How long before departure does check-in begin? How to check in for a flight online

The modern service “online check-in for a flight” allows passengers to independently check-in for a flight in the comfort of their own home, having at hand a convenient gadget with Internet access. This service is very convenient for those who do not have enough time to wait in line at the check-in counter at airports for a long time.

How to check in online for a plane: step-by-step instructions

To register online for the ship, you must have in hand e-ticket with information about the flight number and ticket number. Not all aviation companies provide this opportunity, so the passenger should first check with official representatives of the air carrier about the availability of the service for online check-in for the plane.

To check in for domestic and international flights via the Internet, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. We go to the official website of the carrier company from which the plane ticket was purchased.
  2. Find the “Online registration” tab and click on it.
  3. A form to fill out will appear in a new window. Following the prompts, enter the data from the ticket, full name and other requested information.
  4. We tick the necessary items (for example, the presence of luggage).
  5. Next, we select a passenger seat in the airliner cabin from the proposed options.
  6. By clicking on the special button, we complete the registration.
  7. You will receive a barcode by email for printing on a printer or saving on any device (you can use a mobile phone). It is scanned by security officials at the airport to confirm that you have checked in.

Not all airports have barcode scanning devices available, so we still recommend printing a copy just in case. boarding pass, which will eliminate unforeseen difficulties during pre-flight inspection.

How long does it take to check in for a flight online?

Each airline company has specific deadlines for online check-in. For most carriers, this service on the website opens 24 hours before departure and ends 30-60 minutes before the flight departs. To obtain reliable information about the operating hours of the online check-in service, just visit the official website of the air carrier chosen for traveling by plane.

What to do after online check-in for a plane

At the final stage of check-in, you need to print out your boarding pass and properly plan your personal time to go to the airport. If you have luggage, you need to take into account the time it takes to check it in at the terminal.

The printed document is presented to an authorized representative of the company at the airport, after which you can go to a special baggage drop-off counter.

How to check in luggage when checking in for a flight online

At airports, special baggage collection counters are open for air passengers who have undergone standard check-in in the lounge and separate ones for people who have printed boarding passes in their hands through the online service.

This process takes a little time, and there are practically no queues at such counters.

Baggage is checked in according to standard rules. All personal items must be well packed. Suitcases must not contain items prohibited for transportation.

After baggage has been accepted, the passenger is given a paper receipt to receive personal items upon arrival. The last step before boarding the flight is to go through passport and customs control, which is carried out according to standard rules that apply to all airline passengers.

Useful articles about carrying baggage on an airplane:

How much does online check-in cost for a plane?

For this service, the passenger must pay a certain amount, according to the current tariff. The cost of online check-in for each airline varies.

The carrier has the right to independently regulate the pricing policy for the services provided. You can find out more information on the official website of the company chosen for the flight.

Why electronic check-in may not be available

Sometimes air passengers have difficulty registering online. Error information appears on the website.

The reasons for the unavailability of the service may be:

  • Internet problems;
  • technical glitches in the airline company's program.

According to the approved rules of carriers, there are some restrictions on the online registration service.

This is relevant for the following category of citizens:

  • flight is planned;
  • group of people of 9 people;
  • who require an escort service;
  • a connecting flight is planned;
  • You cannot register online using a ticket purchased through a travel company;
  • passengers planning to transport special cargo classified as dangerous or valuable.

How to cancel online check-in for a plane

Sometimes force majeure situations occur that force a person to urgently change plans for the coming days. For example, there are not isolated cases when a person has to cancel a flight to a chosen destination for certain reasons. According to the current rules of the carrier, each passenger can cancel online check-in for a flight, but no later than 40-50 minutes before departure.

This option can be done in several ways:

  • On the carrier's website, you need to find a special tab with settings, where information about canceling registration for the plane will be published. Following the prompts, a cancellation is issued indicating the reason. The carrier company has the right to withhold a fine at a certain percentage of the total cost of the ticket.
  • You can cancel your registration directly in the airport hall. You need to find special terminals and follow the prompts to cancel your scheduled flight.
  • The passenger can also contact the airline employee at the check-in counter with this problem. A specialist will quickly cancel your registration and tell you in detail about your rights to return your plane ticket.

