Sheremetyevo Airport will have a third runway. Russian Aviation Construction of runway 3 at Sheremetyevo Airport

After commissioning, the third runway of Sheremetyevo Airport will accept night flights in a limited manner. This is stated in the explanatory note to the bill of the Ministry of Transport, which concerns the procedure for establishing airfield territories in Russia, Interfax reports.

Restrictions on takeoff/landing at night are introduced due to the proximity of populated areas. “The location of the runway near the large settlements of Lobnya (5 km), Skhodnya (3 km), Zelenograd (5 km) will not allow its full use - due to high levels of aircraft noise, the number of flights at night will have to be limited,” the agency quotes explanatory note of the Ministry of Transport, published on the portal

In the summer of 2017, a federal law was adopted that obligated airports to establish seven subzones with varying degrees of restrictions on use on their airfield territories (land within a radius of 30 km). In the first, the most stringent, only facilities for air traffic can be built; in the seventh, limited development is possible if the level of aircraft noise exceeds the permissible level and is harmful to health. Because land and real estate are subject to restrictions on use, the airport must pay compensation to their owners. Residents of houses that find themselves in the area of ​​aircraft noise exceeding the permissible level will be able to demand resettlement also at the expense of airports.

In the fall of 2018, the International Airports Association reported that there are no airports in Russia civil aviation, where the airfield area would be established. The main reason is that the procedure for calculating compensation for damage in connection with restrictions on the use of land and real estate has not been determined.

Previously, it was planned that the launch of Runway 3 would allow the airport to increase the number of takeoff and landing operations from 55 to 90 per hour. However, due to the restrictions introduced at night, the number of malware will be less than calculated.

The third runway at Sheremetyevo has been under construction since 2009. Initially, it was planned to put it into operation by the beginning of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

In October 2018, the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Alexander Neradko, said that Runway-3 could start operating in March 2019. According to him, the biggest problems during the construction of the strip, which affected the timing, were associated with the relocation of gas and oil pipelines. In December, the general director of the airport, Mikhail Vasilenko, announced its opening in April 2019.

On January 10, 2019, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) opened a case against the companies PJSC Transstroymekhanizatsiya and CJSC Trest Kamdorstroy, which formed a cartel during the construction of runways at several airports, including Sheremetyevo, reports "".

According to preliminary data from the FAS, the cartel's income amounted to more than 25 billion rubles. - these are 6-7 airports that fell into the scope of consideration. “Today this is the largest case in the construction industry,” said Andrey Tenishev, head of the FAS anti-cartel department.

The Transstroymekhanizatsiya company, part of the Mostotrest group, has been the general contractor for the construction of the third Sheremetyevo runway since 2015, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation; the contract with it was estimated at 17.6 billion rubles. At the end of 2016, the airport no longer had enough funds - to continue the construction of Runway 3, it was necessary, according to various estimates, from 5 to 13 billion rubles. In June 2017, Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov stated that the deficit of funds for the construction of the facility in 2018 was 7.5 billion rubles. In October 2017, Transstroymekhanizatsiya received another contract for 3.2 billion rubles.

This could be the case for pilots from all over the world and for local residents new runway-3 at Sheremetyevo airport.

In our country, it seems, there is not a single project that a nasty little official could not ruin. The one who, in general, does not decide anything and, in essence, is not responsible for anything. But with his inarticulate behavior, he is quite capable of bringing everything to a huge scandal. So, in the very near future, Russia may, thanks to the merits of approximately such bureaucrats who are not involved in anything, also create an international scandal - the new runway (runway) at Sheremetyevo Airport threatens to violate all conceivable human norms. After all, it can literally go over the heads of the people now living in its immediate vicinity.

