Where is the best place to relax by the sea in India? Holidays in India: when, where and why

It usually happens like this: having visited India for the first time, you either fall in love with it for life or are not accepted at all.

It usually happens like this: having visited India for the first time, you either fall in love with it for life or are not accepted at all. An invaluable UNESCO heritage, the incomparable Taj Mahal and Hawa Mahal - and right there, behind the fence, endless garbage dumps. Beach parties in cheerful Goa, the brilliant shine of Bollywood - and the usual poverty outside the tourist areas. India is an ambivalent country, to say the least.

And yet she is beautiful. Its majestic Himalayas make you believe in the existence of parallel worlds, the amazing beauty of the nature of the state of Kerala strikes you in the heart, and the mystical mystery of religious rites near the sacred Ganges plunges you into a trance. India is stunning with anthill cities, where everything mixes in a crazy cocktail: people, religions, languages, customs and smells.

When to go

Old Delhi and the capital New Delhi are thousands of monuments different eras: mosques, Hindu temples, mausoleums, colonial-style villas. In huge shopping centers You can “shop” to your heart’s content, and in restaurants with gourmet cuisine you can appreciate the skill of the chefs.

Jaipur has absolutely incredible Mughal-era palaces built from pink sandstone. In Agra and the surrounding area, in addition to the famous Taj Mahal, it is interesting to look at the Red Fort of the 16th century with features of Islamic and Hindu architecture and Fatehpur Sikri - ancient capital empire of Akbar I the Great.

One of the most powerful tourist magnets is Mumbai with its famous Dharavi slums, the dream factory of Bollywood and Buddhist cave monastery Kanheri. To visit Bombay is to discover India in all its diversity.

In the Himalayas you can see fantastic snowy peaks stretching into space, thousand-year-old temples with monasteries and people still living in past centuries. The most popular destination mountain india- border Sikkim, surrounded national parks. This perfect place for cycling, trekking and rafting.

Where to enlighten and heal

Hinduism is extremely popular outside of India. Foreigners believe that if they can comprehend the wisdom of this religion, they will reveal the secrets of existence or at least find peace of mind. To improve their health, people go to Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala and Karnataka. There is “light” Ayurveda, when liberties in food and even entertainment are allowed, and there is a “hard” option - strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions, a strict routine, almost drill. But they say it's worth it.

For the quintessence of Hinduism, head to the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi. The less impressionable can stroll to the embankment and watch the funeral pyres burn and the deceased be seen off on their last journey. For the rest, it’s better to limit yourself to a tour of the temples, which are countless here.

India is most often represented Russian tourist fairyland. And this is not about Bollywood at all. This is truly a unique, ancient, colorful, unlike any other country, attracting tourists from all over the world.

People come here to touch the magnificent world with its cultural, historical and architectural monuments, visit the excellent resorts of India, the service is not inferior to the resorts Western Europe, and superior in quality to them.


India is located in South Asia. It is one of the largest countries in the world, bordering Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia and.

Perhaps, except for Pakistan and modern Myanmar, other countries also have a developed tourism infrastructure. This region is a treasure trove of attractions, rich in unique historical and cultural monuments.


India is located in the tropics and subtropics. Much of this country experiences rain from June to October due to humid South-West winds. From November to February it is relatively cool here, it is best time for tourism and recreation. And in the spring - from March to May - it is very dry and hot. Not every tourist will be able to endure this time. Those. The best time to relax here is in winter.


India was inhabited 500,000 years ago, and Homo erectus lived here. Around the 3rd millennium BC. The Indus Valley Civilization emerged and the first cities were built. And in the II-I millennium BC. The Vedic civilization arose.

It was she who gave the world the Vedas - the sacred books of Judaism, written in Sanskrit. Later in India around the 10th century BC. Buddhism began to spread, the first small republics and “kingdoms” appeared, and the Upanishads were written.

In the 5th century BC. the north and west of India were conquered by the Persians, and a hundred years later Alexander the Great came there. After his departure, almost the entire Indian subcontinent came under the rule of the Mauryan dynasty.

The “Golden Age” of India is considered to be several centuries at the beginning of our era. At that time, it was not a single state, but several powerful empires existed on its territory, which left a significant mark on history.

Over the next centuries, Islam came here, the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire existed in this territory. And after the collapse of the latter, India was a colony of Great Britain until 1947. Today it is an independent state.


