South America is the island of Trinidad map. Open the left menu Trinidad

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago - island state In the southern part of the Caribbean, not far from the coast of Venezuela. It consists of two major islands - Trinidad and Tobago, as well as a large number of small islands. The country is located 10.6 kilometers north of Venezuela and a bit south of the Grenada.

The trinidade prevails lowlands, but there are three mountain range. In the north there is another mountain range, which is the continuation of the coastal cordillera Venezuela. His main vertex - Aripo mountain (940 m) is the highest point of the country.

A large mountain range is dominated by Tobago, which passes through most of the island (length - 29 km) and up to 640 meters reach altitude. To the north and south of the ridge are fertile plains.


State device

Trinidad and Tobago - the Parliamentary Republic, which is part of the British Commonwealth. Head of State - President. The legislative power belongs to the two-challenging parliament, consisting of the House of Representatives and Senate. Executive power is carried out by the Government led by the Prime Minister.


State language: English

Indoary language BROZHPURI, which is spoken by many Indyrindads, is quite widespread. In colloquial speech, mainly Trinidad Creole language based on English is used.


7 religious denominations are widely represented: Catholics (they include 26% of the population); Hindus (22%); British (8%); Baptists, Pentecostals (7%); Muslims (6%); Seventh-day Adventists (4%). The remaining residents of Trinidad and Tobago confess other religions or are atheists.


International title: TTD

The trinidad dollar and Tobago consists of 100 cents. There are banknotes in dignity 1, 5, 10, 20, 100 TTD and coins worth 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents.

You can pay and American dollars.

Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, in almost all hotels and many stores (Eurocard, Mastercard, Visa International, American Express, etc.) Travel checks can be cushed almost everywhere - in the offices of banks, in hotels and large stores (in many banks for Check service is charged a certain percentage, in each institution is different).

Trinidad and Tobago map

Popular attractions

Tourism in Trinidad and Tobago

Popular hotels


Tips make up 5-10% of the cost of services, it is better to give them in local currency. In most hotels and guesthouses, the cost of service is included in the account, otherwise the ordinary tips in the amount of 10%.

Work hours of institutions

From Monday to Thursday, banks are usually open from 08.00-9.30 to 14.00-17.00, on Fridays - from 09.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 17.00. Some large banks work on Saturdays, Sundays and on holidays.


Shops are usually open from 8.00 to 16.00, on Saturday from 8.00 to 13.00. Some supermarkets work from Monday to Thursday from 08.00 to 16.00, on Fridays - from 08.00 to 18.00, on Saturdays - from 08.00 to 13.00.


Improved precautions against hepatitis B, tropical fever (especially when visiting the Karony region or Nariva-Svamp Reserve on Trinidad) and rabies.


It is not recommended to have large amounts of cash, instead of them, it is wiser to use travel checks, as well as debit or credit cards. Do not demonstrate outside the relevant institutions of expensive dresses, jewels and expensive photo or video equipment. You should in every way to avoid "transactions" offered by unfamiliar people on the street. It is not recommended to use ATMs at night or exchange money from strangers.

Women traveling alone should expect increased attention from local men. Typically, such is expressed in various oral comments and rarely goes into threatening forms, but ordinary caution here clearly does not hurt.

Despite the fact that on the islands it is often possible to hear almost undisguised offers about buying marijuana and even more "heavy" drugs, the sale, acquisition or possession of any number of drug-containing substances is prosecuted by local legislation.

Emergency phones

Unified Salvation Service (fire service, police, ambulance) - 990.
Police - 999.
Ambulance - 900 (general) or 639-25-52 (only Tobago), 624-43-43 (Port-of-Spain), 653-43-43 (San Fernando).
Coast guard - 634-44-40, 634-21-31.

Geographic reference
Trinidad Islands and Tobago are located in the Caribbean Basin, close to northeast coast Venezuela. Most of the islands are predominantly low-lying plains. In the north of Trinidad Island, there are mountains high up to 940 m, in the northeast of Tobago Island Mountains up to 579 m. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe islands is 5,128 thousand square meters. km (Trinidad - 4,828 square meters. km, Tobago - 300 square meters. km). The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is part of the British Commonwealth. The climate of the archipelago is characterized as a subequatorial wet. In the dry season, from January to May, the heat is died by the trade winds. On the rainy season, which lasts from June to August, on the islands of tropical livne. In the north-east of the island, Trinidad drops up to 3,800 mm of precipitation per year. The best time for a trip to Trinidad and Tobago is sunny and rich in February and March.
Statistical data
Average day air temperature (in degrees C)

