Where to relax in Portugal. Holidays in Portugal: sea, beaches, cities, beautiful places, hotels

Description of resorts and cities in Portugal, where to go and what to see

Portugal resorts, main cities, attractions and main holiday destinations.
Every month more and more tourists are going on holiday to Portugal - a charming and unique country on the very edge of Europe. This is where historical sights coexist with beauty and strength Atlantic Ocean, luxury hotels stand side by side with ancient castles and palaces, and clean and comfortable beaches receive the highest ratings from European environmental and tourism associations every year.


The capital of Portugal is a city where you can not only enjoy masterpieces of architecture, spending hours admiring buildings in the Art Nouveau, Manueline, Gothic, Art Deco and even Baroque styles, but also have wonderful shopping. The main stores are in the center of Lisbon, on Avenida de Liberdad and in the Chiado district. It is impossible to imagine a holiday in Portugal without visiting Lisbon - one of the most beautiful capitals peace!

Museum lovers will not remain indifferent, and tourists with children willingly spend time in the zoo and aquarium. Lovers of walking and cycling rush to the Tagus embankment, and connoisseurs of bar parties head to the evening district of Bairro Alto. In any case, a holiday in Lisbon always attracts fans from all over the world.

   Portugal Lisbon Riviera tours: Cascais, Oeiras.

The Lisbon Riviera is the stretch between Cascais and Oeiras, where the Tagus River flows into the Atlantic Ocean. This is one of the oldest resorts in Portugal. Here, on the very shore, there are the most prestigious hotels and luxurious mansions. Wealthy foreigners often buy homes here. The Avenida Marginal road, connecting Lisbon with Cascais, is one of the most picturesque in Portugal; it is on it that the beaches of Carcavelos, the main hotels, the famous Estoril casino, and many other attractions of the Lisbon Riviera are located.

   Holidays in Porto Portugal: attractions, excursions

Experts in Portugal claim that the beauty of Porto outshines even the capital Lisbon. The picturesque Douro River, the steel lace of bridges, the soft yellowish light of the city at night - all this makes Porto a real example of urban beauty. According to the New York Times, Porto is one of the most financially profitable cities in Europe. Journalists noted Porto in the ranking of 46 must-see cities in the world in 2013.

Guests of Porto pay tribute not only to the architecture, but also to the famous port wine, which is especially tasty here, in the city that is the cradle of this great drink.

   Holidays in the Algarve Portugal. Tour to Faro

In the very south of Portugal is the Algarve region, a prime destination for beach lovers. Tourists from all over the world come here, and everyone finds entertainment to their liking. This is big resort region with developed infrastructure and amazing beauty coastline. Ocean beach lovers appreciate the golden sand and calm waves, while surfers prefer steep waves and fresh winds. Golf connoisseurs play for hours on the best golf courses in Europe, finding peace and the best way to relaxation.

In spring, summer and autumn, the temperature here does not drop below 20 degrees, and even in winter the weather in the Algarve is very mild and gentle. Considering that prices in winter are noticeably lower than in summer, tourists vacation in the Algarve all year round, enjoy interesting excursions and carnivals, the season of which begins in February.


Madeira is a stunningly beautiful Portuguese island in the Atlantic Ocean, just 1000 km from Europe and 500 km from the African coast. Tropical Madeira is surrounded by flowers all year round. The most delicious exotic fruits grow here, and the sweetest and most aromatic wines, liqueurs and liqueurs are made here. Madeira is appreciated by lovers family vacation and romantic weekends.

Here they play golf, drink true and genuine Madeira, taste aromatic and strong poncha - a sweet liqueur made from cane rum, honey and lemon. Perfectly delicious fruits, ocean wind, clean beaches and the aroma of flowers - this is what Portuguese Madeira is all about. Your holiday in Portugal will be fuller and more multifaceted if you visit Madeira - this floating tropical garden of the Atlantic, unique island combined with a consistently excellent climate, the pearl and pride of the Portuguese.

   Tours to the Azores, prices.

The Azores archipelago consists of several islands, and each is unique in its own way. Of course, you can find something in common in the landscapes, types of animals, birds and plants, but an attentive traveler will easily notice the differences in architecture, food recipes, natural landscapes and habits local residents.

