How to get from Milan airport to genoa. Genoa cruise port

Since I was in Italy just in the season of sales, my friends and I decided to go to the Italian fashion capital Milan. It is located 142 km from Genoa, so you can get here in just 1.5-2 hours.

By car

It takes 1.5 hours to cover the distance between Genoa and Milan. You need to go along the A-7 road. The track is very good and has a high quality surface. Road markings are applied everywhere, there are road signs with international symbols.

It is possible to bypass the toll motorway, but I do not recommend doing this, as the road will take much longer, and you will simply spend more money on gasoline.

What is the price?

Travel on the highway will cost 9.80 euros.

To travel from Genoa to you will need about 14 liters of fuel, which will cost 21-22 euros in Italy.

If you are not traveling by private car, then the cost of renting it (from 30 euros per day) and the need to pay a deposit of about 500 euros will be added to the costs.

Also, don't forget to find free parking in Milan it is almost impossible, so you have to pay 10-15 euros for parking.

Thus, a trip by car will cost 30-60 euros, depending on the need for a brother to rent a car.

By plane

To get from Genoa to is possible only with a transfer. Given the short distance between cities, spending at least three hours on a flight is simply pointless. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that the airports are far enough from the city, and you should arrive two to three hours before the end of registration.

By train

Trains run constantly between cities. The first train leaves at 05.42, arriving at Milan Central Station at 07.35. The last train leaves at 21.46, which is convenient for those who came to Genoa to see this city.

You will need to spend about an hour and a half on the way. All trains running between cities are high-speed, so there is no point in overpaying money to get on a faster train - you will save no more than 10-15 minutes.

From Genoa, trains leave from Genova Piazza Principe station, located in the heart of the city. Also, the train makes stops along the way, so you can board it at other railway stations in Genoa.

What is the price?

You can get from Genoa to Milan for 13.25 euros, however, you will have to travel by regional train, and the journey will take about two hours. A ride on the Intercity train will cost around € 20.50, and the Thello just over € 22.

Where can I buy?

I always issue my ticket through the Italian Railways website All information on the portal is presented not only in Italian, but also in English, French and German.

By bus

Italy's policy is aimed at maximum development railway transport, so there are not very many buses between cities. Personally, I found only one flight on the website of the transport company, which departs from Genoa at 19.00. You will be in Milan at 21.00.

In Genoa, the bus station is located on Piazza della Vittoria in the heart of the city.

What is the price?

A bus ticket will cost 17 euros.

Where can I buy?

You can view information on flights between Genoa and Milan on the portal, which brings together information about all carriers in Italy.


The most convenient way to get there is by train. The bus schedule is not very convenient for most travelers, and getting around by car can be difficult in the city center.

Genoa, port italian city and the capital of the region of Liguria, located in the north of Italy, 120 km south of Milan. Having successfully spread out in a picturesque bay on the coast of the Ligurian Sea, Genoa attracts the attention of tourists no less than Milan itself - the main financial and economic center of the country and just a beautiful settlement in the northern part of the Apennine Peninsula.

Self-guided travel from Milan to Genoa and back by train

The fastest way to cover the distance between Milan and Genoa is by train. A comfortable high-speed express train runs between these two cities. Are the tickets for the first class carriage cost? 25, the second -? 18.50. The Milan - Genoa train departs from Milano Centrale central station in Milan every hour at 10 minutes and arrives at railway station Genoa Genova Piazza Principe in exactly 01:32. The return train schedule "Genoa - Milan" is designed in such a way that they leave at 19 minutes every hour.

In addition, there is another, however, less high-speed train "Milan - Genoa", staying on the way for about two hours. First class ticket price -? 17.80, the second -? 11.45. Departures from Milan train station at: 06.25, 07.25, 12.25, 14.25, 16.25 and 18.25. The return express train leaves Genoa at 07.53, 13.41, 15.44 and 17.43. Regardless of which train you choose, traveling on any of them does not seem tiresome at all. The road is very picturesque, especially where it passes through the gorges and the most beautiful areas of Genoa.

Travel from Milan to Genoa by car

Another way to make a transfer from Milan to Genoa and back is by taxi or a rented car. Along the chic Italian motorway A7-E62 "Genoa - Milan", the distance along which between the two cities is 140 km, you can get from one point to another in an hour and a half.

Will a one-way taxi cost? 200-250, respectively, round trip -? 400-500. So if you want to save money, you should think about renting a car. For comparison, does the daily car rental, for example, Opel CORSA or Renault CLIO, cost on average? 140. In addition to general budget travel should add fuel costs. On average, with a consumption of 10 liters of fuel per 100 km, even at the maximum cost of one liter of gasoline (grade 98), what is? 2, for a one-way trip you need? 28. In total, will the round trip cost in a rented car? 200, which is twice as cheap as a taxi.

