Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia. Elbrus - a mountain in the Greater Caucasus The highest mountain in Europe Elbrus

Mount Elbrus fascinates not only climbers, but also ordinary travelers. From year to year, tourists come to the foot of the mountain to see the grandeur and power of the peak. Few people remain indifferent and disappointed. This mountain, shrouded in secrets and legends, incredible ascents of the past and present make it even more attractive and popular.

In contact with

Geographical characteristics

Elbrus is marked on the map of Russia, between the two republics - Karachay-Cherkess and. The nearest city at the foot of Mount Tyrnauz is the city of Elbrus.

The summit has two highest peaks, the height of the eastern peak is 5621 meters, and the height of the western peak is 5642 meters. The distance between them is 1500 meters. The average steepness of the slopes is 35 degrees. Academician V.K. Vishnevsky was the first to determine the height of Elbrus, and it was 5421 meters.

23 glaciers flow down from the slopes of the mountain. The area of ​​glaciers is 134 square kilometers. The maximum length of glaciers is about 7–9 km. Their total area has decreased by 19% over the past 100–150 years. The glacier that flows into the Kuban Valley has shrunk by 33%. Elbrus glaciers feed three large Caucasian and Stavropol rivers:

  • Kuban;
  • Malku;
  • Baksan.

Until now, the exact boundaries between Asia and Europe have not been determined, so the mountain is often considered one of the highest mountain peak Europe and are equated to the mountains of the “Seven Summits”. The double-peaked stratovolcano was formed on an ancient volcanic base. It is believed that these two peaks are completely independent volcanoes and do not depend on each other. Both peaks have their own distinct shape and a clearly defined crater.

Finding a mountain on a map is not difficult, since today a wide variety of maps and public routes with detailed descriptions.

general description

Elbrus - height, which is famous for its ancient history. The age of a mountain is determined by the condition of its upper part. Its top has a vertical fault. The last eruption of Russia's highest peak occurred around the 50s AD. e.

The mystery of the name of the mountain

Where is Elbrus located? Perhaps almost every schoolchild in the country can answer this question. But few people know where the name of the mountain comes from. It is worth noting that the peak has more than one name and has about a dozen in total.

Today it is very difficult to understand which name appeared first. If speak about modern name, then according to one version, it comes from the Iranian word “aytibares”. Translated, it sounds like a high or shiny mountain. The peak in the Karachay-Balkar language is called “Mingi-tau”, which translated into Russian means “mountain of thousands”. But there is also another name for the Balkars - “Minge-tau”, which translates as “mountain saddled”. Modern representatives of this community call Elbrus - “the mountain around which the wind swirls” (“Elbrus - Tau”).

Names in other languages ​​are also common:

  • “Jin padishah” - “lord of spirits” (Turkic);
  • “Orfi - tub” - “mountain of the blessed” (Abkhazian);
  • “Yal - buz” - “snow mane” (Georgian).

Local climate

The climate of the mountain region is formed under the influence of seasonal air masses. Climatic conditions characteristic of mountainous terrain. The Elbrus region is characterized by a pattern of good and bad weather.

In summer the cycle is a week. In the first days of June the weather is worse than in July. The climate during this period is humid and cool. The temperature at an altitude of 2 thousand meters sometimes reaches +35 degrees, and at higher altitudes – +25 degrees. Autumn begins from the end of August. Winter comes already in October, at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters. At this point the average temperature is -12 degrees. The absolute minimum was recorded at minus 27 degrees. Spring comes only at the beginning of May. During this period, snow melts actively at around 3 thousand meters. Often it comes down in the form of wet avalanches.

The higher the height, the thicker the cover. Thus, 60–80 cm is the average thickness of the top cover. There is more snow on the northern slopes than on the southern ones. At higher altitudes, eternal snowfields and firn fields remain. Due to them, the mass of all Elbrus glaciers increases.