As you know, the new runway should be built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. It is unique in some way, because with a width of 60 meters and a length of 3200 it can accept all types aircraft. In order to deliver planes there, even a special overpass (the so-called taxiing) will be built over the Sheremetyevskoye Highway. Quite a lot of money was allocated for the construction of Sheremetyevo Runway 3 - 35.5 billion rubles. But when have our officials, and even those managing budget money, met the originally planned cost? So, at the beginning of 2017, the Federal Air Transport Agency, which is the customer for the construction of the runway, essentially requested another 20 billion rubles. The justification for this was inflation, due to which a number of works became significantly more expensive. One has to think that before October 2017, when the strip should start working in test mode, it will become clear more than once that there is not enough money.

The strip runs close to some houses, the ransom and resettlement of people from which the officials, apparently, chose to forget. Of this amount, 2.698 billion rubles were earmarked for the purchase of houses, buildings and structures that fall within the runway-3 construction area. This was determined back in 2011 in the construction project. Judging by the action plan for the construction of the runway, the removal of the residential area from the construction zone should have been carried out back in 2014-2015. This covered 135 land owners. And financing for this should be carried out within the framework of the complex construction project. In total, more than 500 hectares are allocated for the construction area. Thus, at the very first stage, 260 buildings and structures located in three villages - Parshino, Perepechino and Dubrovka - were to be demolished.

And residents were provided with appropriate compensation. In fact, these three villages should have been bought out and completely resettled long ago. In addition, it was necessary to relocate the high-pressure gas pipeline, as well as three lines of the pipeline supplying fuel to the airport falling into the same area. Well, not to mention such “little things” like the road to the cemetery.

Need I say that all this, apparently, has not been done yet, and the residents of the three villages are still “sitting on their suitcases”, waiting for their fate to be decided? It seems that they are simply being told that there were no funds provided for the purchase of their houses, but demolition was provided for and this money was supposedly specifically for demolition. It turns out that the project was aimed at practically illegal seizure of private property and throwing people out of their homes?

“The runway will be over here,” one of the local residents showed me. He refused to give his name in the newspaper, since, apparently, he is still “butting heads” with the Federal Air Transport Agency and its subsidiary FSUE AGAa - the administration of civil airports and (airfields). - And here it continues. Just across my house. And what’s surprising is that today they offer me exactly 2 times less money to buy it back than in 2012. Is this how inflation they have?” This is what you can find out if you trust the story of my interlocutor.

Guerrilla warfare

But watch your hands here. It seems that one of the main arguments for the Federal Air Transport Agency to reduce the price of purchased houses is the fall in their market value. Of course. How much will your house cost, next to which such a grandiose construction project has been underway for several years? The once fertile, quiet places near the Klyazma River, where herons nested, have already been razed to the ground, the entire forest - which is about 500 hectares from Sheremetyevskoye Highway to Lobnya and Black Mud - has been cut down, and the landscape around is now completely apocalyptic. Periodically, power goes out when cables get in the way of construction equipment. Access roads to houses are damaged and blocked. There is a hum and rumble all day long. That is, the officials of these glorious departments took the path of a well-established guerrilla war, hoping to simply smoke the residents out of their homes. Or maybe they will go somewhere on their own?

The local population that falls under the “distribution” of such projects is usually portrayed as unreasonable and slowing down progress. They say they don’t want to leave. In the situation with Perepechino, Parshino and Dubrovka, exactly the opposite is true. “Yes, finally buy our houses! - Residents beg officials. “We’re tired of living in this hell!” “But there is no money - this is roughly what officials object to. “Wait until the strip is put into operation.” So far, only a few residents whose fences this strip literally ran into have received compensation. And the customers who ordered the construction of the strip, it seems to me, do not even notice the rest. Where did the residents of the ill-fated villages turn! To the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, regional ministry of transport, Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region, FAU Glavgosexpertiza, the Ministry of Economic Development, to the governor and vice-governors of the Moscow region, to the General Prosecutor's Office, the Central Administration of Rostechnadzor, the prosecutor's office of the Moscow Region, the Moscow Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office and to other environmental enterprises and supervisory departments. Residents even initiated a comprehensive inspection of the construction of Runway 3 by several supervisory agencies. During the investigation, violations of design documentation and Russian legislation during the construction of Runway 3 were identified, which formed the basis for a number of lawsuits.

