Paanajärvi National Park. Karelia Paanajärvi National Park – Recreation Features

Agatha Christie said: "Life duringtrips is a dream in pure form ».

This is probably why my wife and I do not sit still and try to go somewhere if we have free time. It's a bit harder in winter, but that won't stop us...) New Year holidays of 11 days is a great opportunity to fulfill a dream, we are going to Karelia! Karelia in winter is a beautiful and harsh region. We were going to get to national park Paanajärvi and rent a house there, stay for a few days, go on a snowmobile excursion, go fishing. We visit this park not for the first time, we were there both in winter and summer, but still it attracts us with its beauty, pristine nature untouched by man, extreme life for a city dweller without means of communication, electricity and stove heating. The feeling of complete detachment adds a transfer on a snowmobile to the hut, I.E. by car, you will NOT drive there in winter and you live in the forest alone, without neighbors (unless some animals come to visit). We rented a nice hut with a Teremok bath on the banks of the Olanga River. When we thought about what to drive, we decided in favor of an old Chevrolet Blazer S10 four-wheel drive car, born in 1989.
It is risky to drive a car of this age, but we were afraid of snow drifts and expected to try to get to Teremka on our own, which became an argument for us to refuse a more comfortable, economical and reliable passenger car. Before the trip, the car was prepared, the front suspension and brakes were shaken up, the rear axle was replaced. The work was done in a car service. So, on December 31, as usual... we are going to look for adventure))) Our task is to drive about 1000 km from St. Petersburg to Kostomuksha in a day. In Kostomuksha, Tanya's parents, a laid table and a Christmas tree were waiting for us) The road was not easy due to snowfall, the first 200 km often came across crumpled cars in ditches. people instead new year holidays received grief and problems. Before, I didn't understand Americans causing mass accidents at the first snow. Now I see the same. It seems that the belief that insurance will cover any losses makes people "immortal" and pushes many to feats. During these reflections, the driver of a brand new foreign car came out to overtake us in the forehead through a double solid one, we had to leave him on a loose roadside. During our trip, we found ourselves in a similar critical situation three times, and all are close to large cities (St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk), there is no such thing in the outback. St. Petersburg slush was gradually replaced by snow and frost, the environment began to delight the eyes with winter views, a joyful mood appeared for the near new year, a holiday, mulled wine with cinnamon and orange, garlands and toys on the Christmas tree.
Cafe on the road:

12 hours on the road flew by unnoticed, the difficult section after Murmanka near Kochkoma was passed quickly - the four-wheel drive and Blazer's suspension had an effect. During the Movement, I determined the exact fuel consumption of a rather large engine (V6 4.3 l.) - 12.5 liters per 100 km (speed from 80 to 110 km / h, overtaking up to 130). Well, not bad, I think the consumption is no more than on the UAZ. And the old man rides at the same time much more comfortably. flew by New year's night, champagne, the President's speech, Olivier, and here is the day of X:. On January 2, early in the morning we start towards the village of Pyaozersky, through Vaknavolok, Voinitsa, Kalevala. In total, we had to drive about 300 km to Paanajärvi along the difficult Karelian roads. The weather pleased us with a slight thaw, minus 5 for these places at this time of the year - quite warm! I was driving along beautiful road, enjoyed the views and behavior of the car - the smooth roar of the engine, confident grip, excellent traction on long climbs. Evening city:

The next day greeted us with frost. We went on foot to the parking lot, we had to get to the cordon and from there they would take us on a snowmobile to Mount Nuorunen. The frost, having pleased us with the northern lights at night, grew stronger. I don't consider -25 as an extreme temperature, we happily ran to the car, it even got hot. Only the skin of the face tingled. For the snowmobile trip, we brought balaclavas with us and now they come in handy. The car did not start, the battery, small for such a motor (55 Ah), froze. Having lit a cigarette from a UAZ passing by, we reached the cordon, plunged into Buran and set off. We had to go up the mountain for 18 km. In the first kilometers there was a wild delight, I filmed and admired the surrounding nature. The exhaust from a two-stroke snowmobile was a little annoying, we were sitting in the sled just inhaling the blue smoke. But then the engine warmed up completely, went into the desired mode and it became easier to breathe. The frost began to pick up, our faces turned red from the wind, the sled crashed into the bumps in the road and transmitted everything to our spines. I was beginning to regret that we went so far, there was an excursion much closer to another mountain. Kilometers stretched slowly, having estimated our speed and distance, it turned out that we had to go about 2 hours. We started doing exercises, waving our arms and legs, trying not to fall out of the sled. At a forced stop (the snowmobile got stuck), we jumped off the sleigh and warmed ourselves by dragging the sled. The sun appeared above the horizon, not completely, only half the disk. This is the maximum afternoon solstice at this time. The tops of pines and firs were illuminated, it became very beautiful, it became easier to endure frost))) We cheered up, exchanging jokes and admiring the forests and lakes. And then something changed, wonderful figures of trees appeared, wrapped in snow coats. There was an impression that these were the figures of bizarre fairy-tale characters, bowing in a respectful bow as a sign of greeting. We began to forget about the cold, the picture of the world around us changed and became more and more fantastic! The ascent uphill began, the Buran engine howled, we stormed the mountain. Having left the viewpoint of the mountain, we stopped. There is no further road on a snowmobile, with our feet due to the lack of snowshoes, too. But the view that opened up to us did not require climbing higher. We turned our heads, spellbound, and admired this beauty. Finland begins over there, the huntsman pointed out. And here is Pyaozero, you can see it from here. For warming we get stocks -. Salo with bread, tea in a thermos, a flask. In the cold, high-calorie bacon with bread acquires a completely different taste, we quickly cut it and eat it with tea and whiskey. The heat begins to return a little, we warm up Having rested, admiring the beauty, we start on the way back. The time spent on the mountain was compressed, we found ourselves in another dimension. I don't know how long we spent there, now it seems like a moment. But what a!! !