Air travel

The flight "Genoa - Milan", the air distance between which is 119 km, does not provide for direct flights. Taking into account the inevitability of transfers and the high cost of the air ticket, it is not at all profitable to get from Milan to Genoa and back by plane. For example, a connecting flight in Rome, which takes a total of 3 hours, costs? 350. A little cheaper, namely? 320 costs a plane ticket connecting in Naples. But, this flight from Milan to Genoa will take you 10 hours. In addition, having arrived at the airport, you still have to spend money on a bus (? 6) or a taxi (from? 10) to get to the historic center of Genoa. The road itself will take half an hour.

Guided tour Milan - Genoa

Another way to travel from Milan to Genoa is a ready-made tour, purchasing which, you will travel by comfortable bus, minibus or car, as well as get acquainted with the sights accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide.

One of the routes of interest to tourists is a tour from Milan to Genoa with a visit to the Serravalle outlet, where you can profitably buy things from famous world brands at a discount of 30 - 70%, and during seasonal sales prices are reduced by another 30-50%. What is the cost of the tour? 450 for a group of up to 6 people, includes:
travel from city to city by minibus;
guided tour of Genoa by car lasting 2.5 hours;
five-hour shopping in a huge outlet. The time can be changed at your request.

One more interesting route covering Milan and Genoa - this is a tour of Northern Italy "Milan - Turin - Genoa". Its cost ranges from? 620 to? 1030 and depends mainly on the number of people traveling. The tour program includes cultural enrichment, shopping and wine tasting, namely:
1 day. Arrival in Milan, transfer from the airport to a three-star hotel located in the city center. Accommodation, free time in Milan and overnight.
2nd day. Breakfast and then walking sightseeing tour in the city. After lunch it is possible independent walk in Milan, optional directions are also organized at will: a shopping tour, a visit to the Pinakothek Brera and the Last Supper. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 3. Breakfast, then free time to visit Lake Maggiore, overnight.
4th day. In the morning, a trip to Turin. Accommodation in a four-star hotel. Guided city tour Russian speaking guide... In the evening, you can dine at one of the historic cafes in the city center. Overnight.
Day 5. Breakfast. Visit to the Royal Residence of Venaria Reale and other historical sites. Wine tasting in Barolo. Overnight.
6th day. Breakfast. Transfer to Genoa by car. On the way, stop at the outlet of the trendy town of Serravalle. Time for shopping. Afternoon - excursion to the Tagliolo castle in the Monferrato area, wine tasting with the possibility of purchasing them. In the evening, arrival at the hotel in Genoa. Overnight.
7th day. Day excursion across Genoa. Return back to Milan by evening train. Arrival and accommodation at the hotel in Milan. Overnight.
Day 8. Transfer to Milan airport, departure.

Regardless of how you decide to travel from Milan to Genoa, in any case, this trip will be unforgettable, because you are lucky enough to learn a lot of new and interesting things, touch historical values, make good shopping and just enjoy the beauty of the Italian land.

Together with this material, they usually read:

Rest in Genoa is an unforgettable pastime in which the doors of cozy comfortable hotels and the best restaurants in the city are open for you. You can also enjoy the sea and the sun on the public and very secluded beaches around Genoa.

You can get from Moscow to Genoa by plane. At the same time, having bought tickets for a regular flight, be prepared for a transfer in another city. And if you are lucky enough to fly charter flight, You can, firstly, save money, and, secondly, get to Genoa much faster.

Shopping is an integral part of the rest of most tourists. When you come to Genoa during the discount season, you can buy things from world famous designers at discounted prices. And when you go shopping at the outlet, you can all year round buy clothes and shoes from previous collections at 30-50% discounts.

Genoa, recognized as the cultural capital of Europe, is interesting for tourists from all over the world for its historical heritage and the spirit of the Middle Ages, preserved in the old city. Many excursions are organized here, both in the historical center of Genoa itself, and in the pearls of the Ligurian coast.

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Briefly about Genoa

Genoa is a city with rich traditions and long history, located on the coast of the Ligurian Sea and is considered the sixth largest city in Italy. In addition, it is the largest seaport Italy and the center of the Ligurian Riviera, being located in the Gulf of Genoa. The historical center of the city is under the protection of UNESCO.

