Finland. Sights of Finland

IN last years The number of winter holidaymakers in northern countries has increased significantly. Travel agencies state that tours to Finland, Sweden and Norway, which are a symbol of winter holidays and entertainment. Physiologists believe that traveling to countries with a familiar climate is preferable for residents of a temperate climate zone, since it does not cause stress reactions in the body. In contrast to trips to hot countries in winter, which require certain adaptation.

What to do in Finland in winter?

Holidays in Finland in winter are associated with active pastime. Complex variety of entertainment In Finland in winter, the fresh air will give you a boost of energy and ensure a great mood.


If you know how to drive a car, it will not be difficult for you to master the control of a motor sleigh. In Finland, you can rent a snowmobile and take a short trip or go on a motor sleigh tour around the country. Moreover, you will be provided with appropriate equipment, including overalls, gloves, boots and a helmet.

Dog sledding or reindeer sledding

In frosty weather, you can have a wonderful ride on environmentally friendly transport - a sleigh pulled by Finnish huskies or red deer. After practicing driving a sled, you can get special licenses and take part in organized races.

Ice fishing

Numerous bodies of water in Finland are rich in fish. One of the most popular places recreation is Lake Pyhäjärvi in ​​the southwest of the country. Here you can learn the techniques of catching whitefish and perch and make a considerable catch.

Skiing and snowshoeing

You can admire the beautiful northern nature by renting ski equipment or snowshoes. If you do not have skiing skills, you can hire an individual instructor at ski centers.

Where to relax in Finland in winter?

In winter, Finland has numerous ski resorts that welcome tourists from all over the world. Convenient infrastructure and high-quality service will allow you to have a great time! You can ski or sled from the gentle slopes, where the ski lift takes you. There are even temporary kindergartens for tourists, where you can place a child while you learn the basics of skiing under the guidance of an instructor. There are also complex ski slopes for experienced extreme skiers.

In Lapland, it is possible to rent a cottage with a fireplace for several days in one of the country campsites or rent a cozy hotel room in case independent travel around the country. Convenience is provided by a variety of cafes and bars with delicious national and European cuisine, Finnish saunas, and swimming pools.

What to see in Finland in winter?

A family holiday in Finland in winter can be devoted to sightseeing, the most famous of which is Santa Park, which has a lot of entertainment for both children and adults. The Arktikum Museum will introduce you to the history, life and culture of the Finnish people. A trip to the Christmas market in Lohja will bring a lot of joy. Near the Church of St. Lauri, traders dressed in ancient national costumes gather and offer goods - souvenirs, warm handmade clothes, all sorts of goodies. Lovers of the mysterious will love an excursion to the Tyutyuri mine. Staying in a large stone hole equipped with light and music equipment evokes mystical horror from the anticipation of the appearance of an evil troll or fairy-tale gnomes.

A relatively small northern state in area, whose name, according to one of the official versions sounds like a “country of swamps” and can become an optimal place for active and cultural recreation at any time of the year. The colorful sights of Finland are actual evidence of the historical development of this region; nature reserves and entertainment centers offer tempting opportunities for an unforgettable experience. New Year holidays or summer vacation. Appreciate the local beauty of nature, visit a real Finnish sauna, taste meat dishes and berry desserts, which will surely become a culinary revelation even for sophisticated gourmets, create your own Christmas fairy tale, understand what and how the residents of a successful and prosperous EU country live - all these chances are realized for guests of the big cities and provinces of Finland. So, let's look further at the main attractions of Finland.

What to see in Finland?

The main and most interesting places in the country with photos and descriptions.

1. Abo Castle

One of the most significant monuments of medieval architecture from a historical point of view is located in the city of Turku. Erected in the 13th century by order of the Swedish king, the castle was originally supposed to perform a defensive function as a fort on state borders. Over time, the fortress expanded by adding additional architectural elements in the Renaissance style, but by the 19th century, due to the geopolitical situation, it completely lost its fortification significance. In the period preceding the Second World War, a museum operated on the territory of the castle. During the hostilities it was partially destroyed. Careful restoration work has helped restore Abo Castle and turn it into a popular tourist attraction in Finland. Now the museum space is available for excursions, and some parts of it are available for rent for the purpose of organizing events and celebrations with a predominance of medieval themes.

2. Helsinki Market Square

Open retail space located in close proximity from the port, reflects the full flavor of Finnish culture and life. The market is organized on the square only on weekends and runs until approximately noon. The rest of the time it's beautiful place in the capital of Finland, dressed in the tranquility and dignity of the surrounding majestic architecture, not without modern accents. During trade, the square transforms: it is noisy and welcoming. You can buy souvenirs for every taste: from original magnets to warm handmade things. The food aisles are worthy of special attention, where you can try smoked fish and buy fresh berries completely free of charge (depending on the season, which ones specifically). On Christmas Eve, a colorful festive fair takes place on the square.