The holidays with Teremka were coming to an end, we set out on our way back to Kostomuksha. This time we drove along the road from Paanajärvi on a sunny day, not in the dark.

The road to St. Petersburg was not difficult, slowly we arrived in 12 hours. Summary of the trip: The total mileage is about 3,000 km, the budget for gasoline is about 15 thousand rubles, a house in Paanajärvi costs 600 rubles per person per day (including a bath), an excursion to Nuorunen is 2600 rubles .. . from a group of 4-5 people (This is the most expensive tour, there are cheaper and closer, see the park website). Despite the breakdowns, the impression of the car was positive - we will bring it to mind and we will drive it again. As a result, we got such an amount of luggage that we would not have taken everything in a passenger car. The sea got pleasure, I recommend going to Karelia in winter. I recommend visiting the Paanajärvi park.

  • Summer season Reception of tourists in the park begins in mid-July, ends by mid-October.
    Winter season from mid-February to mid-April.
  • During the off-season, the road to the park is not maintained or operated. autumn there are huge puddles on the road, on the ice of which it is not recommended to drive; heavy snowfalls are possible; spring roads are closed for the safety of the roadway.
  • Applications for visiting the park are accepted by phone or e-mail. Having accepted the order, its number is reported, which must be confirmed by phone two to three weeks before arrival.
  • You can pay for the order by bank transfer, having previously received an invoice for payment or in cash upon arrival.
  • A price list is approved for all types of services, however, for the winter period it is often very late - in January, which makes it difficult to plan a hiking budget in advance.
  • The administration of the Paanajärvi park is located in the village of Pyaozersky (Loukhsky district), 110 km from the regional center of the same name - the urban-type settlement of Loukhi (according to the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala", Loukhi is a sorceress, mistress of the northern lands of Pokhjela). The urban-type settlement - Loukhi is located 7 km east of the federal highway: St. Petersburg - Murmansk.
  • The administration of the Paanajärvi park is located in a new building built according to a Finnish project.
  • Of the 110 km of the road to Pyaozersky, 65 km is occupied by a primer, which can sometimes be "licked" by a grader to an ideal state, and sometimes resembles a "washboard".
  • The best way to get to Pyaozersky is not from Petrozavodsk (the capital of the Republic of Karelia), from where the bus takes 8-10 hours, but from Loukhi (2-3 hours on the way).
  • All trains to Loukhi arrive mainly at night or early in the morning. This fact must be taken into account when entering the park. There are two options: to spend the night in a hotel in the town of Loukhi (if there are places, which does not happen often) or in a less busy hotel in the village of Pyaozersky. In case of advance payment, it is possible, upon prior agreement with the tourist department of the park, to get a ticket from the watchman and immediately enter the park according to a pre-approved program with approved places of residence.
  • The villages that you meet on the way, as a rule, have a dull look, the inhabitants of these settlements do not live richly, almost all schools in the villages are closed.
  • Immediately behind the village of Sofporog, in a picturesque valley below, from south to north, the Sofyanga River flows, which carries its numerous waters from the people of the Republic of Karelia to the hydroelectric power plants of the northern peoples of the Murmansk region.
  • Just beyond the bridge of the Sofyanga River, the remains of the former border with two rows of barbed wire have been preserved. In the Soviet period, the most strict checkpoint in Karelia for entering the border zone was located here.
  • The Pyaozersky settlement was rebuilt by the Finns in the late 70s - early 80s. It is quite beautiful, located in the middle of a pine forest, carefully preserved by the builders. The infrastructure of the village has "run out of steam" over the years and its buildings have a somewhat dull look.
  • The park administration building, on the contrary, was rebuilt in modern style with a luxurious museum exposition occupying a significant part of the building. The park museum can be visited free of charge, it is proudly open to any visitor. The exposition of the park was created with a worthy taste of the designer and tells about the flora and fauna, the history of the creation of the park. Here you can read reviews of visitors and get acquainted with various creative developments of local schoolchildren and photographs of professional photographers.
  • In the tourist department of the park, located next to the museum, you can buy guidebooks in various languages: Russian, English, Finnish and German.
  • The guide tells about the national parks: located on the territory of Finland - "Oulanka" and Karelia - "Paanajärvi".
  • In the past pre-war years, the territory of the park belonged to Finland. The Finns lived in harmony with nature. There were several villages on the shores of Lake Paanajärvi; passenger steamer, excursions were organized to the natural objects of the park, including the Mäntikoski waterfall.
  • Before heading to the Paanajärvi park, do not forget to check the required amount of food, which, if necessary, you can replenish in the local shops of the village. All products, including alcohol, are fresh and of good quality.
