Classification of types of tourism, their general characteristics. Tourism

To date, there are many classifications of tourism, depending on the chosen criterion of differentiation.

  • 1. Classification of tourism according to the territorial aspect. The criterion for this classification is the crossing of state borders. This classification is proposed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and distinguishes three types of tourism:
    • - domestic tourism- trips made by the inhabitants of any country in their own country. The main feature of this type of tourism is the redistribution of income between the regions of the country and the stimulation of the national economy (capital is not taken out of the country, but is used for its development);
    • - outbound tourism- travel of residents of any country to another country. This type of tourism is less attractive for the national economy, since it is associated with the export of capital abroad;
    • - inbound tourism- travel in any country of persons who are not its inhabitants. This type of tourism contributes to the inflow of foreign capital into the country and is a priority in the tourism sector of any state.
  • 2. Classification of tourism depending on the purpose of travel. There is no single approach to this classification,

since the goals of tourism are extremely diverse and often intersect with each other (for example, combining relaxation and learning during a trip, etc.) - Therefore, this classification is conditional, subjective, but the main types of tourism are still distinguished:

2.1. Educational tourism- visits to historical, cultural or geographical sites in order to study culture and history, nature, religion, etc.

Educational tourism is very diverse. Tourists traveling for educational purposes are most often interested in social and economic relations the countries they visit. In the modern sense, educational tourism is a visit to museums, exhibition complexes, art galleries, palace and park ensembles, etc., that is, everything that forms the cultural and historical potential of the territory visited by tourists. At the same time, a significant share of educational tourism falls on religious tourism and ecotourism, that is, trips to explore religious and natural attractions;

2.2. Religious (pilgrimage) tourism.

The very concept of pilgrimage tourism - trips of believers to religious shrines - is denied by many of those who organize it: for them, "pilgrimage" and "tourism" are different concepts, sometimes even mutually exclusive. For these reasons, the term of similar content is most often used - "religious tourism".

Traveling for religious purposes is the oldest form of tourism with deep historical roots. At the same time, religious (pilgrimage) tourism is associated not only with visiting religious shrines, but also with spiritual perfection.

Recently, religious tourism has become one of the fastest growing types of tourism. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the global flow of tourists purposefully visiting places holy for various religions is now about 7 million people a year, of which only about 20 thousand are Russian pilgrims. At the same time, these figures will increase significantly by an order of magnitude if we include in this category people who, while vacationing in any country, go on excursions to monasteries or cathedrals.

According to UNWTO experts, religious tourism in a few years can take up to 20% of the world tourism market, especially since tourists visiting holy places are usually not embarrassed by either the relatively high prices for the tour, or even the ongoing hostilities in those areas (this fully applies to pilgrim tourists from Russia who are not deterred by armed conflicts between Israel and Palestine, etc.).

Religious tourism can be divided into four components, corresponding to the most common religions today (Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism). The last two destinations in the tourist market are represented very poorly.

The goals of religious tourism are extremely diverse, among them one can note: a purely religious aspect, a cognitive (or scientific-historical) aspect of making a trip and other personal goals (getting rid of diseases, preventing misfortune, expiation of sins, etc.).

It should be noted that religious tourism can also be passive (contemplative) in nature. For example, attending religious ceremonies as spectators also attracts tourists. Often, the atheistically inclined population participates in religious holidays with curiosity and interest. The tourist market offers many tours for Christmas and the colorful holidays of the Christmas week in Finland, the Scandinavian countries and Western Europe;

2.3. Ecotourism (ecological tourism).

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the term "ecotourism" (ecotourism) has been used in the tourism industry for more than

According to many (not necessarily true believers), every Orthodox should at least once visit the Holy Land in Israel and Egypt, visit Mount Athos. The same applies to Muslims, with the only difference that they need to make the Hajj to Mecca.

more than 10 years, however, different content is put into this concept. Many sources give a definition given by the Ecotourism Society (USA): ecotourism is travel to places with relatively untouched nature with the aim, without violating the integrity of ecosystems, to get an idea of ​​the natural and cultural and ethnographic features of a given territory in which such economic conditions are created, when nature conservation becomes beneficial to the local population.

There are other definitions of ecotourism:

  • ecotourism is any form of tourism that builds on a country's natural environmental attractiveness (from scuba diving off coral reefs to savanna travel);
  • ecotourism is tourism that includes education and information about environmental protection and all elements of which are based on environmentally sustainable principles;
  • ecotourism is travel unique corners nature with the specific goals of studying rare plants, animals, special types of ecosystems;
  • ecotourism is tourism that can help maintain positive synergies between tourism, biodiversity and local people, if managed accordingly.

In all these definitions, ecotourism is considered as an integral element in the development of sustainable tourism. The very concept of "ecotourism" involves the interaction of tourism activities and the environment, the rational and careful use natural resources.

From an economic point of view, eco-tourism is a special sector of the tourism industry, which implies the desire, first of all, to communicate with nature, to know its objects and phenomena, outdoor activities, where traditional entertainment, household comfort fade into the background.

The ever-growing popularity of eco-tourism is associated with the variety of functions it performs:

  • humanitarian functions - knowledge of the surrounding world in all its diversity, the formation of ethical values ​​associated with the conservation and protection of nature, etc.;
  • social functions - preservation of traditional cultures and improvement of the social situation in the region;
  • ecological functions - protection of natural areas, conservation of biodiversity, etc.;
  • economic functions - maintenance and development of the local economy.

Awareness of the socio-economic significance of eco-tourism was the reason for its development in many countries and regions of the world.

Ecotourism should have the following properties:

  • be turned to nature (both virgin and cultivated) and based on the use of predominantly natural resources;
  • not cause damage or cause minimal damage to our habitat, that is, be environmentally sustainable;
  • be invariably aimed at environmental education and enlightenment, at the formation of relations of equal partnership with nature;
  • take care of the preservation of the local socio-cultural environment;
  • be cost-effective and ensure the sustainable development of the areas where it is carried out.

The emergence of ecological tourism and its rapid development throughout the world is explained by the desire to minimize environmental changes, which allows it to develop in many, including specially protected, natural areas. Unlike mass or resort tourism, it does not have a strong impact on the environment and, with its sustainable planned development, can become an additional source of self-financing for many regions.

The principles of ecological tourism allow countries, even those that are not among the most economically developed, to gain a strong position in the global tourism market. Mandatory conditions for this process are the implementation of an active state policy in the field of tourism development, which is currently not given sufficient attention in our country, and the desire local residents actively participate in the development of the tourism industry in their areas, receiving additional profit from this.

At present, eco-tourism has become a prominent socio-economic and environmental phenomenon of an international scale. According to UNWTO, ecotourism accounts for 20% of the global tourism market with an income of $20 billion per year. The geography of ecological tourism is peculiar. If the main international flows of traditional tourists are directed from developed countries to developed ones, then ecotourists are sent mainly from developed countries to developing ones. The latter are located mainly in the tropics, the nature of which is exotic and attractive to the inhabitants of temperate latitudes. The leaders of ecotourism are Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Nepal, as well as Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

In the developed countries of Europe and America, domestic ecotourism is also popular. For example, in Canada, ecotourists make up a quarter of the domestic tourism market. At the same time, the number of ecotourists is increasing annually by 30%. This category of people is rich enough.