3. Sveaborg

Sveaborg is a must-visit place for tourists in Finland. The fortress, which has a second, no less popular name - Suomenlinna, was built on the island as a fortification. You can get here by ferry from the main Finnish city. There is no transport on the island itself: walking is the only opportunity to explore a unique historical site and not without its charm. Initially, the fort belonged to Sweden; at the beginning of the 19th century, power over this land passed to the Russian Empire. 1918 marked the establishment of Finnish independence and, accordingly, a change in the territorial affiliation of the fortress. Historical events left their mark on the character of architecture and museum exhibits. Now here you can observe Scandinavian features in construction, preserved examples of Russian firearms. For those who wish to stay on the island for a while, hotel accommodation options are available.

4. Senate Square in Helsinki

Senate Square is one of the attractions that most tourists visit in Finland. The architectural design of this square began to be created at the beginning of the century before last. In the center there is a monument to the Russian Emperor Alexander II. It was this autocrat who assigned the status of autonomy to Finland, which was then part of the Russian Empire. The main compositional chord in the ensemble of buildings surrounding the square is the Cathedral. You can visit it absolutely free. The majestic and austere appearance of the cathedral is in special harmony with the rather modest interior decoration, which allows you to focus on compliance with the main purpose of the building. Services are held here during special hours; at other times, access is open to tourists. Within the walls of the cathedral it periodically sounds organ music, and at a specific time (17:49) in the square you can hear a five-minute composition created based on the ringing of bells of various sizes. December 13 at Senate Square The election of the Queen of Light is held in Helsinki, ending with a solemn procession. The aesthetically original action is rooted in the pagan rituals of the indigenous peoples of the north.

5. Assumption Cathedral in Helsinki

Despite the fact that Finland can officially be classified as one of the countries with the smallest percentage of the religious population in relation to the total number of inhabitants, the country is an important stage on the route of many Christian pilgrims. Orthodox and Lutheran churches operate here as state churches. The Assumption Cathedral is considered the largest Orthodox center in all of Scandinavia. Next year, 2018, this valuable architectural landmark will turn 150 years old. The handwriting of the Russian architect can be seen in the features inherent in the wooden churches erected in medieval times in Rus'. Currently, this cathedral is made of red brick, creating an optimal visual consonance with the white stone Cathedral, is considered a key object shaping the appearance of Helsinki.

6. Arctic Center "Arktikum"

Not all of Finland's attractions are concentrated in Helsinki. Interesting museums and exhibitions are also open in other cities. In the province of Lappi there is a city called the capital of Lapland. Having reached Rovaniemi, a person finds himself on the very border of the Arctic Circle. This place was ideal for organizing a thematic exhibition and institution scientific center on the study of the Arctic. Arktikum presents permanent exhibitions, events are regularly held to showcase new exhibits that highlight the latest advances in northern field research and how the environment and its inhabitants are changing. The culmination of an educational tour may be the opportunity to see the Northern Lights. Rare a natural phenomenon becomes accessible to the average person through a platform connected to the main building by a long glass corridor. For the same purpose, the Polar Theater is equipped, where an amazing event is presented in graphic volumetric design. This is a very interesting place to visit in Finland.

7. Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art

There is a lot of debate about contemporary art. Its loyal basis allows you to go beyond generally accepted canons and create new samples and standards of aesthetics. However, to form your own opinion, you need to know the subject that has become the topic of discussion. The creative space "Kiasma" becomes a platform for displaying the results of self-expression of artists from Finland and its neighboring countries. Located in a metropolitan building that does not contradict the laws of classicism, inside the museum demonstrates a commitment to freedom of views reflected in the objects of the exhibition, and flexibility in the vision of creative ideas. The results of fine art, installations in video format, objects of photographic art, and original architectural solutions are presented here. An electronic guide helps you avoid getting confused among 25 galleries.

8. Snowland

Finland's attractions are very unique, and Snowland is proof of this. In 1994, a restaurant was opened in the town of Rovaniemi and several small houses were built. They were created entirely from snow. The idea was liked by visitors and owners. Now on this site there is an entertainment center, which offers a full range of winter fun and something unique - a chance to feel like a real Sami and spend the night in a snowy home, where instead of the usual beds, reindeer skins are provided! The complex can simultaneously accommodate more than 250 people. Here you can see ice sculptures. They are constantly updated with the opportunity for each guest to create their own work of art. There are bars on site where you can enjoy mulled wine, as well as a disco and karaoke. open air.