Local residents are very sensitive to traditions and culture, preserve them and carefully pass them on from generation to generation. They are sure that this is not a product for tourists, but the main value, and on this the residents of mainland Portugal agree with the Azoreans.

A tourist in the Azores is first and foremost a guest, not a client. Here a person is surrounded by genuine attention and care, so a holiday in the Azores leaves a special, warm feeling.

   Cape Verde Islands tours

Cape Verde is a former Portuguese colony, now independent Island state. The Cape Verde Islands are easily accessible from Lisbon. The flight takes 2.5 hours.
Diving traditionally takes first place - it’s not for nothing that Cape Verde is included in the list of the most interesting places world for scuba diving.

Surfing and windsurfing attract no less fans - after all, thanks to stable winds, high and strong waves arise off the coast of Cape Verde.

Sport fishing occupies a special place. Unique and unusual fish await the tourist fisherman in the depths of the waters, ready to become an enviable catch.

The vast majority of tourists are delighted with their holidays on local beaches. The perfectly clean Atlantic Ocean, warm water, rich underwater world and hot sun are the ideal combination for a good holiday.

Surprisingly, residents of European countries choose holidays in Portugal: Spain, Germany, France and other recognized tourist places. Even crowned heads rest here - sometimes incognito, and sometimes officially, with their entire family and retinue. This means that there is something special in Portugal that cannot be found in other European resorts.

Architecture lovers will find unique buildings in the Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles in Lisbon and Porto, and can spend hours walking along the streets of the capital, soaking in the beauty of its streets and panoramic views. Shopping lovers are willing to spend hours shopping around, looking for the biggest discounts on fashionable and stylish products.

Just drive a little outside of Lisbon and you'll immediately be immersed in diversity natural landscapes: green hills smoothly turn into rocky foothills, the fertile fields of Alentejo - into sand dunes, lush forests and vineyards - into river valleys and mountains. Flowers bloom here all year round and the fields turn green, the coastal rocks are covered with a green flowering carpet, and the blue water of the ocean is adjacent to the white and yellow sand convenient beaches.
The special beauty of a holiday in Portugal is that there is practically no winter here. Tourists go on holiday to Portugal all year round: even in January, daytime temperatures rarely drop below +14 degrees, creating ideal conditions for walking and relaxing.

Portugal: resorts are loved not only by fans of beaches and attractions, but also by athletes. This is a real paradise for surfers of all kinds, paragliders, golfers and horseback riding enthusiasts. Even motorsport fans will find something to their liking here in Estoril, a suburb of the resort of Cascais, one of the most famous places holidays in Portugal.

In Lisbon, be sure to spend at least a few hours in museums and art galleries. Halls National Museum Ancient Art and the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum house real masterpieces of great masters of painting and sculpture. The 20th century Portuguese oil magnate Gulbenkian spent enormous amounts of money on his collection, and now the works of art he collected are available to the general public, and the exhibition rivals the best museums peace.

Let's not forget about Belem, a suburb of Lisbon full of Manueline-style architectural monuments. He was born at the intersection of Gothic and Moorish style, becoming business card Portugal. The marble lace of the Jeronimos Monastery and the Belem Tower is a real masterpiece, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off; you can look at them for hours.

This is what holidays in Portugal are like: some people sunbathe on the beaches, others go to museums, others go crazy over the local cuisine and drinks. In Portugal, everyone will find a vacation to their liking!

In Portugal you can not only relax, but also discover amazing story relations between our countries. The history of the histories of Russia and Portugal contains entertaining moments in which famous personalities and figures of Russia participate: Karl Bryullov and Isaac Levitan, Peter the Great, Catherine II, Pavel the First, P. Pestel and A.S. Pushkin, A. Alekhine and A. Menshikov.

Thanks to Peter I, naval officers visited Lisbon “for science.” Among them is Prince Vasily Alekseevich Urusov, who visited Lisbon in 1708. During the first trip around the world Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern was given a ceremonial reception by the Portuguese court.

More details about how Portugal was seen by Russian compatriots in different eras can be read in the book “Here is the Russian Spirit...” by Jose and Siiri Migliazes.

Frequently asked questions about holidays in Portugal:

- Is it possible to combine vacation and excursions?

Can. This section offers programs of varying duration and intensity.

