Interesting honeymoon trips or where to spend your honeymoon in July. Honeymoon trip in June - where to go on a honeymoon Honeymoon trip where to go in June

Liana Raimanova

Warm summer days are a great time to have a big wedding. People say that a couple who decides to get married in June will spend their married life as endless honeymoon. Therefore, the highlight of the June holiday is often jars of honey used as decoration, and the outfits of guests and newlyweds are presented in soft gold colors.

Signs of a June wedding

Hot summer months are record holders for the number of marriages concluded during this period. The “hot” season opens with June, which smells of freshness and flowers, but is still free from the heat. In ancient times, weddings were considered traditional June holiday, and people noticed the relationship natural phenomena with the future life of the newlyweds. This is exactly how the signs about the marriage concluded in June were born:

  • Most folk signs promise a happy marriage, which the happy spouses will feel like an endless honeymoon.
  • If quarrels often occur between young people over trifles, worldviews and views on family life diverge, a wedding in June will help smooth out rough edges and establish harmony in relationships.

Photos of a wedding in June

  • If it rains during the celebration, the future spouses will live in abundance and agreement with each other.
  • A sultry June day foretells the bride and groom a life full of bright emotions. However, these emotions will not necessarily be positive. Along with tenderness and passion, the hearts of spouses can be overcome by jealousy.
  • Wind on a wedding day is considered a bad omen. This weather means that on the path to happiness, young people will have to face many temptations.

There is a popular opinion that most marriages concluded in June are permeated with love and tenderness for each other

If you want to spend a happy life with your loved one, plan to get married in the first month of summer.

Favorable days for a wedding ceremony in June

When thinking through the details of the wedding ceremony, many couples turn to the opinion of astrologers, who will highlight favorable and unlucky days for marriage by observing the movements of the stars and planets. According to the lunar calendar of favorable wedding days for June 2019, newlyweds should pay attention to the following dates:

  • June 3-5. Spouses will become true friends and reliable partners.
  • June 6-7. A marriage concluded under the sign of Pisces promises to be tender and romantic.
  • June 10-11. The newly-made family will become an example of an ideal relationship for those around them.
  • June 14-15. A marriage concluded in these numbers will be reliably protected from lies, betrayals and misunderstandings.
  • June 21-22. A couple who decides to get married on one of these days will form a marriage full of romance.
  • June 25. The date is considered one of the most favorable for a wedding. Husband and wife will be able to maintain deep, warm feelings throughout their lives.
  • June 26-27. The spouses will trust each other limitlessly, and their relationship will grow stronger every day.
  • 30 June. A close psychological connection will be established between husband and wife.

It is better to avoid celebrating on other days of the first summer month.

Otherwise, astrologers foretell a quick separation - the relationship will become obsolete in a couple of years due to various factors.

June wedding planning ideas

Wedding planning needs to start early, as during the busy season it is impossible to find the perfect dress and rent a venue immediately after your engagement in June. To make the event memorable for the newlyweds for the rest of their lives, it is worth starting preparations for the ceremony several months before the painting.

Where to celebrate a summer wedding? Warm weather and picturesque June landscapes provide enormous scope for imagination:

  • Outdoor celebration near a reservoir. IN Lately Recreation areas near lakes, as well as individual islands surrounded by water, are popular. In addition to fresh, humid air, you will get a gorgeous backdrop for a photo shoot. However, do not forget about safety: after dark it is better to move the party to another place.
  • Wedding in a country cottage. The aroma of barbecue, sauna and fresh air will be remembered for a long time by every participant of the holiday.
  • Holiday In the woods. This location is especially relevant for couples who are planning a themed wedding in a boho or rustic style.

Organizing a wedding in June by a pond

If you don’t know what to rely on when creating the image of a bride, remember the signs June wedding, which is popularly called honey. The warm color of honey can be used when choosing dresses for bridesmaids, which will highlight the whiteness of the bride's wedding dress. The honey color scheme can also be reflected in the bride’s bouquet by putting together a composition of yellow or peach flowers, as well as using amber jewelry for the look.

Picturesque summer landscapes will give you a sea of ​​ideas for your June wedding photo shoot. Young spouses can take pictures against the backdrop of a pond, take an impromptu bike ride, or film in the forest.

Where to go on your honeymoon in June?

The main disadvantage of a honeymoon in June is the frantic excitement around travel agencies who, taking advantage of the opportunity, set high prices for vacations. Newly-made spouses just have to choose the most profitable option and think through all the details of the trip. The most popular options for a honeymoon in June:

  • Saint Petersburg. The northern capital of our homeland is especially beautiful in the first month of summer. White nights, drawbridges and babbling fountains create unique landscape, and the unique architecture of the cultural center of Russia will win the heart of any traveler. However, this option is more suitable for a short-term vacation.

Honeymoon in June

  • Coasts Maldives, Thailand, Dominican Republic etc. A holiday by the sea is strongly associated in most people's minds with the ideal honeymoon. On the sandy beach, lovers can relax from everyday worries and enjoy each other's company.
  • Prague, UK, Paris. You need to fly there at least once in your life. Each state has a unique culture. At the foot Eiffel Tower newlyweds will be able to feel the romantic atmosphere of Paris, and the classic architecture of Britain will make travelers remember the literary works of A.K. Doyle.
  • Cruise by Mediterranean Sea. Such a trip will allow the spouses to visit several countries within a short period of time. Depending on the choice of route, the couple in love will visit the shores of Italy, Greece, and Turkey.