9. Santa Park

If you move from Rovaniemi towards the Arctic Circle, after ten kilometers you will probably find yourself in the place where Santa Claus lives. However, the expectation is not entirely true. Santa's assistants, the gnomes, live in the village, and the good wizard himself appears there, but he lives in a house located 170 km from Rovaniemi, and no one can get there. On the road to the village there is Santa Park. This is an amusement and amusement park. Active games are held here, there is a theater, and colorful presentations are held. The park is open all year round, not just on Christmas, so travelers in Finland always have a chance to experience the magic. In that unique place You can ride a sleigh pulled by dogs, and also buy a souvenir. Santa Park is hot tourist destination in Finland, because where else can you visit something like this?

10. National Museum of Finland

The central part of Helsinki welcomes you with the picturesque Matthias Lehto Park. It is here that a popular attraction among those who want to get acquainted with the history of the country is located - National Museum Finland, resembling medieval castle with tower and columns. Within its walls there is a museum that houses historical and cultural heritage Suomi. Each exhibition has a specific theme. In the halls you can get acquainted with information evidence of the stages of formation of the independent Finnish state, as well as with the attributes that determine the life and cultural leisure of the northern people at different times. Of particular interest is the collection of medals, jewelry, and decorations used to decorate weapons. Visitors interested in numismatics will find the exhibition under the mysterious name “Treasures” truly interesting.

11. Imatrankoski

On the Vuoksa River there is a waterfall of the same name, striking with its natural grandeur and power. However, in modern conditions it will not be possible to admire the pristine beauty of the phenomenon: in the 20s of the last century, it was decided to use the natural energy potential for the benefit of people and build a hydroelectric power station. The created dam significantly reduced the water pressure. Now regularly, once a year, a special type of entertainment is organized here: the water slide. Huge volume of water in certain time rushes down, gradually filling the canyon. Many tourists gather to see this impressive spectacle. The reserve park is equipped especially for them. observation decks. However, you can appreciate the beauty of such a controlled waterfall not only at the end of the summer season. During the New Year's season, the flow of boiling water flowing into the river bed is restarted here. This happens against the backdrop of fireworks, complementing the poetic picture in the spirit of majestic romanticism.

12. Linnanmäki Amusement Park

The Linnanmäki amusement park in Helsinki could not help but be included in the list of the best attractions in Finland, where both adults and children can have fun. Linnanmäki Park offers entertainment for children and their parents. More than 30 attractions to suit every taste, including roller coasters, playgrounds, restaurants and souvenir shops - all this is available to visitors who want to diversify their active holiday. On the territory there is a kind of oceanarium where you can get acquainted with the life of marine inhabitants. A variety of fauna of the northern seas and warm oceans is available for viewing. Large fish, including predatory ones, and mollusks are kept in an aquarium constructed with numerous glass passages filled with water.

13. Popular science center "Eureka"

The Eureka Popular Science Center is an interesting demonstration of how museum exhibitions and scientific activities can be combined in a single center. main feature All exhibitions are interactive. Each visitor is involved in a visual process of learning and creating their own discoveries through participation in various chemical experiments, competitions in the exact sciences, and the production process. Works here Kid `s camp, where teenagers are admitted to familiarize themselves with the world of science and its development over time. There is also a planetarium “Vattenfall”, where films about astronomical phenomena are broadcast on a three-dimensional screen, scientific hypotheses are voiced, and interesting cosmic phenomena are demonstrated. All excursions are offered in several languages, including Russian.


Finland is Russia's northern neighbor. Long snow season, developed tourism industry, a lot of attractions contribute to the increase in the flow of vacationers to Suomi during the winter months. Covered with ice for 5-7 months, tens of thousands of lakes offer exceptional conditions for winter fishing. The abundance of hills and mountain ranges create ample opportunities for skiing. But to travel to Finland you need.

There are dozens of ski resorts in Finland with well-equipped trails for skiing, snowboarding, and cheesecake. You can take a snow safari on dog and reindeer sleds, ATVs, and snowmobiles; go on a ski trip or go ice fishing. Any town or resort has plenty of entertainment: spa centers, museums, parks with winter attractions.

Suomi has a huge number of comfortable hotels, camp sites, and cottages with excellent conditions for relaxing with a group, a family, or with children. Finnish hospitality, high-quality service, a developed transport network, and an abundance of first-class entertainment - these are the features of the Finnish tourism industry.

Travel lovers will learn a lot of new things on a trip to Finnish cities: Helsinki, Tampere. With children, it’s better to go to Lapland for New Year’s experiences, not forgetting to visit the water parks in Helsinki.

Winter weather in Finland

Finland is the most northern country Europe, a third of which is beyond the Arctic Circle. Winter here is dark, the day lasts from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cold is moderate: the influence of the heat of the Gulf Stream is felt. Average temperatures of the coldest month - February - range from -3 -6 in the southwest (in Turku, Helsinki), -9 -10 in the central lake district, to -12 -14 in the north of the country. When the air is dry, frost is easily tolerated, so a winter holiday in Finland with children will undoubtedly be successful. Snow cover forms in December and lasts until April, in the north until May. Due to frequent westerly winds, tourists should prefer not only warm, but also windproof clothing.