Having a large number of historical and cultural attractions, Genoa is independent tourist center and the "gateway" to the Ligurian Riviera. The tourist infrastructure of the city is considered developed, most of Genoa's attractions are open for inspection, there is a funicular inside the city, and the city's hotel base has about 500 units different categories stars from luxurious five-star hotels to guesthouses and hotels without stars, as well as apartments. Genoa is rightly considered one of the major centers tourism in Italy. Read in a separate article on how to organize your own

Bengt Nyman / Genoa

Weather in Genoa

Genoa has a fairly temperate climate, the warmest month is July, the coldest is January. But even in January, the thermometer stays at plus points, most often in winter in Genoa the weather varies from +9 to +12 degrees. Besides, in winter time precipitation in the form of rain can be observed during the year. Summer in Genoa is warm, the amount of precipitation is insignificant, a cool light breeze blows from the sea. In summer, you can swim on the coast of Liguria, the nearest beaches from Genoa can be found in Recco and Camogli. The local coast is washed by the Ligurian Sea, which in the summer season warms up near the coast to a comfortable +24, +25 degrees.

Spring and autumn in Genoa are great for sightseeing holidays. The air temperature during this period ranges from +15 to +20 degrees, there is precipitation in the form of rain, but more often short-term. In autumn and spring, Genoa is not as hot as in summer, so long walks are possible. On the other hand, there is significantly less rainfall in autumn and spring than in winter, which also contributes to sightseeing vacation... You can read more about the weather in the resorts of Liguria in .

Luca Volpi / Genoa

How to get to Liguria and Genoa

Since Genoa is the administrative center and the most Big City Liguria, then most travels along the Ligurian coast start from here. Of the options for how to get to Genoa, the most popular are direct flights on the Moscow-Genoa plane, as well as direct and interchange flights on the Moscow-Milan plane, since Milan is the closest major city to Liguria with an international airport. The distance between Milan and Genoa is 150 km, which can be easily reached by high-speed train from Milan to Genoa.

Airplane Moscow-Genoa

The most obvious way to get to Genoa from Moscow is to take a direct flight. The advantage of this option is the speed and minimal cost of the flight. The duration of the flight is about 3 hours 45 minutes. Flights are operated from Domodedovo airport by S7 company and from Vnukovo airport by Pobeda company.

Interchange flights are operated by both Russian and European air carriers. AirFrance, Alitalia, Aeroflot, KLM, LuftHansa - all these airlines operate flights with connections in various European cities such as Paris, Rome, Munich, Amsterdam and others. The duration of the flight can vary greatly depending on the duration of the connection itself. You can buy plane tickets to Genoa either at ticket offices or online on search ticket platforms. Aviasales, Buruki and others. You can also use our selection budget air tickets to Genoa from different cities in the special section “ ».

Airplane Moscow-Milan

Compared to Genoa, regular flights from Russia to Milan are more frequent and all-season, which is why often travelers, going to the coast of Liguria, choose their arrival airport milanese malpensa, and from there they get to Genoa and other cities of the coast by train.

You can fly from Moscow to Milan both by direct flight and by a flight with a transfer in one of the European cities. Direct flights are carried out by Aeroflot daily 4 times a day (2 morning flights, 1 lunchtime and 1 evening). Departure airport - Sheremetyevo, arrival airport - Malpensa. Travel time is 3 hours 35 minutes. You can also find tickets in this direction at the Pobeda low-cost airline, but in this case the planes land in Bergamo, which is 60 km from Milan. Departure airport - Vnukovo, travel time is the same - 3 hours 30 minutes.

There are many connecting flights between Moscow and Milan. Flights on this route are operated by the Greek Aegean (transfer in Athens), and AirBaltic (transfer in Riga), and the Czech Republic (transfer in Prague), and Belavia (transfer in Minsk), and Brussels Airlines (transfer in Brussels), and Finnair (transfer in Helsinki). Flight duration can vary greatly depending on the length of the connection.

In addition to Moscow, direct flights to Milan also fly from St. Petersburg (airline Russia). Travel time is about 3 hours 30 minutes. From other cities in Russia, you can get to Milan only with a transfer in Moscow or St. Petersburg, there are no direct flights.

You can buy a ticket to Milan either at ticket offices or online on search ticket platforms Aviasales, Buruki and others. You can also use our selection of budget air tickets to Milan from different cities in the special section " ».

The distance between Milan and Genoa is about 150 km, the fastest way to get from one city to another is by train.

Train Milan-Genoa

The most convenient and fastest way to get on arrival in Milan to the cities of the Ligurian coast, incl. to Genoa, is to take a high-speed train, the schedule can be viewed on the railway service .

1.If you arrive at Malpensa airport, then you can get to the Milan railway station by train (travel time - about 40 minutes, departure from terminal number 1), by shuttle (travel time - 50-60 minutes, depending on traffic situation, departure also from Terminal 1). There is also the option of a direct shuttle bus from Malpensa airport to Genoa, departing once a day at 12.30, suitable only for those who arrive in Milan at about the same time.

