What is interesting in Poland. Interesting facts about Poland: history, attractions and reviews

Poland is a country with rich history and cultural heritage. Picturesque landscapes and numerous architectural monuments beckon tourists to look here. Interesting Facts Poland can be enumerated endlessly, but we will try to highlight the most significant and unusual of them.

A bit of geography

Poland stood out with a fairly large area: the state owns 312,679 sq. m. This is the ninth place among all European countries. The territory is divided into 16 voivodships, which consist of districts (powiat) and volosts (gminas). Interesting facts about Poland begin with determining its location. The state is habitually classified as Eastern Europe, but if you look at the map, it is easy to see that it is located in the very heart of Europe. According to calculations made at the end of the 18th century, the geographical center of Poland is located in the town of Suchowola.

The country has seven land-based neighbors: Germany to the west, Czech Republic to the southwest, Slovakia to the south, Ukraine to the southeast, Belarus to the east, Lithuania and Russia to the northeast. Through the zone Baltic Sea borders with Sweden and Denmark. This is not the end of interesting facts about Poland according to the geography of the state. Not far from the town of Vонгgrovec, two rivers intersect at right angles - Nelba and Velna. It is noteworthy that their waters have different flow rates and temperatures. Due to this, they do not mix with each other.

History of the country

Interesting facts about Poland cannot bypass its great history, which has accumulated from the 10th century to the present. It was at this time that the first statehood was formed: Krakow and Gniezen Poland. After them comes the period of the more famous unification - the Commonwealth. Its existence lasted for about 200 years. It is worth saying that the country had a hard time: everyone coveted in the territory of Central Europe. Poland practically did not come out of the state of war. Despite this, the Poles were also due to the development of the country: universities were built, houses and palaces were designed. The infrastructure was growing before our eyes, and no wars could prevent it.

However, by the end of the 18th century, the country was exhausted by constant clashes with its neighbors. A period of political and economic decline began. In total for the period of the XVII-XVIII centuries. almost 4 million Poles perished in connection with epidemics of diseases and wars. In 1795, Poland ceased to exist on the world map. Its territory was divided among themselves by Austria, Prussia and Russia. During the First World War, there was a massive emigration of Poles, which later often obliged them to fight among themselves.

In the period between the First and Second World War, Poland had a chance to restore statehood, but, without giving it a chance to rebuild itself, the country was occupied by Nazi Germany. More than 6 million Poles die during this period. About 70% of Nazi concentration camps functioned in Poland. After the victory and liberation of the territories, the state proclaimed the "construction" of a socialist society, in which the authorities of the USSR actively participated. This did not suit many Poles. After the strike of workers and trade union organizations in 1989, socialism was abolished. Proclaimed III

Statehood and ethnic composition

The country is, first of all, the people inhabiting it. Interesting facts about Poland include such an indicator as its mono-nationality. This is perhaps the only country that has managed to keep up to 98% of ethnic Poles within its territory. Among them are dominated by Germans, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Currently, Poland has a republican system and is a bicameral parliament. The country is a member of the EU and NATO, and is also part of the Schengen area. Despite all the historical difficulties, the state was able to achieve independence and stability. The emblem of the country is a white eagle on a red background. Its creation gave rise to legends about the founding of the first capital of Poland - Gniezno. In this place the majestic flew under the purple rays of the sun. It was here that the first capital of the country was founded.

Nature and climate

Interesting facts about Poland cannot but arise, if only because the country has a unique nature and climate. There are 6 seasons here: in addition to summer, winter, spring and autumn, there is a distinction between the eve of winter and the eve of spring. They have little to do with the calendar. For example, summer starts in May and lasts until September. Cases of unexpected precipitation are interesting: brown rain and orange snow. True, this rarely happens - no more than once a century. The average temperature is 20 degrees Celsius in summer and -7 in winter.

Agriculture occupies about 50% of the country's territory, which gives it a special flavor. There are no stray animals here. Poland boasts an ecology like no other. There are many squirrels and hedgehogs in the parks. White storks live in the country (about 23% of the total population). There are 22 nature reserves here, among which the most famous Bialowieza Forest which was inscribed on the List World heritage humanity. According to scientists, forests of this type grew throughout Europe. At present, it is the only preserved relict mixed forest.

Education and Science

Poles are considered one of the most educated nations. About 90% of the population can boast of a high school diploma and a higher education diploma. According to these indicators, the country occupies a leading position among all EU countries. Consider the most interesting facts about Poland in the field of science and education:

  • the first university was founded in 1364, now the country has about 100 such institutions;
  • citizens of this state won 17 Nobel Prizes;
  • the Polish woman became the first in history to win the Nobel Prize twice;
  • polonium was named after Poland;
  • the composer F.F. Chopin was a Pole and was born near Warsaw.

It should be noted that the inventions of Polish scientists were often ahead of their time. For example, the technique of growing large crystals of semiconductors and metals began to be used only after 30 years from the date of discovery.

Polish cuisine

Each country in one way or another stands out for its taste preferences. For example, herring is a favorite Polish snack dish. There are a lot of options for cooking this people. In general, it is quite close to Russian, but it is not so bold. In any restaurant you can find a "standard" set of Russian pies, Ukrainian borscht and Greek fish. Russian pies here are called dumplings with potatoes or cottage cheese, which are fried a little after boiling.

Bigos is one of the national dishes. This is a stewed cabbage with smoked meats and meat. There are as many recipes for its preparation as there are herring. The Poles give a special place to the first course. No festivities are complete without soups. The most common soup is mushroom or beetroot soup. Moreover, the latter is usually drunk and not eaten. Bread is not served with the first course.

Chicken and pork are common foods in Polish cuisine. It is noteworthy that there is practically no ryazhenka, condensed milk, dumplings or crackers on the shelves. Pies, gingerbread, donuts and rolls are baked as desserts. Pies familiar to the Russian soul cannot be found here.