How to get there

The fastest way to get to Finland is by plane from Moscow or St. Petersburg. average price flight on the route Moscow – Helsinki – 3600 rubles. The most cheap tickets– for a flight in the middle of the week when booked a month in advance, it will cost 2,700 rubles. You can get to Helsinki from St. Petersburg by ferry or train; from Moscow - on the Leo Tolstoy express. Buses go to Finland from St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Kandalaksha; a ticket from the city on the Neva to the center of Helsinki costs 500 rubles.

Transport Suomi

Finland is dotted with a dense network bus routes, they reach any village or ski resort. The fare ranges from 4 to 50 euros; there is a 10% discount on a return ticket if the distance is more than 80 km. Tickets for children under 11 years old are half the price. The main cities of Finland are connected railways. The carriages are comfortable and spacious, marked with the letters P and S fast trains. Ski racks are available in the vestibules of trains IC (Inter-Sity), IC2 (Inter-Sity 2).

Finland has excellent conditions for practicing various winter sports and active rest: half pipe, snowboarding; dog sledding, alpine and cross-country skiing, skating, cheesecake, sledding, snowmobiling.

Motor sleigh safari

Many Finnish travel agencies offer snowmobile safaris lasting from several hours to several days. The routes pass through central and northern Finland. On a short hike, two people can travel together; on a long hike, each participant is provided with a snowmobile. The transport is easy to operate; instruction and training for beginners is required.

The route runs along marked roads at speeds up to 60 km/h. During the hike under the guidance of an instructor, participants receive full equipment: warm overalls, shoes, gloves, helmet. The routes are laid through national parks, lakes; include outdoor dining, ice fishing, visiting a sauna, a Karelian village, and a water health center.

It is possible to spend the night in equipped forest huts and cottages. The organizers provide food, accommodation, and safety for tourists. The cost depends on the duration of the safari and the range of services; a 4-hour ride on a motorized sleigh will cost approximately 100 euros per person.

Dog sled rides

In eastern and northern Finland, tourists can go dog sledding. The dogs are trained, strong, they are able to pull a sled through deep snow at high speed. Tourists are provided with special clothing and shoes, taught how to drive a sled and how to handle dogs. The trip is led by an experienced guide. Parking for rest and food is provided.

Hiking ski routes cross the country in all directions. In the north - in Lapland - people start skiing in October and put them away in the closet in mid-May. The favorite time of skiers is the end of winter with long on sunny days; in the south of the country it is February, in the center – March, in Lapland – April. Multi-kilometer ski tracks run through a varied landscape; along the routes there are resting places and campfires. Ski tourists stay in cottages, hotels, recreation centers, and ski resorts.

What to visit in Finland: Sights of Helsinki

The capital is full interesting places. In the city center is the Design Museum. It presents interiors, furniture, and dishes.

Museum address: Korkeavuorenkatu, 23.
Ticket – 8 euros.

A corner of the tropical jungle can be found in the Winter Garden, near the Olympic Stadium, admission is free.

On the island of Korkeasaari there is a huge Zoo, which will not leave anyone indifferent. You need to get to it from the railway station by bus number 11.

An adult ticket costs up to 10 euros, a child ticket costs half as much.

Connoisseurs of antiquity can visit Sveaborg sea fortress XVIII century, located on an island 2 km from Helsinki. There are several architectural monuments, museums, hotels and cafes. The fortress museum presents household items, tools, and weapons. The fortress is somewhat reminiscent of the mysterious Chateau d'If in...

In Sveaborg you can stay in a hotel for 22 euros, treat yourself to beer at a local brewery, and amazing smoked fish in a restaurant.

A visit to the fortress costs 5 euros, children under 18 are free.

There are 2 water parks in Helsinki, of which "Serena"- the largest in Scandinavia. It is located 20 km from the center of the capital in the suburbs of Northern Espoo. The water park is open daily from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ticket – 22 euros, family ticket for four – 75 euros. The advantage of the water park is the ability to combine summer and winter activities, because there are slopes nearby "Serena Ski"– ski center

Aquapark "Flamingo"– 19 km from the capital, in the city’s shopping and entertainment complex Vantaa. Its advantage is more low price: from Monday to Thursday - 12 euros per adult, 2 times less - per child. On other days the ticket costs 20 euros.

Cheap and high-quality goods are sold in Helsinki in popular shopping centers: "Campi", "Stockmann", "Sokos". Shops in Suomi are open from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and until 15:00 on Saturdays, supermarkets and department stores - until 20:00–21:00. The winter sale starts on December 27 and lasts for a month.

If you want to rent a car to travel around Helsinki, then you will need.

