Where do billionaires vacation? Which beaches do the rich and famous go to? Richard Branson: British Virgin Islands

The most popular region among very rich people is Cote d'Azur, where a five-room villa costs over $28.5 million.

French Riviera resort - heavenly place and one of the most respectable and fashionable recreation areas on our entire planet. Magnificent, comfortably equipped beaches, ocean salty air, lovely cozy hotels located along the entire coast. Nice, Cannes, Antibes and other legendary cities attract wealthy people with their splendor.

Locals note that the resort has always been popular among the European rich, but in Lately both they and the Americans began to be actively pushed out by wealthy guests from Russia and the Middle East.

Costa Smeralda or Emerald Coast - tourist place, one of the most famous in the world and, without a doubt, the most famous in all of Sardinia. The Emerald Coast stretches for 80 km from Olbia to Palau on northeast coast islands.

World-famous fashion houses are located in the main city of the Emerald Coast, Potro Cerve. People come here to experience chic life and take a breath of the secular atmosphere. In a restaurant near the pier, a scoop of ice cream costs over 30 euros. Yachts compete in their superiority. Here you can see famous politicians and show business stars.

The principality located on the Cote d'Azur received special attention and third place in the ranking. Monaco.

The famous Monte Carlo casino, Formula 1 Grand Prix, best hotels and restaurants on Cote d'Azur- these are just a few reasons to visit one of the smallest countries in Europe - Monaco. It is clear that this pleasure will not come cheap. Monaco hotels offer their guests a high level of comfort and equally high prices. In total, about 15 hotels are open in the country.

The fourth place in the ranking is occupied by a Swiss ski resort St. Moritz.

This resort is one of the oldest in the world. It is located in the Engadin Valley and boasts a unique climate: there are 322 sunny days a year. The resort consists of two parts: St. Moritz-Dorf and St. Moritz-Bad, located on the lake.

Along with Gstaad, this is the most famous and aristocratic of all the ski resorts in Switzerland. St. Moritz hosts representatives of royal dynasties, billionaires, politicians and show business stars. The high cost scares many people away from St. Moritz, but those who remain are attracted by the opportunity to find themselves in a kind of ski “business class”.

Closes the top five popular destinations for very rich people mentioned above Gstaad- small fashionable resort, surrounded by sunny, spacious slopes arranged in a horseshoe shape.

A resort with a worldwide reputation, Gstaad is considered one of the most prestigious and high-society places in Europe. The elite from all over the world come here: movie stars, aristocrats, businessmen and politicians. Beau Monde prefers the most luxurious five-star hotels.

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Where do rich people vacation?

Take note if you are going on vacation

You don't have to be a millionaire to vacation like a millionaire.

If you are still looking for a vacation idea, take an example from one of the heroes of this article.

Enjoy the sun in Croatia like Bill Gates

Croatia - popular place for a holiday among celebrities. Microsoft founder Bill Gates also loves Croatia, especially the city of Skradin and the island of Hvar. He calls Skradin an ideal place for summer holidays.

Skradin is a small town in central Croatia with a population of just over 600 people. It has narrow streets, many cafes, and small hotels. Skradin stands on the Krka River, from where ships depart to the Krka National Park, which is located 17 kilometers from the city.

Hvar - resort island in the Adriatic Sea. The city of the same name is located on it. The main attractions are the 13th century fortress with stone walls and the Renaissance Hvar Cathedral. Hvar is loved by tourists for its beaches and mild climate: there are 349 on the island sunny days per year.

Drive around Ireland like Steven Spielberg

Summer holidays don’t necessarily mean the beach and sea; there are more original options. For example, Steven Spielberg traveled all over Ireland in the summer with his wife and son: listening to local folk music in pubs, eating traditional British food - fish-and-chips, and cycling around the Aran Islands.

The Aran Islands in the west of Ireland can only be reached by ferry and without a car. Their inhabitants have preserved ancient customs and culture - there are still buildings here that are the same age as the Egyptian pyramids.

Boating in Vietnam like Mark Zuckerberg

Russian tourists love Thailand very much, maybe that’s why Mark Zuckerberg and his wife went to Vietnam. They spent the Christmas holidays at a resort in Halong Bay.

In the bay pure water and many islands covered with tropical forests. There you can go junk boating, kayaking, scuba diving and rock climbing.

Don't go on vacation like Donald Trump

In his book Think Like a Billionaire, Trump wrote that you shouldn't take vacations at all.