Volcanic activity

Elbrus is considered an extinct volcano. When studying the mountain, geologists examined its layers, which contain the ash of the volcano. It has been proven that this particular ash was formed since ancient times as a result of eruptions. Having studied the first layer, scientists found that the first eruption of the peak occurred around 45 thousand years ago. e. The subsequent one is the second layer, formed after the eruption of the Mount Kazbek volcano. It was formed about 40 thousand years ago.

Today it has been precisely proven that it was the second eruption that was the most powerful, even by modern standards. People - Neanderthals, living at the foot of the mountain at that time, were forced to leave settled places in search of more favorable living conditions. Determined that last time the volcano erupted 2 thousand years ago BC. e.

The history of climbing Elbrus

Back in 1829, the first conquest of Elbrus was made. The leader of the ascent expedition is Georgy Emmanuel. Members scientific expedition there were famous physicists, zoologists, botanists, geologists and other scientists. It was they who became the pioneers and conquerors of the highest peak on Earth - eastern part of Elbrus.

In 1868, a re-climbing of the mountain was carried out by an English group of scientists. eastern part mountains. In the same year, the first conquest of Mount Kazbek was accomplished. The western peak of Elbrus was conquered in 1874 by climbers from England; the expedition guide was A. Sottaev.

During a scientific expedition to map the Caucasus in 1890–1896, an ascent was made to the eastern and western mountains of Elbrus. The expedition was headed by a Russian scientist and military topographer - A.V. Pastukhov. It was he who left behind detailed maps terrain and Mount Elbrus - photo. For exploration of the Caucasus and Elbrus, part of the Elbrus rocks was named in honor of Pastukhov ( South part). The height of the Pastukhov rocks is 4800 meters.

In 1891, the shortest ascent time in history was recorded - only 8 hours. The ascent began at the foot of the southern slopes and ended at the eastern summit.

Swiss climbers, for the first time in history, accomplished the so-called Elbrus Cross in 1910. They climbed two peaks simultaneously, as part of one expedition.

The first woman to conquer Elbrus - A. Japaridze (1925).

Soviet climbers made the first winter ascent in 1934. And in 1939, the first ski slope from Elbrus was carried out by Moscow skier V. Gippenreiter.

From the first part of the twentieth century, climbing Elbrus began to become widespread. Thus, in 1928, 32 groups of climbers carried out the ascent; in 1935, about 2,016 people visited Elbrus, and in 1960, 1,395 climbers.

In 1963, he climbed on a motorcycle Berberashvili - Soviet athlete. In 1997, already by car, the whole team conquered the summit. And in 2015, the Russian athlete A. Rodichev climbed the mountain with a barbell that weighed 75 kg.

The 2016 climb to Elbrus is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Russian climbers A. Kuimov and S. Baranov climbed with the help of an ATV to a height of 5642 meters.

Nowadays, climbing Elbrus is not difficult. For tourists and travelers the path is made easier by shelters - parking lots and cable cars.

Geographical description



Climbing history

Elbrus(Karach-Balk. Mingi Tau) - a mountain in the Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Elbrus is located north of the Main Caucasus Range and is the highest peak in Russia. Considering that the boundaries of the European part of the world are ambiguous, Elbrus is often also called the highest European mountain peak.

Geographical description

Elbrus is a double-peaked volcanic cone. The Western peak has a height of 5642 m, the Eastern one - 5621 m. They are separated by a saddle - 5200 m and are approximately 3 km apart from each other. The last eruption dates back to 50 AD. e. ± 50 years.

According to the mountaineering classification, Elbrus is rated as 2A snow-ice, the passage of both peaks is 2B. There are other, more difficult routes, for example Elbrus (W) along the NW edge 3A.


According to one version, the name Elbrus comes from the Iranian Aitibares - “high Mountain”, more likely - the Iranian “sparkling, brilliant” (like Elburs in Iran). The Georgian name Yalbuz is from the Turkic yal - “storm” and buz - “ice”. The Armenian Alberis is probably a phonetic version of the Georgian name, but the possibility of a connection with the pan-Indo-European basis to which the toponym “Alps” goes back is not excluded.

