Odyssey of Admiral Stark. Unique places in Russia that you have hardly heard of: Popov Island Vladivostok - Stark Strait

Admiral Georgy Karlovich Stark, who went through all the wars of the early twentieth century - the Russian-Japanese, World War I and Civil War - became the last Russian sailor to sail under the blue and white St. Andrew's flag. He launched it only in 1923 - in the Philippines, where, not wanting to serve a country called the USSR, he took the remnants of the Siberian flotilla.

Ships of the Siberian Flotilla in the roadstead of the Korean port of Genzan. 1922 Photo: from the book by Y.K. Stark " Last stronghold"

Vladivostok - Stark Strait. FLOTILLA

The caravan - thirty warships - left Vladivostok on the morning of October 25, 1922. The fleet left its native harbor with extraordinary impudence - literally in front of the detachments of the NRA (People's Revolutionary Army) that had just entered the capital of Primorye.

"The Reds entered the city, ... but did not have any moving floating means to pursue us," the admiral later noted with a sense of deep satisfaction in his Report on the Activities of the Siberian Flotilla.

The main enemy was not the Reds, but autumn and "fresh weather", deadly for coastal (small icebreakers, steamers, transports, gunboats, boats, barges) and, moreover, overloaded ships. About ten thousand people left their homeland - sailors, a battalion of naval riflemen, a naval landing company, officials of the Naval Department, land military units, including Cossacks, members of the families of military personnel, Omsk and Khabarovsk cadet corps, refugees ...

The flotilla immediately got into such a swell that the towing cables were torn. One of the detached barges, loaded with shells and other ammunition, had to be blown up (not left to the Soviets). They left their native lands "with music."

Ahead stretched two thousand miles of open sea (about four thousand kilometers). Ships "almost devoid of any maritime qualities." Crowding. Overload The unclear status of the flotilla (its state no longer existed) ...

It seems that the commander of the Siberian Flotilla, who had never lost his composure either in battle or in the rear, experienced confusion for the first time. “The situation was hopeless”, “the transition ... is extremely dangerous, almost impossible”, “the future is in complete darkness”, - this is how the admiral will write about the beginning of an unprecedented voyage (I quote from the book by Y.K. Stark, "The Last Stronghold", Russian- Baltic information Center"Blitz", St. Petersburg, 2015).

But the memories will still have to live.

Stark Strait - Genzan. EXODUS

We passed the Russian island. Left overboard the Stark Strait - native uncle, admiral

Oscar Stark, participant in the Russo-Japanese War, commander of the Pacific Fleet. From him, the nephew forever contracted "seasickness" ...

Before Genzan (Korea), they "sneaked" along the coast. Somewhere behind was the southernmost seaside port of Posyet. Point of no return. It was from here that the remnants of the White Guard Zemstvo rati and its governor, the last white Ruler of the Amur Territory, General M.K. Dieterichs.

They went nowhere, into trouble and need. They handed over their weapons, ended up in camps (consider concentration camps). The dead were buried - in the Chinese borderlands, here and there, entire Russian cemeteries arose ...

What was Rear Admiral Georgy Karlovich Stark thinking about while standing on the bridge? Surely the thought was tormented: well, what kind of fate is this - to endure defeat and retreat? Two years earlier, Omsk was surrendered to the red, and Stark, departing with parts of the Kappel (Great Siberian Ice Campaign), fell ill with typhus. And if it were not for the opportunity - the ambulance train, where he was laid and sent first to Chita, and from there to Harbin, would probably have died.

Diterikhs worked in Harbin as a shoemaker. Stark is a foreman at a construction site. Orphanhood, mental turmoil... And then the messengers appeal to military duty, urge them to join the "last decisive battle", reconquer Primorye, save Russia from the Red Plague.

And, of course, both rushed back to the still White Guard region.

A few months before the defeat of the White Army and the final victory of the Soviet government.

Was it the right decision?

And the question does not give either sleep or rest, whether he did the right thing when in 1918 he left his wife with two small children in her arms in hungry, cold Petrograd and, disguised as a soldier, rushed to the south of Russia, where Kolchak's army was formed ...

And where else could he, Georgy Stark, go? They had known each other since their service in the Baltic. Together they fought in the First World War, fought together with the German squadron at Moonsund ...

It happened that they "fought" with each other. The time will come, Stark will write in his memoirs that Kolchak sometimes commanded too much, even yelled at his subordinates. And he will remember the case when one day in 1916, while defending a sailor, he so "clashed" with his explosive commander that at the end of the conversation both almost shouted at each other ...

It seemed like the end of a career. But no, there were no reprisals. Moreover, two days later, Kolchak honestly told the junior in rank that he was wrong. "I sincerely thanked him," Stark writes. "After this confession, I would have followed him anywhere..."

And so it happened.

Genzan - Fuzan. PARKING

At the passage to Genzan (360 miles), the flotilla of Vladivostok refugees stormed endlessly. Two boats sank, Zealous and Retvizanchik. Fortunately, they were in tows, empty, and no one was killed.

"The position of the ships, crowded with passengers, was often on the verge of death. The fact that this armada reached Korea safely can be considered a maritime miracle," wrote one of the participants in the campaign.

The Japanese ruled in Genzan. And on the ships of the flotilla - frost, crowding, hunger and cold. To avoid death, epidemics, and a general "indescribable disaster", Stark, no matter how the Japanese authorities hindered, obtained permission to land civilians. Cold barracks, a minimum of food - that's all that awaited ours on the shore. But it was better than disastrous "sea adventures."

The military and Cossack units of Generals Glebov and Lebedev, taken out by Stark from Primorye, also remained in Genzan. And stayed there last hope for revenge - Georgy Karlovich did not leave the crazy idea to turn to Kamchatka, where the protege of the Whites was still in power. He was not going to surrender Primorye to the Reds either. He developed a plan for the defense of Vladivostok in order to "strengthen and go on the offensive."

But Dieterikhs canceled the plan - Stark was forced to obey.

In Genzan, he submitted to harsh reality. Kamchatka is already under the Soviets, foreign countries will not help, the strength to fight has been exhausted. Revenge is impossible.

This means that the course is for the Korean port of Fuzan (now Busan).

Fuzan - Tsushima. "AURORA"

In Fuzan, Stark was visited by an old acquaintance - a former colleague in the Mine Division V.A. Belli. It turned out that he now serves with the Reds and arrived in Korea on a secret mission - to convince Stark, along with the flotilla and crews, to return to Vladivostok. In exchange, the Soviet government guaranteed the admiral an amnesty, reunification with his family, and a generous reward.

The admiral "indignantly rejected the vile proposal" (so - in his "Report") and advised the former colleague "in order to avoid bad consequences for him personally" to leave both the hotel room and the city of Fuzan.

An international scandal erupted. The Soviet government published in the newspapers "Instruction to Admiral Stark to return before January 1, 1923 the ships withdrawn from Vladivostok." Under the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee - "to return to Russian waters and voluntarily hand over to the Soviet government military ships, military and other property belonging to the RSFSR ..." - the signatures of Kalinin and Yenukidze.

But the flotilla “hijacked” by Stark, having patched up its sides and bunkered with another batch of coal, was already moving on, clinging to the shores, fleeing the autumn storms. Somewhere astern, slightly to the east of the set course, Tsushima Island remained. And the eponymous strait. Here, in 1905, the senior mine officer, Lieutenant Georgy Stark, served on the brand new cruiser Aurora, which arrived as part of a squadron in the Far East from Libau (today Liepaja). As the admiral writes in his memoirs, "the night before the battle I stood "dog" (as the sailors call the heaviest watch from 12 to 4 a.m. - Auth.). In the morning I woke up - Japanese ships were coming to the intersection of our course. I heard how it was flying projectile, and in the noise of its flight one can hear: "A gift to the Russians."

In that mortal battle, the commander of the Aurora, E.R., died a heroic death. Egoriev and eighteen sailors. The cruiser, pierced by the enemy in a sieve, miraculously did not sink, the crew was completely wounded. The stern flag of the Aurora was knocked down six times by shrapnel, but, remaining in the crew for the senior officer, Lieutenant Stark, himself twice wounded, commanded: "To the flag! Raise the flag!"

"Aurora" and its barely alive team "licked" their numerous wounds in ... Manila (that's when George Stark paved the way to the Philippines). Then there was a return transition to the Baltic, overhaul, honoring those who returned from the inglorious war, orders for bravery and courage, receptions and parades with the participation of the court and the Sovereign Emperor ...

