Excursions to interesting places. Russia

Acquaintance with the capital begins in its very heart - on Red Square. Then a walk along the walls of the Kremlin leads tourists to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - the symbol of the revived Orthodox Russia. Alexander Garden, Poklonnaya Gora, Sparrow Hills and at the end of the tour a walk along the miracle of modern architecture - the glazed bridge "Moscow-City".

This tour is dedicated to the unique museum complex of the Moscow Kremlin, its history and the most significant events that took place on its territory. Here everyone will be able to independently assess the size of the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell. The excursion program also includes a visit to one of the cathedrals: Assumption, Arkhangelsk or Annunciation.

The best way to discover the world of art is in the Tretyakov Gallery. Especially for schoolchildren, unique educational programs and quests have been developed here. The richest collection of works of art will appear before young visitors with the most famous paintings - "Rooks Have Arrived" by A. Savrasov, "Golden Autumn" by I. Levitan, "The Swan Princess" by M. Vrubel and many others.

Walking tour of the Arbat

Film studio "Mosfilm"

An excursion to Mosfilm is a great chance to see how a movie is made, take a walk among the scenery, see how costumes for your favorite movie characters are born. Perhaps, while walking around the territory of Mosfilm, you will meet your favorite actor or actress - here it is more real than anywhere else. This tour is for everyone who loves cinema.

Ready to commit unforgettable journey to the stars? See all the constellations at once in the night sky? Come to the Planetarium! The Moscow Planetarium is the largest in Europe, the area of ​​the Star Hall is 1000 m2, and the diameter of the dome is 25 m. Everyone will be able to travel through time and space while watching a movie on the dome-screen. Come, fascinating astronomy is waiting for you!

This museum-treasury contains gold and silver items made by Russian craftsmen, ceremonial royal clothes, and ancient state regalia. Incredible delight is always caused by the double throne of the princes Ivan and Peter with a secret door through which they told the young kings what to say during the reception of ambassadors.

Museum Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

Where else can modern children find out in which schools and what their ancestors studied, if not in Kolomenskoye? In a real hut school, they will be taught to write letters on birch bark and treated to delicious tea. And the tour "Russian hospitality" will remind you how it is customary to treat guests in Russia.

Moscow Zoo

A museum where all the exhibits can be touched, tasted, experienced. More than 250 interesting interactive mechanisms tell fascinating stories about mechanics, electricity, magnetism, acoustics and much more.

The most famous exhibition venue in the country. On a vast territory there are unique pavilions, fountains, sculptures, museums, bicycle rentals, a rope town and even an aquarium!

The most famous and largest acting Orthodox church Moscow. The exposition of the museum describes in detail and interestingly difficult story temple, and from the observation deck offers a gorgeous view of Moscow.

Walking tour-excursion "Walls and towers of the Kremlin"

You will have a journey through the very center of Moscow - a tour of Red Square, Alexander Garden, a place of execution, St. Basil's Cathedral, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Manezhnaya Square, a walk from the Spasskaya Tower to Kutafya, the Kremlin Embankment.

Traveling around Russia and not getting on the most popular tours of Moscow in 2019 is an unthinkable and outrageous act that one cannot afford real tourist. In many ways, this also applies to residents of the capital. Most of those who grew up in Moscow have been in the Kremlin once with the school to the Armory, and they may not even know about other museums in Moscow. Our TOP 20 popular excursions in Moscow with prices and descriptions are for those who actively spend time.

It is hard to imagine Moscow without the Kremlin, whose towers and walls have long become a symbol not only of the capital, but of the whole of Russia. Red brickwork can be unmistakably recognizable in any photo, as is the stunning view of the city from the hill above the Kremlin embankment. A visit to the Kremlin is a "must have" for any tour of Moscow.

The Moscow Kremlin is, first of all, a fortress, on the territory of which princes, tsars, emperors, leaders and heads of the country lived at different times. Each historical epoch left a cultural imprint. A tour of the Moscow Kremlin is an opportunity to see how beautifully the State Kremlin Palace (Palace of Congresses), built in the 20th century under the USSR, and the Terem Palace, built in the 17th century by order of the first Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, coexist.

To get on an excursion to the Kremlin, both independently and with a group, tickets must be purchased in advance and a number of rules must be observed. Tourists can move around the territory only on foot and strictly in certain places, since the Moscow Kremlin is also the workplace of the President of the Russian Federation - a specially protected object.

Prices: 500 - 3 000 rub
Entrance ticket: included in the price

2. Sightseeing walking tour of Moscow

Moscow is a huge metropolis, the sights of which are located in various areas. In the capital there is no "old city" as such, which is in most European capitals, such as Prague , Rome or Paris . Rays of several streets and lanes depart from the Kremlin walls, which make up the historical center.

Main tourist routes pass through Manezhnaya Square, Ilyinka Street, Nikolskaya Street, Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street, Stoleshnikov Lane, Kamergersky Lane and, of course, Arbat.

Most tourists are happy to walk along the cobbled streets of the city, admire the preserved architecture and listen to a fascinating story about a variety of historical events and famous residents of the capital.

Prices: 500 - 5 000 rub
Entrance ticket: No

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3. Moscow City sightseeing tour

Almost all world capitals strive to grow not only in breadth, but also in height. Skyscrapers have become an integral part of any metropolitan landscape. Moscow is no exception. The glass skyscrapers of Moscow City have long taken pride of place in the top ten sights of Moscow.

Here are the offices of the largest Russian companies, representative offices of international corporations, the best panoramic restaurants in Moscow. Representatives of the business elite live in apartments on the top floors.

Tourists from all over the world seek to climb the towers in the City. View the city from a bird's eye view, when a transparent glass wall separates from the edge. And it seems to be clear and obvious that the design is strong and safe, but only a few dare to come close to the glass. Guides and special interactive applications for smartphones will tell you a lot of interesting things and show you the main sights of the city.

Prices: 300r (audio guide)
Entrance ticket: 540 - 1 200 rub

Buy a tour

Moscow - amazing city. You can learn its history by walking along the small streets, looking at it from the incredible height of the city's skyscrapers, or you can go on a tour of the city's rooftops.