- What guides work in your company?

On the mainland and on the islands, excursions are conducted by licensed Russian-speaking guides who have the appropriate certificates and work permits.

- How to get to the airport?

- Shopping: where is the best place to buy clothes in Lisbon?

While on vacation in Portugal, we recommend visiting the El Сorte Ingles supermarket. This is a 7-story supermarket of clothing and various equipment. Tourists are provided with a “carte de compra” - a discount of up to 10% on all purchases! There you can also register Required documents to receive tax-free, which will further reduce your costs.

- TAX free- how and where to get it?

You must check in for your flight at Lisbon airport. When registering, you must inform that your suitcase contains items for which you must receive tax free. In this case, you pick up your luggage and go to counter No. 169 in another hall. There you show the documents to the customs officer, he stamps and signs! After passing customs inspection, you will receive your refund at the Global Refund cash desk (blue counter). If your tax-free local is yellow, then you need to go up one floor to another pick-up point. Please note: documents from El Corte Ingles must be sealed in the enclosed envelope and placed in the mailbox. The money will be transferred to your card.

- What souvenirs should you bring from Portugal?

- What is the best way to rent a car when going on vacation to Portugal?

At the height of the season, there is a risk that there are not enough rental cars, and you have to take what is available locally, and you can wait quite a long time, up to several hours. We recommend that you worry in advance and book a car before departure, using a universal search engine for car rentals in Portugal. Cost from 10 euros per day!

Portugal is a European country with very rich history. Despite the fact that on the map globe It occupies a very small area, but its tourism opportunities are great. This and a large number of resorts aimed at completely different audiences, beautiful cities with interesting sights. Great opportunities for eco tourism.

Portugal has a well-developed transport network, so those who want to travel around the country on their own will have no problems getting around. These include buses and Alfa train express trains, which short term transport passengers between cities. Another very pleasant thing about this country is the hospitality of the local residents, who are always ready to meet you halfway, help, and give advice. A feature of the mentality of citizens is politeness, goodwill, and the motto is always to smile in any situation. Therefore, it is always pleasant to come to Portugal; most tourists who have visited this beautiful country come back here again.

Map of Portugal.

Resorts of Portugal and their features.

Algarve- the most popular and respectable resort in the southern part of Portugal. Most often, tourists choose it as a vacation. Here are the most luxurious beaches and pure water in the ocean compared to all of Europe. There are never strong waves in the Algarve, so this is a real paradise for lovers of calm swimming and families with children. The advantage of the resort is its excellent climate; there is no extreme heat here. In the Algarve, tourists will find a large selection of hotels from the simplest to the luxury.

This place is perfect for families with children of all ages. The beaches in the Algarve are sandy, many of them equipped with playgrounds. The rich infrastructure of the resort will offer a lot of entertainment such as: water parks, boat trips, bullfighting, sea animal shows, shark hunting, hiking, grottoes, ancient fortresses, the opportunity to visit countries such as Spain and Morocco.

Algarve coast.

Madeira Island- a very interesting place, perfect for relaxation active tourists who love to learn something new. And also for sports lovers, such as paragliding, rock climbing, mountain biking, horse riding, tennis. Also in Madeira you can go surfing, scuba diving, fishing, and water skiing. On the island of Madeira there are practically no isolated beaches, rocky shores are almost everywhere, and the depth begins directly from the shore. Therefore, most hotels have seawater swimming pools. Madeira perfect place for hiking, there is rich potential in terms of nature, mountains, waterfalls, all kinds of caves, narrow paths along panoramic cliffs. When going here even in summer, if you plan to go up, take a warm sweater with you.

Madeira Island.

Lisbon - Lisbon Riviera- tourists love to relax in this place; there are several resorts related to the Riviera, but Cascais and Estoril are considered the best. Here are the chic sandy beaches with clean sea water. A large number of restaurants for every taste and budget, hotels of any star rating. Young people like to visit these places because night life very active here. I don’t recommend staying in Lisbon itself, the capital of Portugal; it’s best to visit it during an excursion. The city is large, crowded, and in the midst of summer there is absolutely nothing to do here.


Lisbon Riviera.