Advantages and disadvantages of checking in for a flight online

Advantages of online registration service:

  1. Aviation company services are available around the clock, which allows passengers to check in at any time convenient for them.
  2. No need to stand in long lines at the registration counter.
  3. You can quickly check in your luggage at a special counter for passengers who have checked in online.
  4. You can choose a seat in the aircraft cabin for your flight, focusing on the available options indicated on the carrier’s website.

Disadvantages of online registration:

  1. This service is provided for a fee.
  2. The system may generate an error due to technical failures in the program, which will force the passenger to urgently change plans for pre-flight preparations.
  3. To carry out such an operation, you need not only a gadget and the Internet, but also a device for printing your boarding pass.
  4. Not all companies provide online registration services.
  5. Passengers of a certain category cannot use this service, which is associated with some restrictions.

Online check-in for planes of different airlines

Each carrier has the right to set its own rules for online registration and restrictions on service operating hours. It is better to clarify this information in advance.


You can complete online check-in for this company's airliner via the Internet 24 hours before departure, but no later than 40 minutes before departure. There are restrictions on this service for passengers under 2 years of age, with animals, and for people with disabilities. You can check in for flights anywhere in the world with the exception of two destinations: the USA and India.


You can register for this company's plane one day before departure. Registration ends in 40 minutes. This option can only be used by passengers who have indicated a seat in the aircraft cabin at the time of departure.

Red Wings

One day before departure, you can use the online service. The final validity period of the service is 3 hours. This option is available to all passengers who do not have special luggage and do not need additional services(for example, escort). You can use this service on the company’s website through a special section “Web registration”.

Pegasus Fly

The service is available 72 hours in advance and closes 1 hour before departure. The service is available to passengers of domestic and international flights who have an electronic ticket in hand.


Online registration starts 23 hours before flight departure, the deadline is 4 hours before departure. The company allows registration with small children, but there may be some restrictions on the choice of seat.


This company has set the following time limits for registration via the Internet: the service opens in 30 hours, and the service closes in 50 minutes. The service is not provided in all directions. The list of available ones is published on the carrier’s official website.

Ural Airlines

You can go to the company's service for check-in 23 hours before the flight departs, but it is worth remembering that this service ends 4 hours before departure. Passengers under two years of age can use this service, but without receiving electronic coupon. A notice will appear along with the printout, which will need to be presented at the check-in counter at the airport, where you will be issued a boarding pass for the flight.


A day before the planned trip, an air passenger can register on the company’s service and. The final deadline for online service is 60 minutes before flight departure. This company has some restrictions on directions, which can be clarified by phone or view the information of interest on the official website.

A very convenient online check-in service allows you to significantly save time on pre-flight fees, but in order to avoid unforeseen difficulties, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in advance with what rules and restrictions apply to a particular carrier for this service.

If you decide to use air transportation services, you will have to take into account some features related to check-in for your flight. Completely different rules apply here compared to by land transport. If you do not take these nuances into account, you may simply be left behind.

Registration procedure

Even if you have a ticket in hand, this does not guarantee presence on board the aircraft. To get there, you need to pre-register and receive a boarding pass in exchange for a ticket. The check-in procedure for a flight also includes other aspects that cannot be circumvented.

  • First, all passengers are registered at the airport at a specially designated counter (or at a self-check-in terminal), if they did not have time to go through the online procedure in advance;
  • Then the weight and dimensions of the luggage, which will fly separately, are checked. If there is a deviation from the norm, a fee will be charged for the excess quantity. The passenger is given 2 coupons: the 1st is attached to the luggage, which is immediately checked in, the 2nd remains in his hands (they receive the luggage at the point of arrival);

  • Then the passenger must go through passport control, which is mandatory when flying abroad;
  • If an international flight is involved, you will also need customs inspection, which can be completed both before and after check-in;
  • Immediately before boarding the plane (when passing to the departure waiting area), passengers' hand luggage is also inspected by the airport security service.

