Forbidden places. Vatican Secret Archives

Everyone would like to visit these places, but not everyone has such an opportunity. One can only try to imagine what these objects look like in real life.

1. Metro-2, Russia

These underground communications were built under Stalin and then received the code name D6. The system is adjacent to the Moscow metro, but hidden from prying eyes.

The object lies at a great depth - up to 210 m. It was built using a closed method, so that all this was kept secret. Communications connect the Kremlin, the Yellow House of Academician Zholtovsky, underground city near Ramenki, the General Staff Academy and Vnukovo-2 airport. Obviously there are other objects.

The system has single-track traffic, while there is no contact rail in Metro-2. The rolling stock is made up of L-type electric locomotives and Ezh-6 cars. The stations themselves are similar to the technical platforms of the metro.

2. Doomsday Vault, Norway

If a nuclear war or other global cataclysm destroys civilization, then the Doomsday Vault will help save the survivors, or World Seed Vault. This tunnel is located on the island of Spitsbergen; seeds of the main agricultural crops are placed there for safe storage.

The location was not chosen by chance: there is little tectonic activity here, and the permafrost will ensure the survival of the seeds even if the refrigeration equipment fails.

All samples are stored in sealed envelopes, packed in special plastic bags, which, in turn, are placed in containers. There is enough space inside to accommodate 4.5 million seeds. Noah's Ark has blast-resistant doors and special airlocks. Norway paid $9 million from its own wallet for the project, although each country in the world is separately represented in the repository.

3. Area 51, USA

Area 51 is military base, which is located 133 km from Las Vegas (Nevada). It was the secrecy that created around her a large number of myths and legends.

The main ones, of course, are related to aliens: some believe that the remains of aliens who died during the Roswell incident are stored there. All this is nothing more than rumors, but something else is known. For example, that Area 51 serves as a test site for the latest American aircraft.

Air traffic over the Zone is prohibited, and you won’t be able to get close to the base either. But is this really a problem in our high-tech age? In any case, satellite images give an idea of ​​the structure of the base. There is nothing unusual there: only hangars and other infrastructure typical for such facilities. Of course, this fact does not stop lovers of everything unusual, and they point to possible underground infrastructure.

In 2013, the CIA declassified the 355-page archive, making it public. As expected, there are no “little green men” there. But there is a lot of data on testing different aircraft. However, despite all this, Area 51 will remain a source of inspiration for many science fiction writers for many years to come.

4. Lascaux Cave, France

Among the most forbidden places there are objects cultural heritage. The first place here is occupied by the Lascaux Cave, discovered in France in 1940. We are talking about the southwestern region of the country of Perigord.

In the cave they found many paintings and engraved drawings dating back to the 18th-15th millennia BC. e. They were probably made by representatives of the Solutrean culture. The cave has several corridors, with the total length of all galleries being 250 m.

In the images you can see bulls, rams, horses, deer and other animals. In many cases, familiar silhouettes are easily recognized.

But why is the cave closed to outsiders? The trouble is that already in the 1950s there were up to 1000 people a day, and this entailed the production carbon dioxide and humid fumes. A “green disease” began near the cave: microscopic algae began to cover the drawings. To save the priceless images, the French government has restricted access to the site.

5. Mormon Vault, USA

Religious organizations are not used to revealing their secrets. This is confirmed by the Granite Mountain Document Repository, located near Salt Lake City, USA. It contains countless documents belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Note that this is the largest branch of Mormonism.

The archive was created in 1965, it is located at a depth of 180 m. The storage facility is guarded by armed people and doors weighing 14 tons, capable of withstanding the explosion of a nuclear warhead. On 2.4 million rolls of microfilm and 1 million microfiches, one can find genealogical information and a range of other data about the religious movement. The facility includes storage facilities, administrative offices, and laboratories.

It is impossible to tell about all this with accuracy: the path for ordinary people is prohibited. According to rumors, the most valuable exhibits have heat and motion sensors. There is also special climate control.

6. Scientology Vault, USA

In the New Mexico desert, the Church of Scientology has built a structure to house documents of particular significance to the movement. The underground storage facility is protected by two gigantic doors: each weighing 2.5 tons. It is believed that the structure will withstand a hydrogen bomb explosion.

Photos of the object were taken not long ago. In particular, they show two intersecting circles - one of the symbols of the Church of Scientology. Nearby there is a building in which, as can be judged, no one lives. This is probably the entrance.

One of the followers of the doctrine stated that the storage facility was built in 1980 and millions of dollars were spent on it. Underground in titanium caskets are kept golden disks with the words of the founder of the teaching, Ron Hubbard, carved on them. It is believed that only representatives of the top of the Church can get into the vault. All this data has not been officially confirmed, but you still won’t be able to go in there and find out everything yourself.