  • Equally important is the refueling of cars with gasoline. There are two gas stations at different ends of the village (there are all types of fuel, including AI-98 gasoline). Gas stations are open only during the daytime from 07.00 to 22.00 hours (the schedule may change, it must be clarified before departure). The nearest fuel and lubricants station is located in the town of Loukhi, 110 km from the village of Pyaozersky. Gasoline prices can be either above or below average prices. petrol stations on the federal highway "Kola": St. Petersburg - Murmansk.
  • The road to the park, 70 km long, at the beginning of the winter season (late January - early February) may not be serviced, since the park, as a rule, does not have sufficient funds to maintain its working condition (clearing the road from snow), so the first visitors The park has to rely, among other things, on its own strength. It is better to drive into the park during this period on a four-wheel drive vehicle, while chains on the drive wheels may also be needed. In addition, even in the case of a favorable condition on the roads on the day of arrival, snowfalls can pass, and the problem of leaving back can become extreme. But in any case, if you received a ticket and drove into the park, you will not be left unattended and your trip back will be organized (for example, breaking the track with more passable vehicles). In addition, the road to the first cordon (the barrier at the entrance to the park) usually always has a track, since once a week a UAZ worker runs between the first cordon and the park and brings in a team of rangers working in the park on a rotational basis. Further than the barrier in difficult times of snowfall, only a sledge track passes. And the section where they are at risk of not getting to the saving track remains part of the road 25 km from the first cordon to the houses near the bridge over the Olonga River.
  • Favorable and stable times for maintaining the road in good condition come when the timber industry enterprise of Pyaozersky village prepares a reliable road for the export of the forest it harvests to the north of the park (the road passes through the entire park, deforestation is organized north of its territory).
  • The Paanarvi park, which has pristine nature, including vast untouched forest lands, has been preserved, by the way, thanks to the efforts of the Karelian scientific intelligentsia and the public. The idea of ​​creating a park was supported by the Finns, who have long had its continuation on the opposite side of the border - the Oulanka National Park. The union of parks is becoming a harmonious idea of ​​joint conservation of nature and the creation of an ecological zone on the border of two friendly countries.
  • The road to the park is very beautiful. From some vantage points, park visitors can enjoy a picturesque view of Lake Pyaozero, located in a deep valley stretching from north to south for many kilometers.
  • The road passes exclusively through rough terrain, descents and ascents delight the motorist.
  • There is a barrier at the first cordon near the bridge over the Nuris River. You can only go further with park passes. Here is the main base of inspectors and rangers of the park, who live in a small wooden house. From this central base, they make snowmobile detours of the park for inspection purposes. The development of the infrastructure of the park continues with the efforts of the workers (construction of wooden houses, baths, equipped fire pits, gazebos from the rain, moorings, viewing platforms, laying and marking trails and ski toboggan runs along the most interesting tourist routes). Here, in the only house of inspectors, there is the only telephone by which you can contact the park administration to resolve, among other things, operational issues.
  • The territory of the park is partly (the western part of Lake Paanajärvi and Mäntykoski waterfall (?)) is included in the border zone, but it is not necessary to issue a pass to enter the border zone, since, in agreement with the border services, a ticket for living and entering the park is a kind of pass into the border zone.
  • There are many houses for tourists to stay, and they are located throughout the park. The first and nearest of them are located in the valley of the river Nuris: on the right behind the bridge - wooden house for 6-8 people.
  • On the territory of the electricity park and mobile communications No. Toilets are located on the street, hand-washing facilities are not available everywhere. In the neighborhood of almost every house there is a wooden bathhouse, next to the house and the bathhouse in a covered shed there is always firewood. There are no comfortable houses with amenities either.

Seryogin Andrey.

Main natural objects Paanajärvi National Park

Oulanka River
The river flows through the Oulanka National Park (Finland), and only a small part of it passes through the territory of the Paanajärvi park, flows into the western lip of Lake Paanajärvi. There are several large rapids on the river, all of them are located on the territory of the Oulanka park.

The most interesting walks (skiing and hiking):
r.Nuris - pier (located on the banks of the river Nuris)
The length of the route is 3 km.
in winter the track goes along the toboggan track, which is laid along a dirt road, along a ridge (the valley of the river Nuris is always visible on the left). Before going to the river there is a steep descent, be careful!
In summer- along the forest road.