Cruise: June honeymoon idea

June is one of the most have a good month for the wedding ceremony. A girl who decides to get married in the summer can organize the wedding of her dreams. The newlyweds have all kinds of flowers at their disposal, and familiar gardeners can offer the couple flowers from their plot. Watch the video Interesting Facts about a wedding organized in the summer.

2 April 2018, 21:53

Summer. At this time, most people are planning a vacation, dreaming of breaking out of the routine of everyday life and stocking up on energy for the whole year. The anticipation of a trip becomes even more desirable and expected if it is not just a vacation, but a honeymoon.

Spend unforgettable days with your loved one, breathe out the hustle and bustle of the pre-wedding race and visit an exotic country or wander through the streets of ancient cities - what could be more romantic and beautiful? Where to go to Honeymoon in July or any other summer month, so that a fairy tale for two becomes a reality?

It is seaside resorts that are number one among the places where newlyweds go.

The special atmosphere of lightness and carefreeness of a honeymoon spent on the beach allows you to relax and enjoy each other as much as possible.

In addition, such places provide the opportunity to either rent a cozy bungalow standing right in the water and completely abstract yourself from the whole world, or have a fairly active holiday, scuba diving, hang gliding over heavenly beauty landscapes or getting to know the sights and local traditions.


For those who cannot stand long trips or flights, and are also limited in time, an alternative to going abroad can be a honeymoon trip to Yalta, Alushta, Feodosia or any other city of this picturesque peninsula. And the budget for such a vacation will be significantly lower than a trip to Europe or exotic islands.

The Black Sea warms up to 21 °C in June, and in the remaining summer months its temperature sometimes rises to +29. The beaches can be either sandy with a smooth entry into the water (Kerch) or covered with pebbles (Yalta, Nikolaevka). The service today in many cities of the peninsula is not inferior to that of Egypt.

In addition to relaxing on the seashore, in Crimea you can have an interesting time visiting palaces, museums, a botanical garden, castles, winery. Tourists can admire the waterfalls and walk along the most beautiful parks, nature reserves. For lovers active tourism– hikes, cycling routes, camping.

For those who want to improve their health and at the same time relax, it makes sense to pay attention to the resorts located in Saki, Feodosia, Koktebel, Foros. The whole island is simply dotted with them thanks to its healing climate.


For couples who prefer to holiday outside the country, Greece is ready to provide its beaches.

Its two thousand islands and the waters of the five seas can satisfy even the most sophisticated taste of travelers who come to spend their honeymoon on the sandy or rocky shores of a hospitable and sunny country.

The tourism infrastructure here is developed at the highest level, and the picturesque landscapes, pure water and a pleasant climate make Greece incredibly attractive for holidaymakers. The Canal of Love, located on the island of Corfu, according to local belief, gives couples a real feeling and preserves the love of all those who bathe in it. Kos is an island reserve inhabited by rare species of birds and is considered the cleanest of all sea ​​resorts


Diving lovers will find their happiness in Zakynthos - it is rich in bays, underwater grottoes and caves, and for lovers of hiking - forests and groves of olive trees.

Miami It is included in the top sea resorts in the world and for good reason. From the colorful film frames you can appreciate unprecedented beauty

this place. The Atlantic Ocean washes the snow-white sandy beaches

, and on the horizon it is impossible to discern where the water turns into the azure sky. In addition, on the shores of Miami you can relax well both day and night; after dark, the metropolis dazzles with lights and some kind of unreal, magical life that you can and should touch.

Nightclubs of any format and level of luxury, beach parties will not let lovers of such a holiday get bored.

A wide range of housing prices makes vacation affordable for both influential businessmen and students. You can stay in either an elite hotel or a modest but comfortable hostel.

Shopping is one of the most popular activities for ladies during the day; men in Miami prefer surfing the waves on boards.

Romantic places

There are places on the planet that seem to have been specially created in order to go there on a honeymoon. Europe is especially rich in such places.

France I don’t want to be banal, but France is still the Mecca of all lovers. It’s not worth talking about Paris: you can’t visit this country and not stand at the foot of Eiffel’s creation, or drink a cup of coffee at Champs Elysees, do not see the Louvre and the Cathedral

Notre Dame of Paris - a real crime. Strasbourg is very interesting - german city

on the territory of France.

Its streets are imbued with the Renaissance: wooden ancient houses, multi-stage gables, an abundance of flowers and cozy courtyards.

The city is built at the mouth of the Ile, and through it there are many wide and narrow canals connecting its waters with the Rhine. Austria

The capital of Austria, Vienna, is elegant, aristocratic and sophisticated. It wouldn't be wrong to call it the most sophisticated German-speaking city. Its sights are worth seeing at least once in your life., the magnificent Habsburg family residence, where today the president of the country is located, the town hall and the adjacent park, the museum quarter and the 65-meter wheel, from which the whole of Vienna can be seen at a glance.

These are only some of the places that are worth visiting and taking pictures against their background.


Lviv is striking in how much it differs from other Ukrainian regional centers. Its history goes back more than 8 centuries, each of which gave the city of Leo its own unique architectural highlights.

