In which ocean are the Azores. Azores: the last Bastion of Europe

Azores JULY 24TH, 2012

And look what an island I found! And then everything is accustomed to the fact that interesting coral islands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Big Barrier Reef, and then there is an interesting specimens next to Portugal.

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Vila Franca - Uninhabited volcanic island As part of the Azores. It is 0.5 km south of San Mighel Island, near the village of Vila Frank-do Campa. Area 95 hectares (of which 62 are underwater). Since 1993 - Natural Reserve.

Vila Franca is one of the most popular summer seats recreation. He attracts people natural beauty. Boats to San Miguel run from June to September. There are several beaches on the island, the conditions for classes with all kinds of water sports are provided.

The island is a natural pool consisting of a flooded volcano boiler with a maximum depth of 20 m. It has the shape of a large semicircle, creating a peculiar atoll. Flora and fauna are represented by several species, to preserve which the reserve was created.

Vila Frank, also town with an interesting story. Previously, it was exactly the capital of SAO Miguel and the entire archipelago, but after a major earthquake in 1522, the city was almost destroyed and then the Ponta Delgada came to first. With special pride local residents mention "His" Island "Ilheu Da Vila Franca", for which in the summer will come back both tourists and Azorians who want to swim in the bay uninhabited island And feel yourself with the heroes of Roman Stevenson.

In general, the Azores are also an interesting territory.

The Azores Archipelago, consisting of 9 islands, is located in the heart of the Atlantic, 1460 km from Europe coast. The azors are divided into three groups: East (Islands of San Miguel, Santa Maria and islands under the general name of Formigash), Central (Islands of Falial, Peak, San Georges, Tersair and Graciosa) and North-West (Florish Islands and Korva).

There is no developed tourist infrastructure on the aizorons. Therefore, the majority of the guests of the archipelago are sophisticated tourists who have managed to drive half a hundred and made a conscious choice in favor of silence and tranquility.

On the Azores can be combined beach rest, eco-tourism and leisure (diving, snorkeling, fishing and so on).

Capital - Ponta Delgada on the island of San Miguel.

The population is about 25 thousand people.

Well, about the largest island you can tell more. Suddenly you will gather there on a journey :-)

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Sao Miguel (São Miguel), located in the eastern part of the archipelago, is the largest of the nine islands. It reaches 69 kilometers in length and 14 width, and its area is about 750 square meters. km. It is very beautiful Island With amazing unique nature. He is ideal for long stay and dating - he has something to show and what to surprise.

In the western part of the island, among the strings of small villages, a settlement of Sette Cidades is located separately. Its lakes, one blue, and the other is green, located in a volcanic crater with an area of \u200b\u200b40 square meters. Kilometers, always cause genuine delight among tourists, and the local population beloved this place for Sunday picnics.

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Even further to the west, on the coast itself, there is Mosteiros (Mosteiros). Once there was an eruption of a volcano and lava, staining along the slopes to the ocean, and froze at the water itself, forming small natural pools among black reservoirs, which once swept everything on their path, boiling mass.

But back to the southern coast. Here is Ponta Delgada - the largest city and administrative center Archipelago.

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Walking on the old streets paved by paving, enjoying clean air"Salon" because of the proximity of the ocean, and lugging the architectural ensemble of past centuries, you begin to feel like a part of this world of harmony with his measured strength of life. This is one of those places about which, tired of everyday fuss, can be said: "Eeeh, throw everything and leave! For azors!"

The next municipality is Lagoa with the center in the same name settlement. It combines the villages located mainly along the coast and borders with settlements related to Vila Franke Do Campa. Here are bananas and citrus. If there is time, visit natural pools Lagoa.

Almost parallel to Lagoa, but on the northern coast, lies, surrounded by pastures, potato fields and tea and tobacco plantations, the city of Ribeira Grande.

From Ribeir Grande, you can reach the observation deck such a popular "Fiery Lake" (Lagoa do Fogo) - indescribable beauty landscape and sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions are guaranteed!

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The northeastern part of the island is less populated and used - forests and rocks are dominated here. A tall sheer rocky shore crashes into the blue ocean, forcing tourists to "click" with cameras.