Azores - Lately they began to be popular among tourists, although it’s true among European tourists. Holidays here are extremely quiet and relaxing. The Azores consists of 9 islands. Here you can also go diving and watch dolphins and sperm whales. Teysera Island is famous for its natural, healing geysers; there are ancient forts and castles here. Pico Island attracts tourists with its volcano (height 2350 meters), as well as the presence of ancient churches of historical value.

The Azores are high quality beach holiday mixed with eco-tourism and active recreation.

Portugal is truly a colorful, interesting and unique country with its own special character and spirit. And it’s not just football that sets her apart from others. Here you can discover excellent wines, taste delicious cuisine and go diving, beach holidays or visit beautiful castles. This country has everything. We will reveal some of the secrets of vacation in this article: how and when to go, what type of vacation and where it develops, what you can see and do, tips on choosing hotels and, of course, shopping!

Not just football

Portugal is known to many only for its football team. But, in fact, there are many interesting places and attractions here. Wide opportunities for active recreation, historical and architectural monuments, beach tourism and gastronomic tourism - this country really has a lot of opportunities for any type of holiday.

Where is

The country is located in the western part of Europe, near Spain, with which it shares the Iberian Peninsula. Compared to other countries, its area is not very large, but this did not stop it from gaining love, interest and respect for its culture. The capital of the country is beautiful Lisbon.

Portugal map

How to get there

The country has 4 main airports: in the capital, the cities of Porto, Faro and the island of Madeira. The capital's airport is considered the largest. You can get here from Moscow by Air Moldova and Aegean Airlines. The local company TAP Portugal also offers direct flights.

The prices are quite different: the Portugal company is expensive, a one-way ticket costs about 450 euros on average, departure from Domodedovo, but it is a direct flight. If you have transfers, you can use the services of Air Moldova, which sells tickets for 200 euros one way. In the low season, that is, in winter, the flight is much cheaper; you can buy a one-way ticket for 100 euros, or even less.

Flights from Moscow to Porto are carried out by Vueling Airlines, Czech Airlines, and TAP Portugal. You can fly to Faro using Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines or Eurowings. The same companies fly from St. Petersburg. If your goal is Madeira, then you can fly from Moscow with Portuguese Airlines; a British Airways plane flies from St. Petersburg.

There are no trains from Moscow to the country yet. But if you like land travel, you can go there by car. You can get to Lisbon in about 45 hours, visiting Poland, Belarus, Germany and even France and Spain.

Popular holiday destinations

Although the Portuguese love to play football, which has become a kind of symbol of the country, there are still many other opportunities for relaxation and good time. The most popular cities for holidays are the capital, the cities of Porto and Sintra, and popular resort Madeira Island. There are, of course, other cities that you can visit: this is the center of Catholicism in the country, the city of Braga, where the residence of the archbishop is located, Coimbra with its oldest university, the center of gastronomic delights, cheeses and wines of Évora and others.


This city is considered not only one of the most beautiful, but also the oldest in the country. Back in the 13th century, it received the title of capital, survived an earthquake and was reborn from the ashes. The most famous and beautiful sights are considered to be historical and architectural buildings. Is here and beautiful beaches, so you can relax peacefully by the water.

Many tourists are advised to visit Castle of St. George. It's big and ancient fortress, which belonged first to the Moorish emir, and then to the royal family. It survived the earthquake, so it is even more valued by the local population.

Another place that you definitely need to visit is Cathedral, which also survived the terrible disaster. It combines not only religious, but also cultural values, the styles of Baroque, Rococo, Gothic and even neoclassicism.

The capital is also known for its old streets. There are a lot of them, they are narrow and winding. Winding along them, you can come across many interesting houses with unique local decor, which allows you to feel the very mood of the city.


It is the second largest and most popular holiday city in Portugal. Its history begins around the 4th century; the central areas of the city are included in UNESCO protected funds. Historical sites of great importance are the cathedral, which is very similar to the fortress of ancient kings, and the local church of São Francisco, which is considered one of the largest in the whole country.

The area of ​​colorful houses in Ribeira is also worth a visit. Here you get the impression that small, colorful buildings seem to be growing on top of each other, which is very colorful compared to the backdrop of monumental buildings located in other parts of the city. There are also good conditions for a beach holiday.


