Which sea is the warmest in Greece? What are the seas in Greece and what do they wash?

Greece is one of the most unique countries peace. In its vastness a unique development developed and ancient gods and mythical heroes were born. Nowadays, the territory of this country is historical and tourist center, both lovers of sea holidays and adventure seekers come here.

But everyone who comes here is sure to plunge into the waters that wash the country’s shores, whether they are calm and warm or cold and stormy. Therefore, now we will try to figure out how many seas wash Greece, and what each of them is like.

Truth and fiction

Many modern sources claim that the Rhodes Peninsula, on which Greece is located, is bathed in the waves of only three seas. In this case, the waters of the Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean basins are listed. In fact, this country is the mistress of the seven seas and, in addition to the above-mentioned, most famous ones, there are also the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, Balearic and Alboran seas.

In some cases, they are still distinguished, and yet it is, in fact, the southern part. It should be noted that all these salt water basins are part of the Mediterranean, and these mysterious and ancient names formed during the formation of ancient Greek culture. Each people who lived on one of the coasts of Rhodes had their own name for the sea that approached its shores.

Modern tourists' ideas about the Greek seas

Travelers of our time are most interested not in which sea washes Greece on one side or another, but in which waters are the warmest and most suitable for swimming. Therefore, in order to make it easier to distinguish the characteristics of local seas, it is customary to roughly divide them into the Aegean and Mediterranean. The first is particularly cold, windy and waves that rise even at the peak of summer. The water temperature in the Aegean basin (especially in its northern part) does not exceed 23 degrees. In addition, constant storms create good waves here. That is why, at the height of the season, windsurfers most often relax here.

Mediterranean Greece and its features

All West Coast peninsula of Rhodes - stretching for whole kilometers sandy beaches, where the warm and soft waves of the local seas and bays splash. There are a lot of bays in the region, which, in principle, never experience storms or strong winds. All the seas washing the shores of Greece in this region maintain warm temperatures throughout the summer. The water here warms up to 28-30 degrees, and its shade attracts with its turquoise and soft blue tints.

The island of Crete is a historical monument and a tourist paradise

Located nearby, Crete is one of the main assets of this country. Many tourists are very interested in knowing which sea washes Greece in this region and what its characteristics are.

The island bathes in three seas at once - the Ionian, Libyan and Cretan. The first two are particularly warm and beautiful. The water here always has a soft turquoise hue, which at great depths smoothly turns into dark blue. Most of the beaches that touch the waves of the Libyan and Ionian Seas are gentle, wide and sandy.

Natural landscapes of Greece and Crete

We have more or less figured out which sea washes Greece on one side or another, and now we will find out what kind of nature this country can boast of in its coastal zones. So, most of the Greek coasts that stretch along the Mediterranean are either rocky slopes or picturesque bays. In the first case, you have the opportunity to relax on a narrow but very beautiful beach covered with sand. There are often winds here, since the sea is surrounded by rocks and hills, but they are not strong, so high waves do not rise. Where the bays and bays are located, the waters are always calm and quiet.

Often the lush tropical greenery of the region approaches directly to the sea, which makes each such corner of nature look like a real Eden. Many bays are equipped with infrastructure that allows you to relax in comfort, and some remain wild, untouched and very attractive.


Every traveler should know that the seas surrounding Greece are truly beautiful and clean. In this region, the Mediterranean is considered the cleanest, since there are no factories or factories nearby that could dump their production waste into the water.

Greece - great country for relaxing with children, with friends, and it is also a huge space for traveling through time. Once here, you can walk the same paths that were previously explored by philosophers and mathematicians of the ancient world, and at the same time enjoy the beauty of nature, the warmth of the sea and the light breeze that always blows across Rhodes and Crete.

Endless kilometers of coastline, mild climate, richness and diversity of nature in Greece attract attention to this country, its picturesque shores, beaches that abound on the islands. Modern landscapes of the state’s marine areas, occupying thousands square kilometers, receive significant amounts of sunlight. But the temperature of the air and water, as well as the conditions for recreation on the shore, depend on many factors. Let's find out which sea in Greece is considered the warmest, which islands are the largest and most densely populated.


Several thousand years ago, one of the most developed civilizations was located on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula ancient world. Even then, traditions and favorable conditions for sea travel were formed. One of the most famous is the voyage of the Argonauts for the Golden Fleece. If the waters in the Mediterranean were not interconnected, then the Argo ship would not have been able to get to Colchis on the Black Sea coast. But the lack of natural boundaries makes it difficult to determine whether the islands belong to one or another sea. This point is especially evident in the geography of modern Greece.