Other names:

  • Mingi Tau - eternal mountain (Karachay-Balkar).
  • Elburus - wind guide (Nogai).
  • Askhartau - snowy mountain of the Ases (Kumyk).
  • Jin Padishah - king of mountain spirits (Turkic).
  • Albar (Albors) - tall; high mountain(Iranian).
  • Yalbuz - mane of snow (Georgian).
  • Oshkhamakho - mountain of happiness (Kabardian).
  • Uryušglyumos - mountain of the day.
  • Kuskamaf is a mountain that brings happiness.
  • Shat, Shat-mountain - Old Russian name (from Karach.-Balk. chat, chat- ledge, hollow, that is "mountain with a hollow")


The gorges of Adylsu, Shkheldy, Adyrsu, the Donguz-Orun and Ushba massifs are very popular among climbers and mountain tourists. Elbrus region - the most popular ski resort Russia.


The total area of ​​Elbrus glaciers is 134.5 km²; the most famous of them: Big and Small Azau, Terskol.


Mainly concentrated on the southern slopes, where the pendulum and chairlift are located. The lifting height of the cable car is 3,750 meters; the Barrels shelter is located here, which is more than ten six-seater insulated residential trailers and a kitchen. Currently, this is the main starting point for those climbing Elbrus. At an altitude of 4000 m is located the highest mountain hotel “Shelter of Eleven”, which burned down at the end of the 20th century, on the basis of which the boiler room in given time A new building was rebuilt, also actively used by climbers. A number of residential 12-seater trailers and a kitchen have been installed. In the evenings, a diesel generator is organized to supply electricity to the trailers. At an altitude of 4600-4700 m the Pastukhov rocks are located. Above the Pastukhov rocks in winter there is an ice field. From an altitude of 5000, the so-called oblique shelf begins - a trail with a smooth climb. The standard route to the Western and Eastern peaks passes through the saddle. From the saddle, both peaks rise to a height of about 300 m.

Since 2007, work has been underway to build a rescue shelter (“Station EG 5300”) on the saddle of the mountain (height 5300 m). The shelter will be a geodesic dome hemisphere with a diameter of 6.7 m, installed on a gabion foundation. In 2008, a reconnaissance of the area was carried out, a base camp was prepared, and the design of the shelter began. In 2009, the dome structures were made, construction work began: gabions were erected by the expedition members, and the dome elements were transported to the construction site (including using a helicopter). Completion of construction is planned for 2010.

On the northern side, the infrastructure is poorly developed and is represented by several huts on one of the moraines (at an altitude of about 3800 m), which are used by tourists and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a rule, this point is used for ascents to the Eastern peak, the path to which passes through the Lenz rocks (from 4600 to 5200 m), which serve as a good reference point for all climbers.

Climbing history

In 1813, Russian academician V.K. Vishnevsky first determined the height of Elbrus (5421 m).

The first successful ascent to one of the peaks of Elbrus was made in 1829 during an expedition led by General G. A. Emmanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line. The expedition was of a scientific nature (the Elbrus expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences was organized from Pyatigorsk, which is recorded in Diana’s grotto; see also Mountaineering in pre-revolutionary Russia), its participants were: academician Adolf Kupfer - geophysicist, geologist, founder of the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg , physicist Emilius Lenz, zoologist Eduard Minetrier, founder of the Russian Entomological Society, botanist Karl Meyer, who later became an academician and director of the botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, artist-architect Joseph (Giuseppe-Marco) Bernardazzi, Hungarian scientist Janos Besse. The auxiliary service of Emmanuel's expedition consisted of 650 soldiers and 350 line Cossacks, as well as local guides.

Kupfer, Lenz, Meyer, Minetrier, Bernardazzi, 20 Cossacks and guides took part directly in the ascent. However, lack of experience and poor quality of climbing equipment forced most of the participants to turn back. Only four continued the further ascent: Emilius Lenz, Cossack Lysenkov and two people from the group of guides - Hilar Khachirov and Akhiya Sottaev. At an altitude of about 5300 m, due to lack of strength, Lenz and his two accompanying men were forced to stop. The first to climb the eastern peak at about 11 a.m. on July 10, 1829 was the Karachay (according to other sources, Kabardian) guide Hilar Khachirov. This event was marked by a rifle salute in the camp, where General Emmanuel watched the ascent through a powerful telescope.