Even the General Prosecutor’s Office established back in 2016 that the “Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Administration of Civil Airports (Aerodromes)”, when carrying out work on the construction of the new runway-3 complex at Sheremetyevo International Airport, was in violation of Art. 52.53 Urban planning complex Russian Federation did not comply with the requirements of the project documentation for the removal of existing utility networks and communications from the construction zone, as well as the dismantling of buildings and structures in residential areas adjacent to the construction of villages.” And in the conclusion of Rostechnadzor it is generally stated directly that “the design documentation of the facility provides for a complex of preparatory work, including: cutting down forests, dismantling existing coatings, removing utility networks and communications from the construction zone, reorganizing rivers, dismantling buildings and structures in residential areas ( in accordance with section 6 of the project for organizing work on the demolition or dismantling of objects capital construction 0301-All buildings and all structures in the villages of Perepechino and Dubrovki are subject to demolition), fencing of the construction site for the entire construction period. The project documentation determines that the specified activities must be carried out before the start of work of the first and second stages.”

Sloppiness or sabotage?

But things are still there. It seems that even at public hearings, officials of the Federal Air Transport Agency stubbornly refused to answer the question of when the houses would be purchased. Is this the sloppiness of officials of the Federal Air Transport Agency or outright sabotage aimed at undermining the country’s prestige due to non-compliance with its obligations to FIFA for the 2018 World Cup?! How will the safety of aircraft near residential buildings be ensured? If, for example, residents turn on the park lights, the floodlights and planes will be guided by them, rather than by the runway lights, and land in... well, say, a garden or driveway.

But even if we don’t mention all this, it seems to me that there is a blatant disregard for the project documentation and direct instructions from all supervisory structures to eliminate the disgrace, what will residential villages on the runway look like during the World Cup? It will be even cooler than the airport on the island of St. Maarten, where small planes take off right above the beach. There, at least people have somewhere to run, if anything happens. The strip immediately passes close to some houses, the ransom and resettlement of people from which the officials, apparently, chose to forget. Which pilot has the courage to take off and land over people's heads? And what kind of championship is this, for the sake of which the authorities are willing to risk the health and well-being of their population? After all, the runway is not only hellish noise and harmful emissions, for example, benzopyrene, which openly provokes cancer. Not to mention the host of other unpleasant consequences for people’s lives from proximity to taking off planes.

Even the same navigation system is the most harmful radiation. By the way, the location of the strip itself among houses is also extremely dangerous - with any crosswind, the point of no return, after which there is no longer any possibility of turning around, will be especially close. All this is unlikely to be missed by our ideological “well-wishers” in the West. Therefore, be prepared, if not for the disruption of the championship itself, then for a major political scandal.

Moscow region authorities have agreed on the design of a new runway (Runway-3) at Sheremetyevo International Airport. It is planned to be built for the FIFA World Cup, which will be held in Russia in 2018. The creation of a second flight zone, along with the development of the Northern Terminal Complex, will turn Sheremetyevo into one of the most powerful passenger and cargo hubs in the world. By 2030, the country's main airport will be able to handle twice as many passengers - up to 65 million people annually.

The Town Planning Council of the Moscow Region has approved the documentation for the planning of the territory for the construction of a new runway complex (Runway-3) at Sheremetyevo International Airport. Now the draft layout will be submitted for approval to the Federal Air Transport Agency, notes Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Region Government German Elyanushkin.

The third runway of Sheremetyevo Airport is planned to be located on the territory of the rural settlement of Lunevskoye in the Solnechnogorsk municipal district and the urban district of Khimki. The total area of ​​the future Runway-3 zone is 505 hectares. This site is separated from the historical boundaries of the International Airport by Sheremetyevsk Highway.