Other colorful towns in Finland

Tampere– a city where you can go on a family trip New Year's tour. Moomin Valley, the Spy Museum, attractions at the Sarkanniemi amusement park, the dolphinarium, the Koiramäki farm - both children and adults will enjoy all this. The rotating 120-meter Nyasinnula tower offers a marvelous view of the city and two nearby lakes.

8 km from the Arctic Circle is located main city Lapland – Rovaniemi. The airport is 2 km from Santa Claus Village. From Rovaniemi to the Village there is a Santa’s Express bus, the ticket costs 3.8 euros. 80 km from the city is the Ranua Zoo, where you can see 200 species of animals, including brown and polar bears and moose. Adult ticket – 13 euros. There is a bus going there. The children's fairy-tale park with the Mur-mur castle is also interesting.

You know, the landscapes of Finland are somewhat reminiscent of landscapes in winter.

There are ski centers in every Finnish town. Sports equipment is available for rent everywhere, and there is a lot of equipment at the resorts. ski schools. By tradition, lifts on the slopes are free for beginners. In winter tourist centers there are gyms, swimming pools, bars, nightclubs and restaurants.

Most hotels are near the ski lifts. The cost of a cottage for 6 people is approximately 600–800 euros per week, prices rise on the eve of holidays. The price includes free Wi-Fi, wood for the fireplace, and a charcoal grill.

In the southern part of Suomi, the length of the slopes is up to 800 meters, in the northern regions - up to 3 km with a height difference of up to 450 m. Ski season in Lapland lasts from October to May; in the absence of snow, machines are used to make snow on the slopes. Resorts are especially popular in early spring, when the frosts weaken and the days are sunny.


Himos Resort popular with Russians: there are Russian-speaking instructors, 4 free lifts for beginners. The local mountains are the longest and highest in the south of the country, the length of the slopes is up to 950 m, the height difference is 151 m. On the slopes there are 21 tracks of varying difficulty, including for snowboarding and cross-country; 2 half-pipes, superpipe, Fis-bumps, Ski park. There are 15 lifts on the slopes.

A day ski pass costs 39 euros for an adult, 23 euros for a child. The cost of a set for telemark for the day is 33 euros, for snowboarding - 39 euros, for children under 11 years old - 1.5 times cheaper. A 45-minute lesson with an instructor costs 55 euros per person.

The resort accommodates in cottages, apartments, and hotels. The cottages are located a kilometer from the slopes and are equipped with a sauna, running water, fireplace, and electrical appliances. From Himos to the town of Jämsä – 7 km, buses run hourly. There are railway and bus stations in Jämsä.

Tourists live in such cottages.

Additional services: motor sleigh rides, ice skating, dog sledding; swimming in wetsuits, fishing. The Himos Arena entertainment center has night club.


20 km from the city of Jyväskylä – slalom center "Riihivuori", which has 9 slopes, including difficult ones, up to 800 m long and with a height difference of 120 m; illuminated half-pipe, 5 lifts. Ski pass price: 30 euros for an adult, 22 for a child. Feature of the resort: there is a children's area with a separate slope, a free ski lift, and a playground.

At the top of the mountain - cottage village with a restaurant and well-equipped houses, with a magnificent panorama opening from the windows. Jyväskylä has an airport and a railway station; a flight from Helsinki takes 30 minutes, and a train from the capital takes 3.5 hours. From the Russian border to the resort – 300 km.

Jyväskylä has ample opportunities for entertainment and educational activities: a water park, Museums of art, architecture, even the Sauna Museum, as well as shops and cafes. Active recreation also includes safaris on motor sleighs or dog sleds, and ice fishing.


The Ruka ski center, in the south of Lapland, has 28 slopes and 18 lifts. The eastern slopes are flatter and longer, up to 1300 m, the western slopes are steep, with a large height difference - up to 200 m. There are tracks for snowboarding, moguls, border cross, 4 children's slopes, 3 half-pipes, jumps, and rails.

“Ruka” has everything for a full-fledged active recreation in nature: recreation areas with a fire, cafes, souvenir shops, equipment rental points. It is convenient to stay in Ski-Inn apartments near the ski lifts and slopes.

25 km from Ruka Hill is the town of Kuusamo, from which buses run to the resort. They get to Kuusamo by plane from Helsinki or by train to Oulu, then 200 km by bus or car.

In addition to traditional safaris, the center offers all-terrain vehicle racing, winter golf and karting. There is a bowling alley in Kuusamo. The city leisure and sports center has an indoor skating rink, gyms, saunas, and a solarium. Not far from the resort, the Kuusamon Tropiikki water park with a sauna, Turkish bath, and swimming pool was built.


In the west of Lapland there is a compact ski center "Levi". There are 45 slopes, 27 lifts, including a gondola cable car. For beginners – 4 free lifts. For children: sports town, entertainment center.