Trinidad and Tobago islands are located on the continental shelf. South America. Evergreen forests of the islands are carefully guarded for many centuries, for which numerous reserves are created for such a tiny territory. Tobago is long beaches with white sand and palm trees, magnificent views of the coast. The nature of the island is unique. In 1765, Tobago declared his tropical forest to the protected area, which was the first similar practice in the Western hemisphere. Reef Buccooo Reef became a protected water park since 1973. Here you can see picturesque harbors, many tropical fish, different types corals. In the Bon Accord Lagoon lagoon, a hundred birds will nest, including the Caribbean Swallow, Mukholovka and Bellows. Trinidad Island is separated from the continent of the Faria Bay and two narrow straits. The low, strongly dissected northern ridge of the island with the highest point of the country of Aripo (940 m) is the continuation of the Venezuela coastal ridge and is complicated by metamorphic shale. Numerous streams and rivers flow from the mountains. Coastal lowlands in the East are very wetrated. A chain of mud volcanoes stretches along the southern coast. On the plains and the lower parts of the mountain slopes, red-yellow and red ferrotite soils are common, characterized by high fertility. Flora Trinidad and Tobago has a great variety and includes both South American species and specific types of Antille Islands. Wet tropical forests are preserved in the north of Trinidad, mainly on the slopes of the northern ridge. More than 50 types of valuable woody breeds grow in them, including Zedrela, Swissing (Red Tree), Mora High, Balsa Tree, etc. In the central areas of Trinidad, more dry evergreen forests are common. Also, dry forests with sandalwood, fuscis and cypress are found in the west of the island of Trinidad. On the plains and in the foothills in the central and western regions of the island there are savanna or plantations of export cultures. In many sections of the coast in the mouths of rivers, mangroves are spread. Animal world Trinidad and Tobago are diverse and has similarities with the fauna of South America. Kapuchin monkeys and jeep, badger, bakers, opossum (from the sampling family), Aguti (from the rodent family), Ocelot (from predatory mammals), a large amusing, bats. Rich fauna reptiles (turtles, lizards, snakes, including a spear-headed snake and boa, alligators). Especially numerous feathers characterized by a bright plumage. On the island of Trinidad there are more than 40 types of hummingbirds. Coastal waters are replete with fish. In the bowels of Trinidad there are a number of minerals. In the south of the island and the shelf has heavy oil reserves and related gas, in the southwest, in the vicinity of La Bray, - unique field Natural high-quality Asphalt Pitch Lake, in the Sangre Grande area - deposits of brown coal and lignite. In the north of Trinidad there is a field of high-quality iron ore, within the northern ridge - the plaster and limestone deposit. The sulfur and diorite deposits are also explored on Trinidad.
Ethnographic certificate
Trinidad Island, Outdoor Christopher Columbus, was named after St. Trinity. The legend says that 35 thousand Aborigines who lived on it, called their land of Yeys. Approaching the island, Columbus ordered the team to beat the drums and dance on the deck to back up the aborigines. Those took the dancing of ingenians for the dancing of the war and let the arrows who answered the guns from the ship. Only the storm flew off the team from bloodshed. Waves and backs of the vehicle with anchors and took place in the open sea. The frightened Columbus called the place of the unsuccessful parking lot "the mouth of the snake" and decided to never return to the ill-fated island. As a result, the first Spanish settlement in the north of Trinidad appeared almost 100 years after these events. In addition, the Spaniards were looking for gold here and did not realize the values \u200b\u200bof other natural fossils. The new era in the history of Trinidad began in 1797, when the island was seized by the British, who broke their profitable sugar plantations here and brought thousands of slaves from India. Tobago in the days of the Middle Ages, countless times changed its owners, until the right to the island finally entrenched the British, which in 1889 united two neighbor's islands into one administrative unit. Tobago received its name because of the name given to him by local Indians - Tavaco (denial of long pipes, with which the Indians smoked tobacco). Later Europeans, with various national variations, called Tabagua Island, Tabago. And finally, the British at the end of the XVIII century secured his present name. In 1950, the Trinidad and Tobago provided an internal self-government. Since 1962, this is an independent state. The oil boom of the 70s of the XX century brought prosperity islands. Now about 1.45 million people live in the archipelago. Of these, the persons of European and African origin make up about 60%, the Indians are 37%, the Chinese - 1%, Europeans - 1%. Catholicism (36%), Anglican Church (17%), Protestantism (13%), and Muslims (6%) also live (6%) on the islands.
Tourist infrastructure
Trinidad and Tobago islands are a popular center of ecotourism. Arriving rest will find all kinds of beach and water sports, horse riding, yachting and diving, as well as a variety of fishing, golf and tennis on numerous hotel sites and small private guest houses. The Music Festival "Calypso" is held annually, the birthplace of which is precisely these islands and traditional carnival "Potpurry Shaw". Almost everywhere you can buy products of folk art. Very popular crafts made of carved bamboo, dolls, works of painting local artists, drives with records of local ensembles. You can bargain everywhere, except for supermarkets and boutiques. Form local cuisine Create aromas of India, China, the Middle East and Spain, mixing with Caribbean. Everything can be found here: from excavating on the prices of fashionable restaurants to street traders with snacks. A variety of ethnic types of kitchen creates a lot of opportunities to taste a variety of dishes. Recently, the "Novocariba" trend appeared: to include local elements in Haute Cuisine dishes. You can get the most complete picture of local culinary features by visiting small home restaurants, or tasted dishes offered in street cafes - it is absolutely safe. Be sure to try flying fish and sugar balls in sesame seeds. Trinidad and Tobago is an intersection of cultures and gastronomic traditions from all over globe. And the whole world of attractions for tourists: paints of an unforgettable annual carnival, purest beaches Tobago, observation of the life of birds, walks on bicycles in the picturesque hills, scuba diving, and rhythms music Calypso and "Steel" ensembles. Trinidaddians make drums from empty metal barrels, which are abundant to the shore, and the music of the "steel" groups (they are different called "groups with steel saucers") is a symbol of the islands. Calypso is the type of local folk music. These are short witty songs on the evil of the day, performed in African rhythms and saturated by dialectic vocabulary.