All these procedures carried out before flights take a lot of time due to forced standing in queues, which should be taken into account when deciding when is the best time to arrive at the airport. Another point that needs to be taken into account is whether it is necessary to do additional packing of the luggage so that it arrives intact (this will also require extra time).

To ensure that all passengers have time to complete travel processing, start and end time standards are established. The sooner travelers are at the check-in counter, the better their chances of boarding the airliner. But those who are late should not despair - there will be an appropriate counter for them (provided that the passenger showed up not a few minutes after registration closed, but 15-20 minutes before the end of the procedure).

If a passenger did not check in because he did not have time or forgot how long it takes to check in for the plane, he will not get on board, but he still has the opportunity to get his money back by returning an unused ticket or changing it to the next flight (if this is imply fare rules).

Online registration

You can make the registration procedure easier by using the Internet service. Each airline has its own website, which provides not only information about flights, but also when check-in begins and ends. In the window that opens, you can quickly register yourself and your luggage without leaving your home, and also choose a comfortable seat on the plane. To do this, you must have a ticket for a specific flight (or its electronic version).

You can print your boarding pass at home or do it upon arrival at the airport at the self-check-in counter. A convenient option is to receive a photo of your boarding pass on your mobile phone. This opportunity will speed up the passage of all other stages of inspection, because there is no longer any need to approach the registrar. If you were unable to print the registration card the first time, you can try again by selecting the “Reprint” option.

To have a better chance of getting advantageous seats on the plane, it is better to start online check-in early. Information about how many hours before departure this procedure will begin and what time it will end can be easily obtained here on the company’s website. Most airlines begin online check-in 24 hours in advance, but there are others that open access in 2-3 days.

Virtual check-in can close, like the real one, 45 minutes before departure (as is practiced by Aeroflot), or maybe an hour - it all depends on the company. But this does not mean that you need to wait until the last minute, because you also need to take into account the time it takes to get to the airport (and here any unforeseen situations may arise).

Note! Online check-in is a good opportunity to avoid the queue while already at the station if you have a laptop with you.

A period of time

Check-in time covers the entire flow of passengers who have already purchased tickets for the flight. But even this document will not save you if one of the tourists is late and appears at the airport after registration has completed. Although there are exceptions to any rule - at the discretion of the airline representative, who is required to be located near the check-in counter.

This is allowed if boarding has not yet been completed. It will continue until all registered passengers are on board. Up to 45 minutes are allotted for this, since travelers still encounter a duty-free zone along the way, where passengers can get stuck at some kiosk.

To avoid any mishaps with your flight, it is better to arrive at the airport long before the end of check-in. Exact time When it closes, you can find out on the airline’s website or call the airport information desk. You should not rely on the knowledge of your friends, because there are many nuances in this issue, and they are associated with various factors.


Each airport has its own check-in rules, which differ from each other. The lower the passenger flow, the less time is spent on registration. At small airports, the procedure begins 1 hour before departure, and it closes 20 minutes. At large airports there is always a large influx of passengers, and in order to process them all, it will take more time to register.

If we consider the Moscow " air gate", then in Sheremetyevo (as in Domodedovo) check-in at the airport for international flights begins 2.5-3 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before departure, and in Vnukovo it opens 2 hours before and closes 30-40 minutes before departure.


Airlines may have their own requirements, and they do not always coincide with the airport regime. Here, the significance of the route is also taken into account - international or domestic, charter or regular. It also matters whether the passenger uses the services of a low-cost airline or chooses a more cost-effective option.