On vacation? For what? It's a waste of time!

But sometimes Trump needs a break. And then he goes to his own golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey for a few days. In addition to golf courses, there are tennis courts, a swimming pool, basketball courts and a fitness club - perfect place For active rest, but in comfort.

Trump's press service states that these trips are purely work-related and that Trump simply holds important meetings in an informal setting at the golf club.

Become a citizen of a tropical paradise like Pavel Durov

Pavel Durov left Russia and bought citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis for 250 thousand dollars, so now the islands in the Caribbean are his home.

Saint Kitts and Nevis are two islands that form the state of the same name. About 250 thousand tourists visit the country every year. There are many beautiful bays with sandy beaches, coral reefs and rainforests. Main attraction - national park with a fortress, which is located on the island of St. Kitts.

Most of the rich people in the country have a “lying down” vacation: a chic beach of a fashionable spa hotel, a sun lounger, a cool cocktail, sometimes excursions and walks on the sea on a comfortable yacht with a silent, smiling crew. But there are businessmen who seek adrenaline not only at work, but also on vacation. Over 15 years of cooperation with such clients, my agency has developed an unofficial classification of entertainment for people who are willing to pay a lot of money for a vacation.

Labor rest

I met the late oligarch Boris Berezovsky in 1999. He then said: “If you can surprise us with some entertainment, we’ll work.” This is how the incredibly enduring game “Bum” appeared, which has since been played by other oligarchs, tough politicians from the Kremlin, State Duma deputies, ambassadors of foreign countries, journalists, pop and film stars.

A person is used to living in a luxurious house, working in a modern office, in a beautiful office. He sees his city from the back seat of a luxury car, smoothly driven by a personal chauffeur. When such a client wants to have a short but bright day off, we immerse him for several hours or a day in a completely different environment, sometimes aggressive and extremely uncomfortable. Businessmen, with the help of professional make-up artists and stylists, become homeless, and they have to earn small money by begging for it from passersby for station square or steal postcards from souvenir shops to sell to tourists and earn money for food.

When Berezovsky got tired of being homeless (and he played several times), I came up with about 50 more similar games (“waiters” in a poor cafe, “poor musicians” in pedestrian street, "street artists" in Montmartre in Paris), but this one turned out to be a hit. For many years now, about once every three months, someone books another “homeless tour.”

Holiday safari

Some of our clients are hooked on the game “Rescue Mission” and fly to different parts of the planet, where we find difficult things for them to do: save a Siberian village from insolent wolves, kill a shark terrorizing tourists on the beaches of Portugal, neutralize a rhinoceros attacking the inhabitants of a tiny village in South Africa, etc.

The idea of ​​this quest is also more than 15 years old: the first one was for a major Moscow entrepreneur in 1998 as a birthday gift. The birthday boy, in the company of friends, hunted huge rats for several days in a row in the basement of an abandoned mansion in the capital. And then he began to play superhero regularly, flying in on his personal plane to help the inhabitants of the planet.

Holidays at resorts

The answer to the question “What are you going to do at the resort?” standard: sleep, ride an inflatable banana boat, scuba dive, learn kite or windsurfing, skiing, snowmobiling, snowboarding, etc. We propose to supplement this set with adventures.

In Courchevel, our clients raced dog sleds; in Dubai, they took part in a golf tournament on the roof of a skyscraper; Canary Islands played the quest “Saving Santa Claus”.

However, it happens that people come to me with a ready-made idea. This was the case with paintball on motorized paragliders in the skies of the Swiss resort of St. Moritz: the idea was invented by several large Russian businessmen and they asked me to organize a game for them. To be honest, at first I refused: the likelihood of a fatal accident at altitude during an aerial duel is too high, even with a paintball weapon. Then I realized that the guys would arrange it with or without me, and I took it on.

A motor paraglider is a parachute with two seats and a propeller suspended from it. Having sat down in them, six grown boys soared into the sky with guns and began shooting plastic paint balls at each other. Their pilots, real aces from the Russian and French Olympic paragliding teams, pirouetted and dived at each other with extreme risk. I didn’t shoot myself, I just yelled into the radio at the pilots to be careful, but my pilot was clearly experiencing drive and did incredible somersaults, maneuvering between the shooters. For the first time in my life, I was close to a heart attack, seeing the danger my players were exposed to.

It's gone! We all landed safely. The winner was determined by the number of hits he hit in others. Then we drank in a restaurant, danced until we dropped in a nightclub to the songs of Russian pop stars, and at night I painfully tried to fall asleep, clearly understanding that I would never have undertaken to organize this game, had I known in advance how dangerous it would be.