The attics of ancient buildings in the very center are connected by many passages and represent a complex and intricate labyrinth, at the end of which incredible views of the city await. The tour is more like an interesting dialogue about the city than a boring university lecture.

With an experienced roofer, a tour of the rooftops of Moscow will be safe and fun. The main thing is to wear comfortable, non-slip shoes and get ready to walk a lot. Don't forget your camera. It will come in handy to capture the setting sun over the Stalin skyscrapers or the dawn over the Yauza.

Prices: 1 290 - 5 000 rub
Entrance ticket: No

Buy a tour

Millions of people go underground every day. The metro has long been the easiest and fastest way to get around Moscow. The Moscow subway is a separate city within a city that books are written about and films are made about, but few people know how it actually works. Foreigners are surprised that Muscovites pass by every day real history and incredible beauty and know almost nothing about it.

Excursions in the Moscow metro are held every day. Travel participants visit the electric depot, the most interesting stations and tunnels. Even the natives of the capital do not know the secrets that guides reveal. Many people are interested to know where the tradition of rubbing the nose of a dog at the Revolution Square station came from or what are the secret signs in the mosaic on Kievskaya and Mayakovskaya.

Prices: 1 150 - 2 000 rub
Entrance ticket: 50r

Buy a tour

The most common and easiest way to get to know the capital is to take a bus tour of Moscow. Sitting in comfortable conditions with air conditioning, you can listen with pleasure to the guide's story about the sights of the city.

Sightseeing tours of Moscow by bus are different. Sometimes the journey takes only a couple of hours and tourists do not have to get off the bus to the street. This option is especially suitable for those who are passing through Moscow and do not plan to spend a lot of time exploring the city.

If time permits and the sights of the capital are included in the list of mandatory items of the tourist program, then the bus will rather be a means of transportation from one place to another. The only problem with large sightseeing buses is traffic jams and narrow streets.

Prices: 1 150 - 2 000 rub
Entrance ticket: included in the price

Buy a tour

Many Russian tourists, who went to see the sights of Berlin or Barcelona, ​​noted the incredible convenience of local double-decker sightseeing buses. They run along a predetermined route, and the tour is broadcast through special headphones for passengers in several languages.

Recently, excursions on double-decker buses have appeared in Moscow. Bright red buses with two passenger floors and an audio guide in 8 languages ​​run on 3 routes. Tickets are valid for 2 days.

All this time, you can go in and out at any stop an unlimited number of times to go to one of the museums in Moscow. This is very convenient for independent travel in the city.

Prices: 800 - 1 900 rub
Entrance ticket: included in the price

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Historically, Moscow was built along the banks of the river, which served not only as protection, but also as the main highway. Over the centuries, the status of the Moscow River has changed, river transportation of goods has become less in demand. But every year the popularity of passenger excursions on the boat along the Moscow River is growing. It is very interesting and unusual to look at the city center from such an unusual angle.

Motor ships and river trams run according to schedule on various routes. From the deck you can admire the walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Zaryadye Park, the house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, Gorky Park, Sparrow Hills, Serebryany Bor and much more. A well-trained guide during the trip will tell you interesting facts about the sights that the river bus passes by.

Prices: 290 - 2 200 rub
Entrance ticket: included in the price

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The river navigation season in Moscow opens in April and ends in November. However, cruises of the Radisson Royal Flotilla on the Moscow River take place all year round and do not stop even in winter. Icebreaking snow-white yachts run from the pier near the Ukraine Hotel to Gorky Park.

Huge panoramic windows allow you to see the surrounding landscape in all details. On the main deck there is a restaurant where during a tour of Moscow you can have a bite to eat, drink coffee or arrange a romantic date.

Prices: 650 - 2 000 rub
Entrance ticket: included in the price

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Like any other city, Moscow changes at night. Night Moscow surprises not only tourists, but also the citizens themselves. Millions of projectors and lanterns illuminate houses and streets. Night illumination is a separate direction in the architecture and design of the city.

At night, Moscow is rich in unusual excursions. Metro tours, the "Night at the Museum" or "Circle of Light" festival and other amazing events take place in Moscow on a regular basis.

But the city surprises tourists not only with cultural attractions. Moscow has been hosting tours of the best nightclubs and pubs for several years now. On the same Chistye Prudy in one night you can visit not less than ten the funniest bars.

Prices: 800 - 1 650r
Entrance ticket: included in the price

Moscow is majestic and incredibly beautiful, excursion routes can be the most diverse, exciting and truly exciting. A walk through the main sights of the capital is the best way to get acquainted with the history and life of the city, and excursions on the red double-decker bus in Moscow, will just satisfy the needs of tourists and help you spend your day in the most comfortable and most informative way.

Excursion program

If you are a guest of the capital or just a Muscovite who wants to fill in the gaps in the memory of the history of your city and enjoy the landscapes and stunningly beautiful architectural structures, then buy Moscow tours by bus, a Moscow tour by bus is a trip thanks to which every local and a visiting "capital" tourist will be able to learn and discover something new, something that he probably did not even know about.

Sightseeing tours around the city can be both multi-day (two-day) and single (one day or 24 hours). As a rule, the route on the red bus passes a small circle, but at the same time, such tours allow passengers to get off the bus at any place, and then just likewise enter another bus running on an identical route.

Excursions around Moscow on a double-decker bus from City Sightseeing are of only two types. The first view is red, on the red bus No. 1, and the second is green, No. 2. These excursion tours have the same schedule, but the length and route they have is different.

In the first and second cases, i.e. in "red" and "green" - the trip starts from one place, namely from Bolotnaya Square, but in the first case there are 18 stops, and in the second - 30.

