India Goa Map in Russian. Cards of Goa

Goa on the map is not an island at all, as many believe. Goa - part of the mainland. Here is a Russian Goa card with parts on

Central Goa

This part of the state includes three districts and the capital of Panja - the largest and most denselyed (95 thousand people) city in Goa. He is famous for his old Portuguese quarter, among attractions you can note the Church of St. Sebastian, the secretariat building - the fortified Palace of Yusuf Adil Shaha. Near the building of the secretariat is a sculptural composition, which resembles the scene from the horror movie - a harsh man with a flossy hair pulls his hands to the throat of a lying woman. This is a monument to Abbot Faria - one of the most famous followers of Franz Anton Mesmer, who used hypnosis for the treatment of various diseases. The Church of the Immaculate Mother of God, built in the middle of the 16th century, is also of interest. Interestingly, the building of the Central Library, which occupies a part of the former army barracks. It was in the capital that we looked at the movie Hobbit -
9 kilometers from Panji is the old Goa - the focus of the most important Christian temples of India, including the Basilica, where the netted remains of St. Francis Schavier - the patron of Christians not only India, but also south-East Asia. Initially, it was this city that was the capital of the Portuguese colony, but the epidemic of cholera, devasting him in the middle of the 17th century, forced to transfer the capital closer to the ocean, in Panji. Of course, the old Goa with his small houses, non-fourth streets, short distances, long-term sest and numerous Catholic holidays looks like a provincial town, but his charm does not get less. The old quarters carefully keep the medieval Portuguese atmosphere: the curves of the street with many small shops and bars, over the doors of which swinging signs, which have not changed the last 200 years, red tiled roofs, pastel tones of walls, openwork hinged balconies.
Among historic I. architectural monuments Old Goa can be allocated Cathedral Saint Catherine. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b76 by 55 meters and is the largest Christian temple of Asia. The exterior decoration of the temple is made in Tuscan style, the interior is striking by proportions and magnificent modesty. The main bell of the cathedral is the largest in Goa, he is called "golden" for his sound. His ringing is heard at 14 km around, but if you stand next to him, then only a very tender and quiet melody is heard.
Hindu temples with the arrival of Muslims and Portuguese in the 13-15th centuries were mostly destroyed, so those that can be seen currently are either newly built or restored with large changes. Since this construction and recovery took place during the reign of Portuguese, the architecture of the temples turned out very peculiar. For example, the mangoes temple. Mangles was the reincarnation of Shiva. His architecture carries the features of Christianity (the octagonal tower, the facade, decorated with columns) and Muslim (the dome design of the roof). Since the first temple, only water capacity has been preserved.
1 km from the mannisha temple there is a Males Temple. A Christian influence is also traced here. But as a mangash was the reincarnation of Shiva, so Mahals is also a reincarnation of Vishnu, but only in a female image. Such. short description The main attractions of the Central Goa.

North Goa

The charm of North Goa differs from the central one. This is the most developed area in terms of tourism. In the stormy 70s of the 20th century, Goa was Mecca for Hippie. These times remained in the past. Now the beaches of the North are occupied by tourists with different levels of income, but mainly it is young people traveling with backpacks or specially arrived on vacation, which are content with rather modest placement, but very fond of cheerful and rich nightlife. North Goa It is famous for the abundance of restaurants, where fish and seafood are perfectly prepared. The chain of beaches from before, if you look at the card from top to bottom, including Anjuna and, is the most fun place on the north of the state. Here are the crowds of former hippies, wanderers, monks, celebrating dreamers, artists and artists, zoo.
The place is known for its flea market operating on Wednesdays. Here you can simultaneously see merchants from Tibet and Kashmir, picturesque women from Gudjarat tribes, ex-hippie, Indian tourists, charternikov from around the world, etc. The market has occurred spontaneously: travelers had to sell their things to get some money and To live for some time in this paradise.
Interesting is also the Sabbath night market in arpor. Local hippies are traded here with your crafts. Here they come to sit in mobile vegetarian cafes and watch a short view on a small pop, built of girlfriend.