India is the second most populous country after China, with more than 1.3 billion people living here. Moreover, more than 2/3 are rural residents. More men are literate than women. Overall, about 70% of the population is literate

Language and religion

The main language in the country is Hindi. English is widely used in business and is considered an auxiliary official language. People who speak Sanskrit, Urdu, Bengali, Bodo, etc. also live here.

More than 80% of the inhabitants of this country profess Hinduism, about 15% - Islam. In addition, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs live here, Jainism, animism and other religious beliefs have their audience.


The culture of this great country differs in variety. Thanks to its long history, it has absorbed the customs of many peoples, preserved its most ancient traditions and adopted the culture of conquerors, colonialists and immigrants.

Here traditional family values, when several generations live in one family, are highly valued and supported by the people and the state. Although today in cities an ordinary married family with children is preferred.

IN Indian architecture all stages of its historical past are intertwined. Here you can find ancient Buddhist stupas (temples), ancient Muslim mosques and Christian temples of different directions of this faith.

In music, Indian folk songs, such as the local filmi music style, are very popular. You can see dances in the style of bhangra, bifu, chhau, etc. right on the street. Some local dances have been awarded the title of classical.

In Indian cinema, we know such a thing as Bollywood, although there is also Tollywood and Kollywood. The film industry of this country is the largest in the world. All films are based on Hindu myths and are accompanied by national dances and songs.

There are different states different types national theater: bhavay, jatra, ramlila, tamasha, etc., which is also based on the Vedas, ancient Hindu myths, decorated with folk dances and music.

Ancient works of literature were passed down by word of mouth for centuries, but were written down relatively recently. This is Sanskrit literature: “Vedas”, “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana”, Mahakavya poetry, etc.

India is strong with its unique regions and each region has its own cuisine. In any case, these cuisines are famous for the use of various roots, seasonings, herbs, spices, especially black and red pepper, in preparing dishes.

The main food products in India are rice and wheat. Here you can always buy a thali lunch at a fixed price from local dishes: rice, beans with sauces, fresh and pickled vegetables, Indian fruits, sweets and drinks.

Main holidays

Most festivals in India are of religious or caste origin. All of them are celebrated widely and with a large crowd of people. Tourists from all over the world love to take part in all-India and local celebrations.

The most common of them:

Kurban Bayram,


Veisakhi etc.

Traditional medicine

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine based on Vedic and Buddhist religious literature. Indians believe that Ayurveda is part of the revelation of holy sages who acquired knowledge about the Universe 7 thousand years ago.

Today, Ayurveda is practiced by more than three hundred thousand Indian doctors. In this country, there are many research centers and institutes whose activities are dedicated to this particular system of medicine, used by more than 80% of Indians.

Ayurveda covers surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, toxicology, psychiatry and other branches of medicine. It is also a philosophical system designed to bring the human body and soul to harmony.

Resorts in India

This country offers different types of recreation. There are sea and ski resorts. Best resorts for beach holidays are located in Kerala, Goa, Mumbai, Chennai. Ski resorts are located in the Himalayas.

Beach resorts


The best resort state, of course, is Goa, whose coastline is washed by the Arabian Sea. It's always warm and clean sea there are many beautiful resorts High Quality, hospitably welcoming guests.

People come to Goa to swim in the always warm Indian Ocean with safe waves and sunbathe on excellent sandy beaches. Many tourists are convinced that best place there is no place for recreation in the whole world.

North Goa opened to the world in the 60s by hippies, young people vacation there to this day in inexpensive hotels and campsites. And in the southern part of Goa, many expensive hotels have been built where wealthy tourists from Europe, the USA, Russia and rich Indians relax.

This state is located south of Goa west coast and is located in the tropical zone. Tourist infrastructure in Kerala today it is just developing, there are many beautiful lakes, and the highest quality beaches are located in Alleppey, Varkala, Alapuzha.

North of Goa is the state of Bombay or Mumbai. Not only is there a great beach holiday here, but there are also many ancient and modern attractions. It is in Bombay that Bollywood is located - one of the largest film companies in the world, there are many five-star hotels, restaurants, expensive shops, etc.

On the east coast of India near the Bay of Bengal in the state of Tamil Nadu you can also find excellent resorts with developed tourist infrastructure. There are many historical and cultural monuments telling about the colonial period of Indian history, as well as wonderful beaches and hotels to suit every taste.

Ski resorts

Most famous resort, where you can ski from the Himalayas is Gulmag in the state of Kashmir. The resort always has a lot of snow, good terrain, convenient slopes for skiing, and many ski lifts have been built. Mongol emperors once lived here.