Holidays in Russia

It happens that wealthy clients want to relax within the country. Then we are interested in their childhood and youth's unfulfilled dreams. This is how the programs “Tank Battle” at the training ground, “Retro Rally” along the Golden Ring around Moscow, “Captain of a Fishing Trawler” in the Caspian Sea, “Brave Polar Explorers” at the North Pole, “Taiga Expedition” in Siberia, “Basmachi under the White Sun in the Desert” appear. , “Supermodels of the fashion catwalk” in a fashion show in St. Petersburg, “Mushroom Quest” in Karelia... Such projects are not in the menu of the agency’s services, all are developed to order.

The popularity of holidays in Russia increased after the 2014 Olympics: inspired by the event, many clients became interested in the resorts of Krasnaya Polyana. Since mid-2014, demand for Crimea has arisen. Clients are also interested in regions such as Altai and Karelia.

A craving for Russian national traditions has also appeared in the theme of private parties.

It has become fashionable to bring venues for celebrations taking place behind closed doors, cuisine, music and entertainment for guests closer to Russian folklore.

Event holidays

Every week, carnivals, national or local holidays are held in one of the cities of the world. Among wealthy people there are many who are looking for a holiday everywhere. Such people spend their holidays in those places where the population these days is out and about.

It’s one thing to come to see the Venice Carnival, and another thing to dress up in local costumes and become an animator in one of the squares of Venice. It’s one thing to come to Amsterdam on the famous “Queen’s Days”, and another thing to take part in the orange madness, riding in special costumes along the picturesque canal streets. At the carnival in Rio, you can sit in the stands of the sambadrome, or you can walk in a dance column, dancing along with one of the samba schools. It's cool to see the street theater shows of the unique festival in the city of Avignon, but you can also perform on its stage, putting on a play with your friends and playing all the roles in it. Not all people with money have the desire to be so creative, but if they do, their resources allow them to do the incredible.

How and where do the richest Russians vacation?

As billionaire Tom Ford said, money loves silence. Big money does not like shocking things, bright incidents and dramatic adventures. Those with billions control the information field around them and will never go on vacation to places where crowds of tourists walk along the beaches. Those with huge bank accounts need privacy - or communication with others like themselves. But still, here and there, the veil of secrecy over their world and way of life is lifted. “MK” tried to find out what it was like, the rest of the powers that be.

Rich people do not hesitate to show off their boats. In the port of St. Tropez it is a whole nightly show: music is playing on the decks, wine is flowing like a river, people are having fun and relaxing.

We met the wife of one of the largest Moscow businessmen, Marina, on the French Cote d'Azur. She began the story of her life with the famous song that the rich cry too.

Being the wife of an oligarch is not so sweet, she claims. - Only here, abroad, I breathe calmly. I can drive myself, go shopping, calmly walk with my children without the supervision of a security guard and sit in cafes. In a word, live an ordinary life.

Marina quite rightly believes that the true value of family in Russia has so far been realized only in the criminal environment. And the hunt for relatives and friends of wealthy people is constant.

We once lived in a room in a communal apartment, which I inherited from my aunt. I worked at a research institute, Andrei was spinning and spinning (Marina refuses to talk about what kind of business her husband is involved in. - "MK"). The coolest time was from the mid-nineties to the early 2000s. Andryusha began to earn good money, we bought a car, an apartment, and then built a house. I remember how my friends often came to visit us and admired how we rose. But then, as our wealth grew, there were fewer and fewer friends - envy devoured us.

Today, Marina’s husband’s condition is such that she goes out only with bodyguards; their apartment has armored glass and triple security. Children are transported to school in an armored jeep. She has practically no friends left.

The same wealthy families from our surroundings have grenades planted in their houses and their children stolen. I live in constant fear. I beg my husband to move to live in Europe, where you can safely walk the streets. Twice a year we go on vacation here, to Lazurka, and this is real happiness for me.

The French Riviera, and in particular the Principality of Monaco and its surroundings, has long established itself as a safe haven for the rich. The police force in Monaco is one of the most effective in the world. The “public security” forces in this mini-state number more than 300 specially trained police officers who have the most modern equipment and weapons. More than 200 private detectives are constantly on duty in Monte Carlo close proximity from the casino. Law enforcement officers do not stand on ceremony. “We are the shooting police,” says the head of the local security department. The branch of the famous “Second Bureau” (French security police) is located in Monaco, in one of the villas on Rue Florentin. Every week, this bureau receives telegrams from the capitals of various countries, which contain requests for help in finding one or another criminal, in all likelihood, “entrenched” in the principality. However, few of these requests are fulfilled.