South Goa.

The terrain that lies below the Zuari River is called South Goa. This is the most unbelievable part of the state. Here is the most picturesque nature, and the beaches are the widest and snow-white. Settlements significantly less than in the center and in the north. Currently, almost all the coast has been redeemed by large investors and the construction of hotels is a very high level. There are almost no historical attractions. In the south of the state is the largest in Goa Reserve - Cotigao. Here is S. looking Tower You can observe the wild life of the jungle: Indian bison, barking deer, sambarov, sacking, etc.
Separately, I want to stay on overall characteristic beaches Goawhich are rightfully one of the main tourist attractions of the state.


The beaches of the northern part of Goa are yellowish-grayish and reddish-grayed due to the special composition of the sand. They are readily visited local residents Hindu religion that the sunset of the sun is watching the evening.
In the center of Goa about the beaches do not have to speak. Beach hotels - man-made works, their good condition is supported by artificially by the efforts of the hotels themselves. Water here is weakly salty due to the tributary fresh water From the Rivers of Mandodi and Zuari, but it is still nice to swim.
In the south, the beaches are white and wide, sand is small, dense and bulk at the same time. Water is more transparent. The local population does not go out here to accompany the sun in such quantities as in the north. But here are more fishing artels who catch fish in the morning with networks and wanderings. This is happening in the morning, therefore it does not cause anxiety to tourists, but even gives some exotic.

Map of beans on Goa

There is a legend about how this place was created. One of the Indian gods of Parashurama standing on the top of the mountain, released an arrow to the sea, and ordered the waters where the boom fell down from this place. So according to the legend, Goa was formed. Later, this staff was a portuguese colony for a long time. And it left a huge trail in architecture and local traditions. The state of Goa is divided into 3 parts - the northern part and south. The southern part is more respectable, and people who are accustomed to high quality Service. North Goa is a simpler place. Here loves to come young people from around the world. And there is a relaxed atmosphere of the holiday and fun. Usually in North Goa can be visited many beach parties.

These are old Hindu and Portuguese temples, these are bright inks of the night market and the incredible taste palette in a seafood plate, generously flavored curry ...

Goa is a state delight, where they come with whole families "for wintering" or just once visited, come back again and again.


Goa is a year-round resort, the air temperature here does not fall below +20 ° C. There are three main seasons: summer, winter and munsun (rainy season). Munzun begins in June and lasts until September, winter (tourist) lasts from the end of October to early April, summer - from May to September.

The best time for rest in Goa is considered months from October to March. The air temperature at this time varies from +21 to +32 ° C. At this time there is no stuffiness and exhausting heat that begins in April.


In Goa, many hotels of a wide range of categories - from luxurious hotel complexes With a huge territory in to small hostels with the only proud star in. "Stars" are very conditional and very different from European ones. In Goa, as in Thailand, most tourists stop in two or three-star hotels.

Features Hotels

Expensive Hotels with a large territory and high level of service

A huge palette of hotels - from small hostels to luxury boutique hotels. Prices For accommodation below, than in .

Most are built on the first line (no closer 250 m from the beach)

Most hotels are built across the road from the beach.

Hotels are located on distance from settlements, all infrastructure - inside hotels.

Excellent infrastructure - Next to hotels there are restaurants, shops, markets.

Beach hotels are wide (there are fenced areas), the territories are removed, there are almost no local.

Public beaches, sun beds and umbrellas paid, many local.

Entertainment outside hotel almost not.

Multiabout discos, night bars, entertainment for every taste.


The state of Goa is divided into three parts - North, central and. They are very different from each other level of service and a set of entertainment. It is considered a respectable resort, where we rest secured Europeans; Choose budget travelers and creative youth; Central Goa combines the properties of other parts of the state and is a large transport hub: there are airport, railway station, port, bus stations.

North Goa

Large spacious beach, many nightclubs and bars, there is an interesting flea market.