Berth - house "Island"
Route length 6 km
in winter the track goes on a sledge track, on the ice of the Nuris river. At the mouth of the river there are many flooded trunks sticking out above the water. The house is visible from afar.
In summer– to the pier (2 km) along the forest road, then – by boat.

house "Island" - house "Mouth"
Route length 5 km
in winter the track goes along the toboggan track, along the ice to the confluence of the Nuris and Olonga rivers, then - along the ice of the Olonga river. The house is visible for 80-100 meters.
In summer– by boat, then along the forest road.

House "Mouth" - Kivakkakoski waterfall
Route length 10 km
in winter the track goes along the toboggan track, along the forest road, along picturesque places. It is advisable not to miss the sign in the direction of the waterfall. From the fork, go about 2 km. It is better to leave your skis near the toilet and the parking lot and then go on foot.
In summer– along a picturesque forest road.

Olongi bridge - d.Vartiolampi
Route length 7.5 km
in winter the track goes along the toboggan track, along the forest road, through picturesque places. It is advisable not to miss the sign to the village (it is on the right). There is a fork in this place: the road goes straight to the "Cyplinga" base, to the right - to the village of Varthiolampi, to the left - to "Deer Forest". If you start to cross the swampy area on the road, turn, you have already passed. After turning to the right, the road goes downhill, crosses a stream and comes out to a large clearing. On the right there are buildings: a house with a capacity for 18-20 people, a bathhouse, a tent, a canteen building. All buildings are summer. There is a stove in the house, but it does not heat the big room with bunks.
Further, in the clearing there are several more houses with information about who lived in this house.
In summer- on a dirt forest road.

Nuris river - Olongi bridge
Route length 16 km
Dirt road. Very nice on a sunny day. In winter, if the road is not strewn with sand for timber trucks, then you can ski on it with a breeze. In ideal conditions, it is recommended to follow the road on foot or on skis.

d.Vartiolampi - Kivakkakoski waterfall
Route length 5 km
the road goes to the end of the village (in winter the road can be covered with snow). At the end of the clearing, a forest road is visible, along which a toboggan track goes in winter. In summer it is necessary to walk along the path with footbridges along the river, as there are many swamps and damp places on the forest road, in summer the road is usually blocked. Then there are two options for the path: the first is along the river bank (you will have to lay the ski track yourself), the second is along the toboggan track. The toboggan track is easier, but further almost 3-4 km. On the road, go to a fork with a sign in the direction of the waterfall. From the fork, go about 2 km. It is better to leave your skis near the toilet and the parking lot and then go on foot.

Olongi bridge - house "Oleniy Bor"
Route length 9 km
3 km on the road to the north, then follow the sign to the right. In winter, if there is a snowmobile trail, then you will get great pleasure from skiing. The ski track goes along a pine forest, over rough terrain.

d.Vartiolampi - house "Mermaid" (Komarovo)
Route length 6.5 km
Crossing on a dirt road, along a pine forest.

Olongi bridge - house "Mermaid" (Komarovo)
Route length 8 km
Along the forest road, through picturesque places. In winter, a toboggan track can run along the road.

Olongi Bridge – Lake Paanajärvi
Route length 6 km
Trekking along a dirt road or a sledge track, along a forest road, through picturesque places along the Olonga River. In the middle of the way there is an equipped tourist parking.

Lake Paanajärvi – Red Rocks
Route length 14 km
in winter
In summer

Red rocks – Mäntikoski waterfall
Route length 2 km
in winter the ski track goes along the lake, the path is marked with poles. The lake may have water.
In summer- by boat or motorboat.

lake Paanajärvi – Astervajärvi nature trail – Olongi bridge
Route length 22 km
in winter The trail starts at the end of the northeastern bay near the pavilion. Marked with ribbons. Goes along beautiful places. On the way you will meet three lakes, on the ice of which there may be water. It ends on a dirt road 3 km north of the Olongi Bridge, opposite the sign to Oleniy Bor.
In summer– along the path you can reach the nearest lake.

Astervajärv nature trail (photo by N. Karpov)

Climbing Mount Kivakka
Route length: in winter 7 km one way, in summer 6 km one way (from the highway)
in winter, if you move from the Nuris base along a dirt road towards the Olongi bridge, after 9 km to the right towards the mountain there will be a sign and the beginning of the toboggan track with markings and kilometer posts. The path up the mountain is very scenic. In good weather, climbing the mountain will give you great pleasure. On the sleigh trail, if the foundation is solid, you can walk on foot.
The last 7th kilometer column is located on the mountain. Between the two peaks there is an alpine lake and an icefall - icing formed on the slope ( west of the lake). It is recommended to go to the triangulation point (a tripod made of beams), from here you can see the panorama of Lake Pyaozero, the island on which the house is located, the mouth of the Nuris and Olonga rivers.
At the top of the mountain in the area of ​​​​radio antennas there are seids.
In summer a path with footbridges leads up the mountain, which starts from the equipped tourist site on the mountain.