The most popular point among tourists is the Market Square, paved with stone paving stones, surrounded by ancient buildings and the tallest town hall tower in the country - it perfectly conveys the amazing and original atmosphere of the entire city.

You should not pass by the S. Krushelnitskaya Theater. Its exterior architecture is as beautiful as its interior design. Ukrainian and visiting artists, musicians, orchestras give performances in the theater, classical and modern ballets and operas are staged. In summer, Lviv looks especially attractive. Its Armenian quarter, the High Castle, the Pharmacy Museum, an Italian courtyard and a fashionable restaurant focused on the national product - lard - are worthy of attention.

Here they create real masterpieces from it, and not only culinary ones; in the near future they plan to add a themed art center to the restaurant.

Exotic countries

If during your summer honeymoon you want to enjoy not only the first days of your new family status, but also a completely different and unusual environment, then a good solution would be to fly to some exotic resort or visit a little-known corner of the Earth that is not popular with tourists.


A holiday here promises the newlyweds many magnificent photographs.

Rampage flora, clear water, sea boulders like giants coming ashore, giant palm trees and turtles - all this encourages you not to let go of your camera or use the services of a professional who can arrange not only a daytime, but also a nighttime photo session for the newly-made spouses.

Each island of this archipelago (and there are more than 100 of them) is beautiful in its own way and deserves to become the place of the first family vacation.

Renting a yacht or scuba diving will help make it even more interesting and romantic. You can even rent a plane with a pilot.

Hotels in the Seychelles are represented by different levels of star rating and, accordingly, prices.

A country of contrasts, where poverty and luxury exist side by side, the squalor of poor neighborhoods and the splendor of mansions.

But at the same time, the sensations from traveling around India remain the most pleasant - perhaps this is due to the special way of life of the local population, or maybe this is the effect of the air, saturated with the aromas of spices, incense and flowers. The south will appeal to lovers of megacities, those who want to see the life of Hindus as it is, touch the culture, centuries-old temples, taste real Indian tea and national cuisine, generously seasoned with spices.

The people here are softer and friendlier than in the northern part of the country. But in the north of India there is one of its many pearls - Rajasthan. This state seems to be all about majestic and ancient palaces, the most famous of which is the Taj Mahal.

The state of Uttarkhand is located popular resorts with hotels, stunning scenery and ski holidays.


Who said that an exotic country must necessarily be located near the equator, be warm and sunny?

Those couples who do not like heat and are not looking for standard solutions will definitely appreciate Iceland with its harsh and pristine beauty. It is equally good to relax there in winter and summer.

Rafting down a stormy river, fishing, taking excursions in a jeep and hiking - if these offers delight the newlyweds, and the wife is ready to leave her suitcase with dresses and dress shoes at home and instead put on clothes for tourism, then Iceland is ideal choice.

Its nature will not leave even experienced travelers indifferent, but you will have to fight for the right to see the best, so it is recommended to have a classic paper map with you and not to trust Google maps and others like them.

Here are the 10 most popular romantic honeymoon destinations:

Another pressing issue is car rental: a good quality SUV will cost a hefty sum, everything else is at affordable rates.

A honeymoon is not only an opportunity to see new places, bring back a lot of photos and expand your personal travel map. Still, first of all, the honeymoon is a time when loving people can make the most of their new position as husband and wife and each other’s company. Therefore, when choosing a place to relax, it is necessary to take into account the tastes and desires of both partners. Have you ever had a honeymoon? Where have you been and what was the most memorable?

Romantic trip to Rome, Antalya, Cyprus. Why are trips to the Maldives, Egypt and Thailand interesting? Romantic honeymoon in European countries.

– continuation of the wedding in a special setting. Going on a honeymoon means forgetting all your problems, being left alone, relaxing together after a stormy wedding, plunging into a fairy tale for two, getting a lot of pleasant impressions, and visiting another country. The entire Earth. Finding where to go on your honeymoon in July is not particularly difficult.

A honeymoon will allow newlyweds to get to know each other better this month

Where to go in July and what sights to see

Italy is the place to go on your honeymoon in June. A mild climate, modern culture, a warm, calm sea and not many people are what you need for a family holiday. A honeymoon trip to Rome is full of romance, unforgettable beauty, there are many places where you can have fun, have a blast, and dance.

A great place to go on a honeymoon in July is Türkiye.

For lovers of romance or where to go in June

Cyprus. To the question, where to go on honeymoon in June? – one answer – Aphrodite’s Bay. A gorgeous beach coast, beautiful pink oleanders, rocks, a picturesque grotto, plants tied with ribbons - everything that makes it worth visiting here.

You will spend an unforgettable honeymoon in Cyprus!

The sign of Aphrodite's Bay: a ribbon tied together and a wish always made is the secret of unquenchable love.

The Canaries will give you an unforgettable honeymoon. Located in Atlantic Ocean islands, unusual climate, huge coastline and magical beaches.

Where to spend a honeymoon in July for fans of the exotic

When deciding the issue, many newlyweds give preference to the islands. Maldives with their unique shores, warm clear waters Indian Ocean– simply a paradise for lovers to relax. On your honeymoon, you can relax and enjoy the emerald water, white sandy beach and unusual aroma, surrender to the power of love - all this in the Maldives in July at affordable prices.