And is it not a bad dream that his own Aurora, to which he gave almost ten years of service, his warship, "possessing exemplary order and good traditions," became a symbol of the collapse of the empire? ..

Tsushima - Shanghai. riot

Two hundred miles from Shanghai, the flotilla was caught in a storm that Stark, in his Report, would call fatal. The sailors tried in vain to extinguish their passions. Tears, hysteria, panic... One of the ladies, a passenger on the Ilya Muromets gunboat, tried to shoot herself, but her revolver was taken away from her in time. The waves swallowed up the Lieutenant Dydymov cruiser and everyone on board - crew, passengers, cadet boys...

In Shanghai, many frightened to death refugees went ashore, as they say, "with things." And the flotilla and its commander were left face to face with reality. You read the dispassionate "Report" by Stark and you understand: the parking in Shanghai has become a test for the flotilla no less than a storm. They were denied everything - repairs, coal, food, fresh water (they had to draw directly from the yellow Yangtze River, which was not done in Shanghai by any ship, either before the Stark flotilla or after). The squadron's box office was empty. All she had left was $15. "A disastrous situation", - we read in the "Report".

One can only be surprised at the diplomatic and entrepreneurial abilities of Admiral Georgy Stark, who managed to repair the ships and raise funds for the necessary supplies (the deal for the sale of weapons and several ships was very difficult for the commander, but it was a salvation).

But what is "property"! People left forever - brave Russian sailors, devoted, it seemed, to their Admiral (that's right, with a capital letter, they will then write about Stark in their memoirs). They left - to whom? Like "Aurora" - to the red. However, the month of stay, the need, the "routine of the anchor service" corrupted the refugees no worse than the Bolshevik agitation. Despondency, confusion, general decline, "attempts to sell state-owned rifles and revolvers to Chinese shampooers ..."

On the eve of the departure from Shanghai, the commanders of several ships, fearing a long and dangerous passage to the Philippines, started talking about changing course to Hong Kong. “I could not allow the division to go to Hong Kong or return to Shanghai, because I knew very well,” writes Stark, “that the only hope for saving people was ... reaching the possessions of the United States (the Philippines was then a US colony. - Auth.) I had to stop all discussions and briefly order everyone to immediately prepare for a further transition ... "

A day before the departure, Captain 2nd Rank M. Korenev announced that his ship was not ready for the campaign. And then, in order to cheer up the crew, the admiral, together with the flotilla headquarters, transfers to the Diomede, "the worst ship" capable of moving only in tow - it was attached to the Svir rescuer. There, on the Diomede, Stark carries his flag.

It was an act. "An example of fearlessness," as former subordinates of the admiral write in their memoirs. And yet - the only way out of the conflict.

And from Shanghai.

Shanghai - Formosa. STORM

Near the island of Formosa (now Taiwan), when ships were passing through a narrow strait, a terrible thing happened in a storm, dangerously close to small islands, shoals and reefs. Admiral Stark's "Report" describes the episode as "The Grounding of the 3rd Division". Two ships - "Farvater" and "Paris" - miraculously escaped. The third - the minesweeper "Ajax", trying in vain to slip from the firmament into free water, was littered on its side by a wave and completely flooded.

The 23 people on board went to hell. Here is how one of the survivors, midshipman Ivanov, described it (I quote from the book by N.A. Kuznetsov "The Russian Fleet in a Foreign Land):

“It was impossible to stay on deck, and everyone tried to do it wherever they could. They covered the masts, the wheelhouse, and some settled in the pipe. ... Midshipman Sh. and I. lowered the backstays into the pipe, tied them in several places so that something similar to a storm ladder, and settled there like chickens ... The result of these cold and hungry days was that we lost friends. They died in the most terrible way, before our eyes. Midshipman P. fell from the main mast and smashed head on the wardroom, midshipman B. fell from the topmast topmast onto the winch, midshipman P. was torn off the shrouds of the foremast and thrown over the forecastle, midshipman B. fell off his makeshift seat (in the pipe) and drowned in the fire box of the boiler. I had to do circus tricks before I could get to the pipe from the main mast, where there was no way to stay - we froze like hell ... "

In the morning, when the messenger ship "Farvater" approached the crash site, seven remained alive - two on the foremast and five on the water, inside the pipe, which was still afloat. The wave was such that the ship and boats could not approach those in distress, and they had to swim.

"Farvater" picked up people and left. And in the evening he returned again - midshipman B.E. had been waiting for his saviors for about a day at the foremast. Petrenko. He was the commander of Ajax and was the last to leave.

Soon, Commander Stark learns from Petrenko's report not only the details of what happened, but also the fact that sailors worthy of their admiral are serving in the Siberian Flotilla.

“The behavior of the entire personnel in the sense of showing courage in the face of extreme danger was brilliant,” the report said. “There was no refusal to carry out orders. There was no panic. Having no hope of salvation, people died like heroes, sometimes with jokes on their lips. Midshipman Anikiev, drowning, shouted: "Farewell," Ajax "!"

Philippines - America - Australia - Europe. DEPARTURE

In total, eleven ships and about a thousand refugees reached the Philippines - military sailors and their families. "A voluntary group of people on the basis of laws old Russia, ... in commemoration of which ships carry a flag registered in all countries as the last existing flag of the Russian military fleet. "

That's what the admiral said. He stood on that. And with him - the former naval attache of the Russian Embassy in Japan and, by the way, Stark's former colleague in the Baltic, Rear Admiral B.P. Dudorov. It is impossible not to name him here, since it was he who managed to help Stark and the flotilla overcome all the most dangerous diplomatic "reefs".

Almost half a year will pass before most of the refugees - 536 people - finally set off on the American transport "Meritt" to the saving California shores. But Georgy Karlovich Stark was not among those departing. The admiral also rejected repeated offers to serve the American flag.

Researchers of the naval theme testify: Stark divided the proceeds from the sale of ships equally. The rest, along with his priceless "Report on the activities of the Siberian flotilla," took to French city Antibes and personally handed over to the then head of the Russian imperial house, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich.

The admiral was the last to leave the ship.

Paris - Vladivostok. MEMORY

By that time, the children of Admiral Stark, 15-year-old son Boris and 10-year-old daughter Tanya, had already been transported to Europe from Soviet Russia. Wife Elizaveta Vladimirovna did not wait for her husband a little. Long and seriously ill (tuberculosis), she died in Petrograd in May 1924. Having settled with the children in Paris, Georgy Karlovich carefully bound her letters, read and reread them. And before his death, he asked his son to burn a very personal correspondence (see A.M. Buyakov's publication "Unknown Admiral Stark", Notes of the Society for the Study of the Amur Territory, Vladivostok, 1996).

Probably, he knew how not only to fight and save. He knew how to love. In 1943, in occupied France, once again refusing to cooperate with the Nazis, Stark lost his job (the valiant Russian admiral drove a taxi in Paris) and, in order to somehow live, he pawned orders in a pawnshop. Then he sat down for memories - they formed a book called "My Life".

In its first lines, there are a few words, perhaps never said in life: "To my best friend - my late wife, I dedicate this work."

But he dedicated his unprecedented "Report", no doubt, to future generations, that is, to us. The White Guard Admiral Stark wrote to be remembered.

And he was not just not forgotten - he was loved. Having become emigrants, Russian sailors from their foreign far away sent him letters and parcels to France. When Georgy Karlovich died in 1950, memorial services were served for him, farewell speeches were said: "It was undoubtedly one of the best people, representatives of the glorious Russian Imperial Navy..."

In the early 2000s, Stark was also remembered in Vladivostok. In memory of the Great Russian Exodus, an Orthodox cross was placed on Russky Island with the inscription "To all who loved, but left their homeland." A year later, a shrine was brought from California - the St. Andrew's flag, which had once flown over one of the ships of the Siberian flotilla.

And then a mega-construction unfolded on Russian and the memorial cross was dismantled. Today, a copy of it stands, almost imperceptibly, in the far corner. central square Vladivostok.

P.S. Reading the memoirs of Georgy Karlovich Stark, she wrote out a scratchy phrase: "Only military prowess brings laurels. Civil courage ... unpopular."