In addition, due to the smaller volume of necessary tourism infrastructure (hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues) per tourist and per dollar of income, this tourism is characterized by less resource intensity, which is not only useful, but also profitable;

2.4. Sports tourism.

Sports tourism- these are trips directly or indirectly related to sports. Sports tourism is divided into:

  • - passive tourism- trips that are passive in nature of participation in sports competitions and emphasize the spectator aspect. For example, trips to the Olympics, world championships in various sports, etc.;
  • - active tourism- trips for the purpose of active participation in sporting events and competitions. This type of sports tourism also includes extreme tourism and its types: diving, windsurfing, kayaking, rafting (canoeing or special rafting down a mountain river), mountain climbing, skiing and snowboarding, etc. At the same time, it should be noted that many of the listed types of active sports tourism can also be attributed to ecotourism, which once again indicates the conventionality of classifying tourism according to the purpose of making a tourist trip;
  • 2.5. Medical (health) tourism.

The concept of "medical tourism" covers two areas that are unequal in terms of the volume of tourist flow:

  • - balneological programs(i.e. sanatorium vacation). Sanatorium and resort rest is based on the natural and climatic resources of a particular region - this is the most demanded tourist product in the sector of medical and health tours, which today is offered by almost every second operator and agency company;
  • - clinical treatment. Clinical treatment abroad, as a rule, is exclusively a "piece goods". Ordering such programs in travel agencies is a rather rare phenomenon due to the cost of a tour package, the price of which often amounts to tens of thousands of dollars.

The development of medical (health) tourism is closely connected with geography, namely with the achievements in this area of ​​a particular country. According to experts, this is primarily Germany, Switzerland, Israel, the United States, as well as Great Britain and Italy.

The range of offers for health-improving holidays is wider: the Czech Republic, Israel, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia, Montenegro, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria. As an additional service, health-improving procedures are also often ordered in Romania, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Jordan;

2.6. Business tourism (business tourism).

Business tourism (Business Travel) - this is still a fairly new concept, even by international standards. As an independent and highly profitable type of tourism, they started talking about it in Europe and the USA in the 70-80s of the XX century. In the Russian market, this sector of the tourist business began to really develop only in the early 90s. Business tourism is a trip made out of professional and commercial interest (participation in congresses, conferences, seminars and other various events and political events).

Back in the 1970s, specialists from the World Association of Centers international trade came to the conclusion that the rate of economic growth of each particular country, as well as its business attractiveness, directly depend on the level of development of business tourism in it. Today, every fourth tourist trip in the world is made in connection with a business need. And although business travelers account for approximately 25% of the total tourist flow, they account for up to 60% of the total turnover of the tourism industry.

There are several reasons that make business tourism one of the most dynamically developing areas of the economy:

  • - he suffers less than others from the changing political situation in the world;
  • - A distinctive feature of business programs is their independence from the season. In addition, business tourism tends to smooth out the seasonal factor in the region;
  • - business trips are usually planned well in advance - at least six months in advance, which makes their dynamics predictable and stable;
  • - profitability - when organizing business tours, there is a focus on the consumer of services of medium and high levels;
  • - business tourists are less connected with the environment of the region than other tourists and do not create additional problems for the society.

The needs of business tourists are specific: on the one hand, they have at their disposal a sufficient amount of financial resources, and on the other hand, they need a very clear and punctual performance of all the services that are provided for by a particular tour. This also determines the level of development of infrastructure and services that must be achieved for a decent reception of business tourists.

According to the forecasts of UNWTO specialists, in the next 10 years a real boom in business tourism is expected in the world - the number of business trips will increase by about 3 times, and income from business tourism will increase by about 5 times. This trend is easily explained by last years Business tourism is turning into one of the most highly profitable sectors of the global tourism industry.

In the Russian tourism market, the concept of "business tourism" is relatively young. At the same time, if the share of business tourists in the world tourist flow is 25%, then in Russia it is less than 20%. At the same time, Moscow and St. Petersburg demonstrate a completely different distribution, where the share of businessmen in the entry flow approaches 60%.

However, in accordance with the global trend, this type of tourism is beginning to actively develop in Russia. However, it is still at the initial stage of its development. Very few companies offer business tourism as a separate direction. travel companies. There are a number of factors that could seriously change the approach to business tourism in Russia. Among them: active public policy, improving legislation, supporting the activities of relevant public organizations, adapting and promoting international standards and technologies, creating a network of regional consulting structures, as well as professional training, etc.

In any case, business tourism in Russia directly depends on the development of domestic tourism in general, that is, the state itself should be interested in the development of domestic tourism;

2.7. Educational tourism (tourism for the purpose of education).

Educational tourism - These are trips made for the purpose of

education or training abroad. These purposes of the trip are conditionally related to tourism, since short-term or semester training most often goes beyond tourism and constitutes a special branch of services related to tourism. Moreover, in the immigration laws of a number of countries, tourism is incompatible with the purposes of education, and this is specifically indicated in visas - "without the right to work and study." But nevertheless, travel companies provide services to prepare applicants for passing international tests and exams, tests for a minimum necessary knowledge a foreign language for training, their adaptation in the initial period of study, support and organization of living in families, guardianship of schoolchildren and students for the period of study, etc.;

2.8. Tourism for the purpose of visiting relatives and friends.

This type of tourism in international terminology is known

like - friends visiting and relatives (VFR). In practice, this type of tourism in pure form is extremely rare, because during their stay with relatives and friends, people often visit local attractions, engage in various sports (for example, surfing on seaside resorts) etc.

  • 3. Classification of tourism depending on its duration. There are the following types of tourism:
    • short-term tourism - a tourist trip is limited in time and its duration is no more than 2-3 days. Such tourism, as a rule, includes business trips, weekend tours, etc.;
    • medium-term tourism - a tourist trip for a period of 4 days to 2 weeks. The main examples of this tourism are: educational, sports, ecological, religious tourism, etc.;
    • long-term or long-term tourism - the duration of a tourist trip is 14 days or more. A striking example of this type of tourism is medical (health) tourism.

It should be noted that this division is conditional. For example, business travel can sometimes take up

2-3 days, but a whole week, and sports tourism can last more than 14 days (for example, tours to international sports competitions - the Olympics, etc.).

The duration of the trip may also depend on the area visited by tourists. For example, the stay of tourists in major city, as a rule, is of a short duration in comparison with tourists visiting other tourist destinations (for example, resorts). So, the average time of a tourist's stay in a large city is, as a rule, 4-5 days (2-7 days), while the average stay in a resort is 10 days (7-14 days or more).