In the capital of the republic Port-of-Spain, which is located on Trinidad Island, it is worth looking at the Royal College, the residence of Hinderbrad House, Whiteboll, take a walk in Magnifisant Seven, to visit the National Museum and the Art Gallery, the History Museum of Trinidad and Tobago, the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. In the main cities (Port-Spain, San Fernando) prevailing low wooden houses, along the second floor, each of them is decorated with a carving gallery. Public buildings, mansions, churches are built mainly at the beginning of the XIX century in the style of classicism and in the 2nd half of the XIX-XX centuries. Buildings in modern style are few.

Interesting for tourists seems carnival, the most noisy and insane in the entire Caribbean region, usually beyond the great post from February 26 to March 7. Local residents are preparing for the holiday from the new year, they sew the costumes, choose drums. The most colorful actions unfold in the Royal Park in the center of Port-of-Spire. Unlike the "Sambodroma" in Rio and most carnival sites around the world, here the border between the audience and participants is erased in the first minutes - no one will allow you to stay aside. Mulatto dressed by mermaids lure tourists to their chariots, the bottles with rum are transmitted in a circle. And everyone is dancing!

Tobago Island, except for local festivals, is primarily famous for the goat races, which are one of the indispensable events of the Easter week. Tourists are amazed by shocking spectacles: the owners run ahead of animals, caught by their cries and small sticks.

Natural Center Asa Wright - Coconut plantation plantation plantation in the north of Trinidad will be interesting to lovers of exotic birds.

Corony - Swampy reserve a few kilometers south of Port-of-Spain. Here you can see the caraway, the bird of the Ibis family, is one of the characters of Trinidad and Tobago.

Resort zones
The most hidden area is west Coast Trinidad, overlooking the bay of the Paria. Here are the capital and main ports. North Coast Trinidad famous best beaches Islands, the most famous of which - Maracas Bay., Tyarik Bay and Las Cuelvas.

On Tobago, located north of Trinidad, there are traditional fishing villages, scenic coral reefs and excellent beaches.

Popular Hotels

Trinidad and Tobago are a relatively small island state, spreading in the Caribbean, off the coast of Venezuela. This country is noteworthy in that the tourism has made its main activity and the main sectorate of the economy.

Here, for tourists, the very nature of the nature was created literally the paradise conditions - clean sandy beaches, a favorable climate, in which there are no sudden drops of temperature and seasons, lush tropical greens, many rare animals. People also tried, building comfortable hotels and offering travelers an excellent level of service, organizing lush carnivals.