If you are arriving in Bergamo (with Pobeda Airlines), you can get to Milan train station by bus (departures every half hour), or by regional train type R or RE (travel time - approximately 50 minutes);

2.Going on Central station Milan - Milano Centrale, you need to change to the train. Trains from Milan to Genoa run from early morning, travel time and ticket prices to Genoa vary depending on the type of train. So, high-speed trains such as IC, EC, ICE will take you to the administrative center of Liguria in just an hour and a half, but the cost will be higher than for trains of the type R, RE (regional), which also cover the distance in 2 hours. From Milan Central Station, trains leave for Genoa every half hour, the route is considered very popular. Tickets can be bought either online on the website , or at the ticket offices of the railway station.

Bus Milan-Genoa

In addition to the train, you can get to Genoa from Milan by regular bus, but it runs only 4 times a day - at 8.15, 12.00, 14.40, 21.00. The bus company operates flights ... Departure from the Lampugnano bus station. Travel time is 2 hours 5 minutes. In Genoa, buses arrive at the Fanti Principe bus station.

Carlo Mirante / Genoa

Public transport in Genoa

Despite the fact that the historical center of Genoa is quite compact and it is most convenient to explore it on foot, public transport in the city is very well developed. In addition to the traditional buses and metro, Genoa's public transport also includes funiculars, lifts and ferries. Funiculars and lifts help navigate the hilly terrain of the city, and ferries navigate the bay. Tickets for travel in Genoa are one-time (100 minutes on any transport) or one-day with an unlimited travel limit. Tickets are purchased from special machines or from kiosks at bus stops.

Car rental in Genoa

Car rental in Genoa is a rather popular option. Most often, tourists and travelers rent a car in Genoa not to get around the city, but to explore the surroundings of Genoa. Getting around the Ligurian coast by car is quite convenient, there is no need to be tied to a schedule public transport... In addition, up to some settlements It is impossible to get to the coast by train (a classic example is the famous Ligurian resort of Portofino and the Abbey of San Fruttuoso), in this case, the car will become a real "lifesaver".

Dana / Streets of Italy

Hotels Genoa, Italy

Genoa hotels are presented in all star categories with a predominance of 4 and 3 star hotels. The pricing policy of hoteliers in the city is considered more democratic in comparison with such tourist centers of Italy as Rome, Milan and Venice. Most of Genoa's hotels are located either in close proximity from the historic center, or on the shore of the bay. When choosing where to stay in Genoa, it is worth considering the location of the hotel. this will help save time on moving around the city.

Grand Hotel Savoia, 5 stars

This five-star hotel has a convenient location - in the immediate vicinity of the Gulf of Genoa and within walking distance from the central railway station, which will be convenient for those who get to Genoa by train. The hotel is housed in an elegant building from the late 19th century, yet equipped with modern features including a jacuzzi, sauna and fitness center. There is also a bar and lounge area on site. There is a children's playground on the territory of the hotel, so the hotel will be convenient for families with children. Parking is available.

All hotel rooms are divided into classic, superior, deluxe and suites. All rooms have air conditioning, free internet access, flat screen TV, safe, hairdryer, minibar. Breakfasts can be included in the price, or, if desired, be paid separately, depending on the type of room. The room rate does not include the city tax (EUR 3 per night per person). The guests of the hotel highly appreciated the cleanliness and comfortable conditions of the rooms, as well as the professionalism of the staff. You can find out more about the availability and cost of staying at the hotel for specific dates on the booking website

NH Collection Genova Marina, 4 stars

Among the hotels in Genoa on the coast, this one enjoys an excellent location. The hotel is located on the bay, within walking distance of attractions such as the Aquarium, the Cathedral of St. Lorenzo and the palaces of Bianco and San Giorgio. The nearest metro station is located within a radius of 250 m. The hotel has a fitness center, restaurant, parking area. The hotel's terrace overlooks the city's old harbor. Most rooms also offer views of the bay. The rooms have air conditioning, minibar, safe, hairdryer, telephone, free Wi-Fi, cable and satellite TV, flat screen TV.

The hotel serves breakfast according to the " Buffet"Included in the room rate. Check-in at the hotel is carried out from 15.00, check-out - until 12.00. The most successful guests of the hotel consider its location, comfortable conditions and cleanliness of rooms. The room rate does not include a city tax of EUR 3 per night per person. You can find out more about the availability and cost of staying at the hotel for specific dates on the booking website

Best Western Porto Antico, 3 stars

This three star hotel located in historic center town, 10 minutes walk from the harbor of Genoa. The metro station is within walking distance of the hotel. The hotel is located in historic building, but at the same time has modern equipment, incl. Wi-Fi operating throughout the hotel. The rooms have TV, air conditioning, safe, hairdryer, minibar, coffee maker. Breakfasts are paid separately. There is a paid car park near the hotel. Check-in at the hotel is carried out from 14.00, check-out - until 11.00.