  • 4. Classification of tourism depending on the participation of the intermediary in organizing a tourist trip between a tourist and enterprises providing tourist services (accommodation, meals, etc.). There are two types of tourism:
    • organized tourism - is a purchase by a tourist of a tour from a travel agency according to a previously agreed route, terms, volume of services provided, price, etc.;
    • unorganized tourism - the organization of travel by the tourist himself without the direct participation of the travel agency. At the same time, the tourist independently develops a travel route, chooses means of transportation, determines the objects of stops, overnight stays and the duration of the tour. Unorganized tourism in world practice is quite popular, and in European countries it accounts for approximately 80% of all tourist travel. At the same time, the attractiveness of this type of tourism is constantly growing.
  • 5. Classification of tourism depending on the degree of organization of tourism divides tourism into:
    • mass tourism - this is the purchase by a tourist of a formed tour with a clearly defined travel period and the conditions of the tour, made as part of a tourist group;
    • individual tourism - this is a tourist trip on an individual tour, developed by a travel company according to the wishes of the tourist himself.
  • 6. Classification of tourism depending on the age of tourists:
    • - children's tourism;
    • - youth tourism;
    • - tourism of people of the middle age group;
    • - Tourism of the elderly.
  • 7. Classification of tourism depending on means of transportation. According to this classification, the following types of tourism are distinguished:
    • air tourism - travel by air, mainly on aircraft of various brands. The main features of this type of tourism are its mobility (speed of delivery of a tourist to a destination) and high cost. This type of tourism is associated to a greater extent with visiting distant or hard-to-reach countries (for example, located on other continents). Air transport plays an important role in the tourism industry and the global economy.

The demand for air transport has increased significantly with the introduction of jet engines. Since 1950, commercial aviation passenger traffic has increased 60 times, the highest rate of any other mode of transport. The increase in demand was also influenced by the development international tourism.

At the same time, the air transport industry is very sensitive to economic and political changes. Yes, the war Persian Gulf and the economic downturn that began in the 1990s caused a decline in air traffic. According to statistics international organization civil aviation(ICAO), global air travel in this period decreased by 3.5%.

Air transportation of tourists can be carried out by charter companies and regular carriers. Charter air travel originated in the 1950s North America and Europe, when vacationers from the cold northern climatic zones headed to the southern sunny tourist destinations of Florida, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean.

The busiest European routes originate in London and include: London - Paris, London - New York and London - Amsterdam.

Today, air tourism is developing at a fairly fast and steady pace. Volume of international passenger traffic in 2011 grew by 6.9%. More than 3 billion people use airline services annually. The maximum growth in passenger traffic was shown by the airlines of the countries Latin America, airlines in Europe and airlines in the Middle East. The worldwide seat occupancy rate, according to IATA, was 76% in 2011.

railway tourism- a journey by rail on a specialized railway vehicle for recreational, educational, professional, religious and other purposes not related to paid activities.

Traveling by train is quite popular for a number of reasons: speed and convenience of movement, the ability to see many interesting places in a short time, get acquainted with the history, culture, modern achievements of the visited country, etc. The content, forms and types of railway tourist trips are very diverse. The most massive are the travel of tourists on scheduled trains, carried out in ordinary passenger trains following a regular schedule. In such trains, tourists travel to their destination as ordinary passengers with only one difference - a tourist organization worries about tickets for them, which, in agreement with the railway, pre-purchases seats for the entire group (usually in one carriage and to neighboring seats). Other forms of rail tourism are travel on special tourist-excursion trains intended only for tourists. These are a kind of "camps on wheels": having the features of a tourist base (food, sightseeing and cultural services, availability of accommodation, etc.), they can move, which allows tourists to get acquainted with many attractions. Moving from city to city takes place mainly at night, and daytime is used for excursions.

A special type of travel by tourist train is rail cruise- a tourist trip on a railway train (train) along a closed circular route, with scheduled stops along the way for excursions.

One of the tourist trains in Russia is the branded train "Rus" of the Moscow railway- visiting card of domestic railway tourism. The train has the following main routes: Ulaanbaatar (a tour through several major cities of Russia at once: Vladimir, Kazan, Novosibirsk and Ulan-Ude) and the Chinese route, trips along the Great Silk Road to Central Asia and St. Petersburg, as well as a route along the Volga cities;

  • car tourism - trips made by own or rented vehicles. The characteristic features of this type of tourism are: high mobility of tourists, the ability to independently determine the duration of stay in certain tourist places, etc. Autotourism is very common in Europe and occupies a leading position in the tourist market;
  • bus tour ism- trips made on various modifications of buses (mini-buses, buses with a capacity of about 40-50 people, double-decker sightseeing buses, hotel-type buses with berths, etc.”).

The history of the active popularity of bus tourism began around the 70s. The pioneers of European roads were young Britons, who appreciated the opportunity to see several countries of continental Europe at once in a dynamic mode for relatively little money (traveling by bus is always significantly cheaper than, for example, air travel).

Bus tourism in Russia was one of the pioneers of the entire industry, where the main positive characteristics at that time were: cheapness, speed, and also the ability to buy scarce goods abroad in large quantities (you don’t need to pay for overweight luggage, unlike air transport).

Today, up to 90% of bus tours lasting more than 4 days are foreign travel.

The "high season" for bus travel is from April to October, with the highest spikes in demand occurring in May holidays and July-August - the traditional time of holidays and vacations. It is generally impossible to determine the optimal time of the year for bus tours. If, for example, July in France or Scandinavia is hot, but it is quite bearable in a modern air-conditioned bus, then, for example, a trip to Jordan at the same time can be real torture for a Russian who is not too accustomed to the Middle Eastern heat.

The main advantage of bus travel is a quick maneuver between cities and countries.

Bus sightseeing tourism is considered the most difficult in terms of organizing a trip. After all, a travel agency needs not only to choose interesting places and lay a route between them, but also to provide travelers with accommodation, food, transport and excursions along all sections of the journey. In addition, the road is often fraught with unpleasant accidents: according to statistics, road travel is twice as dangerous as rail and four times as air;

sea ​​tourism - journeys made on ships, Pacific liners, yachts, etc. The beginning of sea tourism is attributed to the middle of the 19th century, it was then, during the off-season, that passenger companies began to use ships in liner transportation. High competition forced ship owners to constantly improve living conditions on ships, the level of service, which, in turn, quickly turned ships into highly comfortable floating hotels.

The first reports of specially organized sea voyages passenger ships for the purpose of tourism date back to 1835, when regular pleasure flights were announced in England between northern islands Britain and Iceland. Two years later, the ship-owning company P&O was formed, which specialized in sea tourism, and since 1840 it begins to carry out group tourist trips on mediterranean sea.

Today, the leading countries of maritime tourism are Germany, England and the USA. The main regions of maritime tourism are considered to be the islands of the South Pacific Ocean (Australia and New Zealand), Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, caribbean(USA), Mediterranean Sea, Baltic, Northern Europe. Currently, there are more than 200 companies engaged in maritime tourism in the world.

A distinctive feature of sea tourism is its comfort and rather high cost. The most expensive type of sea tourism is a cruise. Sea cruise (sea cruises) is a comfortable accommodation and eventful pastime and the opportunity to see a lot of interesting, instructive and at the same time get a lot of pleasure. Modern cruise ships are like a city in miniature, where there are many options for a pleasant stay for both single travelers and families with many children.