We are pleased to welcome you to the website www.ostrovatour.ru and invite you to enjoy your vacation in the south of Primorsky Krai - the islands of Popov, Reinecke, Rikord and in the bays of the Khasansky district, where there is a clear, transparent and warm sea, stunning landscapes, as well as unique nature will not let you get bored and think about everyday problems. Description of the islands, recreation centers, services provided, photo gallery - all this you can find here on our website. For ease of navigation around the site, you can use the site map.

Geography of the islands (click)

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Popov Island

Popov Island is a favorite vacation spot for residents of Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai. It is located in the ridge of the Admiralty Islands in the Peter the Great Bay, 20 km southwest of Vladivostok, and divides it by its island territory into the Amur and Ussuri Bays. Peter the Great Bay is the largest and most picturesque bay of the Sea of ​​Japan. Within its limits there are many islands and individual rocks protruding from the water. The location of Popov Island favorably distinguishes it due to the constant flow (washing) of clean sea water from the open Sea of ​​Japan.

On the island you can relax on picturesque shores and beaches, fishing, diving, admiring the beautiful seascapes overlooking the numerous islands. The island will help you escape from the bustle of the city and accumulated problems. You will have a great rest and get a lot of positive emotions. You can get to Popov Island by boat or by ferry from the coastal communications station -1st berth (100 meters from the sea station), tel. 4232-496558; 497951. Travel time 1 hour 40 minutes. …Further

Ricord Island

We invite you to visit one of the picturesque corners of the Primorsky Territory, Rikord Island, which is the largest of the uninhabited islands located in Peter the Great Bay. The island is named after the Admiral of the Russian fleet Peter Ivanovich Rikord (1776-1855).

Beaches suitable for active rest, mainly have a pebbly structure. From the southeast of the island there are high shores with steep cliffs. There are many pitfalls in the water. The large pebble beach of Vostochnaya Bay, about 1 km long, is popular among tourists and vacationers. In summer, strong southeast winds prevail here, generating large waves. …Further

p. Slavyanka - b. Cormorant (Manchurian)

The recreation area "Bukhta Cormorant" (the old name Manjur) is located from Cape Nerpa to Chirok Bay. The coastline, intricately curving, forms many medium and small bays, where both locals and visitors like to relax.

The bend of the bay is one continuous beach with numerous lagoons, spits, channels and lakes. Small valleys from spring to late autumn delight the eye with emerald greenery, colorful herbs. Here you can see the legendary edelweiss with your own eyes. Almost along the entire length of Baklan Bay, oxbow lakes come close to the shore with fresh water and stretch along it so that a unique sand beach 30 to 100 m wide, with sea water on one side and fresh river water on the other. Here on the oxbow lakes there are nesting places for ducks and herons, wonderful fishing, and also healing mud. Cormorant Bay protrudes into the shore between a cape gently descending to the water.

Trinity Bay- a well-known recreational facility, so in the summer it is always crowded. It will not be possible to find wild places untouched by man, which the Khasansky district is known for. But at the service of vacationers the whole range of services for recreation on the sea coast. Recreation centers, houses local residents, with pleasure renting them to tourists for the summer, restaurants, cafes, shops, nightclubs, markets with a huge selection of all kinds of seafood. Trinity Bay has all the conditions for a civilized and comfortable stay.

Popov Island

POI: 42.950000, 131.716667

wikipedia (Russian):

This article is about an island in the Sea of ​​Japan, for one of the Aleutian Islands, see Popov's article (island). Popov Island is an island in the archipelago of Empress Eugenia in the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan, 20 km south of Vladivostok and 0.5 km southwest of about. Russian, from which it is separated by the Stark Strait. Named after Admiral Andrei Aleksandrovich Popov. The village of the same name is located on the island. Population - ▲1,370 inhabitants (2010) Popov Island is part of the Vladivostok City District. The population according to the 2002 census was 1316 people, lives in two villages - Stark and Popova.

The area of ​​the island is 1240 hectares or 12.4 km². The relief is typical for the south of Primorye. Max Height above sea level is 158 m. The coastline is represented by sandy and pebble beaches, alternating with rocky cliffs. The climate of the island is similar to the climate of Vladivostok. The average temperature in January is −12.5 °C, in August +20.5 °C. Popov Island, along with Russky Island, is a favorite vacation spot for Vladivostok residents. There are several tourist centers and recreation centers on the island; campgrounds. Best time for recreation - from July to the end of September. The average water temperature in August is 22°C. On the island in Alekseev Bay, the Marine Experimental Station of the Pacific Oceanological Institute named after P.I. V. I. Ilyichev of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A museum of the Far Eastern Marine Reserve was opened. There is a regular ferry service between the city and the island (difficulties arise in winter), passenger ship. Travel time 1 hour 40 minutes. In summer, the schedule includes additional commercial flights.

Bridge project connecting Popov Island with Russky Island

The general plan of the city of Vladivostok provides for the construction of a bridge from Russky Island to Popov Island, after expansion transport infrastructure on Russky Island, construction of the bridge may begin before 2018.


Alekseev, a bay, juts out into the northwestern coast of Popov Island. Described in 1885 by the staff captain of the KFSh A.A. Maltsev from the expedition of the staff captain of the KFSh A.S. Stenin and was named at the same time by the name of F.N. Alekseev, who died in an accident in 1858 at the Kamchadal tender, the commander of which he was, having frozen together with the entire crew in the Amur estuary. Cape Markovsky. Named after the hydrographer A.P. Markovsky. Cape Andreeva. Named after K. P. Andreev. In 1888-93. he directed the Separate Survey of the Eastern Ocean, carrying out research in the Far Eastern seas. Cape Likander. Named after V. V. Likander. In 1883-87. he served on Far East, participated in hydrographic works in Peter the Great Bay.

Four kilometers to the west of the island are the Two Brothers Islands. As Vokrug Sveta magazine wrote in issue 3 of 1928, “The Vladivostok branch of the Geographical Society ordered several specimens of skunk from America, which will be put into a new nursery on Popov Island.”


… (Russian)

The southwestern coast of the Kondratenko Peninsula, which is part of Russky Island, and the northeastern coast of Popov Island separate the Stark Strait. Until 1901, it was called 15-foot, and then it was renamed in honor of Admiral O.V. Stark - Chief of the Pacific Squadron, commander of Port Arthur and, for some time, commander of the Pacific Fleet.

The northwestern entrance to the strait is formed by Cape Ptichy and Cape Vasiliev, and the southwestern one is located between Cape Prokhodnaya and the Kondratenko Peninsula. Even in calm weather, the current in the strait is quite strong. On windy days, there are high tides, which are accompanied by high waves.

Stark Sound is unusually rich in seaweed. Here you can see thickets of kelp and ulva, zoosters and anfeltia. Small crabs and shrimps hide in them. Of the fish, flounder and sea gobies come across. The bottom is teeming with sea urchins and starfish.

Fishermen and just lovers of outdoor recreation often come to the rocky shore of the Stark Strait. Therefore, tent camps are often formed on the coast. At low tide, tourists can admire the marine life and collect a small collection of crab shells, sea urchins, and beautiful mollusk shells.


Sights on Russky Island

Recreation center Bukhta Ivantsova

One of interesting places Russian Island - Ivantsov Bay. Only from this bay is it possible to get "by dry land" to the islands of Lavrov and Engelm.

Recreation center Bukhta Filippovsky

Filippovsky Bay is located to the north of Rynda Bay on Russky Island.

Recreation center Saperny Peninsula

About a quarter of the territory of Russky Island is occupied by the Saperny Peninsula. In the south-west, it is washed by the waters of Novik Bay, in the east - by the Ussuri Bay, in the north - by the Eastern Bosporus Strait.

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In the southwest direction from Russky Island lies beautiful island Popov. The land area is more than 1000 hectares. The highest point rises 158 meters above sea level. Around are several uninhabited islands that can be seen from the shore. The island got its name from the surname of the admiral. Popov was a navy designer. On the territory of the island, in different historical times the peoples of Chinese nationality lived, after that the island went to the possessions of Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a disciplinary battalion for those who were dissatisfied with politics. A few years later, a crab cannery appeared, as the marine life here was very rich. For a long time, both Russians and Chinese worked on the island. In 1926, a zoological nursery was opened, where fur-bearing animals were bred. In subsequent years, Popov Island became a commercial and scientific center Primorsky region.