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What to see in Trinidad and Tobago?

The most interesting I. beautiful places, photos and short description.

This is the largest park zone located in the capital of the state of Port-of-Spain. It takes about 1.1 square kilometers. At the same time, Queen Savanna Park is also the oldest park area on all the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Around the park is located the residence of the president of the country, the zoo and the Botanical Garden, so there is something to see here. Yes, and the walk through beautiful alleys and lawns will become a real pleasure.

The castle is located in the capital of the country - Port-of-Spain. Every year thousands of tourists come here, who attracts the unusual stolmer architecture and his story. The castle quite resembles a fortress, which looks like Scottish defensive structures, however, with wooden floors and a roof. You can visit the castle as part of a walk through Quiin Savannah Park - it is located in the western side of this Park zone.

3. National Academy of Theatrical Art

The building, built only in 2009, is distinguished very peculiar, very modern architecture. The National Academy of Theatrical Art is the pride of Port-of-Spain. The area of \u200b\u200bthe building is 40 thousand square meters, the central place is assigned the hall, capable of accommodating up to 1.5 thousand spectators. Here are regularly satisfied with ideas, as well as practical exercises for theatrical skill.

This is a complex of entertainment number one in the entire Caribbean. For the first time on the planet, it was equipped here a cinema immediately with ten screens! In addition, Movietowne will be great place for shopping, family holiday, hike in a restaurant or just a pleasant pastime. Cafes and restaurants there are a lot, as well as a variety of boutiques, so it is better to highlight the whole day for a trip. Believe me, you do not bother!

5. Zoo Empauer Velley

This zoo is located in the northern part of Queen Savannah Park. Empauer Velly was opened in 1947 and gathered a huge amount of rare animals living in the Caribbean. When developing a zoo, all the features of the landscape were taken into account, and conditions were created for animals, as close as possible to natural. It seems that you are not at all in the zoo, but really in the middle of a rainforest or savanna.

6. Parliament Building (Red House)

Unlike White, Trinidad and Tobago has its own red house, the residence of the local parliament is located here. The building was built in the style of Greek rebirth and became an ornament of Port-of-Spain. The facade of the building is really red, so the name is quite justified. Part of the jewelry and scenery were brought from the UK, and the ceilings on the ceilings were installed in the Italian masters. Inside the building there is a fountain.

7. National Museum and Art Gallery

The complex is located opposite the Port-Spain Memorial Park, was created back in 1892 and is now the main museum of Trinidad and Tobago. The collection of the National Museum and the Art Gallery exceeds 10 thousand exhibits. The complex includes seven main galleries, where you can see the artifacts of the first immigrants, items related to the art of carnivals, as well as exhibitions of artists, both known and beginners.

8. Museum of money of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago

It's the youngest but very interesting museum countries. Founded in 2004, he collected absolutely all banknotes and coins that were ever used on the islands as a payment agent. The Museum of Money Central Bank Trinidad and Tobago includes three halls - the history of the state, the role of the central bank and the money of the world. Interestingly, among the exhibits there are cauric sinks, and gold bars, and crosses of a katany, which were used by the first inhabitants of the islands as a money.

9. Lake Pic Lake

This lake is located near the city of La Bree and is one of the unique natural phenomena. Pic Lake is unique in that under the influence of tectonic factors, oil-bearing layers are converted to the asphalt of excellent quality, which is used in the construction of roads around the world, including in London. Tourists may watch ready-made asphalt. Next to the lake is one of the business centers of the country - the city of Point Fotin.

10. Royal Botanical Garden

In Queen Savannah Park is a beautiful royal botanical garden with a chic plant collection from the entire planet. Gardens began to create back in 1818, now they occupy 25 hectares, so the walk can delay. The Botanical Garden is open to visitors from six in the morning and up to six evenings. The gardens are also an old cemetery, founded in 1819 and well-preserved to the present day.

11. Maracas Bay Bay

At forty minutes drive from the capital of Trinidad is the most popular beach area of \u200b\u200bthe island - Maracas Bay Bay. It is a picturesque arc with a length of 1.85 thousand meters with unusual sand beaches of a gentle cream color. Beaches are framed by palm groves and offer excellent living conditions. Tourists here are especially much in February and March, when the dry season is on the Trinidad and you can sunbathe all day.