There are many Russian oligarchs who have found refuge here. Even more rich people from Russia gather here during the summer holidays.

All of us, Russian wives of rich husbands, know each other and communicate closely,” says Sveta. To Marina's envy, she lives on the Cote d'Azur. - The children go to the same school. Over the years of living here, I have seen and heard so many stories!

She met her future husband Volodya at an all-Russian student competition, which Potanin had been organizing for a long time. Sveta was among the best - a beauty, an athlete, going for a red diploma. There Vova saw her. He courted her very nicely, filled the entrance with flowers, and after defending her diploma, he invited her to fly with him to France to visit her mother.

Sveta recalls that when she found herself in Nice eight years ago, still a simple girl from Elektrostal near Moscow, she was simply speechless. The snow-white yacht where her fiancé placed her, best restaurants with delicious dishes. Breakfast in Italy, lunch in St. Tropez, dinner in Monte Carlo.

I couldn’t breathe from such magnificence. Of course, I knew that Vova was from a wealthy family, but I didn’t even imagine that it was so rich!

Instead of a week, Sveta stayed here forever. She says that marrying an oligarch is only half the battle. Keeping a family together is much more difficult. Especially here in Monaco, where there is a real hunt for rich men. So there’s no point in Moscow’s wives being jealous - it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to relax on the Cote d’Azur either. Sveta, like Marina, lives in constant fear, but not for her life, but for her marriage.

I was so naive then, 10 years ago. She also believed in feelings, in loyalty. Such professional predators flock here, to Lazurka, that dear mother! They will screw anyone so that he will not even notice how he will be left without his pants. Go to any casino, any restaurant, look. Every second person there is ready to stick a knife in your back and take your place. I once even conducted an experiment, like I went to the toilet, and I stood and watched how many women would approach my husband. In five minutes it's three!

Not only the fairer sex, but also men hunt for the rich. Not gays, but special pimps who “plant” a woman with the right person, and then begin to “milk” through her.

Do you think this story with Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva is accidental? - Sveta reasons. - Yeah, of course! Have you seen somewhere a loving woman who, from the very first day of their marriage, begins to collect incriminating evidence against her husband: recording quarrels on a tape recorder, taking photographs of some bruises... She did all this on purpose, at the behest of such pimps. And please, the result! How many millions did she sue him there? But most of it probably went to them.

Her mother-in-law undertook to teach Svetlana all the wisdom of a rich man’s wife. It was she who explained to her young daughter-in-law that her husband should have sex every day (otherwise he would be taken away). Gourmet food should also be ready at any time of the day.

“She also explained to me,” Sveta recalls, “that we should take our husband’s infidelities calmly. And even condescendingly. The main thing is to make sure that the relationship with your passion does not go too far. Disposable girls are an ideal option.

Sveta understands perfectly well that her husband regularly cheats on her.

Well, what if they have a bachelor party at the villa, someone orders girls, then mine, like a eunuch, should refuse? Of course, no man is capable of this. Naturally, I create scenes of jealousy - but without fanaticism, so as not to strain it, it’s more for his pride. Rich men are so spoiled. You always need an eye and an eye. My friend, over there, went to his Chinese tutor. She, it turns out, taught him not only language, but also body language... I never go anywhere for more than three days. I always accompany my husband on all trips and social events, I select his staff myself...

All Sveta’s “friends in misfortune” live by the same principle. Therefore they need large staff servants:

And you try to look after your husband, and keep yourself in shape, and also look after the children and around the house! Of course, we need helpers. My husband doesn’t skimp on the staff, thank God. But some of the wives of foreign millionaires I know have problems with this. For example, Yulia, her husband is English, very wealthy. So he doesn’t allow her to invite a nanny even for an hour a day! She barely persuaded him to hire a cleaner once a week, since they have a large apartment. Imagine how terrible it is! He tells her: you are from Ukraine, I heard that all the women there are economical. So she makes him borscht every day.

