Galapagos Islands Population. Map of Galapagos Islands from a modern point of view

Galapagos Islands (Islas Galápagos) or Colón Archipelago (Archipiélago de Colón) are located in the Pacific. They have volcanic origins and consist of 19 islands. Their total area is 8010 km 2, and the population is about 25 thousand people. Galapagos Islands - the province of the South American Country Ecuador, separated from the mainland 972 kilometers of the ocean.

The climate of the column is divided into dry and wet seasons. From June to November, the weather is Cool and windy. The remaining months, which are considered to be a high season, relatively hot and rainy. Despite the proximity to the Equator, the Galapagos climate is comfortable at the expense of the coastal cool ocean flow.

The archipelago located far from civilization is highlighted by picturesque landscapes, the striking variety of the animal world, and excellent conditions for recreation. Warm water and excellent sandy beaches can be combined with walks in the protected islands, which is a natural zoo and a botanical garden. Galapagos Islands are very attractive to nature lovers, animals, birds, diving and surfing. A significant part of the endemic fauna.

History of opening islands

On the world map, Galapagos Islands appeared in the XVI century. The first European who fell on the archipelago in 1535 was the Spanish priest and traveler Thomas de Bergang. Going out of Panama to Peru, he came up with satellites from the course. On the islands they met gigantic turtles, which Spaniards called Galapagos ("Elephant Turtles").

The next three centuries of the column archipelago actually served as the residence of pirates. In 1832, his annexed Ecuador. 3 years later on the island arrived scientific expedition led by Charles Darwin. The protected islands with a rich fauna located far from civilization were an excellent place to research the future of the author of the theory of origin of species.

Since 1936, the archipelago has received the status of the Ecuador National Park. In 1978, the column entered the UNESCO list, and in 1985 he became a biosphere reserve of world importance.

List of all Galapagos Islands

The most famous islands located in descending order of the Square:

Isabella Island

On the isabela island (called the name of the Castilian Queen) is the highest Wolf volcano on the colon - 1707 m. The diameter of the crater of another volcano Sierra Negra is the second in the world in size. After the eruption in 2005, Volcan Chico, the woven lava gave the local landscape an unearthly look. Not far from the Alcedo volcano is the Bay of Urbina Bay with a black sandy beach. ISABELA has its own "EL MURRO DE LAS LAGRIMAS). In the middle of the XX century Her in very hard conditions was built by the prisoners who were here for a correctional colony.

There are practically absent tourist trails on this island. In a small settlement of the island, only 2500 inhabitants engaged in preferably fishing. Tourism here is based only on visiting the yachts of high-ranking individuals and cozy picturesque corners of the island. These include Reef, next to whom white sharks and the center of breeding turtles live.

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz Island is the most populated and developed in tourist terms. Here is the main Galapagos Port of Puerto Ayora. On the way to it, Los Gemelos craters are located on both sides ("Gemini"). Between them you can see unusual vegetation and rare species of birds. Flora is represented by a gigantic cactus by the empmunication and mangroves.

Next to the port is Tortuga Bay Beach, the center of Giant Turtles and the National Park. On the territory of the island, tourists will be able to do diving, swimming, watch birds from the yacht. Also, the island can be viewed on horseback or bike. For lovers of unexpected leisure activities, driving on kayaks.

You can stay in hotels. Moreover, the pricing policy here is diverse, ranging from the cheapest economy-class numbers to expensive presidential suites. From the port of Iyor you can rent a boat and start traveling by the rest of the archipelago island.

On the island of Santa Cruz, the largest research center Darwin is located. His work is aimed at preserving the nature of Galapagos. Not only famous scientists, but also students, teachers, in general, all those who are not indifferent to the environmental situation on the islands and in the world are working in the center. Now here is solved by one of the most important issues related to the importation of pets in the archipelago territory.

San Salvador Island

On the island of San Salvador is another famous beach - Puerto Egas. It was formed from volcanic tuff. It is believed that black sand has healing properties for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. San Salvador is the only permanent source fresh water - Lake in the crater Volcano El Junco.

Island Fernandina

On the island of Fernandina is located the most active volcano of Colon - La Cumbre. He "shoots" every few years. In Bay, Urbina is one of the rare on the coral reef archipelago.

San Cristobal Island

San Cristóbal island presents all the variety of Galapagos flora - from the deserted to the Pampova (subtropical steppes). Here is the capital of the archipelago - the city of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. This is the second population of the Galapagos Islands. You need to visit the Museum of Interpretation, created in alliance with the Spaniards. You will tell you about the islands, their magmatic origin and characteristics of nature. Near the center is also a small park with marine lions.

Santa Maria Island

Santa María island named one of Columbian Karavel. Her initial name is La Gallega ("Galicia"). Like other Kolumba ships, it was called by the name I liked the sailors of port prostitutes along the way to America. Columbus was worth a big job to persuade the captain of La Gallega to change the name. The sea believed was justified: the new name brought it on the ship's unfortunate. Santa María was stranded.

Espanyola Island.

The South Volcanic Island of Galapagos is uninhabited.

Bartolome Island

Bartolome Island (Santiago) on one of the black shores of the island can be observed behind Iguanami, Herons, Seagulls and other animals. After numerous walks, the best way to relax will be swimming with dolphins and penguins. And rising to the highest point of the island, you will open a picturesque view of the surrounding landscape.

Animal world islands

The research center created at Santa Cruz together with the International Darwin Fund leads a great job to preserve the unique fauna and the Flora of the Galapagos Islands. Their main goal is to protect indigenous animals and plants from those from other places first by pirates and the Spaniards, and then South American.

It seems to be a harmless cattle devastifies the local habitat, and the darwinovs of reels and local feathers were very loved by cute cats. Pigs permanent ruin of the earth destroy the sockets of turtles, iguan, and unique vegetation. Black rats are enemies of small turtles. On Isabela Isabela, San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz and Flareana, the indigenous flora has practically disappeared, giving way to avocado, citrus, blackberry, guaiyav.

Galapagos or ivory turtle

Among the local fauna are the most famous elephant turtles, which gave the name of the islands. They reach 1.8 m long, and weigh up to 400 kg. The duration of their life is more than a century, and in captivity - even 170 years. The turtles look like this solid age. They feed on local shrubs and herbs, and some of them are for other animals of poisonous.

The turtles dwellings differ in the colon the size and shape of the shell, as well as relative dimensions depending on the floor. On large wet reptiles islands larger, their shell is domed. And in the turtles living on small arid islands Sadlovoid shell. Males twice (up to 54 kg) larger females.

Before the appearance on the archipelago of people here lived a half dozen subspecies with a total number of 250 thousand. By 1970, their population declined to threatening the existence of a figure of 3 thousand. This was brought by the invasion of man in natural places Habitat, spread of pigs, goats and rats. The ability of the turtles for months to do without food and drinking caused a barbaric use of their sailors as "living canned foods."

By the end of the XX century. People have spun. For a non-negative trend in the island, several thousand cubs grown in captivity were released. Now the number of elephant turtles reached 20 thousand, mostly settled on Isabela, especially in the vicinity of the Alcedo volcano, and in the mountain range of Isla Santa Cruz. Nevertheless, the view continues to be classified as vulnerable.

Other representatives of fauna

The second symbol of the archipelago is the sea lizards of iguana, which occurred everywhere. The number of individuals reaches 300 thousand. Almost all the time they spend in the water, and, crawling in the sun, start ... blowing around. So they eliminate the surplus of sea salt. The largest on the planet colony of the sea iguan can be observed on the Punta Espinoza Penninsist at Fernandina. And reminding miniature dinosaurs of ground yellow iguan can be seen in the Urbina Bay Bay Isabela.

Galapagos Penguins are relatively colder Isabela and Fernandina. Here you will nest freezing (due to undeveloped wings) cormorants jumping between rocks. Lake Lago Balthazar on Isabela is interested in having a lot of red flamingos on his shores. Unique Galapagos Albatrosov can be observed on the island of Española.

The best place to observe large birds - frigates magnificent - Fragata Bird Hill on San Cristóbal Island. And on Cape Cabo Pitt, all 3 species inhabited on Colon Olush nest.

Most sea cats dwell on the island of San Salvador. There are many here and other animals and feathers - chameleons, sea iguan, sea lions, dolphins, ruling, kanyukov.

Even more animal meetings will be on colon in dinner lovers. Many experienced divers call these islands as a better place to observe the beauty of the underwater world. Here you can observe more than 300 species of beautiful colorful fish. Most of the seaside cats - in the grotto on the island of San Salvador. Popular divers and cliffs of Corona Del Diablo ("Corona Devil") near Santa María island. Here you can swim near the sharks and the rods, however, considering the underwater flows often here.

Recreation price in Galapagos Islands

Russian citizens for visiting (for up to 90 days) the colon is not needed.

How to get to the Galapagos Islands? You can only fly. There are no direct flights from the Russian Federation to Ecuador. Previously need to get to one of european capitals Or in the USA (Miami), and then fly to Guayaquil (Guayaquil). The cost of the air ticket selected on AviaSales is 65,000 RUR.