The young geographer is certainly interested in learning as many amazing things as possible about each country. What to tell a child about this unknown state?

Tell us about what is in Poland:

  • a bizarre Crooked forest with curved trees that resemble magical plants grows;
  • own desert with an area of ​​33 sq. km;
  • speak one of the most difficult and common languages ​​- Polish;
  • there is a street named after Winnie the Pooh;
  • eating pizza with ketchup;
  • one of the largest zoos and oceanariums is located;
  • about 70% of products are made from amber;
  • Saint Nicholas, Gvyazdor or Angela congratulates children with Christmas and New Year;
  • they celebrate name days more often than birthday;
  • many children and adults know the song “May there always be sunshine” and sing it with pleasure.

it European state unique in its own way. On its territory there are beautiful monuments architecture and nature, and the prevailing culture can surprise in many ways. What other peculiarities does this country conceal in itself? Let's take a look at 10 interesting facts about Poland:

  1. Football is the most popular and favorite sport in the country.
  2. Compared to Europeans, Poles start a family early enough. The average age of newlyweds is 24 years.
  3. Abortion is prohibited here, so the families of Poles are often numerous.
  4. 98% of Poles are Catholics, very religious. Children are brought up according to religious beliefs.
  5. All institutions are closed on Christmas Eve. The population gathers at home with families and celebrates. No employer has the right to force a subordinate to work that day.
  6. Kebab is common among fast food. Its composition is similar to shawarma, only it is placed not in pita bread, but in half a loaf.
  7. Poles have no problem with being overweight. In addition, the girls are always modestly dressed.
  8. Courtesy and manners are honored here. Ladies are greeted with a kiss of the hand. They communicate with strangers using “you”, adding the word “pan” to men, and “pani” to women.
  9. Here you can find combined monuments to the victims of Nazism and Soviet power. Poles consider Germans and Russians to be the most unloved nations, although in reality they do not show aggression.
  10. It is not customary to bring lilacs to houses. This is a sign of death.

Poland is a country with a long history, which is definitely worth seeing live. The territories are rich in the oldest architectural monuments, and nature amazes with its beauty. In addition, many indigenous people still remember the Russian language, the fashion for which, by the way, is growing again. In search of something amazing and beautiful, visit Poland. This country has not left anyone indifferent yet.

Poland is an amazing country with a rich history and unique natural beauty. The Polish government is very careful about its cultural heritage, and therefore all historical monuments here are timely restored and are under state protection.

The sights of Poland are so diverse that sometimes it becomes incomprehensible how all this splendor could fit in such a small territory. We present to you 15 of the best Polish sights with photos and descriptions that you must see when visiting this distinctive country.

National Park "Morskoe Oko" is located in a picturesque mountainous area near the lake of the same name. The territory of the reserve is well-groomed and landscaped. There are cafes, toilets, paved paths and other infrastructure facilities that make the rest more comfortable and convenient for tourists.

Despite the livability, the Poles managed to preserve the pristine nature here. Mountain streams, picturesque meadows, pristine coastline and a variety of fauna create the impression of a journey through lands untouched by man. Fishermen love to relax here, in secluded bays rich in fish, families with small children and cheerful youth companies. If you go deep into the reserve, you can find interesting places that you will not find anywhere else.

The Bieszczady Mountains are recognized as a national treasure and the most picturesque landmark in Poland. National preserve is a part Carpathian mountains and presented by unique natural resources untouched by the human hand. You can relax in the reserve at any time of the year. In winter they equip ski slopes, and in summer walking trails.

Arriving on an excursion to Bieszczady, you will surely meet strange people who seem to have emerged from ancient times. This is a kind of community. Its members voluntarily went to live in the mountains and gave up all the benefits of civilization. Zakopers, as they call themselves, are very good-natured and sociable. They live by handicrafts and hunting. Natural attractions will be of interest to tourists who prefer active rest.

Is a unique city. Only he was able to avoid total destruction during the Second World War. Thanks to this, here you can see real medieval buildings that have survived to this day in their original form. The guides advise to start the excursion from the Old Town.

Krakow is over 10 centuries old and has been the capital of the country for most of its history. Here you can visit the Wawel Hill, the Market Square, the Basilica of the Virgin Mary, Kazimierz, numerous museums, monuments and parks. According to official figures, there are 125 ancient churches in Krakow, 60 of which are located in the old part.

The Krakow Water Park is recognized as the most interesting in the whole of Eastern Europe. There are 8 roller coasters installed here, the total length of which is more than 720 m. If you like to tickle your nerves and test your strength of mind, go to the Black Pipe. The height of this slide is more than 18 m, and its length is more than 200 m.

All conditions have been created here for families with families. Children are entertained by animators, there are swimming pools for children and adults. If you want to relax, you can get a hydromassage session, visit the sauna or take a dip in the geyser. For lovers active rest there are fitness clubs, gyms and even beauty salons.

Krakow is also considered a significant historical city. The most interesting places in the country are located here. Among the most striking and impressive is the Wawel Castle, which stretches on the banks of the Vistula River. This residence was built in the 11th century and served as the home of the monarchs until the 16th century.

The historical complex includes not only the central house, but also the cathedral, where the royals were crowned. Today, the palace houses a museum of tapestry art. Here is a unique collection of exhibits, which has no analogues in the world. The tour includes a visit to the castle, cathedral, mysterious cave and the museum complex.

When traveling in Poland, be sure to check out. Here, not far from the center, is the Temple of the Fatima Mother of God. The temple was built in gratitude to the Mother of God of Fatima in 1992 after the happy salvation of Pope John II in 1981.

