Vietnam road from Nha Trang to Da Nang. How to get from Nha Trang to Da Nang

Below is how to get from Nha Trang to Hoain – Da Nang – Hue and general characteristics these cities. The center of Vietnam is a historically valuable and stunningly beautiful region of the country from a natural point of view. Here you can see the ancient district of Hoi An with a stunning and indescribable atmosphere, listed world heritage UNESCO.

Here you will find marble mountains with cave temples, incredibly beautiful landscapes of the Bach Ma mountain pass, the world's largest caves of Phong Nha - Ke Bang Park, the majestic bridges of Da Nang and, of course, the extraordinary inhabitants of this central region.

The center of Vietnam will definitely surprise you and be remembered for a lifetime, so if you are thinking about whether to go there or not, then you should definitely go! And we will tell you how to get from Nha Trang to Hoi An, Da Nang, Hue, and also get to neighboring country Laos.

Brief description of Hoi An, Da Nang, Hue

Hoi An

First main central city, which you will meet on the way from Nha Trang will be Hoi An. It contains old quarter, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has a stunning atmosphere and spirit of old Vietnam. Here you should definitely try local dishes and cooking classes, stroll the streets of the old quarter and buy something from the many shops. Don't forget to also take a bike ride to the outskirts of Hoi An, where you'll see stunning rice paddies and colorful local life.


Danang is one of the largest cities in Vietnam. There are stunning beaches here, good hotels, a lot of interesting places nearby such as: Hoi An, Marble Mountains, national park Batma. In the city itself there are also many interesting places and the first thing you should pay attention to is its majestic bridges.


Hue was once the capital of Vietnam, the city of the emperors of Vietnam. Now, after many wars and destruction, the palaces of the last imperial dynasty of Vietnam and the extraordinary spirit of the old city remain in it. There are also many interesting pagodas that are open to the public. The most famous, perhaps, is the Thien Mu Pagoda, where the belongings of one of the famous monks are preserved, who gave his life (self-immolation) to save Buddhists throughout Vietnam from attacks from the government of South Vietnam. Near the pagoda you can take a boat. To ride along the Fragrant River, which is so called because of the herbs that grow along its banks. Not far from Hue is the city of Dong Hoi, from where the treks to the largest cave in the world – Sham Dong – start. Hue is also the starting point in the center of Vietnam, from where you can travel to Laos.

Whichever city central Vietnam If you haven’t visited, you will definitely have something to see in the cities listed. Due to the fact that they are a short distance from each other, it is highly recommended to watch them all.

How to get from Nha Trang to Hoi An - Danang - Hue

The route from Nha Trang to Hoi An, Da Nang and Hue is very simple, since these cities lie on the same line of almost all transport routes. The first one from Nha Trang is Hoi An (HoiAn) 510 km from Nha Trang to the north of the country, further north goes Danang(DaNang) 30 km from Hoi An (540 km from Nha Trang) and even further north Hue(Hue) 95 km from Da Nang (635 from Nha Trang). The path lies through very beautiful serpentines next to the sea, offering breathtaking views. Also, if you go by land, you will pass cities such as Tuy Hoa and Quy Nhon, which may also be of interest to travelers.

Bus . Every morning and every evening special tourist (recumbent!) buses depart from Nha Trang. The cost for them is approximately the same and is 10-12 USD to Hoi An, 15-17 USD to Da Nang and 20-22 USD to Hue one way per person. These buses usually go from Nha Trang to Hanoi and make stops in Hoi An, Da Nang and Hue. Estimated travel time is 8-10 hours to Hoi An and Da Nang, 12-14 hours to Hue. In the morning buses depart at 8, 9, 11, 13 o'clock, in the evening - at 19 and 20 o'clock. You may need to change buses along the way. This usually happens in Hoi An and Hue. But the bus companies have this point well organized, and you will have time to quickly explore the city and have a snack.

There are a sufficient number of bus companies, below are the names and addresses in Nha Trang of some of the best and most tested:

  • The Sinh Tourist – – 90C Hung Vuong St.,
  • Hanh Cafe – – 10 Hung Vuong Street
  • Phuong Trang (or

An excursion from Nha Trang to Da Nang will allow you to take a break between trips to the beaches and reveal a new facet of the culture and history of Vietnam.

This part of the country is recognized as the most European. Excursions here are conducted in the format of complex tours, during which you will also visit other significant cities. For example, you can choose a trip to Da Nang and Hoi An, lasting from 8 hours to 2 days. Tour prices start at $345. In the list of programs you will find group as well as individual tours.

Sights of Da Nang

  • Bridges. After sunset, the city appears before guests in all its glory, because at this time its numerous bridges are lit with lights. You will visit with a guide the Dragon Bridge, made in the shape of a giant mythical creature. Tuan Phuoc, reminiscent of the Golden Gate in San Francisco, and the Tran Thi Ly Bridge, whose height reaches 700 meters, are considered no less grandiose.
  • Guanyin statue. It was this landmark that gave the city fame. Da Nang has the most tall sculpture Guanyin in Vietnam. Its height reaches 65 meters, which is equivalent to a 21-story building. The scale of the statue is emphasized by the miniature cape where it is located. There is a small monastery near Guanyin, which you will also visit with a guide
  • Embankments. A walk along the embankments is a must on excursions in Da Nang. They are famous beautiful views, as well as a huge number of marble sculptures of intricate shapes. Having seen the variety of compositions, you will understand why this city became famous for its marble carvers far beyond the borders of Vietnam.

