed until 1268.

Kingdom of Jerusalem, lasted until the fall of Acre in 1291. The kingdom was subordinate to several vassal lordships, including the four largest:

  • Lordship (Principality) of Transjordan- Seigneury of Krak, Montreal and Saint-Abraham

County of Tripoli- the last of the states founded during the First Crusade. It was founded in 1105 by the Count of Toulouse, Raymond IV. The county existed until 1289.

What do we mean by the term “hike”? Let us define this most important concept for our subject. Hiking trip – this is a short trip (in most cases from 1-2 to 15-20 days) with active modes of transportation (on foot, skiing, cycling, rowing) along the entire route. Thus, a hike is just a special case (type) of tourist travel, where tourists move along the route using their muscle strength. Consequently, other types of travel, where tourists use any type of transport or animals (pack, sled) to move along the route, are not, strictly speaking, “hiking”.

How is it customary to classify tourist trips? As in the material of previous lectures, we will begin the classification from the most important basis - the purpose of the hike (Fig. 1). Hiking trips, according to your purpose, are divided into trips recreational (educational and recreational) and hikes sports (educational and sports). Taking into account the previously stated classification recreational tourism(Lecture 2), we can, in turn, divide recreational hikes into recreational and health hikes (they are usually called simply health hikes in the literature), recreational and educational hikes (for example, ecological hikes), and recreational and sports hikes (for example, adventure hikes). Dominant goals recreational and health hikes are - complete rest and health improvement for their participants. Before recreational and educational By hiking, in addition, cognitive (educational) goals and objectives are also set.

IN recreational and sports hiking leisure participants are implemented in overcoming a complex route containing natural obstacles (sports component). At the same time, the hike participants do not set far-reaching sports goals for themselves, do not strive to receive a sports title or participate in competitions. Their goal is to “inject” adrenaline into the blood through sports tourism, to “coolly” temporarily change the measured course of life. In educational and recreational hikes, the main goal is to train participants in the necessary tourist equipment and tactics for conducting hikes, as well as mastering the methods of conducting recreational hikes (training future tourist specialists in hiking conditions).

Dominant goal sports Hiking is to improve the capabilities of participants in overcoming classified routes and increasing their sportsmanship and qualifications. In educational and sports trips, in addition, the goal is to train participants in various tourist techniques (techniques for overcoming natural obstacles) and methods of conducting sports trips (training instructors for sports tourism in field conditions). Sports hikes are further classified according to their category of difficulty, which we will discuss below.

Based on travel method Any hikes (recreational and sports) are divided into four types: hiking (in the mountains - mountain-pedestrian), skiing, water and cycling. In the case of sports tourism, only these four types of hikes are included in the category requirements of the Unified Sports Classification (USC) of the Republic of Belarus and only they apply to the “Rules for conducting sports tourism trips” adopted in the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”). At the same time, in Russian Federation The sports classification includes standards for 10 types of tourism: hiking, skiing, mountain tourism, water tourism, cycling, auto-motor tourism, speleotourism (traveling to caves), sailing (collapsible vessels), horse riding and combined tourism. Based on the results of the corresponding campaigns, sports categories and titles are assigned.

Rice. 1 Classification of tourist trips based on the purpose of their implementation.

Based on the duration of the hike(in days) all trips can be divided into weekend hikes and multi-day hikes. A hike with active means of transportation, but not providing for the organization of an overnight stay, is not actually a hike - it is the so-called. tourist walk. A hike that involves organizing one or two overnight stays (usually carried out on weekends) is usually called a weekend hike. In the vast majority of cases, weekend hikes are organized for the purpose of improving the health and recreation of the participants. In addition, they can pursue educational purposes (as in the case of trips with tourism students) and training purposes (as part of the preparatory period program before carrying out sports trips). Multi-day hikes can be both recreational hikes and sports hikes.

“Green” tourists are often at a loss: what things are advisable to take, and what things are better not to even think about; where you can get by with ordinary clothes and shoes, and where you will need special hiking equipment, etc. The answers to these questions are simple, and they should be sought in the experience already accumulated before.

Hiking backpack

It is recommended to start preparing for a hike with backpacks. A backpack must meet five requirements: comfort, capacity, lightness, strength and protection from water. They are all equally important. For example, a comfortable backpack that does not contain all the necessary things; capacious, but inconvenient; durable, but permeable to moisture - equally inferior. Still, convenience is key. A long hike with an incorrectly selected backpack means inevitable pain in the back, muscles, and a constant feeling of heaviness. Where will there be any time for aesthetic enjoyment of nature...

But now the backpack has been chosen, purchased: it’s time to fill it. The same rule applies here as when loading sea vessels: heavy and bulky things are placed down and closer to the back, light and small things are placed up and in the outer pockets. Be sure to consider the fragility of some items and how they will interact with each other. You can increase protection from moisture by placing a large plastic bag inside the backpack.

Immediately after packing your things, try how the loaded backpack will rest on your shoulders. Jump in place, making sure that he does not make any extraneous sounds. Walk around the room, bend over, try to take it off and put it on again, take things out of the outer pockets of your dressed backpack, go up and down the stairs at least a couple of floors - in general, check your luggage in the closest possible traveling situations.