Foreign millionaires are often notoriously stingy. American multimillionaire Paul Getty is a real legend in this regard. He was born into a wealthy family and was by no means averse to luxury, but he always strictly followed the “billion-dollar” principle: moderation is rewarded a hundredfold. So, one day Getty distinguished himself at a dog show - approaching the ticket office at ten minutes to five, he noticed an advertisement that tickets were cheaper from five o’clock. Getty forced his companions to wait the required ten to fifteen minutes in order to save a couple of shillings on tickets. Another time, Getty invited a lady to dinner. And he asked her to stand with him at the entrance until the orchestra finished playing inside, so as not to pay for the music.

Such behavior was not observed among Russian oligarchs. Ask any waiter at prestigious resorts- the most generous tips are left by our compatriots. A few years ago, in the Italian city of Forte dei Marmi, the local press was full of reports about unusually grateful clients from Moscow who, after drinking a bottle of wine, did not bother to take back the change for 4,200 euros. The owner of the establishment gave interviews to TV channels for a long time... Today, out of 7,700 houses in this town, only 3,200 belong to Italians. The remaining 4,500 were bought up by foreigners, mainly Russians, who do not skimp and buy housing at exorbitant prices. As a result, the cost of living increased and many Aboriginal people were forced to move. Local authorities tried to preserve at least some of the houses so that Italians could buy them at normal market prices, but their efforts were in vain. Russians rent villas for the summer for 100 thousand euros and are ready to buy houses for 20 million.

They say that boys differ from men only in the cost of their toys. However, contrary to popular belief, traveling on private jets, much less owning them, is an unaffordable luxury even for wealthy people.

Most often, my husband sends us on a regular flight, but in business class,” says Marina. - We don’t have our own plane; Andrei rented it several times. Sometimes he flies like this to business meetings when he needs to impress his partners. Still, maintaining a business jet is unreasonably expensive. And only super-rich people like Abramovich can afford this. And he, as far as I know, prefers to travel around Europe on his boat “Eclipse” (the most expensive yacht in the world, 167 meters, even equipped with air defense and a submarine. - "MK"), and not by plane.

All experts unanimously say that purchasing a personal jet will never pay off. After all, a winged car is not a car that can be kept in the garage and used only on weekends. The cost is hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars (for example, the Yak-42 of Vagit Alekperov, one of the co-owners of LUKOIL, is estimated at 18 million dollars). Maintenance - 4500-5000 thousand dollars per year (space rental, staff salaries, etc.). Plus every hour of flight - 3000-3500 USD. In a word, to fly comfortably from point A to point B, it will be cheaper to rent a charter.

So the plane is more of a hobby than a real necessity.

Yachts are a completely different matter. Having at least a small, but your own boat on the Mediterranean Sea is just a matter of course.

Still, this is not a plane on which it arrived and flew away,” Marina argues. - You can live and travel comfortably on a yacht for a long time.

How much does a short boat trip with your family cost? It all depends on your imagination and the numbers in your bank account. For example, renting a more or less decent yacht costs from 40 to 140 thousand euros per week. Plus gasoline - boats travel exclusively on 98 at a cost of 1.5 euros and “eat” in the most modest version an average of about 500 liters per hour. To make it clear: if you suddenly feel like having lunch at the famous beach restaurant “Club 55” in St. Tropez, then on the way there from Nice and back

(2 hours one way) you will have to spend about 7 thousand euros on a small 27-meter boat. If you decide to stay at the port - another 1000 euros per night. Plus the salary of the captain, mate, etc. When I told Marina these numbers, she was very surprised:

Well, you have to! I never thought it was so expensive. But, on the other hand, vacation is only twice a year, why not make a splash? Moreover, in St. Tropez they prepare magnificent sea creatures...

At the famous restaurant located on Pampelonne beach, an impressive parade of sea “liners” gathers at lunchtime. They are literally like buoys that you can’t swim behind; they block the horizon. A curious public gathers around and watches the venerable public who have arrived for lunch. Here you will find Hollywood stars and rich people of all stripes with ladies dressed to the nines in the latest beach fashion. The twenty-meter pier turns into a red carpet every day.

Funny and sometimes sad stories happen to Russian yachtsmen. Well, the most anticipated one, perhaps, is about how they get drunk and sink yachts. However, Olivier, an officer with the NCIS department, says that this is just a rarity. But anything can happen: for example, last year in the area of ​​the fashionable Cap Ferrat peninsula near Monaco, a 36-meter white beauty went under water. It’s just that the captain of the ship, who is also the owner, left and left her not in the port, but not far from the shore. At anchor. There was a leak, so it took in water where it was not supposed to.