A romantic holiday for newlyweds in a country where unique tales of the East come to life - Egypt. I can't think of a better place to spend a honeymoon in July. The Red Sea with white sands, caressing waves, tranquility and unique beauty.

One of best places for honeymoon - Egypt

Among young married couples, holidays in Thailand are common. It attracts with its secluded corners. Trip to New Zealand is remembered for the irresistible beauty of tropical forests and the unsurpassed richness of flora and fauna. Wide beaches and visiting mountain glaciers in 30 degree heat bring particular pleasure.

Be sure to read

Honeymoon in Bali in the arms of the Indian Ocean

Romance of Europe: where to honeymoon in June

Inexpensive places to go on a honeymoon in June - definitely a tour of beautiful Europe. So you can visit many cities, see how diverse the architecture is, interesting landscapes, visit famous museums, various cafes, try the national dishes of each country. Where to go on your honeymoon in July? – of course Paris! A trip to France is a real pleasure. A trip to this romantic city will remain in your memory for a lifetime. It is impossible to forget all this:

  • Shining Eiffel Tower,
  • Champs Elysees,
  • Church of Sainte-Chapelle,
  • city ​​- monument to Versailles,
  • romantic french music,
  • evening dim lights,
  • delicious dishes and reasonable prices,
  • a wall of love on which confessions are written in more than 300 languages.

Visit Venice and ride gondolas through incredibly narrow streets, listen to unforgettable legends about the unique Rome, see the fabulous grandeur of the ruins ancient Acropolis– such a honeymoon will be remembered with warmth and a bright smile on your face.

The newlyweds will remember their honeymoon in Venice for a long time!

You can spend your honeymoon in June or July anywhere in the world and get an unforgettable experience.

Don't limit yourself to just holiday options abroad. In Russia there is a lot of summer and winter worthy places. Which direction to choose and how to plan everything correctly so that only pleasant memories remain about your honeymoon?

Take care of your tickets and accommodation in advance. It is better to book them as early as possible, then the probability of finding good options will be very high.

In addition to official websites, you can study information about tickets and book them profitably on aggregator websites. If you need air travel, it is convenient to compare ticket prices, for example,

Train tickets can be viewed at,, onlineticket.rf.

The service will help you book a hotel Here you can see a variety of options, prices, as well as see photos of rooms and ratings from previous guests.

Where to go?

Perhaps the most difficult thing is to decide on the direction. So, where is the best place to spend a long-awaited vacation after the wedding? Let's look at the most popular places in Russia.

If you want to relax on the beach by the sea, then you can choose Black Sea coast or Crimea peninsula.

You can visit these destinations from the beginning of June to mid-September. In summer and early autumn the sea is warm and the weather is usually good. During peak season (July-early August) prices increase significantly. Which cities should you pay attention to?


Sochi – large resort city with developed infrastructure. It will be interesting to come here even in winter. Lovers skiing snow slopes will delight you in the Krasnaya Polyana area.

It is more convenient to get to Sochi by plane. There are direct flights from many Russian cities. international Airport It is remote from the capital, but buses, minibuses and trains go to it regularly. The train journey is quite long: it will take about two days to travel from Moscow.

Accommodation. There are more than 600 hotels, many sanatoriums, boarding houses and recreation centers in Sochi. You can also choose a suitable housing option in the private sector. The following hotels are in demand for optimal price-quality ratio: “Wind Rose”, “Marianna”, “Sochi Breeze SPA-hotel”, “Falcon”, “Sonata”, “Esthete” and etc.

What to do? You won't be bored in Sochi. Entertainment can be chosen to suit every taste:

Newlyweds can be recommended to take walks in picturesque places, for example, in the park “Riviera”, Yew-boxwood grove, Sochi arboretum. Hiking and horseback riding in the foothills of the Caucasus, river rafting, rock climbing and canyoning are suitable for fans active rest.


Anapa – resort area on the southwestern part of the Black Sea coast. The pleasant climate, sandy beaches, and healing springs attract tourists here.

Not far from Anapa in the village of Vityazevo is located airport, which receives guests from major cities Russia. You can quickly get to Anapa itself by taxi or regular bus.

Train travel from Moscow or St. Petersburg will be extended about 40 hours. You can also get to the resort by bus. Bus tours valid from June to October. The bus station is located in the very center of the city, from where it is easy to get to the most popular places.

Accommodation. You can choose a room in a hotel or hotel, a trip to a sanatorium or recreation center, accommodation in the private sector or rented apartment. For newlyweds, hotel offers will be more relevant: "ErGes", "Anapa", "Captain of the Seas", "De Paris", "Lamanche".

Attention! Some hotels also include a buffet in the price.

What to do?

  • Water parks, oceanariums, dolphinariums, penguinarium.
  • Dinosaur park, crocodile farm.
  • Sailing yacht trips.
  • Quad bike safari.
  • Tourist flights.
  • Horse rides.


Novorossiysk is a large industrial hero city and the largest port on the Black Sea. It is less focused on tourism, so during the peak season it compares favorably in prices with neighboring resort towns.

It is not possible to get to Novorossiysk directly by plane. The nearest airports are in Anapa and Gelendzhik. The most popular option is traveling by train. Travel time will be 20-40 hours. You can also use your personal car.