At the location of the camp, a memorial inscription was carved on one of the stones ( below and in Fig.), the location of which was lost over time. It was discovered by Soviet climbers already in the 20th century (by chance, 103 years later - it was hidden under centuries-old layers of lichens).

During the reign of All-Russian Emperor Nicholas I, the Commander of the Caucasian Line, General of the Cavalry, Georgy Emanuel, camped here from July 8 to July 11, 1829;

With him were his son, Georgy, 14 years old, academicians sent by the Russian government: Kupfer, Lenz, Menetrie and Meyer, as well as the Official of the Mining Corps Vansovich, Mineralnye Vody Architect Ios. Bernardazzi and the Hungarian traveler Iv. Besse.

The Academicians and Bernardazzi, leaving the camp located 8,000 feet (i.e. 1,143 fathoms) above the sea surface, entered Elbrus on the 10th to 15,700 feet (2,243 fathoms), the peak of which was 16,330 feet (2,333 fathoms) was reached only by the Kabardian Hilar.

Let this modest stone pass on to posterity the names of those who first paved the way to reaching the now considered inaccessible Elbrus!

The first successful ascent of the western, most high peak, was accomplished in 1874 by a group of English climbers led by F. Grove and a participant in the first ascent, Balkar guide A. Sottaev.

The first person to climb both peaks of Elbrus is considered to be the Russian military topographer A.V. Pastukhov. In 1890, accompanied by four Cossacks of the Khopersky regiment, he climbed its western peak, and six years later, in 1896, he conquered the eastern one. Pastukhov was also the first to map the peaks of Elbrus.

In August 1974, three completely standard (without winches and traction chains) UAZ-469 vehicles reached a glacier on Mount Elbrus at an altitude of 4000 meters during a test run.

Now Elbrus is very popular for climbing, both in mountaineering and mountain tourism.

Elbrus during the Great Patriotic War

Due to its symbolic meaning as highest point In Europe, Elbrus became the scene of a fierce confrontation during the Great Patriotic War, in which units of the German mountain rifle division “Edelweiss” also participated. During the Battle of the Caucasus on August 21, 1942, after occupying the Krugozor and Shelter of the Eleven mountain bases, German alpine riflemen managed to install German banners on the western peak of Elbrus. By the middle of the winter of 1942-1943, the Wehrmacht was knocked out from the slopes of Elbrus, and on February 13 and 17, 1943, Soviet climbers climbed the western and eastern peaks of Elbrus, respectively, where Soviet flags were hoisted.

The mountain is a cone extinct volcano, which last erupted at the beginning of our era. The height of the western peak of Elbrus is 5642 meters, the eastern one is 5621 meters, the peaks are separated by a deep saddle (5325 meters). According to legend, it was here that the Argonauts' search for the Golden Fleece led them, and here the titan Prometheus was chained for daring to bring fire to people.

Legendary mountain

The mountain, formed about a million years ago, consists of alternating layers of lava, ash and tuff. The slopes of Elbrus are mostly gentle, but starting from a height of 4000 meters the average angle of inclination reaches 35 degrees, and the peaks are covered with a dense cap of perennial snow - firn and eternal ice. Several dozen glaciers with a total area of ​​134 square meters descend from them in all directions. km.

The most famous are Big and Small Azau, Irik, Terskol. The powerful glaciers of Elbrus give rise to the rivers Kyukyurtlyu, Ullu-Khurzuk, Ullu-Kam, which, merging, form the Kuban, the largest river in the North Caucasus. Kuban can be called the daughter of Elbrus.

The legendary mountain has always attracted people with its mysterious beauty. The northern and western slopes are strewn with steep rocky areas up to 700 meters high. The eastern and southern ones are more gentle and even. The sparkling glaciers of the southern side of the Elbrus region have been chosen by skiers and climbers since Soviet times. The longest trails on the mountain: Azau - Stary Kruzor - 2.5 km, Stary Kruzor - Mir - 2 km. The season in the Elbrus region lasts from December to March.

