One of the largest cities in Australia. List of largest cities in Australia

Australia is a state that is located in the Southern Hemisphere and occupies the entire mainland. This is the only state that does not have land borders with any other. The mainland, which is also called as the state is located near New Zealand and Indonesia. The official name of this country is the Commonwealth of Australia.

The attraction of Australia is in its contradictions. Along with the fact that it is a developed country and occupies a leading position in economic development among the countries of the world, its territory is still inhabited by the indigenous population in its original form. It is also distinguished by the presence of an unusual flora and fauna.


The flag of Australia has a blue background, the British flag is in the upper left corner, and below it are 6 white stars. The white stars symbolize the constellation of the Southern Cross, one large star with seven rays represents the six states of Australia, and the seventh ray represents the outer territories. The colors of the flag are similar to those of the British flag.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Australia is a combination of references to fauna and geographical features. Above are the coats of arms of the first three Australian states, below are three more. Above the shield is the same seven-sided star as on the flag. It denotes the number of states and adjacent territories.

The shield is supported by an emu and a light brown kangaroo. They are considered unofficial representatives of the country, and this is understandable, because these animals are strongly associated in the mind with the Commonwealth of Australia. The shield itself is divided into six parts, bordered with a silver thread and decorated with fourteen black crosses. Division into parts implies a division into states. In the lower position of the coat of arms, you can see a scroll on which the name of the nation is indicated.

Language and currency

English is official language countries, but the territory is inhabited by tribes that have their own local languages.

The Australian dollar is the only currency in the world that uses special thin plastic to produce it.

Australian cities

Australian cities consistently become cities that are most convenient for people to live. There are 89 cities in Australia, the largest of which is Sydney. He is seaport international class and famous for its attractions.


The capital of Australia is the city of Canberra, although it is not the largest in terms of size and population in the country. About 350,000 citizens live there. This city became the capital largely due to the fact that it was specially artificially created at an equal distance from Sydney and Melbourne in order to put an end to the claims of these major cities to the name of the capital.

The city became the embodiment of the idea of ​​a garden city. It is called the forest capital of the country, there is a lot of greenery. The architecture is successfully inscribed in the landscape, it makes an impression most convenient city for life. The city houses parliament buildings, trade missions, embassies, main editorial offices of newspapers, offices, a museum, and educational institutions. Canberra attractions include:

  • Theater Center.
  • National Museum of the country.
  • Dinosaur Museum.
  • Memorial dedicated to James Cook.
  • "Namaji" is a national park.
  • Tidbinbilla is a wildlife park.


About five and a half million people live in this city. It is the capital of one of the states and has earned the right to be called the financial and intellectual capital of Australia. Many people who are just getting acquainted with the history of the country are surprised that this city did not become the capital of the whole country. Here is the largest port of the Commonwealth of Australia, the airport receives major international flights. Many people, getting to Sydney, fall in love with Australia and stay here forever. It is a very beautiful and comfortable city to live in. It was founded as the first European colony and was named after the British minister who did a lot for this colony. The city has a good geographic location, it is located in a valley, bounded by mountain ranges, and the sea stretches along one of its sides. Many nationalities and many cultures are gathered in the city. It is unique in its fullness with different world ideas about the universe.

There are many places in Sydney that are visited by tourists:

  • The Sydney Opera House is an inimitable and unique creation of a Danish architect. It generates controversy and strikes the eye. Built to accommodate the Opera House, as well as concert hall and drama theatre. This building represents the whole country in a variety of images that are distributed throughout the world.
  • Museum of Australia. Stored here a large number of works art and other items that tell about history and cultural heritage countries.
  • TV tower. This place is very popular with tourists. Its height is about 250 meters, there are souvenir shops and restaurants, as well as an observation deck from which the whole city is visible.
  • Aquarium. This unique underwater structure includes tunnels that allow you to see the seabed and follow the life of its inhabitants.
  • Harbor Bridge. This is the famous arch bridge in Sydney.


The second largest city in the country, about four and a half million inhabitants live there. It is also the state capital, located in the southeastern part of the country. It is considered an industrial and cultural center. It often hosts economic forums, world-class industrial events. In 1959, this city hosted the Olympic Games, all the buildings for these major sporting events have been preserved and are still in operation.

Melbourne has art galleries that are widely known throughout the world.

  • The World Art Gallery features paintings by Rembrandt and Rubens, as well as all sorts of works from ancient civilizations.
  • Eureka tower has observation deck at an altitude of 285 meters. From there you have a breathtaking view of the ocean and mountains.
  • The Melbourne Concert Hall is another piece of innovative architecture. The forms of this structure are embodied with the help of glass and concrete.
  • Phillip Island is a theme park.