Accommodation. The number of mini-hotels and private hotels on the coast is not so large. The hotels are located quite far from the sea. For beach lovers, apartments in the village of Aleksino are more suitable. For a honeymoon, it is better to use the services of hotels: “Southern”, “Impromptu”, “Dublin”, Morskoy”, “Vinoterria”.

View of the coast near Novorossiysk

What to do?

  • Excursions (cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov", to Abrau-Dyurso, Plesetskaya Shchel, to the Mishoko extreme park).
  • Active recreation (jeeping to the Mezmaya waterfalls, hiking to Mount Sorcerer, hiking to the canyon of the Beshenka River).
  • Boat trips.
  • Wildlife park, dolphinarium.
  • Museums, galleries, theaters.


Crimea is increasingly attracting the attention of vacationers. The peninsula is washed by the Black and Seas of Azov. The climate here is favorable and healthy, scenic spots, interesting sights.


Sevastopol is a hero city, sea ​​port, cultural and historical center of Crimea.

How to get there?

  • By plane to Simferopol, and from there by bus or train.
  • You can get there by train from all major cities of Russia.
  • You can get there even a little faster by intercity bus than by train.

Accommodation. There are quite a lot of possibilities for accommodation: hotel complexes, mini-hotels, guest houses, villas. Newlyweds will appreciate inexpensive and comfortable hotels: "Optima Sevastopol", "Beryozka South", "Fort Hotel", "Lazur", "Sonis".

What to do?

  • Excursions (“Ancient outskirts of Sevastopol”).
  • Water park, oceanarium, dolphinarium.
  • Boat trips, windsurfing, diving.
  • Sports clubs.
  • Cinemas, nightclubs, bowling alleys.


Yalta is the unofficial capital of the Crimean resorts. Beach season lasts from late May to mid-October. The most pleasant weather is in September-October.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to get to Yalta without transfers. By plane and train you will first have to get to Simferopol, and then by train, bus or taxi to Yalta. Some intercity buses They run directly to Yalta, but there are few such flights, and the travel time is quite long.

Accommodation. Most of the housing is represented by mini-hotels and the private sector, but there are also comfortable hotels (4 stars). Available options can be found in hotels: “Crimean”, “Crimea”, “Imperial 2011”, “Forest”.

What to do?

  • Excursions ( bird home, Livadia Palace, Uchan-Su waterfall, Mount Ai-Petri).
  • Active recreation (bike tour, paragliding, quad bikes).
  • Boat trips, fishing, diving.
  • Wine degustation.
  • Museums (A.P. Chekhov, M. Pugovkina, “Glade of Fairy Tales”).


Balaklava is a small town ideal for a beach holiday. A pleasant climate, many beaches, historical sights and modern infrastructure - everything attracts here.

You can get to Balaklava from Simferopol or Sevastopol on regular buses . The journey will take about 40 minutes.

Accommodation. It offers vacationers luxury and budget hotels, mini-hotels, private sector. Available options can be found in hotels "Mriya", "Homer", "Dakkar", "Dionysus", guest house"Kuprinn".

What to do?

  • Beach holidays, diving and wreck diving.
  • Excursions (Skelskaya cave, Genoese fortress Chembalo, cave city Chufut-Kale, Khan's palace in Bakhchisarai).
  • Sea excursions to Cape Aya.
  • Walking in the mountains on off-road vehicles.
  • Horseback riding, a trip to the Miracle Donkey farm.

Balaklava (Crimea)


Evpatoria is a resort in the west of Crimea. It is preferable to travel by train. Unfortunately, direct communication is not established with all cities (the exceptions are Moscow and St. Petersburg), so you will have to go first to Simferopol. You can also get there by plane from Moscow.

Accommodation. There are a lot of offers. In addition to the hotel sector, there are sanatoriums, boarding houses, health resorts, and cottages. Convenient options for newlyweds: hotels “Ritsk”, “Liana”, mini-hotels “Lime”, “On Primorskaya”, “Absolut” Evpatoria.

Important! For stays of less than a week, a room per night will cost more. The longer the period, the cheaper the cost may be.

What to do?

  • Excursions (“Little Jerusalem”, Tekie Dervish monastery, city tours).
  • Rope park, equestrian club, diving center.
  • Resort park named after Frunze.
  • Sights (Karaite kenas, Juma-Jami mosque, St. Elias temple).
  • Museums (“Kara-Tobe”, “Gezlev Gate”, “Crimea in Miniature” park).

Saint Petersburg

If you are not so drawn to the sea, then you can go to cultural capital- Saint Petersburg. The city attracts with its architectural and historical monuments. It is interesting at any time of the year, but the most pleasant months to visit are May to mid-September. You can get to St. Petersburg by train, bus, or private car from any city in Russia.

Accommodation. The city is quite expensive, but you can choose good options from the housing offers. For example, "Capital Hotel", "Democrat", hotel "Golden Mean", mini-hotel "Egoist".

What to do?

  • Sights (Peterhof, Hermitage, Winter Palace, Summer Garden, Kunstkamera, Vasilyevsky Island, various museums).
  • Helicopter excursions.
  • Water park "Piterland".
  • Zoos.
  • Walking along the canals, watching the bridges being raised.


If you are not a resident of Moscow, then why not go on your honeymoon there? The bustling capital has a lot to offer.

Accommodation There are various options, but there are not many budget ones among them. You can stay, for example, in a hotel "Slavyanka", hotels "Cosmos", "Sevastopol Modern", "Voskhod", "Tourist".