Up to an altitude of 4000 meters, the slopes of Elbrus are relatively gentle, but above that they become steep.

The Adyl-Su, Adyr-Su and Shkheldy gorges are especially popular among climbers in Russia and the former USSR republics.

Conquest of Elbrus

The history of the conquest of Elbrus goes back almost 200 years. The first to determine its height was the Russian academician Vikenty Vishnevsky in 1813.

And the first recorded ascent of Elbrus, the eastern peak, was made in 1829 under the leadership of the hero of the Napoleonic War and conqueror of the Caucasus, General George Emmanuel. The expedition's auxiliary service consisted of 650 soldiers and 350 line Cossacks, as well as local guides.

The expedition included geophysicist and founder of the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg, academician Adolf Kupfer, physicist Emilius Lenz, founder of the Russian Entomological Society, zoologist Eduard Menetrier, botanist Karl Meyer, who later became director of the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, artist-architect Joseph Bernardazzi and Hungarian scientist Janos Besse.

Kupfer, Lenz, Meyer, Menetrier, Bernardazzi, 20 Cossacks and guides took part directly in the ascent. However, lack of experience and poor quality of climbing equipment forced most of the participants to turn back.

According to some sources, the first to climb the eastern peak at about 11 a.m. was the Karachai guide Kilar Khachirov, according to others, it was a Kabardian guide.

From the memoirs of Adolf Kupfer: “Only the next day - July 23 - at noon, the Hungarian traveler de Bess noticed through a telescope on the sparkling covers of Elbrus four people who were trying to reach the top of the mountain. Three of them soon disappeared from sight, the fourth rose higher and higher - and suddenly his figure was outlined in relief above the very crown of Elbrus. He was, as it turned out later, a Kabardian Kilyar, a native of Nalchik.”.

This event was marked by a rifle salute in the camp.

By order of General Emmanuel, in memory of this outstanding event, the following text was carved on the rock: “During the reign of All-Russian Emperor Nicholas I, cavalry general Georgy Emmanuel, commander of the troops on the Caucasian line, camped here from July 20 to July 23, 1829. With him were his son Georgy, fourteen years old, academicians sent by the Russian Government: Kupfer, Lenz, Menetrier, Meyer, an official of the mining corps Vansovich, the architect of Mineralnye Vody Joseph Bernardazzi and the Hungarian traveler Ivan de Bess. The Academicians and Bernardazzi, leaving the camp located eight thousand feet (1143 fathoms) above the sea surface, climbed Elbrus to fifteen and a half thousand feet (2223 fathoms) on the twenty-second. Only the Kabardian Kilyar reached the top. Let this modest stone pass on to posterity the names of those who first paved the way to reach Elbrus, which until now was considered impregnable.”.

The information that Emmanuel's expedition conquered Elbrus was not known abroad, therefore, when the Englishman Douglas Freshfield climbed the mountain in 1868, it was regarded as a first ascent. The highest peak of Elbrus (western) was conquered by a team of climbers led by Florence Grove in 1874.

First geographic map Elbrus was compiled in 1890 by Russian military topographer Andrei Pastukhov, who made the first ascent without guides. Rocks at an altitude of 4800 meters now bear his name.

It is believed that the first person to reach both peaks was the Balkar hunter and shepherd Ahiya Sottaev. He climbed Elbrus nine times, the last time in 1909, when he was 121 years old.

During Soviet times, mountaineering became widespread. According to the Society of Proletarian Tourism, from 1829 to 1914, 59 ascents of Elbrus were made, 47 of them by foreigners. And in one year, 1935, Soviet climbers climbed Elbrus 2016 times.

Elbrus was the center of attention during the Great Patriotic War - it became the scene of fierce confrontation. Units of the German mountain rifle division "Edelweiss" also took part in the battles. During the Battle of the Caucasus on August 21, 1942, after occupying the Krugozor and Shelter of the Eleven mountain bases, German alpine riflemen managed to install German banners on the western peak of Elbrus. But by the middle of the winter of 1942–1943, German troops were driven out from the slopes of Elbrus, and on February 13 and 17, 1943, our climbers climbed both peaks, where Soviet flags were hoisted.