Recently, a lot of families with children choose to vacation in sea cruises. For these purposes, cruise companies develop entertaining and educational programs designed for children of different age groups. Specially prepared

educators and animators will take care of your children throughout the trip;

  • river tourism- trips made by water transport along rivers, lakes and canals. The main feature of this tourism is territorial limitation. As a rule, river tours are not as long as sea cruises. A striking example of a river tour in Russia are: a cruise along the Volga and a trip to Valaam;
  • bicycle and motorcycle tourism- travel by bicycle. This type of tourism can cover both small areas (for example, a trip to another city) and distant regions (for example, a bicycle trip around Europe, etc.). In cycling tourism, the concept of “categorical cycling trip” is distinguished - this is a bicycle trip made by a group of cyclists along a route that, in terms of complexity and length, corresponds to the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification tourist routes(EVSKTM), the conditions for which comply with the Rules for conducting sports trips;
  • tourism using other means of transportation- travel on specific, highly specialized means of transportation. For example, travel to hot-air balloon, trike, dog sled, etc.;
  • hiking- travel without the use of any means of transportation. This type of tourism is mainly associated with the organization of trips.

All of these types of tourism, according to their dependence on means of transportation, are united by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) into three groups: air, land and water tourism. The dynamics of the ratio of these types of tourism in the total volume of international tourism is presented in Table. 5.

It should be noted that, as a rule, tourism is carried out not exclusively with the help of one type of vehicle, but with the use of two or more. For example, a bus tour of European cities is often organized from a border town Russian Federation(Brest or Kaliningrad), to which tourists Table 5

Percentage of tourist trips by mode of transport*

taken on the train. Or to go on a Mediterranean cruise, you must first fly by plane to the city that is the starting point of the cruise. This type of tourism, which includes the use of several Vehicle, called combined tourism.

  • The compartments of the train are designed for two people, shower cabins are built between each two compartments. The walls and many interior elements in the carriages are finished with expensive wood. The decor of the compartment is complemented by original bronze candelabra.
  • The most preferred bus brands among Russians are: Neoplan, Mercedes and Beauvais.
  • Cunard (founded by Samu-el Cunard in 1840), Carnival Cruise Lines (founded in 1976), Celebrity Cruises (founded in 1989), Crystal Cruises, Festival Cruises (founded in 1986), Holland America Line (founded in 1871), etc.
  • Tourism as a process is carried out in the form of travel. Depending on how the region of travel of a tourist correlates with the citizenship of this tourist, tourism can be divided into three types:

    • - domestic tourism: travel of citizens of a given country within the same country;
    • - outbound tourism: travel of citizens of a given country outside this country;
    • - inbound tourism: travel within a given country by citizens of other countries.

    Any tourist, intending to go on a trip, sets a specific goal or several goals. Such purposes can be: - rest; - treatment; - acquaintance with something in the travel area /with culture, history, architecture, art, customs of the people, etc./; - entertainment; - overcoming natural obstacles; - study of any branch of knowledge /foreign language, cultural monuments, etc./; - solving business issues; - satisfaction of religious needs; - protection and conservation of nature; - visiting places where you spent your childhood; - unconventionally celebrate a wedding or other event, and so on.

    Depending on the purpose of travel, tourism can be divided into several types.

    There is no single universally recognized register of types of tourism. This is due both to the appearance of new species from time to time, and to the different interpretation of the types and subspecies of tourism by tour operators and tourism theorists.

    Without pretending to be comprehensive, we single out the basic structure of types of tourism.

    In each of the three types of tourism indicated, there are two main types of mass - recreational tourism, the main purpose of which is rest and restoration of human vitality (physical, mental), and educational tourism, aimed at satisfying intellectual, moral, aesthetic needs, acquiring new experience , knowledge, etc.

    Each of these types of tourism combines several subspecies.


    • - health resort
    • - health-improving
    • - sports


    • - excursion tourism
    • - study tours
    • - scientific tourism

    In addition to these main mass types, there are other types of tourism that differ in goals:

    • - business (or business tourism)
    • - entertaining
    • - ecological
    • - specialized tourism (tours of interest)

    In turn, some of the listed species include certain varieties:


    • - holidays in seaside resorts
    • - recreation on the lakes
    • - holidays in the mountains

    HEALTH AND HEALTH TOURISM (rest and possible treatment):

    • - in thermal spas
    • - relaxation in SPA
    • - in thalasso resorts
    • - at mineral (salt) resorts
    • - at mud resorts
    • - at radon resorts (radon springs and radon caves)
    • - on the climatic resorts(healing under the influence of air

    and climate)


    • - weekend tours
    • - trips to sports competitions as a fan
    • - trips to concerts
    • - trips to festivals, carnivals


    • - route (water /rafting and kayaking/, mountain, speleological, hiking, cycling, skiing, combined - combining several types of sports tourism)
    • - stationary (classes during the holidays by any kind of sport: ski tours, golf, diving, mountaineering)


    • - stationary
    • - route (bus)
    • - cruises


    • - language classes
    • - sports training camps
    • - business trainings, etc.

    BUSINESS TOURISM /its goals: solving issues related to the business that a person who goes on such tours is engaged in/:

    • - trips to conferences, exhibitions, seminars, business meetings
    • - incentive tourism (incentive tours)

    Let us describe in more detail the most massive subspecies of tourism.

    Health resort and health tourism.

    This is the most massive type of tourism, since every person needs a health-improving vacation. Even adherents of excursion tourism, who are constantly striving for new knowledge and impressions, or lovers of sports tourism, at least once every few years, need a health-improving vacation.

    In world practice, the concept of a resort (Kurort - a medical place, area) implies both rest and recovery, that is, resort services. In Russia, this concept often means balneological (sea, mountain) or mineral resorts.

    In the broad sense of the word, a resort area is a territory with good ecology and favorable climatic conditions, located in a picturesque area and possessing natural healing factors: healing climate, mineral springs, salt, mud, etc.

    Programs of health resort tours are aimed at providing maximum opportunities for recreation at the resort: maximum free time, ample opportunities for practicing various sports, a fairly wide range of additional services (excursions, concerts, etc.)

    The programs of medical and health tours are diverse, but there are general specific requirements for the organization of just such tours. When creating such a tourist product, it must be remembered that it is made for people who want not only to relax, but also to improve their health at the same time. Therefore, the programs of health tours are built taking into account the fact that a significant part of the time should be allocated to health-improving procedures. If such tours include excursion program, it should not be saturated. When organizing leisure programs, it is necessary to give preference to events such as competitions, dance evenings, quizzes, etc., as well as hobby activities that allow you to diversify your leisure time. Sports programs are allowed in the form of easy walks around the neighborhood, simple sports competitions, aerobics, shaping, swimming, etc. At the same time, it is recommended to create in resort areas preferred for family vacation, resort and tourist complexes that allow healthy family members to go in for sports, tourism, and those in need of treatment to be treated and relax. Meals in wellness tours should have options for dietary tables.

    Entertaining tours.

    Not quite a good name (for lack of a more suitable one) hides a variety of tours that are becoming more and more popular. It is easier to characterize them with the slogan “Break out of everyday life”. The most common entertainment tours are "tours for the weekend" (week-end tour). Their essence is that a sharp change in the environment, even for a short time, gives a powerful boost of energy and restores strength well. Their main purpose, of course, is entertainment during a tourist trip. Excursions are usually provided at a minimum. More attention is paid to evening entertainment events. These tours include trips as fans to competitions, trips to various festivals, holidays dedicated to some events, phenomena, etc.

    Sports tourism.