The relief of the island is very diverse. There are plains, hills, cliffs, rocks, sloping slopes and flat beaches. From all sides the territory is surrounded by picturesque bays. The largest and most suitable for recreation is the Pogranichnaya Bay.

Almost the entire territory of the island is covered with deciduous forest. In the southern part, a botanical garden has been created, where the rarest plants are located, including those listed in the Red Book. The animal world here is simply indescribably rich. The underwater world is especially attractive and diverse. Its representatives are seals, dolphins, even whales, more than 250 species of fish. The coastal waters are inhabited by rare and huge mussels, crabs, sea ​​urchins, scallops, shrimps and many other inhabitants.

Popov Island is a great place to relax. Words cannot convey all its beauty, you just need to come and see everything with your own eyes.

Bank of Skryagin lies almost in the middle of the entrance to Ajax Bay, 7 kbt NW from Cape Balka. In the southern part of the bank there is a group of drying rocks, from which a reef extends 1.4 kb to NE. The Skryagin Bank is protected by the southern milestone.

Illuminated buoys of the Skryagin Bank northern and eastern are exposed from the northern and eastern sides of the Skryagin Bank. (A suspended obstacle with a depth of 0.5 m above it is located 6.8 kbt NW from the Balka cape. IM 8423/02 dated 38/100/02)

Anchor place in Ajax Bay is located in its southern part, the depth at the anchorage is 9-11 m.

Anchorages in the eastern outer roads are located within two areas intended for anchorage of ships. In area No. 000, located 3 kbt to the ESE from Nazimov Cape, there are anchorages No. 19-25. Depths on them are 23-31 m, the soil is sand, silt, in places a shell. Area No. 000 is used as a quarantine anchorage, and anchorage No. 22 is intended for the parking of a “brand ship. weather conditions foreign ships register the arrival and accept the pilot at anchorage No.

In the area located To NW from Skrypleva Island, anchor points No. 26-33 are located. Depths at anchor points 26-42 m, soil - silt. Here it is allowed to anchor and tankers.

In front of the entrance to the eastern outer roadstead, 5 kbt to E from Cape Basargin, there are two more areas of anchorage. In the area there are anchorage places No. for the parking of foreign vessels, including tankers, awaiting a pilot and permission to enter the port of Vladivostok. Depths here are 28-34 m, the ground is sand. Area No. 000-6 is intended for the mooring of Russian vessels that have not received permission to enter the port or do not have means of communication with the Center. It contains anchor places No.

Depths in the region of 25-29 m, soil - sand, in some places small shells.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTRY TO THE PORT OF VLADIVOSTOK. Entrance to the port of Vladivostok is carried out in accordance with the Rules for Navigation of Vessels in the Port of Vladivostok (hereinafter - the Rules) according to the established traffic separation systems, fairways, mandatory for all vessels, and under the control of the Center.

Port entry with "color: black">W. The entrance to the Bosphorus-East Strait during the day is easy to identify by the masts-supports of the overhead power transmission line, the island of Ushi, high banks the southern part of the Shkota peninsula and the Larionovskaya hill, towering on the northwestern coast of Russky Island. At a distance of at least 2 miles to W from the Tokarevsky lighthouse, lie down on the Pospelovsky alignment of luminous signs (direction of the alignment 283.5 ° - 103.5 °) and follow the instructions of the Center.

When entering the strait in conditions of limited visibility, it is necessary to monitor the ship's radar, continuously measure depths and stay in the middle between the Tokarevsky lighthouse and the luminous buoy of the Bezymyanny North Cape reef in order to pass at a safe distance from the reef protruding 1 kbt to N from Bezymyanny Cape. When sailing along the Tokarevsky fairway, it is necessary to beware of an underwater obstacle (submerged barrel) located V 6.1 kbt to ESE from Tokarevsky lighthouse.

To enter the Golden Horn Bay, follow the Tokarevsky fairway to area No. 10 of increased navigation caution. Leaving to the left the luminous axial buoy, installed in the center of area No. 10 of increased navigational caution, lie down on the entrance bay of the Golden Horn fairway. In the future, be guided by the instructions of the Center.

Entrance to the port from E. The entrance to the Bosphorus-East Strait - day and night in clear weather, is easily identified by the gap on the horizon between the high ridge of the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula on one side and

frames, towering in the northern part of Russky Island, on the other. In case of limited visibility, to identify the coast, one should approach the northern side of the entrance, where the high coast of the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula is everywhere quite deep, and the depths change uniformly towards the coast. In this case, it is necessary to use the ship's radar and continuously measure depths.

To enter the strait, go to a point located 1.8 miles E from Skrypleva Island and follow the traffic lane located to the right of the Shkotovsky alignment line; alignment direction 119.5°-299.5°.

To enter the Zolotoy Rog Bay, continue moving along the Shkotovsky fairway to area No. 10 of increased navigation caution. Leaving the luminous buoy of the axial area No. 10 on the left, lie down on the entrance bay of the Golden Horn fairway. In the future, be guided by the instructions of the Center. When leaving the port of Vladivostok, it is necessary to beware of an underwater obstacle (buoy) lying 3.5 kbt to ENE from Cape Novosilsky.

PORT REGULATIONS. The following are excerpts from the Port Regulations


Russky Island and the islands lying to the SW from it adjoin the southern coast of the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula. Stretched out by a chain, they are, as it were, a continuation of the peninsula. In addition to Russky Island, this group of islands includes (the islands of Popov, Reinecke, Rikord and a number of islets and rocks. The islands are mostly mountainous, overgrown with grass, shrubs and forests.

Russky Island is separated from the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula by the Bosporus-Vostochny Strait. Narrow straits lie between the islands lying to the SW of Russky Island, in some places cluttered with dangers.

In this area, the visual and radar landmarks are the islands, their peaks and headlands.

The currents in the straits are directed mainly towards the SE, their speed reaches 1 knot. Big influence winds affect the speed and direction of currents.

The best anchorages in the area are in wind-sheltered bays of Russky Island. In addition, anchorage is possible in the bays of other islands, as well as near these islands and in the straits between them.

swimming mode. In the area of ​​Russky Island and the islands lying to the SW from it, there are areas No. 000, 338, 339, prohibited for navigation, and several bays where navigation of ships of civil departments is prohibited, as well as areas No. 000A, 109, prohibited for anchoring , bottom gear fishing, underwater and dredging, bottom trawling, underwater explosions and sailing with an etched anchor chain.

RUSSIAN ISLAND located to the SW from the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula. The surface of the island is mountainous, overgrown with forest and shrubs, and the vegetation cover in the northwestern part of the island is richer than in the southeastern part. The top of the island is the notable Russkaya Mountain, 291.2 m high, located in the northern part of the island. The height of the remaining hills and mountains is 45-280 m.

The shores of the island are mostly rocky, precipitous and overgrown with grass; in some places, outcrops of rocks are visible on them. Several bays protrude into the shores of the island, the best and largest of which is Novik Bay. This bay divides the island into two parts: northeast and southwest. The northeastern, narrower part is called the Saperny Peninsula.

The shores of Russky Island are deep almost everywhere; only the shores of the peaks of the bays protruding into the island are shallow.

Information about the northern coast of Russky Island is given in the description of the western and eastern outer roads and the inner road of the port of Vladivostok.

Amur measuring line located on the western coast of Russky Island. It is equipped with four cross sections installed on the western coast of Russky Island.

Babkin Bay juts out into the western coast of Russky Island between Cape Stvorny (43 ° 03 "N, 131 ° 47" E) and Cape Ignatiev, located 4.7 kbt to S from it. On the approach to Babkin Bay, two brick chimneys are noticeable, located among the buildings on the isthmus between Babkin and Novik Bays, on the western shore of Novik Bay. At the entrance capes of the Babkin Bay, the shores are high, towards its top they

are gradually decreasing. The shore of the top of the bay is low, shallow and cut by three streams. The shores of the bay are overgrown with grass and shrubs.

Depths in Babkin Bay sharply decrease as you approach its top. Algae grows at the top of the bay.

When entering the bay, you should keep close to Cape Ignatiev in order to safely pass the reef protruding 2 kbt to the SW from Cape Svorny.

Warning. Vessels of civilian departments are prohibited from swimming in Babkin Bay.

Cape Svorny, northern entrance cape of Babkin Bay, rocky and elevated.