The construction of a new independent runway complex will take place on a site of 340 hectares. On the remaining territory of 165 hectares, it is planned to build a passenger air terminal, a fueling complex, airfield infrastructure, service and technical development facilities and other ground infrastructure necessary to service air transportation.

According to the draft plan, an “A” class airfield complex will be created in the northeast of Sheremetyevo. It will include a runway 3200 m long and 60 m wide (designed for take-off and landing of all types of aircraft, including medium- and long-haul aircraft), a taxiway system, aircraft de-icing complexes and ornithological protection of the airfield, as well as landing facilities, air traffic control, radio navigation and control tower facilities.

It is planned to deliver aircraft from Sheremetyevo airport terminals to Runway-3 using a taxiway that will connect the new runway with the Sheremetyevo-1 sector. It will cross the Sheremetyevskoye Highway through a special overpass, which will be built at different levels with the highway.

For high-quality transport services for residents of nearby settlements and gardening partnerships, it is planned to reorganize the existing and create a new road network. Thus, a new highway will be built to the village of Parshino from Sheremetyevskoye Highway.

It is planned to build the third runway at Sheremetyevo International Airport for the FIFA World Cup, which will be held in Russia in 2018. The state customer of the project is the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviation), the developer is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Administration of Civil Airports (Airdromes), and the contractor is Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC. The project is being implemented entirely at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation. The volume of financing is about 35.6 billion rubles.

The new runway complex will significantly increase the capacity of the main air harbor countries. Today Sheremetyevo has the ability to provide up to 50 takeoff and landing operations (TOL) per hour. Due to the intensive growth in traffic volumes of Russian and foreign airlines, this figure must be increased to at least 70 VPO. The current infrastructure of the International Airport is not capable of providing a corresponding breakthrough: Sheremetyevo's two existing runways are interdependent and cannot be used simultaneously.

Thanks to Runway-3 of independent operation, Sheremetyevo will be able to build a wave schedule for the hub, ensure the full-scale development of resident airlines, and also balance the capacity of passenger terminals with the capacity of the airfield. This will allow the airport’s capacity to increase from 30 to 65 million people per year by 2030.

The government of the Moscow region, headed by Governor Andrei Vorobyov, fully supports initiatives aimed at strengthening the potential of the Moscow transport hub, the main link of which is international Airport Sheremetyevo. We recently agreed on a project for the development of the Northern Terminal Complex, which provides for the construction of a modern Terminal B with convenient infrastructure. Along with this project, the creation of a second flight zone will turn Sheremetyevo into one of the most powerful passenger and cargo hubs in the world. This will increase the attractiveness of our transit air hub and raise the level of competitiveness of Russia in general and the Moscow region in particular,” summed up German Elyanushkin.

Sheremetyevo International Airport is the largest Russian airport in terms of passenger and freight transport, takeoff and landing operations and the area of ​​the airport complex. Route network is more than 200 directions. In 2015, Sheremetyevo served 31 million 612 thousand passengers.

The third runway (runway) at Sheremetyevo Airport may become operational in March 2019, head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko told reporters. Initially, it was planned to put the new runway into operation by the beginning of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

According to Neradko, the biggest problems during the construction of the runway, which affected the timing, were associated with the relocation of gas and oil pipelines: “At Sheremetyevo airport, the biggest problem associated with the construction of the third runway was not the construction itself and not the lack of funding, and the need to relocate main pipelines, gas pipelines and oil product pipelines. The transfer took about two years. Now this issue has been resolved, it has been agreed with the management of Gazprom and Transneft,” said Alexander Neradko.