We bring to your attention the route and the main attractions at each stop, which passes the first - "red" bus with route number "1":

  • Bolotnaya embankment (square). There are not many attractions here, the embankment is more famous for its historical events, such as the punishment of Emelyan Pugachev, other public executions. In the 18th century, the square was a large number of monastic and princely gardens and gardens, festivities were held and trade was carried out. But now it is a beautiful, ennobled park area, with a large number of shops, flower beds, monuments - I.E. Repin, the sculptural composition “Children are victims of the vices of adults”, the Luzhkov Bridge and its iron “Trees of Love” and just playgrounds where you can go for a walk with your family.
  • House on the embankment (cinema "Drummer"). Made in the style of constructivism, the cinema building has rich history and is the first cinema in Moscow to show sound films.
  • Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge across the Moscow River. This bridge, which has long been “not stone”, is one of the main places where tourists come to enjoy the picturesque panorama that opens on the walls of the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Archangel Cathedral, the Government House and other iconic sights of the capital.
  • State Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin. Well, there is no need to talk about this place. The Pushkin Museum was founded in 1898, although it was called the Museum of Fine Arts and the name of Alexander III, but even since then the museum has been not just a university scientific center, it is a place where the most incredible and authentic works of art of antiquity and modernity are collected.
  • Moscow metro station "Kropotkinskaya". In addition to the marble-granite metro station itself, awarded the Grand Prix at the exhibition in Paris and Brussels, there are such famous sights on the surface as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Patriarchal Bridge, the Library. Lenin, a monument to Alexander II, as well as a huge number of museums and galleries.
  • Lane Sivtsev Vrazhek. The lane is located between Gogolevsky Boulevard and per. Cash, on the very lane. Sivtsev Vrazhek is something to see. There is a huge number of residential buildings in which very famous actors, writers, top military leaders, doctors and many other public figures of the Soviet period used to live.
  • Arbat Gate Square (Arbat Square). The square begins to come to life and fill with new colors in the evening and gathers a huge number of people on its territory. Here is the ground lobby of the Arbatskaya metro station, the Arbat Gate Square, the Mansion of the merchant Morozov, the Prague restaurant, the Peace Wall, the monument to N.V. Gogol, if you walk through these places, then the evening tour promises to be very interesting.
  • Mokhovaya street (Alexandrovsky garden). Driving along Makhovaya Street, you can see such sights as the Russian State Library, the monument to F.M. Dostoevsky, if you go to the parallel street (Manezhnaya), you can get to the Alexander Garden itself and to the northwestern wall of the Kremlin.
  • Street and metro station "Okhotny Ryad". Passing by Manezhnaya Square, the Geological Museum, you can see the famous "Okhotnoryadskaya" street, where the Building of the Council of Labor and Defense, the hotel "Moscow", the lobby of the metro station in the house "Okhotny Ryad" and the house of the Unions are located.
  • theatre square. Immediately after Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya Square begins, on which the Bolshoi, Molodezhny and Maly Theaters are located, the combined lobby of the Moscow metro stations Teatralnaya and Okhotny Ryad, the Metropol Hotel, as well as monuments to Vysotsky, Ostrovsky and Marx.
  • Lubyanka metro station (Lubyanskaya sq.). When the sightseeing tour of Moscow reaches this square, it is better to get off the bus and walk around the square on foot, observing the whole architectural ensemble. On the square there is the Building of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Biblio-Globus Trade House, the KGB Computing Center, the Square and the Solovetsky Stone monument, the Detsky Mir department store, a museum and many other interesting buildings that require only multi-day excursions.
  • Upper trading rows, GUM. An incredibly large shopping complex located and looking at the main square of the country with its “face”, is still a “general store” where you can not only buy goods, but also drink coffee in a cozy cafe and watch people passing by.
  • the Red Square. The most popular and demanded trip to the main square of Moscow is the New Year's excursion. During this fabulous period, the square itself is transformed, a huge New Year tree appears on it and ice rink, which appeared for the first time on the square back in 2006. Of course, on other days and seasons, there are places to go and things to see on the square. These are St. Basil's Cathedral, a museum, the well-known mausoleum, the Execution Ground, the Upper and Middle Trading Rows, etc. Tourists are allowed to take “selfies” and shoot videos in the square and indoors.
  • Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge. After the square, on a sightseeing red bus, you will pass along the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge, which stretches across the Moskva River, and then you will get to Balchug Street.
  • Balchug street. Further excursions on a double-decker bus in Moscow are almost over, on this street you can look at the Balguch Kempinski hotel and the Balguch Plaza business center.
  • Confectionery factory "Red October". Then the trip on the official City Sightseeing bus continues to the Krasny Oktyabr factory, founded back in 1851 and producing such famous sweets as Alyonka, Mishka kosolapy, Kara-Kum, Golden Key, etc.
  • Cinema "Drummer". This "red" tour begins to finally close, returning to the famous cinema.
  • Balchug street. Then again the tour leads to Balchug Street, and from there to Bolotnaya Square, where the bus picks up new passengers.

"Green" route No. 2 also passes half of the listed attractions, and also includes such famous places as Stary Arbat, Novospassky, Patriarchal, Bolshoy Ustinsky and Borodinsky bridges, Novospassky Monastery, Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and others.

How to book an excursion

The tour can be booked online, which makes the "Moscow" route through the sights. To do this, you need to go to the official website or the website of City Sightseeing partners and make a purchase.

You can arrange both two-day and one-day excursions and pay for the ticket using the PayPal payment system.

Day Tour by City Sightseeing Bus

Day trips or 2 day trips on a red double decker are very convenient. At any time of the day, namely starting from 10:00 am, you can board a red double decker anywhere along the plying route.

There will be no need to look for buses at the station, as they stop at the "red" signs that are located around the city. The main and main stop of both routes is Bolotnaya Square near the monument.

red bus timetable

Double decker tour bus has two schedules:

  • From May to October: the first flight leaves at 10 am and the last one at 17:15. On weekends, the last "first" route leaves the square at 18:30, and the "second" green one half an hour earlier, i.e. at 18:00.
  • From November to April: the first flight on weekdays departs at 10:00, the last "red" and "green" flights at 17:00 and 16:00, respectively, on weekends and holidays at 18:00 and at 17:00.

Sometimes, due to the condition of the roads, possible repairs, due to possible Moscow traffic jams and other unforeseen circumstances, the schedule and the route itself, along which the double decker runs, may change without prior notice to passengers.

The duration of the first red bus running along route No. 1 lasts an average of 1 hour, while the double decker stops at the most remarkable sights for 10 minutes, throughout the route you can listen to an audio guide that tells about historical incidents and about the sights themselves on 8 languages ​​of the world.

