Nikolaevka. Route urban settlement Nikolaevka - Saki Distance from Nikolaevka to Saki Crimea

There are many resort villages that attract with sandy beaches, warm and clear sea. Nikolaevka- one of these villages, located on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay. Nearest Big City- , located 40 km to the east.
West Coast pleases with a large number sunny days. The peak of the hot season occurs in July, at which time the average temperature is - + 24 °C. Winters are mild; the thermometer rarely drops below -3 °C even in the coldest months.

History of the village.

Nikolaevka- a young village. It was founded in 1858, when retired sailor A. G. Bobyr received permission to create a settlement for holidays in Nikolaevka veterans of the Black Sea Fleet. The first dugouts were built near the spring Nikolov key, which gave the name to the future village.
The settlement existed as a small seaside village. With the advent of Soviet power, several collective farms were founded here, engaged in agriculture and fishing.
With development resort infrastructure, Nikolaevka is becoming one of the most popular resort communities on the West Coast.

What to do in Nikolaevka?

Holidays in Nikolaevka are, first of all, sea, sun and... Except beach holiday, there is still a lot of entertainment for every taste:

  • , where visitors will experience an amazing immersion into a real underwater kingdom.
  • For children, the village has a real “beach paradise” - along the entire coast there are a variety of attractions: an amusement park, slides, playgrounds, etc.
  • Adults will also have something to do: parachute flights, riding scooters, jet skis, yachting and other entertainment from the usual “bananas” to extreme underwater fishing.
  • Lovers nightlife Several with incendiary parties are waiting, located right on the embankment.
  • A football field, tennis courts and volleyball and basketball courts have been prepared for athletes.

The main attraction of the village is its sand and pebble beaches, stretching along the entire coastal strip. The swimming season officially opens in mid-May, when the sea warms up to + 16 °C. You can swim until the end of September - beginning of October.
In fact, there is only one beach in Nikolaevka - a wide strip of sand and pebbles, divided into municipal territory, beach areas of boarding houses and wild beaches.
On municipal beach and the beach areas of the boarding houses are equipped with umbrellas, changing cabins, and showers. There are also a lot of water and land attractions.
A distinctive feature of Nikolaev beaches is the need to go down the stairs. The village is located above a cliff, so to get to the beach you will have to use the stairs.

  1. . In almost any house you can rent a room or an outbuilding. All housing is located in close proximity from the sea (5-15 minutes walk).
  2. . A popular type of housing, most of it is located in the Skif cooperative. The cooperative has its own children's playground, standard rooms with a standard set of services.
  3. . Prices are higher than in guest houses. Some hotels have their own swimming pools and playgrounds.

How to get to Nikolaevka?

Direct transport to the village runs from the nearest city -. Directly from the Simferopol railway station to Nikolaevka minibuses. In summer, the traffic interval is 20-30 minutes. Nikolaevka is the final point of the route, so you won’t get lost.

You set out to overcome the distance from the village of Nikolaevka to Yalta. Who among the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost? One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the starting point and the final destination of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between the village of Nikolaevka and Yalta. With a known average speed vehicle You can calculate travel time with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question how many km are between the village Nikolaevka and Saki - 0 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 0 hours 0 minutes. Working with the map is very simple. The system itself will find the shortest distance and offer OPTIMAL route . The route from the village of Nikolaevka to Yalta is shown in the diagram with a bold line. On the diagram you will see all the settlements that you will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list along the Nikolaevka - Saki highway at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you will be able to quickly navigate unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to go, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from the village of Nikolaevka to Yalta and knowing how to get through difficult junctions, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from the village of Nikolaevka to Yalta.

Panorama of the villages of Nikolaevka and Sakov

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for all complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having planned your route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and use the "People's Map" mode. Perhaps you will find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. Preliminary calculation of time and a constructed travel route will help you stay on schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. This way, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication while driving. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error when measuring blood alcohol levels is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.
Good luck on the roads!

For a short time independent trip from Nikolaevka, preferably in the afternoon, we recommend visiting two famous Crimean resorts, Saki and Yevpatoria.

You need to go back a little east along the highway to Simferopol, then follow the sign “Saki-Evpatoria” and drive north and get on the Simferopol-Evpatoria highway. On regular bus or a minibus, or a taxi, you don’t need to think too much about where to turn. Bus station in Nikolaevka is located on Lenin Street 29, next to the Fortuna guest house, opening hours from 6.45 to 21.45. The distance to the Saki bus station from Nikolaevka is about 32 km, travel time is usually about 45 minutes. From the Saki bus station to the station in Yevpatoria it is about 21 km, the travel time is about half an hour.

Please note that Saki resort is located far from sea ​​beaches, there is the main healing lake. And in Yevpatoria the beaches simply disappeared. The most unpleasant thing is the once famous Cape Chaika with huge pioneer camps in Soviet times. There the beaches on land are huge, but in the water there are only sharp stones and mud. So don't miss swimming on Nikolaevka beach in the morning! Evpatoria is much more expensive than Nikolaevka at all prices. Saki in general also has a high cost of living and recreation, or rather, resort treatment.

Saki resort(the city's population is 25 thousand people, employed mainly in the resort industry) is unique and famous since ancient and Scythian antiquity for the treatment of infertility in women and men, as well as for wound healing. Participants in combat operations or those who were involved in an accident, victims of industrial accidents and natural disasters with complex injuries not covered in any textbooks, come here even from distant countries.

Saki healing lake with mud and brine, as well as springs mineral water reinforced by the dry steppe climate and the magical skill of doctors.

The name of the city is very ancient, probably pre-Scythian. The Crimean Tatars called the healing lake and its small village the same - Sak, but this is not a Turkic word. Probably it should be translated from the Aryan sak - trap, bag (compare: German zak - bag, French sak voyage - travel bag, Russian - landing net, landing net). This name could mean that the sea flooded the shore, and then became trapped and became a mud lake. Geologists testify that this happened within the memory of the ancient inhabitants of Crimea. By the way, Taurian tribes lived on the coast. They were called fires, probably from the custom of lighting (burning) bright signal lights at heights.

During times Crimean War Numerous wounded people began to be treated at the lake. Several villages of different nationalities arose - that is, Tatar Sak, Russian Sak, etc. The first mud resort of the Russian Empire grew quickly, and the collective name Saki was assigned to it. The resort received city status only in 1954.

The most wonderful place in the city - Resort Park with ponds and sculptures, including a grandiose group of dinosaurs, made back in the 1960s, long before they were fashionable. The town of Pushkin's fairy tales, Swan Lake with bridges and special playgrounds are interesting for parents and children to relax. There are also free exercise equipment for adults in the Resort Park.

Not far from the park is Museum of Local Lore, the building of which was built by the caretaker of the imperial salt mines Balashov for his mistress Countess Panina in 1913. A small but very interesting exhibition, in addition to the history of the resort, also covers the history of the healing of Tsarevich Alexei. Saki mud was transported for him in barrels to Livadia. Delivered them from healing lake at the dacha “Al”, its owner Shevkoplyas. Soon, the young heir to the throne, Alexei, together with his father Nicholas II, visited Evpatoria, they walked barefoot along the golden beaches and took photographs. The mayor Semyon Duvan took advantage of the benign august mood, thanks to which it was financed from the royal treasury Railway from Ostryakovo station to Saki and Evpatoria.

Recently, a declassified aviation garrison has gained worldwide fame (albeit among military pilots and sailors) Saki-4. It is famous for the world's largest ski jump for carrier-based aviation training.

Back in the 5th century. BC. On the territory of the garrison there was a settlement of ancient Greeks, archaeological excavations of which were carried out in the 1980s. conducted by Crimean archaeologist S. Lantsov. O. I. Dombrovsky’s children’s archaeological expeditions also worked here.

In the 1930s, one of the field (dirt) airfields for the Kachin Military Pilot School was built in the Saki-4 garrison. During the occupation, the Nazis made a concrete surface for the airfield, so that after the liberation of Crimea it was the best. Therefore, it was here that the planes of Churchill and Roosevelt landed in February 1945.

The airfield and the unique research and testing aviation training complex (NITKA) were used in the development, testing and modification of carrier-based aircraft, which were based on aircraft-carrying cruisers of the Admiral Kuznetsov series.

Between Saki and Yevpatoria, on the lake embankment, the Saki water park was built in the Latin American style for the 2005 season. It's called Aquaparkos. Relatively inexpensive in terms of prices, you can pay not only for the whole day or half a day, but also by the hour. Aquaparkos is closest to Nikolaevka. There are good conditions and prices for parents and children to relax here.

Evpatoria(about 115 thousand inhabitants) is one of the best places on the planet for the treatment and rehabilitation of children. Shallow, warm and safe Kalamitsky Bay (the same as Nikolaevka, but holidays in Nikolaevka are cheaper), golden sandy beaches, healing mud and brine of salt lakes, thermal mineral springs. By the way, swimming season on the beaches of Nikolaevka and along the entire shore of Kalamitsky Bay for adults it is favorable from May 20 to October 14 and is almost not complicated by storms (on average only 9 days per season) or temperature drops below 17 degrees (only 14 days per season). The water temperature is above 20 degrees from June 20 to September 13.