The most successful hotel guests consider its location, cleanliness of rooms and value for money for the services provided. You can find out more about the availability and cost of staying at the hotel for specific dates on the booking website

La Superba Rooms & Breakfast

This budget bed and breakfast is set in a historic building in the center of Genoa. The aquarium and the old port of the city are within a 3-minute walk from the hotel. Bus stop, metro station and central station are within a radius of 500 meters. Parking is available. The hotel rooms have a balcony overlooking the sea, free wi-fi, air conditioning, TV, hairdryer. Some of the rooms have en-suite bathrooms, some are separate. Breakfasts are included in the room rate.

The hotel regularly receives maximum points from guests for cleanliness, comfort and value for money of the rooms provided. Check-in takes place from 14.30, check-out must be done before 11.00. You can find out more about the availability and cost of staying at the hotel for specific dates on the booking website

Pedro / Genoa

Genoa landmarks

Genoa - ancient city with rich history, on the territory of which many historical and cultural monuments... For a long time throughout its history, Genoa was an independent city-state, and this left an imprint on the appearance modern city... Many ceremonial palaces (the so-called palazzo), cathedrals, churches, squares - a typical picture for Genoa. In addition, Genoa is also one of the largest ports in Italy, without the "port" color and rocky coastal landscapes it is difficult to imagine modern Genoa.

Via Garibaldi

Via Garibaldi is actually considered the main artery of the city, life here has been in full swing for many centuries and continues to boil now. From a tourist point of view, the street is of interest in the sense that the so-called Palazzi di Rolli, or palaces from the list, are located here. In total, there are about 100 palaces in Genoa, and most of them are located just on Via Garibaldi, it is not surprising that this part of the city is included in the list world heritage UNESCO. The most famous buildings of the street are three palazzo - Rosso, Bianco and Tursi, in all there are museums where tourists can easily get.

The street was built in the 16th century according to a complex development project. Most of the buildings are in the style of mannerism. In addition to the three palazzo listed above, the facades of the palaces of Spinola, Clemente, Agostino, Baldassarre, Doria, Durazzo and others are also of interest. In total, there are about 42 palaces on Via Garibaldi, which then continue on Baldi Street and Marose Square.

Luca Volpi / Genoa

In Genoa, it is quite difficult to distinguish the predominance of any one architectural style; many different styles and trends are mixed here. So the Cathedral of San Lorenzo amazes with its gothic ponderousness. This cathedral is already almost 11 centuries old, and its marble striped facades still thrill people who saw it with their own eyes. The interior of the cathedral is also designed in a rather austere style, a mixture of Gothic and Romanesque architecture. Many vaults separate one part of the cathedral from another. Another notable detail of the Cathedral of St. Lorenzo is the fact that the so-called Holy Grail is kept here (or, at least, an ancient vessel, long considered as such and brought from numerous crusades). You can see it in the cathedral's treasury.

The treasury of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo is located underground and consists of several exhibition halls. In the halls you can find, in addition to the sacred vessel, about 500 more exhibits. Among the exhibits you can see both historical objects and objects of art of varying degrees of value. San Lorenzo is considered a functioning Catholic cathedral, therefore it is recommended to follow the rules of appearance and behavior inside the building. In addition, it should be borne in mind that during church services, inspection of the interior decoration of the cathedral and its treasury for tourist purposes will be difficult.

gnuckx / Cathedral of San Lorenzo

The central square of the city is Ferrari Square, named after the Duke de Ferrari, a prominent politician and philanthropist of his time. Many streets of Genoa converge at this point, so walking around the city, you can come across this square more than once. In the center of the square's composition there is a large hemispherical fountain and a monument dedicated to Giuseppe Garibaldi, and around it are the most prominent buildings of the city - the Stock Exchange, the Doge's Palace, the Ges Church, the City Theater and the Museum of the Ligurian Academy fine arts... Each of the buildings is of a certain interest, their styles are often mixed, but at the same time they make up a single composition.

Gesu Church is an interesting structure, both outside and inside. Initially, you might think that this is just another lavishly decorated church, of which there are not so few in Genoa. But it is nevertheless worth going there. In addition to the magnificent gilded interiors and painted domes, there is a real treasure by the standards of art - a collection of paintings by Rubens. When deciding to visit the church, remember that it is active, therefore, inspection of the interiors during services is prohibited.

Matvey Smychkov / Ferrari Square

Palazzo San Giorgio

The history of the San Giorgio Palace goes back many centuries, as its construction dates back to the 13th century. What this building did not manage to serve - as a town hall, and a prison, and a bank, at the moment this building is an administrative building, but its facades are so elegant and painted that something like that is hardly guessed here. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to get inside the building, and it is unlikely that it will be interesting, but it is definitely worth inspecting the outside of the palazzo. The palace is located in the historic center of the city, on Caricamento Square, in close proximity to Ferrari Square and the city's Aquarium.