In terms of length, flight No. 1 takes about 10 km of the way, but it passes them in an hour, so that all tourists can take full-fledged and high-quality photographs from the second floor of the bus. Route No. 2 is twice as long as the first (20 km), therefore, more time will be spent on the trip, namely 1.5-2 hours, depending on the state of the roads and congestion.

Excursion red double-deckers run daily, seven days a week, multi-day (more than 2 days) or excursions from Moscow are not provided, since the bus makes its flight along the route within the Moscow Ring Road and in one hour.

But those who purchased a ticket on the spot or via the Internet are given the opportunity to use the services of the bus for one or two days, getting on and off the board at any time of the day until 18:00, the so-called "hop-on hop-off".

Prices for sightseeing tours in Moscow

In general, the price of a ticket for a red sightseeing double decker in Moscow depends on several factors.:

  1. The ticket price is different for residents and foreign travelers. For the latter, it is a little more expensive than for Muscovites or people living in other regions of Russia.
  2. The ticket price depends on the number of days, there are two options: either 1 day, i.e. 24 hours or two days.
  3. The ticket price differs depending on which category of passengers you belong to. For adult residents, the cost of 1 day excursion is 1,000 rubles per person, for pensioners and students - 800 rubles, for children (from 0 to 6 years old), disabled people of the 1st group and veterans of the Great Patriotic War - free of charge. For children over 6 years old and disabled people of groups 2 and 3 - 600 rubles.

It is also possible to purchase a small discount by choosing the family rate, if the family consists of two adults and one child - 2,400 rubles for all, two adults + two children - 2,800, two + three - 3,200 rubles.

On average in Moscow, ordering a bus for an excursion starts from 700 rubles per hour. Therefore, if you purchase a hop-on hop-off ticket, then you save at least 10 times the cost of the tour.

Having spent only 1000 rubles, you have the opportunity to ride around Moscow sights throughout the day and at any time convenient for you.

Like many ancient cities, Moscow grew like a tree with annual rings. However, having received the status of the capital “in its youth”, it also acquired an unusual path of development. Therefore, the sights of Moscow are located in an interesting way: large streets with buildings scatter from the Kremlin walls and cathedrals different eras, and whimsical lanes with yards. The concentration of interesting places here is unimaginable. To navigate them and find out exactly what is important to you, individual excursions around Moscow will best help.

At some distance from the city center, there are former frontiers on the outskirts of the capital - Donskoy, Novodevichy and other monasteries. ancient architecture they are combined with the solemnity of the necropolises and the corners of nature surrounding them. By the way, natural beauties Moscow can compete with the greenest capitals in the world. Walking tours in Moscow are good not only in the city center, but in historical parks along embankments, in forests on the outskirts of the city, in the territories of former estates.

For lovers of modernity, Moscow is just as promising a place as for connoisseurs of antiquity. A visit to Moscow City, other "skyscraper" and "high-altitude" walks around Moscow, excursions to the Ostankino television center - all this will create a vivid picture of the metropolis. It will be complemented by night excursions around Moscow - they are dedicated not only to the mystical and gloomy secrets of antiquity, but also to the turbulent life of clubs, floating venues and dancing places in the capital.

What kind of capital will seem to you - beautiful, ancient, Belokamennaya, Nerezinovoy, literary or heavenly for children - depends on the guide you choose and the tour of Moscow. The price of everything in Moscow may surprise you, but an author's excursion is that memorable gift for yourself and your loved ones, which you definitely won't regret. Among Muscovites who love educational leisure, city excursions are also gaining popularity - in Moscow-2019 there are many places that even the natives do not know about.

The greatest city of the country, the heart of Russia, Moscow embodies the entire history of the development of the state from its foundation to today. Among the huge number of interesting places, unique monuments, unusual sights, there are those that are the main symbols of the whole country, associated with the history of the city's development over the centuries. There is a great way to get to know them - to become a member of group or individual excursions in Moscow.

A nice bonus only for our readers - a discount coupon when paying for tours on the site until June 30:

  • AF500guruturizma - promo code for 500 rubles for tours from 40,000 rubles
  • AF2000TGuruturizma - promo code for 2,000 rubles. for tours to Tunisia from 100,000 rubles.

And you will find many more advantageous offers from all tour operators on the website. Compare, choose and book tours at the best prices!

Moscow courtyards are a very special habitat. In the old part of the city, you can find courtyards that are completely different in terms of decor and inner atmosphere. The route of the walk runs along Vozdvizhenka, Znamenka, Tverskaya and Bolshaya Nikitskaya streets. Tourists will have the opportunity to get acquainted with examples of architectural styles of bygone eras: from the stone chambers of antiquity to the classics of the Pashkov house.

The guide will show amazing landscapes in the very heart of the modern Russian capital: a typical English corner, a fabulous house on the Savvinsky Compound, wall frescoes with faces of rock and pop music idols.
Moscow will open to visitors from a different side. The guide's story will fill in the gaps in the city's history and bring back memories of the past. Traveling through the Moscow courtyards will be a great way to reveal the secrets of the big city.

How television is made

The dream of every viewer is to see the wrong side of TV shows. An excursion around the Ostankino television center will help to fulfill a cherished desire. During the visit, tourists get a rare opportunity to look into the studios where popular shows are filmed. In a separate room, the museum exposition demonstrates how the technical equipment of the television center has changed. Visitors can view and touch the professional audio and video equipment used to create TV.

Of great interest is the scenery hall, which presents stage costumes and scenery. Many unique exhibits are shown in the exhibition room of the show "Field of Miracles". Numerous fans send gifts here. Another unusual corner awaits tourists in the underground passage between the buildings of the television center. The walls of the tunnel are decorated in graffiti style. The drawings figuratively depict the history of national television, the most important milestones of its existence. Admission to Ostankino is carried out according to a pre-certified list and after the presentation of documents. Entrance is allowed to persons over the age of 10 years.

Treasures of the Kremlin - Diamond Fund, Armory and Alexander Garden

A 3-hour walk begins at the ancient Kremlin walls, from where you can see the Red Square, which has absorbed the spirit of past centuries. In the Alexander Garden, everyone will feel the atmosphere of heroic glory, looking at the monumental monuments that depict the milestones of military history. A visit to the main treasures of the country - the Diamond Fund and the Armory will allow you to get an idea of ​​the untold riches of the Russian state.