At the local airport with tourists charge is charged - 10 USD. From there to Colon, Aerogal, Lan and Tame flights are routed. Approximate value Last two hours of flight - 200 USD - 250 USD.

The landing is made in one of the two airports - Aeropuerto de San Cristobal or Aeropuerto Seymour located on the same islands. Immediately upon arrival it is necessary to make a one-time resort collection of 100 USD.

A common way to visit is a cruise, always starting with the island of Santa Cruz. The cost strongly depends on the class class on the ship, as well as the number of days - 4.5 or 8. Price variation ranges from 600 USD to 5000 USD.

With independent travel on the islands, you can use the boats by running between the Islands of Santa Cruz, Isabela and San Cristobal. They depart twice a day. Ticket price - 25 USD - 30 USD. One-day excursions between them and other islands are organized from the same points. Most wide selection Proposals - on Santa Cruz. Here the highest prices - up to 180 USD.

Hotel service is relatively developed at Santa Cruz, especially in the city of Puerto Ayora. Offers vary from modest single rooms for 15 USD per day before the apartment worth 130 USD. A wealthy company may even remove the mansion with the pool and his own pier for 350 USD.

Territory Colon Archipelago - Protected National Park. Independent travel On the islands are not welcome, as a rule, tourists accompanies the guide driving them along the pathways and observation sites.

Exotic tourism It is becoming increasingly popular among fans of unusual travel. And one of the most unique places on earth where you can relax from a tense pace modern lifeare the Galapagos Islands with their original nature and animal world.

Galapagos Islands on the World Map

Those who go through traditional tourist routes -, etc. - do not always quickly answer the question, in which the corner of the land are the Galapagos.

Where are and who belongs to?

Galapagos Islands have several names, including Isle turtle and color archipelago.

The first name comes from the word GalapaGo - in Spanish they were denoted by water turtles of large sizes, which were in abundance here.

Islands belong to the state Ecuador And within 972 km in the west direction from the coastline of this country. If there is a question, in which Ocean are the islands, you can safely answer that they are washed by the quiet ocean and belong to its eastern equatorial part.

Islands Square is 8010 km², and the number of inhabitants exceeds 25 thousand people. Galapagos are highlighted in a separate province of Ecuador. The greatest islands are considered:

  • San Cristobal;
  • Isabel (the height of volcanic peaks exceeds 1700 m);
  • San Salvador (the maximum height of the volcanic vertex is 518 m);
  • Santa Cruz;
  • Fernandina (The corresponding indicator is 1134 m).

The capital of the archipelago - town Puerto Bariso-MorenoThe largest locality On the island of San Cristobal. However, most of the Galapaghodtsev lives on Santa Cruz, where Puerto Ayor is the center of tourist activity. On Islands and Fernandina still show activity, the rest are considered extinct.


Although Galapagos are located in the field of equator, the climate is cool here is quite cool due to availability ice ocean flows. The average annual temperature rarely exceeds 23-24 ° C, and the water temperature is approximately 20 ° C throughout the year. From the temperature range ranges in the range of + 19-26 ° C, and from software - + 22-31 ° C.

A small amount of precipitation falls here - no more than 150 mm annually, and mainly from December to. it rain seasonAnd the dry season begins in and ends in.

How to get from Moscow?

From the capital of Russia to get to the Galapaghos faster and easier, buying a ticket to Aeroflot, Klm, Luftansa, British Airways airlines Air France. And others from Quito with mandatory transplant In one of the airports or. There is no direct message with Ecuador from the Russian capital: Tourists are available transit through Madrid, Miami, and other megalopolises.

Citizens of Russia can cross the Ecuador's border without a visa and to be in its territory up to 90 days without the relevant visa design, but for flights to the United States will need a visa.

Flights arrive at the most important Ecuador International Airport "Mariskal Sucre". From Quito, you can get to the archipelago, using the services of local airlines Ikar and Tame.

Final destination - san Cristobal Island (Remember that there are not every day airplanes fly here) and Biltra Island not far from Santa Cruz Island. Flight here from Quito will take 3 hours from another local big City Guayaquil, if after the trip from you decide to travel in Ecuador, - 1.5 hours.

From Baltra Airport to the location of the ferry to the nearby Santa Cruz, the Canal Itabac can have buses, travel in which will you cost anything. Crossing on the island takes no more than 5 minutes. For Santa Cruz, you will be given two options to get to Puerto Ayor: go to the bus (ticket costs 1.8 dollars, the duration of the trip is over 60 minutes) or take a taxi and comfortably get to the city in 40 minutes at a price of $ 18.

From Puerto Ayor regularly sent cruise liners , which are the only way to move within the archipelago.

Collection at the airport after arrival in the country is 100 dollars. It is forbidden to import:

  1. Animals;
  2. Insects;
  3. Flowers;
  4. Fruits.

Uninhabited island education

Of the numerous number of islands, most of them are desert, but organized excursions allow you to visit these unusual corners.


The island of Balttors originated thanks to the rise of lava formations and is almost in the very center of the archipelago. Here is very arid climateSo here it is most consistent with such representatives of flora such as burr, indentation and a low shrub, as well as Lizards of Iguana.

On the island there is no tourist infrastructure and no hotels: this is an exclusively "gate" on Galapagos due to availability airport.


The island was named after Lieutenant British Navy David Bartholomew. Although there are no residents in general, this little island is extremely popular among travelers. He is a fascinated volcano and impressive visitors with unusual volcanic formations, the most famous of which is a hill of a tuff in the form of a classic cone, known as Pinnacle Rock.

Here you can take a closer look at huge turtles and sea lions, as well as the traditional penguins of the archipelago. but you should not swim: There are quite a few reef sharks around floats.


This island borrowed its name from geologist of German origin. Wolf. Its area is a little more than 1 km², and is the island over the sea level by 253 m. If you love feathery, be sure to visit here: only here you are awaiting a rigous earthy reel, resembling a vampire: the blood of Olush is served for him.

Among the representatives of the fauna islands - sea iguana and seams, frigates, local seagulls, mask and red-legged Olushi.

The ocean is replete with playful dolphins and whales, often cases of sharks attack.


The island is impressive with its miniature area of \u200b\u200b1.1 km² at a height above sea level 168 m. Local animal world which may admire visiting, typical for Galapagos. Sea lions, turtles and yurt lizards, Krasnonogiy Olushi live here, and their exotic fellow names. Whales are floating near the coast and frigates fly.


He borrowed its name from Italian, from where it was from Columbus. The island is raised above sea level at 76 m at 14 km² area. Once in this place was huge craterI went under the water: his top and formed the island.

Island is also known as "avian" Thanks to the huge number of nesting feathered, including frigates and local chaps, flying to the hunt at night. Tourists have deserved tourists Forest Massif Palo-Santo and the panoramic platform of the "Steps of Prince Philip". Henoves also lives:

  1. Representatives of the family kachrkovy;
  2. Redu-eaten Olushi;
  3. Phaetons;
  4. Pigeons.

The beach is also important to pass the crags, smoky seagulls, Darwinov's reels.

On the island allowed exclusively court, the number of passengers in which less than 40 people who are moored in Darwin Bay. It is in this place that it is well to watch most of the flying inhabitants of the island and climb along the path to the rock, where they come with their nests.


The island, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich exceeds 100 km², towers above sea level by 343 m. Practically single His inhabitants are sea lions, lizards and local cats. Here are excellent diving opportunities, but, as a rule, tourists see the island from afar, sailing past the neighboring islands.


Honor name he borrowed from one of the sea ships of Christopher Columbus. He is completely uninhabited, with the exception of sea iguan and cattle, reseller and local chaps.

Also lived here the rarest variety of sea turtles, which are fully extinct since 2012.


Here on the square of 18 km² absent Any attractions, however, admire the life of the sea iguan, kanyukov and lions, ancient turtles, and also occasionally admire the games of dolphins, it is quite possible. The name of the island comes on behalf of the brothers who headed the crews of the ninya ships and Pinta, equipped with Columbus.


He is known for mine burgundy shade of soilexplaining the significant concentration of iron in the covering of its lava flows. At this small island education area of \u200b\u200b4.9 km², Pelicans live, 9 varieties of chapters, Bluewood Olushi.

Rare brown pelicans remove chicks directly in a low-spirited shank shrub growing on the beach: It is hardly the only place on the planet, where they let people close.

Rabid coast - an excellent choice for diving, but remember about sharp shark teeth. "Raisin" Islands - Lagoon with water of high salinity, which was chosen by beautiful pink flamingos. Trail tourists can climb from the beach to the rocky peak of a reddish tint and admire the view of the ocean.

Santa Fe.

This is one of the oldest island formations of the archipelago with volcanic formations whose age exceeds 4 million years. Be sure to stroll through the most extensive on the Galapaghos forest from cacti View of Opuntia.