This church was named Fatima in honor of the appearance of the face of the Mother of God to three girls in the small village of Fatima in Portugal. Then the Mother of God told the girls about three incidents that will invariably affect the history of mankind. Two of these prophecies have already happened. The temple is famous for its rich decoration, beautiful stained glass windows and a magnificent unique altar.

7. Majestic Warsaw

Warsaw is a unique city, there is something to see for everyone. He is the personification of the Poles' love for their homeland and their heritage. During the Second World War, most of the unique buildings were simply erased from the face of the Earth, but the proud people of this small country painstakingly restored all the historical sights of Poland in the smallest detail.

Majestic Warsaw - this is what the Poles call this city, as tourists also call it. It is not individual objects that are of historical value, but whole neighborhoods, walks along which will give a lot of impressions and different emotions. Start your journey from the old part, and you can see all the most interesting and memorable in the capital.

Poland is beautiful mountains, virgin forests, majestic rivers and lakes, amazing beautiful cities... Here, thousands of medieval monuments coexist with modern objects. This is confirmed by the unique Crooked House in Sopot, which has no analogues in the world.

The centuries-old history of Poland has left hundreds of monuments that are striking landmarks of the country, illustrating the path of its development and prosperity, decline and destruction, recovery from the chaos of wars and uprisings. Each ancient city is a kind of landmark, reflecting a particular era, system, historical events. A good example is the capital of Poland - beautiful Warsaw, where you can see a historical monument in every corner of the city.

One of the main squares of the city in the Middle Ages was considered princely, because it was surrounded on three sides by palaces and castles of noble gentry, descendants of ancient aristocratic families. This place can be considered a Phoenix bird in architecture: there have been so many destruction and revival, created by human hands.

The square, located on the left bank of the Vistula, was connected to the right-bank district of the city by a bridge and an overpass, blown up by the Nazis in 1944. The city authorities made a decision - public transport transfer to the tunnel, built under the Vistula, and instead of the old blown up bridge, build a new one.

The project, which changed the original appearance of the old square, was carried out in 1949. On July 22, the inauguration of the tunnel and the new bridge took place. The square has become a pedestrian area. Thanks to the joint efforts of historians and architects, all the houses built in the Baroque style were carefully restored; other buildings have been meticulously restored - evidence of a bygone era.

A striking example of revival is the Royal Castle, the construction of which was started in the 16th century by King Sigismund III and continued until the 19th century by the following rulers, who created a whole palace complex.

The fire of 1939 and the explosion of 1944 thoroughly destroyed the magnificent architectural structure, in which only the wing of the Royal Library remained intact. As a result of the greatest reconstruction, the castle acquired its former appearance, adorning the historical square.

The central symbol of the square is the Corinthian column, which forms part of the Baroque monument in honor of King Sigismund III. The column is 8.5 meters high, topped by a 2.7-meter statue of a king in knightly armor, was installed in 1643. But this monument was also destroyed by the departing fascists in 1945, leaving the bronze sculpture of the king unharmed.

The column was restored anew in 1949, using red granite instead of the old red marble, erecting a statue of Sigismund on top. The monument was erected in a new place - an elevation at the entrance to the Krakowskie Przedmiescie, from where it is clearly visible from all parts of the Old Town.

One of the largest and most magnificent buildings in the capital, located on Krakowskie Przedmiescie Street, has a long and complex history of its existence. Its construction began in 1643 for the crowned hetman Stanislav Konetspolsky and was completed in 1648 by the hetman's son Alexander.

Over the centuries, many owners of the palace have changed, each of whom sought to change something, to add to the building - the result was a monumental majestic building that served as the presidential residence from the 90s of the last century until the 2010 plane crash. Now the palace square is a place of memory of the victims, where on a sad date the inhabitants of Poland and tourists bring flowers and light candles.

A magnificent white building with many arched vaults, surrounded by a high openwork lattice, adorns the main city. The square in front of the building is unusually beautiful and solemn: majestic monument For Jozef Potocki, the mighty lion sculpture, slender cypresses, neatly trimmed living shrub hedges emphasize the splendor of the presidential palace.

Malbork Castle or Marienburg, as the Germans called it, is a symbolic embodiment of significant historical events and movements: Teutonic knights and crusaders, Polish princes and kings found shelter within its walls. The castle is truly unique as one of the largest medieval fortresses built of bricks in a typical gothic style.

The unique complex was also badly destroyed during the Second World War and was completely restored, now representing a visual example medieval castle, surrounded by a high brick wall, round watchtowers, palace buildings inside a huge courtyard, occupying 20 hectares of land.

Taken under the protection of UNESCO, the castle today is a real tourist Mecca, where travelers from all over the world come.

Interesting articles:

Tatras - a natural landmark of Poland

On the territory of Poland, there are the most picturesque mountains, which are a continuation of the Carpathians and are called the Tatras. The richest coniferous forests, glaciers, unique lakes, green valleys create an excellent natural infrastructure for the development of ski resorts and lodges. Region High Tatras more suitable for more extreme sports, because individual peaks reach 2000 m and more.

The center for skiing sports and recreation is alpine resort Zakopane, with excellent ski and snowboard trails, an abundance of interesting routes, wonderful sanatoriums and recreation centers.

They strive to preserve and develop the Polish folk color, original Polish culture, national cuisine and traditions. The pristine beauty of mountain landscapes, combined with a high level of modern infrastructure, make the resort of Zakopane one of the best ski resorts in Europe.

In Poland there is something to see and where to have a good rest.

How to get to Poland? - in more detail in our article.

Poland is one of the countries with a rich history; it has always attracted a large number of ancient monuments and picturesque landscapes. Today you will learn about the sights of Poland, how this country can be remembered. It is better to plan your trip in advance. This is especially true of what to see in Poland.

What to see in Poland first of all?