This city is very popular among tourists passing through the country, or so-called “one-day travelers”. Therefore, on weekends it is almost impossible to avoid the crowds of onlookers looking at the local architectural and historical attractions.

The largest of them is considered Pena Palace It is one of the seven must-see wonders of the country. The castle is built on a hill with beautiful views and is a great place for romantic walks. In addition, the colorful appearance of the castle is almost impossible to miss. This bright decoration is included in the mandatory viewing program for all tourists. It was built in the 19th century for summer holiday royal family. There is an exotic park around.

A must visit and Moorish castle. It stands in stark contrast to the romantic buildings and villas, such as the romantic Villa Montserrat with park and the city's national palace, scattered throughout the city. It was used as a defensive fortress, so only some parts of the castle have survived. But you should definitely visit this place - you can get great photos here against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes.


The island is considered one of the most popular and advertised holiday destinations. Among the attractions here are the wild tropical garden and the Monte Palace, which are distinguished by the special beauty of their buildings, and the natural attractions of Madeira - Mount Pico Rivou and Curral das Freiras.

The most high point islands, stretching into the sky almost above the ocean. Curral das Freiras- this is a settlement that was lost among the wild expanses of the island just a few years ago. It was very difficult to get to, so the influence of the rest of the world almost did not touch this wild place. It’s worth visiting if only because it has preserved its unique flavor, traditions and real wild nature. Of course, one of the main areas of recreation on the island is seaside recreation and active sea sports.

When to go: air and water temperature

The best time to visit the country is considered to be the first autumn months and summer. At this time, the most favorable climatic conditions have been created for relaxation and visiting historical places.

On the land

The country has a subtropical Mediterranean climate, so in summer it is dry and sunny, but not hot. The average temperature in the city during this period fluctuates around 20 degrees above zero; in the mountains it is also quite warm, about 17-18 degrees. In winter, on the contrary, it is very damp and rainy, and the temperature fluctuates at around 4-10 degrees above zero. In the north, the climate is maritime, as the influence of the Gulf Stream is felt.

In water

The most best time for visiting Portugal and beach holidays - September and October. The weather is always warm, lots of sun, but not hot.

You need to swim very carefully. Fast and cold sea currents make the water very uncomfortable for swimming. In addition, swimming far into open ocean and completely prohibited.

The water temperature south of the capital, since it is always higher there, is approximately +28...+30 °C. To the north it decreases, so it’s better to just sunbathe on the coast.

The best beaches in Portugal

This country is known not only for its attractions, color and culture, but also for its good beach holidays.

Climatic conditions provide an opportunity not only to spend time on the beaches, sunbathing, but also to do active species sports in the water, such as diving or surfing. You can relax at the country's resorts either as a couple or as a family. The conditions of the resorts support all the possibilities for a relaxing pastime; there are pebble and sandy beaches, even rocky entrances to the water for lovers.

For two

Recreation opportunities for two are practically unlimited. You can go to Madeira, the Azores, and even visit a special resort region in the south - the Algarve. It is here that the best conditions for active recreation are created; there are many restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. In addition, there are water parks and attractions.

Suitable for relaxing holiday and the Azores with its wild and beautiful nature. There are also conditions for active recreation on the water. Madeira is positioned as an expensive resort, but it is ideal for a relaxing romantic getaway. Many spa centers and luxury hotels, beauty wildlife, mountains looming over the ocean - the perfect place for a romantic weekend.

For family

The whole family can safely go on holiday to the Algarve. There is a developed infrastructure here, there are many opportunities for a relaxing and active holiday. For children, there are attractions and water parks, many cafes and cozy eateries. There are even nightclubs and restaurants. This resort is positioned as the best for family vacations.

Good conditions for a relaxing holiday are also offered in the Azores, where you can find a cozy corner among wild nature, take a break from the city noise and enjoy a good level of service.

If you see a blue flag on a beach, this means that it is famous for its cleanliness and developed infrastructure.

Active recreation and diving

Madeira is considered an ideal place for diving. There are many rocks and reefs, underwater caves and even sunken ships different eras. Meet unique species fish and shellfish, diving, you can find barracuda, sea bass or tuna. The beauty of local reefs is famous throughout the country. The difficulty level is suitable for both amateurs and professionals.