Do not be afraid if you meet small dinosaur: These are just the iguana of two species - rice rats and land iguana Barrington, which in other places are extremely rare. Falls, Galapagos Seagulls nest on the rocks, fluttering the petrels, watch which very interesting.


It is formed by two as if intersecting volcanoes and has become a permanent maggot for maritime cats and turtles of all kinds. Flamingo, Darwin Finnish and Galapagos Hawks are worth noting Flamingo. Santiago produces a special impression because lava flowsEstablished on the ground - the oldest one has more than 750 thousand years.

The most famous landmark of the island - Puerto Egas In the southern part of the Gulf James. Here you can go on an excursion to the old salt crater, repeating the path of the trolleys from its top to the coast. Nearby ruins of buildings and remnants of mechanisms for salt mining are preserved. In the depths of the crater there is a tiny salt Lake. From the top offers a beautiful view of orange lava fields, crouched grass and low shrubs.

Also deserve attention to:

  • Grotto Marine Kotikovfloating in majestic lava pools having a rounded form;
  • Bay BucanIers., once chosen by flibous. Here, the magnificent impression produce sandy beaches of the scarlet shade and steep rocky vertices from tuff.

Plaza Sur

Plaza Sur - one of twin Islandsformed by geological elevation and tilted in the northern direction. Its area is approximately 0.13 km², and the only inhabitants are cacti of the type of Opuntia and the plant seasuvium, the leaves of which become brightly fiery in the dry season. This gives the most unusual look. Also, the land lizards of iguana are often sining.


Not big Island Square a little more than 1 km² will be interesting to all lovers of ornithology.

The tourist trail has a length of approximately 2 km and passes through the center of the island, bonding the coast.

During the excursion, natural whimsical corridors from natural lava can be seen, volcanic education, to meet the grievous iguan, admire the rookers of the budget marine seals and watch the blue-eyed flashes and unusual local seagulls.


This is the third island of this archipelago with an area of \u200b\u200b642 km². One of the most interesting local attractions - lava fieldsresulting from the activities of the volcano. From the plants, only lava cacti and mangalls were taken here, and from the inhabitants you will seem to see the sea iguan, lions and local penguins.


On the island with an impressive area of \u200b\u200b60 km² you can seem to see mashing Albatros - Shore, cut by cliffs, is ideal for take-off giant birds from the vertices. The bird's hoody mock often sits right on the shoulders of tourists in search of food.

Bay Gardner and Punta Suarez. - Two local attractions - get acquainted with you closer with the sea iguanami and lions, tropical colorful fish and lavam lizards of all shades of the rainbow.

Galapagos Islands - unusual world , straight different from more civilized places of recreation. A trip here will definitely remember you for a long time.

What connects the great Charles Darwin with a group of lost islands in the Pacific Ocean? Why did Galapagos Islands so famous that they are special? The case in unique flora and fauna, which are endemics - a local, separate ecosystem, where different species evolved, without mixing with others. Darwin's stay on these islands was the impetus to its development of an evolutionary theory about the origin of the species - a natural selection that became a great discovery. Let's see where the Galapagos Islands are located on the world map.

Location and climate of Galapagosov

Galapagos Islands on the map are located in the Pacific Ocean, in the North-West South Americaand geographically owned by the Republic of Ecuador. The mainland is separated by 972 km. The volcanic archipelago consists of 19 islands, this is the main attraction of Ecuador and the largest and most important world reserve. The first of them were formed about 10 million years ago as a result of the movement of tectonic plates. The proximity to the equator and the local cold flow of Humballadta provided the archipelago a comfortable two-seasone with a stable air temperature + 23 ° C: from December to May - warm and wet season, from June to November - cool and dry.

Summer on galapaghos marks the temperature of air and water + 20 ° C, while pretty strong winds blow. The cold flow turns out the air temperature, but it satages coastal water with nutritional organisms that attract penguins, birds and shoals of fish. The coast becomes a densely populated, what to tourists, and Albatrosse fly to Espanyol Island.

In the winter months, warm tropical rains often go. Moisture, evaporating from the ground, creates a veil of fog, but at air and water temperature + 25 ° C does not cause discomfort. Autumn - time of divers, since the underwater world becomes diverse and more beautiful. In winter, the beautiful Bluebells of Olushi arrive here. Spring on the galapaghos is wonderful - the numerous endemics (plants that can be found only here) are blooming, and on the beaches there is a sacrament of laying eggs by Galapagoski turtles.

Opening and history of Galapagos

As part of the archipelago 13 basic, inhabited islands, 6 small and scattering small rocks and protrusions above the surface of the water. Galapagos Islands were opened in the spring of 1535 by the Spaniard by the Spaniard Thomas de Bergang, who became the first European, who had vested on the volcanic land of one of the islands. His ship accidentally deviated from the course, following the Panama in Peru, and stumbled upon an unfamiliar archipelago. Before the amazed gaze of travelers, the primitive world inhabited by giant turtles got up in all its glory. By the way, hence the name - Galapagos (PS.), That is, an "ivory turtle".

Historical milestones

Spanish conquistadors settled on the islands, but used them as a shelter for pirates attacked by the court passing by the court until in 1832. "The government was not changed." The archipelago passed into the possession of Ecuador. After 3 years, the expedition of Charles Darwin was landed for him with a companion, naturalist Robert Fitzroy. So began the era of the study of a unique ecosystem.

The archipelago was announced by the National Reserve, but during the Second World War on Biltract Island, the American Airborne Base was located, defeated the Panaman Canal and followed the enemy's submarines in this region. From the famous researchers in Galapaghos also visited Tour Heyerdal, who was looking for the traces of the Inca civilization and found the following.

History of the archipelago in dates:

  • in 1959, the International Foundation was created in Brussels. Darwin, which in every way contributes to the study and preservation of a unique ecosystem;
  • in 1964 - a research station was built on the island of Santa Cruz, which conducted a huge work on the removal of "non-rigging" flora and fauna in order to preserve the purity of endemics;
  • in 1973 - the Government of Ecuador founded the province on the islands;
  • in 1978 - UNESCO introduced an archipelago to the list World Heritage;
  • in 1985 - he became a biosphere reserve;
  • in 1986 - coastal waters found the status of the environmental zone. The area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean coastal water area is 70 thousand km², it is the second largest after.

Islated description and attractions

The first navigation map of the archipelago was drawn up in 1684 by the Pirate of Couley Emblem. He gave the names of the islands on the names of his familiar flibusers and the patronage of the English nobles. You can visit 13 islands from 19, but only three of them have infrastructure and are built up with hotels and bungalows - Santa Cruz, Isabel and San Cristobal. Most (90%!), On the contrary, retained their primary intactness and are given to the possession of animals, reptiles and birds.

The archipelago is located almost at the equator, and the area is very poor: the joint of three tectonic plates regularly generates the eruption of numerous volcanoes. But here they found the house rarest representatives of the animal and vegetable world. White, black and red virgin beaches are beautiful, in the relict forests, paradise birds sing, in transparent turquoise water, the dolphins, sea seals, turtles and even penguins are frolic. On the Galapaghos is always summer.

Isabel - the biggest island

Area 4640 m², named after Queen Isabella, who sponsored the expedition of Christopher Columbus. The island has the shape of a seabed and exist with six volcanoes that make up its surface. The highest - Wolfe (1707 m), the last eruption was recorded in 1982. In its crater is pretty big Lake With islands. Another volcano Isabeli - Sierra Negra, his crater is the second diameter in the world (10 km). The third rating - Chico, in 2005 he was powerful, and today its surroundings resemble the lunar landscape - tunnels, rivers and outgrowths from Lava. There is a on the island salt Lake Balthazar, he was chosen by the flocks of the Red Flamingo, and there is a settlement - Puerto Williamil.

Isabel Island is interested in his story, and his main attraction - Wesch's wall. In the post-war years, it functioned a correctional colony. Prisoners in educational purposes obliged to cut out the blocks from the volcanic rock and to transfer far from the place of production to where they erected a high wall. A hard labor under the scorching sun literally mowed the ranks of the poor thigh, few people survived in such conditions. In memory of them, a rather remote wall of 100 m in length and 8 in height remained. In subsequent years, the prison building was equalized with the Earth, and the wall remained as a reminder of the atrocities of supervisors.

On the Western tip of Isabel there are bays and the beach, interesting sand in black. Coastal waters are literally sissed by the inhabitants, the company's company will gladly make up turtles and sea lions. The island also lives Galapagos Penguins, Baklans, Iguanas, Pelicans, Birds of Olushi. The slopes of volcanoes are settled by reels who know how to use labor tools - cactus needles, savings, land turtles, flamingos and Galapagos dove. But the most remarkable here is the scattering of small adorable lagoon, where paradise birds sing, and the coastal waters are furious by the Fish-hammer, a ray fish, as well as sharks and tales.