This is a country with hospitable and friendly people, which makes you want to visit it even more. Let's move on to the main thing, what can be seen so beautiful in a state located in the central part of the European continent?

1. Warsaw Old Town

Warsaw Old Town architecture

You should start your trip around the country with an acquaintance with the historical district of its official capital. It is represented by a market square with a large number of shops, cafes and restaurants for every taste and color. A positive feature of this attraction in Poland is the richness of the area with monuments of medieval architecture. Interesting to know what is based Old city was still in the XIII century, initially it was surrounded by an earthen rampart, later it was replaced by brick walls. Don't forget to bring your camera to take many beautiful photos.

2. Castle Marienburg

Marienburg Castle - the seat of the Teutonic Order crusaders

Among the main attractions of the country is the "nest" of German knights. The brick bulk of this castle rises on the banks of the Nogat River, which flows 80 km from the border with Kaliningrad region RF. Its history began 700 years ago, when the Teutonic residence was officially moved from Venice to Marienburg. The fortress was repeatedly completed and decorated. In 1945, the castle was severely damaged, but after the end of World War II, it was literally rebuilt from scratch. Now there is a museum within the walls of the building, where interesting weapons collections, amber jewelry, and armor are presented.

3. Tatras

Mountain slopes Tatra

So called mountain system The Carpathians, the highest point of which reaches 2499 m. This place attracts tourists not only with heights within 1800-2500 m, but also with glacial circuses, mountain lakes in large numbers, deep valleys. The rating of this attraction in Poland is assessed as high, all because there is still a ski resort here, known as Zakopane. You can get here from the capital by train. The Tatras are also famous for their caves, of which there are really many.

4. Old Town of Krakow

Commercial building "Cloth Hall" in the Old Town of Krakow

If you are planning to go exactly to Krakow, it is better to start its survey from the Old Town, all roads from which lead to the market square. It is a "front living room", both locals and guests of the country are used to gathering there. The residents of Krakow are proud of their square, because it is considered one of the largest in Europe, occupying 200 * 200 m. A trip to the Old Town is worth it, because the market ensemble has preserved in detail the planning of the times when trade with all of Europe was carried out.

5. Wawel Castle

Wawel Castle - Royal Castle on Wawel Hill

This is one of the best attractions in Krakow, represented by a large pedestrian zone. A strange sculpture in the form of a dragon immediately attracts attention. Against its background, tourists love to be photographed; a whole legend is associated with it. The castle rises above the Vistula River, and stands on a hill. The territory attracts with an abundance of flowers, processions are held here in honor of the celebration of May 1 and not only. The entrance to the territory of the castle is free, but if there is a desire to visit underground tombs, climb the bell tower or be in the royal chambers, you will need to pay money.

6. Wooden churches in the south of Lesser Poland

Dbno Stave Church Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Po

Interesting places are located in the south and east of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, there is a whole group of churches made of natural wood that are historically valuable from an architectural point of view. Most of them look like a log house, and some represent different architectural styles. The buildings fit perfectly into the picturesque mountain landscape. From the description of this sight of Poland, you can find out that it is included in the UNESCO list.

Feel the atmosphere of Poland in this beautiful video!

7. Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Auschwitz

State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau at Auschwitz

Everyone knows that in one of the Polish cities during the Second World War, there were three Nazi concentration camps. Auschwitz has a museum dedicated to this topic. It reminds that at one time hundreds of thousands of people died here. 90% of them were Jews, brought from various countries of occupied Europe. During the existence of the concentration camp, more than a million people were killed. Once in this museum, it is impossible to remain indifferent. This Polish landmark has exhibitions of items that were taken from the victims by the Nazis.

8. Old town in Gdansk

Embankment of the Moltava River in the Old Town of Gdansk

What to visit in Poland? The most ancient part of the settlement of Gdansk deserves attention. During the Second World War, a huge number of buildings were damaged, and some even turned into a heap of rubble. Only a few buildings have been preserved. At the end of hostilities, the architecture was restored in accordance with the view of the 13-17 centuries. Where to go first in Poland? Of course, to the old town. It is decorated with many multi-colored buildings, some of them are decorated with drawings carved on wood, sculptural decors. The view of the ancient center of Europe always leaves vivid impressions.

9. Masurian Lake District

Panorama of the Masurian Lake District

This d The sightseeing of Poland is one of the most beautiful, tourists are delighted with the beauty of the local nature. Mazury is a historical and ethnographic region in the northern part of the country. There are about 4 thousand lakes in this region, most of which are connected by canals and rivers. The total area of ​​the Mazury is about 1,700 km 2. Here you can ride sailboats, kayaks.

10. Statue of Christ the King

Impressive statue of Christ the King

This landmark of Poland is one of the modern, its opening took place in 2010. A unique feature of the statue is that it is the tallest in the world (36 m). Before its appearance, the famous statue in Rio was considered such. If you drive along the highway towards the city of Svebodzin, the figure of Christ with outstretched arms is clearly visible. The idea of ​​building the monument belongs to canon Sylvester Zavadsky. consider it their duty to show the statue of Christ to tourists.

Sightseeing in Poland: what else to visit in Poland?

The trip to the described country will definitely be interesting. It contains just a huge number of historically significant sites that deserve attention. What to see in Poland when it seems that you have already seen everything?

11. Wieliczka Salt Mine

The central altar of the chapel of St. Kinga in the Wieliczka Salt Mine

There is another attraction of Poland within 30 minutes drive from the royal capital city of Krakow. We are talking about a small town with a population of only 20 thousand people. Its uniqueness lies in the presence of salt mines. They were formed naturally; many years ago there was a large body of water. in this direction are held regularly, tourists are shown the places where salt was once mined.