The reef, consisting of surface, drying and underwater rocks, extends for 2 kbt to the SW from Cape Svorny. Depth at the southern edge of the reef 0.8 m.

Cape Ignatiev, The southern entrance cape of Babkin Bay is formed by the rocky and steep slopes of a conspicuous wooded hill 30, 61.9 m high. The image of the cape on the radar screen is clear and corresponds to its outlines on the maps.

The drying reef protrudes 0.5 kbt to W from Cape Ignatiev. The edge of the reef is deep.

Rynda Bay juts out into the western coast of Russky Island between Cape Koshelev, located 5.6 kbt to the SSE from Cape Ignatiev, and Cape Mikhailovsky. The shores of the bay are mostly high, rocky in many places. As you approach the top of the bay, the height of the coast decreases. The shore of the top of the bay is low, sandy and bordered by the beach.

Depths in Rynda Bay gradually decrease towards its shores. The soil is predominantly silt, in some places there is stone and sand.

45 Cape Koshelev, the northeastern entrance cape of Rynda Bay, formed by the western slope of a hill 78 m high and overgrown with forest. The cape is rocky, steep and deep. Cape Koshelev is bordered by a narrow strip of surface and underwater rocks.

Cape Mikhailovsky, The southwestern entrance cape of Rynda Bay, formed by the northern slope of a hill 67.3 m high, is located 4 kbt SW from Cape Koshelev. Cape Mikhailovsky is rocky, steep, reddish in color. The image of the cape on the radar screen is clear and corresponds to its outlines on the maps.

Filippovsky Bay located 4 kbt SW from Cape Mikhailovsky. The northern entrance cape of the bay is Cape Polovtsev (43 ° 02 "N, 131 ° 47" E), and the southern one is Cape Taran, located 5 kbt SSW from Cape Polovtsev. The shores of the bay, with the exception of its entrance capes, are low and sandy. Depths in the middle part of the bay are 10 m, they gradually decrease towards the coast. Soil in the bay silt.

Matveev's stone, which is a kekur 10 m high, is located 5.3 kbt WSW from Cape Taran. The stone is bordered by a drying reef.

Between the Matveev stone and the western coast of Russky Island lies the Nakhodka Strait with the smallest waterway depth of 5.8 m.

Reef the drying one extends 1.8 kb to S from Matveev's stone. The greatest width of the reef in its middle part is 1 kbt. Depths on the western and eastern edges of the reef are 0.6-1.7 m. Its southern edge is deep.

Voyevoda Bay 1 - Matveev's stone on SE 1 mile

Voevoda Bay juts out into the western coast of Russky Island directly to the SSW from Filippovsky Bay. The entrance to Voevoda Bay is located between Matveev's rock and Cape Vasiliev, located 7.5 kbt SW from Matveev's rock. The Kruglaya and Melkovodnaya bays protrude into the northern shore of Voevoda Bay. The northwestern entrance cape of the Kruglaya Bay is the low Cape Peschany. The shores adjacent to the entrance capes of Voevoda Bay are elevated and deep, the rest of the shores of the bay are low, sandy and shallow.

Cape Vasiliev is the southwestern entrance cape of Voevoda Bay and the northern tip of the Kondratenko Peninsula. The cape is formed by the northern rocky and steep slope of a hill 64.2 m high, rising in the northwestern part of the Kondratenko Peninsula.

The luminous sign of Vasilyev is installed on Cape Vasilyev.

The Kondratenko Peninsula, which is the southwestern part of Russky Island, limits Voevoda Bay from S. The southern coast of the peninsula is high; .here-is - a hill (42-°59 "N, 131°46" E) 151.3 m high, the rocky southern slopes of which abruptly break off to the water. Information about the western and southwestern shores of the peninsula is given in the description of the Stark Strait (p. 154).

Cape Ivantsov the conspicuous protrudes from the southern coast of the Kondratenko Peninsula 8 kbt E from a hill 151.3 m high. The cape stands out in relief against the background of the forested isthmus of the peninsula.

The mooring barrel is set at 3.8 kbt to WSW from Cape Ivantsov.

Luminous sign of Ivantsov set at 0.7 kbt to N from the tip of Cape Ivantsov.

Engelm Island, 23.5 m high, lies off the southwestern coast of Russky Island, 1 mile SE from Cape Ivantsov. The northern tip of the island is connected by a bulk dam with Russky Island. The length of the dam is 350 m, the width is 10-12 m. The southern coast of the island of Engelm is gray rocks, standing close to each other. The northern coast of the island is gentle and at the water turns into low alluvial spits. When approached from S, Engelm Island looks like a small rocky promontory protruding from the southwestern coast of Russky Island. The western tip of Engelm Island is connected by a bulk dam to Lavrov Island. The length of the dam is 315 m, the width is 12 m. At 20 m and 180 m to N from the middle part of the dam, there are two sunken ships with parts above the water.

Lavrov Island, 52.6 m high, is located 1.8 kbt W from Engelm Island. The coast of the southern part of Lavrov Island is rocky, steep, gray in color; the coast of the northern part is gentle, gradually narrowing, it turns into a narrow sandy spit.

Warning. Navigation to ships of civil departments in the area limited coastline and the line connecting the southern tip of Lavrov Island and the point 42°58.6"N, 131°45.8"E is prohibited.

Luminous sign of Lavrov installed on top of Lavrov Island. Luminous sign of the Lavrov Island Spit installed at the end of the spit.

anchor points, protected from north and east winds, are located to E and NW from Lavrov Island. Depths at anchorages are 13-16 m, soil - silt, sometimes silt with sand or stone.

Shkota Island, 146.6 m high, lies off the southern coast of Russky Island and is connected to it by a bulk dam. The northern part of the dam is eroded. Shkota Island is hilly, overgrown with shrubs and forests. The shores of the island, with the exception of the northern one, are rocky and steep. The north coast is gentle. From the southern directions, Shkota Island stands out with the reddish color of exposed rocks against the dark background of Russky Island.

From the northwestern tip of Shkota Island, a partially drying reef departs 1 kbt to WSW >.

Luminous Shkota badge installed on the southwestern tip of Shkota Island.

Stones. Two groups of emersed rocks lie 5.8 kbt ESE and 7 kbt E from the southwestern tip of Shkota Island. In the area of ​​the southern group of emersed stones, there are two distinctive depths of 5.6 and 18.4 m. No hazards were found in the passage between the groups of stones.

Reef extends 1.4 kbt SE from the southeastern tip of Shkota Island. Surface rocks are scattered on the reef. The eastern reef is deep.

underwater obstacles are located 7.1 kbt to S and 9.2 kbt to SSE from the southwestern tip of Shkota Island. The last obstacle is fenced off by a milestone of a separate danger.

Anchor place with a depth of 14 m is located 3 kbt NNE from the northwestern tip of Shkota Island. The ground here is sand and stone.

Novy Dzhigit Bay protrudes into the southern coast of Russky Island directly to the NE from Shkota Island. The entrance to the bay is located between the northeastern tip of Shkota Island and Cape Tobizin. On the eastern side, the bay is bounded by a peninsula, the southern end of which is Cape Tobizin. This peninsula is rocky and steep. It consists of weathered horizontal layers of dark gray color and goes down to the N. The northeastern shore of the bay is low, sandy and shallow. From N, a valley overgrown with grass and shrubs opens up to it, along which a stream flows. Northwestern and eastern shores

the bays are high, shallow and rocky, in places bordered by pitfalls and drying reefs. Mooring barrels are exposed in the bay.

Warning. Vessels of civilian departments are prohibited from swimming in Novy Dzhigit Bay.

Sea lion's stones lie on a bank with depths of less than 5 m at the entrance to Novy Dzhigit Bay, 2.2 kbt E from the northeastern tip of Shkota Island. They represent a ridge of surface, drying and underwater rocks, elongated along the meridian by 1.5 kbt. The height of some of these rocks reaches 0.9 m.

Jar rocky with the smallest depth of 4.8 m is located in the middle of the entrance to Novy Dzhigit Bay, 5.3 kbt WNW from Cape Tobizin.

The luminous buoy of the Novy Dzhigit eastern bay is exposed on the eastern side of the bank with a depth of 4.8 m.

Kekura. Four kekurs rise on a drying reef near the northwestern shore of Novy Dzhigit Bay, 6 kbt NNW from the northeastern tip of Shkota Island. The height of one of them is 13.6 m. The kekurs are yellow, they are noticeable against the background of the green shore at the entrance to Novy Dzhigit Bay.