Elbrus today

Today Elbrus is one of the most popular ski resorts Russian resorts, Mecca for snowboarders, freeriders and climbers.

The Elbrus region is also interesting for nature lovers. One of the most striking representatives of the animal world of this region is the Caucasian tur, which lives at altitudes from 1200 to 3400 meters above sea level. Turs come at night to graze in the alpine meadows, where bluegrass, foxtail, fescue, and buckwheat grow. IN winter time Turs feed on mosses, lichens, and tree bark. In the most inaccessible places, along with aurochs, chamois are found. In the lowland mountain forests You can find roe deer, which belongs to the deer family. In the Elbrus region, an attempt was made to adapt a herd of Central Asian yaks, but the experiment failed. Wolves also live here, but there is no need to be afraid of them; there have been no cases of wolves attacking either skiers or climbers.

Although the Elbrus volcano has not been visible for almost two thousand years, scientists consider it not extinct, but dormant. In its depths there are still hot masses that heat the local “hot narzans” - springs saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches +52 and +60 ºС. The life of many famous springs originated in the depths of Elbrus health resorts Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and the entire Caucasian Mineral Waters region.

Mount Elbrus (Caucasus, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Since school age, each of us remembers the majestic two-headed Elbrus, if not from geography textbooks, then from literature textbooks. After all, the great Lermontov, having arrived in the Caucasus against his will, was truly fascinated by it, fell in love with all his heart and sang it not only in poetry, but also in paint. His paintings depicting Elbrus, Beshtau, gorges and mountain ranges of the Caucasus perfectly convey the beauty and special, harsh, ancient and breathtaking poetics of these places.

Elbrus occupies a special place in the Greater Caucasus system. This is the highest mountain range of the Side Range Caucasus Mountains. Geologists have determined that Elbrus is the cone of an extinct volcano. Its western peak reaches a height of 5642 m, and its eastern one - 5621 m; they are separated by a deep saddle, which is also a five-thousander, its height is 5325 m.

Since Elbrus is very high, it is always covered with a cap of firn and ice, from which 54 glaciers descend in different directions, the largest of which are Bolshoy Azau, Irik and Terskol.

Climbing Elbrus

Naturally, even in those days when mountains were the focus of sporting interests only for climbers, and not at all for skiers and snowboarders, attempts were made to conquer Elbrus. The eastern peak in 1829 was first reached by the Kabardian K. Khashirov, a guide of the Russian scientific expedition, and the western peak in 1874 by English athletes led by F. Grove and the Kabardian guide A. Sottaev, a participant, by the way, in the first ascent of the Russian expedition.

During the years of Soviet power, ascents in the Elbrus region became very popular; they turned into massive “alpiniads”, the largest of which in 1967 involved no less than 2,400 climbers.

At an altitude of 4600-4700 m there are the rocks of Pastukhov, a Russian military topographer who was the first to conquer both the Eastern and Western peaks of Elbrus. Above these rocks in winter there is an ice field. From an altitude of 5000 m, the “oblique shelf” begins, as climbers call it, a fairly gently sloping plane rising upward. Traditional route climbing to any of the peaks of Elbrus passes through its saddle. From there it is about 300 m to both peaks.

From the north side mountain range The infrastructure is still poorly developed; there are only a few huts for climbers, which are used by both tourists and emergency workers. As a rule, ascents to the Eastern peak are made from the northern side; the route passes through the Lenz rocks (from 4600 to 5200 m).

During the years of Soviet power, ascents in the Elbrus region became very popular; they turned into massive “alpiniads”, the largest of which in 1967 involved 2,400 climbers.


In our country, the Elbrus region has always been and remains one of the most popular centers skiing and tourism. The most visited slope of the Elbrus region is Mount Cheget, which is well equipped with both chairlifts and cable-pendulum lifts. The trails here are of varying degrees of difficulty; anyone, from aces to beginners, will find a trail on Cheget that suits their abilities. Cheget also has a fairly attractive selection of entertainment for tourists. There are cafes and restaurants on the slope, and there are equipment rental centers. From the top of the mountain there is a wonderful view of the double-headed Elbrus.