12. Slovinsky National Park

Slovinsky's landscape national park

Wondering what to visit in Poland? Travel to the city of Leba where there is interesting place in the form of a park area in the central part of the Polish coast. It was founded with the aim of preserving the natural beauty of the area. Meadows, a system of lakes, coastal forests, and unique dunes also needed protection. Reviews about this place are full of admiration; the park has picturesque lakes, into which sea water falls during strong storms. The tourist infrastructure here is assessed as well developed.

13. Wilanow Palace

Majestic Royal Wilanow Palace

Want to see Poland's most important landmark? Welcome to the palace located on the southeastern outskirts of Warsaw. It is made in the Baroque style and adjoins a garden that Poles are proud of. The residence for the rulers was built at the end of the seventeenth century, during its existence it was repeatedly completed. It was within the walls of the palace that one of the first art museums in the country, it happened in 1805, and on the initiative of S.K.

14. Wroclaw Cathedral

View of the Catholic Cathedral of John the Baptist

Move on. What to see in Poland so as not to regret? A beautiful and majestic building in the Gothic style with neo-Gothic elements deserves attention. This is the fourth church on Cathedral Island, the first one was erected in the 10th century. Its peculiarity was a nave 25 m long. The modern version of the Wroclaw Cathedral looks like a three-nave basilica with several entrances. This place is one of those that you can see in Poland in 1 day. The cathedral is located in the central part of Wroclaw, namely between the botanical garden and the river.

15. Zakopane

The town of Zakopane among the snowy Tatras

The city located in the extreme south of the country has many positive recommendations. Here he is considered one of the largest centers winter sports. Ski lovers are offered both simple, gentle slopes and difficult, steep ones. In some places, the elevation changes reach 930 m. What to see in Poland, you ask? Go to Zakopane, where you will find as many as 10 ski centers.

16. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Fauna of the Bialowieza National Park

This is the largest corner of the relict primeval plain forest. Once it grew throughout Europe, but gradually it was cut down. The trees survived only in the Bialowieza region, which is on the territory of Poland and Belarus. Pushcha is considered one of the most valuable natural objects, which is under the "protection" of UNESCO. A feature of the national park is the richness and variety of vegetation. Numerous animals live there, most of which are listed in the Red Book.

17. Lazienki Park

Palace on the water in the park Royal azienki

In the very heart of the Polish capital, there is a unique and very beautiful parkland. The park was created back in the 17th century, it was originally planned that it would be nature reserve... There are not so many animals here, squirrels and peacocks attract attention. The attractions of the park include the Palace on the Water, the White House, the Roman Theater, the Egyptian Castle and more. They all have their own interesting story.

18. Old part of the city of Zamosc

Fort in the old town of Zamoska

Myself locality appeared on the idea and desire of one person who was the crown chancellor. His name was Jan Zamoyski, he wanted to have his own residence, which would be worthy of his high position. The result is a unique architectural ensemble of its kind, which includes a large number of masterpieces of historical and cultural significance. By the way, there are no problems with hotels in Poland, no matter what direction you choose, there are apartments everywhere, the main thing is to take care of advance booking.

19. Churches of the world

Facade of the Church of Peace of the Holy Trinity in Swidnica

What to see in Poland interesting and unusual? In some cities of the country there are wooden sacral buildings, which are considered the largest in Europe. A little over 15 years ago, they were included in the UNESCO list. There is a Church of Peace in Javor, Swidnica, Glogów. Each has its own interesting story. They not only hold services, but also organize excursions.

20. Architectural and park complex Kalwaria-Zebrzydowska

Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Monastery - a pilgrimage center in Poland

In this city there is an interesting religious complex, which looks like a building made in the spirit of mannerism. The surrounding area has a park and several gardens. The multifunctional complex was erected in the 17th century, namely during the period of the Catholic church-political movement in Europe, when numerous religious buildings were “created” in memory of Calvary.

21. Muskau Park

New palace in Muskau park

The uniqueness of this attraction lies in the fact that it is located on the territory of several countries at once. It was founded in 1815, the order was issued by the Prussian aristocrat Prince Hermann. He always wanted to have a private garden that would look like a natural landscape. Having made a lot of efforts, he managed to make his dream come true, and modern people enjoy the results. In order to hide the artificial origin of the large garden, a variety of trees, shrubs, flowers and more were used.

22. Ksenzh Castle

Beautiful and monumental Ksiazh castle

What to see in Poland? If possible, do not disregard the beautiful and one of the largest castles in Europe, for the Poles this place is very significant. Its peculiarity is that it is surrounded by a beech forest, in which there are whole thickets of rhododendrons. The building is located not far from Walbrzych, namely on a rocky promontory, it is surrounded by a natural gorge. With the aim of returning the castle to its former splendor, it is currently being systematically restored, renovated inside.

23. Bieszczady National Park

The vastness of the Bieszczady National Park

In terms of its size, it ranks third in the ranking of national park areas. There are 23 of them on the territory of the country. It is Bieszczadzki that is located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, namely in the southeastern side. Today the area of ​​the park zone is 292 km 2, it includes the most high points an array called Bieszczad. 80% of the entire park is represented by forests, where there are a huge number of plants, mosses, mushrooms, lichens. There are also many animals, interesting bird species, it is not surprising that the place is very popular among tourists.

24. Moszny Castle

Moshnensky castle - a delightful building of the 17th century

This is not an ordinary palace, because it resembles a theatrical scenery. Just think, the structure includes 99 towers. The view is admired not only by children, but also by adults. Interesting to know that beautiful castle never in its entire existence has performed a defensive function. This is the reason for the lack of interest in him on the part of foreign conquerors, which allowed him to remain unharmed. Moszny Castle is a real “cocktail” of styles. Its facade is made in a Baroque style, the wing on the east side is in the neo-Gothic, the western part corresponds to the classical neo-Renaissance style.