The bulk of the work will be completed this year. “Perhaps we will take off from this runway in March next year,” added the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

The decision to create a third runway at Sheremetyevo was made in 2009. In 2017, at that time, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, Maxim Sokolov, announced that the deficit of funds for the construction of Runway 3 was 7.5 billion rubles. He noted that funds from the State Corporation for Air Traffic Management are being considered as a source. “But there is only one goal - for the runway to be built and put into operation by the beginning of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, so this deficit will be eliminated,” the minister said.

However, Runway 3 was never built for the 2018 World Cup. In June 2018, the new head of the Ministry of Transport, Evgeniy Dietrich, said that the construction of the facility, according to the department’s calculations, would be completed before the end of this year, but “the issue is not easy.”

“We are working to ensure that the task is resolved by November-December. Now it is quite difficult to predict how the situation will be resolved: there is a difficult situation with the registration of land plots, there are a number of problems that we are currently solving. But we will do everything possible to finish in this year," the minister assured.

Progress of construction work as of mid-October 2018:

The project to build a third runway at Sheremetyevo Airport will not be completed in time for the FIFA World Cup, industry sources told AviaPort. However, Sheremetyevo will cope with the transportation program during the football championship within the existing infrastructure, and the commissioning of the third runway is largely related to the need to close one of the existing runways for repairs. Therefore, the responsible persons were given a deferment until the end of the year, but this time - without the right to delay.

The third runway at Sheremetyevo Airport will definitely not be put into operation for the World Cup in Russia, four independent industry sources told AviaPort. The Federal Air Transport Agency and its subordinate Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Administration of Civil Airports (Aerodromes)” declined to comment.

The construction of Runway-3 is included in the Sheremetyevo infrastructure development project, which also includes the construction passenger terminal domestic air lines (Terminal B) and a cargo terminal on the territory of the so-called northern terminal complex (NTC), a fueling complex and an inter-terminal passage, which, passing under the airfield, will connect the southern and northern terminal areas of the airport. “Construction work continues at the site,” reported the FSUE “AGA(A)”, which supervises the construction of the strip, on December 15. The general contractor is Transstroymekhanizatsiya (part of the Mostotrest group of companies), but it was not possible to contact a representative of the construction organization.

The construction deadlines for the strip were postponed several times. Lack of funding was cited as one of the key problems. In November, the Vedomosti newspaper, citing sources, reported that the cost of the project had increased to 64.1 billion rubles. At the same time, the source of additional funds has not yet been determined: various options are being discussed, up to the allocation of the necessary amounts through the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State ATM Corporation” subordinate to the Federal Air Transport Agency. Judging by the statements of the head of the Ministry of Transport, Maxim Sokolov, which he made in an interview with RNS in September, this option was considered a priority.

But for high-quality air transportation during the football championship, there is no urgent need for a third lane. Sheremetyevo reported that “the airport will be able to provide the transportation program [for the World Cup] using existing runways.” According to AviaPort, under favorable weather conditions, the runways can support up to 65 takeoff and landing operations per hour, while cases have already been noted when over 60 takeoffs and landings were actually serviced per hour. But the expected increase in the number of VPOs in connection with the reception of teams and fans, the peak of which will be in mid-July, will be less than the annual increase in the number of VPOs in late August and early September, when holidaymakers return en masse from their vacation spots.

However, the commissioning of Runway-3 is much more important not for ensuring the transportation program during the World Cup in the summer of 2018, but for the closure of one of the existing runways for repairs (we are talking about Runway-1, closest to southern zone"Sheremetyevo"). AviaPort’s sources find it difficult to name the time frame for repairs: according to their estimates, with various restrictions, the runway can be in operation until the first half of 2019. The closure of Runway 1 will significantly affect the throughput of Sheremetyevo, interlocutors fear, including due to the remoteness of Runway 3 from the main aircraft parking areas, but they have not yet provided specific estimates.

However, in 2018, Runway 3 should not only be completed, but also put into operation, according to an industry source. He noted that at a recent meeting at the Ministry of Transport, responsible officials were promised serious personnel decisions if this deadline could not be met.