12. CARONI SWAMP National Park (Caroni Swamp)

At Trinidad and Tobago, special attention is paid to environmental tourism, gaining popularity. Thousands of bird species, butterflies, animals, reptiles and insects have been preserved on the islands. Many of them can be found in National Park Coroni-Sucoma which is located near the capital of the country. You can get there on a rented car or by bus, as part of an organized excursion. The park is known for its great population of Ibis.

13. Beach Piezhen Point (Pigeon Point)

This beach is very often found on advertising brochures, postcards and magazines. Piezhen Point is a truly awesome place, a sample of what exactly there should be a chic caribbean beach. He is located in Buckka Bay, on the island of Tobago. Tourists come here not only to swim and lie down on the sand, but also to do Kaiter and Freeride, or just watch how more experienced athletes do. Piezon Point is great for family holidays.

Trinidad - very big Island States Trinidad and Tobago. In this small country in the Caribbean, most often come to relax on white sandy beach and see with their own eyes exotic nature reserves.

The first of Europeans, this island discovered Christopher Columbus in 1498. The Spaniards quickly enslaved Aboriginal Indians, but what to do here further, could not come up with - cocoa and tobacco on top of the local soil did not grow. Three centuries, the colony passed to Britain, since 1830 they began to come here for thousands of workers from all over the world - from India, France, China, Portugal. Since then, the Trinidad has been living side by side of the people of various nationalities, and local attractions are a mixture of many cultural traditions.

How to get to Trinidad

The only way to get to Trinidad is a plane. From Russia to the capital of the state, Port Of-Spiren, you can fly only with a transplantation. The most comfortable docking offers British Airlines: 4 hours from Moscow to London, 4 hours in the capital of Great Britain and 11 hours to Port Of-Spin.

When traveling through London, it is necessary to design a transit british visa: You will have to move from one airport to another, and therefore leave the sterile zone.

Flight through Amsterdam or Frankfurt will take more time - from 17 hours without taking into account docking. In Amsterdam you can spend the night at the airport or hotel in the presence of a Schengen visa.

Search for flights to Port-of-Spain (nearest a / n to Trinidad)


Tourist infrastructure on the island is well developed, it applies to hotels. At the same time, prices for accommodation for this level of service are quite democratic. Trinidad hotels are usually large resort complexes With a full range of services: pools, children's and sports grounds, own beaches and buffet. For economical tourists there are European-type hotels in Breakfast, usually they are located in some distance from the beaches. The port-of-spot can stay in hotels of large international networks - Hilton, Hyatt, Holiday Inn, etc.

The night in a five-star hotel in Trinidade is an average of 1000 TTD per day for a number for two, in 4 * - 400-675 TTD per night, about the same amount will cost the number in a good "treshka" (but you can find it and cheaper - from 270 TTD). In terms of the service level of the difference between hotels 3 * and 4 * practically no. Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

Beaches Trinidada

For beach holidays The northern coast of Trinidad is ideal, as if separated by a high mountain range. On all beaches white sand and a gentle entrance to the sea. Almost all of them are free, but some belong to hotels and fenced. For rent a sun bed and an umbrella will have to pay a small amount - both on European beaches or less).

Self famous beaches On the island - Tyariko Bay and Las Cuelvas, there is very calm. But on the longest on the coast of Maracas Bay beach, many entertainment centers, bars and beach discos.

Top photos of Trinidada

Entertainment and attractions of Trinidad

The main attraction of the island is its unusual nature. First of all, it is the Swampy Reserve "Carony Berd" near Port-of-Spacen, where a unique bird is found - Scarlet Chibis, a trinidad symbol. Another reserve is "Asa Wright", the former coconut plantation in the north of Trinidad, where many exotic birds, butterflies and reptiles live.

In the south-west of the island, not far from the village of La Breya, Lake Peach Lake, filled with not water, and liquid asphalt. Europeans learned about this unusual substance at the end of the 16th century, and at the end of the 19th century the American businessman bought a temporary monopoly on the right to use the lake. It was from here that they took the material for the first asphalt roads of New York, Washington and other Eastern cities in the United States.

Pic Lake is the world's largest field of natural asphalt.

In the capital it is worth visiting the Royal Park "Savanna" - this is a city park where they are going local residents and tourists to watch street theatrical performances, take a walk through the alleys and shops, sit in the cafe. Across the road from him there is a zoo of the Imperial Valley, named so in honor of the wrong ruler, but a special kind of morph - imperial butterflies (of. Site in English). Popular place For walking - Boulevard Brian Lara (Brian Lara Promenada), here are appointed meetings and come to listen to concerts in open areas.