What to do?

  • Excursions (Red Square, Kremlin, Poklonnaya Gora, Novodevichy Convent, Kolomenskoye).
  • Walks (Gorky Park, Neskuchny Garden, Hermitage Garden, Tsaritsyno).
  • Museums, galleries, exhibitions.
  • Zoos, aquariums, circuses.
  • Theaters ( Grand Theatre, “Sovremennik”, Pushkin Theater).
  • Restaurants, nightclubs, bars.

Skyscrapers Moscow City, Moscow

Golden Ring and Volga

Attracts the attention of travelers cities on the Volga and Golden ring . Ancient cities include Uglich, Plyos, Myshkin, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Sergiev Posad, Kolomna, Ivanovo, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Vladimir and Suzdal.

These cities are famous for their ancient temples, monasteries, and handicraft workshops. You can create your own travel itinerary and go on a honeymoon tour by car, bus or train; you can buy a tour along the Volga and at the same time enjoy the picturesque landscapes or purchase a ready-made excursion program at a travel agency.

Sergiev Posad


Also located on the banks of the Volga ancient city Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan is very original, combining the cultures of East and West. There is a direct connection from Moscow and St. Petersburg: you can get there by plane (in just a couple of hours), by train or bus (about 20 hours). Cruise ship tours last 5-7 days.

There are many budget hotels in Kazan: "Crystal", "Ostrovsky", "TatarInn", "Olympus", "Volga".

What to do?

  • Walks (parks: Gorky, Black Lake, Kyrlay).
  • Observation platforms.
  • Waterpark Riviera".
  • Excursions (Kul-Sharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve, Syuyumbike Tower).

Kul Sharif Mosque, Kazan

Staraya Russa

Staraya Russa– a historical and cultural center and health resort in the Novgorod region. It is easier to get to it by personal transport. The journey from Moscow will take about 7 hours. This city will appeal to newlyweds interested in ancient cultural monuments.

You can visit the Resurrection Cathedral, the churches of St. George the Victorious, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Life-Giving Trinity, the house-museum of F.M. Dostoevsky, Muravyovsky fountain, Tsaritsynsky spring.


A honeymoon trip to Karelia is suitable for lovers of picturesque landscapes. She is beautiful at any time of the year.

The main airport is located in Petrozavodsk. You can also get there by train or bus.

Accommodation will be quite expensive. There are large hotels only in the capital. Budget rooms can be found in hotels “Onega Castle”, “Verkhovye”, “Tourist Inn”, hotel "Zarechnaya".


  • walks,
  • excursions,
  • fishing,
  • jeep tours,
  • river rafting,
  • snowmobile safari.


Astrakhan is the Caspian capital of Russia. Attracts lovers of historical sights and active recreation. Get there from Moscow you can by train (1 day), plane (2.5 hours) or river liner as part of a cruise. There are hotels and mini-hotels for the average budget and economy options: “Pike”, “Bonotel”, “Azimuth”, “Astra”, “Fairy Tale”.


Altai – mountain region, will appeal to active travelers. Getting to Altai is already an adventure: there is no airport or train station there. Options with transfers in large cities (Novosibirsk, Barnaul) are possible. Basically you have to go by bus or car. Accommodation is quite expensive, it is better to pay attention to the private sector: mini-hotels “Ostrovok”, “Golden Sands”, recreation centers “Grace”, “Alatyr Altai”.



The Republic of Tuva (capital Kyzyl) is very unique, even somewhat exotic place, borders Mongolia, Buryatia, Khakassia. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains. Tuva has air, river and bus connections.

Unfortunately, the infrastructure in Kyzyl is not so developed, that’s why comfortable places not too much for living. Interesting option - yurt complex "Biy-Khem" in the village of Kara-Khat.

Seliger or Baikal

You can enjoy the beauty of nature and active recreation on lakes Seliger and Baikal. The first is located in the Tver region, almost 400 km from Moscow, the second - in the south of Eastern Siberia. Of course, getting to Baikal is more difficult. First you need to get to the nearby cities: Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude or Severobaikalsk.



Kaliningrad – The largest city on the shore Baltic Sea. The pleasant climate, sea, and interesting sights will make your honeymoon in Kaliningrad unforgettable. The best way to get to Khrabrovo airport is by plane..

This way you can avoid red tape with documents that may be required to cross the border. By train you will have to travel through Belarus or Lithuania. There will be no problems with accommodation if you book rooms in advance, for example, in hotels: “Dona”, “Agora”, “Golden Bay”, “NK”.



Kamchatka is a unique region where they dominate volcanoes and glaciers, geysers and hot springs, rivers, waterfalls and lakes. It is suitable for both nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.

The only way to get to Kamchatka is by plane. There is an airport in the city of Elizovo, not far from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There are enough options for your stay, but they are not very comfortable. Basically, these are apartments or rental housing.

Volcano Koryaksky, Kamchatka

Pros and cons of a honeymoon in Russia

So, it turned out that there are many places for a honeymoon in Russia. Let's try to evaluate the honeymoon in our country.


  1. An opportunity to learn about the history and culture of your homeland.
  2. Possibility to travel with your own transport, independently.
  3. Comfortable. If one of the spouses cannot leave the country due to duty.
  4. No passport or visa required.
  5. In some cities, services are relatively inexpensive.