The beaches of Evpatoria are significantly overloaded with vacationers, in Lately their width has practically disappeared. Therefore, many beaches are paid, especially in the center of Evpatoria; beaches and parks of sanatoriums and children's health resorts are closed to outsiders. So we recommend spending the first half of the day on Nikolaevka beach. Prices in Evpatoria for everything on the coastal strip are very expensive. So it’s smarter to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in Nikolaevka.

In Evpatoria sanatoriums with a wide range of comfort levels (from wards for 6-10 people to apartments), diseases of the musculoskeletal system, upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs, rheumatism, skin diseases and metabolic disorders, many occupational ailments, vibration disease, diseases of the organs of hearing, vision, cerebral palsy, consequences of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system, including polio.

In Evpatoria there are many children with cerebral palsy, hereditary diseases, and people with disabilities. Of course, in Nikolaevka the general holiday atmosphere is cheerful and healthy. However, this is reality.

What is interesting in Evpatoria for healthy children? On July 12, 2014, the largest Evpatoria water park in Crimea, “Aqualand near Lukomorye,” opened. Even for all of Russia this Entertainment Center unique for children and adults. It is decorated in the style of Pushkin's fairy tales. Well, most importantly, his target audience is children undergoing resort treatment, including those with complex congenital diseases, and people with disabilities. The new water park is located very conveniently, in the center coastline and right opposite the railway station - in the Frunze Park, where there are many free playgrounds and paid attractions, as well as everyone’s favorite corner of Pushkin’s tale. In Frunze Park there is the first Fanbox extreme park with factory equipment, opened for the 1998 season. People ride mountain bikes and BMX bikes, scooters, roller skates and skateboards. So take with you from Nikolaevka that sports transport that your children love.

The first stage of the Evpatoria water park with an area of ​​3 hectares cost the investor $7.5 million. Another 2 hectares of territory were developed for the 2015 season.

An abundance of antiquities, many of which are displayed right on the street Museum of Local Lore(Polovtsian women and a fragment of excavations of an ancient fortress), festivals and innovative ideas in youth and children's creativity make excursions in Yevpatoria educational, enjoyable, and romantic. The main and oldest center of culture is the Evpatoria Children's Creativity Center " Golden Key"The famous Theater on Stilts and the Puppet Theater came out of it and became independent. They employ long-grown children, but the performances on the stage of the Golden Key are staged with the participation of mainly young artists and are intended for children and parents.

A complex monument of architecture, history and culture is Old city . It was reconstructed for many years under the motto Evpatoria - Little Jerusalem. Here is the famous Friday Juma Jami Mosque, which was built by the famous Turkish architect Haji Sinan. In the mosque, the newly elected Crimean khans swore an oath to the Turkish Sultan and their people. Not far from the mosque there is a monument to the founder of a special poetic style, a classic of literature of the Ottoman Empire, his name is Ashik Omer. Janissary poetry is the name given to his poems and songs about love and fate. He composed them during campaigns with the Janissaries in Europe, Asia and Africa. He collected a lot of capital and built it in his native Evpatoria (then it was Gezlev, concentration of springs Gez, goat is an eye and a spring in Turkic languages, Gezly is a spring, yuve is a nest, focus, abundance). By the way, several ancient Cheshme fountains have been restored in Evpatoria.

The Turkish baths of the Old Town are in the process of restoration. But you can look at the entire medieval multinational city in the restored city gate tower. The layout of the city changes lighting according to the course of the Sun and Moon in different seasons. A special soundtrack conveys the sounds of the surf, the bazaar and slave market, the calls of the muezzins and the ringing of bells. Opposite the gate tower is Tekie dervishes and the Museum of Crimean Tatar Culture. Tekie is a dwelling for wandering sages, Sufis with a mosque, where special services of the whirling dervishes took place.

In direct visibility from the Juma Jami Mosque is the large Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas in the Russian-Byzantine style. Closer to the port is the Greek Cathedral Church of St. Elias.

In the depths of the Old Town is located Crafts Synagogue, on its second tier there is a small but very interesting exhibition of things from Jewish doctors, tailors and other craft dynasties of Evpatoria. In the complex with the synagogue there is a Jewish restaurant-museum "Yoskin Kot" with master classes for children and adults on national dishes and baked goods, traditional handicrafts, and national Jewish holidays are held.