Clothes and shoes for a hike

On the territory of Russia, even in summer, the night time can be cool, especially at the beginning and end of tourist season. Therefore, you should always have warm clothes when hiking. Hats will help avoid sunstroke and not react to light rain. Two or three cotton T-shirts (they are better than shirts, since there is no risk of buttons tearing off), shorts for hot hours, thick, non-staining trousers in case of cold weather and overcoming grassy areas - this is the “ceremonial kit” of a real tourist.

Hiking shoes are tailored to fit as accurately as possible. A balance must be struck between the strength of the sole and the lightness of the shoe itself. In case of unstable weather, when visiting places populated poisonous snakes, high boots are extremely important; Rubber boots are useful for walking through wetlands and areas abounding in rivers and lakes. In order not to take an umbrella with you, which restricts the freedom of the traveler, it is necessary to replace it with a waterproof cape.

Food for the hike

Even if the entire trip does not exceed five to seven hours, you should consider organizing meals in advance. There are two main variables that influence it: the planned transition time and the number of participants. Discuss personal food preferences and dislikes and allergic disorders in advance. It is better to entrust the purchase of products and the creation of their stock, distribution during the trip to someone alone. Otherwise, the situation at the camp pot will begin to resemble “confusion and vacillation”: everyone seems to have taken something, but there is very little sense. The heaviest types of provisions should be distributed equally among all participants in the campaign.

  • Store products that are prone to dampness in plastic containers with hermetically sealed lids (for example, it is very good to use bottles for cereals).
  • If you don’t have cooler bags, you can’t take anything perishable!
  • Stock up on spices, salt, sugar, tea, coffee, chocolate and nuts.

Equally important is the presence drinking water. Sometimes travelers get lucky and walk through areas abounding in springs. But this happens very rarely, and water transfer should be considered. Let each participant in the hike carry a small plastic bottle for this purpose. Food should be distributed, among other things, in such a way that those suddenly left alone have it with them for a day, and if they can afford it, even more.

Cooking on a camping trip means using heat-resistant cookware with handles that won't let you get burned. Disposable plates, as well as reusable plastic containers, work well. Carry the pot in a burlap case: it is useless to wash it anyway, it instantly becomes covered with soot. Place cutlery in a tightly wrapped strong cloth.

What else is left? Of course, overnight stay. Tents will help you spend it comfortably and safely. Take those that will accommodate all participants, and at the same time correspond weather conditions. Sleeping bags and camping mats are also absolutely necessary. Instead of a pillow, you should use rolled outerwear.

Among the other necessary things on a hike, we should mention:

  • chewing gum (saves space, allows you to waste less water than a brush and paste);
  • liquid soap (also uses less water);
  • wet wipes (good for wiping away sweat and dirt);
  • in summer - sunscreen;
  • flashlight;
  • knife, axe, compass, repellents;
  • matches or lighter;
  • a set of first aid medications and medications needed by individuals;
  • Trash bags.

If the hike is long enough, it makes sense to take a walkie-talkie and signal flares. In any case, notify someone about the route, destination and target dates for getting there. It is advisable to start hiking in mountainous areas only after registering with the rescuers.

HIKE, hike, husband. 1. Movement, transfer of troops or ships from one area to another to perform some kind of (primarily combat) task. Go on a hike. Take the fight on the march. Conducting reconnaissance on the march. The squadron was preparing for the campaign. "Even… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Travel, trip, cruise, tour, voyage, tour, wandering, wandering, tourism, expedition, road, visit, walk, anabasis; operation, campaign; surplus Dictionary of Russian synonyms. hike 1. see journey. 2. cm... Synonym dictionary

Campaign: Movement of an organized group of people (squad) for a specific purpose and in an established order (formation): Campaign - movement of troops (forces) or ships (vessels) from one area (region) to another to carry out combat or training ... ... Wikipedia

hike- (HIKE YORY (CHIGU)) – 1. Gaskar yaki oeshkan detachment nin. b. Burychny үtәү өchen ber urynnan ikenchegә kүchue 2. p. Shundy kүchүlәrdә bula torgan, shundy kүchүlәrgә has. Shundy kүchүlәr өchen makhsus bilgelәngәn yaki әzerlәngәn. Hәrәkәtәge gaskar yaki... ... Tatar telen anlatmaly suzlege

1. HIKE, a; m. 1. Movement of troops or fleet with what l. purpose. P. squadron. Go to the village of Polk on a campaign (military). 2. Military actions, operations against whom, what, etc.; military campaign. Azov village of Peter I. Crusades. P. Napoleon on... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Hike 1, a, m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

HIKE 2, a, m. (colloquial). Slight excess weight of the product. Weigh in with your hike. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

HIKE, ah, husband. 1. Movement of troops or fleet from what date. purpose. The regiment is on the march. Deploy to the squadron's point of command. 2. Long-distance movements of troops for the purpose of military operations, as well as such actions themselves. Italian p. Suvorov. Crusades. 3.… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (Voyage, passage) passage by sea. Samoilov K. I. Marine dictionary. M. L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

hike- , a, m. 1. Organized visit to something. for educational purposes. == Hike to Lenin's places. ◘ All detachments made four to seven trips to Lenin’s places during the year. Peony, Ave., 06/17/80. == Hiking to places of military glory.… … Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies


  • Hike, D. Drake. 1995 edition. The condition is good. The recognized master of military adventure fiction, David Drake, in his novel “The March” retells the myth of the Argonauts - but only in a cosmic setting.…