The island of Nusa Penida is Bali's incredibly picturesque neighbor. Nusa Penida On its own, Nusa Penida

The Indonesian island of Nusa Penida is not very famous - it is often remembered to indicate the location of a small resort island Nusa Lembongan. The latter, together with the nearby island of Nusa Ceningan, are famous as excellent diving resorts. In fact, everyone who comes here goes for southern part Nusa Penida.

About the island

Nusa Penida is located approximately 12 km southeast of the island of Bali, and belongs to the Klungkung province. The island's area is approximately 203 km 2 , its dimensions are 19.4 x 13.7 km. The island consists of 3 plateaus of different heights relative to sea level: the northern plateau opens to the water without any difference in height, and the southern plateau rises 200 m above the sea, forming almost vertical cliffs. Along the middle part of the island there is a hilly ridge with heights of up to 520 m above sea level.

There is not a single lake or river with a permanent channel on the island. Only during the monsoon rains do rivers and streams form, which quickly dry up when the dry season arrives. There is a problem with fresh water on the island, which is why agriculture is very poorly developed here. Main income item local residents- agriculture, which consists of growing algae in the coastal waters of their villages. Many algae farms are still based on the coral shallows. The island has a wide variety of birds and Nusa Penida is part of the Indonesian Bird Sanctuary, which protects endangered birds.

As you can see, Nusa Penida has practically no attractive natural factors, so for many years the development of tourism in Bali, this island was not popular. Moreover, for several centuries it was a place of exile for criminals, sorcerers and people who disagreed with the political regime in Indonesia; free entry here was prohibited. Only at the very end of the 1990s - early 2000s, a flow of vacationers began to flow to the island in a weak trickle, increasing every year.

Tourist attraction

Due to political circumstances, Nusa Penida is a very young resort, so it can hardly be called popular yet. The island's infrastructure has just begun to develop; there is no large selection of hotels, restaurants and cafes here. All this is available, but in limited quantities. But there are no water parks, dolphinariums, zoos and entertainment complexes at all; you shouldn’t count on English- and Russian-speaking doctors and a large number of ATMs. Nusa Penida's main attraction is its coastal strip and the recreational opportunities it provides.

Almost the entire western and northern part of the island consists of white sand beaches. Blue Lagoon Crystal Bay, formed where Nusa Penida meets Nusa Ceningan, is ideal for swimming and snorkeling. On the remaining beaches of the northern part, places for swimming are found selectively, since reefs come very close to the shore, where the above-mentioned algae are grown.

The main clusters of guest houses are concentrated in villages located near the seaports of Sampalan and Toyapakeh. There are not very many guest houses with comfortable conditions yet, and they are usually booked in advance. If you didn’t manage to book, for example, a trip to Nusa Penida turned out to be spontaneous during a vacation in Bali, then in the villages you need to look for signs on houses “Homestay”, “Losmet”, “For rent”, etc. In the same port villages you can rent bikes, bicycles, and boats. Favorite and main dishes on the island are rice with chicken and seafood. Products are transported by ferry to Sampalan, from where they are distributed to villages.

For your reference, the average prices for accommodation in Nusa Penida are presented. One bed in dormitory rooms costs from 600 rubles per night, a double bungalow from 2 thousand rubles.

Good roads on the island run mainly along the coast. Deserted country roads without signs lead deep into the island. You need to take a map of local roads with you, since there is no one to ask for directions to a village or attraction.

You can do it anywhere on the island unusual photos against the backdrop of sunset. It is very beautiful here, playing with many shades of colors.


One of the main attractions of the island is the Pura Dalem Penetaran Ped temple, located in the village of Ped. The temple is dedicated to an evil demon and is a center of attraction for sorcerers and dark forces. Also small temples from white stone found throughout the island. Among the natural attractions, notable are the Sebalah waterfall and Mount Puncak Mundi, from where you can see beautiful view to the surrounding area and the sea.

Not all Nusa Penida attractions are immediately accessible to tourists. Excursions to some of the interesting caves, lakes and waterfalls require overcoming difficulties and obstacles. Here are two such secret places:

  • Karang Sari Cave Temple. Limestone cave 4 km north of the village of Suana in the east of the island. The cave begins at an altitude of 150 m and stretches 310 m deep into the hill. The entrance is hidden by two boulders - to get inside you will have to crawl into it. The cave is called Giri Putri, “daughter of the hill”; candles and lamps are lit in its halls with stalactites, and ceremonies dedicated to the symbolic feminine principle are regularly held here.
  • Atuh beach on the northern coast of the island. You need to get to the beach along a mountain serpentine road, and then follow the path from the road to the shore. The landmark of the beach can be the Atuh Temple.


The most attractive advantage of Nusa Penida is the bottom topography and the peculiarities of the current on the southern coast of the island. Divers from all over the world come here all year round, but especially from July to September, when the water is not very warm and exotic marine life rises to the surface. More than 20 dive spots are located near the island:

  • In the south: Manta Point and Old Manta Point, where divers swim surrounded by large manta rays;
  • In the northwest: the section of coast from the village of Ped to Crystal Bay, where the sunfish called mola-mola is found;
  • To the east: Suana Bay and Malibu Point.

For accommodation, divers stop in villages near the spots, for example, in Suan or Peda. There is one hotel with a diving center - MM Diving Resort. But often groups of divers come here “one day” from Bali or Lembogan or spend the night on boats if they buy a ticket for a multi-day diving safari. Having arrived on the island on your own, it is not difficult to get to the northern and western spots; transport runs along the highways. But you can’t get to the southern dive spots on your own: the steep rocky shores do not have good access to the water, so you need to approach the spots on rented boats.

The small island of Nusa Penida, with a total area of ​​just over 200 km2, is located 12 kilometers southeast of Bali. Administratively, it is part of Bali's Klungkung district. About 50 thousand people live here; the island is poorly developed in terms of tourism infrastructure, which creates a special specificity for traveling here.

In this article I will tell you about the island and its history, as well as provide you with tips and detailed recommendations on a trip: what categories of travelers will be interested in the island, what you can see here, how to get there from different settlements of Bali.

Description of the island

Nusa Penida or Penida Isl and - this is how the island is usually called by local residents, hotel workers and travel agencies. Often the word “Nusa” (island) is not spoken at all. That is, we can simply say – Penida. Everyone will understand.

The island's topography consists of three plateaus. The first is the lowland that covers its entire northern shore. This is the busiest part, where all the major settlements and “benefits of civilization” are located. The second plateau is located in the center of the island, at an altitude of up to 45 0 meters above sea level. The third is in the south (about 200 meters above sea level). Also, a cascade of hills stretches from southeast to northwest, reaching a height of 524 meters at the highest point of the island.

Nusa Penida is the largest island by area off the southeastern coast of Bali. It is part of a conventional group of islands, along with Nusa Lenmbongan and Nusa Ceningan, which are separated from Bali by the Badung Strait.

Penida, despite its large territory and population, is inferior to these two islands in terms of tourism. It is more difficult to get here, and the local infrastructure is poorly adapted for organized tourism - a minimum of hotels and other places of residence, catering establishments, and entertainment facilities. The reason for the situation is a long ban on the development of tourism, which the Indonesian government lifted here quite recently.

However, the high potential of the island and the large flow of tourists to Bali contribute to improving conditions. Nusa Penida is unlikely to be suitable for a full multi-day holiday. It is important to realize that there is a shortage on the island fresh water and products that are usually delivered from big land. Therefore, tourists, as a rule, stay here for a short time.

What to do on the island

First of all, fans will like it here active rest, ecotourism, cultural attractions and the life of local residents almost untouched by civilization. I'm talking about the variety of picturesque beaches, karst caves, ancient Hindu temples and a large population of rare birds, which attracts the attention of birdwatchers from all over the world to the island.

Penida Island offers the following types of recreation:

  • Island tours
  • Walking and cycling
  • Bird watching
  • Swimming with mask and fins (snorkeling)
  • Scuba diving (diving)

Now more details about each.


The island is small, and in one day you can see almost all the most interesting places. It is especially interesting to immerse yourself in the life and culture of local residents. On the one hand, Penida is located next to Bali and is even its administrative part. On the other hand, the difference between them is noticeable. For example, local residents are speakers of the ancient Balinese dialect of Nusa Penidan. Even a quick glance at the settlements will show you the differences in architecture compared to Bali. It will be interesting to explore the Muslim part of the island, which occupies the Toyapakeh region.

Trekking and mountain biking

For those who prefer to have an active holiday, you can travel around the island on rented bicycles. The island's elevations reach more than 500 meters above sea level, and offer picturesque views of the coast. Regular walking tours are also popular. different corners islands.

Bird watching

Even if you're not an expert birdwatcher, you should definitely take the time to visit the cliffs in the south and southeast. Rare birds nest here and attract the attention of experts from all over the world. Officially, there is no bird sanctuary here, but behind the scenes, the entire island of Penida is a place for the conservation and restoration of rare bird populations. Endangered and rare species from a number of Indonesian islands are brought here. Due to the lack of official status of a protected area, programs for the protection of rare species here have mixed success.


There is a coastal road to the north and northwest of Penida. Along it you can find many suitable areas for snorkeling, where the edge of the reef is located close to the shore. Getting there is very easy - you need to look for places where fishing boats are moored. You can rent diving equipment, for example, on Crystal Bay beach - the prices are very affordable. Focus on average price 30 thousand rupees ($2.20) for one full set of equipment per day.


Penida – popular place world-class diving, with more than 20 different dive areas scattered around the island. In total, this is more than 1,400 hectares of coral reefs. 66% of the area is covered by corals at a depth of 3 meters, 74% at a depth of 10 meters.

Here you can discover rich marine flora and fauna, represented by hundreds of species of corals and fish. The period from July to October deserves special attention, when mass migrations of the Mola Mola (sunfish or sunfish) can be observed in the area of ​​the island.