According to French law, such a would-be captain faces a huge fine. Or maybe a real deadline, says Olivier. - I know that in Italy (and the violator was from there), as in Russia, it is not at all difficult to acquire a boatmaster’s license if you have the necessary connections and a sufficient amount.

But who among us thinks about amounts when it comes to pleasure!

A simple resident of Mozhaisk, Antonina Nikolaevna, also learned about how the yacht was sinking. She, an experienced kindergarten teacher, got a job as a nanny for the new Russians.

A family with three children - a girl is 9, a boy is 5 and the baby was just a year old at the time, I nursed him from birth - took me with them on vacation to United Arab Emirates, on a yacht cruise.

The ship, Antonina Nikolaevna recalls, was luxurious. Huge, richly decorated, with a waiter. The parents were sunbathing all the time, and the kids kept an eye on them. They're about to fall overboard. By the end of the second week of rest, Antonina was already exhausted. And on the last day, the owners released the entire team and paid. And finally, the two of us decided to ride a jet ski.

“They say we’ll stay for half an hour,” the nanny recalls. - They’re gone for an hour, two, five. Evening has already come. The plane took off without us. I was in a panic - there was no call or greeting from them, although they seemed to have their phones with them. Well, I somehow control myself so as not to scare the children. They didn't return the next morning either. What to do? I don’t know English enough to go to the police, and this is my first time abroad, alone with three children on a yacht. I also don’t know where the documents are – passports and so on. I went around the port because I heard from the owner that a Russian captain was working on some ship. By lunchtime I found him and explained everything. He said that he would contact whoever needed.

The hosts did not show up at the end of the third day. And the yacht slowly began to sag.

I didn’t notice this right away. In the morning I get up and see that the water is very close to the window. But my Russian captain was not in the port. Well, I grabbed the children, things, suitcases - and went ashore. I think we'll be homeless here now. The money I had was already gone by that time. We ate the leftovers... Thank God, this Russian arrived in the evening of the same day. Helped me sort out the yacht.

Somehow he illegally connected us to electricity and slowly drained the water at night (you can’t do this in the port). And my owners returned only a week later. It turns out that they swam too far and thereby violated the border. So they were caught and locked up in prison until their identities were clarified. They arrived so happy, they kept telling me how much fun they had in this prison - they say there were carpets and delicious tea. And, as it turned out, they weren’t worried about the children at all: “We knew, Antonina Nikolaevna, that the children were with you and everything would be fine.” I've turned all gray this week. When we returned to Moscow, I immediately quit, even though they offered to double my salary.

Taking a nanny with you on vacation is common. Unpretentious and obedient Filipinas are still in demand. Many owners, by the way, try to dress them up in fashion; after all, nannies go with them to restaurants and clubs. However, Eastern women, who are categorically against tanning, stubbornly refuse to wear sundresses with straps, short shorts and clogs.

Some men manage to take their mistresses with them.

“I have a friend Christina,” says Sveta. - She, her husband and children gathered for the Maldives one winter. As soon as her husband arrived there, he immediately announced that he would go diving every day. He left at 10 am and returned in the evening. And then their nanny noticed him in a neighboring house with two girls. It turns out that he brought them there with him from Moscow. Here you go family holiday. And such stories are not uncommon.

Where else do millionaires vacation?

Antigua Island ( Caribbean) - a chic place with a reputation. A lot of millionaires have built their dachas here. The list of owners of mansions on the island includes Giorgio Armani, Timothy Dalton, Sir Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey and Eric Clapton, who even has his own rehabilitation center for drug addiction treatment on the island.

Italian Sardinia- for a long time famous place, where you can sunbathe on the beach next to millionaires. Among the famous people who regularly holiday here is Silvio Berlusconi.

Ski resort Wildcat Ridge (USA, Colorado) is considered the best in the world. It’s not for nothing that Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich chose it as a permanent place. But such celebrities as Kevin Costner and Jack Nicholson are now his neighbors.

United Arab Emirates - of course. Local sheikhs themselves love luxury. And, of course, oligarchs from all over the world are not averse to relaxing in the company of their own kind.

In general, according to official data, the number of dollar millionaires in the world is already more than 7 million people. Of these, 2.6 million are in Europe, 2.2 million in North America, 1.8 million - for the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Another approximately 300 thousand live in Latin America, and about 100 thousand - in Africa. Even the number of billionaires has long exceeded four hundred. Considering the experience of the Italian Forte dei Marmi, perhaps soon we, ordinary people, will no longer have anywhere to relax.