If you have been involved in outdoor activities for a long time, then it is better to go to the Azores, where the diving difficulty level is suitable for professionals. Diving will not be easy, but you will not regret it, and you can easily meet a blue shark and even a whale. Near the islands of Santa Maria and Pico you can meet whale sharks and manta rays. The Berlengas Archipelago is suitable for people of all levels. During the dive you can see octopus or groupers. There are also remains of sunken ships from World War II and sheer cliffs, underwater caves and grottoes.

Sights and excursions

You can visit Lisbon, it is not only the capital, but also interesting resort with many famous attractions. The most popular and expensive resorts in the country, called the Lisbon Riviera, are also located here.

Nightlife and clubs

The best conditions for a night's rest are presented in Lisbon. There are a large number of not only beaches, but also local discos that are held on them. In addition, the city has many music cafes and nightclubs. The Algarve resort region, although positioned as the best for family holidays, also has many nightclubs and discos. Also at the most big resorts and the beaches there are always many cafes and bars open all night. So you can dance under the stars, listen to the sound of the sea and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Housing, transportation, cuisine

Before visiting this country, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the living and moving conditions, and local gastronomic customs.

The best hotels in Portugal

Almost all hotels in the country operate at a high level. Premium service is offered, usually including breakfast or lunch and breakfast. All-inclusive service is very rare. Since the cuisine here is very tasty and many tourists visit gastronomic tours, there is no need for this type of service as such.

Top hotels- back. They are located in castles, fortresses and historical villas that have been reconstructed into hotels. The level of service corresponds to 4 and 5 stars. There are also regional pouzadas, specially built as castles.

For a budget holiday, hostels are suitable, of which there are a large number and which are recognized as the best in Europe in terms of service. The average cost of one night ranges from 10 euros.

Cuisine and restaurants

Very few hotels provide " Buffet", precisely because the cuisine in the country is one of the attractions. Restaurants are sure to offer hearty and varied meat dishes, delicious fish dishes that are staples in traditional cuisine.

In any restaurant you can find a wide variety of fish dishes prepared in almost all possible ways. The dominant fish are cod, sardine, perch, trout and mackerel.

In addition, port wine is considered another calling card of the country. Every cafe, restaurant and bar offers a large selection of this drink. You also need to be able to drink it; there are special traditions. White is served as an aperitif. Red definitely goes with dessert.

Car rental and public transport

There are four main modes of transport in Portugal: express trains between cities, local express trains, carreiras that stop at all junctions, and luxury cars. Car rental is available throughout the country, so you can get a car without much difficulty.

Renting a car is easy. But a prerequisite is to have at least 1 year of experience and be at least 21 years old; some companies require at least 25 years. In this case, you need to leave a deposit or be sure to provide credit card information.

You can get around the city by bus. It is advisable to buy a ticket in advance, then it will be cheaper. There are also metro stations.

Shopping for shopping lovers

This type of tourism, such as shopping, is actively developing. Here you can buy good, high-quality and fashionable shoes, gold, and ceramics. Of course, there is a wide sale of port wine of all types and varieties.

You can also buy Madeira, the national wine. You should definitely buy the national souvenir Azulejos, this is a tile for decorating the walls. Leather products, wicker souvenirs, handmade lace and national embroidery are popular. Prices are quite high, so it's best to look for sales or local outlets.

Memo for tourists: how to avoid problems

The level of security in the country is quite high, so you can walk calmly and at any time. Of course, it is not recommended to leave important and valuable things in plain sight.

It is forbidden to make fires on the beach or in the forests; you can get a fine for this. You can also smoke only in specially designated areas, otherwise you will have to pay a fine of 50 euros.

Since seismic activity in Portugal is quite high, earthquakes occur here about twice a year. You need to remember this. The water from city taps is safe to drink, but it may be a little salty.

Is it worth going to Portugal in winter?

In the continental part of the country at this time the weather remains good, the average temperature is quite high - about +15 degrees. So you can safely go explore the local attractions. It definitely won’t be hot, and a light fresh breeze will definitely create a good mood.

At all, winter is the best time to visit historical sites. There is no influx of tourists, everything is quite calm and relaxed. In addition, most services are provided at reduced prices. Especially a holiday in the spa.