Cape Red(42°58" N, 13D52" E) protrudes into Novy Dzhigit Bay. It is a red rocky cliff, which is connected to the shore by a low isthmus. The cape is bordered by surface rocks and is noticeable against the background of green vegetation.

A distinctive depth of 5 m is located 2.9 kbt SSW from Cape Krasny.

Cape Tobizin, rocky and steep, is the eastern entrance cape of Novy Dzhigit Bay. From E Cape Tobizin seems to be a flat island; it is conspicuous and in its outline resembles Cape Vyatlin. The image of the cape on the radar screen is clear and corresponds to its outlines on the maps. Cape Tobizin is connected by a low isthmus, cluttered with rocks, to the peninsula that bounds Novy Dzhigit Bay from E. A rocky shoal extends from the cape.

To E from Cape Tobizin, a cave has formed in the cliffs of the coast, the entrance to which from E and SE looks like a noticeable dark spot.

The luminous sign of Tobizin is installed at Cape Tobizin.

Tobizin measuring line located off the southern coast of Russky Island between Cape Schmidt and the northeastern tip of Shkota Island. It is equipped with four cross sections, which are installed on the southern coast of Russky Island.

It is prohibited to enter the area of ​​the measuring line when there is another vessel engaged in work.

Cape Schmidt is located 1.2 miles NE from Cape Tobizin. Cape Schmidt is rocky, high, steep, dark in color and devoid of vegetation.

To NW and E from Cape Schmidt, bays protrude into the southern coast of Russky Island. The shores of the northwestern of these bays are made of sand and pebbles, in places of stone, and the shores of the eastern bay are covered with large and small pebbles. Surface and underwater rocks and reefs are scattered near the shores of both bays.

Reef departs 1 kbt to S from Cape Schmidt. The depth at the southern edge of the reef is 0.8 m. The reef dries up near the shore.

Cape Vyatlina is located 7.8 kbt E from Cape Schmidt. Vyatlin Cape is high, steep and devoid of vegetation. The western side of the cape is dark, while the eastern side is composed of horizontal yellow layers. In appearance, Cape Vyatlin is similar to Cape Tobizin. The image of Cape Vyatlin on the radar screen is clear and corresponds to its outlines on the maps.

Reef departs 1.5 kbt to S from Cape Vyatlin. Surface and drying rocks are scattered on the reef. The edge of the reef is deep.

From Cape Vyatlin to Cape Akhlestyshev the eastern coast of Russky Island stretches for 2.7 miles to the NNE. It is composed of dark and high rocks with sloping rock layers. This shore is overgrown with grass and, in some places, shrubs. Throughout its length, the coast is bordered by surface, drying and underwater stones.

Cape Akhlestyshev(43 ° 00 "N, 131 ° 56" E) - the northern tip of the low peninsula protruding from Russky Island. The cape consists of large boulders piled on top of each other, located on east coast Russian islands. They stand out sharply with their yellowish color among the dark rocks.

At 2.3 kbt to S from Cape Akhlestyshev, a rounded hill 8 m high rises. The eastern slopes of the hill look like a reddish cliff.

Akhlestyshev Island 1.5 m high lies 1 kbt to NNW from Cape Akhlestyshev. The island is covered with grass and consists of sand, pebbles and shells. Between Cape Akhlestyshev and the eastern tip of Akhlestyshev Island there is a reef with surface and drying rocks.

At 2 kbt NE, a reef protrudes from Akhlestyshev Island with depths of less than 3 m at its tip. A village is located on the shore opposite the island.

STARK STRAIT, separating Russky and Popov Islands, lies between the western, southwestern shores of the Kondratenko Peninsula and the high northeastern shore of Popov Island. Several bays with low and shallow shores jut out into the western coast of the Kondratenko Peninsula. The northwestern entrance to the strait is between Cape Vasilyev and Cape Ptichy, located 1.2 miles WSW from Cape Vasilyev. The southeastern entrance to the strait is located between the southern extremity of the Kondratenko Peninsula and the rocky and steep Cape Prokhodnoy located 8.8 kbt SSW from it, which is the eastern extremity of Popov Island.

The shallows extending from Capes Rogozin (42°59"N, 131°45"E) and Daragan (42°59"N, 131°44"E) narrow the fairway leading through the Stark Strait to 1 kbt. Depths in the fairway are 3-4.5 m. Depths in the northern part of the strait are 15-21 m, and in the southern part 7.7-14.6 m. The soil in the strait is sand and stone.

In calm weather, there is a current in Stark Strait directed to S; speed in the narrowest part of the strait can reach 1.5 knots.

swimming mode. Area No. 000, prohibited for anchoring, bottom fishing, underwater and dredging, bottom trawling, underwater explosions and swimming with an etched anchor chain, is located in the middle part of Stark Sound.

Bayarin Bay juts out into the eastern shore of the Stark Strait between Cape Trapeznikov (42°59"N, 131°45"E) and Cape Rogozin. The low, shallow shores of the bay are overgrown with grass and shrubs. From the SW, Boyarin Bay is bounded by a small peninsula, which is connected to Russky Island by a narrow low isthmus of pebbles, sand and shells. In the middle part of this peninsula rises a hill 46.2 m high, conspicuous on the approach to Stark Strait from NW and SE. The top of the hill is overgrown with shrubs and grass, its slopes are bare, steep and steep. The northern coast of the peninsula is bordered by a narrow ridge of pitfalls.

The bay is protected from all winds, except for the northern ones, and can serve as a shelter for ships with a small draft.

In the middle of the entrance to the bay lies an underwater rock connected by a reef to Cape Trapeznikov. Therefore, when entering the bay, you should stay closer to Cape Rogozin.

Cape Rogozin, the southwestern entrance cape of Boyarin Bay, formed by the western slope of a hill 46.2 m high. At 1.2 kbt to S "font-family: > a reef departs from Cape Rogozin with a depth of 0.6 m at its edge.

The luminous sign of Stark is set at 0.7 kbt to S from Cape Rogozin.

The western reef buoy of Cape Rogozin is positioned 1.2 kbt40 SSW from Cape Rogozin and encloses the reef extending 1.2 kbt S from Cape Rogozin.

Cape Daragan, low and rocky, projecting from the southwestern coast of the Stark Strait 3 kbt SSW from Cape Rogozin. From Cape Daragan on ENE, through the Stark Strait to the southwestern coast of the Kondratenko Peninsula, a shoal extends. The smallest depth on the shallows of 0.1 m is in the middle of the strait.

Luminous buoy in Stark Strait Shoals the northern one is set at the eastern edge of the shoal, extending from Cape Daragan.

Stark Strait Buoy the western one is set 3.8 kbt to the ESE from Cape Daragan and encloses a rocky ridge extending 0.8 kbt from the southwestern coast of the Kondratenko Peninsula.

sunken ships with units above the water lie off the eastern coast of Popov Island at 5 and 7.4 kbt to the SSE from Cape Daragan.

village located on the southwestern coast of the Stark Strait, 7.5 kbt to S from Cape Daragan. The village has a fish base, a telephone and a medical center. The coast near the village is low

and bordered by a narrow pebble beach. Behind this beach begins a wide hollow, overgrown with grass.

ferry pier located off the southwestern coast of the Stark Strait, 7.9 kbt SSE from Cape Daragan.

The wreck with parts above the water lies 0.4 kbt E from the base of the ferry pier.

anchor place, sheltered from western, southern and eastern winds, located in the northern part of the Stark Strait, 2.5 kbt SSE from Cape Bird. Depth at anchorage 14 m, soil - sand and small stone.

Instructions for sailing the Stark Strait. When entering the Stark Strait from N, you should go on a course of 180 ° in the middle between Cape Bird and the western coast of the Kondratenko Peninsula. When the luminous sign of Stark comes to the traverse, it is necessary to lie on the course 125 ° and follow them, leaving the luminous buoy of the shoal of the Stark Strait northern to S. Having passed this course 3 kbt, lay on the course 150 ° and, leaving the buoy of the Stark Strait west to E, exit to the middle of the southern part of the Stark Strait.

POPOV ISLAND lies 3 kbt SW from Russky Island and is separated from it by the narrow Stark Strait. The island is hilly, overgrown with grass, forest and shrubs. The top of the island is Popov Hill (42 ° 58 "N, ° 43" E), 158.5 m high. The shores of the island, with the exception of the southeastern one, are steep.