Skiers from all over the world know the Auli resort with its school and a 5 km long slope. Mountain resort Narkanda is located at an altitude of about 3,000 m and is surrounded by coniferous forests, and Solang is loved by newlyweds and families with children.


To get to India, Russians going there for tourism purposes need a visa. It can be obtained from the Embassy of this country in Moscow or issued independently electronically.

Obtaining a visa at the Embassy is quite simple: you need to submit Required documents, and four days later pick up the completed entry document. The only bad thing is that before the start of the High Season there are very long queues.

Visa prices are indicated on the Embassy website: indianembassy.ru.

First you need to collect a package of documents:

The questionnaire filled out on English language(compiled on the website);

International passport;

Russian passport;

Hotel reservation;

Return ticket from India;

Documents on financial solvency, etc.

Getting an e-tourist visa for India for 30 days is the easiest way. You can do this yourself using the Internet. All you need is a scan of your foreign passport and an application form. The visa takes 3 days to process and costs $60.

A form is filled out on the website visa center India and goes to obtain a visa. If everything is done correctly, then in three days it will come to your email. You just need to print it out and have it with you when traveling to India.

Before going on vacation, you need, in addition to your passport and visa, to have a medical insurance policy. As a rule, it is purchased along with a tour to travel agency. Remember that there can be several types of policies.

Vaccinations against exotic diseases are not required when flying to India, because There is no risk of contracting them in this country. You can get a tetanus injection and a hepatitis vaccine just in case.

Resorts in India are scattered literally throughout the country, especially on the coasts.

In the southwest of India is Kerala, the capital of spices and coconut palms, the land of rice, tea and coffee plantations. Since ancient times, this land has attracted travelers and traders from all over the world not only with rare goods, but also picturesque nature and hospitality local residents.

Delhi, capital of India and administrative center Union Territory of Delhi, is located in the northern part of the country, on the high right bank of the Jumna River at the foot of the hilly Aravali range. Delhi has several world-famous luxury hotels whose sophisticated style and comfort will ensure a good stay for the traveler.

Bombay, the capital of Maharashtra, is called the Western Gate of India. This chain of seven islands is an important commercial, industrial and financial center, as well as largest port India. Traditionally, Bombay is considered the center of the Indian film industry.

Goa is the pearl of the Indian coast, a world famous resort. It is located on the shore Indian Ocean, about 400 kilometers south of Bombay. Goa gained its fame thanks to its endless sandy beaches, clear ocean and cloudless skies, which attract the Indian and world elite.

The schematic map of India presents you with all the most amazing cities and resorts of this mysterious and attractive country, which will not leave any connoisseur of beauty indifferent!


Varanasi, located on the banks of the Ganges, is a sacred city for Hindus. His old name"Kashi" is translated as "city of light." Supposedly it is one of the oldest cities in the world. It stands on an ancient trade route; Hindus believe that this is one of the few holy places - a kind of gateway to another world. It is believed that if a person dies in Varanasi, his soul will no longer be reincarnated, he will be freed from earthly captivity and will emerge from the wheel of Samsara. The ornate and intricate streets of Varanasi seem to be saturated with prayers; a powerful and all-consuming religious life has become the center and meaning of the city.



The coast of India stretches for almost 6000 kilometers. Here are some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Perhaps each of them is unique, has its own atmosphere, and offers vacationers something of its own. The most “developed” and popular beaches today are located in the state. Almost all beaches in Goa are equipped with everything necessary for a civilized holiday, but therefore they are noisier and more crowded. Top hotels and centers water sports located in Goa. The noisiest and brightest beach parties are held here, lasting until dawn.

On the beaches Mumbai also boiling stormy night life. Capital beaches They are famous for their crazy, incendiary discos, which attract not only the local “golden youth”, but also wealthy European heirs of famous families.

Beaches Andaman and Nicobar islands and islands Lakshadweep Ideal for diving, snorkeling and exploring the treasures of the underwater world. In addition, they are the most sparsely populated beaches in India. It is quite difficult to get here and enjoy the beauty wildlife true lovers of solitude, simple and natural life come.

On some beaches, majestic temples and ruins of ancient forts have been preserved, which adds additional charm to the life of vacationers. There are especially many forts located on the beaches Gujarat. The climate along almost the entire length of the coast is soft and pleasant for Europeans. The population is incredibly friendly; on all developed beaches you can meet sellers of handicrafts, souvenirs and local delicacies. In many places colorful bazaars are regularly held and various festivals are held.