Portugal - indeed interesting country, with its own traditions and customs. Here you can not only enjoy searching and exploring historical attractions, visiting a lot of castles and medieval cathedrals, but also enjoy good weather on the beach. If you love diving, there is definitely something to see.

  • Last minute tours to Portugal
  • In the old days, almost all trips culminating in great geographical discoveries, began off the coast of Portugal. Nowadays, the opposite is true - thousands of tourists come here every year to touch it. great history, see with your own eyes the country’s architectural splendor and natural diversity.

    Nature of Portugal

    The Portuguese simply cannot help but envy, because in their very small country countless natural resources. Firstly, Portugal is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in close proximity to it the Gulf Stream makes its way, so in the summer the ocean gives coolness and in the winter it warms with its warmth. Also in the north and northeast of the country there are mountains of incredible beauty, covered with centuries-old trees. Moreover, Portugal has a lot of forests with rich flora. All kinds of flowers and exotic fruits grow here, which are not found anywhere else in the world. Even bananas and pineapples from the Portuguese islands, which are familiar to us all, have unique taste qualities.

    Holidays in Portugal


    The climate of the country can be described as subtropical; it is greatly influenced by the ocean. The period from the beginning of summer to the end of September is considered especially comfortable for a beach holiday; there is little precipitation at this time, and the average daily temperature in coastal regions is about +25 °C, while in the central part of the country it can be several degrees higher. Winter here is very mild, with a lot of precipitation and an average temperature of about +11 °C. But the island part of Portugal can delight tourists with sun and warmth all year round, in particular in Madeira, even in January the air warms up to +18 °C, and the coastal waters - up to +16 °C.

    Beaches of Portugal

    In general, for those who are aiming for a full-fledged beach holiday, it is better to go to the Algarve - a resort region in the extreme south of Portugal, Madeira or the Azores. The Algarve is distinguished by its beaches, developed infrastructure, and most importantly, excellent conditions for family holidays. Along with all kinds of bars, restaurants and nightclubs, there are a huge number of water parks and all kinds of children's attractions.

    The Algarve is distinguished by its beaches, developed infrastructure, and most importantly, excellent conditions for family holidays.

    The Azores Islands are separated by ocean from mainland Portugal by a distance of almost one and a half thousand kilometers. If you want to briefly change the frantic rhythm of the metropolis with its traffic jams, deadlines and stress, for a leisurely, unburdensome holiday surrounded by almost wild nature, but with a consistently high level of service, you should definitely visit there.

    Since the end of the 15th century, Madeira has become a favorite holiday destination for almost all European monarchs. Today all the world's celebrities come here to relax their body and soul. After all, from natural beauty This island is literally breathtaking. Primeval forests alternate with majestic mountains, at the foot of which the ocean quietly splashes. In addition, there are probably no such luxurious hotels and SPA centers anywhere in the world.

    Monasteries and castles

    Fans of architectural sights will be absolutely delighted with the ancient monasteries, temples and numerous castles-fortresses of Portugal. Almost every city can boast of several unsurpassed monuments of bygone eras.


    Portugal is also a great place for gastronomic tourism, because the cuisine of this country is very original. Close proximity The ocean could not but determine the predominance of fish dishes on the Portuguese menu, the main one of which is cod in a special marinade (there are more than one hundred and fifty recipes for this marinade). Such salted fish is invariably served with boiled potatoes or eggs. There are relatively few meat dishes, but they are all incredibly tasty, because they are prepared with the addition of a huge amount of spices, marinades and sauces.

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    In the Azores you can taste truly unique meat, and the whole point is that it is stewed over the steam of a natural hot spring. Rice is often served with meat and fish; by the way, it is even used for preparing sweet dishes. In general, the local desserts deserve admiration. Be sure to try the world-famous Madeira wine and quality Portuguese beer.

    Subtleties of travel

    You can travel within the country either by rented car or through developed railway connections. It should be noted that it is better to buy a round-trip ticket at once, as in this case you can get a small discount. In order to get from mainland Portugal to the Azores and Madeira, there are special flights. For more comfortable and economical travel in the city, it is best to use travel cards for tourists, which are sold at kiosks at bus stops.

    The entire population of the country speaks Portuguese, but most people speak excellent English.

    As a souvenir from Portugal, you can bring Madeira, porcelain dishes, handmade leather goods and embroidery.