Melbourne impresses with its beauty and evening views. Illumination in the city is another business card. In the mornings and in the evening there is a parade of penguins in Melbourne, in the south there is a park where koalas live.

The Great Ocean Droga starts from Melbourne; it is, as it were, cut into the rocks, which gives it an awesome look.


The city has up to two million inhabitants. The capital of the state, political summits and meetings of scientists from all over the world are often held here. The city has many business centers, hotels and amusement parks. This is the country's main airport. There are a lot of parks in Brisbane, but they are successfully combined with modern architecture.

Places to visit:

  • Amusement park "Big Pineapple". This park has a unique pineapple plantation, which is open to tourists.
  • The park is home to Australia's favorite animal, the koala.
  • Queensland Museum. There are many artifacts here that testify to the life of the country's indigenous population - the aborigines.


A city with a population of two million people. Located in Western Australia on the coast Indian Ocean. It is in ninth place in the list of cities that seem to be the most comfortable for living.

There is something to visit here:

  • The koala sanctuary is where tourists are allowed to hold and feed the koala.
  • The zoo in Perth is one of the oldest in Australia, many species are collected here, all of them live in comfortable conditions.
  • A rock wave is a rock formation that resembles sea waves in its appearance. Under different lighting they take on bizarre views.


City in southern Australia. It has a little over one million inhabitants. Administrative buildings here are multi-storey, but ordinary residential complexes rarely have more than two floors. The city is filled with parks and artificial bizarre ponds. Here you can visit unique places:

  • Wine center. There is a wine museum, as well as tasting rooms. Wines from all states of the country are collected and their own varieties are produced.
  • Kangaroo Island. Excursions are conducted from the city, which deliver tourists by sea to the island with wildlife.
  • Tanzania. This cultural center was built for the aborigines.

Growth of cities and development of the country

Cities in Australia are growing rapidly, the population is increasing. The fact that Australia is one of the most environmentally friendly places in the world attracts many people to relocate. Newcastle is approaching millionaire cities in terms of population. The culture of the whole country and its multinationality seems very interesting for tourists, which helps to develop and saturate the infrastructure.

Australia attracts tourists with its animals and flora. There are no such unique animals anywhere else, they simply cannot live in other conditions. Australia is one of those continents where monkeys or ungulates do not exist, and this speaks volumes about the continent's unique climatic conditions. The most convenient areas for tourism and life are coastal ones.

The northeast coast is known for the Great Barrier Reef, which stretches for 2000 km. Many islands that are located on the reef have been turned into elite recreation centers. The population density in Australia depends on the territory, the cities are densely populated, but other areas sometimes do not have even one person per square meter. The fact is that more than half of the entire country is not suitable for living due to the too hot climate.

Australians themselves are very open and sociable people. The mixture of British roots and American touch makes them positive and cheerful. It is difficult to enter the territory of the country if you do not follow strict rules, so those tourists who get there are respected in advance by the permanent population of the country.

Cities in New South Wales: ,
Cities in Queensland: ,
Cities in South Australia:
Cities Western Australia:

Life in Australian cities

How do you imagine life in Australian cities? Perhaps cheerful and carefree: the scorching sun shines, and the oceans attract to their shores, offering to relax, enjoying natural beauties…. Maybe someone associates Australia with huge arid deserts and wild natives who are forced to roam the expanses of the mainland in search of a better life…. Someone imagines green forests where koalas doze on trees, endless fields where funny kangaroos frolic, and gardens that bring harvests of exotic fruits several times a year .... In all these common opinions about Australia, of course, there is some truth. But first of all, Australia is a highly developed state, characterized by a high standard of living of the population.

The Australian state, whose capital is the city of Canberra, occupies the territory of the entire mainland and several nearby islands in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. The country is divided into several states and territories, where a total of about 20 million people live. Most Australians live in cities, only 15% of the population prefers to live permanently in rural areas.

Let's move to the southeast of Australia and get into the Sami Big city State - Sydney. Sydney is a large business center, it is here that the offices of the largest Australian and international companies are located. Most Sydney residents have prestigious, well-paid jobs. Despite the fact that this city is one of the most expensive in the world, the standard of living of the local population is very high. Almost every Sydney resident can afford to live out the classic Australian dream of owning their own house on the coast. The level of salaries in Sydney is the highest in Australia, which allows each member of the local family to travel by their own car, use the full range of necessary medical services, and indulge in regular entertainment. Nevertheless, families living in Sydney and other megacities - Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide are in no hurry to have children, and often completely refuse to procreate, devoting all day to work, evenings - relaxing in entertainment venues, which are huge in Sydney. quantity, and on weekends - shopping. Like many Australians, wealthy residents of metropolitan areas rarely support their elderly parents, striving only for career growth.