  • Registration for domestic flights the time passes faster, since the need for customs inspection is eliminated. And sometimes the procedures end later – 20 minutes before departure;
  • Charter flights are launched between regular flights, so priority in check-in is given to passengers of recent movements. If there is a disruption in the schedule, the charter flight will be shifted. Tour operators are responsible for issuing tickets for these flights. They also determine when the client should arrive at the airport for check-in;
  • Low-cost flights are often delayed, but you shouldn’t rely on this and delay check-in. It is better to arrive in advance and go through all the procedures in order to be able to take a more comfortable seat if you are not satisfied with the option on the boarding pass (this is possible on a board that is not fully loaded).

You can also be late with online registration if you use the services of low-cost airlines. They usually close check-in for a flight 3-4 hours before the scheduled departure. For many companies this time is shorter - 1 hour or 45 minutes before the flight.

How not to turn registration into a nightmare

Experienced passengers already know all the nuances associated with the upcoming flight, so they feel at ease in the airport building. It’s more difficult for newcomers - they get lost in the diverse stream of similar travelers. Even if you arrive at the airport in advance, you may not have time to check in if you panic and miss the moment when check-in ends.

Note! Only balance and prudence will help you cope with the situation. In order not to panic, you need to develop a plan of your actions in advance and know exactly how long before the landing begins.

  • When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you need to do is look around for the board. This will help you understand which direction to register you should take. It will not be difficult to decide - just find your flight number on the board (it is indicated on the ticket);

  • If you don’t know your way around the airport building, you can find information stands that display maps of the station. They will definitely indicate the registration area;
  • As a backup option, contact any port employee who catches your eye. He will definitely help with the search;
  • When you get to the counter, you shouldn’t rush to register right away - it’s better to prepare first Required documents(passports, children's records, tickets). When the whole family or company goes on a flight, documents must be submitted as a group in order to get seats next to each other;
  • For passengers traveling in first or business class, check-in at the airport is carried out at a separate counter. If they do not have one, then they have a priority right to receive registration out of turn.

Important! If you don't know what to do next, contact the registrar and ask them to explain your next steps.

When you reach the duty-free zone, you should not get carried away by the offers there, so as not to be late for boarding and not to make other passengers wait for you.

If you have free time before departure

Having found out how long it takes to check in for a plane, and managed to complete it and all further procedures on time, the passenger realizes that he still has a lot of free time before departure. You shouldn’t complain about this - it’s better to think about what you can do while you wait. Experienced passengers are already prepared for this situation, but beginners can be given several recommendations. They will also be useful for those who arrived at the airport long before check-in began:

  • You can keep yourself busy with “excursions” to the shops operating at the airport. Even if you don’t plan to buy anything, this option will help pass the time;
  • It’s worth relaxing before check-in is completed by relaxing in a cozy cafe, and at the same time having a snack while waiting for your flight. IN international airports such establishments offer a large selection of fresh, good quality dishes;
  • If, while preparing for the flight, you were unable to grab an interesting book from home, you can buy it at the station (or a couple of interesting magazines);
  • A passenger with a laptop is luckier - he can chat on the Internet while waiting. Some airports have a free Wi-Fi zone;
  • For mothers traveling with small children, there is a rest room where you can not only change the baby, but also give him the opportunity to sleep a little;
  • There is also a corner at the airport to entertain little passengers. Playgrounds will distract them from tedious waiting and relieve them of the need to be capricious;
  • A number of airports also have paid rooms for adult passengers, equipped with comfortable beds. If you don’t want to sleep, you can watch TV;
  • Many passengers on international flights prefer to walk through the duty-free zone, where many interesting duty-free goods are sold.


When you are ready to unwind while waiting for your flight, do not forget how long before departure you need to board the plane. If you happen to be flying low-cost, it’s better to hurry up so you have time to find yourself a comfortable seat.

Check-in rules

Flights within Russia

Check-in starts 2 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure.

When checking in for flights within Russia you must have:

- ticket,
- passport or other identification document,
- if you are traveling with a child, then documents for the child are required,
- if you are transporting an animal, then documents for the animal are required,
- documents for luggage requiring special conditions transportation.