Levi has hundreds of cottages, apartments, and 8 hotels. Runs to the slopes free bus. Kittilä airport is 15 km from the mountain. The flight from Helsinki lasts 1.5 hours.

Entertainment: mini-water park at the Levitunturi hotel, sports and fitness complex, entertainment center, restaurants, bistros. 40 km in the town of Lainio - Snow Village.


The winter sports center is located in Nilsiä. There are 16 slopes with a height difference of more than 200 meters, the longest being 1.2 km. There are tracks for halfpipe and snowboarding. 9 lifts take tourists to the top. The cost of a single ski pass is 25 euros.

The resort has 300 bungalows and cottages, most of them on the lake. In addition to kitchen equipment, there are saunas, fireplaces, and TV. They get there by plane from Helsinki to Kuopio, from there it takes 1 hour by bus. Another option: by train Helsinki - Siilinjärvi, by bus 40 km to Tahko.

Activities: regular snow safaris, ice fishing, snowshoeing, winter driving courses, horse riding lessons. It is interesting to visit the Lumilunna ice castle and the Fontanella water park in Siilinjärvi nearby.

Impressions from visiting Santa Claus Village

A trip to Santa Claus Village makes a huge impression on adults and children. Everything here sparkles with festive lights. In the center of the Village there is a large Christmas tree, figures made of ice. Nearby is a museum telling about the nature of the Arctic and the indigenous inhabitants of the north.

The main attraction of Finland is Santa's office. The children are greeted by elves and gnomes. Good Santa talks to children, takes pictures, and gives gifts. Visiting the village is free, but you need to pay for taking photos with Santa and souvenirs. The wonderful post office sends Christmas cards to family and friends with Santa's stamp. There is a reindeer farm next to the office, where you can ride in a reindeer sleigh.

The underground Santa Park is nearby. Children can enjoy master classes on making Christmas gifts, a New Year's show, and an Ice Gallery with sculptures. fairy-tale heroes and northern animals, excursion to a Lapland shaman. The park is open in winter until January 11, ticket prices are about 30 euros.

Open in winter, illuminated with colorful lights amusement park"Arctic Winter World". For a single entrance fee of 16 euros, you can ride on numerous slides, visit igloo hotels, and visit an ice cafe. The Village has many cottages, shops and restaurants.

What surprises travelers in Finland?

You are pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness, safety, and beauty of virgin nature. The Finns manage to have a kitchen rich in vitamins in the Arctic Circle. To maintain energy, they drink excellent coffee here. Every village and town has a marketing department dedicated to developing and promoting the brand of the area and its uniqueness.

Open, smiling people and the festive atmosphere in their homes and on the streets never cease to amaze tourists. Airports are decorated with Christmas trees and images of deer. There are flags and lanterns on the roads; Candles and lamps are lit on the windowsills of houses. They trust people here and don’t close the doors of their houses or cars. Everything that is lost will be found and preserved. Finland has a calm, amazing and fabulous life.

A winter holiday in Finland will fill you with energy and vivacity, and will allow you to get acquainted with a country where they believe in miracles and bring them to life. But if you rely on warmth in winter, bright sun, palm trees and walks along the seashore, then go to.

Don't rush to leave! Here are some more interesting articles:

Don’t be fooled by the small size of the country: many discoveries await anyone who decides to visit this exceptional interesting country. Unique landscapes, cleanest air and thousands of lakes that you will definitely meet wherever you go - a signature feature of ancient Suomi. Maybe this is not enough for you? Then get to know the unique sights, visit Santa Claus, enjoy the Northern Lights and the amazing national parks of Finland.

All these beauties are very close and are just waiting for active and inquisitive tourists. Let's find out together where you can go and what to see in Finland in spring, winter, autumn and summer, regardless of whether you go there by train or by car.

Sights of Finland with photos and descriptions

According to archaeologists, the first settlements on the modern territory of Finland appeared around 8500 BC, that is, towards the end of the Ice Age. The inhabitants of Suomi were primarily fishermen and hunters, and agriculture appeared here only in the 32nd century BC.