    Sports tourism clients are people with an active lifestyle, sports enthusiasts (not professional athletes) who want to practice their chosen sport during their trip and entrust the organization of this to travel companies and enterprises. This group of tours includes specialized tours dedicated to sports activities that have been singled out in special programs, and, accordingly, in separate segments of demand. These are the most common specific sports tours.

    The purpose of sports tours can be defined as unity with nature in overcoming obstacles.

    Sports tours are divided into route and stationary or local, i.e. passing in one place. This is due to the specifics of the chosen sport. The package of services on such tours, of course, is focused on a particular sport. However, there are general requirements for organizing sports tours.

    For example, it is necessary to have appropriate natural conditions. For ski tourism, it is necessary to have mountains with suitable slopes of varying difficulty; for rafting - the presence of mountain rivers with interesting sections and water obstacles of varying degrees of complexity, the possibility of convenient entry and exit from the route, etc.

    The material base (hotels, transport, sports equipment) should also be oriented towards sports recreation and a certain sport. The organizers of ski tours must provide the opportunity to use ski lifts, specially equipped slopes, as well as the possibility of renting tourist equipment. Sports type hotels are selected. Very desirable Additional services relaxation, relieving stress after sports: baths, saunas, swimming pools, massage services, etc.

    The material base of route tours, as a rule, involves the stay of tourists in the wild and, accordingly, living in tents, cooking on a fire or stove, the presence of tourists in special clothes, shoes, equipment, as well as certain physical and technical training. When organizing sports tours, a fundamental condition is the availability of qualified and experienced instructors in the relevant sport.

    Athletes-hikers do not always turn to the services of professional travel organizers, preferring to organize everything on their own. Because of this, in our country they are often called "amateur tourists." At the same time, there is a certain segment of sports and hiking tours organized for a wide range of consumers by professional tourist organizations. These are hiking, water, horseback, bicycle, mountain, ski, caving and various similar tours.

    Cognitive excursion tourism.

    The educational tourism market is also quite wide, it is not limited by any age characteristics of tourists. Each person, to a greater or lesser extent, is interested in the new, unusual, unknown.

    There are two main types of educational tours:

    • - stationary tours with tourists staying in one city, tourist center;
    • - route tours with visits to several cities, countries, regions.

    As a separate specific type of educational tourism, sea and river cruises with excursion programs.

    When organizing route tours, a special schedule is developed for visiting the planned points, the duration of stay in them, depending on the number and quality of attractions.

    Cognitive tours have a lot of thematic varieties: historical, architectural, geographical, natural history, literary, theatrical, ethnographic, folklore, etc. Depending on the subject, the program is also built. But if we are not talking about a group with highly specialized interests, then, as a rule, a certain symbiosis of objects and topics covering different areas is created. The main role in such programs is played by excursion-cognitive and cultural (museums, architectural monuments) events aimed at meeting the aesthetic, moral and cognitive needs of tourists.

    In stationary tours, a tourist often has the opportunity to choose a category of accommodation - hotels from 2 * to 5 * (1 * hotels are usually not offered on the Russian market). On route tours, all tourists in each city are accommodated, as a rule, in the same hotel. Their category is determined by the tour operator and adapted to the general price level of the tour.

    Business tourism

    Tourist trips for business purposes (business trips) have recently gained a huge scope.

    Business tourism covers a wide range of trips:

    • - individual business trips of employees of corporations and companies for the purpose of negotiations, participation in production meetings, presentations, sales activities, etc.;
    • - congress services - trips to congresses, conferences, seminars;
    • - exhibition services - exhibitions, fairs, exchanges;
    • - incentive tourism (incentive) is a form of encouragement by companies of their employees in the form of organizing a free tourist trip for them;
    • - service of delegations - trips to sports competitions of teams, tours, trips of official delegations.

    Business tourism is one of the most profitable and promising species travel, which is characterized by high and stable growth and relative resistance to the impact of economic, political, climatic, weather and other factors. Its important feature is that the customer, as a rule, is a firm, a corporation. Therefore, business tourism is most often carried out in the form of corporate tourism. In addition, congress tourism has two big advantages for the tour operator over other types of travel: - tours to congresses and exhibitions are usually held in the off-season, which makes it easier to work with a hotel base; - booking of seats for congress participants is carried out long before the event.

    Incentive tourism - this term refers to the currently dynamically developing incentive tourism, which is a modern means of encouraging employees of firms and enterprises in order to further increase the productivity of employees. Companies consider tourist trips as one of the most effective means of encouraging employees at various levels. Experts note that incentive tourism has a great future, it will become the most important form of employee incentives. Attracting tourists traveling on incentive tours is one of the most important tasks of travel companies and hotels, since this category of tourists brings high incomes.

    Ecological tourism.

    According to the definition of experts from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), ecotourism is travel to places with relatively untouched nature and well-preserved cultural and historical heritage in order to study and preserve them. Ecotourism creates conditions under which environmental protection and rational use of natural resources become economically beneficial for the local population.

    Specialized tourism.

    This type of tourism can be attributed to everything that does not fall under the previously described types. These are, for example, pilgrimage, religious tours in which a person satisfies his religious needs. These are nostalgic tours in which a person goes in order to visit places with which he has important memories and impressions associated with him. This also includes wedding, fishing, hunting, prison tours. The market of specialized tours is constantly replenished, as over time a person has more and more new needs.

    Let's get acquainted with the most common types of tours.

    SPA tours are a fairly common phenomenon in the field of tourism services, because this product is highly demanded by tourists. These tours usually consist of a carefully selected classic tour and a combination of a comprehensive visit to all kinds of SPA procedures.
    able to deliver you a lot of positive emotions and at the same time will allow you to restore your health, being at the spa resort.
    When choosing a spa tour, you should take into account your desires and opportunities, as they are able to save you from excess weight or even make you give up bad habits, such as smoking.
    In any case, a SPA tour will be associated with the word relaxation for you.

    Auto tour or tours on wheels in our country is gaining more and more popularity, due to the fact that the population is growing in prosperity every year and, consequently, the number of cars is increasing.

    An auto tour implies an active movement from place to place with the help of a car, thanks to which you can see and visit a lot of interesting places in a fairly short period of time. Having gone on such a tour, you will no doubt get a lot of positive emotions, because you can combine a pleasant pastime while driving a car and at the same time enjoy the picturesque landscapes.

    In such tours there is another type of tours, which is known as jeeping, the difference of which is that the route of your trip will run through the most inaccessible and difficult places, and you will move on passable jeeps, getting a huge portion of adrenaline.

    Bicycle tours or bicycle tours are a narrowly specific occupation, because. there are practically no tour operator companies that supply this product to the market, but due to the fact that those who like to ride a bicycle in various picturesque and interesting places, this product still has a fairly good demand and is popular.
    Cycling tours allow you to visit many interesting places, especially since throughout the tour you will gradually move along a pre-laid and well-planned route, which is developed specifically so that you can see the most important and interesting places of a particular district, city or city as much as possible. countries. Bike tours come in different durations, it all depends on the place where the bike tour will take place.
    So, if you are a fan of cycling, and even more so, you like to discover new and interesting places, as well as take amazing walks and get to know many interesting people, then bike tours are your opportunity to make it happen.

    Gastronomic tours are also a specific tourism product. Who is suitable for gastronomic tours, you ask? We answer, Gastronomic tours are suitable for real gourmets in food and drink, but the circle of those wishing to visit such a tour is not limited to this. A gastronomic tour can also be useful for various kinds of restaurateurs who are looking for new products for their restaurant, and of course, gastronomic tours are also close to lovers and true connoisseurs of wine and other drinks.
    Wine tours are an offshoot of gastronomic tours that specialize in visiting various wineries, for example, wine tours to Italy or France are in great demand, but wine is produced in many countries and therefore you can find such tours as: Wine tours to Argentina or Wine tours tours in Chile.
    as a rule, they can include wine tours with a combination and tasting of various kinds of local products that the whole world knows about or no one knows about. For example, you can meet a gastronomic tour to Switzerland, which is famous for its chocolate, which, in turn, you can try a very large range of these products by visiting a similar tour.

    New Year tours is a special type of tours, especially considering the fact that the vast majority of Russians in new year holidays get an additional and extraordinary, if I may say so, vacation, which everyone tries to have a lot of fun and on a grand scale, and what could be better at this time as tours for the new year.
    New Year's tours are not only visits to all kinds of warm countries, but also a wonderful opportunity to make unique trips around Russia.
    Finding it is not difficult, since many travel agencies will be happy to select the best New Year tour for you, but the vast majority of tourists try to find unique and interesting New Year tours on their own.
    In addition, New Year's tours differ from ordinary tours in that wherever you go at this time, you will definitely find an interesting and exciting show related to the celebration of the New Year, especially since in each country this holiday is celebrated taking into account local law and mentality.

    Wedding tours are a great opportunity to fulfill your cherished dream and hold an official wedding ceremony in some piece of paradise.
    Wedding tours, of course, are primarily aimed at organizing and holding official wedding events for a couple, and as a rule, such a wedding tour already includes a certain package of standard services, which, if desired, can be supplemented with various kinds of options.
    Of course, many prefer to conduct wedding tours in some warm and beautiful country, for example, Hawaii, but there is a certain category of people who prefer to go on a wedding tour to some unusual and rarely visited place in order to turn such a wedding ceremony into a real holiday and make it unique.

    Weekend tours are a great opportunity to spend the weekend somewhere in a great place. This type of tour is currently only developing in our country and therefore the choice is not as wide as we would like. But nothing stands still and this sphere in tourism is adding everything every day and strengthening its position in this difficult market.

    What can the average citizen afford? For the weekend, you can safely go on a weekend tour by bus to a nearby region or region, believe me, in every subject of the Russian Federation there are great places worth a visit, another thing is that sometimes it's too expensive or just lazy.

    For lovers of foreign countries, the option of spending days off in Europe or Asia is perfect, because someone is close to Europe, and someone to Asia, we have such a big country.

    A weekend tour can be purchased from a tour operator specializing in this type of service, or you can arrange such a trip yourself, for example, you can go to Uglich or Italy by buying tickets on your own and booking a hotel, or you can go to Myshkin by private car, again not forgetting to book a hotel in advance .

    Shop tours are not only a great opportunity to visit and get to know a particular country, but also to make useful and pleasant purchases.
    Shop tours or as they are also called shopping tours are very popular among the mass of people who like to combine a pleasant trip and useful shopping. Not everyone still knows that thanks to shop tours, you can buy quality items at an adequate price. For example, taking a shopping tour to Milan, you can visit the leading fashion capital in Europe and purchase a lot of high-quality and original goods from famous couturiers and not only. Shop tours are especially popular during sales that take place in various countries and thanks to which you can buy various things at a uniquely low price. Sale seasons in different countries differ, thanks to which you can make shop tours almost every month and buy things that warm your soul.
    In addition, the specifics of shop tours to each country are unique, for example, if we are talking about Italy, then there are usually shop tours for "branded" things, - shop tours for fur coats, China - shop tours for gifts, etc.

    Extreme tours are not such a rare tourist product, as the world is very a large number of those who like to spend their vacation not just lying like a vegetable on some beach, but they need a dose of adrenaline, and the more the better.
    Extreme tours are better than ever for such people, because such a tourist product is developed specifically and is able to fully meet expectations. Having gone on an extreme tour, you need to know that, as a rule, such tours are suitable for professionals in their field, or people who are very passionate about their hobbies, because any extreme tour is still a risk and you will need some skill, if not even experience and skill. .
    Extreme tours, as a rule, are always divided into certain categories, for example, by type of tour (kayaks, jeeps), i.e. in fact, these are some sports such as: mountaineering, rafting, mountain biking.
    most main feature extreme tours is that none of those who go on such a tour knows who will win this fight, on the one hand of which people act, and on the other mother nature.

    Furniture tours will allow you to make a pleasant trip to a particular country and visit the most important places for the production and sale of furniture. Furniture tours are suitable for a wide range of people, especially those who are looking for good and high-quality furniture and want to see it first and then buy it.
    Why go on a furniture tour if you can see it in your own country? If you are a connoisseur of furniture and want to find and order exclusive furniture, then furniture tours are your choice. Thanks to this specific travel offer, you receive a full range of services aimed at meeting your needs. The main country for this tourism product is China, i.е. furniture tours to China are the lion's share of this product, but at the same time, furniture is also produced in other countries, such as France, Italy, so furniture tours to a factory in Italy or France or any other country are possible.

    Sightseeing tours are a very popular product in the tourist services market, because this is not just a tour where you will just relax enjoying the gentle rays of the sun, but a kind of journey, going on which you will find an interesting and rich program with visits to various places and attractions.
    As a rule, sightseeing tours are interesting for a special class of tourists who wish for the maximum short term visit many countries and see their main attractions. For this kind of demand, there are excursion tours that are developed taking into account the above requirements. In addition, sightseeing tours will allow you to get the most out of this kind of travel, since each such tour is worked out to the smallest detail and you do not need to draw up routes yourself. I am purchasing a sightseeing tour. You just have to read its detailed route and, if your needs are met, purchase such a tour and enjoy the trip.

    Children's tours are one of the very specific tourism products, but at the same time they are in demand in the tourism market. For example, many people want to send their an amusing trip, or go with them on a trip that will be "sharpened" for children's holidays, for example, New Year's children's tours or tours dedicated to a particular event or directed to a specific country.
    Of course, New Year's children's tours or children's vacation tours are especially popular, because it is during this period that many parents combine business with pleasure and go with their child on a journey that will benefit their child.
    Children's tours to various amusement parks such as Disneyland or Lego Park are also very popular. In addition, at the moment, such a type of children's tours as summer rest in a camp or recreation center, of course, this type of children's recreation has been transformed, adapting to the existing conditions and realities of the 21st century, but still it is somewhat similar to the former vacation in the camp.
    So, if you want to spend time with maximum benefit for your child, we recommend that you choose children's tours.

    Educational tours are designed to eliminate the various kinds of barriers that potential tourists of this kind have, whether it be a language barrier or some other.
    As a rule, an educational tour combines some educational program and recreation in this country.
    As a rule, educational tours mean studying abroad at the best universities and colleges, after which you receive the knowledge you need, secured with the necessary skills and documents on successful completion of the training.