South of the mainland is the island of Tasmania, which is part of the Australian state. The capital of Tasmania is Hobart, which is considered a conservative provincial town. About 130 thousand people live here. The local population also has a high standard of living, but they are not engaged in office work, but in handicrafts and shipbuilding, which are very developed here. The income level of residents of Hobard and other provincial cities is somewhat lower than that of the population of megacities, but their life flows much calmer and more measured. In provincial towns there is no fuss, endless traffic jams, you can always find a free parking space. The locals are calmly doing what they love, not too much chasing after entertainment, but they also do not deny themselves the opportunity to relax on the coast.

Fast forward to east Queensland. Here is the small town of Charters Towers, which is inhabited by only 8 thousand people. Charters Towers is separated from the coast by a mountain range, so not much local residents involved in the tourism sector. Cattle breeding and agriculture are developed here. Many residents have their own farms, the wealthiest families use hired workers on their plantations, those who are poorer work themselves, thus ensuring a good standard of living for themselves. Residents of villages and small towns in Australia can afford to have their own house, of course, much more modest than the population of megacities, an inexpensive car. They spend a lot of time on agricultural work, have an easier attitude towards childbearing, and are less eager for entertainment and recreation.

Australia's cities, both large and small, are highly developed. Residents of both the provinces and metropolitan areas can afford to take out loans to buy housing, the prices for which are very high here. Many Australian families prefer to live by constantly paying their debts to banks. Australians are united by high working capacity and boundless patriotism. And the homeland pays them the same, creating favorable conditions for life in Australia.

Australia is a mainland state, which also includes the island of Tasmania and a number of other islands adjacent to it. This is the southernmost state in the world. Australia is a continent of rare dry forests and deserts. The country was a British colony for a long time, and the British monarch is still considered the head of state. The population is about 22 million people. Most live along coastline mainland. A map of Australia with cities will show that almost all of them are located along the coastline.

Australian cities photos that can be viewed on the global network are very bright and beautiful. Australia's main cities are Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne. The population of the cities of Australia, mainly the British who emigrated in the 19th century. The most famous cities in Australia are Melbourne and Sydney. Almost all of Australia's millionaire cities are state capitals. In 1908, Melbourne and Sydney, the main cities of Australia, were in a bitter dispute over which city was the capital of Australia. They were not inferior to each other neither in growth, nor in infrastructure, nor in importance. As a result, the dispute threatened to reach a dead end, and a solution was found. To the question: “what city is the capital of Australia?” the government replied: Canberra. This is the largest city in Australia, located inland, and not on the coast.

The mainland is divided into six states, the largest of them, Western Australia, the city of Perth, is its capital. This port city in Australia is included in 5 major cities in Australia. It was founded in the 19th century and is developing very rapidly in our time. It is one of the ten most convenient cities to live in according to the Economist magazine. Also, Perth, known as the "City of Lights", all its inhabitants turned on the lights during the flight of the Druzhba-7 spacecraft over it in 1962.

Melbourne is a city in southeastern Australia and is the capital of the state of Victoria. It is the second largest city in Australia, after Sydney. Its population is about 5.5 million people. Included in five major cities in Australia. A combination of Victorian and modern architecture, along with a large number of parks and gardens, as well as a well-developed infrastructure, have made this city of South Australia one of the main business and commercial centers On the continent of Australia, the city of Melbourne hosted the Summer Olympics in 1981. Thus, it was the first Olympic city in Australia. A city in southern Australia has been voted the most convenient place to live in the world. South Australia's main city is Sydney's main competitor for growth and development.

Brisbane is the third largest state on the continent. He entered the largest cities in Australia, in third place. It is the most multinational metropolis in the country. In terms of growth on the continent of Australia, the city of Brisbane ranks first. According to the 2001 census, 21% of the population are foreigners, 1.7% are natives. It also has a large population former USSR. The second largest city in the state is the city of Gold Coast Australia is the largest tourist centre and the Gold Coast leads the way water tourism the whole country. Tourism is the main economic activity. Huge sandy beaches and magnificent waves attract surfers from all over the world. Once a year, the Gold Coast hosts the Indy Car Racing Series. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Australia. Its skyscrapers are amazing, the most famous of them is the Q1 Tower, which reaches a height of 322.5 meters.