On trinidade


There are practically no difference between seasons on the island. The average air temperature is +25 ... + 29 ° C all year round. From April to November, it is rained here (the rainy time - from May to September), and in December, solar and hot weather is installed, which stands until the end of March. Air humidity is always high, so it is better to spend time on the coasts - it's easier to carry heat there.

On our land there are many beautiful, amazing places. And today we will discuss one of them - paradise Under the title of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Named Trinidad Island in honor of the Holy Trinity. Once both islands inhabited enough peaceful, poor tribes of the Indians who were enslaved by Europeans. Today, the country is independent and enters the Commonwealth of Nations. And we will tell about it in more detail.

Where is Trinidad Island?

The territorial Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is located in the Caribbean, near South America. The archipelago includes 23 islands. All of them, except the two of the largest, are uninhabited. The population is focused on Trinadad and Tobago. A total of 1.365 million people live here. (As of 2016). Density of 254 people. per square kilometer.

History of the Republic

When in 1498, Trinidad, and then Tobago opened Columbus, the indigenous population of Aravak Indians was exported to the South American colonies. However, the lands of the island turned out to be incredited, and their minerals were completely absent (but the island is rich in oil, as it turned out later). The first two centuries colonizers tried to get comfortable on the islands. They planted tobacco and cocoa, but they did not grow on island soil. Therefore, soon the Spaniards threw the island to the arbitrary of fate.

He was trying to get the French, Dutch, the British. But their attempts did not lead to anything. Later, he was chosen by the pirates who arranged parking here. Only in 1763, Tobago annexed Britain. Soon the trinidad was under her power. The islands brought African slaves to work on plantations. Also, after the abolition of slavery, hired workers from India, China and other countries arrived here. At the end of the XX century, the archipelago received independence and became referred to as the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

Why Trinidad and Tobago?

Named is the island of Trinidad in honor of the Trinity. The fact is that Columbus arrived on the island on July 31, on the day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost). After all, Trinidat in Spanish means Trinity.

This was facilitated by another fact: the first thing that rushed into the eyes of the navigaters, who were approaching the island, were 3 pronounced mountain peaks In the northern part of Trinidad. Therefore, the island of Trinidad is named after the Holy Trinity.

Tobago received its name from the Spanish word Tabacco, which means tobacco. After all, the indigenous population at that time grown and smoked tobacco.

Population of Trinidad and Tobago

The population of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago today is mixed. On the island of decades, descendants of African slaves, Chinese, Indians, British live. There are trinidads of Portuguese, French, German, Spanish origin. They are called coles. The number of creise on the island is about 60%. Therefore, despite the fact that official language The republic is English, often Trinidaddians speak Creole language, in which many words of the Romano-German group are mixed.

Geography, Flora and Fauna

Trinidad Islands (Trinity) and Tobago have contingent. The total area of \u200b\u200btheir 5128 square kilometers. At the same time, the Tobago Square takes only 300 km² of them. The capital of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago - Port-of-Spain.

About 17 million years ago, both islands separated from the continent. Other islands included in the archipelago have volcanic origins. They are sufficiently young in comparison with Trinidad and Tobago - they are only 5-6 million years old.

The trinidad shape resembles a rectangle with a sharply pronounced lower corner. Its sizes are 80 by 59 km. The island is separate from South America, the Bocas del Dragon and the Bay of the Paria, from the Venezuelan coast of Boca de la Sierpe. Neighbor Trinidad, Tobago Island, separated from him with a wide strait of the same name.

Basically, the island has a little rugged flat surface, which only in the southern part passes into several mountain ranges with a height of about 300 m above sea level. But the mountain range is stretched in the north of Trinidad, which is a continuation of Venezuelan Coast Cordillera. The highest point (both on the island and the whole archipelago) is Aripo Mount, reaching 940 m above sea level.

The line of the island is sufficient toolate, forms many bays and bays. The largest of them are coconut, Mayoro, turret. The south of the island is decorated with mangrove thickets, and the north is framed by coral reefs.

Freshwater is presented on trinidade in the form of small rivers, among which three: Guuataro, Oratare, as well as Koroni. The first two fall into Atlantic Ocean, and the third in the bay of the Paria, which is connected through the Straits with the Caribbean Sea. Large rivers on the island are not.