  1. Insufficiently developed infrastructure in some cities.
  2. Disproportional ratio of cost and level of service. You can often vacation abroad cheaper.
  3. Remoteness of places, travel with transfers.
  4. High ticket prices.


Depending on the destination, the cost of traveling in Russia will vary. So, a week of vacation on the Black Sea coast or in Crimea will cost two people 70000-100000 rubles Honeymoon in St. Petersburg – from 50,000 rubles. Golden Circle Tour (5 days) – from 30000-40000 rubles Remote places will cost more, for example, Kamchatka - from 100000 rubles

Attention! The average cost is based on prices for travel, accommodation and entertainment.

Video: Crimea or Sochi?

Video blogger Alena Bordovskaya compares Crimea and Sochi:

When planning your honeymoon, decide on what will interest both of you. If you are striving for the sea, then choose the Black Sea coast. Are you interested in history? pay attention to ancient cities (Golden Ring, Staraya Russa). Do you want active recreation and unity with nature? Go to Karelia or Altai.

A wedding is the most important event for every person. It is best to start a new family life with pleasant and happy moments. If earlier spending a honeymoon abroad was considered wasteful, now it has become almost a tradition. OMORO will tell you where to go on your honeymoon, and also name the best resort destinations for newlyweds.

Of course, the trip should be planned in advance so that in the pre-wedding bustle you are not distracted by the choice of country or coast. The main thing that lovers must immediately decide on is to spend fabulous holiday abroad or in Russia. We are sure that after reading this article, your dreams will take on real shape, and your honeymoon will be delightful and unforgettable!

10 Budget places

A luxurious honeymoon is not always inaccessible and expensive. Below we list the best resort destinations where you can travel inexpensively to enjoy romance and spend time together.

Sochi, Russia

It's beautiful here at any time of the year. Today Sochi can provide newlyweds with a huge selection of wedding and travel services, in no way inferior in quality to foreign resorts. In summer, newlyweds are attracted here by the Black Sea, and in winter by the snowy peaks of Krasnaya Polyana.

Sochi is famous for its vast and fascinating green areas. Be sure to visit the garden museum, dendrological park and yew-boxwood grove. Gorgeous first family photos are guaranteed there.

Tbilisi, Georgia

Not going here means not seeing the place that God intended for himself, but left for the Georgians (folk wisdom). Ancient Tbilisi literally captivates with its energy and gives you the opportunity to touch something eternal. The smell of freshly baked bread, ancient colorful streets, Italian courtyards and iconic places They will captivate newlyweds with their beauty.

Important! You can come to Georgia all year round, but keep in mind that the best time to admire the beauty of mountains and cities is in spring and autumn. From May to August, temperatures can reach extreme values ​​of +35 – +40 and you can only escape the heat on the seashore.

Santorini, Greece

An amazing island that arose as a result of volcanic activity. Newlyweds come here to enjoy the view of historical sights and feel the beauty of nature. In Greece you can plunge into the purest waters Aegean Sea, visit thermal springs, and in the evening admire the amazing sunsets from anywhere on the island. Narrow streets and snow-white houses will create a unique romantic atmosphere for your wedding weekend.

Goa, India

This is an Indian state that is considered the most attractive for tourists in the entire Asian region. Goa is divided into two parts - South and North.

In the southern part:

  • gorgeous white beaches;
  • high quality service;
  • cozy hotels;
  • boat trips;
  • complete relaxation and solitude with your loved one.

The northern part is the complete opposite. Here, just like in Cuba, incendiary parties, discos and festivals are constantly held. Night life this region is simply in full swing.

Prices for goods and services in the northern part of Goa are significantly lower than in the southern part. Therefore, here you can organize an excellent wedding celebration at an affordable price.

Pattaya, Thailand

This is a country of opposites. Here, pristine landscapes intertwine with concrete jungles, and Buddhist temples adjacent to noisy clubs. Pattaya is an exciting city, a visit to which any couple will forever remember. The first half of June is the cheapest for tour operators, because at this time of year jellyfish appear in the water and the rainy season passes.

Advice! While vacationing in Thailand, order a symbolic wedding ceremony. Say your vows in the orchid garden, on board a yacht or on snow-white beach. Memories like these will warm your hearts for the rest of your life.

Paphos, Cyprus

There is nothing more romantic than the island where, according to legend, Aphrodite herself, the Goddess of Love, was born. The wedding ceremony of King Richard and Berengaria, and then her coronation, also took place here.

Warm sandy beaches will help you escape from the hustle and bustle and truly embrace the new stage of your life. Cozy feasts under open air and leisurely walks on a yacht are only a small part of what awaits lovers in Cyprus.

History buffs will be able to visit legendary castles, mythical kingdoms, as well as numerous museums and galleries.

Antalya, Türkiye

The resort dazzles visitors with its extraordinary harmony of aromas. Amazing relict plants growing only here and clear sea water make Turkey an ideal choice for a first family trip. Antalya leads among all other cities in the country in terms of the number sunny days per year. Already in March you can enjoy a full summer holiday here.

Monastir, Tunisia

Unforgettable Mediterranean Sea home business card countries. Palm trees, snow-white hotels and emerald pools will transport lovers into an atmosphere of bliss and peace.

