Unknown location: Duong Dong Lake. Unknown location: Lake Duong Dong Lake Duong Dong Vietnam description

The flight from the former Saigon takes only 40 minutes, and the presence of two low-cost airlines on the route: Jetstar and VietJet guarantees a low cost of the flight. We took a different route, namely by water.

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From the town of Ha Tien, located near the border with Cambodia, ferries and faster long boats, for some reason called local “superboats”, leave daily for Phu Quoc; On one of these we crossed to the island. A ticket for one person cost 230,000 Vietnamese dong, which is approximately $10, and the journey lasts about an hour and a half. Along the way, we were entertained by Vietnamese TV programs broadcast on several installed screens and a motley audience in the cabin: large, multi-generational local families, bearded European backpackers, and even livestock and poultry coexisted perfectly on board.

The capital of Phu Quoc, Duong Dong city, by the standards of megacities South-East Asia, and it doesn’t look like a city. So, an urban-type settlement. However, this is the heart of Fukuoka, the largest locality on the island and the center of local tourist life. It is located on west coast. But the pier where our ship landed after a short voyage was in the east of the island. Fortunately, as in any transshipment point, there was no shortage of offers for transportation to the final point.

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And finally we are in Duong Dong. A hotel room was booked ahead of time; seven days of accommodation cost us approximately 38 thousand rubles. This four-star hotel is one of the oldest on the island, with a well-deserved reputation and a convenient location within walking distance of the night market.

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In addition, when choosing, we were captivated by the variety of additional bonuses included in the price of stay. On site you can play table tennis, minigolf and boules, go kayaking or lie in a hammock on the beach, and free bicycle rental is available for the hotel's sporty guests for trips into the city. However, after the first attempt to organize a bike race under the rays of the hot southern sun, we left this type of transport to more hardy tourists and locals accustomed to the climate, and we ourselves preferred beach hammocks in the shade of spreading palm trees. Sand beach The concrete steps that protect it from erosion, apparently, are a little spoiled. After high tide, surprised tiny crabs sometimes crawl out of the sand; They look around and quickly dig back in.

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And Long Beach, where the one we chose and most of the other hotels on the island are located, faces west. This gives a wonderful opportunity to admire breathtaking sunsets every evening.

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Having quickly explored the territory and tasted the water temperature in the Gulf of Thailand, we, following the call of our stomachs, went in search of a place to eat, the first time we accidentally stumbled upon the Duong Dong night market, and we dined there for the rest of the days.

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The atmosphere here is democratic - plastic tables and chairs next to counters bursting with freshly caught seafood, the smell of the grill, the shouts of barkers, and the price tag is perhaps even higher than the average on the island, but the flavor of the place justifies all the costs. No wonder night market- one of the main attractions of the island. The market begins with a kind of food court, the emphasis in which, of course, is on fish, shellfish and other various seafood, which, however, does not negate the presence of traditional Vietnamese dishes and local presentation of European cuisine on the menu.

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Day after day, I consistently tried the livestock from the stalls, while my life partner preferred more traditional dishes, as well as desserts, fried ice cream and Vietnamese coffee. Prices for hot food start from about 100-120,000 Vietnamese dong (about $5), a portion of small grilled shells with a sauce made from a mixture of black pepper, salt and lime juice, an excellent snack for beer, by the way - 80,000 ($3.5), itself beer, usually Saigon Beer, light lager - 12-15,000 VND. Fried ice cream along with the mesmerizing spectacle of its preparation will cost 30,000 VND. The food court is followed by shopping arcades and souvenir shops. Towards the end of the trip, we found out that if you go down to the beach to get them, you will get to small cafes right on the sand, where the locals themselves eat, and the prices are lower.

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From here it is a stone's throw to the lighthouse built on a rock at the entrance to Duong Dong Bay. While fulfilling its main function, this structure is also a temple to the sea goddess, and superstitious fishermen come to bow to her with offerings of flowers and fruits.