Tours include visits to Da Nang and Hoi An for a reason. Between the cities lies one of the most significant attractions in Vietnam. These are the Marble Mountains, consisting of 5 hills. Inside you can visit caves, and around them there are Buddhist sanctuaries and temples.

You can book your trip right now online on our website. The route, ticket prices and schedule are indicated on the excursion pages. If you have any additional questions, please contact us via chat or phone.

So we fulfilled our long-standing desire to go to Da Nang. The city of Danang is not very popular among tourists, is poorly covered on the Internet and there is much less information than in Nha Trang. I don’t know why, but I was only drawn to this city in Vietnam. My intuition foretold in advance that we would like Danang.

But more on that later. First, I will tell you how we got from Nha Trang to Da Nang. Having seen that air tickets from Nha Trang to Da Nang are currently being sold at some unrealistic prices, we decided to go by bus. Check flight prices.

Nha Trang - Da Nang: options for how to get there

The bus went along the coast to Vovan Street, where we had to get off, since in this area we had spotted one very decent hotel on Booking - (we recommend!).

Slava went down to the driver and motioned for him to stop. We went out into the city and were very happy that, although with nerves and adventures, we still made it to Da Nang.

Transfer Nha Trang - Da Nang

Currently, you can order a transfer from Nha Trang to Da Nang online. They will pick you up at any hotel and take you to Da Nang on the same day. If there are several of you, it would be advisable order a minibus, so that everyone can chip in and share the cost of the transfer.

You can order a taxi from Nha Trang to Da Nang follow this link.

Nha Trang - Danang taxi

Where to stay in Da Nang

Dragon Sea Hotel — stayed at this hotel. We recommend! Rating 7.9
Emily Hotel— inexpensive decent hotel with a rating of 8.5
Mango Hotel— inexpensive 2-star hotel, rating 8.1
BeSea Hotel- the most budget hotel with good rating — 8,7

Hotels in the city center:

Louis Hotel— a very decent inexpensive hotel in the center. Rating 8.4
An Nam Hotela budget option with a good rating of 8.1
Fulmar Hotel- Another one cheap hotel with a normal rating of 7.9
Funtastic Danang Hostel- cheap decent hostel in Da Nang. Rating 8.4!

Route on the map

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Comments: 34

    Zheka 11/26/2014


    • Slava 11/26/2014


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    • Slava 11/26/2014


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            • Slava 11/26/2014


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    • Slava 11/27/2014


    Marina 11/27/2014


    The children were most looking forward to the trip to Nha Trang; they were simply burning with impatience after the story about Vinpearl Park. Watching YouTube made the situation even worse. :) And so, having said goodbye to Da Nang, its amazing marble mountains, we went on a slip bus to Nha Trang, read how it was.

    By train

    The only time I traveled by train in Vietnam was from Da Nang to Hue. The train was not significantly more expensive than the bus, but it was faster. Then my husband, children and I traveled exclusively by bus. It's all about the price.

    Trains to Nha Trang run constantly, you can easily choose a suitable night or day trip. The journey will take at least 9 hours, although trains in Vietnam may be delayed. To make the trip not only fast, but also comfortable, you need to make sure you choose the right place. In the cheapest places it is difficult to travel for 9-16 hours.

    I advise you to avoid the first two categories; then it is better to buy a ticket for the slipbus. These are the ngoi cung dieu hoa or ngoi cung seats, which mean traveling on wooden benches, and the ghế phụ seats - soft seats, but the carriages are old. In general, SE trains are newer than TN, but prices are correspondingly higher.

    Next in the parade of Vietnamese carriages are the ngoi mem dieu hoa seats, which in our opinion are first class. Soft chairs, sometimes even made of leatherette rather than greasy fabric, there is air conditioning, but the cost of tickets immediately increases by 2 times compared to previous categories. And the last, most preferred and expensive places for a long trip are compartments for 4 and 6 people (nằm khoang 4 điều hòa, nằm khoang 6 điều hòa). This is perhaps the most ideal option: overnight travel, relatively healthy sleep, and if you also buy the entire compartment...

    Train Station in Da Nang you will find here:

    Trains arrive here in Nha Trang:

    Buying tickets

    Train tickets are sold on this site, but rarely are our cards suitable for payment. You can also buy tickets at the ticket office at the station and in guesthouses, where they can buy you a ticket online for an additional fee.

    Ticket prices

    Tickets for the cheapest seats cost 450-500 thousand dong (16-18 euros). First class - 700-750 dong (24-27 euros). Seats in the compartment are the most expensive, costing 800-1100 thousand dong or 28-40 euros, the price depends on the shelf.