This state occupies the extreme south of the Balkan Peninsula and 3,000 island territories in the Mediterranean basin. Western Banks The country is washed by the Ionian Sea. In Greece, the southern coast is highly indented, there are many peninsulas and islands, bays and lagoons. In the east lies the Aegean Sea, along which the border with the Turkish Republic passes. Northern neighbors are the southern European states of Albania, Macedonia, and Bulgaria.

When the question of what kind of sea is in Greece is studied, Rhodes and other large island territories are necessarily included in the description coastline- one of the longest in the world. According to various sources, it ranges from 15,021 to 16,000 km. Half of this distance falls on the mainland regions of the country, the second part on the island territories.

Coast of Greece

The historical regions of the country Macedonia and Thrace lie in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Other large regions of the state under study are Epirus, Thessaly and Central Greece. The capital, Athens, is located in the Attica region. Not far from the southeast coast lies a large sea ​​island Euboea, to the southwest is the Peloponnese Peninsula, separated by the Gulf of Corinth.

Country of a Thousand Islands

The largest peninsula in western Greece, the Peloponnese, is connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus. Among the many land areas in the sea, the islands of Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, and the Dodecanese and Cyclades archipelagos are distinguished by their large sizes. Until now, geographers call different numbers of islands owned by Greece - from 1200 to 1600. Therefore, the length of the coastline in different sources differs by hundreds of kilometers. It is known for certain that most of the islands lie in the Aegean Sea, that is, between Greece and Turkey. Most often, guidebooks give the figure 1425. This is the total number of islands, 166 of them have no permanent population or their population is very small.

Crete is the largest island territory of the country, its administrative center Heraklion is located on the northern coast. Among the largest and most densely populated are the islands of Euboea, Lesbos, and Rhodes. The fourth largest island territory belongs to the Dodecanese archipelago in the Aegean Sea. The water area here is considered one of the warmest and calmest. The northern coast of Crete is popular among tourists; cool air masses often come here. In summer, the Mediterranean breeze lowers the air temperature by several degrees, bringing moisture and healing salts.

What is the sea like in Heraklion (Greece)?

When determining whether islands belong to one or another water area, incidents often arise. The fact is that officially and unofficially the Mediterranean Sea is divided into separate basins. The largest of them are the Ionian Sea in the west of Greece and the Aegean Sea in the east of the country. Which of the water areas is located in the area of ​​the capital of the island? Crete - Heraklion? We can say that the island itself is located in the Mediterranean Sea, washed by two of its parts - in the north by the Aegean Sea, in the west by the Ionian Sea. The area of ​​Mediterranean waters between south coast Crete and Libya are considered the Libyan Sea, and the southern part of the Aegean is considered the Cretan Sea.

Climatic differences within Greece

The country of thousands of islands is located between parallels 42 and 35° N. latitude, extends from 19 to 28° 30" E. Climate changes from north to south, from west to east are associated with the influence of the Mediterranean Sea and mainland Europe. Summers are warm, in some areas hot and dry. Winters are mild, wet, its temperature characteristics depend on which sea in Greece Crete is located in the very south of the country, in the warmest waters of the Mediterranean Sea. But even here, as in the Cyclades archipelago, snow can fall. This is a rare phenomenon for Greece; there is usually precipitation in winter. in the form of rain.

Which sea in Greece is warmer?

In the south of the Ionian Basin in the region of. Lefkada temperatures almost all year are 1-2 °C higher than in the northern part near the island. Corfu. But during June and July conditions level out. In summer, the warmest sea in Greece is the Aegean, more precisely, its southeastern part in the region of the islands of Kos and Rhodes from the Dodecanese group, as well as the southern region near the Cyclades archipelago. In August, in the southeast of this basin the water temperature is about 26 °C, and in shallow waters off the coast the figures are even higher. February is characterized by worsening local temperature conditions. In the northeastern part of Greece are located large islands Lesvos, Lemnos and a number of small ones. Here in May-August the Aegean Sea is 2-4 °C colder than in the Dodecanese archipelago.

The islands and the mainland of the country being studied are separated by short distances, and the surrounding waters are safe. Calm seas in Greece, picturesque landscapes, favorable temperatures contribute to the development beach holiday and sea cruise tourism. The coast of Greece has gained worldwide fame due to its crystal clear sea water and golden sand and pebble beaches. The mainland and island regions of the country have charming bays and comfortable coves protected from the wind.