Masterpieces of jewelry craftsmanship made of precious stones (royal jewelry, “diamond card”, etc.) will amaze the imagination with their quantity and finest art. In the Armory Chamber, the entire outer side of the splendor and luxury of the royal dynasties (attributes of ceremonial clothes, thrones, the Cap of Monomakh and other famous regalia) will visibly appear.

A fascinating walk (3 hours) in the center of Moscow will give you the most best experience and interesting information about the main sights of the capital. The route includes lanes, streets and squares (15 in total) from the station. m. Arbatskaya to the station. m. Chistye Prudy. You will walk along the entire Arbat, visit Red Square, near the Eternal Flame in the Alexander Garden. On Varvarka you will go to the monastery refectory and have a snack with tea and pies, visit Rybny Lane.

During the inspection, you will become aware of interesting details from the life of great personalities of the past, for example, in what place Lomonosov first set foot on the Moscow land, who invented the recipe for the Bird's Milk dessert. You will see the building where the wedding of Count Sheremetev and Praskovya Zhemchugova took place, the notorious Solovetsky stone and much more.

Cost: adult - 750 rubles, pence. and disabled people - 650 rubles. children (up to 13 years old) - 530 rubles.

Historical walk from antiquity to the present day

A walking tour accompanied by a guide will help you get an idea of ​​Moscow. Tourists will have to learn about the history of the emergence and development of the city, understand the difference between a settlement and a settlement, and see the noble and merchant residential buildings. During the walk, the events of various eras are covered in detail: from the archery riots to the repressions of the 30-50s.

A time machine is not required to fast travel from the 12th to the 21st century. The story is accompanied by a demonstration of illustrative material - drawings, photographs, maps. Excursion in space and time will appeal not only to visitors, but also to native Muscovites who want to learn more about their beloved city.

In 1.5 hours you will experience the most exciting moments of life, when literally the whole world will be in full view, and the scale of the metropolis will stagger your imagination. A fabulous picture will open to you from the roof of a grandiose building - one of the Stalinist skyscrapers (100 m), which everyone will climb in a safe mode, accompanied by an experienced guide.

"Extreme" ascent will be held under the heading "secret": the skyscraper is located on Komsomolskaya Square(square of 3 stations), shrouded in many legends, the guide will tell you about some military secrets of the times of the USSR. Each of the participants in the "adventure" will feel their involvement in great history huge state. It is advisable to wear sportswear and comfortable shoes.

Price - 5 000 rub.

In the footsteps of Moscow ghosts

Every self-respecting city with history should have at least one ghost. In Moscow, mystical creatures live in old mansions in the Spiridonovka district. The ghost of the cat Behemoth roams Tverskaya. And deep underground are mysterious bunkers. Together with your guide you will pass through the most mysterious places Moscow. You will listen to stories about Masons, warlocks and the zodiac map of the city. It will be terribly interesting.

Big walk through little lanes

It will be pleasant and useful to spend time if you go for a walk around Moscow in the company of an erudite guide. For a short but intense promenade, a route is offered from the Kitay Gorod metro station to Khitrovskaya Square. There are a lot of interesting things in the alleys along the way. Tourists will see examples of ancient architecture and places remembered from cult films. They will be able to feel the unforgettable flavor of Moscow courtyards.

The guide will show you exclusive shops selling designer items. A pleasant end to the voyage will be a tea party in an original cafe serving fragrant herbal tea. The dynamic promenade is accompanied by an informative story about the history of the city and its inhabitants.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior. History and modernity

The temple is considered one of the symbols of Russian Orthodoxy. This is the largest cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia holds services here. Even on normal days, getting inside is not easy. During the tour you will go to the temple without queues. The guide will tell you how the cathedral was built, destroyed and restored. And at the end of the tour you will climb viewing platforms under the dome.

In search of Moscow castles

real medieval castles reminiscent of Art Nouveau houses, lost in the intricacies of Moscow streets. A guide will help you find unusual buildings while walking around the capital. He will tell you about the history of outlandish mansions and their first owners, teach you to understand architectural styles. In old Moscow courtyards, you can find buildings that resemble an Italian palazzo or a British castle.

Art Nouveau buildings are decorated with various curly elements. Each of them has its own symbolic meaning. With the help of a guide, you will learn how to decipher the stone chronicle of old buildings. Learn about the dramatic fate of the author of the Moscow "castles" - the architect Fyodor Shekhtel. The excursion program also includes a visit to the museum-apartment of the writer M. Gorky. The mindfulness game helps to consolidate the information received. Prizes-souvenirs await the winners.

As Exupery said, the most important thing cannot be seen with the eyes. If so, why not try spending two hours relying on other senses? Walking around Moscow with your eyes closed will give you a new unique experience. You will visit the center of the capital, walk through the parks and go to a cafe. The itinerary is compiled individually and kept secret. And to make the tour safe, the guide will hold your hand and guide you.

The history of Moscow from the 12th to the 21st centuries on the example of one street

The history of one street reflects all significant events in the life of the Russian capital. A short route runs along Sretenka from Trubnaya Square to Sukharevskaya. The area is replete with a lot of interesting corners, behind the facade of almost every building there is an amazing story. Rozhdestvensky Boulevard and Sretenskaya Street owe their origin to ancient Orthodox monasteries. In the old days, the slums and haunts of Moscow were located here.

In 19-20 Art. the area turned into a residence of creative bohemia. Pushkin, Lermontov, Tchaikovsky, Perov, Chekhov, Rubinstein walked along the street at different times. A separate page is occupied by the gastronomic past of Sretenka. The Hermitage restaurant was famous throughout Moscow, where the famous Olivier salad was served. And during the walk you can taste the most delicious chebureks in a popular catering establishment. The light spiritual atmosphere of the promenade will not leave anyone indifferent.