Elbrus clones

Camp sites

As for Elbrus itself, for all its severity and external inaccessibility, which does not seem to imply the presence of a person, there is also a certain tourism infrastructure. It is concentrated mainly on the southern slopes of the mountain range, where the pendulum chairlift is located, the height of which is 3750 m. Here you will be greeted by the Barrels shelter, which houses more than ten six-seater insulated residential trailers and a kitchen. This place serves as a launching pad for modern athletes climbing Elbrus. There is a new, more modern, shelter “Liprus”, opened in 2013. It accommodates 48 people and is located at an altitude of 3912 m. The highest mountain hotel in the Elbrus region is the “Shelter of Eleven”, its main building burned down in the 90s of the 20th century, but in Currently, a new building has been built on the basis of the boiler room of the former hotel. In addition, the shelter has several 12-person trailers and a kitchen. In the evenings, a diesel generator is organized to supply electricity to the trailers.

The saddle of Elbrus, as a starting point for all climbers, no matter which peak they strive to reach, has long needed its own shelter, since the higher the climbers rise, the more difficult it is for them to go every centimeter of the way. Therefore, a shelter at an altitude of 5300 m is really necessary. Since 2007, work has been underway on its construction. The shelter will be a hemisphere with a diameter of 6.7 m, installed on a foundation. By 2009, the dome structures were made and construction work began. However, it was not possible to open the shelter as planned - 2010; work is currently ongoing.

How to get there: by plane to Kislovodsk, Nalchik or Cherkessk, then by bus, taxi or rented car.

Elbrus is located in southern Russia, in the Caucasus, 130 kilometers west of the city Nalchik. This double-headed peak of volcanic origin has a height of 5642 meters above sea level and is the highest peak in Russia. Every young person can climb Elbrus healthy man, however, you must go in a group with an experienced instructor, and with suitable equipment.

43.3469353 northern latitude
42.4528694 east longitude

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Mount Elbrus, Russia: description, photo, where it is on the map, how to get there

Elbrus- one of the largest stratovolcanoes on the planet; the highest peak in Russia and Europe. The height of this giant increased with each eruption. According to the latest data, it rises 5642 m above sea level. Among the tourists visiting Elbrus there are many climbers and naturalists. This mountain is included in 1000 popular places world according to our website.

Geographically, Elbrus is located in the northern part of the Greater Caucasus Range, on the border of Europe and Asia. The nearest airports to the area are Mineralnye Vody and Nalchik. Next, a transfer by taxi or bus takes place, which takes from 3 to 4 hours. You can also get to the Elbrus region by train. Railway stations there are in many cities of the North Caucasus.

The natural attractions of the Elbrus region leave no one indifferent. The area located at the foot of the mountain is considered a balneoclimatic zone.

Visitors from all over the world dream of visiting there. All conditions have been created for a good rest. Resort and sanatorium treatment based on carbon dioxide is possible mineral waters, the so-called Narzans. Climbers and skiers dream of visiting the slopes of Mount Elbrus and the nearby peak of Cheget. Well and tourist routes pass through picturesque gorges, valleys and passes.

For local residents this mountain has a special meaning. The name they gave it, “Mingi Tau,” means “Eternal Mountain.” There are many versions regarding the origin of the name Elbrus. One of them attributes the word to the Iranian dialect and translates it as “high, sparkling mountain.” The first conquerors of the eastern peak of Elbrus were climbers in the group of General G. A. Emmanuel. This happened back in 1829. Half a century later, the English climber F. Grove climbed the western, higher peak.

Today, many climbers are trying to conquer the peaks of this giant. Climbing, as a rule, takes place under the strict guidance of professionals who know all the subtleties and nuances of the terrain. The snow-ice cap and the outlines of Elbrus are well known not only to the residents of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, but also to the Stavropol region. This is a real symbol of the entire North Caucasus of Russia. Elbrus glaciers feed largest river Krasnodar region Kuban and the stormy Terek.