25. Clear Mountain

Catholic monastery Jasna Gora in Czestochowa Aneta Lazurek

This is the main shrine of Poland. The monastery houses the miraculous icon of the Czestochowa Mother of God, she is also the patroness of the country. This place is one of the popular pilgrimage sites, there are many myths and facts about it. What to see in Poland, namely on the territory of Yasnaya Gora? Attention should be paid to the towering powerful bastions, the main temple and the chapel. Of particular interest is the Knights' Hall, which at one time hosted receptions of guests of honor. The complex of buildings also includes sacristy, libraries with old prints and more.

26. Old town in Torun

Medieval Old Town in Torun

It should be noted that this Polish landmark is included in the National Heritage List. The ancient part of the city is special in that it keeps unique architectural monuments. It is separated by a moat and a river; the city walls are no exception, which have survived only partially. At one time, the Old Town was expanded, now in its central part there is the Old Town Square, the north-western part is represented by the territory of the former monastery, in the south-west there is a marriage church. During the Swedish siege, the described part of the city was badly damaged, then a large number of buildings were burned and destroyed. Extensive restoration work began only after 1945. Today, the Old Town is deservedly considered the pearl of Toruń.

27. Old Powонzki

Old Powонzki - famous Warsaw necropolis Krzysztof Belczyński

This is a cemetery where famous figures of Polish history and culture are buried. A large part of it is set aside for the graves of the military, victims of the wars of the XIX-XX centuries. The attraction is located in Warsaw, it is interesting because some of the tombstones are real works of art. It is especially beautiful here on the night of All Saints Day. On October 31, a large number of people come to the cemetery to honor the memory of the fallen, for which a huge number of candles are lit on the graves.

28. Hill of Crosses Grabarka

Wooden crosses of pilgrims on the Holy Mountain of Grabarka

Place with interesting name is considered a saint; pilgrims come to bow to him from various countries of the world. On the days of major church holidays, a procession is held. This is the name of events when a large number of believers walk. Sometimes the distance from the settlement to the mountain reaches 100 km, all this time people carry heavy wooden crosses. This custom has been around for 200 years. The mountain got its name due to the fact that at its top in the forest, each pilgrim leaves his own cross, of which a large number have already gathered there.

As you can see, there are really a lot of attractions on the territory of the described country, which is why tours to this destination are very popular. Experienced travelers recommend planning your trip in advance so as not to lose sight of all the most interesting and significant. The most popular cities among tourists are Gdansk, Krakow, the capital. What is interesting in them was mentioned at the beginning. Whichever destination you choose, everywhere you will be impressed by the unforgettable atmosphere.

Also read about the best and be inspired for your further travel across Europe!

Poland is a country with a rich history. Lovers of antiquity have something to see. For inspection architectural monuments it is enough to visit the historical centers of the ancient cities of the country. For example, Gdansk, Krakow or Torun, which preserved historical Buildings with a thousand-year history.

Many excursion routes include the castles - Marienburg, Wawel and Wilanow Palace. Museums will tell about the sad pages of Polish history: Auschwitz-Birkenau, European Solidarity Center, Museum of the Second World War. Separately, it is worth mentioning religious buildings. These are large architectural complexes - Kalwaria-Zebrzydowska. And some architectural masterpieces - Yasnaya Gora Monastery or Vang Church.

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What to see and where to go in Poland?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for visiting, photos and short description.

1. Castle Marienburg

In 1274 the castle was founded by the Teutonic knights. It was rebuilt and expanded several times in the XIV century. From the 15th to the 18th century it was the seat of Polish kings. The invasion of the Swedes, and then the Second World War left only ruins from the castle. By now, the reconstruction initiated by the Polish authorities has been fully completed. Tourists can admire the castle as a magnificent example of Gothic brick art.

2. Warsaw Old Town

Founded in the XII century historic district... Is an popular place among tourists. After the Second World War, most of the buildings of the Old Town were rebuilt from photographs and preserved drawings, for which they were included in the UNESCO list. The old preserved buildings are the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and the Warsaw Barbican. Old town center - Market Square... Now it houses many cafes, shops and souvenir shops.

3. Wieliczka Salt Mine

The development of the rock salt deposit in Wieliczka took seven centuries. During this time, 7 levels of underground corridors appeared in it. total length 200 km. The depth of the deposit is almost 200 meters. UNESCO has taken this unique industrial site under its protection. Excursion routes include a visit to the chamber of Kazemir the Great, the underground chapel of St. Anthony and Danilovich's shaft of the 17th century.

4. Wawel (Krakow)

An architectural complex located on a hill in. Includes the Cathedral of St. Stanislav and Vaclav and the Royal Castle. For Poland, these structures are the same symbol as the Kremlin is for Russia. A massive castle in the Gothic style, a cathedral with high 20-meter towers, several small chapels and churches - they create a unique architectural ensemble that is visited by hundreds of tourists every day.

5. Kazimierz (Krakow)

Monument to the history of Poland, part of the Old Town district of Krakow. Historically, it is the place of residence of Jews. The famous film "Schindler's List" about the Holocaust was filmed here. There are 7 synagogues in the Jewish quarter, which managed to survive during the Second World War, now they have been restored. Travelers note the coziness and special atmosphere in Kazimierz, different from the Old Town.

6. Market Square and Cloth Hall (Krakow)

The central trading place of Krakow is the Market Square, founded in 1257. Palaces, churches and ancient buildings are located on a 200-meter-long square. In the center of the square there is the Cloth Hall - an architectural monument. Wooden benches are located under the arches in the neo-Gothic style, the walls are decorated with decorative stucco. Next to the Cloth Hall is the Church of St. Wojciech, who is almost 1000 years old.