Greece is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula. The mainland of the state and its numerous islands are washed by several seas (among them - Libyan, Thracian, Cretan, Tyrrhenian and etc.). They, in turn, are part of larger sea areas: the south of the country is washed by Mediterranean Sea, western part of Greece – Ionian, and the eastern one – Aegean.

By the total number of large and shallow seas, washing the territory of the state, Greece ranks first in Europe. Naturally this geographical feature also affects the country's economy. Two major items in Greece's budget are revenues related to the exploitation of its waters and tourism. In the first case, the state receives payment from foreign ships passing through its waters. As for tourism, the advantages of Greece over other countries are undeniable: unique historical monuments, world-famous pilgrimage centers, ancient cities, about 1400 islands, numerous resorts and beautiful beaches from year to year they are attracted to this amazing country tourists from all over the world. The mild climate allows you to sunbathe, swim, fish and engage in water sports all year round!

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Mediterranean Sea

In ancient times, the main centers of civilization were located around the Mediterranean Sea. That is why it received the appropriate name (Latin: Mare Mediterranea - “Sea in the middle of the earth”).

The unique Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters, is due to the influence of many factors. The sea connects with Atlantic Ocean only by the narrow Strait of Gibraltar, therefore it has an autonomous ecosystem. In addition, it is located in a subtropical climate zone, so the temperatures here are high: even in October the water warms up to +23 °C, and in summer – from +22 °C to +26 °C. The water in the Mediterranean Sea is characterized by high salinity and clarity, as well as weak tides.

Most of the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea are sandy and pebble, they are equipped with sun loungers, umbrellas and rental facilities for a variety of water sports equipment. Ships, yachts, ferries, and pleasure boats constantly travel between the islands, so getting to the desired point is not a problem.

A must visit for visitors to Greece southern part O. , where a narrow strip of sand connects it with the small peninsula of Prasonisi. On one side the coast is washed by turquoise waters Aegean Sea, and on the other – the deep blue Mediterranean Sea. This place is called “The Kiss of Two Seas”.

There are two versions of the origin of the name Ionian Sea. According to the first, the name was given to it by the Ionian tribe who lived here in ancient times. The second version is associated with a mythological plot. One day, the god Zeus fell in love with the beautiful priestess Io, but his wife Hera, out of jealousy, decided to destroy her rival. To save beautiful maiden, the Thunderer turned her into a white cow. During her flight, Io crossed the sea, which has since bore her name.

Nowadays, the Ionian Sea is known not so much due to mythological stories as due to sunny resorts, among which: islands, Lefkada, etc. Tourist season here lasts from June to October; in summer the water warms up to +26 °C, and in winter – up to +14 °C.

The Aegean Sea is considered the cradle of Greek civilization. In the territories washed by its waters, other great states arose and developed: the successor of Ancient Greece - the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Ottoman Empire, the Bulgarian Kingdom. The origin of the name of the sea dates back to antiquity and has several versions. The most popular is the mythological one: the king of the Athenian state Aegeus threw himself into the sea from a high cliff, thinking that his son Theseus had died at the hands of Cretan monster Minotaur. Since then the sea has been named after him. Other versions are derived from the ancient Greek phrase “waves on the water” or from the name of the city Aigeus (island (Euboea)).

The Aegean Sea is very warm, so tourists especially like to relax at the local resorts. IN summer months the water on its surface warms up to +25°C; in October the indicator still remains at +23°C; in winter it is +11–15°C.

photo: valamarua.livejournal.com

Perhaps the most popular holiday destination in the Aegean Sea basin is. Thanks to clean water Its 42 beaches are marked " Blue flag» – a quality mark that is awarded only to the most best beaches peace. Local resorts have everything you need for a quality holiday - rental shops, eateries, numerous hotel complexes, etc. Most vacationers prefer the resorts of Metamorfosi, Nikiti, Neos Marmaras and Vourvourou.

Halkidiki has long been loved by divers from all over the world: beginners can watch the amazing marine life close to land, while professionals prefer deep dives: there are many sunken ships off the coast of the peninsula different eras, so you can even raise a unique artifact from the bottom. The presence of wind and waves makes the Aegean Sea suitable place for surfing and windsurfing. In the area of Rhodes hosts annual competitions in these sports.