Seid on Kivakka View from Kivakka
Climbing Mount Kivakka (photo by N. Karpov)

Climbing Mount Nuorunen
Route length: in winter 19 km one way, in summer 18 km one way (from the first cordon of rangers)
in winter the beginning of the route from the barrier of the first cordon. This is where the snowmobile trail begins. For the first two hundred meters he walks along the road, then turns to the right, to the west. The route passes through clearings, old forest roads, lakes and swamps. The toboggan track bypasses Mount Nuorunen from the north, from where it rises in a serpentine to the top of the mountain.
In summer along the path. The beginning of the trail is outside the park. From the barrier to the sign (beginning of the trail) 4 km.

Climbing Mount Nuorunen (photo by N. Karpov)

Brief description of the houses in the park

House near the bridge of the Olangi river
    Location- The house is located in the center of the park, on the left bank of the Olonga River, behind the road bridge;
    Capacity- 6-8 people;
    Operation period- summer Winter;
    - 16 km
    Description of the house: The house is located in cozy place on the bank of the river. Water intake from the river, 200 m. Sauna 100 m from the house. There is an entrance by car, 100 m.
Houses on Paanajärvi
    Location- The source of the river Olonga from lake Paanajärvi;
    Capacity- 4-6; 6-12 people;
    Operation period- summer Winter;
    Distance from the entrance to the park (barrier)- 6 km;
    Description of the house: The houses are located in a pine forest, 300 m from Lake Paanajärvi, on the banks of the Olong River. Water intake from the river, 50 m. Sauna 100 m from the house.
    Location- Forest Lake, north of the village of Varthiolampi, on the shore of a forest lake (next to the Oleniy Bor cottage);
    Capacity- 4-6 people;
    Operation period- summer Winter;
    Distance from the entrance to the park (barrier)- 24 km
    Description of the house: The house is located in a cozy place on the shore of a forest lake. Water intake from the lake, 60 m. Sauna 50 m from the house. There is an entrance by car.

"Deer Forest"

    Location- Forest lake, to the north of the village of Varthiolampi, on the shore of a forest lake (next to the house "Mermaid");
    Capacity- 4-6 people;
    Operation period- summer Winter;
    Distance from the entrance to the park (barrier)- 24 km
    Description of the house: The house is located in a cozy place on the shore of a forest lake. Water intake from the lake, 60 m. Sauna 300 m from the house (near the house "Mermaid"). There is an entrance by car.
Tourist routes:
  1. Description
  2. Location on the map of Karelia
  3. What to see
  4. Experienced Tips
  5. Cost of visiting
  6. How to get on your own

Paanayavi- one of the most beautiful national parks Russia. The value of this area is exceptional. Here there are forests imbued with the spirit of the untamed wind, mountains and marshes, here there are rocks and valleys. In Paanajärvi one can still see nature in its true splendor. The way she was created. The local air is the air of purity and freedom. Every breath fills with life. Every glance at Paanajärvi refreshes the mind.

On the map of Karelia, the park looks like a large and very green spot. The park is located in one of the most "wild" and untouched areas of the republic - Louhsky. The western border of the park coincides with the Russian-Finnish border, to which the Oulanka National Park adjoins from the neighboring state. Paanajärvi Square(whose name, by the way, is translated from Finnish as "Lake-way") - 104473 hectares. Three quarters of the entire area is covered with forest.

What to see?

You can only see in Paanajärvi nature. None within the park locality. But there is, as we have already said - forests. Not familiar to the eyes of a city dweller, but carefully preserved. They are especially good in autumn. On the strict greenery of pines and firs - gold of birches and crimson of aspens. Some of the pine trees in the park are 600 years old!

Due to the fact that the forest in Paanajärvi is preserved in an unchanged, true form, in the park you can see all the inhabitants of the taiga- brown bears and wolves, wolverines, soft-footed beauties of lynxes, fiery red foxes and white hares. And all sorts of forest "little things" - martens, shrews, weasels, squirrels, ermines. Encounters with Canadian otters are quite frequent. If you're lucky, you'll see a reindeer.

birds- about 150 species. From bluetails to whooper swans, gray cranes and sea eagles, golden eagles and feet. All these birds cannot stand the proximity to cities. Therefore, to see them is a great success for a modern resident of the metropolis.

Lake Paanajärvi is considered the pearl of the park., which gave the name of the entire protected area. A river with the unpronounceable name Oulankajoki flows into the reservoir, as well as other rivers - Sovajoki, Mäntyjoki, Astervajoki and Malinajoki. Another significant water artery for the park is Olanga river. In the early 60s of the last century, after the construction of the dam of the Kuma hydroelectric power station, Olanga flooded the resettled village of Olangasuu. The trees that grew along the banks of the river were under water. And still they are visible - serene and dead. On Olang the largest unregulated threshold in Karelia is located - Kivakkakoski.

Height - 12 meters, do not miss it for sure - the sound of water rolling over the stones can be heard for kilometers.

However, the Myantyukoski waterfall is good, the mossy stones of this padun are caressed by white water jets that look like silk ribbons. Not hasty, not loud, but a very delicate waterfall (if a waterfall can be delicate at all). Be sure to visit if you get the chance.