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In the south-east is the municipality of Poyasau. Here you can visit very beautiful parks. This municipality belongs to the city of Furnas (Furnas) with his lake, drowning in the greenery, valley of geysers and an excellent botanical fleet of international importance, spreading on 30 acres of volcanic land.

Here, on the shore of Lagoa Das Furnas, we prepare a local delicacy - "Cozido Das Furnas". In the saucepan, vegetables, meat, chicken, local pork sausage are laid and then lowered all this in specially dumped wells and sprinkle the earth. At a small depth, the Earth warms up so much that the dish is preparing in this improvised bath within 6-8 hours while you are familiar with the city and the park. It turns out a very tasty, healthy and rich lunch. So where else do you cook lunch "on the volcano"? :)

Everything east Coast Islands called Nordeshta, although in fact this is a whole network of small villages with the center in the town of the same name. Nature in this part of the island is a little more Surov and Dick, but indescribably beautiful! And what are worth viewing platforms, drowning in colors and towering over the ocean. This is a favorite place of Azores to meet the dawn - come entirely families and spend all night in pleasant waiting for the game of light.

Who wants to learn more -

Azores - the name of the islands, most likely, comes from the outdated Portuguese word "Azures" (consonantly Russian "Lazur")

Azores (Azores) is a small archipelago located near the coast of Portugal. To find the Azores on the world map you need to look at the central part of the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the coast of Europe. Today, this archipelago is an autonomous region of Portugal.


It is not known anyone who is unknown who and when the Azores opened (Azores), but the fact that they have been known to the ancient navigators are no doubt. The existence of this archipelago knew the ancient Carthaginians, who were great navigators and merchants. Archaeologists have discovered ancient coins from Carthage on the islands. Also, Normans came to these waters, and the Arab navigators were here.
Medieval authors can meet numerous references to Western IslandsBut it's not entirely clear what they meant: Azores or Canary Islands. For the first time, the images of the Azores appear on medieval maps in the XIII century. The development of this archipelago is associated with the name of the legendary Portuguese geographer and the discoverer of Heinrich Majorchatel. The letter of the Portuguese king was preserved, dated 1439, in which he prescribes Prince Henry to engage in the development and colonization of these lands.
These islands played an important role in the opening of new lands in the Epoch of the Great Geographic discoveries. The Azores, due to their location in the center of the Atlantic, became a kind of base for Portuguese and Spanish navigators.

Due to this, people from different corners Old World: adventurers and impoverished aristocrats, Jews, Mauri, representatives of various religious flows, immigrants from Africa and Flanders. They all brought their customs, beliefs, habits to the archipelago, and created the original culture on the islands that we can see today.
Prince Herinich received these islands to their possessions, and after the death of this extraordinary person, the archipelago passed under the management of Jesuit.
The history of the archipelago is poor for events, the last bright page became the "revolution of the carnation", which happened in 1974. After her, the azors received the status of autonomy.


The Azores are located in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean, they have volcanic origin. The archipelago includes nine islands, which are divided into three groups: oriental, central and northwestern. The total area of \u200b\u200bAzores at 2322 km². From the European coast, the archipelago separates a little less than 1500 kilometers, and from the American coast - 3900 kilometers. The archipelago is not so easy to find on the map. The largest island is San Mighel.
These islands appeared as a result of volcanic activity, the acting volcano peak, located on the archipelago, is the most high point Portugal.
Climate archipelago subtropical sea. In summer, the average temperature is 24-25 ° C, in winter - 18-19 ° C. Precipitation falls relatively little.

Weather hot and dry. She can change very quickly.
Flora and fauna islands are quite rich, there are species that are found only here, for example, Azorina and the Azor Bullfinch.
Agriculture prevails in the economy of the archipelago. The meat and dairy industry is developed, residents grow grain crops, citrus fruits, bananas. Also, a large number of local people are traditionally occupied in fisheries.
The capital of the archipelago is considered the city of Ponta-Delgada, located on the island of San Miguel. The population of the archipelago is 25 thousand people.
In recent decades, a tourist sphere plays an increasingly important role in the economy of the Azores.