Luca Galli / San Giorgio

Palazzo Reale, Palazzo Ducale, Palazzo Bianco, Palazzo Rosso, Palazzo Tursi

Reale Palace- one of the best-preserved palazzo on the territory of Genoa, and this concerns not only the external appearance, but also the interior items inside the building. Furniture, paintings, tableware - all have authentic foundations. Palazzo Reale dates back to the 17th century, and many nobles lived here, including the Balbi family, Durazzo and representatives of the Savoy dynasty. The palace itself is made in a lush and somewhat pretentious Rococo style with a wide variety of stucco and other decorations, so that sometimes the eyes run up.

The interior interiors of the palace are made with no less pomp, especially in the Throne Room and mirror gallery, where there is completely carved furniture, many candelabra and painted ceilings. Among the art objects in the palace are paintings, sculptures and frescoes by Italian masters. The inner courtyard of the palazzo is also interesting; here you can find a small pond and landscape figurines of trees and bushes.

The Reale Palace is open to the public every day, except Mondays, from 09.00 to 19.00. The entrance costs 4 euros per person. Location - Via Balbi (within walking distance from the train station and the Aquarium). From the city center you can take buses 20 and 35.

In addition to Palazzo Reale on Calle Balbi, there is also some interest. Basilica of Santissima Annunziata... In addition to its elegant exterior, the cathedral will amaze you with its interior decoration. Among other things, the interiors of Santissima Annunziata are decorated with marble, gilding, wall and ceiling frescoes and paintings, and the vault is supported by many carved columns.

Palazzo Ducale, or the palace of the Doges of Genoa, is the palace that once housed the rulers of Genoa (when it was still a city-state). It is not surprising that the palace is located in the very heart of the city - on Ferrari Square. The construction of the palace took place in the 13th century, since then the building has been well preserved, although it has been restored many times. Currently, the Palazzo Ducale houses a museum - a great opportunity to see the neoclassical interiors of the building from the inside. Of greatest interest inside the palace are the Large and Small Halls, decorated with frescoes and paintings, as well as the chapel, also richly decorated by the 17th century masters. The palace is open daily and receives visitors seven days a week.

Palazzo Bianco, or White palace, once belonged to the powerful Grimaldi family, now it houses an art gallery of Italian and Flemish artists. Caravaggio, Memling, Murillo, Strozzi, Van Dyck, Rubens - the work of all these artists can be seen inside.

Palazzo Rosso, or the Red Palace, once belonged to the Brignoli family. Her descendants inherited numerous "portrait" collections of such masters as Strozzi, Pretty and Van Dyck, as well as interior items such as tapestries, frescoes, and textiles.

Palazzo Tursi also has long history of its existence, and got its name from the surname of a noble family who lived here. Of the remaining valuable items, you can find here collections of coins, pottery, tapestries and Paganini's violins.

edera / Palazzo Reale

Castelletto lookout point

Since Genoa is located on the hills, it is not surprising that there are quite a few natural areas that serve as observation points for residents and visitors of the city. The observation deck of Castelletto is one of the most popular among others. To go upstairs, you must first get to Piazza Portello, where the cherished lift is located upstairs. The Castelletto lookout offers panoramic views not only of the city center (historical and business part), but also of the Genoese harbor. The Castelletto Panorama is a 360-degree view.

Another good observation deck is the roof of Palazzo Rosso, just opposite the Castelletto lookout. But unlike its more popular rival, the observation deck on the roof of the Rosso house is in less demand, and not because of less successful views, but simply because not all tourists know about its existence. It also offers views of the city center and the harbor, just from a slightly different angle. In addition to observation deck on the roof, Palazzo Rosso has beautiful interiors decorated with works of Italian craftsmen. Once the owner of the palace donated the accumulated collections of art objects as a gift to the city, so anyone who has visited the palace can now admire them.

fabrizio.binello / Costelletto

The Genoa Aquarium is one of the city's most popular modern attractions, located right in the Genoese harbor next to the Biosphere, which is also a museum of nature.

The Genoa Aquarium is, in fact, an oceanarium with a huge collection of underwater inhabitants not only of the Ligurian Sea, as one might think, but others as well. water areas... Here you can find penguins, manatees, fur seals, stingrays and, of course, a large collection of a wide variety of fish. Genoa's aquarium is considered one of the largest in all of Europe. On its territory, there are about 70 water reservoirs, and the species of fish and animals correspond to the waters of the Ligurian Sea, Atlantic and Caribbean(This is exactly the distance that Christopher Columbus, a famous native of the Genoese Republic, once covered).

