Stone giants. Stone giants on the Manpupuner mountain plateau

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We recently went hiking on Mount Frog, which is located not far from the city where we live. The climb to Frog turned out to be quite steep. The steps made of tree roots, which jutted sharply out of the ground, helped to take the remnant by storm. Spruce, Kuril bamboo, raspberries, rose hips, blueberries and other plants grow on this mountain slope. We had to climb through the forest, but suddenly the forest ended and an object from three big stones Remnant Frog. The Frog Remnant is a group of rocks. On the western and eastern sides, their silhouette in its external shape resembles a sitting frog, preparing to jump. This is a high eight-meter rock. According to legend, the Frog was revered by the ancient Ainu as a temple of Wisdom; here the information flow is open like nowhere else. That is why here you can get answers to long-standing questions, as well as make a wish or be inspired by a new idea. And modern psychics unanimously claim that the remnant is not just a beautiful rock, but “its essence manifests itself through three levels: heavenly, ground and underground, like the life of the frog itself: it is born in water, jumps on the ground and buries itself for the winter deep into the mud." Its unique properties make it interesting for ecologists and geologists. The surrounding nature seems to emphasize the border of the ordinary world with a place of power, surrounded by an energetic aura: at rock sculptures the nature of vegetation changes from trees to grasses and shrubs. The higher you climb the rocky slopes, the lower the bushes become. Here you can find different herbs: hawk grass, red grass, orchis, reed grass, wheatgrass and others. On the scree there is a cat's paw, immortelle and fireweed. A lot of different things happen here: some see aliens, and others see messages left by ancestors who lived millions of years ago.

How did nature arrange it this way: you walk through the forest and end up on a rock? Or is there really some magic involved here?

My parents and older brother and I love to travel around our island of Sakhalin. I especially like to conquer new Mountain peaks. You climb another mountain, climb with all your might and it seems you are ready to give up and turn back... when suddenly a breathtaking view opens up in front of you. The endless blue sea, the winding river glistening below, or the emerald forest in the valley. It's like you're flying above all this beauty. This time we went to Smely Peak. Peak Bold is located on Mount Duet in Tikhaya Bay, the peak of which is located at an altitude of 232 meters. The ascent to the peak and the return journey take about 2 hours. Mount Duet is quite steep. The stone walls seem to hang over the bay - waves and pebbles have carved their base, forming bizarre shapes reminiscent of the paws of huge monsters. These giant stone boulders rolled down a long time ago during the seismic activity of the earth and froze like guards at the water's edge. Along the coastline there are grottoes, cracks, longitudinal sections and niches; it is interesting to walk here and listen to the silence. The shore is covered with black volcanic sand, among which white quartzite pebbles can be seen. You won't see a single tree or even a bush on the way. Only huge boulders, stones of various shapes, colors and sizes. And also rocky cliffs with toad skins. We made this ascent in winter, so we could enjoy an extraordinary spectacle: the waters of small streams flowing from the steep slopes of the Zhdanko ridge and falling from a height freeze, forming magnificent pictures - large and small icicles up to 30 meters high in the form of various frozen icefalls. You can enjoy it from the top beautiful view mountain range running further south, with views of Tikhaya Bay and Zametny Island, Zhdanko Ridge, coast Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

And the main hill of the island is Mountain Air. The place where it is now located ski resort. “Mountain air” can be seen from almost every window in the city. Yes, that’s exactly how close it is: a few minutes by car and you’re already at the foot of Mount Bolshevik (this is the one where the complex is located). Bolshevik Mountain, Chekhov Peak, Rossiyskaya Mountain - they all guard our city. Majestic, important. Huge pines alternate here with oaks and maples, dark pine needles with the tremulous greenery of birch and rowan trees. There is a funicular to the top of Rossiyskaya, but it is better to walk. The local forest is like an extension of the park. Ayan spruce in it is adjacent to Manchurian ash, Sakhalin fir - with cork and maple. The second level are lower trees: Sakhalin cherry, elderberry, giant stems of Kuril bamboo. And all this is intertwined with vines - grapes, hydrangea, actinidia. A fern lurks at the very bottom. The most remarkable are the so-called giant plants, ordinary grasses that here take on Martian dimensions. Sakhalin bear's pipes, shelomyk, kakalia, knotweed grow up to 5 meters, butterbur (which looks like a burdock!) has leaves with a diameter of up to 3 meters, and the local weyriha buckwheat is crowned with such a stunning crown that it is not only eaten, but also used as an ornamental plant. In the thickets there are often vines from the exotic families of gourds and gourds. There is also climbing petiolate hydrangea, included in the Red Book of Russia. In September-October the hills are most beautiful - they are clear and warm days, and the hills in crimson and gold are beautiful. They are like huge giants protecting our city.

But why?

Why are the mountains so different even on our island? Some are steep, rocky without a single blade of grass, others are completely covered forest - dark and gloomy, and others flat, which would be easy to walk on if not for the grass being taller than a man?

The goal of my project: to find out why the mountains on our island of Sakhalin are so different?

Based on the goal, the task was set: to study the structure of various mountain systems.

The hypothesis I put forward is the following: if the method of origin, climatic conditions, and location change, then the mountain itself changes.

The practical significance of the project will be the following, I will learn about our island Interesting Facts, about the origin of the Earth, about the structure of mountains.

Origin of the mountains.

From information sources I learned that on Sakhalin the predominant form of relief is low and medium-high mountains, occupying at least three-quarters of the surface of the entire island. According to the nature of the relief, the island can be divided into two regions - the southern mountainous and the northern flat.

The island has two mountain systems, located in the southern and middle parts. The southern mountains are two ridges: the West Sakhalin Mountains and the East Sakhalin Mountains. The Western Sakhalin Mountains stretch for 650 km along west coast from the middle of the island to its southern tip. The East Sakhalin Mountains are a complex system of ridges that fill eastern part Sakhalin. The length of this system is 350 km. Mountains stretch along the coast from south to north, with the highest peak Mount Lopatina (1609 meters above sea level). In the south of Sakhalin there is the Susunaisky ridge with peaks over 1000 meters above sea level and a length of about 50 km. In the northern part there are small heights.

The composition of the rocks of the West Sakhalin Range includes mainly: shales, sandstones, conglomerates and igneous rocks. They also include coal seams. And the East Sakhalin Range composed mainly of metamorphic rocks, that is, altered igneous rocks. Here there is a complex of building materials, and in the central part there are placers of gold.

This means that if we are talking about igneous rocks, the origin of mountain systems is the same - volcanic. The origin of the volcanic mountains speaks for itself. Volcanic magma breaks out and cools to form new rocks. These rocks accumulate around crevices over time and become cone-shaped volcanoes. Sometimes several volcanoes located close to each other unite, thereby forming volcanic ridges. Or maybe this is the work of underwater volcanoes; we live on an island.

Conclusion No. 1: the mountains on Sakhalin were formed in one way - volcanic, and this does not affect the difference.

Structure of the mountains.

The first type I considered is a mountain with sharp peaks, steep climbs, sharp ledges, consisting of solid rocks. On such mountains there is no grass, much less trees. At the top of such a mountain there is a strong wind and they are located on the seashore, where vegetation is already sparse.

The second type of mountains are mountains with gentle slopes and lush vegetation. On Sakhalin local residents they call them hills. The meaning of the word SOPKA comes from the word pour , hill, hill, earthen embankment. But it’s true that a hill always has a fertile layer, which is why trees, bushes, and grass grow on it. The forests of Sakhalin are characterized by the dominance of spruce-fir, green forests. The flora of the region is rich and diverse. Here, as in a huge botanical garden, larch and polar birch, spruce and wild grapes, dwarf cedar and velvet trees coexist in close proximity. On the hills you can find yew, lemongrass, actinidia, and grapes. It is on the hills that the island's residents pick berries and mushrooms. It is noteworthy that you can find plants such as burdock, wood sorrel, and hogweed growing taller than human height, turning some areas into a kind of jungle. It is extremely difficult to pass through the bamboo thickets that cover almost all the slopes of the hills - one plant is so tightly pressed against another.

Conclusion No. 2: The appearance of a mountain depends on its structure.

3.Location of the mountains.

The mountains located on the coast are mostly devoid of vegetation. The slopes facing the sea consist of stones, blocks and rocky rocks. High mountain ranges in some places come close to the shore, which rises with a steep and low cliff above the water. At the foot of the coastal cliff there is a small excellent sand beach, which at high tide can be completely flooded and cut off the path home. In some places, the mountain range approaches the coast directly and, with steep, often completely inaccessible cliffs, breaks into the sea. The coast is replete with high rocky capes with rocky conical peaks rising 600-700 m above the water.

In this area the coast is completely impassable. In some places, at low tide, a small flat strip of land is exposed, but traveling along it is dangerous. During high tide, sea waves hit the coastal rocks directly and woe to anyone who does not have time to escape to a safe place.

The coastal mountains are greatly influenced by the vast expanses of water surrounding the island. In winter, cold air from the mainland rushes to the ocean through the Sakhalin mountain range in a northwesterly direction. And in summer, cooled air moves back, enveloping the East Sakhalin Range. The eastern ridge serves as a barrier protecting the island from cold winds blowing from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Therefore, the mountain slopes facing the sea look more severe. At the end of summer and autumn, typhoons invade Sakhalin; strong destructive winds with large amounts of precipitation test the strength of mountain peaks.

The rocks that form the cape fall vertically into the sea, and a chain of underwater rocks lies parallel to the shore. The sea is always raging and foaming here. Ships avoid approaching these rocks, where only seabirds live.

The mountains recede further and further from the coast, and gradually descending, merge with the surrounding lowland. The mountains located along the edges of the valleys, on the contrary, have lush vegetation. Their slopes are overgrown with taiga: larch, spruce, and dwarf cedar trees. The vegetation here is unusually lush, tall and very dense. It is very difficult to pass through the bamboo thickets that cover almost all the slopes of the hills. Some plants reach a height of 3-4 meters. The stems of bear angelica are no thinner than young trees. Burdock leaves often reach a diameter of 1.5-2 meters. You can also find eleutherococcus and magnolia here. There are a variety of wild berries: redberry, lingonberry, cloudberry, blueberry, raspberry, currant. On the southern slopes of the hills you can see bright blue carpets of wild irises, meet thickets of orange lilies or amazing Glen lilies with one and a half meter stems, from which hang beautiful salad-yellowish flowers the size of a glass.

Conclusion No. 3: in harsh terrain, where strong winds blow and the sea surf lashes, there is no vegetation and fertile layer. And in places where the climate is not so harsh, the mountains have lush vegetation.

4.Mountain height.

If you look at mountains with the same position on the ground, you can see that there may be no vegetation on their tops. The higher you rise, the thinner the forest becomes, then only shrubs and dwarf cedar remain. And then only low-growing grass, mosses and lichens. Therefore, if you go to the forest to pick mushrooms, you can pick them at the foot of the mountains, but if you go to pick berries, you need to climb higher. Loaches are also found in our mountains. These are treeless mountain peaks, rising above the upper border of the forest, which are characterized by bare peaks and rocky placers, high-mountain, so-called alpine vegetation (mountain-tundra type in nature), formed by mosses and lichens, thickets of low-growing birch and dwarf cedar. Why is this happening? Temperatures in the mountains decrease by about 0.6°C for every 100 m of elevation. The disappearance of vegetation cover and the deterioration of living conditions high in the mountains are explained by such a rapid drop in temperature. Cold winds, clouds and hurricanes also contribute to lower temperatures. If you observe the mountains at different times of the year, you can see that in the spring, when the trees are already blooming in the valleys, the grass is green, there is still snow on the tops of our hills. And even in June, when the guys are already starting to summer holidays, it’s still winter with snow on Chekhov Peak. And in the fall, when my friends and I are still riding bicycles, the hills around the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk are covered with snow caps.

Conclusion No. 4: the vegetation cover of mountains depends on their height.


The appearance of mountains in the same area will depend on its surroundings. If this is a harsh seashore, then the mountains look the same, with rocky, inaccessible slopes. If this is a flowering valley, then the mountain dresses up in a multi-colored outfit. The height of the mountain is also important. Rich and beautiful at the bottom, it can become dull and lifeless at the top near the clouds. But having conquered any mountain, every person is rewarded with a stunning sight and an unforgettable experience.

What about our three mountains that I talked about at the beginning.

First, our giants - Bolshevik Mountain, Chekhov Peak, Rossiyskaya Mountain. They are located in the center of the island, far from the sea shores and do not experience the force of sea winds and sea surf, and therefore their outfits consist of a variety of flora our island. The height of Mount Bolshevik is 601 meters above sea level, Mount Rossiyskaya is 1609 meters and Chekhov Peak is 1045 meters. Relative to world giants over 8500 meters tall. Our hills may seem like hills. But from the bottom almost to the very tops they are always beautiful and elegant. And only closer to the clouds do they show their warlike and stony heart.

Now the Smely Peak. Despite his small stature Only 232 meters above sea level, the Bold Peak is always harsh. It will not greet you with bright colors or lush vegetation, because it is located on the shores of the harsh Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk. Strong winds blow here both in winter and summer, sometimes with rain and sometimes with snow. The vegetation here and on the shore is low-growing, intricately curved by the winds. And on the slopes of the mountain it is even less. The location of the mountain completely determined his “inner world” and appearance.

And finally, our most mysterious friend is the remnant Frog.

It is located far from the harsh sea forces, and therefore its appearance is beautiful and varied. Not the smallest among our heroes - 310 meters above sea level. Well, its stone top leaves us with a mystery: is it a scientifically based change in the flora, taking into account the change in height and, as a consequence, climatic conditions; or the witchcraft of an ancient shaman who keeps the secrets of the world; or the tricks of aliens.

And, as scientists say, the formation of mountains never stops. Mountains grow approximately 1 to 7 cm per year, and wind and water change them beyond recognition over time. This means that by returning to the old and familiar mountain, you conquer a new peak.


Popular geographical essay SAKHALIN ISLAND S. L. Lutsky.

Subsoil of the Sakhalin region Editor compiled by A.V. Tarasov, 2013

Mineral resource base of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands at the turn of the third millennium V. Evseev, 2000

Sakhalin Kuriles website

Website Go through the forest

Website of the Sakhalin regional public organization Club "Boomerang"

  • Huge, Giant, Neutral
  • Armor class: 17 (natural armor)
  • Hits: 126 (11 d12 + 55)
  • Speed: 40 ft.
  • Saving Throws: VOC +5 , TEL +8 , MDR +4
  • Skills: Attentiveness +4 , Athletics +12
  • Feelings: Dark vision 60 ft., Passive mindfulness 14
  • Languages: Giants
  • Danger: 7 - 2900 op.
  • Source: « Monster manual»
  • Capabilities

    Stone camouflage. The giant has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when trying to hide in rocky terrain.

  • Actions

    Multiattack. The giant makes two attacks with his club.

    Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

    Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone.

  • Reactions

    Catching stones. If a rock or similar object is thrown at the giant, the giant can, with a successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, catch the projectile without taking bludgeoning damage from it.

  • Description

    Stone giants are reclusive, quiet and peaceful until disturbed. Their granite-gray skin, gaunt features and black, sunken eyes give the stone giants a stern expression. They love privacy, hiding their lives and art from the world.

    Inhabitants of the stone world. Secluded caves serve as the home of stone giants. Cave networks are cities, rock tunnels are roads, and underground streams are waterways. The mountain ranges are their continents, with vast expanses of land between them, like oceans that the stone giants rarely cross.

    In their dark, quiet caves, stone giants silently work on intricate carvings, measuring time by the echo of water dripping into underground pools. In the deepest rooms of the settlements of the stone giants, far from the noise of bats and the cave bears allied with the giants, there are holy places where silence and darkness are perfect. Stone embodies the most sacred qualities in these cavernous cathedrals, and their pillars and columns are carved so beautifully that they would put the legendary dwarven stonemasons to shame.

    Carvers and prophets. Among the stone giants, the craft is considered greatest asset. They create intricate murals on cave walls, paint these murals, and do other forms of art. They consider stone carving to be their greatest skill.

    Stone giants strive to reveal shapes from rough stone that they believe reveal meaning inspired by their god Scoreus the Stonebone. The giants appoint the best carvers as their leaders, shamans and prophets. The holy hands of such a giant during work become the hands of God.

    Graceful athletes. Despite their large size and muscles, stone giants are flexible and graceful. Skilled stone throwers hold a high position in the giants' ordnung, testing and demonstrating their ability to throw and catch huge boulders. Such giants occupy advanced ranks when the tribe needs to defend its home or attack enemies. However, even in battle, the main thing is skill. Throwing a boulder by a stone giant is a display of not just brute strength, but stunning balance and athleticism.

    Dreamers in the open air. Stone giants perceive the world outside their underground dwellings as a realm of dreams, where nothing is truly true or real. On the surface, they behave as humanoids might behave in their dreams, without much awareness of their actions and never fully trusting what they see or hear. A promise made above earth does not necessarily need to be kept. Insult can be given without apology. Killing prey or a sentient creature does not cause guilt in the open-air dream world.

    Some giants, lacking the grace of athletes or artistic prowess, live on the fringes of society, serving as border guards or wandering hunters for the tribe. When trespassers venture too deep into the mountainous territory of a clan of stone giants, these guards greet them with flying boulders and showers of splintered stone. Those who survived this tell stories about the cruelty of the stone giants, never realizing how little these thugs, living in the world of dreams, resemble their quiet, artistic family.

    • Material taken from the pdf version of the translation "Monster Manual" from the studio "

There are many places on our planet whose origins cannot be fully explained by humans. Around such objects many legends and tales are born, explaining what is difficult to rationally explain. Kigilyakhs, or kisilyakhs, are one of such objects.

They are tall pillars formed from rocks that are usually located on the tops of cliffs during weathering. It is not surprising that the tall pillars, reminiscent of the frozen figures of giants, have become the heroes of many legends of Yakutia, where they are located.


The most a large number of Kigilyakh pillars are located in northern Yakutia, the most impressive stone figures are located on the New Siberian Islands, this is where most tourists come. It is interesting that from Yakut “kisilyakh” is literally translated as “a place where there are people”, since the word “kis” itself means “person”. It is known that the Yakut Kisilyakhs arose about 120 million years ago. Around this time, the Verkhoyansk and Chersky ranges were formed as a result of the collision of the North American continental plate with the Eurasian one. It was after the formation of folds on these ridges that kigilyakhs began to form. True, they owe their origin to weathering, which, in frosty weather and location (tops of rocks), forms stone pillars. The material from which kigilyakhs are made is hard rocks, mainly granite.

There is another version of the origin of these rocks; as usual, it is associated with otherworldly forces. Legend says that once upon a time the earth was not yet covered with snow and permafrost; people then lived mainly in mountainous areas. But over time, the climate also changed, and dwellings in the rocks became unsuitable, as severe cooling began. At the moment when life became completely impossible, people decided to move to the south, to descend from the mountains. But during the crossing of the Kisilyakh ridge, many of them, unable to withstand the cold, froze. Over time, they turned into stone pillars, which, being covered with more and more layers of stone, reached their true size.


Kigilyakhs are quite common all over the world, they are in Kazakhstan - the Koitas massif is known, there are mountain ranges in Transbaikalia. IN different countries stone pillars are called differently, in some places - “stone monks”, due to the fact that they resemble frozen praying clergy. In Russia, the most famous kigilyakhs are located in Yakutia, where tourists interested in magic stones come every year. The most famous places where the stones are found are the Kisilyakhsky ridge, the Bear and Lyakhovsky islands. In general, the word “kigilyakh” itself began to be used by geologists around the world relatively recently, this happened after the discovery of the Lyakhov Islands, when Cape Kigilyakh and the peninsula of the same name were discovered and named. The two islands that are part of the Lyakhovsky group, Chetyrekhstolbovoy and Stolbovoy, are located primarily in the Laptev Sea. Another famous place The “habitat” of the Kigilyakhs is Mount Kisilyakh-Tas, it is located 100 kilometers from the coast of the East Siberian Sea, on the bank of the Alazeya River flowing through the tundra. It is on this mountain that the kigilyakhs form the so-called ridge, since a ridge of pillars stretches across the entire top of the mountain. It is also important to be able to distinguish the Kigilyakhs from the Nunataks (from the Eskimo “nuna” and “tak”, which literally means “lonely peak”). These various rock pillars are very similar, nunataks are rocks that stand alone, or rocky pinnacles that form on the surface of a glacier. This is precisely their main difference from the Kigilyakhs - nunataks are formed not only as a result of weathering, their appearance is also influenced by rocks destroyed by the glacier. But if the ice around disappears and the nunatak is left standing on a bare rocky surface, you will hardly be able to distinguish this stone pillar from a kigilyakh. Perhaps only geologists can accurately determine the cause of the formation of stone pillars.


Kisilyakhsky ridge is one of the most scenic spots habitat of the Kigilyakhs, it is located on the watershed of the Adycha and Yana rivers. Besides, in mountain system Chersky this ridge is one of the smallest. Its length is about 80 meters, and the longest high peak reaches 1548 meters. The ridge consists of many different rocks, which makes it possible to consider it complex; it includes: shales, Jurassic sandstones, mudstones and other minerals; scientists believe that all these granitoids date back to the Cretaceous period.

It is these sedimentary rocks that form the kigilyakhs, some of which can reach 30 meters in height. They are located on the main ridge of the ridge and, in addition, stretch along the entire watershed. It is interesting that it is on the Kisilyakh ridge that the kigilyakhs sometimes form impenetrable walls or labyrinths with small passages between the pillars. The lower the kigilakh is, the lower it is, but at the same time there are perfectly even pillars at the top, and below they take on interesting and bizarre shapes. Kigilyakhs are assigned the same strange names, which tell us what the pillar looks like. In general, many tourists consider it their duty to name their favorite kigilakh in some unusual way. Therefore, if you read travel notes different travelers Those who have visited the same place will not find the same names of stone pillars. Everyone will give them names at his own discretion, focusing on what the stone reminded him of. The Kisilyakhsky ridge is covered with many cracks and crevices, and its northern side is completely covered with lichens and mosses. Many researchers note another feature of kigilyakhs - the presence of a leg. The famous geologist G. Maidel wrote in his studies that the leg of stone pillars is a base as tall as a person, while it is slightly thinner than the kigilakh itself. At the same time, the exact age of the stones remains unknown: there are as many guesses as there are scientists.


Many scientists at different times made expeditions to the islands of Yakutia in order to find out the true origin of the Kigilyakhs. So, in 1921–1923 F.P. Wrangel conducted an expedition during which his group explored the Bear Islands, which are located in the East Siberian Sea. The group of these islands included Chetyrehstolbovoy Island, it was on it that Wrangel first discovered the Kigilyakhs; in his notes about the campaign, he sought to find out the reasons for their formation. “We can conclude that the three now separated stones once made up one large cliff: gradually cracking and collapsing from the force of frost or other physical problems, it lost its primitive appearance,” he wrote, being the first to note weathering as the main factor in the formation of new kigilyakhs.

And in 1935, geologist S. Obruchev arrived on the same island with a new expedition, who also explored Kigilyakh. In his memoirs, he described not only the theory about the formation of stones, but also told the story of their discovery. According to him, the Bear Islands were discovered back in 1702 and first visited in 1720. Another interesting fact noted by him: the pillars were destroyed very quickly. Obruchev wrote that if in 1720 there were four pillars, then in 1935 only three were discovered, and the fourth turned into a scattering of stones and lay at the foot of the others. At the same time, the geologist notes that only 200 years are enough for all the kigilyakhs on Chetyrekhstolbovoy to be destroyed. But Obruchev’s research was not taken seriously, since he made too many inaccuracies in his notes. So, in the same 1935, another expedition visited the island - researcher Vorobiev, who discovered and described all four kigilyakhs. However, on this moment It is known that the pillars located on the Kisilyakhsky ridge are covered with vertical cracks and are therefore quite unstable. But, despite the existing danger of collapse, local residents have considered Kigilyakhs since ancient times best place recreation. Sitting with them, according to legend, you can gain mental strength and peace of mind. And in 1986, at the foot of the Kisilyakh ridge, archaeologists discovered more than 68 sites of ancient people and a burial place. These finds indicate that the mountainous area of ​​Yakutia was quite densely populated in ancient times. And perhaps the locals are right in believing that the Kigilyakhs carry within them the powers of their ancient ancestors.

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This place became famous after being named one of the Seven Wonders of Russia in 2008. Since then, tourists have flocked here. Those who come to the plateau on foot treat fans of air transport with some degree of contempt. They believe that only those who have reached the Blockheads, overcoming difficulties, are worthy of seeing them.

Our starting point is the northern village of Troitsko-Pechorsk. From Syktyvkar (the capital of the Komi Republic) a little more than 400 km. Further along the dirt road we drive to Ust-Ilych - the place where the Ilych River flows into Pechora. A 200 km long waterway begins here. The journey takes two days with overnight stays at the Izpyred and Ust-Lyaga cordons.

The most difficult part of the journey is the forest path. It starts right after Ust-Lyaga. The path to the plateau is not easy and requires physical endurance. The distance to the pillars from here is 36 km. There are several equipped parking areas where you can rest and refresh yourself. There are many swamps along the way, so the best shoes for crossing are rubber boots.

Manpupuner unexpectedly opens up to the eyes of travelers. The forest somehow suddenly thins out: crooked birches, cedars and stones on the multi-colored slope do not block more review, the wind rises, dispersing hordes of mosquitoes, and these giants suddenly grow on the mountainside. Huge pillars stand guard over their possessions, blocking the path of unwanted guests.

Nature itself worked hard to create giants. Remnants are pillars of weathering that were formed due to the long-term work of the wind and a sharp temperature difference: the weaker rock was destroyed, and the stronger rock, over which the elements were not in control, was preserved until today. The height of these pillars is from 32 to 40 m, they are almost like 15-story buildings, and people next to them seem like tiny creatures.

Stretched out in a line, these six giants stand side by side, and the seventh stands a little further away. Mysterious figures amaze with their bizarre shapes. The imagination immediately draws images of monsters with the heads of a camel or a horse, who guard their ancient secrets here. They really resemble huge giants who tower menacingly on a flat top, led by their leader - a stern shaman. He seemed to raise his hand, trying to stop the travelers who disturbed their eternal peace.

There is a beautiful Mansi legend about the pillars: once upon a time the Samoyed giants (Nenets) decided to destroy the Voguls. They drove the Mansi ancestors from these lands with a menacing tread. But, having climbed the plateau, they retreated and froze in fear, seeing in front of them Yalpyng-Ner, a mountain sacred to all Voguls. Their leader dropped his tambourine, which immediately turned into the top of a Koit (drum). The giants were also petrified, frozen forever.

Another legend is about the beautiful Aim, who was fleeing from her pursuers - giant brothers. Trying to protect the girl, her brother Pygrychum turned the shiny shield so that the sunlight hit the giants' eyes and blinded them. Then one giant dropped his tambourine and turned to stone along with his six brothers.

The Komi people have their own legends about stone heroes. They say that they lived a long time ago and wanted to turn the earth upside down, placing it on its edge. But one of the main gods of the Komi, En, did not allow them to do this and turned the giants into stone. Stone idols stand guard over their possessions. That is why deep grave silence always reigns in these parts.

The silence here is truly such that it seems almost unbelievable. But as soon as the wind changes direction, a rumble arises, as if giants were talking among themselves, dissatisfied with being disturbed again.

  • Huge, Giant, Neutral
  • Armor class: 17 (natural armor)
  • Hits: 126 (11 d12 + 55)
  • Speed: 40 ft.
  • Saving Throws: VOC +5 , TEL +8 , MDR +4
  • Skills: Attentiveness +4 , Athletics +12
  • Feelings: Dark vision 60 ft., Passive mindfulness 14
  • Languages: Giants
  • Danger: 7 - 2900 op.
  • Source: « Monster manual»
  • Capabilities

    Stone camouflage. The giant has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when trying to hide in rocky terrain.

  • Actions

    Multiattack. The giant makes two attacks with his club.

    Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

    Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone.

  • Reactions

    Catching stones. If a rock or similar object is thrown at the giant, the giant can, with a successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, catch the projectile without taking bludgeoning damage from it.

  • Description

    Stone giants are reclusive, quiet and peaceful until disturbed. Their granite-gray skin, gaunt features and black, sunken eyes give the stone giants a stern expression. They love privacy, hiding their lives and art from the world.

    Inhabitants of the stone world. Secluded caves serve as the home of stone giants. Cave networks are cities, rock tunnels are roads, and underground streams are waterways. The mountain ranges are their continents, with vast expanses of land between them, like oceans that the stone giants rarely cross.

    In their dark, quiet caves, stone giants silently work on intricate carvings, measuring time by the echo of water dripping into underground pools. In the deepest rooms of the settlements of the stone giants, far from the noise of bats and the cave bears allied with the giants, there are holy places where silence and darkness are perfect. Stone embodies the most sacred qualities in these cavernous cathedrals, and their pillars and columns are carved so beautifully that they would put the legendary dwarven stonemasons to shame.

    Carvers and prophets. Among the stone giants, craft is considered the greatest asset. They create intricate murals on cave walls, paint these murals, and do other forms of art. They consider stone carving to be their greatest skill.

    Stone giants strive to reveal shapes from rough stone that they believe reveal meaning inspired by their god Scoreus the Stonebone. The giants appoint the best carvers as their leaders, shamans and prophets. The holy hands of such a giant during work become the hands of God.

    Graceful athletes. Despite their large size and muscles, stone giants are flexible and graceful. Skilled stone throwers hold a high position in the giants' ordnung, testing and demonstrating their ability to throw and catch huge boulders. Such giants occupy advanced ranks when the tribe needs to defend its home or attack enemies. However, even in battle, the main thing is skill. Throwing a boulder by a stone giant is a display of not just brute strength, but stunning balance and athleticism.

    Dreamers in the open air. Stone giants perceive the world outside their underground dwellings as a realm of dreams, where nothing is truly true or real. On the surface, they behave as humanoids might behave in their dreams, without much awareness of their actions and never fully trusting what they see or hear. A promise made above earth does not necessarily need to be kept. Insult can be given without apology. Killing prey or a sentient creature does not cause guilt in the open-air dream world.

    Some giants, lacking the grace of athletes or artistic prowess, live on the fringes of society, serving as border guards or wandering hunters for the tribe. When trespassers venture too deep into the mountainous territory of a clan of stone giants, these guards greet them with flying boulders and showers of splintered stone. Those who survived this tell stories about the cruelty of the stone giants, never realizing how little these thugs, living in the world of dreams, resemble their quiet, artistic family.

    • Material taken from the pdf version of the translation "Monster Manual" from the studio "