Santa Cruz - the most populated

Another name is Indefatigabl. This is the biggest island in the form of an almost even circle (pl. 985 km²), the center of Civilization of Galapagos with the city of Puerto Aior, in which 12 thousand people live. For tourists to Santa Cruz, many entertainment has been prepared:

  • beautiful Beach Torgoga Bay;
  • diving and acquaintance with the marine inhabitants;
  • walking on the yacht between the islands and on a boat with a glass bottom;
  • flights on the airplane or paraglider;
  • observation of gigantic turtles.

On Santa Cruz is, as mentioned above, the research center. Charles Darwin, awarded the International Cosmos Prize in 2002. The best naturalists, scientists, biologists, as well as students and volunteers work here. And in the bay called "Black Turtle", in thickets mangrove ForestThe ancient gigs are engaged in the continuation of the kind. Among the barns of the cactus empmits - the main attractions of the local flora - chaffs.

Fernandina - Nonarent Volcano

This most western island is essentially a periodically waking volcano called La Cumbre (642 km²). The last two eruptions were in 2005 and 2009, the second turned out to be unusually powerful: hot lava and ashes shot into the sky at 7 kilometer height. The name of the island went from the king Ferdinand II Aragon, who was also the patron of Columbus. In the center of the island - caldera (brand) with a diameter of 6.5 km, formed as a result of the colt collapse. At its bottom, the lake occurs periodically, and then disappearing without a trace. Tourists are not allowed in the surroundings of the caldera due to the danger of the collaps.

Actually, it is almost nothing to look at it, with the exception of mangrove thickets on the coast of the ocean, and the largest population of the sea iguan in the town of Punta Espinosis. The rest of the landscape is gray, frozen lava mass. In the urban bay there is a coral reef with a rich underwater life, and Penguins live in Elizabeth in Bay. They divide him with pelicans, hiding caught fish in the caves.

Biltra - Iguan Island

During the Second World War, the US Army Navy was here, and now there is an international airport that connects the archipelago with the mainland. Flights are made daily by TAME airline. Island is home to Iguan. For the sake of the experiment in the 1930s, biologists moved 70 individuals to the nearby Island of Simor Norte, but the remaining in Balter Iguana during the war unexpectedly died. In the post-war years in the center of them. Darwin restored the population and new generations again settled Balter.

Bartolome - Pirates refuge

Tiny, but the adorable island (only 1.2 km²) has the shape of the horseshoe. From the highest point to the West, the lava section, which stores the source of fresh water, which is almost no on the whole archipelago. In the cave of pirates lived flibastries, which were passing trials. There is a stunning rock Pinnacle, from the top of which the wonderful views of the beach of coffee are opening. Her founding is inhabited by penguins, sea lions and turtles. The tales float over the underwater tunnel connecting the sea and two bays.

An interesting sights of other islands can be found in the table:

Island What to admire and engage
Santa Maria Admire the devil's crown. This is the edge of the crater of a volcano sticking out of the water, resembling the crowns. See the ancient barrels found in the post office bay, they played the role of mailboxes in distant times.
Swim in the company of reef sharks in the Bay of Shark (Punto-Korotran Plan)
Espanyola. To admire the most numerous colon of wavy albatrosov, which can be seen only on the rocks of Espanyola and more in the world. Communicate with multicolored Iguanas at Cape Suarez. Nature on the snow-white sand Gardner Bay, which resembles a soft and smallest flour, and see near sea lions
San Cristobal Walking along the capital of the archipelago Puerto-Baroiso-Moreno. The second airport is located here. Watch the frigates from the Fregatber Hill hill, as well as for the beautiful Oloshi from Cape Pitt. Visit almost the only freshwater lake of the Al-Giunko archipelago and photograph its inhabitants. On the way to the abandoned sugar plant, see 6 zones of the Galapagos Flora - from desert vegetation to Pampass
Sana-Fe. Walking among huge pear cacti up to 10 meters high. See unique goats, which in the absence of fresh water evolved and drink salty
Santiago (San Salvador) In James's Bay, see sea cats, as well as Lviv, Iguan, Reef Shark and Galapagos Black and Yellow Corals
Rabida Hiding on the dark red sand of the beach. Its color is due to the high content of iron oxide and volcanic origin. Want among unique bunchwood trees
Genoves See extensive colonies of a variety of birds
Plaza. Enjoy the wealth of flora and fauna

Threat for Galapagos species

However, whatever an isolated archipelago for foreign representatives of flora and fauna, there is one enemy from Galapagos. It was he who broke the purity of endemics and threatened with many rarest species, and some of them disappeared at all from the face of the earth. Newly arriving "conquerors" in the old centuries produced on the islands of domestic animals, which focused on the protected lands. Cats ruined the masonry of eggs, pigs were digging the soil, damaging the root system of plants, and the goats finished them from above, combining the foliage. Defenseless animals and plants were unarmed in front of barbarism. But in the last century, scientists scored alarm and conducted a massive stripping of nature from strangers.

Animal world Galapagos

The privacy of the Galapagos Islands influenced the variety and purity of the species that are preserved here, including the works of scientists. Many inhabitants are found only on the archipelago: approximately 60 species of birds, many fish and marine inhabitants.

"The country of nonpougly animals" is so appropriate to call Galapagos. On any island, everywhere can be stumbled upon sleeping colored Iguanu, or on flirting frigates, or on swimming penguins, as well as on slow turtles. Animals are friendly and trusting, because they have no enemies, because predators are not found. The world of the archipelago is surprising, where those who seem to be at all the place here, - penguins and seals.

Penguins Gumbaldt

So that the Galapagos Penguins could survive in the climate unusual for them - too warm and dry, they evolved: local - very small sizes, height is only 50 cm. The plumage is less dense than the Arctic female, and subcutaneous fat less. To reduce body temperature, Galapagos Penguin can often breathe by opening the mouth, just like a dog.

They lead a nightlife, and during the day, in the world, are sitting in the water. Mostly Penguins were chosen western Islands, There, because of cold currents, the temperature in the sea is lower, and multiply on Isabel and Fernandine.

Swimming among penguins on galapaghos:

Land elephant turtles

Galapagos turtles before the ancient that they are jokingly called the smokers of the universe. These are the largest turtles of the planet, the weight of other individuals reaches six centners, and the length is up to two meters. Gigaters are long-livers, the majority of the mortar of the earth is more than a century, but there were cases when caught turtles lived 170 years at a minimum.

These vertebrates inhabit the 7 islands of the archipelago, and their appearance differs on the islands with different climates. So, in those places where a higher humidity on the elevations, the turtle shell has the form of the dome, the neck is short, and the animal itself is large. On the plain islands with a dry climate, the shell bought the shape of the saddle, the neck is long, and the sizes of the turtle bed. In this example, Darwin's theory about the evolution of species is understood.

According to Darwin, the evolution of all living things is based on three basic facts: the offspring is born more than it can survive; Representatives of various species have different features to adapt to the proposed conditions; These signs are inherited. Thus, competition is formed inside the species and can only survive the strongest, transmitting severe genes to the offspring. So the principle of natural selection works.

Elephant turtles were almost extinct in the 20th century, because their massively exterminated for meat and shell. Of the 250 thousand of these reptiles in the 70s, only 3000 remained. But scientists tightly engaged in the resurrection of the population and developed a program for growing relict shells on special farms. Passionate individuals are then released. In the XXI century, the number of galapagos turtles is 19 thousand, and this species is indicated as vulnerable.

Sea iguana

A unique animal that dwells only on these islands. The only sea lizard on the planet, which due to the lack of ground food evolved and is now powered by algae. Iguanas slide into the water in those places where she warmed up enough, and plunge mainly in shallow water. It is amazing that they can detain their breathing for an hour, at this time oxygen stored before dipping, only in vital organs. Coming out of the water, the lizard hurries to warm up in the sun, pressing to hot stones, otherwise it can die from supercooling. Her powerful claws form a strong coupling even with a smooth stone.

Ground iguana

Beautiful creation that transfers with all the colors of the rainbow. Feeds with juicy fruits and fruit. Iguana can sit under the cactus clock and wait for the fruit. He eats him along with spines. The needle-stuck needle reptiles pulls out a paw or rotating the tongue, also a paw, she knows how to remove spines from their body. Not all iguana shimmer in different colors, you can find a lot of gray ground iguan on the islands. These are hybrids - the offspring of the marine and terrestrial iguan. Water representatives of the species often attack land females and mate with them. Well, installed whether hybrids are capable of continuing the genus.

This is an amazing bird. The males in the marriage inflated a huge bright red bag hanging on the larynx, to attract the female. The name was obtained due to the tendency to accompany the ship - frigates - in the hope of treating. Birds cannot fall on the water, because, wetting, they will not be able to take off, so they always hover over the sea. Before you start attracting the female, the male is a cozy nest.

Bluebean Olushi

A beautiful and unusual bird of fairly large sizes - females reach a height of 80 cm. Its appearance justifies the name, since the paws with swimming pools of blue. The brightness of the color is crucial when choosing a male female for mating. Olushi masonry make every 8 months, 2-3 eggs. Parents take turns sit on the nest for 40 days, and hatched chicks remain in it over three months.