International flights

Check-in usually begins 3 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure. This time is set based on the period sufficient to complete pre-flight formalities (entry/exit registration, baggage inspection, etc.) and the check-in procedure. However, individual airlines and states establish special pre-flight control procedures, which can significantly lengthen the time required for check-in. In this regard, we recommend that you check the registration start time when purchasing a ticket.

When checking in for international flights you must have:

- ticket,
- international passport,
- documents for customs clearance (on an international flight),
- if you are accompanying a child - a power of attorney for the child from both (or one) parents, a notarized permission for the child to travel abroad,
- documents for luggage requiring special transportation conditions.

To check in, you must present your ticket and passport, check in your luggage and receive a hand luggage tag. After check-in, the passenger is issued a boarding pass.

Passengers who are late for check-in or boarding the plane will not be allowed to board the flight.
The departure time on the ticket is always local.

Registration online

Registration online usually starts 24 hours before and ends 1 hour 30 minutes before flight departure.

Advantages of online registration:
- you can register your plane ticket at any time from any place where there is Internet;
- you have the opportunity to choose seats that are convenient for you in the aircraft cabin;
- you do not need to arrive at the airport in advance and stand in line at the airline check-in counter.

How to register online?
1. Go to the website of the airline for which your ticket is issued.
2. Follow the link to the online registration page.
3. Enter your identification information.

4. If you are a member bonus programs airline, enter your frequent flyer card number.
5. Follow the prompts, choose a seat on the plane that is convenient for you and print out your boarding pass.

If you are traveling only with hand luggage, you can go straight to customs or special control. If you have luggage, you must deposit it at the front desk. Registered passengers can drop off their luggage at the airport no later than 45 minutes before departure at special DROP OFF baggage drop-off counters.

You cannot check in for a flight online if:
- belong to a special category of passengers: unaccompanied children, seriously ill people, passengers on stretchers, deaf, blind, disabled, etc.;
- transport the animal.

Air travel must be properly planned right up to the time of arrival at the airport. You need to register for a flight, which has a certain validity period. If this is not done on time, they may not be allowed on the plane, and the air travel will be disrupted. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the airline’s rules in advance.

Registration procedure and types

All passengers traveling by air must arrive at the airport in advance to check in for their flight. Such rules are established by each airline company.

Registration takes place at a special counter. You can find out the counter number by looking at the Departures board at the airport. Typically, such signs hang at the entrance to the airport and stand next to the check-in counters. You need to find your flight by departure time and destination. A number will be indicated in the Check-in or Registration Desk column - look for it in the registration area.

At the counter, the security service and airline employee check the documents of passengers, as well as their tickets. Sometimes it is enough to provide only an identification document (passport) for verification. Their ticket data is in the general customer database. After such verification, air tourists are issued boarding passes. They indicate the seat number in the aircraft cabin.

If a passenger buys a ticket online, he has the opportunity to choose the most convenient seat. If you purchase a ticket directly at the airport, you can ask an airline employee to provide a more convenient seat for the flight.

As a rule, they do not refuse such a request if children, passengers with animals or disabled people are not flying on board the airliner. For such categories of passengers, comfortable seats are allocated in accordance with the airline's rules.

How to check in for a flight? There are three ways:

  • In an Aeroport. In this case, the passenger must arrive several hours before departure and contact the check-in counter. After confirming his personal data and weighing his luggage, he is issued a boarding pass.
  • From home. This is an online check-in that is available on each airline's website. Its advantage is that you do not need to go to the airport in advance. All passenger registration data and information about baggage are entered in a special field.
  • Through self-check-in terminals. They are installed at the airport. With their help, there is no need to waste time standing in line to check in for a flight. The terminals read information from the passenger's passport. The boarding pass is printed after the procedure.

The airline tourist independently chooses the method of check-in for the plane. Exceptions are for passengers transporting excess baggage. For some airlines, online check-in or check-in through a self-service terminal does not include payment for additional pieces of air baggage.