In total, there are 13 rapids on the river, which alternate with such charming reaches that you want to stay near one of them.

There are about 120 lakes in the park. They are amazing. Deep, narrow, with rocky shores and the purest water. Some reservoirs are located even on the tops of mountains. Springs feed the lakes. Streams and rivers are filled with spring water.

Another pride of Paanajärvi - mountain tundra. The southernmost in Fennoscandia, not familiar to the eye - with pine trees creeping along the moss, aspen shrubs. Such trees grow very hard and for a long time. The Christmas tree, whose stem is only a couple of centimeters in diameter, can be 50 years old.

This is due to the fact that trees grow at a height, in the literal sense - on the mountains. If you climb higher, the views that open up are amazing. It seems that the whole world is boundless forests with blue strokes of lakes and threads of rivers.

Photo source -

When you are in Paanajärvi, look around carefully. And especially under the feet. Because on the ground of the park you can find unique plants. For example, the orchid Venus slipper or bearded lichen, or blue fellodoce (which is not blue at all, but a pleasant lilac-pink hue).

For your own safety, you need to move around the park only along the paved paths and routes, they are thought out, safe and very interesting. Moreover, you can choose a route for every taste - by water, on foot, in winter - on a sleigh or skis.

A visit to Paanajärvi is a must. In terms of concentration of impressions, the trip will not yield to a visit to the Vatican. But it is important to remember that the main task of the park is to preserve nature in its true form. Therefore, not only pleasant adventures are possible here. To avoid them, we advise you to listen to some recommendations of experienced travelers and the advice of the park administration.

Cost of visiting Paanajärvi

The cost is not high at all for the pleasures that you can get. For a tour of the routes with accommodation in a forest house, they ask for only 600 rubles from Russian tourists(390 for residents of Karelia), an excursion with accommodation in a tent camp will cost 370 and 240 rubles, respectively. Water excursions vary in price depending on the engine power - from 90 rubles per hour for a rowboat to 560 rubles per hour. You can take a daily boat tour - 2650, 3100 rubles. Excursion to the Myantyukoski waterfall on the pleasure boat "Olanga" - 4000 rubles. Excursion on a snowmobile along the routes of the park - 1 hour - 610 rubles, 6 hours - 2440 rubles. Excursion along the equipped winter routes on a personal snowmobile, a car under the control of the state park inspector per day - an additional 150 rubles. You can rent skis (250 rubles), tents (100 rubles per day), smokehouses (50 rubles).

For free children under 7 years old, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of the 1st group and some other categories of beneficiaries go to the park and use all the services. At half price - children under 18, large families, pensioners, disabled people of 2-3 groups, participants in hostilities.

Getting to Paanajärvi is not easy

But it's worth it. The park cannot be reached by train. The nearest station is Louhi. In principle, any car will reach the park (if you really, really don’t feel sorry for it or it’s a tank), the usual battered primer goes there, which in some places does not allow you to reach speeds of more than 40 km per hour.

If you go to the park by car, then it is better to go not from the Loukhi station, but through the village of Kalevala (Kalevala district). The road to Kalevala is much better and it will be faster in time, despite the slightly longer distance. Gas stations operate along the M-18 highway, although after the turnoff to Kem there are no gas stations until Kalevala itself. Also, after Kalevala, there are no gas stations to the park and back, and you should not count on a gas station in the village of Pyaozersky (a gas station is open only until 17:00). The distance from Kalevala to Paanajärvi and back is 340 km.

In the village of Pyaozersky can be accessed from the east, south and west. A dirt road 59 km long leads to the territory of the park from the village.

From Moscow, St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk, you can get to the park along the St. Petersburg-Murmansk highway to the village of Loukhi, or by train to the Loukhi station. From where - by highway 110 km to the west to the village of Pyaozersky.

The Paanajärvi State National Park (Panajärvi) was founded in 1992. The park is located in the north-west of Karelia, on the territory of the Loukhsky district. It is four times larger than the adjacent Oulanka National Park (Finland). Both national parks have received international recognition. The peculiarity of the national park is its untouched nature, the richness of the animal and flora as well as uniquely beautiful landscapes.

The pearl of the park is Lake Paanajärvi, characterized by its small size (1.5 by 24 km) and exceptional depth (128 meters).
Rapids rivers, amazing multi-stage waterfalls, high red rocks, ancient Sami sanctuaries on Mount Kivakka - all this attracts many tourists here.

How to get to Paanajärvi

The train does not go to the park, the nearest station is Louhi (to the park). In principle, any car will reach the park, the usual battered primer goes there, which in some places does not allow speeds of more than 40 km per hour.

If you go to the park by car, it is better to go not from Loukhi station, but through Kalevala. The road to Kalevala is much better and it will be faster in time, despite the slightly longer distance. Gas stations operate along the M-18 highway, although after the turnoff to Kem there are no gas stations until Kalevala itself. Also, after Kalevala, there are no gas stations to the park and back, and you should not count on a gas station in the village of Pyaozersky (a gas station is open only until 17:00). The distance from Kalevala to Paanajärvi and back is 340 km.