Are you planning a vacation? I present a list of places that are prohibited from visiting. Moreover, you yourself do not go there to go after reading this post.

Surtsey is volcanic island, located at south coast Iceland. It was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption that began in 1963 and ended in 1967. People are not allowed to visit this island, even scientists, to ensure natural ecological development without outside interference. However, this ban was violated. Thus, a rooted tomato plant was found on the island, which was brought by scientists. Oh, how naughty these scientists are!

Weather Mountain is an emergency operations center. This facility is located in Virginia, USA. It is one of the primary locations for the relocation of high-ranking civilian and military officials in the event of a national disaster.

Mezhgorye is a closed city in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia. People living in the city are said to be doing top-secret work on Mount Yamantau, which is believed to be home to nuclear weapons, Russian treasure, and war bunkers with a huge coal warehouse. But really, who knows?

Metro-2 is a secret underground metro that is located parallel to the public Moscow metro. It was built by Joseph Stalin under the KGB code name D-6. Presumably it is still used by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The length of Metro 2 is rumored to be longer than the public metro. They say that it connects the Kremlin with the headquarters of the FSB, and other places of national importance. The FSB or the Moscow Metro administration refuse to confirm or deny its existence to this day.

It is one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal, home to an indigenous group called the Sentinelians. Their population is estimated to be between 50 and 400 people. The islanders reject any contact with other people and are among the last people on earth who have been virtually untouched by modern civilization.

Recent attempts to contact the tribe were met with arrows and stones. And on January 26, 2006, two fishermen tragically died when their boat drifted off the island.

The Vatican Secret Archive is actually no longer classified. It remained completely closed to outsiders until 1881, when Pope Leo XIII opened it only to a select few. These days, thousands of researchers are poring over these documents, but with 52 miles of shelves in the archives, some dark secrets from the past may still be waiting to be discovered.

About 90 km from the city of Sao Paulo is “Snake Island”. This place is so heavily populated poisonous snakes that it has been named one of the most dangerous islands in the world. Scientists estimate that about 4,000 snakes live on the island's 110 acres, which is one snake for every six square meters.

And these are not just any snakes. Snake Island is the only known home of the venomous spearhead snake, one of the most venomous snakes in the world. The snake's venom is said to be three to five times stronger than that of any continental snake. And he can simply melt human flesh. Currently, the Brazilian Navy prohibits residents of the country from visiting the island, although sometimes even scientists are refused.

It's quite difficult to get into North Korea. Now imagine how difficult it is to get into room 39, a secret facility of the North Korean government. This facility is used for illegal activities including counterfeiting $100 bills, drug production (including methamphetamine and heroin), and international insurance fraud. Many argue that Number 39 is critical to Kim Jong's continued power, allowing him to buy political support and finance North Korea's nuclear weapons programs.

RAF Menwith Hill is a Royal Air Force station in North Yorkshire, England. This location provides communications and support for UK intelligence services and the US military. Some of the satellites are controlled directly by the US National Security Agency. It is believed to be the largest electronic station monitoring in the world, originally created to intercept messages between Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc Allies. Many now believe that this moment its original scale has increased...

The USA is famous for its high degree of secrecy. But their efforts around Area 51, located in Nevada, are on another level. So the main purpose of the base is unknown, but it is generally believed that it is used for the development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. Many theorists believe that aliens and UFOs are being studied here. But civilians are prohibited from entering there, so we will never know the truth.

“My Planet” has selected six places on planet Earth where, for various reasons, tourists are not allowed to enter.

Queimada Grande Island

Reason for ban: too many poisonous snakes

The island of Queimada Grande, 35 km off the coast of Brazil, only looks like heavenly place. A trip to these parts could cost you your life, as this green patch of land is infested with poisonous snakes: about 4,000 snakes live on an area of ​​0.43 km². The most dangerous of them is the island bothrops. Its venom is five times stronger than that of other representatives of the viper family - when bitten, it instantly causes tissue necrosis. Therefore, the Brazilian authorities prohibit visiting Queimada Grande, which is popularly called Snake Island. However, diving and fishing off the coast are permitted.

Surtsey Island

Reason for ban: scientific experiments

In 1963, a series of underwater volcanic eruptions occurred in the waters of Iceland and in a short time a new island with an area of ​​2.7 km². He immediately became the object of attention of scientists different countries, as it represents a visual model of the origin of the island and life on it. Since then, Surtsey, named after the mythological hero Surt, ruler of the fire giants, has served strictly scientific purposes and is a closed area for tourists. Throughout the life of the island, scientists have observed how they “master” new land plants, insects, worms and birds, as once barren volcanic pumice becomes fertile. If in the 1980s there were 20 plant species on the island, then by 2008 there were already 69 of them. By 2000, erosion and sea waves had reduced the island’s area to 1.5 km², but now the process of “reducing” Surtsey, according to scientists, slowed down. In 2008, UNESCO included the island in the list World Heritage, thus recognizing its great scientific value.