The beach is spacious, there are several bars. In the evenings, parties are arranged. Rest is suitable for noisy companies and active youth. Located furthest from the airport.

Deleted from the sea by 1.5 km. Many expensive comfortable hotels. Suitable tourists with children.

Wide Beach S. volcanic sandseparated from the village of the river. A relatively quiet resort will suit families with children.

The oldest resort of all Goa. Suitable for any kind of rest. The beach is wide, the river flows nearby.

Popular from creative youth. Known with his nightdrops. The beaches are a few, with the stony shore.

Most famous beach Total Goa and the most popular resort. Large range of hotels

Quiet resort with expensive hotels. The beach is sandy, wide, right on it is the Portuguese Fort Aguada. Located closer to the airport.

Located between two rivers. Placing tourists mainly in the bungalow.

Calm resort with good infrastructure. Popular from Russian tourists.

Little quiet village with budget hotels and clean beach.

Little village near the airport. Very clean white sand beaches, hotels in the middle price category.

A large resort with spacious beaches and a good choice of hotels. Pacific, suitable for relaxation.

A secluded village with a very good level of service in hotels. Spacious clean beach is suitable for recreation with children.

Popular resort with good infrastructure and low cost prices.

Popular resort. Suitable for relaxing with young children. Located closest to the airport.

Resort with good infrastructure and expensive hotels. Surrounded by three sides with water.

One of the most beautiful beaches of all Goa. Located furthest from the airport. One of the most expensive resorts.

Little village S. beautiful beach. Very quiet resort, suitable solitude lovers


Acquaintance from Goa tourists usually begins at Dabolim Airport, which is in the city of Vasco-da Gama. The city is named so in honor of the famous navigator-navigator. Portuguese heritage has been well preserved in this Indian state and tourists always find what to see.

There is a set of attractions in, and in. All attractions are organized by excursion routes, it is convenient to get from any corner of Goa.

For example, in Old Goa (City c) Beautiful cathedrals are preserved, the ruins of churches and narrow streets. In Panja, the capital of Goa, you must certainly wander through the old district of Fontainhas and see the architectural complex Largo-da-game. The Portuguese Forts of Aguada and Alorn - also at first places in the list of sights of Goa. Aguada Fortress is on the outskirts of the beach Kandolim - after sunny baths and bathing can be viewed on this old stronghold.

On Wednesdays and Fridays in Goa, the grandiose markets. On Friday, you need to go to Mapus to dress up and buy bright items, souvenirs, painted plates, spices, incense and many of what the soul will wish. The flea market works in Anjun - it opens every Wednesday in early morning and boils before sunset.

The largest Christian temple in Asia - Cafedry saint Catherine Cathedral (Old Goa). The relics of the Baptist of Asia, St. Francis, can be seen in the Basilica of Jesus, one of the most famous churches not only in Goa, but in all of India.

The most popular excursions in Goa - in garden Spices "Savoy" and to waterfalls. Spice plantations are not only interesting, but also very informative, and still delicious, because each tourist will definitely feed dishes generously flavored curry and fragrant herbs. Spice plantations in Goa a lot, "Savoy" is 23 km from the capital of Panji. Dudkhsagar waterfall Lifun water flows from a height of more than 300 meters! It is also called the "Milk Ocean" - for the white color of water. The waterfall is located in the eastern part of Goa, you can get to it in a few hours by bus.

In the Kotigao Reserve, you can wander through the multi-storey jungle. The reserve is located 12 km from the beach.

In Goa, many centers ayurvedawhere you can draw up your own medicinal healing program, massage and drugs based on natural ingredients.


Most tourists are renting bike And wheelcrow through the neighborhoods of the state. For lease, you will need to leave a deposit in the currency (from 60 to 200 dollars). The driver's license requires infrequently. Movement in Goa, as in all of India, chaotic, so we recommend to refresh the driving skills in advance and be extremely attentive on the roads. The gas stations on Goa almost no, gasoline can be bought from hands in roadside tents and stores (sold in conventional bottles from under the water).