Tourism and sights

Sometimes rest on the Azores put in one row with Maldives, Bahamas and Seychelles. But it is not entirely true. The tourist infrastructure on the archipelago is developed weakly, you will not find gorgeous five-star hotels here, it's quite difficult to get here, and in the excursions on beautiful and wild landscapes, only the wind will be your guide and companion. But believe me, you will not regret the time spent and forces, coming here.
Holidays on Azorhs is more likely to be sophisticated tourists who have managed to visit and have already been pulled out with monotony of world tourist centers. Also, the archipelago is a great place for those who dream of escape from modern civilization.
Here is a very measured and calm rhythm of life, the atmosphere of pacification and self-sufficiency reigns. There is a desire to quit everything and settle in this blessed place forever.

Green hills, cropped with fragrant flowers, vineyards, numerous thermal sources, windmillsAncient seaside cities who survived many centuries are the main attractions of the Azores.
Islands can offer beach holidays, ecological tourism, as well as diving, magnificent fishing and snorkeling. On Azores very unusual culinary traditions.
You can get to the Azores from Russia through Lisbon. Then you will need to transfer to the flight of local airlines.

What should be viewed

The archipelago is quite a bit sandy beachesMost is covered with frozen lava, though, it should be noted that it does not particularly interfere with holidays. There are a large number of picturesque lagoon, cozy, located in the rocks.
Tourists should visit the town of Ponta Delgada, which is considered the capital of the archipelago. Business card Cities are water mills. You can see the crater of the volcano sew Sidades, which is impressive with its size. The pride of the island is the beautiful Park of Terra Nostra.
Santa Maria Island has best beaches And the most picturesque landscapes. Here are excellent conditions for diving and surfing. You can also try your strength fishing or just stroll along the streets of the oldest settlement on the archipelago - the city of Vila do Porto. Also on this island there are many sources with mineral water.

TERSEYR island announced UNESCO in the property of mankind here unique natureMagnificent caves with geysers. As well as many vintage churches, forts, a beautiful old palace. Here is a unique fiery lake. It is worth visiting Algar Do Carvao cave with stalactites and stalagmites and a picturesque lake. Most territory Teresaire is a reserve.
On Pico Island there is a valid volcano eponymous, you can also visit quite interesting museum Winemaking. On the island, excellent conditions for diving. Very rich here animal world. In coastal waters, a large number of coushlots, as well as other whales and dolphins. One of the favorite views of the tourists who come to the archipelago are swimming with dolphins in the coastal waters of this island.
On the island of Floresh is beautiful waterfall Ribeira Grande and seven unique lakes.

What you need to know the tourist

Rest in the Azores is not cheap. Although it should be noted that prices here are the same as in Portugal. Here you can find a double room for 30 euros and lunch together for 15 euros. However, the road to the archipelago is quite expensive, moreover, a lot of money goes to travel within the archipelago.
You can purchase a tour for all the islands of the archipelago. This can be done right on site or in Lisbon. You can also order a tour that will include prices for flight to Portugal and the archipelago. This option is most convenient.
The usual means of movement is the bus, you can also take a car for rental. There are little ships between the islands.

The azors - the autonomous region of Portugal since 1976, his capital is the city of Ponta Delgada, which is located on Sau Miguel Island. The Azores archipelago consists of nine basic and large number of small sushi sites.

Azores on the world map

Geographical position
The Azores are located in the north-west of the Atlantic Ocean, in 2000 km from the Iberian Peninsula, and with Madeira Island more than 1000 km are separated. Officially, the islands belong to Europe, of course, as part of the Portuguese territory. The boundaries of this economic zone extend from the eastern Islands of Santa Maria to 600 km to Korva, belonging to the Western Islands Group.