7. St. Mary's Church (Krakow)

The construction of the cathedral was completed in 1397. The three-nave basilica was built in the Gothic style. One tower of the church is crowned with a pointed spire, the other - with a helmet. The most tall tower is 82 meters. The interior inside the church is decorated with stained glass windows, as well as works of sculpture and painting. The main decoration is the altar, 13 meters high. It is carved from linden and combines elements of the Renaissance and Gothic.

8. Historical center of Gdansk

One of the oldest cities in Poland - it was founded in the X century. The city is architectural complex buildings built in the XIII-XVIII centuries. In many museums - archaeological, painting, marine. A large number of people are concentrated in the Old Town. historical monuments... At the entrance to the historic center, there is the Golden Gate, behind which are located the most beautiful buildings in the city.

9. Church of St. Mary (Gdansk)

The construction of the church, 105 meters high, lasted from the middle of the 14th century to the beginning of the 16th century. The bell tower is equipped with observation deck with views of the historic city center. Inside there are magnificent works of art from the Middle Ages - a stone Pieta, an astronomical clock, an altar built at the beginning of the 16th century. Local residents consider it a miracle that the church was practically not damaged in a fire in 1945.

10. Old town Zamosc

In the 16th century, Zamosc was built by Italian craftsmen as a fortified city, but in the 19th century, instead of the fortress walls, picturesque gardens were arranged. Historical Center cities with buildings in the Renaissance style are included in the list of UNESCO sites. Beautiful buildings are skillfully integrated into a single architectural urban ensemble. Among the architectural monuments, the building of the City Hall, the Zamoyski Palace, and the Cathedral are distinguished.

11. Old Torun

The oldest part of the city of Torun is included in the list cultural heritage UNESCO. The construction of the city began in the 13th century. The city walls have been partially preserved to this day, separating the historical part of the city from later buildings. The castle of the Teutonic Order, the Church of St. Mary and the House of Copernicus are considered masterpieces of brick Gothic. The center of the old district is the Old Market with the Torun Town Hall.

12. Town Hall and Market Square of Wroclaw

The Market Square, founded in the 12th century, is the main attraction. In different eras, it was built up with buildings of different architectural styles. In the center of the square there is a whole block of mansions with elements of Gothic and Art Nouveau in design. The most interesting object is the city hall. It took almost 300 years to build, from the 13th to the 16th century. Now the town hall is a museum object.

13. Wroclaw gnomes

Unusual bronze figurines of gnomes are the symbol of Wroclaw. It all started with the erection of a monument in the form of a gnome by the city authorities in 2001, and since 2006, many private organizations began to install their gnomes. Currently, there are about 400 statuettes in different parts of the city. Each gnome has its own personality and history. The quest to find all the dwarves of Wroclaw is popular among the guests of the city.

14. Hall of the Centenary and Wroclaw Fountain

The grandiose building, built in 1913, is used for concerts and sporting events. One of the world's first reinforced concrete structures, and at the same time it is a magnificent example of early modernism. Included in the list of objects protected by UNESCO. A multimedia musical fountain is installed next to the hall. Its illumination consists of 800 lighting points. In winter, a skating rink works at the site of the fountain.

15. Palace of Culture and Science (Warsaw)

Tallest building in the country. The height of the 42-storey skyscraper is 240 meters. Construction was funded Soviet Union Soviet builders. They took the Moscow "Stalinist skyscrapers" as a model. As a result, the palace building combines the styles of Stalinist neo-empire and Polish historicism. The premises of the building are occupied by museums and exhibitions, as well as offices of private organizations, shops, a swimming pool, theaters, conference rooms.

16. Manufaktura (Lodz)

Large shopping and entertainment center in the city of Lodz. It was built in a modernized building of a large 19th century manufactory. The area of ​​the mall is 26 hectares. It houses more than 300 stores of major world and national brands. The complex also includes a hotel, a skate park, a bowling club, a rollerdrome, a climbing wall and a cinema with 15 rooms. Notable is the fountain 300 meters long, installed near the mall.

17. Wilanow Palace

The palace was built at the beginning of the 17th century for King Jan Sobieski as a country residence. An architectural monument in the Polish Baroque style. It combines the principles of European art and the traditions of Polish building architecture. The facade is decorated with sculptures and intricate décor. In 1805, a museum was opened in the palace, which exists to the present day. The chic and picturesque Wilanow Park is laid out around the palace.

18. Warsaw Uprising Museum

The museum occupies 4 floors of the former tram depot building. Its exhibits are dedicated to the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. In total, 750 exhibits and about 1000 photographs are displayed at the museum's exhibitions. Next to the museum, on the 156-meter-long Memorial Wall, the names of 10,000 dead insurgents are engraved. The movie "City of Ruins" is shown in the cinema hall, which shows the horror of the destruction and devastation of Warsaw during the uprising.

19. Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz)

There were three large Nazi concentration camps in Auschwitz. During the Second World War, more than a million people died in them, mostly of Jews by origin. In 1947, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum was opened here, dedicated to the terrible events of the war. More than a million people visit it every year. On the territory of the museum in 1967, a monument was unveiled in honor of the victims of Nazism.

20. Oskar Schindler's Factory (Krakow)

The activities of this factory are shown in the film "Schindler's List". The founder of the factory ransomed prisoners from concentration camps to work in production, so he helped thousands of people escape death. The exhibition "Krakow during the Occupation 1939-1948" attracts a large number of visitors. It was opened in 2010 and tells about the history of the factory, the fate of the Jews of Krakow and the life of the population during the occupation.

21. European Solidarity Center (Gdansk)

Multimedia Museum and Library Complex in Gdansk. Opened in 2014 and is dedicated to the creation and work of the opposition movement "Solidarity". The building is made in the form of a ship, its area is 25,000 m². 6 halls of the museum tell about the emergence of the popular movement, the history of Poland, the change of the political regime and the fall of communism. Visitors can use the audio guide, including in Russian.