Olushi feed on sea fish, they are beautiful divers - the bird dives into the water from height and goes vertically down to a depth of 25 m. It is interesting that the fish capture process takes place exclusively on the way back to the surface when pop-up. Olushi is prone to courage, the bird is not afraid of anyone, even a person, and fiercely protects the nest. Olush is not an endemic of Galapagosov, Islands - only the preferences of these feathers, and you can see them in Mexico, and in the California Gulf, and on the islands.

Clothing of Olusha per girlfriend:

Darwinovy \u200b\u200bVyurki

At first glance, the usual little bird. But its importance in the evolution is invaluable. On the example of the reels, the great scientist brought his theory of natural selection. If briefly: the subspecies of the Darwin Reel is an endemic of Galapagosov, millions of years ago his ancestors listed in the archipelago to the backway. Initially, one type of reels lived on all the islands, but under the influence of the external environment was forced to evolve. On different islands, their climate and vegetation, so the birds differ everywhere with the form of beak. Some it has a fat and wide, others have a narrow and sharp, that is, the beaks have changed in a different mining of food.

In 1858 he saw the light of the monumental work of Darwin "The origin of species", which the Church betrayed Anathema. From the point of view of religion, the world created the Creator, respectively, he also created 13 different reels for 13 Galapagos Islands.

Galapagos Islands are home to many other representatives of the animal world:

  • sea green turtle - beautiful reptile, famous for always returning to the place of birth for thousands of miles to postpone eggs;
  • sea lions and seals - both species belong to the family of eared seal;
  • galapagos Bablan - Land Bird, who has lost opportunities to fly. Feeding fish no further as 100 meters from the coast, and enters the water, turning all the body, as if driving into it;
  • kanyuk - Falcon about 55 cm long, is the only predator of the archipelago. Powered by lizards and small iguanami;
  • white (mask) Olusha - has a clear rim and black edging of the wings around the beak. Always postponed two eggs, but only one chick survives, the strongest, and weak parents peel out of the nest (natural selection in action!).

Galapagos - a unique place, and scientists apply a lot of strength to preserve populations in "clean" form. It is difficult for the archipelago, expensive and long to get, but all efforts are worth it to be close to see incredible animals and birds. They lived long before people appeared on the planet as a view.

- A unique place where the most kind and extraordinary animals in the world live. And you can meet with them, stepping on the archipelago, for a few minutes, if not seconds.

Where are the Galapagos Islands

- The famous archipelago, inspired by Charles Darwin on the creation of the theory of natural selection. There are islands in a quiet window off the coast of South America. On the Islands of the Archipelago with the fields of frozen lava flows, cactus forests covered with lush emerald vegetation, highlands, transparent turquoise bays and serene tropical beaches with clean white sand, live the most unique and amazing on the beauty of creating.

Those who do not know, let's say that this mysterious archipelago is located 1000 kilometers from the coast of the continental part of Ecuador. They are right on the equator line. The archipelago consists of a group of volcanic islands who have chosen, just say, not the most quiet place for life. This is one of the most active sections of the earth's crust, at the junction of three constantly drifting tectonic plates. This young education is only 5 million years old, and - judging by the recent manifestations of volcanic activity - it has not yet acquired its final appearance. There are visible dilapidated crater, fields of frozen flows of lava and places of volcanic ash.

Galapagos Islands - Short description

The archipelago includes thirteen islands with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 10 square kilometers, six small and more than a hundred tiny uninhabited islands. Despite the size, each island has its own unique atmosphere, landscape and a unique animal world. Many local inhabitants are endemics not only for the entire Galapagos archipelago as a whole, but also for each island separately. Therefore, the more islands to visit, the more unique agenic animals can be seen.

It is not necessary to miss here: for example, one day can be observed for the digested tracks of time with elephant turtles that are slowly moving in a foggy haze of local highly. And the next - already fun to swim under water with restless sea lions in the crystal clear waters of the archipelago. Or sunbathe on black lava rocks next to the sea iguanami, similar to the descendants of prehistoric dinosaurs. Another option is to be attached not far from Galapagos Albatrosov to enjoy their wedding dances, famous for its entertainment for the whole world. During the dancing, the albatrosse is freezed with straightened wings and a fans with a tail. Then they pull the neck, cast back the head and begin to rhythmically pectinate the paws.

Beauty of the Galapagos Islands

It is almost impossible to exaggerate the wonders that make in themselves.

Here every corner - including numerous shallow water, beaches and trails - supremely friendly and inquisitive animals, so unique that even from afar, they cannot be found anywhere else all over the world. Only here you can see such unique wonders of nature, like, for example, tropical penguins, or Olushi with bright blue paws, which they seemed to be specially painted. Here you can meet dyatlovy treewear - some of the few pi bugs using real labor tools - cactus needles, as well as males of magnificent frigates, in a marriage, like balloon, inflating your red throat bags to attract females.

The uniqueness of the archipelago also lies in the fact that in many respects it remained almost unchanged from the distant 1835, when Charles Darwin came on his land. But, unfortunately, changes are not far off. Invertible demand asian countries For the hell (living in the local waters of "marine cucumbers") and sharks, the fins led to the widespread spread of illegal poacher's fishery, the empty and ruining the local, the once incredibly rich in various marine life of water. The rapid growth of the flow of immigrants in combination with the seven-world rates of economic growth caused an incredible influx of people who settled on the Islands of the Archipelago (today, the number of permanent local population exceeds 30 thousand people who live on four different Islands). But the worst thing is that they also brought a dangerous "baggage" in the form of alien mammals, insects, plants and diseases. They pose a serious threat to an incredibly fragile ecosystem of the archipelago.

But, among the most striking changes in the archipelago in recent years, an annually increasing number of tourist arriving around tourists can be attributed. Since 1991, when the archipelago has visited no more than 40 thousand tourists, the number of hunters for local attractions increased exactly 4 times and today is 160 thousand.

This led to the fact that from time to time the most popular tourist trails here are becoming so lively that they are literally not to push back from tourists as on the sidewalks of the central streets of large cities. But everything is not so bad. Despite the changes that have occurred, in the archipelago, the quiet secluded corners still have been preserved, where you can relax, and a local living nature, despite everything, remains as friendly and surprisingly located to people, as in the time of Darwin.

Galapagos: Animal World of Islands

The most interesting from the "hot tens" of animals, for which most tourists are sent to, this is: Galapagos Penguin, Galapagos Fluttering Cormorant, Galapagos, Galapagos Albatross, Magnificent Frigate, Darwinov, or Earth, Reuses (any of all 13 species), ivory, Or Giant Galapagos, Turtle, Sea Iguana, Galapagos Sea Lion and Marine Cat. All the rest of living critic is welcome as a pleasant bonus. All the listed animals, with the exception of the Bluebeat Olush and magnificent frigates, found almost everywhere relate to unique endemic species that cannot be seen anywhere else on Earth.

Forced to live in hot tropics, Galapagos Penguins are mainly assembled on the islands of the Western archipelago's tip, where the temperature of the water is maintained at a rather low level due to the cold currents prevailing in this area. Galapagos penguins can be seen in various places on the territory of the archipelago, but only two islands are the only districts of their reproduction - Isabel and Fernandine. In addition, these two islands are also the only nesting area of \u200b\u200bthe Galapagos non-flying cormorants. As it is clear from the name, these cormorants cannot fly, but they use their short underdeveloped wings to hold their equilibrium while jumping from the rock on the cliff. The rarest Galapagos Albatrosse nests only on the island of Espanyola, which is part of the archipelago, and more in the world (with the exception of several couples that arrange nests on the small island of Isla de la Plata, the name of which translated from Spanish means "Silver Island") located near the continental part of Ecuador). Watch these amazing birds on the island can be in the interval from April to December.

The most legendary bird inhabitants of the archipelago are earthen reels, or, as they are also called, Darwinov. As a result of its five-week stay at the "enchanted" islands of the Darwin Archipelago, suggested that at least a dozen species of rather unprecedented little paths occurring here from a single species inhabited on the continent. This assumption was based on the most important discovery in the science of that time. The basis for guesses was various forms of beak, which possessed birds, as well as their clear specialization on a specific type of food. By connecting all this together, Darwin came to the conclusion that they developed his differences in the struggle for survival to take their own niche. Therefore, one of them hunt for small insects, while others received the abundance of seeds and remained as a result of evolution.

Others, no less amazing inhabitants of the Galapagos Islands were famous for the whole world - ancient almost as a world of elephant, or giant Galapagos, turtles.

Considering the huge size of the turtles reaching 1.5 meters in length, as well as the overall impression that is created at the sight of these aspects of the annoying moss of animals with a wrinkled head hiding in the shell, and good-natured toothless ruffles, they are more like the immigrants from the prehistoric era.
It is believed that once on the islands of the archipelago, 15 different subspecies of elephant turtles lived, which differ significantly from each other in size, the form of the shell and the distribution area. However, 4 of them were extinct almost immediately after arriving at the islands of the first people (in general, the total number of their populations, which had previously established 250 thousand, today decreased to approximately 15 thousand individuals).