The eastern states offer lovers of monumental spectacles rocky beaches that are stunning in their grandeur. In such places, the approaches to the water are quite difficult, even dangerous in some areas, and sharp reefs and sea ​​urchins. There are even police officers in the most risky places, warning tourists about the problem.

In the southwest there are really paradises: beaches with golden sand, blue lagoons and palm groves. On most sandy beaches The sea near the shore is shallow; to get to deep water you need to walk quite a long time. The calmest waters are on the beaches Maharashtra. These places are ideal for family vacation. Beaches Karnataka promise to become serious competitors in the near future Goa beaches- large funds are allocated for their development. The beaches of the state are very original Andhra Pradesh. There are many ancient port cities and various religious buildings here. Andhra Pradesh is called the Kohinoor of India. Several of the country's most picturesque beaches are located on its territory.

State Kerala offers except sea ​​beaches Amazing places for relaxation on inland canals, lakes and rivers. This fantastic tropical world attracts lovers of wildlife and long boat rides through shady green tunnels.

All beaches are municipal, but those sections of the beach that are assigned to specific hotels are protected. Use of beaches and equipment is free. Swimming and sunbathing in the nude is prohibited almost everywhere.

The most famous beach resorts India is:

  • Goa- the center of the former Portuguese colony and one of the most favorite states of tourists from Europe and Russia. Divided into two districts. North Goa is aimed at young people and those who are partial to hippie culture. South Goa is more fashionable and quiet. The length of the sandy coast washed by the Arabian Sea is 101 km.
  • Tamil Nadu is the southernmost state of the country with sandy and rocky beaches; the quality of infrastructure is somewhat inferior to neighboring Kerala, which is why resorts in this area are chosen by lovers of authentic culture and recreation not in “tourist” India, but in “real” India.
  • Orissa is one of the few popular resorts among guests from other countries east coast Hindustan. The length of its coastline is more than 400 km. The beaches of this state, especially revered by Hindus, are washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal; the main tourist areas are Puri and Bhubaneswar.
  • Islands - island resorts in India are located on the archipelagos of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar, as well as on Diu. The tourism infrastructure of these areas is developing while preserving local flavor and traditions.

Almost all seaside resorts in India have everything you need for a comfortable “European” holiday - hotels differentiated by class and price, excursion centers, markets, transport and leisure infrastructure.

Kerala - the main Ayurvedic resort of India

Several hundred Ayurvedic and SPA centers are concentrated in Kerala, where programs of cleansing, rejuvenation, cosmetology, weight correction and treatment of certain diseases are offered according to the authentic canons of Ayurveda. Coastline This state covers 590 km, in the north and in the center are the Western Ghats, included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. In Kerala, 33 beaches with varied landscapes are open to the public. Kovalam is considered the most visited and well-appointed. For a “wild” holiday, you can go to the sparsely populated Marari and Varkala.

Alternative to resorts - largest cities in India

To those who beach holiday prefers an excursion, he will like such Indian cities alternative to resorts as:

  • Delhi is the "capital of seven empires", consisting of New Delhi ( modern capital India) and Old Delhi, where Hindu and Catholic temples, mosques and markets are concentrated. There are 60 thousand monuments in the city, including Humayun's tomb, Qutub Minar and the Red Fort.
  • Mumbai is the largest and most cosmopolitan city in India, the capital of the state of Maharashtra, home of the famous Bollywood. Places to see in the city and state include Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway Station, Elephanta Island cave temples, Ellora and Ajanta Caves.
  • Bangalore is the capital of the state of Karnataka, which is home to 26 thousand historical monuments and more than 30 national parks and nature reserves;
  • Agra is the former capital of the Mughal Empire, one of the largest tourist centers India. Here are the Taj Mahal, Agra fortress, Dramma mosque, Itimad-ud-Daula mausoleum. The abandoned city of Fatehpur Sikri is 40 km away.

Mountain resorts in India

There are several modern ski and snowboard resorts in the mountainous regions of India. The largest and most popular among tourists and local residents include:

  • Dayara-Bugayal
  • Mundali
  • Kufri
  • Gulmarg

Travel to the Himalayas, chosen by fans of non-standard SPA holidays and spiritual practices, is becoming increasingly popular among a wide range of tourists. In the areas belonging to India, you can visit Pangong Tso Lake, the house of the Dalai Lama, the house of Dr. Graham, the Stupa of Shanti and Helena Roerich, the monasteries of Ghum, Tashiding, Pemayangze, the Valley of Flowers, the source of the Indus River and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute.