Organized tour or independent travel? What is more profitable to travel on your own or with a package? Advantages of organized tours.

Travel expenses depend not only on the time of year, weather, significant events, etc. How much you spend on your vacation also depends on the destination and whether you buy a tour package or book the hotel and air tickets yourself. compared prices for countries popular among our travelers and found out where it is more profitable to go on a tour, and where it is more “savage”.


The absolute leader in the number of Russian holidaymakers is Türkiye. Last year, according to the local Ministry of Tourism, 4.5 million of our fellow citizens visited the republic’s resorts.

Now you can get a last-minute trip to Turkey for 26 thousand rubles, but to make the experiment fair, we compared (here and in other examples) travel prices in September - experts recommend buying tickets, tours, and booking hotels exactly three months before the trip.

A week in a four-star hotel in Marmaris will cost 69,400 rubles for two ( all inclusive, 150 meters to the beach, direct flight, transfer, insurance).

Hotel of the same category at the same resort at self-booking will cost 36,100 rubles. Plus air tickets for 17,350 rubles (34,700 rubles for two). Total - 70,800 rubles. Add to this two or three thousand for transfer and medical insurance. It still turns out to be slightly more expensive than a ticket.


In Greece, all inclusive is not as common as in Turkey, but in local restaurants and taverns in Greece the food is no worse than in hotels. Therefore, we chose tours (and hotels) with breakfast included. A trip to the island of Crete, for seven days with accommodation in a two-star hotel, costs 43,600 rubles for two. Hotel 400 meters from the beach.

A similar hotel if booked independently will cost 15,500 rubles. Flights from Moscow to Crete and back - 44,272 rubles for two. In total - 60,772 rubles. It turns out that it is more profitable to buy a ticket to Greece.


By the way, to travel to Greece you need a Schengen visa. And if you don’t have it, then these are additional costs. And you don’t need a visa for Montenegro. The cheapest trip to this country with a departure in September, which managed to find, is offered for 50,400 rubles for two. For this money - a week in a two-star hotel in Budva, without meals. The beach is 800 meters away.

Now let's look at accommodation when booking independently. A week in a hotel - 10,340 rubles. Tickets from Moscow and back - 34,196 rubles for two. Total - 44,536 rubles. Almost 6,000 rubles cheaper than a voucher.


It is also cheaper to travel to the Czech Republic on your own. A week-long trip if booked independently will cost 35,000 rubles for two. The price includes a flight on the Moscow-Prague-Moscow route (20,680 rubles for two) and accommodation in a three-star hotel four kilometers from the center of the Czech capital (14,370 rubles), as well as breakfast.

A trip to the same dates and to a hotel of the same category will cost at least 43,200 rubles. The difference is 8150 rubles.


A trip to Paris costs 75,460 rubles for two - direct flight, accommodation in a two-star hotel located 2 kilometers from the city center, plus breakfast.

This is what expenses look like independent organization travel to Paris - 28,706 rubles for air tickets for two (14,353 rubles for one) and 39,583 rubles for accommodation in the same hotel as on the tour package. Total 68289 rubles. Traveling to Paris under your own power is more than seven thousand rubles more profitable.


It is now almost twice as cheap to plan a vacation in Bulgaria on your own - it will cost 23,768 rubles (17,068 rubles for air tickets to Varna and back for two, and 7,700 rubles for seven nights in a two-star hotel).

But a ticket to the same resort can be bought for 40,149 rubles for two.


But air tickets to Thailand alone are more expensive than a trip - 60,556 rubles for two, and not direct, but with a transfer in Doha. Plus a minimum of 6,500 rubles for a double room in a three-star hotel located in Pattaya. Total expenses are 67,056 rubles for two.

Vouchers to the same resort in similar hotels are currently offered for 50,300 rubles. In addition to the direct flight, this price includes transfer and medical insurance.


With a package tour to the Spanish resort of Costa Brava, you can relax for 56,500 rubles for two. For this money - a two-star hotel with good reviews, located 300 meters from the beach, but without meals.

If you book on your own, the trip will cost 41,840 rubles, where 26,840 rubles are air tickets for two and 15,000 rubles are a week’s hotel accommodation.

It is believed that traveling through travel agencies is expensive and inconvenient. In fact, this is not always the case. We decided to study this issue in detail and find out what you should pay attention to when buying a tour.

Travel agency and tour operator

When choosing where to purchase a ticket - from a tour operator or a travel agency, it is important to understand the difference between them. A tour operator is an organization whose task is to think through and organize a tour: its specialists negotiate with hotels, select a transfer, calculate the route and program. Whereas a travel agency or travel company is an intermediary between tour operators and the client, who, as a rule, sells tours of different tour operators, receiving a commission for this. Recently, travel agencies often act as consultants, providing tourists with all the necessary information on various destinations. The most important role in both the tour operator and the travel agency is played by the manager who communicates directly with the client - often it is to him, and not to the company, that people entrust their vacation. It is worth considering that a number of tour operators do not work with tourists directly, preferring to develop their agent network. Therefore, often under the sign with the name of a famous tour operator there is actually a travel agency that operates as a franchise. Each Russian tour operator has its own individual number in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators - it can always be viewed in the corresponding section on the Rostourism website ( It must always be specified in the contract. If you are afraid that a travel agency is offering you a tour at an inflated price, you can call the office of the tour operator that organizes the trip and check the cost there. It should match the one the agency gives you.

Why take a tour

Booking package tours (which may include flights, accommodation, meals, transfers, excursions and/or treatment, as well as medical insurance) always makes sense for popular, popular destinations. In Europe these include, among others, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia and Spain, in Asia - Thailand, Vietnam, India and Sri Lanka. Actually, the benefit of the package tour offered by the agency depends not on the destination, but on the volume of bookings, thanks to which hotels make concessions and offer special prices and conditions. This applies in particular to group transfers and flight programs - blocks of seats on both charter and regular flights. Costs in this case are divided among a large number of people and become low in relation to those borne by an individual tourist. In addition, tour operators and travel agencies have a clearly established process for processing all documents in these areas, which means you don’t have to waste extra time. Finally, it is the travel agency that will save you if your vacation turns up unexpectedly - here you can find last-minute offers at very attractive prices.

Do it yourself

If you don’t want to spend your vacation on the beach, but like to travel on your own, at your own pace and according to your own program, then excursion package tours are clearly not for you. Although sometimes they can come in handy, because the cost of a package with flights and a stay in an inexpensive hotel can be lower than the price of a ticket on a regular flight (separate tickets for charters are not sold so often). In addition, some companies offer direct charters to destinations where you cannot fly directly from Russia. The most convenient way to “catch” profitable flights is by subscribing to updates on the destinations you are interested in on specialized sites such as,, or, as well as on yandex.avia and The availability of hotel rooms and prices should be looked at on the websites or, prices for rented apartments - on, for hostels - The more complex and lengthy your route, the more likely it is that it will be more profitable and convenient to organize such a trip yourself. After all, only you know how much time you need to spend exploring the city, and how much time for relaxation or shopping, what you can save on, and what, on the contrary, requires additional investment.

Visa issue

Travel companies often act as assistants in the preparation of documents for obtaining visas, saving clients from filling out an application form, and in some cases, from visiting the consular departments of embassies. Yes, in this case you will have to pay more, but you will save time. And if you are going to travel, say, to Japan, you cannot do without contacting a travel agency. The fact is that to obtain a visa to this country, you need an original invitation from the company that will act as a guarantor for you. Hotels and hostels, as a rule, do not issue such invitations, and the only option to receive one is to contact one of the accredited tour operators. Previously, it was possible to order a Schengen visa from a travel agency, but since September 2015, you can get a Schengen visa only after submitting your fingerprints. This must be done in person at one of the visa centers. Good news The fact is that the fingerprints are stored in the system for five years - during this time you do not need to come to the visa center in person.

Cancellation of a trip

When buying a tour, even from a trusted company, you should pay attention to those places in the contract that are written in fine print. The most important of them is the clause regarding the cancellation of your already confirmed voucher. In case of trip cancellation, the tour operator has the right to demand from the travel agency (and therefore from you) reimbursement of expenses already incurred, which, depending on the date of departure and the moment when the cancellation occurs, can amount to up to 100% of the cost of the trip. In the contract it is written something like this: “The client is informed by the Travel Agency that the actually incurred expenses of the Tour Operator for the booked tourist product can approximately be: 25 or more days before the start of the tour - 10%, from 25 to 16 days - 50%, from 15 to 5 days – 75%, less than 5 working days before the start of the tour – 100% of the cost of the booked tourist product.” Often, the contract separately specifies the conditions for cancellation of “special” tours, for example, New Year’s, Christmas, or those that include visits to certain attractions. Good idea– take out travel insurance for yourself, which will help you get back the money spent on the tour. In this case, you must have all contracts and checks on hand.

Departure postponement

The next issue, which may not be specified in the contract, is the specifics of charter flights. Many tourists, when booking a tour, believe that the stated departure time and airline are some kind of constant, while the fine print in the contract states that the flight can be rescheduled. Let’s assume that the flight was initially scheduled at 8:00 from Domodedovo by UTair airlines, and when documents are issued 2-3 days before departure, it turns out that the tourist will fly at 3:00 (that is, five hours earlier) or at 17:00 (that is, nine hours later) from Sheremetyevo by Orenburg Airlines. The transfer of flights is permissible within a day, and the fact that a person loses half a day does not formally solve anything, because he will spend the night paid for with the voucher in a hotel in any case. At the same time, charter tickets included in the tour package are difficult to return or exchange - and this is one of the reasons for their low cost.

Hotel replacement

There may be another tricky clause in the contract. It sounds like this: “The tour operator (host party) has the right to unilaterally change the hotel.” This is a common practice: it happens that the hotel is closed for reconstruction or is overcrowded. Another thing is important here - the above line must be followed by another: “Replacement is made only for a hotel of the same or higher category. Replacement with a hotel of a lower category is not permitted." If it is not there, you risk getting a two-star hotel instead of a five-star hotel. And even the court will not help - after all, you yourself signed an agreement that includes the possibility of such a replacement.

When to buy a tour

If this summer you are planning to go on vacation to such popular countries among mass tourists as Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Montenegro or Croatia, you should book your tours from February, and best of all - in March or April. Starting in May, prices for these destinations traditionally increase by 30–40%, and tours to Montenegro become twice as expensive. For those who want to relax in the Alpine in winter ski resort or meet New Year and Christmas in one of European capitals, it is worth visiting the travel agency no later than October–November. To India and countries South-East Asia Traditionally, people go on vacation in November–December, so it is best to purchase trips there starting in September.

At the last moment

If you don’t need to prepare for your vacation in advance and beg your boss for vacation on specific dates, you can try to catch a last-minute tour or special offer. It is best to look for them on the websites, and When an agency experiences problems with the sale of tour packages, it is often ready to sell it even at half price, just so as not to remain in the red. For example, immediately after the May holidays, you can find a budget tour to almost any country in the world. Also, prices decrease significantly (by 20–30%) at the very end of August - from the 25th to the 31st. This can be explained by the fact that planes are filled for flights to Russia, and not from it. In past years, many special offers for tours appeared on the market towards the end January holidays, but now, due to decreased demand and reduced flight programs Russian airlines, their number has decreased significantly. In addition, there are destinations where prices for tours are approximately the same at any time of the year - these are bus travel, sightseeing trips in Europe and places deprived of mass Russian tourists - for example, Japan, countries of Africa and South America.

Where is it cheaper to go on a tour, and where is it cheaper to book a vacation on your own? On what dates can you get tickets cheaper than a round trip flight? And why are tours no longer mainstream?

It is very difficult to dissuade a person. If we once accepted a certain statement as truth, then try to attack this fact with a portion of healthy argumentation. For example, if one day we decided that independently selecting a trip with booking plane tickets and hotel rooms separately is much more cheaper than buying tour, then all is lost. More precisely, our finances, which could be used more efficiently, will be lost.

Since Russia has only one seashore where you can bask - the Black Sea, our time for swimming is limited to only three months. Only in July, August and September and partly in June does the Black Sea warm up to a comfortable temperature for a full-fledged beach holiday. And our southern resorts are not rubber and often “delight” with unpredictable weather. Therefore, “our person” always strives to warm up somewhere, preferably away from home. And definitely - for a reasonable price.

Package tours have been around and popular for many years, especially beach holiday. Regulated by a market economy, they have undergone many changes during their existence - in pricing policy, trends, and the degree of reliability of tour operators. And during this time they have acquired many myths. Here are a few of the most important ones that it's time to stop believing in if you want to have a good rest.

Myth 1 (the most important!)

Tours are always more expensive than independent travel

In fact, the benefit of purchasing one way or another - with a tour package or by booking it yourself - depends on the destination. If you want to go to Tunisia on an “all inclusive” basis, then naturally it is better for you to choose a full tour package. If you want to visit wineries in French Provence, it is better to organize such a trip yourself.

However, you should not limit the range of package tours only to Bulgaria, Greece and other top sellers in the summer. Often on a tour you can fly to Spain very profitably and stay with sandy beach Costa del Maresme and visit Barcelona every day, which is half an hour’s drive from the resort.

It happens that at the turn of the seasons or due to a sudden promotion you can buy a tour to Thailand - most often, for the most popular resorts- to Pattaya, Bangkok and the island of Phuket - cheaper than flying. For example, you can fly to Phuket on Qatar Airlines with a transfer in Doha. Here the advantage will be the quality of the airlines - comfortable seats, good food, TV, and the disadvantage is the flight up to 18 hours. At the beginning of June, the price of a flight with transfers costs 26,000 rubles, a direct Aeroflot flight costs 28,000 rubles (the journey takes 10 hours), and you can buy the entire tour with a direct charter flight, 10 nights’ accommodation, transfer, insurance and breakfast at the hotel for 25,000 per person (based on double occupancy). An example is the 3-star Tuana M Narina Hotel in Patong.It is not even necessary to live in the chosen hotel - you can move to any other place on the spot (you will only have to return to the hotel for the transfer).

Myth 2

Tours are boring for retirees too

Any tour can always be customized to suit you. For example, go to Ayia Napa, rent a car and drive around the island. No rights? Sign up for any excursions or meet the locals, and they will give you a tour of the territories that you cannot even imagine. And in the evening, have fun at discos, meet tourists from all over the world, and practice English.

Pensioners sit in the hotel and go down to the beach. You can arrange any adventures for yourself, and no guide limits you in this. In addition, the price of the tour in the vast majority of cases is a really decisive factor. Even if the entire hotel is filled with old people, this will not stop you from going out on adventures every day. And it doesn’t matter what your friends think if your flight was really cheap and safe.

Myth 3

No guarantees!

Many people believe that in the process of buying a tour and during the vacation itself, you go through many intermediaries, which means no one is responsible if something goes wrong. In fact, everything is different.

For example, a travel agency that works with several tour operators on the same terms, although it is an intermediary, takes responsibility for organizing your vacation. You are guaranteed to receive a visa, as there is an agreement with the consulates. If you have problems at the airport, immediately contact representatives of tour operators on the spot and solve them. If you are late for a flight, they help you find and buy the best cheap ticket on the next flight and contact the hotel, warning about being late. Moreover, if you are not satisfied with the hotel, you are required to be moved to another hotel of a similar category. Independent travel agencies even help you write a claim against the tour operator and demand a refund! To request assistance in organizing a service or compensation for losses, you can always contact your travel agent by direct phone or email.

However, there is always the possibility that the tour operator (not the travel agency) will go bankrupt, and then you will lose everything. To avoid such risks, contact only trusted tour operators that are registered in the public register of tour operators.

When purchasing a plane ticket and booking a hotel room, either the airline or the hotelier is responsible for each item directly. A hotel is unlikely to close, and airlines rarely go bankrupt. If a regular flight is cancelled, you must be transferred to another flight or compensated for the cost of the ticket. And hotels are afraid of negative reviews and do everything possible to ensure that you are satisfied with your vacation. In addition, they take great care of those clients who book rooms directly.

Why is it so cheap?

Tourists often miss out on profitable tours because they don’t believe they are really that cheap. They expect surcharges and other fees and do not even try to purchase this tour. Well, who will believe that after May holidays could you fly to Greece for 7 nights and half board for 18 thousand rubles for two for the entire tour? In fact, there is always a rational explanation for such cheapness.

Tour operators buy tickets for regular and charter flights across popular destinations m in advance, planning the whole season. That is, they have every right to significantly reduce ticket prices if they were not sold out before departure. There are no last-minute offers on scheduled flights that you purchase yourself. If the plane is not full, any seat will be sold at a pre-fixed price. But there may be airline promotions that need to be closely monitored.

In addition, tour operators often organize promotions for certain destinations with discounts of up to 50-60% - when you urgently need to sell tours to this resort at internal plan turoparetor. Typically, such a promotion lasts no more than 3 days - it is convenient to follow offers on the social networks of a travel agency you trust and not miss a profitable offer.

It is also always profitable to travel immediately after the holidays - when Russian tourists return from vacation, and the resorts are empty and the planes are not full. For example, towards the end of the January or May holidays. And also with a return date that coincides with the beginning of the holidays - for example, in the last week of April with a return on May 1.

As for the aforementioned Greece, the offer was so cheap (up to 70% discount!), since the flight was planned 5-7 days after the purchase. During this time you would not have time to obtain a visa. But if you already have Schengen, you can always travel to European resorts on very last-minute tours - buying a tour a few days before the departure date.

There is also a system called “ Early booking" Using it you can save up to 40% on the purchase of a tour to a specific hotel (usually a very popular one). The main principle is to buy out the tour or pay for it in part with arrival during the peak period (summer or New Year), but always in advance - several months in advance. It is important for hoteliers to know how many tourists will check in, and it is convenient to receive money as early as possible.

When traveling on your own, it is always beneficial to buy a plane ticket six months in advance, or more precisely at least 29 weeks before the departure date. In addition, promotions are often held in European countries, especially if you are flying for only 2-3 nights. And there is no point in buying a tour.

So what are the pros and cons?

And a few more points to compare and make the right decision for this summer:

Vacation by tour

Fast, easy: no need to look for anything yourself

Constant Russian-language support for your travel agent

Visa support

Possibility to fly on last minute offers

The tour includes everything you need: flight (charter or regular), hotel accommodation, meals, transfer, insurance, support of a Russian-speaking guide

Individual support of a travel agent at the stage of selecting a tour - extensive experience, knowledge of hotels and tourist reviews, to advise or dissuade

The tour operator may go bankrupt and you will not get your money back

It is not profitable to buy a tour to unpopular destinations

Often used charter flights with poor food and uncomfortable chairs

The travel agency must provide you with freevisa support. This service is necessary for obtaining a visa yourself. As a rule, documents for a tour - voucher, insurance and air tickets - are sent to the tourist a few days before departure. When applying for a visa, the travel agency will advise you on what documents will be required to obtain a visa, and will also send you a full package of documents confirming that you have booked the tour.

Self-guided tours:

Absolute freedom in organizing your holiday - happiness for introverts!

If you are planning your vacation in advance, then it is much cheaper to buy plane tickets 29 weeks before departure (according to the Skyscanner service).

Independence from other group members (in transfers or on excursions)

Many airline and hotel websites are in English

No transfer and insurance

Good command required English language, sometimes not only English (for example, in China a very small part of the population speaks English)

In total, it is always cheaper to buy a tour for popular destinations, especially a last-minute offer. And this cheapness often covers all the possible disadvantages of a holiday package. And for some, even the search itself becomes the beginning of a vacation adventure - many are even ready to overpay, but organize their vacation completely on their own! Remember all the pros and cons that we have told you about in this article and make the right decision! 😉

There are still few Russian tourists who organize their holidays abroad on their own. The percentage of such travelers from the total flow of tourists is currently equal to 15%, but at the same time, the figure is increasing every year.

Self-organized holidays

According to statistics, from 2014-2015 the number of travel companies decreased by almost 70%, from 2050 to 650. However, experts say that the epidemic of bankruptcies is behind us and in the near future travel companies will feel comfortable, since only the strongest players remain on the market.

Self-organized tourism is increasing due to the fact that Russian tourists want to conquer non-standard and new vacation spots. At the same time, if we talk about places in popular resort countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Greece, then it is more convenient to buy package tours here. This is exactly what most of our compatriots do, namely tourists with children and lovers of all-inclusive holidays.

But, during a domestic holiday, it is much easier for vacationers to book a hotel and tickets on their own.

Distribution of countries

For your convenience, we have made 6 groups of countries for holidays:

1. The first group includes countries where a savage vacation is much more profitable than a vacation package. The difference in money can reach up to 50%.

2. In the second group of countries the benefit is up to 20%.

3. In the third group, the cost of the trip and on your own organized holiday, are the same.

4. The fourth group includes countries where vacation packages are 15% more profitable.

5. The fifth group includes countries in which it is 65% more profitable to vacation on package tours.

6. In the sixth group of countries where you can only travel on your own.

Comparing the benefits of an independent trip and a package tour

So, if you have decided to escape to some exotic place, then you definitely need to plan your vacation yourself. But those who want to relax without unnecessary adventures and hassle can safely choose a package tour. Note that in both cases, you will need travel insurance when traveling abroad, which you can choose directly on our website using the price comparison calculator below.

Hello friends! Today I’ll tell you how to buy it yourself cheap tour online, compare prices for all tour operators and purchase the most profitable option without leaving your chair. Read, apply, and may an inexpensive vacation be with you!

In many cases, traveling on a tour may be cheaper than traveling on your own. It happens that the price of tickets alone comes out as a ready-made package with round-trip flights and accommodation. This is especially true for popular tourist countries, where there are many charter flights - Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam, Black Sea coast Russia, Bulgaria, Montenegro.

Anya on Railay Beach in Krabi (Thailand)

For example, for the two of us to fly to Thailand on our own from Siberia for a short trip of two weeks will cost at least 70,000 rubles, most of which will be spent on tickets (and even then, not direct ones). For relaxation, it will be more convenient and profitable to buy a ready-made tour right away. After all, the tour operator buys in advance charter flights and there is a lot of space in hotels at once, so it turns out cheaper. Not to mention last-minute tours, when seats on planes remain unsold, and the tour can be very cheap.

Let's now look at several ways to buy a tour cheaply.

How to buy a cheap tour: ways to save

1. Search and purchase a tour online

It’s gratifying that now you no longer need to travel to city travel agencies in search of the best and inexpensive tour; all information is available without leaving your home - online. In addition, buying online is often cheaper than buying in the office, because the agency bears the costs of renting premises, salaries for managers, and consumables.

It is especially convenient to buy last-minute tours online, because places on them tend to run out very quickly. By the time you get to the office, there will be nothing left, but I saw it, decided, paid, and flew off to rest.

Prices for tours abroad change very quickly and depend on exchange rates - another argument to buy quickly, because the ruble falls every now and then. All information on vouchers on the sites I indicated is always up to date.

2. Advantages of buying tours online:

  • Cheaper than in the office, or the same price.
  • Fast: you don’t need to go to the other end of the city or go to the nearest, but not verified agency, the purchase process takes place from any place convenient for you.
  • Reliable: more than 120 verified tour operators, and payment occurs only through secure protocols.
  • You choose everything yourself (and some travel agents can recommend exactly the hotel or tour operator where they have a higher commission, and not where it will be best for you to relax).
  • Reviews of hotels and destinations, as well as photos, will help you decide which vacation spot to choose.
  • Convenient price calendar, you can select the date with the lowest price.
  • All tours are available from your smartphone on the way to work or home, on your computer at home or at work: look and choose where and when it is convenient.
  • All documents at once: we pay by bank card and all vouchers, air tickets and other documents are immediately sent to your email. We eliminate the notorious human factor, when a manager may forget something.
  • The tour can be purchased in installments.
  • If you need a visa, the support service will tell you what documents are needed, and within the Moscow Ring Road, a courier will pick up the documents and deliver ready-made visas for free.
  • Online consultants will help you make your choice, support is available around the clock.
  • The service department will help you resolve all issues at any time if something goes wrong.
  • Bonus programs, promotions, discounts.

3. Search all tour operators

Search engines look for options and compare prices across 120+ tour operators at once, so not a single tour escapes your attention. All this works on the principle of airline ticket search engines that you probably know well. When choosing a tour, I recommend looking at all three services at once, so you definitely won’t miss anything.

4. Search for nearby dates

It’s good if you can shift the start or end of your vacation by a few days - this often allows you to save a lot of money. The calendar will help you understand which dates the tour is cheapest for. low prices.
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Tour to Thailand for the price of a flight, the price is for two