North Sentinel Island

Reason for ban: Aboriginal aggression

On one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal, which formally belongs to India, lives the dangerous Sentinelese tribe: it avoids any contact with civilization and fiercely resists any invasion. According to scientists, the Aborigines spent up to 60,000 years in isolation. Nowadays, according to various estimates, from 50 to 400 people live on the island. These people not only avoid contact by moving away from enemies into the forest, but also actively defend their territory using spears and bows and arrows. In 2004, they fired at an Indian government helicopter that came to “check on” them after the tsunami. Their last victims were fishermen drifting off the island in 2006: after their murder, Indian authorities urged fellow citizens to stay away from the Sentinelese and their land. All attempts by scientists to establish contact with the tribe were unsuccessful. In addition to the dangerous population, there is another difficulty in visiting North Sentinel Island: this 72 km² piece of land is densely surrounded by reefs, on which many ships have crashed in the past.

Ise Shrine in Japan

Reason for ban: entry only for selected people

In Japan, the most important shrine is temple complex Ise-jingu. The main temple is surrounded by a high wooden fence; only high-ranking clergy and members of the imperial family can get inside. Visitors are not allowed into the main shrine (chapel), created for the emperor and empress: they can only see the roof, and the building itself is surrounded by four fences.

Until 1945, Ise was an even more inaccessible place: it was separated from the outside world by the Miyagawa River, which symbolized the border of the sacred land. Monks were strictly forbidden to cross the river - it was believed that this would lead to a violation of the sanctity of the shrine and bring trouble to all of Japan.

Tiger reserves in India

Reason for the ban: preserving the population of a rare animal species

In 2012, the Supreme Court of India announced that all national parks, which contain Bengal tigers. The authorities of all Indian states were ordered to create buffer zones for an endangered subspecies of animals. This measure hurt the tourism industry, but allowed the big cat population to recover. Recently the World Fund wildlife Russia announced that over the past four years, the number of tigers in India has increased by 30% - from 1,706 individuals in 2010 to 2,226 in 2014.

Gruinard Island

Reason for ban: biological weapons testing

In 1942, the British government purchased the 196-hectare Scottish island of Gruinard for testing the biological weapon anthrax. The British were pleased with the results: it turned out that anthrax seriously and for a long time pollutes the territory and poses a threat to the lives of people and animals for decades, causing death in 95% of cases. Until the 80s, the island was one of the deadliest places on the planet - all visits were prohibited. It was only in 1986 that scientists finally began to “clean up” the ominous island: they sprayed 280 tons of formaldehyde diluted with sea water, and then released sheep onto Gruinard. The animals survived and remained healthy, and in 1990 the island was declared safe, but no one began to settle on it. Archaeologists warn that anthrax spores remain in the island's soil, meaning it will not be habitable for hundreds of years.

Not all places on our planet are accessible to tourists. Various types of forbidden zones are found almost everywhere, but there are daredevils and adventurers who need to visit such places at all costs. Next we will talk about places that are best to always avoid, because they are under special prohibition. In the best case scenario, those who violate the ban will face arrest and prison time. And believe me, this is really the most favorable outcome of events for those who catch the eye of the guards, because shooting to kill is allowed at some of these facilities.

Bohemian Grove

Apparently, all the stories about the Freemasons, the Illuminati and similar communities have a basis. And a world government may well exist in reality. At least everything richest people For some reason, every summer the planets gather to relax in a huge park called Bohemian Grove. But you shouldn’t come here without an invitation: the last curious tourist was put in prison.

In the 60s of the last century, the island rose from sea ​​depth as a result of volcanic activity. The scientific community immediately established a moratorium so that no one would interfere with observing the emergence of new life.

Sentinel Islands

You will only be arrested if they have time. Most likely, the first to be in time will be the natives, who will not waste time on any nonsense, like a trial, but will simply take the curious tourist to the spears.

Employees of North Korea's Bureau 39 are working to replenish Kim Jong-un's own currency reserves. They are allowed everything from drug trafficking to selling organs. Guess what will happen to those who decide to personally look into the control center?

White's Club

And here is another place where, according to rumors, the powers that be are going to do their business. Only those who have been approved by all other members of the club can join here. Annual dues are $500,000. And yes, women are also not allowed in - even the rich and beautiful.