Is this your first time flying by plane? Read our material for beginners ""

What to do upon arrival at the airport

To board an aircraft, a passenger must receive a boarding pass. Initially, you need to register at a special counter at the airport. This will not be required if the passenger has completed online check-in. After this, your luggage is checked. It is weighed and its dimensions are measured.

If the size and weight of air luggage deviate from the established standards, an additional fee will be charged for its transportation. Each carrier sets its size independently.

After this, the passenger receives two coupons. The first is attached to the luggage, the second remains in your hands. It is used to receive luggage after arrival. Then the air tourist must go through passport control. When traveling on international flights, you must also go through customs control. This can be done before or after check-in.

It is also subject to verification hand luggage. She is inspected immediately before boarding. All these procedures will require a large number of time. Especially if the passenger arrived at the airport slightly late. There is a queue at the check-in counters that you must stand in order to board the flight.

Air tourists flying first or business class check in at special counters or out of line. They are also given boarding passes. They indicate the gate number to the aircraft and in the cabin. The luggage is weighed and a tag is issued. After this, the passenger receives a receipt.

Airport check-in for domestic flights

Each air carrier sets certain time periods during which a passenger must check in for a flight. It all depends on the size of the airline. As a rule, check-in for flights with major carriers begins several hours before departure. Even if the airport staff is fully loaded, all air tourists will be able to complete the procedure on time.

Small air carriers offer passengers to check in for their flight 1-1.5 hours before departure. Therefore, if a passenger has not checked in online, it is better for him to arrive at the airport in advance.

What time does check-in for domestic flights close? It all depends on the rules established by the air carrier. As a rule, check-in ends 30-40 minutes before departure. It must be remembered that until the last passenger goes through this procedure, the plane will not take off.

Note. Check-in procedures for domestic flights are much simpler. They lack customs control. And its passage sometimes takes up to several hours. Especially if the passenger is carrying or incorrectly packaged items.

Also, when planning a trip, it is worth considering what type of aircraft will be used for the flight. Regular flights arrive and depart according to a set schedule. It is not recommended to be late for their registration. Airlines are allowed between them charter flights. And the registration time for them is controlled by tourist operators. They tell tourists when to arrive at the airport. Low-cost airline flights are often delayed. This doesn't mean you have to arrive at the airport in the last minutes before your flight. You still need to go through registration procedures.

  1. If a passenger is traveling with a child, he must arrive at the airport in advance. You can ask at the reception for more comfortable places in the cabin. You can place a cradle or stroller next to them.
  2. If a tourist travels with an animal, it must also be registered. The pet must have the appropriate documents. It can only be in the aircraft cabin in a special container or cage, the doors of which are locked.
  3. If a passenger is traveling with oversized cargo, it must be registered in advance. A separate place will be allocated for it in the cargo compartment.

Any failure to comply with the established rules may result in the air tourist being removed from the flight.

Airport check-in for international flights

Passengers should ask in advance when check-in for international flights opens. The procedure for completing it is much longer than for domestic flights. Tourists additionally undergo customs control. Checking things takes a lot of time. Therefore, airlines have established that a passenger must arrive to check-in for an international flight 1.5-2 hours before departure. For some carriers this time has been increased to 3-4 hours.

Check-in for international flights ends 30-40 minutes before departure. Small companies have reduced this time to 15-20 minutes. To avoid unforeseen situations, it is better to arrive early to check in for international flights.

Online check-in

Airlines offer their customers to complete the check-in procedure without leaving home. This approach to maintenance allows you to significantly save time. You can check in online on airline websites. A special field is provided for this. You can also read on the company’s website how many minutes it takes to start and complete check-in for a flight.

Online check-in is issued for the passenger and for luggage (if its weight and size meet the established standards). It starts a day or several days before and ends 45-60 minutes before departure. In the window that opens, fill in the data and ticket number. You can print your boarding pass at home or at the self-check-in terminal upon arrival at the airport. Passengers with animals and those accompanying disabled people cannot choose this check-in method.