Private city tour

Exclusive acquaintance with various sights, microdistricts and squares of Moscow can be done by ordering private tour on pre-selected objects. The duration of the trip is from 2 to 6 hours. The 2-hour review passes through 4 route options:

  • Red Square, Alexander Garden
  • Zamoskvorechye
  • Arbat
  • China town

The 4-hour review has 5 routes, each of which (except the 5th) starts from Red Square, Alexander Garden and another object from the list below: Zamoskvorechye, Kitay-Gorod, Arbat, Kuznetsky Most, Nikolskaya st.

Route 5 (4 hours) includes Kitay-Gorod and Zamoskvorechye, Route 5 (6 hours) - Kuznetsky Most, Nikolskaya Street, Kitay-Gorod.

The Master and Margarita. romance with the city

The interweaving of real life situations and fiction turned the book "The Master and Margarita" into an unusual guide to the mysterious corners of Moscow. The best way to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the legendary Bulgakov's work is to take a walk through memorable places with a guide. The starting point of the journey will be the Patriarch's Ponds, where the fateful meeting between Woland and Berlioz took place.

Step by step, you will move through the places in the capital that Mikhail Bulgakov described in his popular novel. The guide's story will give an opportunity to imagine how they looked in the 1st half of the 20th century.
The logical conclusion of the walk will be a visit to the museum of the writer. The life of the author is as fascinating as the collisions of his work. The history of writing the novel stretched for 12 years. During this time, Bulgakov created a special parallel world in which he settled his favorite heroes. You can touch the secrets of the most mystical Russian novel at st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10/50.

Rooftop tour: “And from our window, Red Square is visible”

Exclusive "voyage" (from 1 person) on the roofs - an opportunity to see all the hidden corners of the capital and the beauty of architectural structures from above, to re-evaluate the grandeur of this ancient city. A look from above (secret vantage points) at the grand splendor of buildings, streets and avenues will allow you to experience emotional outbursts, pride and admiration.

In the process of lively, friendly communication with the guide, who, like an experienced navigator, leads you along a safe “course”, you will learn many new, interesting facts, hidden secrets about the life of golden-domed Moscow (Kremlin cathedrals), about the suffering city (Church of Christ the Savior), the victorious city (Stalin's skyscrapers). Traveling on rooftops should be done in comfortable clothes (no extra pockets, belts) and shoes with non-slip soles, being sober and disciplined. You need to unquestioningly follow the guide and follow his orders.

Cost - 1,290 rubles.

Gastronomic tour around the campus of RUDN University

Fans of gastro tours do not have to go on long journeys in search of exotic dishes. You can get acquainted with the culinary traditions of different peoples of the world without leaving Moscow. To do this, it is enough to take a promenade with an experienced guide through the campus of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR).

Behind the inconspicuous facades of buildings and hostels lies a real Chinatown. Without much difficulty, travelers move into an original atmosphere different countries and continents. During the walk, you have the opportunity to visit a cafe with Peruvian, Ethiopian, Libyan, Indian cuisine. Tasting of dishes is paid separately and costs about 800-1000 rubles. per person.

During the excursion, not only gastronomic topics will be touched upon, but also a story about the history and culture of the peoples of the world will be presented. Indeed, representatives of 450 ethnic groups from 146 states live on the territory of the campus. A lot of extraordinary exotic experiences are guaranteed.

Excursion to the Diamond Fund

During a 2-hour walk you will walk along the cobblestones of Red Square, see the Mausoleum, visit the Alexander Garden, with the Eternal Flame and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Admire the magnificent façade Bolshoi Theater, decorated with sculptural masterpieces. But the main part of the voyage will take place in the treasury museum of Russia - the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin, where priceless works of jewelry, symbols of the tsarist autocracy (sceptres, thrones, crowns), family jewels of the Rurik and Romanov families are kept.

The largest gold and platinum nuggets in the world are stored here, a map of the country marked with diamond placers is exhibited. The museum, which is small in size, amazes with the scale of wealth concentrated in 2 halls.

Ticket price: adults - 1,768 rubles, children (under 15) - 1,550 rubles, pensioners - 1,654 rubles.

Secrets of the Lubyanka

The name of Lubyanka Square (in Soviet times, the name of Dzerzhinsky) is strongly associated with the activities of the Cheka-GPU-NKVD-KGB. However, in addition to the infamous punishing organization, this Moscow corner is fraught with many other intriguing stories. It will be interesting not only for guests of the city, but also for the natives of the capital to walk around the outskirts of Lubyanka, to get acquainted with its intricate past.

At different times, events took place here that left their mark on the development of the Russian state. The names of Prince Pozharsky, Emelyan Pugachev and even Iron Timur are connected with Lubyanka. The limited time frame of the walk will not prevent tourists from making a mental journey from the depths of the 16th century to the 20th century.

Excursion to the Bolshoi Theater

To be in Moscow and not visit the world-famous Opera and Ballet Theater means not to respect yourself! The legendary theater Bolshoy, a symbol of great Russian culture, has known the most outstanding ballet dancers, inimitable opera singers and has always been a standard of classical singing and dancing. Captivated by the majestic beauty of the external architecture, the magnificence of the internal design, within 1 hour you will learn about interesting historical facts in the formation of the famous "temple of art".

Walking through the luxurious halls, you will see the amazing results of the recent large-scale reconstruction: a transforming stage, modern backstage, miracle mechanisms, innovative lighting devices. If you're lucky, you can get to a rehearsal of some performance and see those who, with their talent, make the glory of the Bolshoi Theater.

Ticket price: adults - 2,140 rubles, students and schoolchildren (grades 8-11) - 714 rubles.

Cruise aboard a snow-white yacht - a fish restaurant

Unforgettable will be cruise time, held on board a luxury yacht - a floating branch of the fish restaurant "Erwin. River. Sea. Ocean” A luxurious icebreaking vessel departing from the berth “Hotel Ukraine” is capable of making voyages in any season. In the exquisite atmosphere of the ship's restaurant, you will not only get an idea of ​​the rich diversity of the marine and river fauna of the Russian seas and rivers (25), but also taste delicious gourmet dishes prepared from the best varieties of fish and seafood.