Registration in the park "Paanajärvi"

Visiting the park is strictly limited and entry is restricted. To get to Paanajärvi, you must first visit the visitor center of the park, which is located in the village of Pyaozersky. During the summer, the park can get busy, so it's best to book in advance.

You can spend the night in the park either in wooden houses or in a campsite. The cost of the ticket depends on the type of accommodation. You can also purchase fishing licenses at the visitor center. To register in the park, you must have a passport with you. Despite the proximity of the park to the border zone, no questions arise in this regard and it is not required to cross the border points.

Tours in Paanajärvi

Paanajärvi Park is a dream for a tourist both in summer and winter, we offer fishing programs in this beautiful ecological place, as well as snowmobile tours in Karelia in Paanajärvi. In order to get the best understanding of recreation in this place, you need to be born and live there, so we conduct programs in Paanajärvi by the hands of professional instructors who grew up there.

Where to sleep in Paanajärvi park

There are several cabins and campsites in the park. Three houses are located near Lake Paanajärvi (there are also two equipped places for camping), these are the houses "Fairy Tale", "Paanajärvi", "Float". Four at the fork next to the bridge over the Olanga river (and one campsite), one house at the site of the abandoned village of Vartiolampi and one campsite, one house on the road to Vartiolampi village, one small campsite on the road to the lake.

All the houses in the park are not comfortable, they are wooden log cabins with stoves and bunks for spending the night. Each house has an equipped place for a fire, a woodpile with firewood, boilers, axes, and some houses have a sauna. Campsites are equipped tent sites, garbage containers, toilets, fire pits and places for lunch: wooden tables and benches.

Communication and evacuation in the park

There is no electricity in the park and cellular communication. At heights and closer to the border of Finland, the mobile operator "SONERA" can take. In emergency situations, it is better to contact the park rangers, they have radio communication with the center in the village of Pyaozersky. There is a heliport in the park by the lake.

Fishing in Paanajärvi

In the park you can fish for spinning. The license allows you to catch any kind of fish. The license can be bought at the visitor center before visiting the park. Fishing is not allowed in all places, but only in certain sections of the Olanga River. However, you can still go fishing in the park. With us, different groups repeatedly returned to the fire with a good catch. Almost every day, one of the fishermen caught trout in the area. Mostly grayling, brown trout and pike are caught in the river.

What to see in Paanajärvi

A visit to the park will be much more interesting if you make various outings. There are many attractions in the park, including Mount Kivakkatunturi with a beautiful view, Kivakkakoski waterfall, Olanga river, Mäntykoski waterfall, Ruskeakallio rock, Mount Nuorunen. There are special roads for cars and trails in the park. All trails are equipped with bridges over streams and swamps, as well as information boards. Also in the park there are a lot of specially prepared for the passes campfires (woodpile with firewood) and places for short overnight stays. On Lake Paanajärvi, you can order an excursion on a boat or boat "Hope".

What not to do in the park

Contacts of Paanajärvi National Park

Visitor center: 186667, Russia, Republic of Karelia, Loukhsky district, Pyaozersky st. Friendship 31

General Department (814-39) 38-743
Tourist Department (814-39) 38-504
Tel/Fax (814-39) 38-688

Internet address

It is located in the northwest of Karelia, in Loukhsky district. It got its name from a deep clean lake located in rocky faults.

This park is located in the mountainous part of Karelia, called Fennoscandia, near the Maanselka ridge. It is a protected natural area of national significance. And since the park is located near Finland itself, the border zone regime applies to it. There is also a similar protected area next to it. neighboring country- Oulanka.

Paanajärvi National Park: how to get there and when to go

Rail transport in these places goes only to Louhi station. Further to the park itself, only a rather broken one is laid. You will have to get there by hitchhiking or by your own transport. But in the latter case, tourists are advised to go through Kalevala. The road there is in better condition, and you will spend less time than from Loukhi, because the state of the road there is such that you will not be able to move more than 40 kilometers per hour.

The distance between Kalevala and the nature protection zone is about 160 km. You can visit the park all year round. But the weather here is very changeable. In summer it often rains and there are a lot of mosquitoes, so you need to take these nuances into account.


Paanajärvi is a national park in Karelia, the territory of which was inhabited seven thousand years ago. Here were discovered sites of ancient people from the Stone to the Iron Age, as well as their tools and pottery. In the Middle Ages, these lands belonged to Veliky Novgorod. After the capture of the latter by Ivan III, they withdrew to Sweden.

In the eighteenth century, the Finns began to settle in this territory. But few people lived here. And since the 19th century, the lands around Lake Paanajärvi alternately passed either Russia or Finland. Since the 90s of the century before last, industrial logging and timber rafting began to be practiced here, but then, nevertheless, the beauty of these places prompted the local government to open a tourist center.

After Finland gained independence, the territory first passed to it, and after the Second World War it returned to Russian borders (as part of the USSR). national park was formed here in May 1992. Since then, it has been used not only for the protection of landscapes, flora and fauna, but also for tourism, recreational and educational purposes.