The coastal area in the southern part of Popov Island belongs to the Far East State Marine Reserve.

Alekseev Bay juts out into the northwestern coast of Popov Island between Cape Markovsky (42°59" N, 131°43" E) and a high, steep, rocky cape located 6.2 kbt SW from Cape Markovsky. The shores of the bay, with the exception of the shore of its summit, are elevated, overgrown with mixed forest and shrubs. Almost everywhere the shores of the bay are bordered by narrow sand and pebble beaches. There are several buildings on the shore of the top of the bay; to S from them extends a vast valley through which a stream flows.

Warning. Alekseev Bay is a nature reserve. Navigation in the bay for all ships and vessels, as well as hunting for animals and collecting plants is strictly prohibited.

Cape Markovsky- northeastern entrance cape of Alekseev Bay - located 5 kbt to WSW from Cape Ptichy. Cape Markovsky is high, rocky, steep and deep.

anchor place, sheltered from east and south winds, located in the middle part of Alekseev Bay. Depths at the anchorage are 9-10 m. With strong winds from N and W, the anchorage in the bay is restless.

Western Bay juts out into the western coast of Popov Island between Cape Nizky, which is the western tip of Popov Island, and Cape Andreev, located 1.6 miles S from Cape Nizky. The shores of the bay are high, overgrown with forest and shrubs. To the top of the bay, they drop sharply. The shore of the bay top is overgrown with grass. Along the shores of Zapadnaya Bay, a sandy-stony shoal with depths of less than 1 m stretches in a narrow strip. At the entrance to Zapadnaya Bay, 3 and 5 kbt to NW south of Cape Andreev, there are banks with depths of 11.8 and 14.6 m.

Depths at the entrance to Zapadnaya Bay are 10-17 m, they gradually decrease towards its shores. The ground in the bay is stone and pebble.

Popova village located on the shore of the top of the Western Bay. In the village there is a local administration and a fish factory, there is a port point assigned to the Vladivostok Sea Fishing Port, and a radio station. The call sign of the fish factory "Popov-1". There is also a post office, a telephone and a hospital. Piers have been built opposite the settlement, on which loading and unloading operations are mechanized.

When staying in the port area, the requirements of the Compulsory Regulation on the Vladivostok Sea Fishing Port should be observed.

anchor place, sheltered from the southeast winds, located at the entrance to the Zapadnaya Bay. Depths at the anchorage are 11-15 m, the ground is stone.

From Cape Andreeva to Cape Likander the southwestern coast of Popov Island extends 1.6 miles to the SSE. It is tall, rocky and steep. In this area, several shallow coves jut out into the shore. The entrance capes of these bays are bordered by surface, drying and underwater stones, extending from them for 0.5-0.8 kb. A narrow shoal stretches along the coast with depths of less than 5 m.

Jar with a depth of 4.8 m lies 5.7 kbt SE from Cape Andreeva.

anchor place, sheltered from northeast, east and southeast winds and waves, located 1 mile S of Cape Andreev. Depth at anchorage 20 m, soil - silt and sand.

Cape Likander- the southern tip of Popov Island and the high 35th peninsula, overgrown with deciduous forest. The cape and the peninsula are rocky, conspicuous and bordered by reefs.

Kozlov Island(42 ° 56 "N, 13G4G E) 40.2 m high lies 1.9 miles WNW from Cape Likander. The coast of the island is high, rocky and steep, its surface is overgrown with grass and shrubs. Near the southwestern coast there is a noticeable rock , separated from this coast by a crevice.The image of the island from any direction on the radar screen is clear and corresponds to its outlines on the maps.

Jar with a depth of 8.2 m lies 4.5 kbt WNW from Kozlov Island.

Islands Two Brothers are located 8 kbt to WNW from Kozlov Island and represent three bare rocks. The highest height of these rocks is 14 m. Two northern rocks are pointed and separated from the third, flat rock by a small crevice. The rocks are covered with bird droppings and surrounded by rocks. On the radar screen, the image of the islands from any direction is clear.

bank with 7.4 m deep lies 1.2 kbt WNW from the islands 15 Two Brothers.

Bay Border juts out into the southeastern coast of Popov Island directly to N from Cape Likander. The northeastern entrance cape is a high rock connected to the coast of the island by a low isthmus. The shore of the top of the bay is low and bordered by a wide sand and pebble beach. From the NW, a plain approaches this shore, sharply turning into the slopes of the hills of Popov Island.

Depths in the bay sharply decrease towards the coast.

Pogranichnaya Bay can be used for anchorage in northern, western and south-western winds.

Island 6.8 m high lies in the southern part of Pogranichnaya Bay, 7.5 kbt N from Cape Likander. The islet looks like a dark spot, conspicuous against the light green background of the shore of the bay. Between the islet and the coast of Popov Island there is a sandy dry land.

Naumov Island 45.4 m high is 1.8 miles To NE from Cape Likander. The southern coast of the island is rocky, steep, brownish in color, the rest of the coast is flat and sandy. Stones and rocks are scattered on the eastern coast of the island. Near the southern coast of the island there is a drying reef, surface and underwater rocks, among which there are three kekurs. Drying stones are scattered along the western shore. The northern coast of Naumov Island ends with a narrow surface spit.

Depths in the middle part of the passage between the islands of Popov and Naumov are 8-12 m, the ground is small stone.

Islet Small 37 m high, located 4.5 kbt to the ESE from Naumov Island. The shores of Maly Island are rocky, steep and bordered by stones.

Reef rocky with the smallest depth of 0.3 m departs 7.2 kbt NW from Malyi islet. The depth at the tip of the reef is 0.8 m. Several rocks and surface stones rise on the reef. The reef blocks the passage between Maly Island and Naumov Island.

Spit rocky with the smallest depth of 1.5 m stretches to S from Maly Island to Klykov Island.

Klykov Island with a height of 52.2 m lies 1.8 kbt to S from Malyi Island. From S, Klykov Island is noticeable on two hills located in its southern part. The shores of Klykov Island, with the exception of the northwestern one, are rocky, steep and bordered by stones. The surface of the island is overgrown with shrubs. The northwestern coast is sandy, with stones and rocks scattered on it. The northern tip of the island is a low spit, which is approached by an underwater spit coming from Maly Island.

Strait, lying between the islands of Popov and Reinecke, is shallow. The smallest width of the middle part of the strait is 2.6 kbt.

The fairway leading through the strait is winding and has a minimum depth of 2.1 m, lying 2.9 kbt SW from Cape Likanderae

Shallow with depths less than 5 m, it extends from a cape located 2.2 kbt W from Cape Likander to Reinecke Island. On the shallows there are several banks with the smallest depths from 1.6 . A bank with the smallest depth of 1.6 m is protected by a luminous buoy.

Reef rocky with a minimum depth of 0.3 m departs 1.5 kbt to WNW and NW from the northern tip of Reinecke Island.

The luminous buoy of the northern Reineke Island reef is set at 1.5 kbt to S from Cape Likander and encloses the northern edge of the reef with a minimum depth of 0.3 m.

Swimming advice. Vessels with shallow draft, when approaching the strait from W, should initially stay closer to the northern coast of Reinecke Island. Having passed the luminous buoy of the southern island and leaving it on the left, you should turn sharply to NE and keep a course to the middle of the coast between Cape Likander and the cape located 2.2 kbt W from Cape Likander. Having entered the middle part of the strait, a little closer to the coast of Popov Island, you need to lean towards E and then follow to the exit from the strait between Cape Likander and the luminous buoy of the reef of Reinecke Island.

Passing through the strait is recommended only for ships with shallow draft, knowing the local navigation conditions. REINEKE ISLAND is located S from Popov Island and is separated from it by a shallow strait. The shores of Reinecke Island are high and crossed by rifts, along which streams that dry up in summer flow.

In the places where the razlozhok comes out to the water, the shores of the island are sandy. South, East and western coast the islands are more elevated than the northern one, they are deeper, but bordered by surface, drying and underwater stones. In the southwestern part of the island rises the conspicuous cone-shaped Reinecke Hill (42 ° 54 "N, 131 ° 43" E) 148.8 m high. On the southern coast of the island there are reddish cliffs, noticeable from great distances. The southwestern tip of Reinecke Island, formed by the gentle slope of Reinecke Hill, is fringed by a sandy beach on which boulders are scattered.