    Medical tours are a very specific tourism product, because they combine classic tour and complement it with active treatment.
    Such tours are divided by direction, i.е. by countries, for example, there are medical tours to China, the Czech Republic, the Czech Republic, Israel, Hungary and according to the activities of a particular health center.
    Do not think that medical tours consist of procedures and you will not be able to relax, on the contrary, by visiting such a tour, you can not only have a pleasant rest and visit this or that country, but also get a charge of vivacity and improve your health, especially since many of us familiar with procedures such as mud baths or bathing in thermal springs after which you feel reborn.

    Pilgrimage tours are a very specific product in the tourism market, which are focused on believers.
    Pilgrimage tours will allow you to visit all the holy places that are located in different parts of our planet. One of the main destinations for this type of tour is Israel, because it is rightfully considered the promised land and a huge number of pilgrims flock there every year, especially during major holidays such as Christmas or Epiphany.
    In any case, pilgrimage tours can satisfy your wishes and allow you to enrich yourself spiritually by visiting this or that holy corner of the world.

    They are a special type of recreation, because. it is very specific and will especially appeal to those who love the sea and try to see a wide variety of sights in a relatively short period of time, visiting several countries.
    Cruises are ideal for leisurely people, where you can sail on a huge liner that looks more like a small floating city, rushing into the distance to the shores of various countries. Going on a cruise, you can forget about everything, because. this type of recreation perfectly combines the classic beach holiday and sightseeing tour. As a rule, cruise routes are designed in such a way that you can visit the most unique and main attractions of a particular country or several countries with stops in the best ports around the world.

    nowadays they are in increasing demand, because ordinary fishing is already a little boring for many, and for some it is a new and interesting adventure with the opportunity to do what they love.

    Fishing tours exist not only in the domestic market, but also with trips abroad, among which northern countries such as Norway and Finland are especially popular. Going on this kind of tour, you are guaranteed to get a catch, the volume of which depends on your skill and ingenuity. In most cases, a license for this type of recreation is not needed, but in some cases it is necessary to take care of acquiring a fishing license in advance, which can be obtained from the tour operator that provides services.

    As a rule, before buying a fishing tour you should be informed about the tour program and what kind of catch you can expect. In most cases, you can not take your equipment, because on the spot you will be happy to provide all the necessary equipment for rent, but it is always up to you to take or take, because in the end it will be from the totality of everything and decide how successful your catch will be.

    City tour is a new and promising direction in the field of tourism. City tour what is it? We answer, this is the usual sightseeing tour, where professional guides and transport are provided to your attention for comfortable movement around the city, so you get comfortable journey with visits to the most important sights and shops.

    These types of tours are great for avid travelers who come to any city and want to visit all its main places, but they have little or no time to independently make a plan of what to visit first and even more so how to get to it all.

    Let's say you arrived in Moscow, you have only one day of free time, and you want to see all its sights, such as Red Square, GUM, etc., but at the same time you have a catastrophically little time or you simply cannot find out how to get there and even more so to visit everything. And if you can, it will be very expensive, because you have to pay for everything. In this case, an excellent solution would be a city tour of Moscow, or a sightseeing tour, however, the second option will be less intense.

    Expedition tours or expeditions are a very specific product that is not like any other product and they belong to the so-called deep tourism, which is suitable mainly for fans in tourism.
    Expeditions are usually long and each of them has some task, whether it is an archaeological expedition or just an expedition tour to Mexico. Each such tour is designed to acquaint people with amazing places on our planet, which are little studied or are of particular value to the world community.
    Expeditionary tours are a complex of combined events, where each of the expedition members has several tasks that he needs to solve throughout the tour.

    Promotional tours are a very specific product designed exclusively for employees working in various travel companies. The main goal of such tours is a deep acquaintance with a particular country, its culture and specifics. As a rule, going on advertising tours, employees of travel companies are waiting for a very rich and rich program, which includes a variety of excursions, visits to the most important and, first of all, popular cities among tourists, as well as visits to the most important attractions. The duration of such a tour approximately takes an average of 2 weeks, i.е. 14 days, which is quite enough for an employee of one or another travel company to be able to get acquainted with a variety of objects and be able to learn in some way the culture of the local population.
    As in “ordinary” tours, there is also a lot of competition in advertising, because all these tours are different from each other and when planning this kind of trip for their employees, travel companies try, they fit very thoroughly, because the success of the visit promotional tour in the future depends on the successful promotion and sale of tours to this country.

    Psychologists say that one of the main differences between humans and animals lies in human curiosity. Even in ancient times, noble Greeks and Romans went on trips to see the world and see how other peoples live.

    Thus, tourism, as such, arose in time immemorial. However, mass tourism is a phenomenon of the 20th century, when effective means of transportation arose and the material level of the Earth's population increased. It is believed that the term "tourism" was coined by the famous writer Mark Twain, combining the words "tour" (in French - "journey") and "adventurism". Today there are various types of tourism, numbered in dozens.

    Types of tourism are practically not subject to strict classification, especially since tourism is becoming increasingly popular. combined tours. The main goals of modern tourism are educational, recreational and entertaining. In addition, people go on health trips, as well as professional business, sports, wedding and guest trips. Below are the most popular types of tourism, as well as their brief descriptions.

    Water tourism

    Is active or even extreme view recreation. Travel within water tourism pass using a variety of watercraft - boats, kayaks, catamarans, rafts, etc. Practicing river rafting using special equipment. Also included in the category of water tourism is quite calm travel on ships and ocean liners.

    mountain tourism

    This is one of the most popular types. active rest, involving walking routes with overcoming passes, steep slopes, rocky areas, mountain rivers and glaciers. There is a five-point classification of the complexity of the routes, so both professional climbers and office managers who decide to take a break from the bustle of the city can engage in mountain tourism.

    Medical tourism

    It is a trip to sanatoriums, dispensaries and resorts in order to improve health. As a rule, tourists choose a resort that has the most beneficial effect on the body and provides a range of wellness procedures aimed at treating chronic diseases.

    ski tourism

    It is one of the most popular types of sports tourism and involves the passage of routes of varying difficulty. This category also includes ski slopes. Such types of tourism require special training of participants and the availability of high-quality equipment.

    Recreational tourism

    One of the most popular types of mass tourism. It is carried out solely for the purpose of rest and restoration of physical, emotional and mental strength. This category includes sightseeing trips, visits to a variety of entertainment and entertainment events.

    Maritime tourism

    It is carried out on regular passenger sea liners or special cruise ships. As a rule, the route is chosen so that the ship periodically calls at the ports different cities where excursions are arranged for tourists and entertainment programs. On board ships, passengers are usually provided with full board.

    Ethnic tourism

    It is more typical for older people who want to travel to their places of previous residence. It involves visiting not so much sights as memorable places, cemeteries, etc. Such types of tourism are also called nostalgic.

    Pilgrimage tourism

    It is one of the most popular types of religious tourism. Pilgrimage trips committed by believers of various faiths and denominations. As a rule, these are trips to holy places, visits to monasteries and various historical and archaeological sites.

    Adventure tourism

    Associated with non-standard travel to exotic places on the planet, as well as to environmentally friendly reservations. Often such tours are carried out using non-traditional transport. The most popular types of adventure tourism are safari tours, unusual fishing trips, hunting trips, yacht trips.