Do I need to check in at the airport if I have already checked in online?

Even if an air tourist has checked in for a flight through the carrier’s website, he will need to arrive at the airport in advance: 30-40 minutes before the end of check-in. Your luggage will have to be weighed and checked at a special counter: “Drop off”. It accepts bags at an expedited rate. The passenger will be issued a boarding pass and a cargo pass. After this, the luggage will be sent to the conveyor belt.

When traveling on international flights, tourists additionally undergo customs control. To avoid any problems, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the lists of products and things that can be imported into the country of arrival. Also, do not forget about the rules for transporting things that are established by the company in the country of departure.

Note. Passport control on domestic flights is carried out before security screening. International passengers are initially screened by security.

If, after completing all the procedures, there is time left before departure, the passenger can go shopping. There are a large number of them at the airport. When purchasing products, you must keep receipts and original packaging.

Watch the check-in video

Airports are generally always busy, and larger ones can be overcrowded. The flow of tourists at large airports does not stop. Often the security measures can also be quite daunting for many arrivals. This article will familiarize travelers with the rules of check-in at the airport and how long it takes to check in for a plane.

A passenger must complete several steps to check in for a flight:

  • arrive at the airfield on time;
  • check in luggage;
  • go through customs control and head to the departure hall;
  • receive your boarding pass;
  • go through passport control.

All airlines require their passengers to check in early before flying. Check-in for a flight can be done in one of three ways:

  • Online via the Internet on the official portal of the air carrier.
  • At the airport check-in counter.
  • Through a travel agency.

Check-in at the airport for domestic flights ends strictly 40 minutes before. Therefore, it is imperative that the passenger reaches the airport on time with sufficient time to complete check-in. Airline staff strongly recommend arriving at the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight to ensure you have enough time to complete the entire procedure.

Rules of conduct at the airport terminal

Beginning of registration - main stages

Online check-in for a flight is available through the official website of the airline company. The passenger receives an email in advance indicating what time the plane departs and when online check-in opens. This notification usually comes 24 hours before the flight departure. The process is quite simple. The passenger can register at home after entering his own data, which is indicated in the passport.

You are then given the option to download your boarding pass, print it on your printer, or send it by email. Check-in for international flights ends immediately 4 hours before flight departure. The passenger must arrive at the airport 2 hours before check-in closes.

Important! Passengers who did not have time to check in online for a UTair airline flight can complete the procedure directly at Pulkovo Airport.

Many people wonder how this process works and whether it takes time to receive an itinerary receipt for a flight. There are special self-service points in the departure hall. These touchscreen machines look like ATMs and are located near the check-in counter in departure lounges.

Checking in at the airport for a plane using one of these devices is quite easy. To do this, you just need to click on the FlySafair icon and follow the simple instructions. The printout will be identified using your personal booking number, a six-digit code found at the top of the itinerary receipt.

How long does it take to complete all procedures?

Registration time. When to arrive at the airport

Many beginners do not know how to behave before a flight. In order not to panic, you need to arrive at the airport in advance and calmly go through all the procedures. At any airport, passengers are required to:

  • Passport. To fly within Russia you need an internal passport. You definitely need to take a foreign passport to another country. The domestic Russian one can come in handy if documents are stolen abroad, but even then it’s easy to get by without it.
  • You will be asked for a ticket at the airport at check-in. In fact, there are plenty of airlines that only check in using your passport, because the ticket information is stored in a database. But it’s better to print it out anyway or save it on your smartphone until check-in at the airport begins. And if you fly on board Ryanair, you need to register for the flight online and be sure to print your boarding pass a few hours before departure. Otherwise, air carrier employees will not allow you to board the plane or you will have to pay a fine.

Note! For children, a different set of documents is required.