The southwestern tip of Reinecke Island on the ESE is 4.5 miles from Reinecke Hill. Reinecke Island differs from other islands located in the area in that it is overgrown with grass only. Only small areas of Razlogi are overgrown with shrubs.

swimming mode. Area 300, off-limits, is 5.2 kbt ESE off the northeast tip of Reinecke Island. Mariculture cages are exhibited in the area.

The luminous Reinecke sign is installed on the southwestern tip of Reinecke Island.

Ridges. A ridge with submerged, drying, and large white emersed rocks extends 2 kbt SW from the southwestern extremity of Reinecke Island. Ridge width up to 1 kbt. The second ridge of red surface rocks is located 0.5 kbt to S from the southern tip of Reinecke Island. Some of these stones are covered with water at high tide. The edges of the ridges are deep.

A rock with a depth of 2.5 m lies 3.2 kbt SW of the southern tip of Reinecke Island.

The mooring barrel is set 1.8 kbt to the SSE from the southern tip of Reinecke Island.

Wrecks with parts above the water are 6.5 kbt SE and 8.3 kbt E of the illuminated Reinecke sign.

A reef with a minimum depth of 1.5 m extends 1.3 kbt to E from the southeastern tip of Reinecke Island. The eastern edge of the reef is deep.

The island, 41 m high, lies 0.5 kbt E from the northeastern tip of Reinecke Island. The surface of the island is overgrown with grass, its shores are steep and bordered by kekurs and rocks. The eastern end of the island is shallower.

The island is connected to Reinecke Island by a rocky ridge, over which breakers form even with a slight wave.

The bay protrudes into the northern coast of Reinecke Island between its northern and northeastern extremities. The width of the entrance to the bay is 5 kbt. The shores of the bay are gentle, deep and bordered by a narrow sandy-stony beach. The eastern entrance cape of the bay is high and rocky, a reef with depths of less than 2 m departs from it at 0.4 kbt to N. A reef with surface, drying and underwater stones extends from the western entrance cape at 0.7 kbt to E.

Popov Island is located southwest of Russky Island. The Russian and Popov Islands are separated by the Stark Strait, which is 200 meters wide and 4-5 meters deep. Popov Island is quite large, its area is 1081 hectares. To the south of Popov Island lies Reinecke Island. Highest point Islands - Mount Popova - reaches a height of 158 meters. The landscape of the island is very diverse: coastal cliffs and flooded meadows, hills and hills, indented coastline.
To the east of Popov Island lie uninhabited islands Klykov, Naumov and Maly Island.


Popov Island got its name in honor of Admiral Andrey Alexandrovich Popov, naval commander and builder of the first destroyers, commander of a detachment of warships in the Pacific Ocean in 1858-1861, squadron commander in 1862-1864.
At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, Popov Island was inhabited by the Chinese, there was not much population on the island - there was no winter housing here. During the February Revolution of 1905-1907. the island was a place of isolation for those dissatisfied with politics and state structure military, something like a disciplinary battalion.

The first crab cannery appeared on Popov Island after civil war. The number of employees was 200 people. Together with the Russians, Koreans and Chinese fishermen often worked. Work at the plant was seasonal - workers were brought in in spring (March-May) and autumn (October-November) for the fishing season. There was no permanent population on the island. About 300,000 crab were caught during the season.

In 1926, the Russian Geographical Society opened a zoological nursery on the island. The purpose of the nursery is to breed mink, blue foxes, silver-black foxes and spotted deer. The plans also included open zoos in Vladivostok.

In 1927, industrial fishing and coastal processing of fish began to be carried out on Popov Island. The Ostrovnoy fur farm and the Fish Factory were the main enterprises of the island in the 1970s and 1980s. Also in the 1970s, scientific divisions of the Pacific Institute of Scientific and Commercial Intelligence (TINRO), the Marine Reserve (DGMZ), and the Institute of Oceanology of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences were located on the island. Currently, the island hosts a station of the Institute of Oceanology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Museum of Nature of the Marine Reserve.


Popov Island is covered with forest, mostly deciduous. All South coast The islands are occupied by a large Pogranichnaya bay, the best place to relax.

The living world of the island is very rich, especially the world of the sea. Seals live on the coast of the island, whales and dolphins, 278 species of fish are found near the island. In addition to fish, seaside scallops and giant Gray mussels, octopuses and oysters, Far Eastern trepang, crab and sea urchins, cucumaria and starfish, mussels and oysters, modiolus and ascidians live in the waters near the island; only about 2 thousand species of marine organisms.

The rich living world makes the island attractive for diving, photography and filming. At depths of 15-30 m, octopuses live in these places, which usually hide in shelters under boulders, in rock crevices. These are the areas of Cape Markovsky and Ptichye, where impregnable rocks almost vertically go under water to a depth of 17 meters.

The underwater world near the islands of Klykov and Naumov and Maly is magnificent. Bukhta Pogranichnaya is rich in scallop and kelp, flounder, trepang and mussels are found. In the Stark Strait, in the zooster thickets, there is a herbal chilim - a large shrimp.

Natural monuments of Popov Island:
Alekseev bay
Bay Border
Cape Daraganda
Cape Likander
Granodiorite block
Kamchatka hazel grouse
Cape Likander

In the southern part of the island, on the Likander Peninsula, an island botanical garden of rare plants growing on the islands of Peter the Great Bay has been created. The area of ​​the natural Botanical siege is more than 200 hectares, the goal is to protect the vegetation of the islands and the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan.


Popov Island is a wonderful place to relax.
The main recreation areas: Alekseev Bay and Pogranichnaya Bay, Stark Strait. Alekseev Bay is well protected from the winds. The white sandy beach of the Pogranichnaya Bay stretches for almost 2 kilometers, it offers sea views of Peter the Great Bay and the islands located near.

The best time to relax on the island is July-September.
Swimming and diving, beach and sightseeing holidays, boat trips, nature observations, photography. The coast of Popov Island is one of the the best places for diving.

Regular ferry flights connect Popov Island with the mainland.

Photo report about the action of Stikhiryans "Give a dream". Part 32***

My cherished dream has become - not forbidden ...
It's a journey
Storm and accident...
Forever remembered - I will dream.
soulful song,
Mom's magic speech
It will also not be forgotten - it will appear in a dream ...

That tender care
Still doesn't give
Just for a moment, rest your heart.
Let the bottle float
With a letter.
And her path will be just as sweet ...

My cherished dream
It became not forbidden ...
Do I deserve happiness, God?!
Why am I special?
The syllable in the verses is formless.
True, I could not get angry at fate.

Why be angry
Us on the bitch girl
And bite hellish elbows in minutes?
relentlessly follow
To the Goal, and do not complain.
And do not look for easy ways to your Dream ...

Know: travel,
Storm and accident...
Forever remembered - will appear in a dream.
Mom's spiritual speech,
The song is magical
It will also not be forgotten - I will dream ...

To be continued. Beginning: Photo Essays 1-31

To make it easier for us to board the boat, the workers of the recreation center "Zapadnaya", which sheltered Stas and K during a visit to Popov Island, provided our group with a minibus that took us straight to the boat gangway. Thanks to this, I was one of the first to board the boat and carry Stanislav without much difficulty. Then, while Stas was waiting for us in the passenger compartment, we loaded all our luggage, including our hero's stroller. We were sorry to leave the hospitable island with its wonderful inhabitants. Not for a minute did any of us have a shadow of disappointment with the trip. Reality really turned out to be worthy of Stanislav's dream...
The boat entered the Stark Strait, which separates Russky and Popov Islands, and the passengers felt the sway, which was getting stronger as the boat approached the exit from the strait.
It was here, in the Stark Strait, that Marina Igoreva realized our plan with bottled printouts of poems by Stanislav Mikhailenko. Perhaps this bottle, given by Marina to the waves of the strait, will fall into someone's hands, and the one who finds it will tell Stas about his find... So another dream was born...

In the pictures: It is hard to leave the place of your dreams, especially if it is Popov Island (top left);
The boat cuts the wave heading for the Russian Island (top right);
Before reaching Russky Island, the boat turned into the Stark Strait (lower left);
Stark Strait (lower right).
August 19, 2008 (photo taken July 31, 2008)
Photo by I.Khomenko