Mentwit Hill Base

The American NSA has several branches in other countries (including Australia). All of these centers are guarded like the apple of an eye, but the Menwith Hill military base, located in North Yorkshire, is rightfully considered one of the most closed. Secret operations of the American military abroad are planned here and the guards have the right to shoot to kill without warning.

Niihau Island

Is your last name Robinson? No? So, get to this Paradise Island It won't work. It belongs entirely to the Robinson family and only a family member can set foot here.

The American government for a long time denied the very existence of Area 51. There were (and still are) crazy rumors: aliens are being dismembered here, and they are allegedly looking for ways to parallel worlds. What's really there - the devil knows, the base guards have orders to shoot to kill, so there aren't very many tourists here.

Seed storage in Svalbard

Norway set up this storage facility specifically for the occasion nuclear war. From here it is supposed to take material for the subsequent restoration of plant crops. The storage facility is guarded by a special military unit.

Lascaux Cave

Back in the middle of the last century, anyone could admire the rock carvings in this cave. However, in 1963 Lascaux was closed and now tourists are turned away at the door. Those who are particularly arrogant are jailed for a couple of days.

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It seems that today humanity has reached the farthest corners of our beautiful planet.

But website managed to collect completely inaccessible addresses that can only be seen in rare photographs.

14. Bohemian Grove, USA

This land is 11 square kilometers belongs to a private men's club in San Francisco known as the Bohemian Club. Every year in July since 1899, the most influential people in the world come here.

Club members have included every Republican and some Democratic president since 1923, as well as politicians, bankers, media tycoons, artists and scientists.

For more than a hundred years, the activities of the club were not covered in any way, so various rumors and speculations arose, even to the point that the Bohemian Club is a new world government, and the grove itself is a devilish place.

Journalists and reporters are strictly prohibited from entering the grove.


This facility was launched in the snow of Alaska in 1997. It is located in a deserted valley and is a huge antenna field with a total area of ​​more than 13 hectares. HAARP has been the target of conspiracy theorists, who claim that it is capable of creating a climate anomaly, disabling satellites and controlling people's minds. They were also confident that the program could cause earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, floods and even epidemics. At the beginning of May 2013, due to the end of the contract, HAARP work was stopped.

12. Mezhgorye, Russia

This is one of the most inaccessible and mysterious “closed” cities in Russia. It is known from official sources that he is located in the Republic of Bashkortostan. There are rumors that an underground capital is being built there. Unlike most other closed cities in Russia, there are no research institutes, military bases, production of atomic weapons and nuclear fuel, and other similar institutions. It is still not known for certain what kind of work is being carried out in Mezhgorye.

11. Port city of Kronstadt, Russia

Built to protect the Northern capital from the sea, the port city of Kronstadt attracts tourists with ancient forts - defensive structures on the water. Each fortress has a heroic history and a loud name, glorified in battles: Kronshlot, Citadel, Prince Menshikov, etc. Today the port itself is open to the public, but most of the forts are in disrepair and access to them has been stopped.

10. Mount Athos, Greek Macedonia

On the slope majestic mountain There are 20 magnificent Orthodox monasteries. But not everyone can enjoy the beauty of church sights. Women and even female animals are strictly prohibited from entering here. It is unknown what punishment awaits the four-legged ones, but “human” violators can go to prison for up to a year.

9. Georgia, USA, basement where the Coca-Cola recipe is kept

They say that the secret of the legendary drink is known only to two people who always fly on different planes. And the recipe itself is stored at the company headquarters behind high-tech safe bolts, where access to mere mortals is strictly prohibited.

8. Danakil Desert, Ethiopia

Regional wars do not subside on the border of Ethiopia, so tourists have not visited this place for a long time unique place. Scientists consider it the ancestral home of hominids, large apes, our possible ancestors. It was in this place that the remains of Lucy, an Australopithecus afarensis, whose age is 3.2 million years old, were found.

7. Motuo County, China, Tibet Autonomous Region

This is sacred land for Buddhists, and there is no road here in the modern sense of the word. Those who suffer to touch the wisdom of centuries will have to travel on foot through wild mountain passes. At the end of the road there is a flimsy 200-meter bridge over the abyss, like in the Indiana Jones films.

6. Oymyakon, Russia

Nature itself reliably protects this town from curious tourists. On our planet, this is the coldest place where a permanent population lives. It is difficult to even imagine how one can exist at a temperature of -67.7 °C.

5. Brazil, Amazon jungle, Yawari tribe reservation

Recently, researchers found a small tribe on the border of Peru and Brazil, completely cut off from civilization. The community of 150 Indians are believed to be descendants of slaves, avoid all contact with the outside world and live in harmony with nature. The country's authorities, fearing for the safety of the natives, closed their habitat from all curious people.