Karaite kenasa- a special temple of meetings for one of the indigenous peoples of Crimea, they call themselves Karailar, Karai, the word Karaite has taken root in Russian culture. Its meaning is "readers". The head of the family himself reads the Pentateuch of Moses and himself interprets it to his children. The Karaites were a small, but very influential and richest people of Tsarist Russia. They are now scattered all over the world, but it is in Yevpatoria that their main community and main cultural center are located. Next to the kenas there is a famous cafe of Karaite traditional cuisine " Karaman", this word means strong man, strongman, hero, hammerman (blacksmith's assistant).

By the way, you can order and try many national dishes of the peoples of Crimea in numerous cafes near guest house"Fortune" in Nikolaevka. At very affordable prices!

Taxi from Nikolaevka V Saki By best prices! Find it cheaper, we'll give you a discount! Book a taxi in Saki now and get a 30% discount

Distance from Nikolaevka V Saki approximately 31 km.
Travel time: 43 min.

Order a taxi before your flight boarding time! Waiting at the airport for free!

Select a car class for transfer Nikolaevka - Saki

Your order has been queued for processing! A dispatcher will contact you to confirm your order!


Good afternoon

I called a taxi from the airport to Yalta and back. I was very pleased with the service, from the call after ordering a taxi to the trip itself. Polite, neat, punctual. The female dispatchers help you decide when to order a taxi and make changes to your order without any problems. Special thanks to the driver Sergei for a comfortable trip and punctuality. You are beyond competition.

Tatyana - Moscow

Nikolay - Moscow

I went online to order a taxi from Simferopol airport to Yalta. I am a programmer myself and I can say that your site is the best of all that I have looked at. I was afraid that the service would be poor, because... I know you can't judge by the cover. I was very pleasantly surprised when I found out that waiting is really free, because I don’t like to delay people, especially if you still have to pay for it (at least in Moscow I still haven’t found a taxi with free waiting). The car I came across was a Skoda Octavia, a luxury car, although when the operator called back to clarify the order, she said that the cars were coming one by one, all of them were good, but they couldn’t answer me which car specifically. The driver is neat and a very interesting conversationalist, I tormented him a little with questions about Crimea, curiosity was bursting). To summarize, I want to say the main thing - unfortunately, we don’t have such a service in Moscow, open your own branch with us and I will be your regular customer! (If I indicated the phone number incorrectly, I can list all my phones, I don’t remember exactly which one I ordered from).

Evgeniy - Moscow

The family flew to Crimea and called to order a taxi from the airport to Sevastopol. A girl with a very pleasant voice politely accepted our order and instilled confidence in us because we arrived at night and there was a very big fear that we would not be met, and with a child at night at the airport it would have been a nightmare for us to look for a taxi, special thanks to her for that. We were met without any problems, the car picked us up right from the exit from the airport. We got there well, talked with the driver the whole way and the time flew by. It’s very nice that you don’t overcharge for night calls and generally treat your clients humanely. I will recommend you to all our friends, they will also go soon!

Pronin family - Penza

Question answer

How can I order a taxi from Simferopol Airport?

Taxi from Simferopol Airport can be ordered via online application or by phone number listed above. Call around the clock, we accept applications seven days a week and seven days a week!

Will I be met at the Simferopol airport?

Certainly, we will definitely meet you despite flight delays or long baggage collection times. Any wait at the airport - for free

Will the driver ask me for any additional payment?

No, our prices are always fixed and known in advance. There will be no additional payments.

How far in advance should I order a taxi?

The earlier the better, take care of early booking and trust us with your transport issue. Applications are accepted electronically and duplicated in a written journal. The chance that your order will be lost is zero.

Yes, indicate the number of children when ordering and the car will be equipped with special devices depending on the age of the children.

Will the driver take us to the hotel?

Yes, this is included in the price of the trip. You won't have to pay extra. The driver will take you to any address in the city of arrival

Using our website, you can plot the route for the urban village of Nikolaevka - Saki, both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed based on maps from Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from the urban village of Nikolaevka (Russia) to the point of Saki (Russia).

Distance between urban settlement Nikolaevka and Saki

If you drive along the road by car, the distance between the urban settlement of Nikolaevka, Simferopol district, Republic of Crimea and Saki, urban district of Saki, Republic of Crimea is 31.4 km.

  • Travel time

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    with a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight line distance

    distance between centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Distance by road

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

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Train tickets

Need inexpensive ones Railway tickets in Saki or in the urban village of Nikolaevka? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. .

Bus tickets

Needed cheap tickets for intercity or international buses in Saki or in the urban village of Nikolaevka? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Tickets for intercity buses.

Closest airports to Saki

Closest airports to urban settlement Nikolaevka


Do you need to find and book an inexpensive hotel in Saki or the urban village of Nikolaevka? There is a convenient resource on our website online booking hotels. Just follow the link.