An aristocratic dinner is accompanied by an overview of picturesque views of the iconic sights of the capital. In the panoramic windows of the yacht, in 2.5 hours, the Government House, the Novodevichy Convent, the Moscow State University, Peter the Great frozen in bronze, the gilded domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and many other objects will “float” by. It is best to plan a trip with children on Sunday - here entertaining games, contests and all kinds of entertainment are organized for them during the cruise.

Ticket price - adult (from 16 years old) - 1,490 rubles.

Children (under 12) - 1,080 rubles, up to 5 years - free of charge.

Sightseeing bus tour

The main object of the review is the famous Red Square, where the main solemn events took place and are taking place, where every stone of its pavement remembers the tragic and bright pages of the life of Russia. Here you will see with your own eyes the monuments of architecture, previously known only from photos and TV.

  • Manezhnaya Square will surprise you with magnificent old buildings, among which is the State Museum of History.
  • Embankments (Bersenevskaya and Sofiyskaya) will delight you with picturesque pictures of the Moscow River, exciting views of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the majestic Kremlin.
  • Sparrow Hills will demonstrate the architectural “union” of an ancient monastery and church (Novodevichy, the Life-Giving Trinity), a grandiose building of the Soviet era (MGU) and the scope of modernity (Moscow City).
  • Mosfilmovskaya Street will open the magical world of the film industry.
  • Poklonnaya Gora will touch the innermost strings of the soul with monuments of mournful grandeur.

Cost - 500 rubles. for the 1st.

Metro in detail: immersion in history and world culture

The subway can serve not only as a means of transportation, but also act as an object for the study of inquisitive tourists. The first stations of the metropolitan subway were created in the era of the heyday of socialism. Not only tunnel workers worked on their arrangement, but also architects, sculptors, and artists. Thanks to their work, the Moscow metro has turned into a unique museum. Station interiors are a powerful artistic and cultural layer that requires detailed consideration and thoughtful reflection.

The walk covers 7 stops in the central part of the city. The movement is carried out in chronological order from the lines built in the 30s. until the 50s. During the tour, visitors will learn about the stages of construction of the Moscow metro, learn to identify the styles and directions that left their mark on the appearance of the stations. The story is complemented by illustrations and photographs. For the convenience of listeners, listening is conducted with the help of special equipment - a microphone and headphones.

Excursion on the tram "302-BIS" around Bulgakov's places

An educational 1.5-hour trip on a red retro tram will especially appeal to admirers of Bulgakov's talent. They will hear amazing stories about the life of a disgraced writer, about mystical places capital, reflected in his famous works "Master and Margarita" and "Heart of a Dog". Participants of the tram journey will see with their own eyes the legendary objects directly related to the personality and work of the classic. They will pass along Tverskaya and Pushkinskaya streets, see the theatrical museum "Bulgakov's House", a mansion (prototype of Massolit), Griboyedov's house.

A visit to the Patriarch's Ponds will visibly resurrect the mystical episodes of the famous story about the Master. Leaving the tram at the Bulgakov House Museum, the sightseers will get acquainted with the history of the house, see the Behemoth cat, write their wish-review and put a note in the Love Mailbox.

Ticket price - 815 rubles.

Bus tour of the evening city

Traveling through the evening capital is an immersion in the world of the magical play of lights on the facades of magnificent buildings that you will admire during a 3-hour trip. The buildings that look luxurious during the day, surrounding Red Square, Vasilyevsky Spusk, become magically beautiful in the brilliance of multi-colored illumination. The museums on Volkhonka, the capital's Hollywood, the famous quadriga of the Bolshoi Theater, Moscow embankments will be fascinatingly good.

Participation in the search game will open the famous Stalinist skyscrapers for you, the history of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior will leave an indelible impression on your soul. At the end of an enchanting trip from the legendary Patriarchal Bridge, you will see a fantastic landscape with the sparkling domes of the Kremlin. A with Sparrow Hills the whole metropolis will open, flooded with an iridescent sea of ​​light, from which it is impossible to tear off an admiring glance.

Cost: adults - 800 rubles, children - 600 rubles.

Walking tour of Red Square and Alexander Garden

Where does everyone strive to get when they come to the Mother See? Of course, to Red Square! A 1.5-hour walk along the perimeter of the country's main square will help you see its main attractions and learn interesting "highlights" about it. The review starts from Manezhnaya Square, where you will see the famous Manege building, the former Moskva Hotel, the monument to Zhukov, the sculpture of George the Victorious, etc., and smoothly passes to Historical Museum, Mausoleum, Place of execution, St. Basil's Cathedral, etc.

In the Alexander Garden, in solemn sadness, stand at the Eternal Flame, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, look at the bearing of the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment and find out that in fact the garden is not one, but three. The final chord of acquaintance with the "heart" of the capital will be Vasilyevsky Spusk and the handsome St. Basil's Cathedral.

Bunker Stalin-42. Grip removed.

Having descended into an important government facility that was secret until recently, the participants in the inspection will see in reality something that they had only heard about before. The group will descend to a depth of 65 m, where the mysterious constructions of the symbol of nuclear antagonism of the USSR and the USA are located, with the help of which it was possible to lead the country in the event of a nuclear war.

Each of those present, seeing the wonders of military engineering, an exact copy of the RDS-1 atomic bomb, will breathe a sigh of relief that all this now is just monuments. The film about the Cold War will demonstrate the various means of communication in the 1940s and 1950s and instill a sense of confidence in the country's military might. Simulating a nuclear explosion, launching a nuclear missile will allow you to feel the scale of the disaster, so no one will have the desire to experience it in real life.

Ticket price: adult - 900 rubles, schoolchildren and students. - 660 rubles.

Walking tour of the Arbat

Is it not happiness to walk along the famous pedestrian street, sung in the songs of Okudzhava, Vysotsky, the verses of Rozhdestvensky, Yevtushenko, whose name is Arbat? In 1.5 hours before the eyes of the participants of the promenade, the past will be resurrected, reflected in the facades of authentic buildings, preserved from the 18-19th century, new attributes modern life. Images of literary characters and true historical figures will be revealed to you in a new way.