The aquarium is open daily, seven days a week, from 9 am to 8 pm. The cost of an adult ticket is EUR 25, for a child ticket - EUR 15. It is also possible to purchase combo tickets for the Aquarium and Biosphere, another attraction located in the harbor of Genoa. The Biosphere is a kind of tropical botanical garden, where you can also get acquainted with the unique tropical fauna. In addition to the Biosphere, you can also visit and maritime museum Galata, telling about the history of navigation of the Genoese discoverers.

Roberto Taddeo / Genoa Aquarium

Guided tours in Genoa

It is quite convenient to see the sights of Genoa on your own, since the city has a well-developed transport infrastructure, many places are within walking distance of each other. If there is a desire, in addition to exploring, learn more about the history of the city, then there are many sightseeing and thematic excursions around the city. As a rule, excursions are subdivided into pedestrian and car excursions, city and suburban excursions. You can find out the duration and cost of excursions in Genoa on the website

Prices in Genoa

Genoa is a tourist center in the north-west of Italy, therefore, the corresponding infrastructure is developed at a high level. For travelers, there are many hotels, catering establishments, entertainment. As for prices, the cost of staying in a hotel in Genoa for one night starts from 50 euros.

Food prices are not too different from other cities in Italy: on average, a restaurant bill for a full meal without alcohol will range from 20 to 40 euros, a snack in a cafe or pizzeria - up to 20 euros. In supermarkets and markets, food prices are as follows: local fruits from 1 to 1.50 euros, fresh meat and sausages from 4.5 to 7.5 euros, semi-finished meat products from 1.5 to 3.5 euros, boiled sausage and sliced ​​cheese from 0.90 euros, cottage cheese and processed cheeses from 0.50 euros, semi-finished dough products (ravioli and pasta) from 1.40 euros, pizza (semi-finished product) - from 1.50 euros, tea bags from 2, 20 euros, yoghurts from 1.60 euros, mayonnaise and ketchup from 1.30 euros, olive oil - 3 euros, olives from 0.70 euros, carbonated drinks from 0.55 euros, a bottle of local wine from 2.60 euros.

The fare for any type of public transport in Genoa ranges from 1.60 euros for a single trip to 4.5 euros (1 day ticket). About prices for attractions: the cost of entering the Palazzo Ducale costs 19 euros, in the Palazzo Reale - 4 euros (+ 1 euros to the gardens), a single ticket to the entrance to Palazzo Bianco, Tursi and Rosso costs 9 euros, the cost of entering the Aquarium - 25 euros for an adult and 15 euros for a child.

fabrizio.binello / flickr

Where to go from Genoa

Genoa, although it is administrative center Liguria and a city with a rich historical heritage, yet the region is famous for other interesting places and natural attractions. Most often, travelers choose other cities of Liguria for onward travel from Genoa. In the north, these are the resort towns of San Remo, Savona, Alassio, Ventimiglia, Albenga, Imperia and others; in the south, these are Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, National park Cinque Terre, Portovenere, Sestri Levante, Lerici, etc. In general, I must say that Liguria is extremely rich in amazing landscapes, therefore, travel is often not limited to visiting only Genoa. Below are some distances and ways to get to the resorts and cities of Liguria:

San Remo is located 145 km north of Genoa. Get to the city of festivals and sandy beaches you can go by train (they run every hour throughout the day) or by car (route for movement - A10 / E80); More about .

Cinque Terre National Park located at a distance of 90-120 km from Genoa and consists of five fishing villages- Monterosso, Vernazza, Riomaggiore, Manarola and Corniglia. You can get to any of the towns by train, ferry or car. Travel time by train will be 1.5-2 hours, by boat - 2.5 hours. Often a visit is also added to the trip. Portovenere which is nearby; More about and .

It lies 40 km south of Genoa. You cannot get here by train, because there is no railroad... Alternatively, you can take the train to Santa Margherita Ligure, then change to regular bus... In summer, directly from Genoa, you can get to Portofino by excursion boat. The method is popular. By car the route for movement is № A12 / E80; More about .

Alassio, which is famous for its sandy quartz beaches, is located 100 km from Genoa. Trains run here, the journey time will be 1 hour 45 minutes. In about the same time, you can also get there by car, following the highway no. A10 / E80; More about .

Rapallo and Santa Margherita Ligure are located 30 and 35 km, respectively. Usually tourists visit both towns in one trip, because the towns themselves are small. You can get here by train in 30-40 minutes, as well as by car, following the route no. A12 / E80. More about and .

Shaun Merritt / Portofino

We will be glad to answer your questions in the comments!

On a note :

Going on a trip to Italy, do not forget to take out a travel insurance policy, which is mandatory already at the stage of obtaining a tourist visa. You can take out the insurance yourself without leaving your home. There are special services for this, such as , other. You can buy a policy online, and then print it on a regular printer.