Flora and fauna of both islands are very rich, which is explained by the proximity of the continent. Trinidad is distinguished by a palpal and tropical savanna, and Tobago is rich in tropical evergreen forests. There are 50 types of wood plants. About 400 species of birds, 600 species of butterflies, 100 varieties of mammals and 50 types of reptiles live on the islands.

Tobago Island

Significantly less neighbor island Tobago. In 2004, he received the title "The Best Caribbean Island of the Year." The capital is Scarborough. Tobago is divided into 2 regions and 7 districts.

Here are the plantations of coconut palms and cocoa. The main ridge of the island is a continuation of the Venezuelan Coast Range. The highest point is 600 m above sea level. The territory of the island is permeated with narrow mountain rivers.

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago today

The activities of the population focuses on agriculture, mining and processing of petroleum products and natural gas. The country is a major exporter of sugar cane, coconut nuts, citrus crops. They bring the main income to the population. The chemical and metallurgical industries are widely developed. Recently, environmental tourism has also begun, gaining popularity worldwide.

SAME large cities In terms of population are Port-of-Spain (Capital), Bonas, San Fernando, Toko, Saint-Joseph, Redhead, Charlottell, Princes-Town, Arima, Point Fortin, Morvan, Chagangas.

What to visit?

If you decide to relax in this paradise country, the next paragraph will certainly interest you.

Not only Flora and Fauna Islands are pleasantly surprising tourists. A unique mixing of architectural styles is observed in the most populated towns of the country.

Port-of-Spain is the capital of Trinidad, which lies in the Parium Bay. His population is about 17,000 people. There are many historical monosions of the colonial period. Noisy caribbean bazaars typical of the island, adjacent to the mirror skyscrapers inherent in developed states. The town itself is very pleasant for the eyes: neat streets, abundance of vegetation. Islamic mosques are erected here (because of the country's population professes Islam), which coexist with orthodox temples, as well as many interesting facilities with historical value.

Saint-Fernando - another interesting island city. The population is about 49,000 people. The city is located on the coast of the Caribbean. In Sando, as abbreviated by the city of the local population, the royal shipyard and the oldest city building of the Caribe House are still preserved. Tourists have the opportunity to admire Lake Pitch Lake, where you can watch the natural formation of asphalt. In essence, Pitch Lake is a huge pit, in which clay, water and oil are mixed. Asphalt extracted from the depths of the lake is used to build high-quality roads and is popular with many countries of the world.

That looks like this unique lake. It is surrounded by a beautiful park.

65 km to the shore from Sando is the most popular beach of Maracas Bay. Tourists have the opportunity to dip dive and learn to ride a surfer.

The town of Black Rock in the West Tobago is the most expensive resort in the country. Here everything is provided for carefree holiday tourists: fine hotelsComfortable cafes, spa salons, tennis courts and more. Prices are somewhat overestimated, but in October they fall.

Fort King George, that on the island of Tobago, was built in 1777. He began to build the British, but after a few years the Fort moved to the French, which was reflected in his architecture. He was always in demand for its intended purpose. But in 1856 there were prison and hospital there. And today it is used in tourist purposes. On its territory is placed National Museumin which the valuable exhibits of the republic are stored. And next to the fort is a wonderful park.

Climate archipelago

Where the islands of Trinidad and Tobago are located, the wet and hot subequatorial climate prevails. One year old temperature is +24 ... + 27 ° C. This indicator practically does not change throughout the year. In February, which is considered the coldest month, the temperature drops to +23.

From January to May the weather is predominantly dry. But from August to October, the lion's share of annual precipitation falls on the island. Northeastern Passats bring abundant, but short-term rains.

There are no powerful hurricanes here.

Tourists are best visited by the country in February and March. During these months, comfortable dry weather is held, suitable for adapting people in the subequatorial climate.

If you want to spend your vacation in a cozy silence, it is better to schedule a visit to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago for the summer or the beginning of autumn. During this period there are few tourists here, and prices in hotels for accommodation and meals are significantly lower.


If you decide to visit the archipelago, you should immediately clarify: you can only go to the islands from the CIS countries only the flight via London, Amsterdam or Frankfurt. On average, the duration of the flight is 20 hours. The cost of the flight (also taking into account transplantation) can vary from 80 to 300 thousand rubles. The hotel in the hotel cost tourists is expensive, but you can find hotels from 5 000 rub / day. Such democratic prices usually offer two- and three-star hotels. However, the beauty you will see is worth the money spent.