You will see the mansion of S. Morozov, where famous classics of literature and art used to be. Look at the legendary house where the "luminary of Russian poetry" A. S. Pushkin spent the happiest days of his life ( Honeymoon with Natalie). Approach the building in which the wedding of Sheremetev and Zhemchugova took place, be surprised by the unusual architecture of Melnikov's house-beehive, built in the style of constructivism.

Ticket: adult - 870 rubles.

Are you attracted by mysterious dungeons, are you not afraid of the dark, water and do not suffer from claustrophobia? Then this fascinating journey along a huge brick pipe laid under the city for you. It embodied the enormous work of hundreds of people, a far-sighted engineering and architectural thought and a romantically sad story of the once beautiful river Neglinnaya. Following an experienced digger guide, you will hear why people tried to hide Neglinka in the dungeon for 2 centuries, how and when they finally managed to do it.

You have to assess the scale of such a project by seeing the collectors:

  • brick building under Catherine's Garden (1906)
  • brick building near Trubnaya Square (Truba, 1817-1819)
  • concrete (between Trubnaya and the Metropol Hotel)
  • Shchekotovsky tunnel (brilliant construction of 1914)

Bring rubber shoe covers and a LED flashlight. Cost - 2 500 rubles. (from 1 to 4 people); 2 000 rub. (from 4 or more people).

Excursion around the territory of the Moscow Kremlin and the Armory

A 3-hour walk will open objects that are truly sacred for every Russian, in which the spiritual power, cultural and material wealth of the state, the result of the work of many generations, are embodied. Spiritual awe seizes everyone who enters the legendary gates of the Kremlin and sees the ageless beauty of its cathedrals, churches and palaces. Not without excitement, you will see the main temple of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Assumption, in which solemn ceremonies of weddings to the kingdom and the coronation of emperors were performed, ceremonies for the election of patriarchs and metropolitans were held.

Take pride in the masters of Russian foundry as you view the Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell and listen to your guide explain the history of their creation. After examining the building of the Arsenal, go to the unique repository of priceless treasures - the Armory, which contains historical rarities in the form of royal regalia (ceremonial clothes of kings, Monomakh's Hat, a silver throne, weapons, Faberge jewelry masterpieces).

Ticket price: adult (from 16) - 2,700 rubles, pence. - 2,300 rubles, full-time students - 2,300 rubles, children (under 16) - 1,990 rubles.

Excursion to the museum-viewing room Moscow-City

The history of high-rise construction in the capital, from the Ivan the Great Bell Tower to super-high-rises, is reflected in the exhibits of the modern Moscow City Museum. Here you will learn how the idea of ​​building skyscrapers arose and was carried out, get acquainted with the technical intricacies of construction, consider their architecture, get acquainted with fantastic architectural projects.

Rising to the 59th floor (Empire complex), you will admire the stunning panorama of the past and future of the city. Immerse yourself in a parallel reality with interactive programs and objects, and you can even get in touch with one of your movie or stage idols by phone.

Ticket price: adult (from 14) - 1,200 rubles. Children (from 6 to 14) - 550 rubles, from 0 to 5 - b/p. Seventh (2 + 2) - 2 900 rubles.

This exciting, fun photo trip begins on Red Square, near St. Basil's Cathedral. In 3 hours you will visit the famous sights of the capital and take pictures against their background. There will be no inconvenience in any weather - the car has air conditioning (for summer) and a stove (for winter), 5 umbrellas (for rain). All specially processed images are different high quality and will be a great illustration for an unforgettable journey.

Price - 2000 rubles. (auto, photo).

Moscow artists and patrons + Tretyakov Gallery

The route of the educational and cultural promenade (3 hours) runs along the famous Zamoskvorechye, where the old houses of merchants alternate with ancient temples and quiet monastic cloisters, where the memory of many writers and poets is immortalized. The participants of the walk will visit the house where A. N. Ostrovsky was born (Malaya Ordynka Street); in the mansion where L.N. Tolstoy rented an apartment (Pyatnitskaya Street).

Everyone will be imbued with the atmosphere of the literary creativity of the Kumaninsky Compound (Bolshaya Ordynka), associated with the names of Dostoevsky, Akhmatova, Ardov. Enriched with knowledge and impressions about the masters of the word, the tourists will come to the Tretyakov Gallery to admire the artistic masterpieces of the masters of the brush. The aesthetic fullness of the pedestrian voyage will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cost: adult - 1,600 rubles, pence. and stud. - 1 250 rubles, schoolchildren (only accompanied by adults) - 950 rubles.

Small Golden Ring of Russia (4 days)

1st day: a trip to Vladimir, visiting ancient sights in it:

  • The Golden Gate, symbolizing the power of Russia in the 12th century.
  • Demetrius Cathedral is a monument of the pre-Mongol era.
  • The Assumption Cathedral is an example of the inimitable beauty of temple architecture.

A visit to the Bogolyubsky Monastery, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Museum of Applied Arts will leave a deep impression.

2nd day - sightseeing of Suzdal:

  • visiting the Kremlin and the Cross Chamber
  • Spaso-Efimiev Monastery, listening to chimes
  • Museum of Wooden Architecture (structures of the 17th-19th centuries)
  • Intercession Convent
  • Departure to Kostroma, passing review historical sites in G. Ivanovo and free leisure in Kostroma.

3rd day - the way to Yaroslavl and an overview of its main attractions: Uspensky Cathedral, Volzhskaya embankment, Church of Elijah the Prophet. Return to Kostroma and sightseeing of religious sites: Spaso-Preobrazhensky, Ipatiev, Epiphany-Anastasia monasteries. visit retail space and an old fire tower.

4th day - a trip to the Rostov Kremlin, an overview of the Assumption Cathedral, an authentic belfry, the Bishop's Court, Cathedral Square, the Metropolitan Garden. A trip to Pereslavl-Zalessky, a visit to Red Square. with architectural monuments. Visiting Sergiev Posad, visits to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, visiting the cathedrals (Assumption and Trinity). Return to Moscow.

Ticket prices (including breakfast):

  • for 1 person - 1 5220 rubles.
  • for 2 people - 12 720 rubles.
  • for 3 people - 12 460 rubles.

Ticket (with breakfast and lunch): for 1 person. - 14 420 rubles, for 2 people. - 15 830 rubles.