Phu Quoc is an island ideal for a calm, measured holiday. There are not many attractions on it. However, here too there is something to see and something to diversify your holiday. Of the two popular land excursions - to the south and north of the island - we chose the first. The most economical way to go is in a group of 8-10 people with an English-speaking guide, which is what we did. They paid $15 per person, this amount included lunch. It will be more comfortable, but more expensive, to go on an excursion in a separate passenger car and/or with Russian speaking guide. The final point of the route was picturesque beach Bai Sao, famous throughout the island for its fine white sand. A wonderful place, although we were unlucky with the weather: the waves made the water on the beach cloudy and spoiled the postcard view. Conclusion: it is better to come here in calm weather.

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On the way to the beach, tourists are taken to the factory of the famous Nuoc Mam fish sauce, without which it is impossible to imagine any feast in Vietnam. This sauce is made from fish fermented in the sun and in heat, with the addition of salt and spices, so it has a very specific smell, especially strong in production. My wife couldn’t even overcome herself and go into the production room where the fermentation vats are located.

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In addition, during the trip there will be stops at a pearl farm, a black pepper plantation, near the Su Muon Pagoda and at a museum dedicated to the Coconut Prison, which was formerly a concentration camp on the island under the colonial government. At the pearl farm, visitors are told about the process and visually demonstrated the stages of pearl formation in a shell, and then taken to the shop located at the farm. The decorations here are beautiful, but the prices are steep. I note that at the night market you can buy replicas of almost the entire local model range, and smiling market sellers claim that their goods are the real thing, and as proof they scratch, bite and otherwise abuse unfortunate earrings and necklaces.

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After a land excursion and walks around the city, it was time for scuba diving. There are several dive centers on the island; I went out to sea with Rainbow Divers and Vietnam Explorer. The first are a network of centers throughout Vietnam, their guides are mainly Europeans and Australians, although there was even one instructor from Algeria, and there are Russian guides. Everything is organized at an excellent level, prices start from $85 for two dives per day in the north of the island, $35 for an additional non-diving passenger on board. The price includes transfer from the hotel and back, rental of a full set of diving equipment, everything necessary for snorkeling, lunch, drinking water. Vietnam Explorer gives the impression of a local office, the guides are entirely Vietnamese, the service is somewhat worse, but the prices are lower (you can bargain) and there is more flavor.

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Another pride of the island is the local dog breed, the Fukuoka Ridgeback. Its distinctive feature is a comb of protruding hair that runs along the entire ridge of the animal. They say that dogs of this breed are strictly prohibited from being taken from the island. Although, it is possible that this is just a story from local guides.

The week in Fukuoka flew by. We didn’t visit the waterfalls that dry up during the dry season; we didn’t have enough time to visit the recently opened safari park. We will try to close these gaps next time, because Phu Quoc is an island we would like to return to.

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Among the offers of tour operators, once unfamiliar Vietnamese names are increasingly appearing, among which the island of Phu Quoc deserves special attention. This is the largest of the many islands that make up Vietnam. One of the most popular tourist destinations In Phu Quoc, the city of Duong Dong is considered to be the center of the island, located on the banks of the river of the same name. It is equally comfortable here for vacationers of any income, active people and those who value peace and comfort.

Geographical location and how difficult it is to get to Duong Dong

Located on the west coast, Duong Dong Phu Quoc was previously known not so much for its beaches, but for the fact that it is here that the largest port on the island is located. All cargo sent from the mainland of Vietnam passes through the city, while close proximity The only airport on the island is located next to it, so getting here is not difficult, and this is also an obvious advantage of a holiday in Duong Dong.
Tourists from Russia prefer to relax in Nha Trang, which is considered a “Russian” resort, and as for Phu Quoc, tourists from other countries have chosen it, although the Russians who chose Duong Dong (Phu Quoc) saw Vietnam in a different light. Unlike Nha Trang, there is a lot to see here, and this is especially appreciated by history and architecture lovers.
You can get here from Moscow for 350 American “rubles” and with only one transfer in Ho Chi Minh City, but flying through Hanoi is twice as expensive. In the city itself, which in local dialect sounds like Duong Dong, tourists prefer to travel by taxi, while the city has good access to four highways, so you can reach any part of the island in about an hour.