The Paanajärvi National Park has an area of ​​one hundred thousand hectares. There are no settlements on these lands. 20,000 hectares have been allocated for the reserve, and 6,000 hectares for tourism use.

The warmest time here is the month of July, when the average temperature rises to +15 degrees. And the coldest of all is in February, when it drops to -13°C. Snow, as a rule, falls here enough, often more than a meter in height. In addition, in winter, beautiful northern lights, and in summer the sun does not shine for only two or three hours a day.

The park has an exceptionally picturesque landscape. It has everything - gorges, lakes, mountains, rivers and waterfalls. The forests are very dense and almost virgin. In total, there are about 120 lakes in the park. But not everywhere is open to tourists.


Paanajärvi National Park boasts the most high mountains on the territory of Karelia. These are Lunas, Kivakka, Mäntyutunturi and Nuorunen. They are about half a kilometer high. Their slopes are very steep, and such an interesting phenomenon as “hanging swamps” is found on them.

There are over sixty natural monuments, which are attractions, including those of world importance. These are the Pyainur mountains, the Ruskeakallio rock, the Olanga river basin and Lake Paanajärvi itself, along with the fault of the same name.

The depth of this reservoir is 128 meters. It is surrounded by mountains and therefore has a specific microclimate. The lake is one of the deepest reservoirs of its kind. It is also unique in its cleanliness. And its water is very saturated with oxygen. high waterfalls with numerous steps, bizarre red rocks, ancient Sami sanctuaries - all this can be seen by visitors to the park.

The sixty-meter Ruskeakallio rock, as well as the cascading Kivakkakoski waterfall, 12 meters high and 100 meters long, are of particular beauty. It remained unconquered by people - no one could make rafting or rafting on it. Still tourists are attracted by the sacred stones of the Sami - the so-called seids. The ancient peoples considered them "a place of power." In their opinion, spirits lived there, owners of lakes, rivers and mountains.


If you want to take a tour of the local sights, first register at the Paanajärvi Visitor Center. The national park is often crowded with travelers, so it's best to book in advance.

The visitor center is located in the neighboring village of Pyaozerskoye. It was built in 2002 at the expense of the European Union. This center is very beautiful, comfortable, expedient and functional. When he opened a good hotel with a sauna included in the accommodation. To register and obtain a license to fish, you need to show your passport.

Tours in the park are available in summer and winter. In the cold season, snowmobile tours are very popular. The park has specially designated roads for cars and equipped pedestrian trails with footbridges and railings in dangerous places. Tourists most often make forays along the Olanga River, to the waterfalls of Kivakkakoski and Myantyukoski, to the mountains of Kivakkatunturi and Nuorunen.

Of the animals here you can meet moose, swans, squirrels and hares. By the way, there are also specially equipped nature trails”, where there are information boards about the local flora and fauna.

Mount Kivakka is very popular with travelers because it is detached, which is not typical for Karelia, and it offers views of the entire park. For some tourists, it even evokes associations with Fujiyama. There was a temple on its top, but an Orthodox cross is now installed on top of it.


You can fish in the park, but not in all places, but only in designated areas of the Olanga River. The catch is usually good. On the shores of Lake Paanajärvi there are sandy beaches, where, thanks to the special microclimate, from the second half of July you can even swim. But if you want to come to the Paanajärvi National Park with a dog, then, unfortunately, you cannot do this. It is forbidden to bring domestic animals into this protected area, as this can be dangerous both for them and for wild inhabitants of the forests.

On the lake there is a pleasure boat "Onanga", on which tourists ride. The park also often hosts various environmental festivals, cultural days of the Sami people, and educational seminars.

Where to live

The Paanajärvi National Park offers tourists who want to spend a few days here places to stay overnight. These are wooden houses and camping. The cost of housing depends on whether you spend the night in a tent and pay only for a place or settle in a cottage. The houses "Float", "Paanajärvi" and "Skazka" are located near the lake itself. There are several more cottages near the Olanga River. Some of them are on the way to the lake. Near the cottages there are places for tents.

Houses without amenities, these are just wooden log cabins with bunks, mattresses, pillows and stoves. Clean linen is provided at the visitor center. Near the buildings there is a place for a fire, there is firewood for kindling, boilers, and some cottages even have a bathhouse. The campsites have toilets, water, wooden tables, trash cans.

Paanajärvi National Park Reviews: 4.5/5

Tourists call trips to this protected area fabulous. After all, nature here is unusual in its beauty even for Karelia. Besides, this perfect place for recreation with family and company.

As travelers note, campsites and cabins are very well-groomed, albeit simple. There is no electricity, but you can rent a generator. The presence of a bathhouse is a great bonus during a hike. This is a great route for those who love nature and fishing.

And what opportunities for wonderful pictures the Paanajärvi National Park gives! You will keep photos of amazing rocks, waterfalls and beautiful views from the mountains for a long time. No wonder these places are called Karelian Switzerland. There are many tourists in the park not only from Russia, but also from European countries.