Natural attractions

  • In northern Finland you can visit the famous Mount Aawasaksa, which is a huge granite rock. The attention of tourists is attracted not only by the stunning view of the Torni River, which opens from the slopes of the mountain, but also by the opportunity to see the never-setting sun - this natural phenomenon occurs on the day of the summer solstice, July 22. During sunset, the sun descends to the horizon and does not set further, and in the morning it rises back up. In summer, an interesting local history museum is constantly open on the mountain, and the emperor’s house, built for the expected visit of Alexander II, will surprise you with its magnificent interior.
  • Lake Saimaa- the largest source drinking water in Finland. Here you can look at the crater left after the fall of a large meteorite, and also have good fishing, since the lake is famous for its abundance of freshwater fish, including salmon. Here you can also observe a very rare species of seal – the Saimaa seal.
  • attracts thousands of tourists Arctic Circle- a sparsely populated region that occupies approximately a third of the entire territory of modern Suomi. Even an experienced traveler will be amazed to the core by the sight of pristine natural beauty, towering mountains and the famous northern lights. The polar day lasts for two whole months of summer, and in winter you can experience the polar night. There is also a lot of entertainment here: skiing, snowboarding, dog sledding and a real reindeer safari. In a town called Rovaniemi you can visit Santa Claus, and in Tornio you can visit the road where way to the North Pole.
  • Finnish "Niagara" – Imatrankoski waterfall will please not only fans natural beauty, but also lovers of water shows in which tourists can take part. Specially prepared events with local flavor, including the descent of a raft on the water with a blazing fire, will introduce you to the interesting traditions of old Suomi. IN New Year's Eve here you can watch a unique fire show.

National parks

Wonderful conservation Lemmenjoki Park It is famous for its hills, rocks, lakes and forests; a great variety of unique berries, mushrooms and other plants grow here. If you are going on a hike through the wild and unexplored areas of the park, you simply need excellent survival skills, since in these places you will not find signs, houses for the night and cafes - this is a real nature reserve. They say that lost tourists sometimes came out of the forest already in Norway!

  • Three big rivers flow through the park, they all flow into the Arctic Ocean. Fans of boat trips can join one of them, especially Beautiful places are waiting for you at "River of Love"- the largest in the reserve. In addition, one of the longest hiking trails in Finland stretches along the bank of this river, its total length is about 20 km. Canoes and kayaks can be rented here for independent travel through uncharted waters.
  • Don't forget about one more interesting feature region - in the forties, a real Golden fever, and some miners still work here. For curious tourists, several excursions are organized to gold-bearing places, where you can try your luck by trying to find shiny grains of gold or a real nugget in the river mud.
  • While wandering around the park, you are likely to meet moose, reindeer or even bear. When stopping for a picnic or overnight stay, remember that the ever-hungry jayfish can discover your campsite and ruin it. You can see buzzards or soaring eagles in the skies, so you definitely won't be bored.

Nuuksio Park very convenient because it is located just a few kilometers from the capital of Finland - Helsinki. Here you can rent a bicycle or even a horse and ride along the many trails that delve into the ancient forest. There are also picnic and overnight areas for those who would like to truly experience the sights, smells and sounds of the famous Finnish wilds.

The most picturesque views in Suomi open from the peaks surrounding Lake Haukkalampi. For an unforgettable experience, climb the eight-kilometer trail, listening to the shrill cries of the wild ravens that have lived here for centuries. If late in the evening you notice a shaggy gray creature wandering between the trees out of the corner of your eye, then you are very lucky - you have met the rarest flying squirrel. There are also wolves and even lynxes here, but don’t worry - they are afraid of you and me even more than we are of them.
Most Popular open-air island park Seurasaari attracts visitors with an abundance of tame animals - swans, ducks, geese and world-famous tame squirrels. The buildings of the museum adjacent to the park are copies of 18th-century buildings collected from all over Finland, so your interest in architecture can also be satisfied here amazing place. Traditional Finnish festivals and holidays are held here, for example, the summer solstice, Christmas and Easter events, which are respected by every Finn.

Museums of Finland

  • Suomi – unique country, here it is a large number of museums dedicated to various topics. Stunning in its size, the sea Suomenlinna fortress It is one of the largest water fortifications in the world; it is an amazing monument of military architecture in Europe. Tourists visiting the museum can examine in detail the fortress itself and the unique structures on several islands, intended in the past for the defense of the country. There is also the opportunity to go down into a real submarine, walk around the coastal barracks, climb a working lighthouse and attend a service in a 19th-century church, which was built as an Orthodox church, but was later converted into a church.
  • Parola Tank Museum was opened in the 60s and at the very beginning all the equipment exhibited there was located in the open air. Now, tourists can enjoy spacious pavilions that contain the entire history of Finnish armored vehicles and anti-tank defense forces. Interesting information You can learn about the development of this type of military from the museum’s tour guides, many of whom speak fluent Russian, and you can relax in the cafe located on the territory.
  • Amazing Turku Castle, built in the 13th century, is rare and very interesting monument history of Finland. The castle's heyday was the 16th century, when vast halls were built here in the Renaissance style, but one of the most popular places in the fortress is the basement prison. In addition, here you can see a very rich and varied collection wooden sculptures, made in the Middle Ages, as well as an exhibition hall containing samples of glass, porcelain and metal products. Some rooms of the castle are decorated in the style of bygone eras; in the cabinets you can find collections of medals, coins and objects of decorative and applied art.

Suomenlinna Fortress

Where can you go in your own car?