Climate and Nature
A moderate, rather mild climate reigns on the Azores archipelago. In the winter months, the average daily temperature is + 16 ° C, in the summer period is quite warm, but the heat is not difficult tolerable. The most sunny month is August, its temperature day is + 23 ° C and + 18 ° C at night. From the first autumn month to April, rains regularly come, fogs often arise. The largest rainfall, which drops out for a month, does not exceed 110 mm. The temperature of the ocean water in the area of \u200b\u200bthe islands throughout the year varies from + 17 ° C to + 23 ° C.

The Azores have volcanic origin, their slopes are decorated with subtropical forests and evergreen banana, orange, apricot plantations, as well as numerous vineyards. Closer to mountain tops Often there are hot mineral springs.
Very rare plant species grow on the archipelago, for example, a beautiful flower of Azorina, it is very often depicted on the brands of the autonomous region.

Map of the Azores in Russian

On the island of peak there is a valid volcano, which is the highest point of the Azores archipelago - 2350 m above sea level.
TERSEYR Island is famous for Algar Do Carvao cave, formed after volcanic eruptions 2000 years ago, its length is 100 m. In this place there is a large cluster of quartz stalagmites and stalactites, plus a beautiful underground lake. Not far from the cave functions a sulfur source.

Administrative-territorial division
Central city The Azores - Ponta Delgada is the most ancient settlement on Azorah, there is a government of the Autonomous Region. Nine major islands The archipelago is taken to divide into groups:
Eastern Group - Santa Maria, San Miguel;
Central Group - Tersair, San Georges, Graciosa, Faale and Peak;
Western group - Korot, Florish. Used photographs from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

Where are the Azores on the world map, how to get there, Portugal Islands

eagle and Rusk Azores, climate, weather, holidays, country, state

portuguese Islands, how to get to the Azores, Portugal Islands


Azores is nine green islands washed by blue waters Atlantic Ocean1500 kilometers from Portugal and 3900 kilometers from North America. Islands are located between Europe and North America, parallel to Lisbon, on the latitude of 39º43 "/ 36º55" n. Floresh Island (Flores), which is part of the archipelago, is the most western point of Europe.

Islands are divided into three groups:

The Western Group (Grupo Ocidental) includes the islands of Corwo (Corvo) and Florash (Flores).
- Central (Grupo Central) combines TERSEYRa Islands, File (FAIAL), Peak (Pico), Sao George (São Jorge), Gracioosa.
- San Miguel and Santa Maria (Santa Maria) are included in the eastern group (Grupo Oriental).

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe nine islands is 2.333 sq. Km, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe special economic zone is 984.300 sq. Km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe islands themselves vary from 747 sq. Km. (Sao Miguel) to 17 sq. Km (Corwa). The volcanic cone peak on the island of the same name is towers by 2.351 meters, being the highest point of not only the Azores, but also all of Portugal. The population of Azor has more than 240,000 inhabitants. The most populated island is San Miguel, the most large city - Ponta Delgada is the Archipelago Administrative Center. Always included in Portugal, today the Azores are an autonomous region with its government and the meeting.

Humble islands?

Azores .. How does such a name come from? What does it mean?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. For many years, historians and researchers have not been coming to a single "denominator."
Some kind official version There is no, but the most popular, no doubt, is "hawk".

Luis Antonio de Assis Brasil (Luiz Antônio de Assis Brasil), a former literature teacher in the University of Azores, in his studies argued that the first navigators who had reached the coast of the archipelago were followed by the roots that flying to their nests, indicated the path to the islands. But, confusing these feathered with nuts (in Portuguese - Açor), the sailors called the islands with hawk (Açores).

According to another version, "Açores" comes from the Italian "Azzurre" or "Azzorre" - a suitable name for the "blue islands" (Ilhas Azuis).

There is another, no less beautiful theory - this name was given to the Islands of the Portuguese navigator Gonçalo Velo Cabral (Gonçalo Velho Cabral) How to tribute the patroness of a small village of Açor in Continental Portugal from where he was coming from. The name of this saint is Nossa Senhora Do Açor.

Each of these theories has its own supporters and opponents. The Azorians themselves, for the most part, hold the "hricter" version.

A bit of history

Exact time The opening of the Azores is unknown. They appeared on the Genoese Maps of the XIV century and it is believed that Portuguese or Genoese sailors in the Portugal service between 1317 and 1339 were discovered.