All giant galapagos turtles are long-livers and mostly live at least to a century of anniversary. This may mean that some who preserved to this day the turtle lived on the islands in the time of Darwin. The best places To observe the giant galapagoski turtles, according to generally accepted opinion, the highland regions of Santa Cruz is considered, the surroundings of Volcano Alpsoo and Isabel Island, where their largest population lives. In addition, in small quantities, they are also found on the Islands of San Cristobal, Santiago, Espanyola and Pinson.

And the list of animals that have become real symbols of Galapagos, unsurpassed sea iguanas are the only lizard in the world, carrying out most of the time in the sea. In total, in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Galapagos Islands, according to estimates, up to 300,000 naval iguan lives, therefore, considering such a wide prevalence, there are more difficult to see them there rather than the opposite. Lazily basking in the sun after tedious dive, they take a fixed pose and "high" through the nostrils of surplus salt, which is so rich in sea water. So where this white foam on the faces come from.

The surrounding archipelago of the sea is incredibly rich in the brightest maritime love, so underwater swimming here promises many stunning meetings and unforgettable impressions. And this the best way Get to knowing it closer with incredibly perky sea lions that occur here almost everywhere.

Sea seals are traditionally more difficult, but on the territory of the archipelago there is still a couple of places where the meeting with them is practically guaranteed (the best of them, where these amazing creatures can be considered from a fairly close distance, of course, seals of the grotto on Santiago island) are considered.

In addition, in the archipelago water area you can also swim under water with penguins, non-flying cormorants, marine iguanami, green turtles and more than 300 species of colorful fish.

As for exclusively marine inhabitants, under water here you can observe a practically unlimited manifold: from ordinary spotted orchairs to yellow-minded fish and sharks, of which the most common certainty is a reef shark, but if you are lucky, here you can also meet dark reef rhythic sharks , Galapagos gray sharks, sharks and even elusive whale sharks.

Nevertheless, depending on who specifically, there is a desire to see, it is important not only to choose the right place, but also time, since the possibilities of observation and communicating with local animals are significantly different depending on the particular season and even the month. For example, to watch the green sea turtles put their eggs, it is possible in January. Get unforgettable impressions of swimming with "reactive" penguins in the water area of \u200b\u200bBartolome - from May to the end of September.

Humpback whales begin to tighten into the water area closer to June. From July to the end of September, it is considered the best for observing marine birds, as it comes from the peak of their annual activity. The height of the season of appearance on the light of newborns of marine lions occurs approximately in August, while they are becoming more active about November and during snorkeling ask tourists of the real heat, in general, they do not give a minute of peace. And finally, in December, they hatch out the eggs of the Giant Galapagos Turtles in December.

Galapagos Islands - Excursions, Tours

In total, there are more than 60 seats allowed for visiting and holding tourist excursions in the archipelago.

Santa Cruz (tireless)

Most rounds of Galapagos Islands take their origin on the island of Santa Cruz, which formed at the place of a huge extinct volcano. The island itself is located close to the archipelago's main airport on the Baltra Island, and its capital is Puerto Aior - the largest settlement in Galapaghos with the largest inhabitants.

Not far from the Administrative Center, the famous Charles Darwin Research Station is located, where you can deal with valuable information about the history of the island and environmental protection, conducted under the guidance of the International Charles Darwin Foundation. In addition, the station is implemented for feeding and preserving giant turtles, within which young representatives of this fragile appearance are derived.

But first of all is the island knowing what has become last Jobs For the most famous and ancient bachelor in the world, "Lonely George," - the inhabitant, which turned into a real legend of the archipelago, the last of the representatives of the subspecies of Abingdon Elephant Turtles, who lived on the island of Pinta. In addition, inspecting the island, you can see Galapagos shepherds, not less than nine species of earthwinds, Galapagos crossbars, fiery mogids, as well as many other, no less amazing birds.

The fascinating path to the highlands of the Island of Santa Cruz, running through countless agricultural land, leads directly into the shrouded foggy forest, full of a wide variety of feathered. In addition, if you listen to a pretty, you can hear how the giant galapagos turtles are made through the thick thickets, the galapagos turtles are pierced. Pressing to help a little luck, you can even personally see one of them. You can still see the dyatlovy tree reels, fascinating representatives of the Familia family - some of the few who use the tools of labor. In fact, these seamless reels have long adapted to use the cactus needle as a tool for producing insects and larvae from wood cavities.

The impressions of snorkeling on the island of Santa Cruz also have every chance of becoming completely unforgettable. Cape Estrada and Las Bahas Beach Beach and Las Baich Beach, Although Las Grienetas Bay and Laguna Lady Grietyas are also considered to be the best places for scuba diving in the island.

Island Santa Fe (Barrington)

Located in the middle between the Islands of Santa Cruz and San Cristobal, Santa Fe is characterized by the simplest relief compared to the rest of the neighbors in the archipelago. Thanks to the lagunas with transparent turquoise water and beaches with the smallest white sand, this island could well claim the title of an ideal model of a lost tropical paradise.

A few colonies of the Galapagos Sea Lviv live on the island, as a result of which it is considered one of the best places for energetic dances in the quiet transparent waters of the surrounding lagoons with these incredibly abrupt and funny animals. According to an unusual forest, consisting of 10-meter barbed pear cacti, a winding pathway passes, which often come across pale constructions of the Island of Santa Fe - endemic subspecies of the land iguan. In addition, this unique forest is considered an excellent place to observe Galapagos Knubuki, who, sitting in safety on prickly cactus, can let them go close enough. And from the sheer coastal cliffs, stunning panoramic views opens.

Florean Island (other names - Santa Maria, Charles Island) Florean is considered the oldest settlement on the archipelago, as long before the tourists here the centuries ago, pirates and kitobi loved to stop.

In the area of \u200b\u200bCape Korotran, located on the north coast of the island, there are two magnificent beach (on one of which sand is so small and clean that it can be accepted from afar), where in the period from January to May, the green sea turtles are laying off . And in a secluded limana between the beaches is hidden from a curious eye a whole colony of stunning red flamingos.

All this is the magnificence of the "Crown of the Devil" - located nearby the semi-duty volcanic cone, scuba diving in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich promises truly unforgettable impressions. Here there are all chances to get acquainted with Galapagos sea lions, green marine turtles, octopus and myriads of colorful sea fish. If you are lucky, here you can even see the hammer shark.

Also, it is also necessary to visit the post office, where for a long time there is a large wooden barrel, part-time performing the function of the improvised mailbox. Despite the fact that she was brought here by British voyages in 1793, it also uses to this day. Continuing a long tradition, tourists lower their letters into it if a person lives next to them, "a letter in the barrel is required and omitted in the mailbox on returning home.

Espanyola Island (Hood)

This distant island, located on the southeast outskirts of the archipelago, has become the most widely known due to the fact that it is the only place of nesting of rare Galapagos albatrosov. In the period from April to December on the coastal cliffs of Cape Suarez, along with the Bulb Olles, approximately 12,000 pairs of albatrosov nest. On the island also nests the largest colony of the Bluewide Olush archipelago in the entire territory, and along the shore in large quantities there are marine and lava iguana. A special entertainment of the landscape gives jets of water, like geysers sprieled to a height of up to 20 meters from the designer located here.

Bay Gardner, located on northeast coast The islands are mostly noteworthy by magnificent beaches, as if swimming the smallest white sand, where a whole colony of Galapagos Nautical Lviv lives, swimming with whom will probably deliver a lot of amazing impressions. The idyllic sandy shores of the island are the main area of \u200b\u200bthe masonry of the eggs of green sea turtles, and then in the direction of the inaccessible rock of the cortuga under water, you can meet whole constellation of bright marine fish. On the shore, squeezes, belonging to the endemic meaning of the island of Espanyola, and other unique inhabitants of the island are local Lava Iguana.

San Cristobal Island (Chatham)

In addition to the local administrative center, Puerto-Baroiso-Moreno, on the island of San Cristobal there are also several excellent places to observe the unique local fauna.

On the hill of Fregatberd Hill (which means "the hill of frigates"), you can observe magnificent and large frigates. In addition, the hill opens a magnificent view of the rebel the azure bay. Laguna El Gijunko, located in the mountainous part of the island, is noteworthy in that it is the only freshwater reservoir in the Galapagos Islands. Its surroundings are considered a great place to observe marsh birds and other local representatives of the Familia family. A truly unique place is both Pitt Cape, located on the northeast coast of the island, where all three types of Olush live in the Galapagos Islands nest.

Sea lions, mockings - endemics of San Cristobal Island, several types of earthwinds, fiery mugs, as well as local lava iguana and their sea tribesmen.

Santiago Island (James or San Salvador Island)

Santiago Island is located at the place of crossing the crater of two volcanoes and, according to a generally accepted opinion, is considered to be the best place to observe the endemics of the archipelago - Galapagos marine seas (which, in addition to the island, are found only in a pair of other places in the archipelago). The guaranteed place for meetings with these animals is considered to be the James Bay on the west coast of the island, where in Puerto Egas, a whole colony of sea cats chose the place on the shore right behind the littoral.