Infrastructure of Duong Dong Phu Quoc

Finding the city of Duong Dong Phu Quoc on the map is not difficult, and it is located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand, where ideal conditions have been created for beach holiday. Despite the fact that some fastidious tourists note some inconveniences in the form of dirty beaches and a lack of infrastructure, work in this direction is underway. According to government plans, a real tourism center will appear here by 2030, and a large one will be built on the site of the old airport. international airport terminal. Among the city's infrastructure facilities are:

  • several shops, including those offering imported goods, including snacks for those who do not like the local cuisine;
  • a public sports complex including a gym, basketball court and tennis court;
  • developed network of establishments Catering, and every year the quality of service in them becomes better, and even street vendors comply sanitary rules, since the state monitors this;
  • on Tran Hung Dao Street there are several cafes and restaurants for lovers of vegetarian cuisine;
  • along Thang Street, which is in the very center of the city, you can always rent accommodation, so booking a hotel when going on holiday to Duong Dong is not necessary, although it is advisable.

The center of attraction for tourists is Long Beach - best beach Duong Donga (Phu Quoc), and tourists prefer to settle in the outskirts of the city, where hotels and entertainment venues are mainly concentrated. Despite some complaints, it is main city Phu Quoc has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most environmentally friendly and safe resorts in Vietnam. It is no coincidence that among tourists there are many married couples with children who value peace and a high level of service.

Duong Dong weather conditions

When going on vacation to Vietnam, people expect something exotic, but with the development of tourism, it becomes more and more difficult to talk about exoticism. In addition, we must not forget about the rainy season, which begins immediately after the end of the high season, and the best time to relax here is from November to May. Despite the fact that on the island, unlike Nha Trang, there are rare storms and tsunamis, it is in Duong Dong on Phu Quoc that you can see a real typhoon.
Nature does not spoil vacationers in mid-summer - early autumn, although seasoned tourists They know that this is the time when you can save a considerable amount on vacation. It is worth noting that the water temperature here is always the same, reaching 25-28℃. And even in the rainy season sunny days enough to tan. Meanwhile, when winter comes in the cities of Russia and most European countries, it is hot here in Duong Dong and the time has come for beach holidays for lovers of beach activities.

City attractions

As we have already said, tourists prefer to settle outside the city, but we should not forget that we are talking about short distances, so vacationers have a good opportunity to get acquainted with historical and architectural monuments. Their diversity allows you to brighten up the time between heavy rains, because local attractions, some of which we will introduce you to, are open all year round. Among them it is worth highlighting:

In addition to a wide variety of beach activities and many memorable places, attracting history and architecture buffs, attracts tourists and shopping in Phu Quoc in Duong Dong. The night market, which is open from 18:00 to 24:00 and occupies two streets, especially attracts vacationers. Here you can dine on fresh seafood (this is where the real exotic stuff is), and on the territory of the market there is a huge number of cafes, and in some of them the “product” can be seen still alive. By the way, Vietnamese chefs know how to surprise, so you shouldn’t refuse the offer of a culinary tour of Vietnam, which will definitely include the night market in Duong Dong.

Duong Dong Night Market is its tourist name, local Vietnamese prefer to call it Duong Dong. The market is one of the island's attractions. It’s certainly worth a visit, if only for curiosity’s sake.

The night market is two streets where traffic is blocked, and traders can freely display their stalls with various goods. There are also a dozen street cafes here that offer a choice of fresh seafood. But still, not everyone obeys the rules; some drive in on their motorbikes and shamelessly ride around the streets.


Several aquariums and vats with living creatures are lined along the street. They contain sea ​​urchins, shellfish, shrimp, various types of fish and snakes, mussels, lobsters, even small turtles. The peculiarity is that the selected seafood is still alive. Such a wonderful sea buffet.