Also included in the largest cities in Australia. This is the largest business center of the state of South Australia, the city of Adelaide received its name in honor of the wife of William IV. Top Cities Australia, in the list of which Adelaide is far from the last place, adopted Adelaide as a leader in various festivals, wine-making arts, as well as sporting achievements of its inhabitants. Between the city of Adelaide and Alice Springs is an unusual underground city in Australia - in the desert areas, the sun mercilessly fries, and the only large deposit of precious stones on the entire continent, so the presence of people here is simply necessary. In order to hide from the hot sun, people arranged their dwellings deep underground. Below 6 meters, the temperature drops sharply and life in this place becomes more acceptable. Over time, the town has developed and now you can find everything underground, from hotels to swimming pools. You can also go shopping or visit the Orthodox Church.

The most sparsely populated state capital is the city of Darwin. Australia is the least densely populated in the "Northern Territory". Therefore, it turns out to be the largest city in this part of the continent. The city was completely rebuilt twice. Once after a Japanese air raid, and the second after a powerful hurricane in 1974. Thanks to such restructuring, Darwin is the most modern city, architecturally, throughout the mainland.

Sydney is main city Australia. Its population is almost a quarter of the population of the entire country. Asking any resident of the Federation: “what is the largest city in Australia?”, There will be only one answer - Sydney. It lies in the state of South Wales, the capital of which is. Even the largest cities in Australia are in many ways inferior to it in terms of area and the number of people living in it. Looking through all the cities in Australia, the list of which is headed by Sydney, you can see that in fact it is the capital of this state. The economic sphere of activity throughout almost the entire continent of Australia is the city of Sydney. Its total income is about 25% of the total income of the entire state. Its residents receive the highest income, about 42.5 thousand dollars a year. The bulk of the population is made up of immigrants who arrived in Australia for permanent residence.

Australia is one of the largest countries in the world, most of the population lives in cities. It is difficult to talk about how many cities in Australia, since it is not of interest to describe the smallest of them, but five large cities in Australia can be named: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Brisbane. Considering the major cities of Australia, you can see that most of the population of the entire country lives in them. Each city is unique in its own way and has its own exotic properties. Thinking about what cities there are in Australia, one can only be surprised at their diversity and unusualness. And the underground city of Coober Pedy and the risen from the ruins of Darwin, each of them is part of the history of this exotic continent.

It is amazing because it is the only state that occupies an entire continent, and most of the flora and fauna are found only in its vastness. In this article, we will list the cities of Australia. You can see the list of all settlements in the tables below. But first, let's give some general information.

general information

As you can see, not too big (considering the vast territory). Its density is only 3 people / km 2. This is due to the fact that most of the territory is occupied by the huge Big Sand and others. It should be noted that Australia has one of the highest levels of urbanization - 89%. Most of the population lives on the east coast. Next, we will tell you what cities in Australia exist. We will also give a list of the largest and most beautiful.

Australia's largest cities

Sydney is the pearl of Australia, the largest economic, cultural and industrial center of the country, numbering 4.8 million people. The city is very young, and therefore cannot boast of many interesting sights. Despite this, tourists love it very much. Among the main highlights of Sydney are the Opera House, the Australian Museum, the Harbor Bridge, the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, City Hall and Sydney TV Tower. Be sure to visit these places if you visit this beautiful corner of the globe.

Melbourne is one of the largest cities in Australia and is the capital of the state of Victoria. Its population is 4.25 million inhabitants. It is easy to calculate that these 2 cities (Sydney and Melbourne) have become home to 40% of the population of the entire country. What is worth seeing in Melbourne? Be sure to visit the Royal Exhibition Centre, the State of Victoria, the Melbourne Museum, the State Library of Victoria, as well as the Monument of Remembrance, copying one of the mausoleums in Halicarnassus. In addition, the city will please you with impressive skyscrapers, a sea of ​​shops, restaurants, nightclubs and cafes.

Brisbane is a large city located in the east of Australia. The population is 2.15 million people. especially popular places tourists use the "green lungs" of the city - parks Roma Street Parkland, Mount Coot-tha, South Bank Parkland and Brisbane City Botanic Gardens.

The cities of Australia, the list of which is given above, enjoy the special attention of tourists and businessmen. Perth (1.865 million people), Adelaide (1.225 million) and the Gold Coast (591 thousand inhabitants) can also be included in the number. Canberra is major center, with a population of over 345 thousand people. It houses many cultural institutions, government offices and so on. This concludes our list (due to their absence) of major cities in Australia. You can read the rest of the list later in the article.