Extended coastline Puerto Egas covered with frozen lava flows, generously decorated with dilapidated, weathered rocks. Sea iguana is undressed here everywhere, and their land tribesmen in shallow water eatens seaweed, growing on the surface of the water. The coastal literlies on the island are extremely rich in various amazing gravestones, including spotted rock crabs, shells, sea sponges, four-headed sea dogs, which are endemics of the island, and many coastal birds (many completely unusual types of migratory birds have been repeatedly recorded).

Walking around the island, you can see the dyatlovy woody reels, several types of earthwinds, fiery mogids, Galapagos kanyukov and ruling, as well as many other, not less terrific birds. If you are very lucky, here you can even see the rarest mice - endemics of the island of Santiago, who for a long time were considered forever disappeared from the face of the Earth, as long as the view was not re-opened in 1997. The island is also perfect for observing other endemics - Galapagos snakes reaching the length of one meter. With frightening sizes, they are completely not poisonous.

This place is also excellent for scuba diving, including marine lions, and in case of luck - with almost elusive sea cats.

Bartolome Island

First of all, Bartolome is famous for the fact that it contains one of the most famous attractions of the Galapagos Islands - a dilapidated pointed rock of volcanic origin of the Pinot, in shape resembling an index finger.

The magnificent beach with white, crystal clear sand, stretching at the foot of the cliff, opens excellent opportunities for swimming with penguins, green sea turtles, sea lions and countless bright tropical fish.

In addition, there are many other, no less amazing animals on the island, including the Bluebell Olush, the Red Coast Phaetons, Lavova Herkels, which are less poeticly called Galapagos Green Quakes, Fire Mudchodov, Sea Iguan and incredibly bright spotted rock crabs. Having reached the far end of the beach and moving on the other side, in the marchs of the shore, you can also see the many who have not yet had time to grow up white reef rhyphic sharks, lively crowded in transparent turquoise water.

From the coast to the highest point of the island (which the locals also poetically referred to the "rock broken hearts"), located at an altitude of 114 meters, leads a huge staircase from a variety of wooden steps, surrounded by sides of hot lavam sands. To take the climbing on the high staircase is best in the morning, even before breakfast, when a refreshing coolness reigns over the island and a breathtaking panorama opens with two azure bays located at the foot.

Isabel Island (Albeemarl)

The biggest island of the Galapagos Archipelago, Isabel noteworthy that on its territory there are six largest volcanoes, five of which to this day are valid. Samoa high point The archipelago reaching 1707 meters is Wolf volcano, located in the northeast corner of the island, right on the equator line.

First of all, the island is considered an ideal place to observe gigantic Galapagos turtles. In total, about 10,000 of these ancient gigids live here is much larger than on other archipelago islands. Moreover, in the area of \u200b\u200beach of the five volcanoes - Sierra Negro (150 m), Sierra Asul (210 m), Darwin (305 m), Wolf (610 m) and Alfo (1520 m) - live various local subspecies of elephant turtles. The best place To observe the turtles, the highlands is shrouded in a foggy haze in the Alpso Volcano area. And although the path goes there is not enough, yet it is recommended to rise to seek these amazing creatures. Most often, the turtles can be caught in small dirty puddles in the caldera of the volcano.

Isabel is also one of the two islands of the archipelago (in addition to Fernandine), where the Galapagos penguins and non-flying cormorants are surrounding their chicks. On the west coast of the island, Elizabeth bay, which is also the owner of a major record, as the world's largest colony of Galapagos Penguins live on her shores.

The north is the urblu bay, where sea iguana and one of the largest and most striking representatives of their land tribesmen are found on the entire archipelago - Concomfort. This place is also ideal for monitoring Galapagos Penguins and Label Baklanans. In addition, it is necessary to visit the shores of the Bay of Tagus, located yet north, opposite the island of Fernandina. From here, you can climb Darwin Lake, from the shores of which the magnificent panorama of the green marine lagoon opens, as well as Darwin and Wolf volcanoes. In addition, this place also probably will like the lovers of watching birds, because in the vicinity there are quite often earthwinds, crossbars and Galapagos Knuki.

Nourishing plankton transparent turquoise waters nearby western coast Isabel Islands in large quantities attract marine mammals. Most often here you can observe humpback whales and aphalin, but from time to time there are many other, no less remarkable species.

At the end of the Travel on the island, you can get no less awesome impressions of swimming with Maritime Iguanas in the area of \u200b\u200bCape Vicente-Roca, where they graze themselves through water on the endless fields of seaweed.

Fernandina Island (Narboro)

Due to their remoteness from the rest of the islands, Fernandina, located on western outskirts Archipelago, very rarely included in general tourist routesAlthough completely undeservedly. Despite the location on the far border of the archipelago, this island, rising to 1400 meters above sea level, with a stunning calder extending in a width of almost 6.5 kilometers, is no less entertaining and coloring than everyone else. In addition, this island is a place of concentration of amazing animals that have become real Galapagos symbols.

Fernandine (Along with Isabelo) is one of the only islands on the archipelago, where the long-awaited offspring of Galapagos penguins and non-flying eggplanes appears. The best place in this regard is a rocky shore in the area of \u200b\u200bCape Espinosis, located on the northeast coast of the island. In addition, along the trail lying through the unusually spectacular fields flooded by the streams of frozen lava (covered in so deep cracks that short-term dexterity and maneuverability are required in the way), you can visit the whole colony of sea iguan, the number of which is dimensively measured by hundreds of individuals. This colony is mostly remarkable by the fact that it is considered the most numerous in the world.

Tower Island (Genoves)

Tower, one of the most flat islands of the archipelago, is quite removed from the center and is located almost on the northernmost outskirts of the archipelago. First of all, the island is famous for both a real ornithological paradise. The best place, on a magnificent background of which can observe thousands of seabirds, is considered to be the bay of Darwin, formed after the destruction and partial immersion under the water of the crater the largest volcano on the island.

Disembarking ashore sandy beach You can go on a path, at the edges of the shank of salt bushes and mangroves, where they arrange their societies and red-legged flashes, magnificent frigates and red foams. Here you can meet unique representatives of the local feathered world, including Galapagos gorgers, strict, large cactus and large earthworms, as well as marsh owls (which are representatives of a unique endemic subspecies). On the shores of the island, as, however, and everywhere, you can observe the omnipresent sea lions, and at times even the difficult sea cats. During diving in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe island, even hammers sharks are occasionally.

The observation platform of the "Prince Philippe Station", located east of the bay of Darwin, is great for swimming in Pangáh (small motor boats), as well as observations of the indiscreaded number of various seabirds. On the cliffs along the edges of the winding pathway from the stony steps leading to the site, they screw their nests of the Blue and Bluebell Olushi, and on the trees nearby - frigates and a huge amount of red-legged Olush. At the end of the way, there is a field covered by the streams of frozen lava, the Galapagos kachrises are circling with huge flocks (and, in contrast to the rest of the relatives around the world, they can be observed not only after the onset of twilight, but during the day). In addition, there are quite large chances to meet representatives of the rare local subspecies of marsh owls.

Ballet or San Cristobal island can be reached by plane from Quito or Guayaquil airports located in the continental part of Ecuador. Some cruise tours depart from the shores of Baltic (Pier is a 5-minute drive from the local airport). In addition, cruise ships are departed from Puerto Aior, the main tourist Center The archipelago located on the island of Santa Cruz (which can be reached by ferry in 10 minutes or in 45 minutes by bus). On the scale of the archipelago, this is a rather large and modern settlement, where there is a bank with ATMs, taxi, cafes, a cinema and a wide range of accommodation options in numerous local hotels for the convenience of local residents and tourists.

The most convenient and economical way to study the Galapagos archipelago is a cruise on a ship or a boat with a settlement on board. When choosing such a route, each night is to sail to the next stop, and in the afternoon there are several landings (this is only a general scheme, options here are unlimited). For two weeks, such a cruise can be visited by most of the most curious places on the archipelago (including the most remote islands).

During most cruises, landing on the shore are held twice a day, which means that in 10 days of such a journey you can commit 20 extortations, 10 - 20 times to sneak in local waters and pay several times on the motor pangs, having visited ten different islands of the archipelago. In order to avoid crowders with other groups of tourists, as well as to catch the peak of animal activity, you need to try to disembark as soon as possible. During excursions in all places of stops tourist groups Must accompany a qualified guide zoologist.

Alternatively, you can stay on one of the islands of the archipelago and make daily excursions. Various accommodation options for tourists are presented in hotels on the Islands of Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Florean and Isabel. Several travel agencies on the islands offer one-day excursions with visiting various places of the archipelago.

Tourist season

Whatever goes to the Galapagos Islands, the trip will probably be to extremely successful, regardless of the season, since each time of the year has its undoubted advantages and pleasant bonuses.