Seafood delicacies for every taste

While here you need to take the opportunity and try seafood.

Many come here specifically to visit this market. Considering the proximity to the sea, the prices here are not at all expensive, but they cannot be called cheap either.

If you want to cook it yourself, you can buy it much cheaper from the boat during the day.

Let's try seafood

We sat down in one of these cafes, chose two fish swimming in the aquarium, and 15 minutes later they brought us ready-made dishes. Then we also ordered crab and chicken fillet with vegetables. Everything was delicious and we were satisfied. And truly fresh fish cannot be compared with anything. The choice of side dishes is quite large. Asian herbs and sauces add piquancy to the dish.


We also tried Saigon beer - it’s cheap and tasty. (however, it is cheaper in local shops)

The cost of the bill depends on your choice and will range from 5-20 dollars per dish. The most expensive dish will cost between 50-60 dollars. Don't be shy and bargain, even though it surprises them. Even though this asian country, but the Vietnamese don't like to bargain.

But Saigon beer here is cheap and tasty.

Of course we love trying something new, but fried snakes and frogs, turtle soup, it was too much. I didn't want to try it at all. But there were those who wanted it, and they even ordered it all with great enthusiasm.

Basically, all cafes are family businesses.

The waiters go out onto the road and invite visitors. Right there on a high stand there is a menu with prices and pictures, if it’s difficult for anyone to choose, it helps a lot. Menu in English and Chinese, but it is also in Russian. When they see and hear that you are Russian-speaking, then you don’t even need to ask them for anything, they immediately bring you a menu in Russian))).

Unusual Vietnamese ice cream

We saw here a very unusual and interesting way of making ice cream. The Vietnamese made a whole show out of this. And there are a lot of people who want to see and buy.

What does it look like?! Transportable freezer, with a flat horizontal covering on top. The liquid from which ice cream is prepared is poured onto it. Then they begin to knock with special small iron spatulas, stirring and then putting it together. They do this very skillfully. They knock at high speed and very loudly. At the end, use spatulas to make several tubes and place them in a glass.

This is how Vietnamese ice cream is made

Ice cream lovers have plenty to choose from:

  • Strawberry.
  • Banana.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coconut.
  • Pineapple.
  • With black currant.

How do you like this choice?! Of course, we couldn’t resist the temptation: we bought it and tried it. What can I say? Such delicious ice cream is not sold in briquettes. Just great.

There is so much that is not on the market!

And of course there is a lot of stuff on the market. Your choice of clothes, shoes, fabric, stone and wood jewelry. Various magnets and handbags, backpacks, handmade cards.

It was the first time I had seen such postcards, very original and beautiful. You can also try and buy different types of coffee and tea for yourself. Sweet lovers will also find something to try; various sweets with unusual tastes are sold here.

Here you can try many exotic tastes that were previously unknown to you. Large selection of seasonings and peppers.

They sell souvenir bottles with tinctures of scorpions and snakes. The view is disgusting. (well that's my opinion)

But for some reason there are no fresh fruits here. Only when leaving the market, on the corner, we were able to buy mangoes, lychees and dragon fruit.

I bought beautiful stone bracelets as souvenirs for myself and my family.

IN large quantities sell pearl products. Before buying, you just need to determine whether it is a fake. Still, I wouldn’t recommend buying here.

While walking around the market, we heard beautiful singing and came closer to listen. Two beautiful Vietnamese girls performed a song in Vietnamese live and several guys played along with them on instruments. This is how they made money.

You can also buy pancakes here, they are not as tasty as in, but I still liked them.

There are quite a lot of people in the market, because... There is not much entertainment on the island

In general, the Duong Dong market is intended for tourists; locals do not buy anything there. This is such an unusual colorful place. You can buy absolutely everything you need, except fruit.

I like it. The evening was a success. The result was a wonderful cocktail of pleasant, interesting and, of course, delicious moments. When you are on Phu Quoc Island, do not pass by and visit this interesting corner.