Photo attraction: Mount Elbrus

Mount Elbrus on the map:

Where to stay in the Elbrus region

In which part of the resort should I choose accommodation when coming on vacation? The question is quite important, since resort area stretches for 20 kilometers along the Baksan Gorge. This article will help you figure it all out.

Ski and snowboard lovers often settle close to cable cars, but there are also disadvantages: crowded, frequent traffic jams, avalanche danger, problems at high altitudes (pressure, poor health).

There is a compromise accommodation option: stay in an inexpensive hotel away from the ski lifts and use the free transfer.

So, let's consider all the options:

At the entrance to the Elbrus region, on the left side there is Adyr-su gorge with two climbing camps.

Further 5 km higher is village Neutrino. Vacationers who come in their cars often stop here. Due to the remoteness from the main infrastructure of the resort, prices for private sector(apartments) are significantly lower, and the drive takes 15 – 20 minutes.

Elbrus village. Another 5 km higher. There is a large settlement with shops, pharmacies and a hospital. Prices for the private sector are slightly higher than in Neutrino.

On the outskirts of the village there is a resort area in a pine forest. In Elbrus a large number of hotels with different price ranges. The most popular: Ozone and Europa Peak. They organize transfers to the ski lifts for their clients.

An ideal place for people suffering from bronchial asthma and various allergic diseases, this place is the most comfortable when choosing summer holiday. Also, climbers planning their ascents to such peaks as Shkhelda, Ushba, Dzhantugan and Mount Elbrus (through the Irik-Chat gorge) begin their journey from here.

Above the village there is a picturesque Adyl-su gorge with mountaineering camps.

Tegenekli village is located two km above Elbrus. There is a large boarding house here. And above that there are a large number of departmental databases.

The following tourist accommodations: village Baidaevo, Polyana Narzanov, Polyana Itkol. There are many Narzan springs here, there are several hotels. It's a 5-10 minute drive to the cable car lifts. by car.

Polyana Cheget. There are a large number of hotels in front of the ski resort. It is considered an avalanche-prone area. The slope is more suitable for intermediate and advanced skiers.

Terskol village. The main accommodation location for tourists who prefer the private sector. There are also many hotels here. Most of Terskol is located in an avalanche-safe area. On one side of the village is the Terskolkskoye Gorge. On the other hand, the Terskol forest. A good place for walking, picking mushrooms and berries.

Polyana Azau. Accommodation at the foot of the mountain. Within walking distance to the ski lifts. Most of the vacationers are accommodated here. Counts optimal place accommodation for tourists tired of transport.

However, there are also disadvantages: most of the clearing is avalanche-prone; in winter it is difficult to get in and out due to snow drifts and traffic jams. Few places to walk.

When choosing Polyana Azau, do not forget that you will live at an altitude of 2300 m above sea level. This can be critical for people with heart disease and sensitive to acclimatization issues.

Most often, tourists feel the effects of acclimatization on the first night and three days later. We hope this information will help you when planning your trip.

Distance from resort settlements to cable cars in the Elbus region

Terskola - 1.5 km to Cheget and 2.5 to the foot of Elbrus

Baidaevo - 4 km to the ski lift to Cheget + 4 more to Elbrus

Tegenekli - about 7 km to the ski lift to Cheget + another 4 to Elbrus

Elbrus - about 10 km to Cheget + ...

Neutrino - about 14.5 km to Cheget.

These settlements have both a private sector and hotels. It's a long walk to the ski lift. However, you can always take a taxi, which will cost from 300 to 100 rubles one way per car. Remote housing is cheaper. Some hotels offer a free shuttle to the cable cars.

Hotel location map

On our website you can choose the most convenient accommodation option, order a transfer both from the airport/station to your place of residence, and to the cable cars. Select excursions that interest you, order a full tour, simply learn something new and interesting about the Elbrus region, look at photographs of our beauties, get acquainted with the information necessary for walking routes and ascents. We will be happy to help you find a mountain guide or ski/snowboard instructor and answer any questions you may have! Welcome!