On other sources, the opening of the archipelago is attributed to the captain of Diogu de Silvis (Dioogo de Silves), which was the first to land on the islands in 1427. A few years later, or rather in 1432, by order of Prince Heinrich Seaflizer (Dom Henrique de Avis) to the shore of Santa Mary's island, the ship of the Portuguese navigator Gonçalo Velo Cabral (Gonçalo Velho Cabl). He left a small horned cattle on the island. Animals survived, the islands were recognized as suitable for accommodation and in 1439 their settlement began.

In the letter of Prince Pedro, the Duke of Kuimbrs, from 1439 it is said only about 7 archipelago islands. The last two, Florash and Corvo, were opened by the Portuguese Seaflorer Diogo de Teewe (Diogo de Teive) in 1452.

There are hypotheses that the Azores were still known to Carthaginians. In confirmation, it is supposedly given by cofquivo coins and a horse statue of man in the Moorish cape with an elongated hand pointing to the West (such symbols on the maps used to indicate the places below which the swimming is impossible). To this hypothesis, most scientists are skeptical as any facts confirming this find in Azores were found. Straighted on the island of cervice also did not hear anything about it. And the excavations produced on the island did not give any result - no traces of old coins, the slightest hint of the "Carthaginian" treasure.

Within the 16th and 17th centuries of the archipelago, thanks to its geographical position, it becomes one of the centers of shipping on the Atlantic, between Europe and both America. It was a time when an important sea battles went to the sea, and the islands themselves were attacked by corsars and pirates. Palaces, churches and fortresses are reminded of the time when the Azores were a transshipment point for ships that are visiting treasures from both Americas and from the East.

In the next century, the development of the archipelago occurred, new cultures came, animal husbandry and fishing.

Unusual nature

Azores is a paradise for those who like nature. According to one of the existing theories, the azoras are part of the legendary larger mainland of Atlantis. In this can be easily believed, only once visiting this green World And falling in love with him forever! The volcanic origin of the archipelago gave him an extraordinary nature. She was embodied in bizarre forms blue lakesframed by flowers. IN high mountainsWith which the delightful views of the land and the sea are opening. In the deep green craters of sleeping volcanoes. In the landscapes that preserved the pristine purity. In pastoral serenity and in the melody of silence.

Azores are designed to relax, which leaves sweet memories. This also has a subtropical marine climate, uniformly soft and healthy. Winter here is not so harsh as in Continental Portugal. The average temperature during this period of the year is 15º-17º. The weather becomes more rainy since the end of October to March - April month, but after falling out the precipitation always comes the sundial. From June to September, dry and cloudless weather dominates. The thermometer column at this time of the year is between 22-24 degrees of heat. The water temperature during the year ranges from + 14 °, + 16 ° in winter to + 20 °, + 22 ° in summer. They bathe many and with pleasure, with surprise, finding that the sand is dark here - volcanic origin affects.

The local climate is favorable for some tropical crops, such as, for example, tea is the only place in Europe, where it is produced. They also grow pineapples in greenhouses - they are rightfully considered one of the best. Lovers "Look" can try tobacco tobacco, and lovers of cheese and wine will certainly be satisfied, adjusting local varieties!


Because of its remote location, the traditional size of life on the islands, out large cities, It remains almost unchanged. There are centuries-old traditions and is supported by the life of the past years. The lack of large enterprises made it possible to preserve the nature of the original form, and about such a phenomenon as "environmental pollution" here know only in a prayer. That is why the Azores are greatly successful among tourists from nordic countries, such as Finland, Denmark or Sweden, where eco-tourism appreciate.

Himself tourism on Azorch is at the beginning of its development and it is beautiful! - Not tired of overpressure, local residents with a smile meet any wishes to get acquainted with their islands closer. At the same time, the level of service and services is quite high. Starting with hotels, most of which are built in the last 5 - 10 years and can give "odds" to many "continental", free access points wireless Internet, Developed Network public transport, beautiful restaurants with unobtrusive service and ending with a large set of diverse excursions and other types of outdoor activities.