Greece - Just mentioning the name of this country, a picture immediately appears before your eyes: endless beaches, sea and waves, blue clear sky and of course the Acropolis. Not a single thousand tourists come to Greece every year to enjoy this country, get new impressions and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Before traveling to Greece, almost every traveler tries to learn as much as possible about the country. But at the same time, few people think about what kind of seas are in Greece. Today we will try to answer this question; perhaps this information will come as a surprise to those who have not yet been to Greece.

Location of Greece

Greece is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula, spreading its possessions on many islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Greece is washed by a huge number of seas from different parts of the country: the Ionian, Mediterranean and Aegean.

By the way, the Greeks found benefit from the fact that Greece is washed on all sides. When ships from other countries pass through the maritime part of Greece, and in Greece in addition to the mainland there are more than 15 thousand islands, they are required to pay a certain fee for this, which depends on the type and size of the ship.

Ionian waters

Islands such as Crete, Zakynthos, Kefalonia and others are washed by the Ionian Sea. The most popular place For tourists, Crete is definitely the place to be. In summer, the water in this sea usually stays at 25-27 degrees. Typically the peak months here are July, August and September.

According to historical sources, the name comes from the name of the captivity in Ancient Greece, they were called Ionians. They got this name from Greek mythology, the beloved god Zeus was named Io. Io succumbed to temptation and had a relationship with the Thunderer, because of this she turned into a white cow and swam across the sea in order to avoid Hera's threats.

Mediterranean waters

Definitely the Mediterranean coast in Greece - one of the most beautiful and quiet places in this country. It is here that all the beaches are equipped with everything necessary, the bottom is sandy, and if occasionally pebbly, then with skillful human hands everything necessary for a comfortable entry into the water has been done. Both married couples with children and newlyweds, as well as lovers of various sports, prefer to relax here. Usually by June the water warms up to 22 degrees, and in August it reaches 26 degrees.

This sea gets its name from a Latin word that means “Water in the midst of the Earth.” It is considered very warm, but also very salty. Also, there are rarely waves, ebbs and flows here. Even those who are not very good swimmers will find it comfortable to relax here. An interesting fact is that the strip of beach that connects the island of Rhodes with the small island of Prasonisi is called “Kiss of the Seas”, because on one side it is washed by the water of the Mediterranean Sea, it has a rich blue color, and on the other side the Aegean with a warm turquoise hue.

Aegean Sea

Definitely, the Aegean Sea in Greece is considered simply the cleanest. Mostly tourists who want to swim in its waters choose the island of Halkidiki. There are more than 40 beaches here, which are rightfully considered one of the best in the world. Usually in June the water temperature reaches 23 degrees, and by mid-August it is already 26 degrees. All beaches of the island of Halkidiki are very comfortable for relaxation, mostly all sandy or, in extreme cases, with very small pebbles. The beaches have a very developed infrastructure, where you can find all the necessary equipment for those who are partial to aquatic species sports such as surfing or diving. Therefore, when setting off to conquer the expanses of the Aegean Sea, think about what to take with you.

It is the shores of the Aegean waters that attract thousands of divers. Here you can plunge into the vast expanses of the sea with scuba diving and get acquainted with the beautiful underwater world. It can also be noted that the Aegean Sea is also suitable for those who are still new to diving; even at shallow depths they will be able to admire the fancy corals and exotic fish.

For those who are pros in diving and are interested in caves and sunken ships, there will also be a lot of interesting things to do. Young people who go surfing often relax on the shores. There are always waves here, which means it will be great to ride a board. By the way, surfing competitions, even at the world level, have been held here for a long time.

Historically, the Aegean Sea is the cradle of such ancient civilizations, like Byzantium and Rome, as well Ancient Greece and Türkiye, the former Ottoman Empire and many others. The name of this sea comes from ancient Greek and means “waves on the water” or on behalf of the king of Athens, Aegeus. There is even a legend that this king threw himself from a cliff into the sea because his only son was killed by the Minotaur. It is unknown whether this is true or false, but the sea is named after him.

Each sea in Greece is beautiful in its own way; the holiday season on the beach here lasts from May to September; tourists will delight with warm water and endless sandy beaches. No wonder the resorts of Greece have long been considered the most comfortable around the world. It doesn’t matter which resort you choose, you will always get an unforgettable vacation.

Most of the Greek Republic is scattered across large and small islands and peninsulas. The question logically arises: what kind of sea washes this country and how many seas are there in general?

Greece is located on Balkan Peninsula(where its capital is Athens) and on more than 1,400 islands. Of these, only a little more than 300 are inhabited!