Are you drawn to the lakes?))) Is sailor not enough?! Catch a taxi and come. I’ll leave a link to the map – Zin Dong Lake. Tracing paper from Vietnamese Hồ Dương Đông

Duong Đong Lake on the map

Dương Đông translated from Vietnamese means “Eastern Ocean” or “Eastern Waters”.


The most important reason is to feel like Sylvester Stallone in the Rambo movie. There are legends around Phu Quoc that it was in the thickets of Lake Dương Đông that some episodes of an American film were filmed.

You know, anything is possible!

For local residents Fukuoka's freshwater reservoir plays a huge role for tourists as well.

Imagine, the lake is capable of producing 14,000 m3 of water per day. 80% of Fukuoka hotels supply water from this reservoir.

Thus, Duong Dong Lake is the largest reservoir and also the main source fresh water for the entire Phu Quoc island.

The concept for the Dung Dong Reservoir was started in 1996 and completed in 2003. The total investment amounted to VND45 billion. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development provided investment in the project.

In 2018, this is one of the main attractions of the island, which few people know about and where excursions are not conducted.
You need to go to the lake on your own. Located in the center of the island. Let me remind you that the link to the location is at the beginning of the article.

For me, the importance of visiting the lake lies in the opportunity to visit an unusual place that few people know about. The peculiarity of the attraction is the peace and state of complete relaxation that you will feel next to the water.

Order Vietnamese coffee, open the book you started and immerse yourself in reading and thinking. You will feel the feelings of the heroes of Kim Ki-duk’s incredible film “Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter... and Spring Again.”

Complete peace. The process of brewing Vietnamese coffee is also imbued with a meditative state. The main thing is to take your time!

Are you hungry? Order seafood and vegetable salads. Delicious. There is a high probability that the fish will be caught from the reservoir near which you are relaxing.

Don't worry about quality! The fish is good)

In the southern part of the island there is the Fukuoka hydroelectric power station, which often works intermittently. Interesting fact: Until 2002, 50% of the island was without electricity.

The so-called “Gelatoriums”, in Russian - ice cream cafes, began to open only in 2009. Would you like some ice cream? Then take a ticket to Saigon))

Hiking around the lake is very popular. Park your bike and go for a walk.

And the most important fact: the lake of the Eastern Ocean is saturated with vibes of romance and love. Come with your loved ones and experience everything for yourself.

Come! You'll love it here.

We decided to go after living in neighboring China for a year. After a long stay in Beijing, we wanted something calm and green, so we limited our stay in big cities as much as possible and focused on Phu Quoc Island. Holidays in Fukuoka have a number of features. The island is small, overgrown with jungle and dotted with endless beaches.

Asian flavor was not new to us, so I won’t focus on describing local “wonders” and behavioral characteristics. Let me just say that a trip to any Asian country is a guaranteed culture shock, so be prepared. Holidays on Phu Quoc Island will be no exception.

Phu Quoc itself is a very nice place, suitable for tourists of any type (family, elderly, divers, etc.).

Phu Quoc Island is one of the two most visited islands in Vietnam (the other being Cat Ba Island). It is also the westernmost part of the country.

The Vietnamese themselves call Phu Quoc Island “Pearl”, “Island of 99 Peaks”, and also “Sunset Island”. The last name is connected, of course, with its geographical location.

Where is Phu Quoc Island, how to get there from the mainland

The island has an area of ​​more than 560 square meters. km. Located in the northern part of the Gulf of Thailand. The distance to the country's capital Ho Chi Minh City is 250 km, and to the nearest Vietnamese port of Rach Gia is 115 km. It extends from north to south for about 50 km, the width is half that.

Phu Quoc has a mountainous terrain (hence the “Island of 99 Peaks”). The highest mountains are in the northern part. In the center and south of Phu Quoc island, the local population is actively developing agriculture.

The outline of the island resembles a triangle with the apex facing south. The westernmost point of Phu Quoc Island and all of Vietnam is located at Cape Dachai (Da Trai) in the northwestern part of Phu Quoc on the peninsula.