    By bus

    If your budget does not allow you to squander millions of dong, I recommend looking towards slipbass. I won’t even compare it with wooden benches, but, unlike a regular seat on a train or bus, slipbass is still more comfortable.

    Slipbuses are buses of travel agencies, aimed at tourists, and, indeed, on board you can meet travelers from all over the world! The trip by slipbus will take 12 hours, now more details about the schedule.

    These buses depart from the bus station:

    And in Nha Trang they also come to the bus station:

    Buying tickets

    Tickets for the Hanhcafe bus can be purchased at the representative office, for Futabus buses - at the bus station and on their website. They can also help you with your purchase at the guesthouse, but for an additional fee.

    Ticket prices

    A ticket for a slip bus costs 225-250 thousand dong (9-10 euros). Do you feel the difference?

    By plane

    A plane flies from Da Nang to Nha Trang once a day. The flight departs at 12:05 and lands in Cam Ranh at 13:20.

    There is a shuttle from the airport to the city, the journey takes another 40 minutes. The final stop in Nha Trang is here:

    Buying tickets

    Airplane tickets are sold on the Vietnam Airlines website. You can also always use the services.

    Ticket prices

    Tickets cost from 2 million dong (70 euros). A bus ride from the airport will cost another 1.8 euros.

    By car

    We didn't even think about renting a car. Firstly, because of rights. In Vietnam, you can drive a car only with a license issued in the country; international ones are not suitable. We weren’t going to spend a week worrying about getting temporary ones. And secondly, my husband said that he wouldn’t drive at all; with such traffic on the roads it’s better to take a taxi.

    The road, as you can see, is not the closest, but it’s worth it

    Many tourists coming to exotic countries do not want to stay in hotel rooms and lie on the beaches throughout their vacation, which leads to the popularity of excursions organized by tour operators or special agencies. Those who stay here for long term or are visiting the same country more than once, they often prefer independent trips on less popular routes. Thus, guests of Vietnam who have had enough of Nha Trang or Mui Ne often take a trip to the city of Da Nang.

    What attracts tourists to Da Nang?

    The popularity of Da Nang among travelers on vacation in Vietnam is not accidental, since this popular resort offers them a whole range of entertainment, in particular:

    • The immaculate beaches with clean, fine sand are among the best in the world.
    • A real paradise for fans of surfing and kiting.
    • A large number of historical attractions reflecting how ancient culture Champa, both remnants of the French colony, and the intersection of two cultures fascinate tourists.
    • The city, located almost equidistant from Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, has the unofficial status of the third capital of the state, and is the 5th metropolis in Vietnam in terms of population. The country's authorities hold international meetings here with leaders of other states, which is why the central streets are very clean, the facades of the houses are well-groomed, and the central embankment is ideal for walking.
    • In addition, last year a unique attraction was opened here - the sightseeing pedestrian Golden Bridge, built at an altitude of more than 1.4 km and supported by pillars stylized as huge hands, which creates a mythical effect, and this object has already attracted millions of tourists from all over the world.

    The Golden Bridge is a truly magical place

    Thus, although Danang cannot boast of the same developed infrastructure for Russian-speaking vacationers as Nha Trang, it is still worth visiting here once in a lifetime without regretting the trip.

    Da Nang is located more than 500 km north of Nha Trang, and the journey there is a long one. Anyone who wants to visit this city while on popular resort, can get to it in one of the following ways:

    • For those who want to reduce travel time as much as possible, a regular flight of VietJet airline flies from Cam Ranh Airport, which for 500 - 600 thousand VND takes the traveler from Nha Trang to Da Nang, covering the entire distance in less than 1 hour (price valid for January 2019 of the year). So, if you book round-trip tickets on time, and know exactly what to visit on the spot, then a tourist can complete the trip in one day.
    • For a more leisurely holiday, lasting at least 2 days or more, travelers can take a train departing from Nha Trang Station and heading to the destination station in Da Nang. Depending on the type of carriage, a ticket will cost VND 400 thousand and above, and the travel time will be about 9 hours.
    • It will take almost the same amount of time to travel on the popular Vietnamese intercity transport - a “slip bus” - a bus with lie-flat seats arranged in 2 tiers, and a ticket for it will cost 300 - 350 thousand VND. However, you can always choose an evening flight and spend time sleeping comfortably without noticing the long journey.
    • If someone wants to take a taxi, they should be warned that the trip will not be much shorter than using a slipbus, but they will have to part with at least 10 - 12 million VND for a round trip.
    • Lastly, for the most desperate travelers, bike rentals are available, after which they can go on a long journey for the whole day, overcoming a difficult road along the coast, about 540 km long, without turning anywhere, and after 12 - 15 hours they will finally reach their goal. However, the road is quite dangerous, as there are heavy trucks, buses and cars that rarely respect motorcyclists and do not pay attention to their safety.

    If you have already managed to visit Da Nang, please tell us about your trip from Nha Trang and share your general impressions of this trip on our website.