Ancient Hellas is washed by three large (well-known) seas: Aegean Sea– in the east of the country; Ionian- in the West; Mediterranean- on South.

What kind of sea is on the island of Crete?

The northern and southwestern parts of the Aegean Sea are called the Thracian and Icarian seas, respectively. And the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Crete is divided into the Libyan and Cretan seas.

The Aegean Sea washes the islands of the same name; Cretan (as the name implies) is located off the island of Crete; The Libyan Sea washes its shores greek islands that are closer to Africa; in the Ionian Sea there is an archipelago with the same name.
In addition to the seas listed, in ancient times there were also the Ligurian Sea, the Balearic Sea, the Alboran Sea and Tyrrhenian Sea. Nowadays they are assigned to the Mediterranean Sea.

So lucky geographical location Greece provides great benefits for the country. Now, and in the past too, many trade routes from Asia and Africa to Europe pass through Greece by sea. Greece charges a fee for passage through its territorial waters.

Almost all residents of the country are engaged in fishing. A climatic conditions favorable for harvesting various products (olives, tomatoes, etc.) several times a year.

Even traditional Greek cuisine mainly consists of fish, seafood, olives and many vegetables.

The sea not only feeds the population of the republic, but also attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world. And the charming secluded islands with quiet bays and snow-white sand only emphasize the beauty of the sea.

Despite a large number of seas washing the country ( 3 large and 4 small) the country's climate is largely influenced by the Mediterranean Sea. Due to the fact that it is located in the subtropical zone, the sea warms up to an acceptable +22 already in mid-March; during the peak season, the water temperature freely reaches +27 degrees and the beach season lasts until mid-October. And the transparency of the water, its high salinity and gentle tidal movements of the sea surface help attract young tourists to the beaches of Greece.

The very first to receive guests from abroad Ionian Sea with its islands of Corfu, Zakynthos, Cephalonia and Ithaca. The beauty of these islands is that even in the hottest weather, the water temperature here fluctuates around +24 - +25, which is pleasantly refreshing.

Beach season The Ionian Sea is the shortest. It is comfortable to swim in it only from the end of May to September.

Holidays on the Ionian Sea are more characterized by active recreation in the thickness depths of the sea- this sea is the deepest among all Greek seas. The sea also has a pleasant
a set of secluded quiet bays, where parents can safely teach their little ones to swim. The waters of the Ionian Sea are the densest (hold a swimmer well) and saltiest among all the seas of Greece.

Considered the coolest sea in Greece Aegean. Its maximum temperatures barely reach +25 degrees. Plus, the bottom adjacent to the coast quickly gains depth and divers can have a lot of fun here. The richest underwater world is near the Aegean Sea. But it is attractive not only for its flora and fauna; in the area of ​​​​the Greek islands of the sea you can find many different ancient shipwrecks.

Also in the Aegean Sea there are quite a lot picturesque beaches. Here they are mostly sandy, but there are also pebbles. Most of the beaches Aegean coast awarded the Blue Flag.

The most famous resorts The Aegean Sea is located on the island of Kos and the Chalkidiki peninsula.

A holiday on this sea successfully combines relaxed sunbathing on the beach with active exploration of the depths (diving, windsurfing, etc.). Because the Aegean Sea often pleases visitors with good waves.

The Aegean Sea is considered the second warmest sea in Greece: people start swimming here at the end of April – beginning of May and until the beginning of October. But even then, the temperature on the surface of the water remains around +22 degrees.

Mediterranean Sea characterized by the highest average water temperatures.
The beach season can open there as early as mid-March, and it closes around mid-October. The water of the Mediterranean Sea reaches its maximum in June - up to +27 degrees.

It is in the Mediterranean Sea that the most famous sandy beaches of the islands of Crete and Rhodes are located. And holidays at sea are often measured and lazy on gorgeous beaches.

In the area of ​​​​the island of Crete, the sea is quite mobile and the calm surface can be replaced by decent waves in the next minute.

Be sure to visit the island of Rhodes, here the waters of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas unite. An incredible sight!

A distinctive feature of all the seas of Greece is different shades of turquoise. The Aegean Sea has a richer, deeper turquoise color. The Mediterranean Sea has a bright blue color. Sometimes you can see (in special lighting) even the purple surface of this sea. The waters of the Ionian Sea off the coast of the islands acquire an aquamarine hue. And in the Kelafonia region they are also tinted white due to the chalk rocks adjacent to the water.

If you are not attracted by the color of Greece or its rich past, then this country is worth visiting just to see the beauty of the Greek seas in real life!