Complete list of cities in Australia

As you can see, the 7 largest cities of this state account for 65% of the total population. As for the rest of the settlements, they are located near metropolitan areas. Now we will introduce you to all the cities of Australia. The alphabetical list will be formed from the belonging of the city to a particular state. Population will be given in parentheses. Let's start.

Cities of Western Australia and the Northern Territory

Cities in Queensland and New South Wales

queensland N.S.W.

1. Bundaberg (71,000).

2. Brisbane (state capital) (2,150,185).

3. Gimpi (10,933).

4. Gladstone (28,808).

5. Year-Cost (591,473).

6. Ipswich (168,131).

7. Caloundra (41,293).

8. Cairns (150,920).

9. Mackay (85,700).

10. Mount Isa (23,673).

11. Maryborough (21,501).

12. Nambor (9774).

13. Rockhampton (76,729).

14. Radcliffe (8981).

15. Sunshine Coast (251,081).

16. Townsville (185,768)

17. Toowoomba (128,600).

18. Weipa (3291).

19. Harvey Bay (61,469).

20. Charters Towers (8000).

1. Armidale (19,485).

2. Bathurst (34,303).

3. Broken Hill (19,754).

4. Wyong (3116).

5. Wollongong (292,190).

6. Gosford (155,271).

7. Goulburn (20,127).

8. Grafton (17,501).

9. Griffith (17,890).

10. Debbo (38,037).

11. Katoomba (7623).

12. Coffs Harbor (25,953).

13. Quinbian (26,500).

14. Lismore (30,086).

15. Lake Macquarie (200,000).

16. Maitland (61,431).

17. Naura (34,479).

18. Newcastle (288,732).

19. Albury (53,507).

20. Orange (39,329).

21. Port Macquarie (44,313).

22. Sesnok (18 316).

23. Sydney (state capital) (4,800,000)

24. Tamworth (47,595).

25. Tweed Heads (19,116).

26. Wagga-Wagga (44,935).

Cities in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania

Now you have learned all the cities of Australia. The list of the above can be supplemented by Canberra, which is part of the Australian Capital Territory.

The article gives a clear idea of ​​the population of the major cities of the continent. Draws a true picture of the sights located in metropolitan areas. Gives you the opportunity to build on what you already know.

Australian cities

Before the period of colonization of the mainland by Europeans, the main part of the population was made up of indigenous people. They settled in the southeastern part of the continent. This is due to the fact that there are the most suitable climatic conditions for human life.

The arrival of Europeans in Australia was marked by the fact that the process of forced relocation of the original inhabitants to desert, uninhabitable territories began.

The bulk of the natives still live in harmony with nature and earn their living through hunting and gathering.

In the XVIII century, the colonialists began to actively develop new lands. The southeastern tip of the mainland became the center of colonization. In 1788, the exiled British settled here. They founded Port Jackson, which later became Sydney.

Rice. 1. Port Jackson.

The list of attractions of the modern metropolis is:

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

  • Opera theatre;
  • Harbor Bridge;
  • city ​​beaches and parks.

Since ancient times, Sydney and Melbourne have been competing cities. Each of them at one time claimed the title of the capital. The choice was not easy and therefore it was decided to build a new city - Canberra - located between Sydney and Melbourne. It was this city that became the official capital of Australia.

Rice. 2. Big cities Australia on the map.

Sydney is the largest city on the continent.

Australia's major cities are Sydney and Melbourne.

City Brisbane - attractive for tourists tropical city with a population of one million. It ranks third on the list after Sydney and Melbourne. The city is named after the Brisbane River, at the mouth of which it is located. Today, the metropolis represents the interweaving of modern and colonial styles of architecture. The church spiers of Victorian buildings blend seamlessly with palm trees.

This is the main city west coast continent. It is also the capital of Western Australia. It is called the "pearl of Australia". There is a mint in Perth. It is also a kind of historical monument that tells about the gold mining industry in Western Australia. Like any modern city, Perth is built up with new buildings. But there are also buildings with rich history. One of such monuments of architecture and history is beautiful building theater of the nineteenth century, referred to as the Theater of His Majesty.

Rice. 3. Perth.

What have we learned?

From the article, we received information about the largest and beautiful cities located on the mainland. We learned about where to go when visiting Australia. We found out where the unique historical and architectural monuments are located. We got acquainted with the sad moments of the history of a unique and one of a kind continent. Find out who founded modern Sydney.

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