More active couples will be able to do:

  • surfing;
  • parachute flights;
  • camel riding;
  • hunting;
  • fishing.

Watching the sunrise in the Sahara leaves one of the most powerful impressions of the trip. Be sure to get acquainted with the “Mother of all deserts” by choosing tourist trip on ATVs or jeeps.

Nha Trang, Vietnam

Turquoise ocean and tropical greenery - what else is needed for real happiness? And also delicate exoticism and luxurious story photo shoots.

Here you can:

  • experience beach bliss;
  • touch ancient relics;
  • admire the nature of the tropics;
  • buy real pearls;
  • try the local extravagant cuisine.

Here you can order a special service for newlyweds - a romantic evening on desert island in Ha Long Bay.

Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

One of the most budget destinations abroad. People fly here to bask in the warm sun even in February. Red Sea, luxury hotels and national reserves with mango trees will give young people an unforgettable cruise.

Important! Be sure to bring special beach shoes! Not all beaches allow you to swim barefoot, the reason for this is corals.

10 Expensive Places

Next list paradises for couples who are not limited in cash. And also for lovers who are planning to spend their honeymoon in the best exotic corners of the world or on a tour of Europe.

Giravaru, Maldives

Lovers fly here to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend their honeymoon in a luxurious place. In the Maldives, newlyweds can relax in secluded villas, try a gastronomic menu or go on an underwater adventure. Almost every hotel has SPA services for couples: relaxing massages, beauty treatments, as well as rituals for complete relaxation.

Advice! When visiting the Maldives, be sure to check out the underwater glass restaurant, which is located 6 meters underwater.

Florence, Italy

This country is like a piece of a fairy tale, photographs from which will warm the young family for a long time. Not without reason, from 65% to 80% of everything is concentrated in Italy cultural heritage humanity. Florence is a very romantic city. Here, in the evenings, married couples can stroll along the historical streets, ride in carriages around the city center, or pose for portraits on the embankment.

Nusa Dua, Bali

Upscale beach holidays, as well as the most popular place for marriage ceremonies. Almost all five-star villas are equipped with special suites for newlyweds. Hotel workers decorate the rooms with flowers and fruits. They can organize pleasant surprises, for example: a bath with rose petals or a romantic dinner.

Important! February is the rainy season in Bali, but even through the clouds the sun shines. So don't forget to use sunblock to avoid getting sunburned!

Paris, France

Worldwide famous city love and romance. The most interesting district of the capital is Montmartre.

The most visited places by tourists are concentrated here:

  • cabaret "Moulin Rouge";
  • Salvador Dali Museum;
  • Place Pigalle;
  • Theater Square;
  • Swap meet;
  • Wall of Love;
  • historical Museum.

Take an evening stroll along the banks of the Seine River and then head up to the Arc de Triomphe for fantastic views of Paris.

The Eiffel Tower is the visiting card of the city. Be sure to take a selfie together with her in the background.

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has literally everything. Beaches, culture, historical value and natural resources. This is a real gift for newlyweds, where you can fly all year round. Punta Cana has tropical gardens and luxury hotels. Crystal clear water, fine sand and exotic fruits will satisfy even the most demanding couples.

In September there are often heavy rains, due to which the price of tours this season is much lower.

Mahe, Seychelles

Is dinner under the stars by the ocean your dream? Then go to one of the islands in the Seychelles and spend your first family trip in absolute solitude from the whole world. Explore the island, which is all yours. Cool off in the ocean and relax in the shade of the palm trees.

Book a helicopter flight from MAE airport. This way you can see the most picturesque reefs and marine park from a bird's eye view.

Prague, Czech Republic

Luxurious Old city. It is easy to get around on foot in Prague. Many zoos, parks, castles and other attractions. Delicious beer and food. On central square life is in full swing. You can walk in circles on it for hours and look at buildings and structures from side to side.

Charles Bridge is the most popular attraction in Prague. From it you can feed the swans and take wonderful photographs as a souvenir.

Saint John, Virgin Islands, USA

You can go here for active or relaxing holiday together. The national park has excellent coastlines with coral reefs for diving. Excursions to the mountain ranges – Kemelberg and Mami offer impressive scenery, but are physically quite strenuous.

Advice! The 4th of July is Independence Day in Saint John and the celebrations with fireworks last for a whole week.

Ilha Grande, Brazil

The main value of the island is its picturesque beaches and natural attractions. A huge number of cozy establishments for visitors have been built here. Local towns are miniature and colorful; a lot of sightseeing tours are often organized around them.

Ilha Grande deservedly prides itself on being one of the cleanest islands in the world. Rainforests and waterfalls attract travelers from all over the world.

Wiesbaden, Germany

This is the oldest thermal resort in Europe. The climate is moderate, the average temperature in April is +15 degrees. In Wiesbaden, lovers should definitely see the Schlossplatz palace square, which houses the palace and the buildings of the Old and New Town Halls. And you need to take the funicular up to Mount Neroberg to see a breathtaking view of the city.


As you can see, the choice tourist destinations quite big. The main thing is to plan all expenses in advance and calculate how many days off you need to take. Pay special attention to the documents and remember that visas for some countries must be obtained in advance. Don't forget to take a first aid kit with you and find out details about the customs and climate of your chosen resort.

We wish you a cloudless honeymoon, as well as a long and happy life together!