Photo at the beginning of the article: Viaggio Routard

You set out to cover the distance from Milan to Genoa. Who among motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly and at the lowest cost as possible? One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the point of departure and the end point of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between Milan and Genoa. With a known average speed vehicle you can calculate the travel time with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question how many km are between Milan and Genoa - 149 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 2 hours 29 minutes. It is very easy to work with the map. The system will automatically find the shortest distance and suggest OPTIMAL route... The route from Milan to Genoa is shown in the diagram with a bold line. On the diagram, you will see all the settlements that you meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (see the list of settlements along the Milan-Genoa highway at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you will be able to quickly navigate unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate the FROM and WHERE you need to get, and the system will certainly offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from Milan to Genoa and knowing how to get through difficult junctions, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from Milan to Genoa.

Panorama of Milan and Genoa

Driving along a predetermined route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar terrain, and as quickly as possible to overcome the desired section of the road. Don't miss the details, check all the difficult road forks on the map in advance.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, after planning the route in advance, you decide on the places to stay. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and turn to the "People's Card" mode. Perhaps there you will find information useful to you.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. The preliminary calculation of the time and the built route of the trip will help to keep within the schedule and not exceed the permitted values ​​of the speed of movement. Thus, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use while driving substances that cause alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error in measuring the level of alcohol in the blood is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.
Good luck on the road!

Ski resorts in Northern Italy or a tour of the cities of the Apennine Peninsula. However, whatever the purpose of the trip, for most travelers Genoa starts with international airport named after Christopher Columbus. That is why BlogoItaliano decided to figure out how to get to Genoa from the airport with minimal cost time and money.

Genoa airport: general information

Genoa International Airport (IATA code - GOA), unlike most Mediterranean airports, has no military background. Moreover, for its construction in 1954-1962, a artificial island 6 km west of the city center.

Initially, the airport was more helicopter oriented and had only one runway 2285 m long for aircraft that, due to weather conditions, could not land in Milan or Turin.

The transformations began only in the mid-80s of the last century. The temporary air terminal was replaced by a permanent terminal, and the runway was lengthened to 3,065 m. However, the role of the "alternate airfield" is also not in the past, and if it is not possible to reach or because of the weather, the planes land in Genoa.

Genoa airport serves about 1.5 million passengers annually

Find out the current flight schedule to Genoa for the required dates and buy a ticket for favorable cost.

Genoa Airport handles about 1.5 million passengers on international and domestic flights annually - from the UK to the UAE.

Buses from Genoa airport to city

If you are not burdened with luggage and households, and time allows you not to rush, you can get to Genoa from the airport by the Volabus shuttle bus to Brignole train station (via Piazza Principe, Sampierdarena and Cornigliano stations).

It should be taken into account that buses from Genoa airport walk at intervals of 20 to 60 minutes. The first departs at 6:00, the last at 23:30. Travel time is about 30 minutes. The ticket price is € 6 (2016).

Buses from the airport to Genoa train station run every 20-60 minutes

Shuttle tickets can be purchased from the ticket machine, ticket office or from the driver. In addition, the same bus ticket from Genoa airport entitles you to 60 minutes of travel on other city routes during the day. This is very convenient if you can set aside a few hours to explore the city. And Genoa is worth it.

Taxi from Genoa airport to city

The taxi rank at Genoa Airport is located outside the passenger terminal and many Italians are happy to use their services. As for tourists, one should keep an eye out here: the Italian authorities are still actively fighting cases of cheating passengers, when taxi drivers, taking advantage of the gullibility of travelers, are trying to snatch excess.

In the event of a disagreement with the passenger, the driver can always make round eyes and refer to not knowing English. However, many of the chauffeurs really do not speak other languages ​​besides Italian.

A taxi driver can be identified by a sign with the passenger's name in his hands

One of the most effective ways to avoid the nuances of communicating with local taxi drivers is to order taxi from Genoa airport online via the Internet. Moreover, in this case, the fare is calculated in advance - even before placing an order.

The meeting with the driver takes place, as a rule, at the exit from the baggage claim area, and it is easy to identify the greeter by the sign with the passenger's name, which he will hold in his hands. All details regarding the upcoming meeting are duplicated to the passenger's email, so the chances of missing the driver are reduced to zero.

Car rental at Genoa airport

Another way to get from Genoa airport to your destination is by renting a car. Several international companies providing car rental services are represented on the territory of the airport.

The easiest way to find the best offer for car rental at Genoa airport without running from one car rental to another - use the popular European online service Rentalcars.

Developed by the same team as the renowned hotel portal, Rentalcars works in a similar way: convenient form compares the offers of local car rentals, allowing you to quickly find the best price among them and book it instantly.