This includes:

  • Child's passport. Domestic - if you are traveling around Russia, foreign - if the trip is planned abroad.
  • Birth certificate. Border guards occasionally ask for it to ensure the accuracy of the information. And with a birth certificate with a stamp or an insert about citizenship, a child under 14 years old will enter a country where they are allowed without a foreigner. For example, to Belarus.
  • Consent to travel if the child is traveling without parents: with a nanny or grandmother. If children cross the border with one of their parents, consent to leave is not required.

Airport terminals - requirements and rules

Differences in check-in procedures at different airports

All passengers are subject to the same system at the airport before boarding a domestic flight. Passport and security control may take some time, for example 1 to 2 hours depending on the queue. After the passenger passes security, he is allowed into the departure hall. This is a special area where passengers can wait until check-in is completed.

Passengers on international flights are subject to increased scrutiny. Each person undergoes mandatory customs control, security control, and passport control. Many inexperienced passengers ask the question: how many hours before does boarding begin? To pass all types of control, you must arrive 2.5 or 3 hours earlier. Passengers on domestic flights may arrive at the airport a little later, for example, 2 or 1.5 hours before departure.

Requirements of air carriers for registration on low-cost airlines

The registration desk in Domodedovo, Vnukovo or Sheremetyevo is the traditional and most famous type of registration, which does not lose its popularity to this day. It is especially suitable for those who are making their first flight, since the entire process is guided by trained personnel and errors are excluded.

This type of registration has many other fans - after all, interaction with people is often preferable to using technology. Additionally, for some passengers, depending on the airline's requirements, this may be the only suitable option. However, today there are low cost airlines, dictating their own rules that every passenger must obey.

What requirements do low-cost airlines have?

How long does it take to check-in for a low-cost airline flight?

Low-cost airlines (lowcosters, low-cost airlines, discounters) - this is what today is commonly called low-cost airlines that offer cheap tickets with a minimum set of additional services.

When purchasing a ticket from a low-cost carrier for both domestic and international flights, you should carefully consider the choice of services and fare conditions of a particular airline. Many travelers do not like to use the services of low-cost air flights from Moscow to Barcelona or St. Petersburg to Paris due to several factors.

If online check-in for major air carriers is always free, when checking in at the airport Ryanair, EasyJet, Wizzair, Vueling and other airlines charge an additional fee of €50*, and the American Spirit Airlines - 10 USD*. Moreover, Ryanair closes online check-in 4 hours before departure. If there is no printout (according to the ticket number) at the airport, the passenger will have to pay a fine. Since check-in at the airport is carried out exclusively with an electronic ticket.

How to stay calm when boarding a plane

Even though flying can be an exciting adventure, it can cause fear in some people. There are many different events that force people to travel by air. Air transport is considered to be the safest than any other mode of transport. The number of car and train accidents is much higher than the number of plane crashes.

Traveling is great as long as you don't find yourself in a stressful situation. Package tourists are protected from surprises, their route is strictly regulated: passport control, baggage claim, tour operator representatives, a shuttle for twenty people and a hotel that you don’t have to leave.

What is left for those who arrive at an unfamiliar airport in Europe, not knowing the language, and simply want to find a way out after landing without incident? Indeed, for many tourists, even an aggressive offer from taxi drivers and snatching of luggage from their hands is already a sufficient reason for stress. If panic sets in, then you need to pull yourself together.

You need to come to terms with the fact that none of the airports in the world has a perfect signage system. Even if a person speaks perfect English, you often have to look for signs throughout the building and you can lose your route.

Note! It’s better to study the airport map in advance, save it to your phone, or sketch out a rough plan. This will help you find your way in an unfamiliar place.

In conclusion, it should be noted that while at the airport you need to calm down. People are susceptible to anxiety, this happens to many. None of the employees are interested in the traveler getting lost or missing the flight. There is no hopeless situation, as airfield workers will help in any situation. It must be remembered that the traveler’s main enemy is panic.

*Prices are current as of August 2018.