Administrative center and air gates The island is the city of Duong Dong. Therefore, your holiday in Fukuoka will probably begin with your arrival in this city. True, there is another option - high-speed cruise boats. They arrive at the southern tip of the island at the fishing port of An Thoi.

Vietnam Airlines operates 10 daily flights between Duong Dong and Ho Chi Minh City (1 hour flight time). The same airline can fly from Rach Gia or back twice a day (30 minutes on the way).

The journey from Rach Gia to Phu Quoc Island by boat takes about 2.5 hours (10 USD). There are two flights per day.

Directly from the pier in An Thoi you can take a bus to Duong Dong. From the center resort area the airport and the pier are located at approximately equal distances.

The resort part occupies the southwestern coast of the island and is known as Long Beach (the Vietnamese call it Bai Truong). Delivery to the resort will cost from 40,000 to 60,000 VND. There are motorcycle taxis and regular cars.

Beaches on Phu Quoc Island

The main city of the island, Duong Dong, is also the center of tourist life. Most hotels are located immediately south of the city along the 20-kilometer line of Bai Truong Beach. Most tourists, coming on holiday to Phu Quoc, stop at Bai Chuong.

The city is divided into two parts by the river of the same name, which flows into the sea. From the mouth of the river to the south there is a street Tran Hung Dao. This street smoothly turns into a coastal road, along which there is communication between the resorts all the way to An Thoi (26 km).

There are also beaches to the north of the city. They are all kind of “Bai”: Bayonglang, Baiwong, Baikuakan, Baiwungdao and Baidai. But here's the most famous beach Phu Quoc Island is located on its southeastern coast. It's called Bai Sao, or Star Beach.

You can get there by driving south along the seaside road, but you will need to turn onto another highway a few kilometers north of An Thoi.

A few kilometers south of Baisao is the most beautiful beach islands with an incomprehensible name Baykem (Ice Cream Beach). But Baithom is undoubtedly considered the most secluded beach. He's the same north beach Phu Quoc Island, and you can only get there if you have permission from the military authorities. If there is no permission, do not tempt fate, otherwise your holiday in Fukuoka may be overshadowed by unpleasant events.

Holidays in Fukuoka. About the sights

For such a small island there are quite a lot of attractions, of which we visited the three most interesting to us: a national reserve, the most high mountain and Coconut Prison.

The main advantage of Vietnam for an independent traveler is the low prices ridiculous prices for all. And most museums in the country are generally free (all in the best communist traditions, all for the people).

IN national reserve the child simply squealed with delight at the sight of the jungle and animals, for some completely unrealistic price (about 500-600 dong) we also gave him a ride on a motorbike to adequately complete the walk in the footsteps of Rambo.

We climbed the highest mountain on the island, Chya (603 m), on our own, without a guide, fortunately it is not high (only 600-something meters) and it is difficult to get lost there. But from above there is a stunning view of the sea and the coastline. If you suddenly want to climb into the depths of the jungle, it is better to take one of the locals with you, fortunately there are many people willing and their services are cheap.

Coconut Prison

I’ll tell you about Coconut Prison separately, because for me it was one of the most interesting places on the island. The history of the Vietnam War has always seemed very instructive and fascinating to me, so I really wanted to look at one of the memories about it.

Entrance to the museum is free. Inside there is a large exhibition consisting mainly of photographs and puppet installations. The latter look absolutely unnatural and in places ridiculous, but still creepy. Therefore, especially impressionable people I do not recommend visiting the prison. For example, I went alone, my husband and son refrained from such a walk.

The main thing that can be taken away from this excursion is how deeply the memories of this war, which ended many years ago, are ingrained in the minds of the Vietnamese. So deep that they are still afraid to say the word “grenade”. They even refused to serve the fruit of the same name on the New Year's table.

Here it is short description I found some interesting places in Phu Quoc. I highly recommend this place to those who are tired of big city, but still has the strength to see something and walk through a real Vietnamese forest.