Those who do not risk riding a bike in India enjoy the services taxi. Taxi is quite expensive, all areas are divided between taxi drivers. Counters almost no anyone.

Another variant of moving between resorts Goa - bus. This message in India is very developed, buses will be driven even to the most deaf villages. Travel in them is very cheap (from 5 to 40 rupees), they are glad to use local. The size of the board depends on the distance of the trip. The buses are old, there are no air conditioners, the windows are protected by lattices (from monkeys).

There is no direct communication between the resorts of the Goa direct message, you need to drive on the bus station (in Mapus, Panji or Margao). There are no rooms at buses, the route is written in the local language, however, the conductors and drivers loudly declare direction at stops. By the way, there are no stops in our usual understanding, the bus stops at a request anywhere. Buses movement intervals - on average 1 time in 15 minutes.

A trip on the Indian bus is like an attraction - a bright old bus rush through the jungle under Indian music, a balalarite conductor with passengers, women laugh in bright sari ...

Avtostania Goa


Most souvenirs who bring tourists from trips to Goa - ethnic. Often buy Sari (national Indian women's clothing) and sharovars (spacious pants), textiles (bed linen, bedspread, towels), decorations with gems, aromatic sticks, hu. A good souvenir will be spices, a toothpaste with red pepper, natural cosmetics of the brand "Hymalaya". The figures of the deities from sandalwood and black wood are from $ 3.

Popular mutt in Milk lamb with curry, meatballs in acute yogurt, chicken in orange sauce with herbs. It is famous for the abundance of vegetarian dishes, for example, rice cakes or lentils from Curry (Dos and Samba). Vegetables are served with curry and rice.

Seafood and fish in Goa are incredibly popular. Fish is frying on fire, rushes in the dough, extinguished in yogurt with curry ... Try Mailai - these are shrimp with unchanged curry and coconut. Perfectly refreshes on the heat Drink Dhai - Prostokvash with spices. Alcohol in Goa is sold freely, there are local "moonshine" under the name "Fenia" - this is the worked cockerel juice and cashew.

Good to know

  • All tourists arrive at Dubolim Airport. The flight from Moscow takes about 7.5 hours.
  • Time in Goa is ahead of Moscow by 2.5 hours.
  • Goa speaks on the Indian dialect of Concani, Portuguese and English.
  • The sockets in Goa do not differ from the Russian.
  • The currency in Goa, as well as everywhere in India - Rupee. In one rupee 100 Pais. In August 2017, the course of rupees and ruble was approximately the same: for 1 ruble they gave 1 rupee and 6 pieces.
  • From India to Russia, no more than 3 liters of alcohol per person who have reached the age of 18, up to 5 liters, can be removed to Russia.
  • Thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits purchased in the markets. Drink only bottled water.

Tours on Goa For the past few years have become extremely popular among Russians. Everyone knows that this is a fabulous place for recreation and travel, inspection of ancient monuments and attractions. And where is Goa on the world map?

What is Goa and where is he?

Most newcomers in tourism are convinced that Goa is a tropical island in the midst of the ocean. We hurry to assure you in the fact that it is not so, and we present a small geographical certificate about this wonderful place.

Meet: Goa is the smallest state of huge India, located on her west coast, Next to the Warm Arabian Sea. Indian Goa every year turns into Mecca tourists.

There is a rash stamp that in India, where Goa is located, do not closely relate to compliance with sanitation and hygiene rules. We assure you that these times in the Indian tourist states have long been awaited in the fly.

Goa on the map

The Goa coast of more than 100 km is recognized as the most attractive for tourists from around the world. Magnificent hotels standing on clean beachesMany of whom are awarded blue flags.

Tourists will be happy to wander through the local jungle and mangrove groves, preserved almost unchanged. Here they reached our time and the ancient Hindu temples continue to operate, which will tell all about the culture of this people.