    This article will tell you what types of tours exist in the tourist market and which ones will suit your criteria for a good rest.

    Many of us did not even think about the fact that vacations can be divided into various categories, and you can relax in different ways, even at the same resort. Therefore, tour operators, for the greater convenience of their customers, have identified several categories of tours that will enjoy a certain popularity.

    The most demanded is a beach holiday, because our people work for a year in order to break out on their prescribed two weeks of vacation. sunny Beach sea ​​and sunbathe from the heart. But, sightseeing tours are no less popular, allowing you to get out of a large metropolis for a day and plunge into the history of cities, and maybe other countries.

    Some turn to a tour operator in search of a tour to a sanatorium in order to treat their tired body. And sometimes parents are looking for interesting trips for their beloved children, so that they grow and develop as cultural and interesting personalities.

    And tour operators are happy to fulfill all the whims of their customers, providing them with those vacation options for which each of them came.

    Health tours

    Health tourism is currently very popular. The type of such tourism is intended for people who plan to spend their holidays in order to heal and improve their health and at the same time have a good time at a health resort.

    Such tours are offered by quite a lot of tour operators, and their duration can vary from several days to several months. The most popular can be considered health resorts in Israel, China, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Each of them has a clear direction in the treatment of certain organs. Therefore, before you go to improve your health, you should consult with your doctor.

    Educational tours

    The tourism market currently has a fairly extensive selection of educational tours. Everything will depend on what exactly the tourist would like to see and where to go. Europe is rich in various interesting educational tours. After all, it is there that travelers most often seek to go, acquiring a bus tour.

    But Russia is rich too ancient cities which are monuments of history. And it will be much more interesting to learn the history of your country. In the arsenal of any tour operator there are many tours along the Golden Ring, an exciting trip to Kazan or St. Petersburg. In absolutely any city, you will leave a piece of your heart and will strive to return there again.

    Professional business tours

    Every year professional and business tourism is gaining momentum. Basically, this is a direction to Europe for official purposes for several weeks. Although over the years, visiting European countries is gradually losing its position in this market, and the United States and Canada are becoming leaders.

    Many companies resort to business trips, sending their employees on incentive tours, or to visit thematic exhibitions. More often business people go on such tours for conferences and presentations. Also, tour operators can offer business tours within the country, with accompaniment and hotel accommodation for all business trip participants.

    Sports tours

    Sports tours are designed specifically for real fans who are ready to follow their favorite team to any country in the world. Many tour operators who have developed special tours, including not only visiting matches. In such a tour, you have the opportunity to enjoy a trip to another country, get acquainted with its history and traditions, visit many memorable places and, of course, taste the signature dishes of the local cuisine.

    Therefore, if the World Cup is planned, then feel free to look at the sites of tour operators and choose the tour you like.

    Religious Tours

    Today, religious tours have become quite popular. After all, every year many millions of pilgrims, and even ordinary travelers, use the services of tour operators to visit religious places around the planet. Some go hoping to feel the holiness of great places and plunge into their faith, while others follow their interest in knowing and discovering new places.

    The main country for pilgrims is Israel. Very often, tourists go to Palestine, Bethlehem, the town of Jaffa, in which Noah built his ark. There are a huge number of holy places, the main thing is that there is time to visit them.

    In any case, after a trip to the holy places, you will remain in a blissful mood and with a bunch of memories.

    Individual tours

    And if you are an advanced traveler, and you yourself have already thought ideal route for yourself, there are individual tours especially for you. An individual tour includes all your wishes and requirements for the upcoming vacation, taking into account the routes of movement, hotels of accommodation and the format of food in them, and a variety of excursions.

    An individual tour is also good because you can visit several countries at a time, devoting as much time to each country as you see fit. At the same time, using not only air travel, but also other modes of transport. And in each country, you yourself will choose which places are best to visit.

    Tours with special offers

    Many travel agencies make their customers different Special offers in order to gain trust in the company and ensure that the client comes again and again. Therefore, the tour operator often posts new special offers on its websites, both for regular customers and for newcomers.

    Various bonus programs, discounts and promotional offers have always attracted potential tourists. Therefore, looking for a vacation for a weekend, you should pay special attention to this category of travel. Or ask about such offers directly from your agent.

    Last minute tours

    Tours start to "burn" for quite understandable reasons - there is less and less time left before departure, and the ticket has not been implemented. And in this case, the tour operator significantly reduces the cost of the tour in order to somehow return the money spent on booking hotel rooms and air tickets.

    If your work does not have a clearly controlled schedule, and you can break off at any time and go on a trip, then this vacation option will undoubtedly suit you. In addition, you can save a lot on "last-minute" tours, while relaxing in the best resort hotels.

    Combined tours

    Combined tours exist for those versatile individuals who want to visit all interesting places for a very short period of time. Moreover, these places are often not quite compatible. For example, a walk along the ancient relic monuments of the country's history and relaxation on the white sand.

    Thanks to the combined tour, all vacationers will be able to enjoy their vacation, because it can combine educational excursions, romantic gatherings on the river bank, and active recreation.

    In general, combined tours are popular in the summer seasons, with a bit of late spring and early autumn. Therefore, it is worth booking them in advance to be sure of your successful vacation.

    Tours for two

    Tours for two are designed specifically for couples in love, future newlyweds or happy married couples who want to escape the shackles of family life and relax on a romantic trip.

    Most often, such tours are prepared taking into account all the romantic nuances that all lovers would like to see, including double rooms in hotels with a special design.

    Such tours are popular in many directions, as well as beach resorts Turkey, Thailand and the Maldives, as well as European France, Italy or Spain. Therefore, each tourist will be able to choose exactly what his soulmate would like.

    Bus tours

    Bus tours are very popular among travelers who want to visit as many countries as possible in one tour. Basically, tourists go on a bus tour of Europe, because this is how you can travel through many countries, stopping in each and walking along the most famous sights.

    Bus companies can provide very comfortable representatives of their industry for such trips. They have all the amenities for a comfortable trip: air conditioning, a small kitchen, a dry closet and, of course, soft comfortable seats that fold out into a horizontal position.

    Cruise tours

    Initially, cruises were only marine entertainment, carried out on huge liners and lasted more than one week. But progress does not stand still, and now tour operators are ready to provide their vacationers with a variety of cruises, both on the seas and on the rivers. The duration of such trips is now also quite diverse. Therefore, having carefully studied the offers of the tour operator, you will definitely be able to find what you have been looking for for a long time.

    Train cruises are considered a novelty in the tourism business. No worse than liners, trains equipped for this purpose will provide you with comfortable cabins and luxurious dining cars. Rest in such a cruise will be quite unusual and memorable.

    Children's tours

    Children's tours are successfully used in educational institutions. Tour operators are ready to offer tours both in Russia and abroad. This tour involves school-age children, united in groups, accompanied by professional educators and tour guides.

    Children's tours can be for one or two days, if there are educational excursions to the sights of the country. Or they can be longer, with a learning direction, when children go to Kid `s camp specific training specification. Children's tours to health camps are also very popular. There are organized rooms for children, good nutrition, sports and mental entertainment.