The hot and wet season with a small amount of precipitation (passing time tropical rains) continues from December to May (the most hot and wet months are traditionally Mart and April). At this time, the water of the surrounding archipelago seas is usually more calm and transparent (excellent visibility under water is observed at this time at a depth of 20 - 25 meters), so this time is considered to be the best for diving and scuba diving (water temperature during the season in the season The average is about 26 seconds).

The cooler, dry season with rather strong winds (from time to time intermitted with small frost and fog) continues from June to November. At this time, the water temperature in the sea is reduced to 19 s, and visibility can be considered satisfactory only at a depth of 10 - 15 meters). At this time, the highest waves are also observed in the archipelago area, which may make it difficult to disembark into individual islands.

Where are the Galapagos Islands?

  1. in the Atlantic Oce
  2. On the map, I don't know exactly-watch
  3. Galapagos Islands-Archipelag, consisting of 16 major and many small islands with a total area of \u200b\u200b7.8 thousand km and a population of more than 4 thousand people. Islands belong to the Republic of Ecuador. They are also called Turtle Islands (from the Spanish GalapaGo Turtle) or Columbus Archipelago (named Columbus). The largest o-va: Isabel, Fernandina, San Salvador, Santa Cruz and San Cristobal. Administrative center city and port Barmero-Moreno.

    Galapagos islands have volcanic origin and formed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called Galapagos rift - cross-lifting ripples, dissection of the East-Pacific raising, along which the system of grooves and rift varies with high seismicity and manifestations of young volcanism extends to the east through the Panaman Basin. At one of the sections of this system, a rather extensive volcanic plateau was formed, on which the Galapagos Islands rises

    The islands for the first time discovered the Spanish bishop T. Bergang in 1535, when he went on a ship from Panama to Peru, but accidentally deviated from the planned path. Only in 200 years, expeditions appeared here, who paid attention to the unique and exotic nature of the islands. In 1835, they visited them and conducted detailed research from Ch. Darwin and R. Fitzra on the English ship Beagle, which made around the world swimming

    Santa Cruz Island

    Puerto Ayora is the main port of the archipelago, where most residents of the Galapagos Islands live (approximately 15,000 people). Near the city: beautiful beach Bay Cortuga, Giant Turtle Breeding Center, Lava Caves, Charles Darwin Research Center and Galapagos National Park. One of the most serious problems of the Ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands are imported species of animals, such as dogs, cats, goats and insects. The Charles Darwin station in the Commonwealth with other partners, such as the Galapagos National Park, is constantly working on controlling the threats of the ecosystem on the islands.

    San Cristobal Island

    Port Barmero-Moreno, the capital of the Galapagos province, the second largest settlement in the Galapagos Islands. Main attraction - Interpretation Center, built in the Commonwealth with the Spanish Government. This center talks about volcanic origin and natural history of the islands. Sea Lviv can always be found in the Main Park of the village, next to the small beach.

    Isabel Island

    Islands Santiago and Bartolome

    The island of Bartolome is impressive with its volcanic scenery of such beauty that his types had shielded the whole world. Here you can swim with the marine lions and Galapagos Penguins, which are the second of the smallest penguins

  5. Oh Galapagos ... oh yeah! Float .. mda ... True, it was a long time ... Years in 3-4 years old ... in the morning wet woken up .... Mattrasik at least press .. Mdaaa ...
  6. Galapago # 769; Seskie Islands # 769; (ISLAS GAL # 225; Pagos) Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, 965 kilometers west of Ecuador, consisting of 13 major volcanic islands, 6 small islands and 107 rocks and woven territories. It is believed that the first island was formed 510 million years ago as a result of tectonic activity. The youngest Isabala Islands and Fernandina still at the formation stage, last volcanic eruption Observed in 2005.

    Galapagos Islands geographically belong to the state Ecuador. The population of the archipelago is about 12 thousand people. Area 7880 km # 178;.

    The islands are known primarily by the large number of local types of fauna and conducted here by the study of Charles Darwin, on the basis of which the evolutionary theory of origin of species was written.

    Santa Cruz Island
    The Research Center of Charles Darwin is based on maintaining an attempt to preserve the archipelago. Scientists, teachers, students, volunteers and service personnel from around the world work at the station for the protection of the "living laboratory of evolution." One of the most serious problems of the Ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands are imported species of animals, such as dogs, cats, goats and insects. The Charles Darwin station in the Commonwealth with other partners, such as the Galapagos National Park, is constantly working on controlling the threats of the ecosystem on the islands. The station has a feeding program and the preservation of giant turtles. Giant turtles are contained on the territory of the bios. When young turtles grow up and become strong enough for survival, they are returned to the natural habitat
    Isabel Island (Isabel)

    Almost will not affect tourism. About 2500 people live in Puerto Villalam village, mainly fishermen. The development of tourism on Isaolated Island is mainly reduced to visits to private yachts and a small number of happy tourists who heard about the wonders of this island. Right next to the village there are several impressive places: a walkway along the reef, where a few white sharks live, where you can easily watch them from the ground; Bay Konha and Pearl, perfect place for scuba diving in a mask; The center of giant skulls and impressive volcanoes Sierra Negra and the volcano Chico.
    Sierra Negra has the second largest crater in the world with a diameter of 11 kilometers. Volcano Chico has an amazing "lunar" landscape with bizarre formations from Lava. Around the crater Sierra Negra can be driven by horses to get to the chico volcano. It is also possible to break the camp with a resolution National Park. On Isabella Island there is also a lake Flamingo and a few beautiful trail along the way to the "Wall of Tears". Before the proclamation of Galapagos National Park, this island was a prison conclusion colony (circa 1946
    Islands Santiago and Bartolome

    On the Black Beach of Puerto Egas, you can see the sea iguan, blue pin, Catcher Oysters, Chawn and other coastal birds, crabs and sea lions. After the walk, you can swim and sink in a mask.
    The island of Bartolome is impressive with its volcanic scenery of such beauty that his types had shielded the whole world.

  7. Oh, Mlyn, it's good that I didn't buy atalas at my time. Although now I will consider where these Galapagosa)))
  8. Capital - Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (Puerto Baquerizo Moreno)

    Do you happen to know where the edge of the earth? Threight and mysterious, amazing and unique, inaccessible and otherworldly Galapagos Islands. It seems that only here it is born, life continues and develops - real ammunition, genuine and clean. They were left as they were - these Galapagos, remained as they were for the first time they saw the famous Charles Darwin.

    Galapagos Islands appeared several million years ago as a result of tectonic offsets and eruptions. They practically rose from the ocean itself. Gradually, the islands settled birds, marine mammals and reptiles from the mainland, and they all to survive were forced to adapt to the environment. On the archipelago who never connected with the mainland, there are multiple unique types of plants and animals - the relics of the past epochs. For example, from 875 species of plants 28 are no more innuched in the world.
    More than 60 species of birds, adjacent to each other, and it would seem, as possible, the close side of the thermal-loving pink flamingos and the envoys of cold latitude - penguins.
    But the reptiles that are striking the magnitude are especially common in Galapags. Elephant turtles with a small horse and numerous sea and land iguana create an impression of a prehistoric period.

    For the first time in 1535, the Spanish ship was accidentally stumbled upon the island, confronted from the way during the storm. The ship was in Peru in order to deliver the Bishop of Panama Tom de Bergang. It is difficult to imagine that they felt people who first saw that in addition to the tiny church of the solid soil and the open harsh ocean around nothing more, no fresh water, no vegetation, and even the opportunity would quit anchor. Bishop Tom de Berlenga dubbed this place "Encantadas" ("Enchanted"). In the records of the bishop were found descriptions of "stupid birds" with blue legs, which lacked the mind even hide and about amazing giant turtles.
    With a great difficulty, he chooses from the "enchanted" places and talked about the find of new lands, no matter what, Spain did not declare their rights to possession of the islands. Whole three hundred years, the Galapagos Islands did not belong to anyone, they were not even indicated on geographic maps, and only in 1832 the poor state Ecuador filed a petition for the rights of ownership by Galapagos Islands.

    After three hundred years, in 1831 on the ship "Beagle", a scientist and researcher of Angloseak Charles Darwin went to his famous world-tight swimming.
    "The natural history of the Galapagos Islands is extremely interesting and deserves attention. Most of the organic works - the creation of aboriginal, nowhere in other places; Even between the inhabitants of the islands there is a difference, "he wrote Charles Darwin. He had to work a lot and prove the uniqueness and extreme scientific value of these places.
    After the month of observations of the "Evolution laboratory", thoughts were born in the head of a young 26-year-old naturalist, which formed the basis of his famous natural selection theory.
    At the heart of Darwin's theory - the property of organisms to repeat in a number of generations similar types of metabolism and individual development as a whole - the property of heredity.
    Heredity together with variability ensures the constancy and diversity of life forms and underlies the evolution of wildlife.
    One of the basic concepts of its theory of evolution is the concept of "struggle for existence" - Darwin used to designate relations between organisms, as well as relations between organisms and abiotic conditions, leading to the death of less adapted and survival of more adapted individuals.