Goa is famous for its Ayurvedic medical centers, where people from all over the world come to improvement purposes. Local casinos are also well known, which spend all nights for gambling fans.

Interactive map of Goa with hotels and attractions

Such different north and south of Goa

If you look at the head of the state of Goa in India, it is perfectly seen its division into the northern and southern part. The same applies to the separation of local 40 magnificent beaches and a huge number of hotels.

So since the 60s of the last century, when the northern part of Goa was chosen by Hippie, and family couples with children began to rest on his south. And today students prefer to rest in the north, and in the south - more secured and honorable public.

What country is Goa? Show on map Goa. Detailed map of Goa in Russian. Map of roads, streets, attractions and hotels on the interactive map Goa.

Where is the state of Goa on the world map?

Goa - the main one beach resort India, located in South Asia on the western side of the Indian Peninsula. Geographic coordinates Goa: 21 ° 07'32 "s. sh. 78 ° 18'38 "in. d.

Where is Goa on map of India?

The state of Goa is in the western part of India and borders on the states of Maharashtra in the north, with carnatack in the southeast and is washed in the West by the Arabian Sea. The length of the coastal line of the state is about a hundred kilometers.

Interactive map of Goa with hotels and landmarks

Goa is more than a hundred kilometers of amazing beaches that attract tourists from all over the world. The state of Goa is divided into the North and South, and divides them to Fort Aguada. The southern part of the resort is considered more expensive, where Europeans and other wealthy guests are happy to relax. The most popular cities of the southern part are the Bogmalo, Don Paula, Benaulim, Kavva, CavelosSim, Palis, Mobor and Majord. The northern part is the opposite of the southern: here are more democratic prices, and resting easier and more often. The main resorts of North Goa: Arambol, Anjuna, Aguada, Vagator, Kalangut, Bug, Mandrem, Mordezhim and Ashwem.

Goa on the map

Here we have published the most detailed, Google's interactive map, in Russian, for your convenience. On it you can see exactly where the state of Goa in India is located. The card is very simple: with the mouse, the card easily moves to the left and right; Using the mouse wheel, you can increase or decrease the scale of the card itself. You can also look at Goa from the satellite, turning on the special mode from below, in the left corner of the map. With these simple techniques, you can accurately see where the popular Goa state is located on the world map and India.

Goa card with all beaches

To see what a large number of different beaches are in Goa, there is placed here detailed maps With the name of all the beaches of the state that you can visit if necessary. This is not marked on the map, but Goa is conditionally divided into the North and South.

North Goa

North Goa - the most popular place among young people. Here is the largest number of club parties and discos under open sky. There is a large number of low-cost hotels, but you can find more expensive options. North Goa begins Coco Beach and ends with Kerim Beach (Querim Beach). FROM detailed information About all beaches in the north goa, you can find the article "". It is in the north that the most popular, where everyone can acquire the favorites: ,,,,

Often, tourists have questions: "What is interesting and useful can be bought and brought from Goa." Answering these questions, we wrote a special article, which is called "".

South Goa

Tourists from Europe with Middle Support, as well as the secured local population fly to South Goa. There is a large number of prestigious hotels for comfortable and cozy holidays on the seafront. It is in South Goa for a reason that modern SPA centers and expensive restaurants were built. The beaches of the South Goa begins the beaches of the Bogmalo (Bogmalo Beach) and ends with a beach field (Polem Beach). All the beaches of the south are written in the article "".

Time difference in Goa

Below is the difference in time in the clock with the state of Goa.

Moscow - Goa \u003d +2.30

Yekaterinburg - Goa \u003d +0.30

Novosibirsk - Goa \u003d - 0.30

Samara - Goa \u003d +1.30

Kazan - Goa \u003d +2.30

Izhevsk - Goa \u003d +1.30

Vladivostok - Goa \u003d -4.30

Alma-Ata - Goa \u003d +0.3

Perm - Goa \u003d +0.30

Photo of Goa