Finland is a very diverse country, and there is a dime a dozen entertainment here, but for a tourist coming here for the first time, it can be difficult to choose the right destination. Below I will present to you the most best routes car trips around the country, divided by season.

Where to go in winter

  1. In winter, it is best to combine the attractions of Finland with active species sports, so wherever you initially plan to go, during harsh times, be sure to include in your plan a visit to specialized resorts that are easily accessible by car. Winter tourism best developed in Lapland, and that’s where I suggest you go first. Here you can go down from the mountains and hills to alpine skiing, snowboarding, riding fast snowmobiles and real reindeer and dog sleds.
  2. Resorts Pyhä, Salla, Suomu, Saariselkä and Ruka They welcome their visitors from September to May every year. In the city of Kemi, you can take part in the construction of a colossal snow fortress with a hotel made of ice, which will appeal to the youngest tourists. In general, wherever you go in Finland in winter, you can easily go there with children.
  3. Besides this, the most exciting thing about the opportunity to go to ski resort in Finland, this is that there are a lot of Russian tourists there, and the staff is trained in Russian perfectly, so you don’t have to buy a Russian-Finnish phrasebook at all.
  4. In addition, only winter can be fully enjoyed northern lights.
  5. Off the coast Lake Torasieppi You can rent winter houses, the roof of which is made of transparent material, which allows you to watch the sky without looking up from a mug of hot tea. Here you can also refuel your car and carry out minor repairs on it.


Where to go in spring

  1. In spring, there is a decline in the flow of tourists in Finland, so choose this period for a quiet and uncrowded trip to the cities of Suomi, especially recommended for inspection Helsinki with its Nordic architecture and unique contemporary art museums.
  2. Also in spring you can have excellent fishing Gulf of Finland, since perfect fishing can be called the main attraction of eastern Finland.

Where to go in summer

  1. If you are traveling with your family, I highly recommend visiting Turku city– everything you need is here have a great holiday with educational motives. Museums, a real castle, many monuments, excellent parks near the city, an island where pirates once landed and lived, concert halls and a variety of galleries – you certainly won’t find it enough. In addition, near the city there is sand beach , so take the opportunity to swim in the clearest water.
  2. Separate category summer tourism– religious pilgrimage to Orthodox New Valaam and Lintul monasteries, Intercession brotherhood and sisterhood of Elizabeth. Every summer these places receive up to 10 thousand tourists from our country, and the monastery in New Valaam was chosen in 2012 as the best tourist destination in Finland.
  3. In addition, you can reach any national park in Suomi and spending a week or two there will give you much more impressions than after visiting any Mediterranean resort.

Sandy beach in Turku

Where to go in spring

The weather in Finland in spring is very damp, so at this time of year it is better to travel around the country's cities and get acquainted with man-made attractions. Of course, it is best to visit, but it is very close to Lappeenranta will delight you with interesting shopping and excellent tourist services. All shopping and entertainment centers of this small town are equipped with parking lots, cafes and cozy recreation areas.

10 amazing facts about Finland - video

A fascinating and interesting video about Finland. I assure you there was a lot you didn’t know about this country!

This is probably all I wanted to tell you about the amazing and very diverse Finland. Maybe I didn’t take something into account and didn’t write about something important? Let's share our impressions of visiting this magical land! Enjoy your travels!

Sights of Finland

Luosto Amethyst Mine

The only active amethyst mine in Europe is Luosto. Moreover, the entrance to the mine is open to everyone. Anyone can go down deep into the earth and imagine themselves as a treasure miner. If you are lucky, you can become the owner of an unusually beautiful amethyst. The Finns have many beliefs and legends associated with this precious stone. During an excursion to the mine, tourists can hear dozens of fascinating stories related to this stone. Location: Finland, Rovaniemi, Lampivaara, 99555 Luosto

Lake Saimaa

Lake Saimaa is not just a reservoir of water, but a real labyrinth with bays, thousands of islands and channels. Finnish villages and towns are scattered along its coastline, where you can book a cottage and spend time fishing. In these places the pike, salmon and perch bite quite well. In general, the lake is really impressive in its size, so it’s worth choosing a specific region for your vacation. For example, in Savonlinna, in addition to fishing, you can take yourself for a walk through the medieval island castle, in the city of Imatra, raft along the picturesque rapids. And in Linnansaari - national park Finland - take a safari on the lake and admire the seals.
Location: Finland, Kallastintie 56, 56350 Taipalsaari


Want to test your frost resistance? Then go straight to Snowland - a real ice city. Everything here is made from clear ice: a restaurant where only mulled wine and reindeer skin can save you from the cold; a hotel where the most desperate stay overnight; a whole arctic nightclub. In addition, in Snowland you can not only admire ice sculptures, but even make one yourself. Location: Finland, Rovaniemi, Lehtoahontie 27