These are the Azores.
They smile, taking guests. And do not cease to amaze.

: 38 ° 36'00 "s. sh. 27 ° 59'00 "s. d. /  38.60000 ° C. sh. 27.98333 ° C. d./ 38.60000; -27.98333 (G) (I)

AquatoriumAtlantic Ocean Number of islands9 The largest islandSan Mighel total area2322 km² The highest point2351 M. CountryPortugal Portugal Ay first levelAzores Population (2011)246 772 people. Population density106,276 people / km²


The name of the islands, most likely, comes from the outdated Portuguese word "Azures" (consonantly Russian "Lazur"), which literally means "blue". There is a more poetic version that claims that the island's name was taken from the word "Açor" - the Hawk (hrictered islands called Arabs). According to the legend, nautical hawks flew to their nests and indicated the way to the islands. However, since this bird never existed in this regionScientists consider this version the least likely.

Nature and Natural Resources

The archipelago consists of the islands of volcanic origin. Active volcano Peak (2351 m) is the largest peak of Portugal.

Azores are the birthplace of endemic species of animals and plants, such as Azorina ( Azorina.) and the Azores Snegir ( Pyrrhula Murina.).

The composition of the archipelago

Islands are divided into three groups:

Island Group of Islands Area,
Highest point,
person. (2011)
person / km²
Main city
1 San Mighel Eastern Group 747 747 1103 1103 137856 137 856 184,55 184,55 155,0 155,0 Ponta Delgada
2 Santa Maria Eastern Group 097 97 0587 587 005552 5552 057,24 57,24 046,0 46,0 Vila do port
3 Fayal Central Group 172 172 1043 1043 014994 14 994 087,17 87,17 080,0 80,0 Orta
4 Peak Central Group 447 447 2351 2351 014148 14 148 031,65 31,65 110,0 110,0 Madalena
5 Graciosia Central Group 061 61 0404 404 004391 4391 071,98 71,98 034,0 34,0 Santa Crush-da-Graciosa
6 San George. Central Group 237 237 1053 1053 009171 9171 038,70 38,70 115,0 115,0 Velas
7 TERSEYRA Central Group 402 402 1021 1021 056437 56 437 140,39 140,39 085,0 85,0 Angra do Eroshma
8 Florish Western Group 142 142 0914 914 003793 3793 026,71 26,71 048,0 48,0 Santa Crush-Dash Floresh
9 Korot Western Group 017 17 0718 718 000430 430 025,29 25,29 018,0 18,0 Vila Du Korwa
Total 2322 246 772 106,28


  • The average temperature in winter is 18-19 ° C, in the summer 24-25 ° C.
  • Maximum monthly precipitation 110 mm. Annual precipitation increases in the west direction from 700 mm on San Miguel up to 1600 mm on Florish. From June to September, dry and cloudless weather dominates. The temperature of the water fluctuates from +17 to +23 ° C during the year. The weather may be unstable.

Temperature and rainfall are averaged for all Azores.


There are no accurate data on the opening time of the islands. However, it is known that the Azores were still known to the Carthaginians, it proves cervion coins found. Norman and Arabs knew them. Presumably in the 9th century, Vikings landed here.

In the Middle Ages, many mentioned Europeans about the Western Islands, under which, obviously, there were meant azors, the Canary Islands and Madeira. The first Italian I. spanish maps And the atlases with clearly designated by the Azor Islands appear in the XIII -XIV centuries. It is also unknown who, from the captains of Prince Herrich Morpalwater, the first landed on these islands (presumably it made Diogu Silves (Dioogo de Silves) in the city). It is only a reliably that in a letter dated G., the Portuguese king confirms the opening of Azen and provides "vacation" to Prince Henry, in order for him to engage in their development (at the time of opening the island were uninhabited).

Subsequent centuries were calmer, but in the city of Azoras again fell on the pages of a big story thanks to the role of the Teresair Island in the fight against the absolutist regime. Here were formed liberal forces, subsequently flooding mainland Portugal. In the XIX and XX centuries, the development of the region was mainly due to agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries.

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