22. Museum of the Second World War (Gdansk)

Located on a peninsula in the city of Gdansk. The museum was opened in 2017. The building is an example of Polish modern architecture. The main exposition is located in the underground part. Its funds amount to 50,000 exhibits. The concept of the museum is interesting - to show the horrors of war not only from the point of view of politics, but through the eyes of an ordinary person. The installations of the museum are shocking and make a strong impression.

23. Wooden churches in the south of Lesser Poland

In the south of the country there is a complex of valuable architectural wooden churches. They are created in different styles - Baroque, Renaissance, Gothic. The earliest objects were built in the XIV century. One of the first buildings is considered to be a church in Khachuv dating back to 1388. Part of the complex is under the protection of UNESCO. For visiting the southern Lesser Poland churches, a special a tourist route, it is popular with travelers.

24. Churches of the world

Large religious wooden buildings of the 17th century, included in the UNESCO list. Of the three churches built, two have survived to date. They are located in the towns of Swidnica and Javor. The church in Swidnica can accommodate 6,000 parishioners. Its ceilings are decorated with paintings of scenes from the Bible. The church in Javor, with an area of ​​1090 m², can accommodate 7,500 parishioners. The architectural solutions of the churches' facades are extremely original.

25. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

A religious architectural and park complex in the center of Poland on the slopes of the mountains. During the construction of the park, the natural features of the area were taken into account. The structures of the park symbolize the procession of the cross and the passion of Christ. They have a complex architecture. The building of the chapel of the Cathedral of Our Lady is made in the form of a heart, the house of Pontius Pilate is in the form of a Greek cross, and the house of Kaifa is in the form of a simple ellipse.

26. Church of Vang in Karpacz

Located at the foot of the Snezka Mountain in a beautiful dense forest. The church was built in the style of traditional Scandinavian architecture. The building was built in Norway in the XII century, and in the XIX century it was moved to Karpacz by order of the King of Prussia Wilhelm IV. The church was built from Norwegian pine without the use of nails, but at the same time it is an incredibly solid building. The facades of the outer walls are decorated with ornaments.

27. Monastery Yasnaya Gora (Czestochowa)

Catholic monastery in the city of Czestochowa. Belongs to the monks of the Pauline order. They erected a monastery on a 293 meter high hill in the 14th century. The height of the bell tower of the monastery in the Baroque style is 106 meters. At the corners of the quadrangular monastery there are powerful arrow-shaped bastions. The main attraction is the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God, which is considered miraculous among believers.

28. Ksenzh Castle

It is located near the city of Walbrzych and is the third largest in Poland. The castle is part of the Piast Castles tourist route. Founded in the XIII century. Mine modern look received under the possession of the Hochberg dynasty. V war time the Nazis removed all the valuables from the castle. But even now there is something to see there. In a beautiful garden - an exhibition of flowers and shrubs, in the halls of the castle - an exhibition of porcelain and ceramics.

29. Zakopane

There are several ski resorts here. The city is called the "winter capital of the country" because of the thousands of tourists who visit Zakopane at this time of year. It is located at the foot of the Tatra Mountains. Perfect vacation they do in it fresh air, beautiful views of snow-capped peaks, dense coniferous forest and developed infrastructure. Such entertainments as - tens of kilometers of ski slopes, skating rinks, thermal pools are presented.

30. Masurian Lakes

A group of lakes with a total area of ​​310 km². Consists of 2000 reservoirs of different sizes of glacial origin. Picturesque forest reserves are located on the shores of the lakes. This place is popular with travelers not only for its natural beauty. The infrastructure for tourists is well developed here. It is possible to order a boat trip, a tour of historical sites or just take a walk along the paths on the banks.

31. Tatra National Park

Large park in southern Poland. It is located in the landscapes of the Tart Mountains belonging to the Carpathians. Occupies an area of ​​22,000 hectares. 70% of the park's area is occupied by forests, the rest of the territory is covered by rocks with 750 caves, lakes and a waterfall. The forest in the park is predominantly coniferous. The most high mountain The lynx is popular with climbers. I like the park and hikers. Trails of varying difficulty have been laid for them with a total length of 270 km.

32. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Large relict lowland forest. Included in the UNESCO heritage list. Located on the territory of two neighboring states - Poland and Belarus. The ancient forest is home to many animals, but the most valuable is the bison. Tourism is developed in the reserve on the Polish side. The main tourist center the village of Bialowieza is considered, it is here that the gathering of tourists takes place before excursion routes.

33. Wroclaw Zoo

The 33 hectare zoo was founded in 1865. At the same time, buildings were built in it of architectural value - the House of Monkeys or the House of Butterflies. The zoo is home to over 10,000 animals. An open-air cage with an area of ​​1.2 hectares has been built for brown bears. The pride of the zoo is Afrikarium - a large oceanarium with different ecosystems of the continent. Interesting sections are the Terrarium and the Madagascar Zone.

34. Lazienki Park (Warsaw)

An old palace and park complex with cultural and historical monuments. Founded in the 17th century by order of Hetman Lubomirsky. It houses the Palace on the Water - a secluded pavilion with a Chinese-style bathhouse. Another attraction of the park is the Roman Theater. This is an amphitheater, built by the water, decorated with statues of ancient poets. Undoubtedly, it is worth seeing the Old and New Greenhouses, the Myshlevitsky Palace, the White House.

35. Sopot beach and pier

The seaside resort of Sopot is famous for its sandy beach... Long, wide and safe. The necessary infrastructure has been equipped - changing cabins, sports grounds, cafes and bars. The length of the beach line is 4 km. There is also a historical landmark - a 55-meter-long wooden pier. Concerts are often held on its land side, the “sea” part is ideal for walks.