History and cultural significance of the island

Nusa Penida has long had the status of a sacred place among local Hindus. In Balinese culture, Penida is considered the abode of black magic, and in ancient times it was inhabited by dark spirits, demons and evil gods. And here, according to legend, lived one of the most terrible characters of local mythology - I Gede Macaling. This is a powerful dark spirit, the patron of all diseases and plagues, who sent the most severe ailments to the Balinese. One day, the high priests of the nearby kingdom of Gelgel (they are called Pandita or Penida) arrived on the island and cleansed it of dark forces. And Gede Makalin was also defeated, but not completely subdued - and still makes himself felt through illness.

It is believed that this victory of good over evil gave the island its current name Nusa Penida - literally “Island of Holy People”. It is not surprising that the island began to be actively populated only in the 18th century on the initiative of the authorities of the Klung kung kingdom. And then it was turned into a correctional colony for criminals for many years. The island acquired its current “peaceful” status only in the last century.

Despite the unfavorable conditions for growing many products (arid climate and poor soils), the main activity of local residents is agriculture and seaweed cultivation. Algae farms are located off the northern and northeastern shores of the island - where the tides ebb and flow. Most of the time, the algae is in the water, but with low tide, local residents begin to collect valuable raw materials. These algae are in wide demand in various areas of our lives - for example, in cooking (agar-agar is an alternative to gelatin) and in the production of cosmetics. A significant part of the raw materials is exported to Europe and Japan.

According to experts, climate change will greatly worsen the situation in the island's agriculture in the coming decades. This should lead to a natural outflow of the local population. The roots of the problem are in the absence fresh lake or rivers with a permanent bed. Fresh water replenishes the riverbeds during the rainy season, but gradually evaporates.

Another problem is related to the low popularity of the island among foreigners. After all, tourism is the main source of income for most Balinese people. Therefore, young people often move from Penida to Bali, where there are much more opportunities for earning money.

Hope for the preservation of “life” today is instilled by the rapidly developing tourism sector. There is reason to believe that in the near future Nusa Penida will become on par with Bali in terms of urbanization. If you want to experience the island in its wild and mysterious form, it is better not to put off your trip here for years.

It is interesting to note one more fact. Despite all this, Penida remains the site of a massive annual pilgrimage of Hindus from Bali and other parts of Indonesia. For them, the ritual of “touching” dark energy is of great importance, and Penida is filled with it to this day. The fact is that the Balinese spiritual system, which combines elements of Hinduism, Buddhism and animism, considers the existence of the Universe from the point of view of the equality of good and evil. A believer must strive for good, but at the same time respect evil and recognize it as a necessary part of the world around him. A pilgrimage to the island of Penida allows you to balance the balance of positive and negative energy, to indicate the coexistence of good and evil within a person.

Most often, pilgrims arrive in Penida during major religious holidays. For example, the flow of visiting Hindus is especially large during the 10-day Galungan holiday, which does not have a clear annual date - it is celebrated every 210 days. When planning a trip here, take this into account - difficulties may arise, for example, with accommodation if you plan to stay here for several days.

How to get to Nusa Penida from Bali

Penida can only be reached by water - from the Bali ports. This can be done from almost any large populated area. If you're traveling on foot, you can take speedboats and public ferries. Bali bus operators also offer travel options around Nusa Penida with a ferry crossing through Badung. Or in this way you can sail to the island with rented personal transport.

Now I will tell you from which Bali ports you can go to Penida.

There are 6 of them in total:

  1. Padang Bai
  2. Kusamba
  3. Tribuana
  4. Benoa Harbor
  5. Sanur

In turn, there are only three ports on Nusa Penida:

  1. Sampalan
  2. Buyuk
  3. Tuyapake

Now more details about each.

Padang Bai

There are two ways to get from Padang Bai Port to Penida.

Public ferry

  • Arrival port: Sampalan
  • Price: 31,000 rupees ($2.30)
  • Bike transportation: 50,000 rupees ($3.70)
  • Car transportation: 300,000 rupees ($22.20)
  • Travel time: about 60 minutes
  • Departure from Padang Bai: 11:00
  • Departure from Sampalan: 08:00

Tickets must be purchased within 1 hour before departure - in the building with the “Loket” sign. Please note that departure times may vary slightly, so it is best to arrive early and purchase your ticket.

Speed ​​boat

  • Arrival port: Sampalan
  • Price: 75,000 rupees ($5.55)
  • Travel time: 20-3 0 minutes
  • Departure from Padang Bai: daily from 06:30 am, as boats fill up

Boat tickets can be purchased at the ticket office near the beach. There is no clear departure schedule - boats depart according to their load (about 20 people per trip). A high-speed boat will take you 2-2.5 times faster than a ferry. On the other hand, here you are constrained by the need to sit the entire way (unlike the ferry, where you can walk around the deck during the trip). In addition, it is impossible to carry either a car or a bike on boats.


Kusamba is a small beach in the southeast of Bali, near the city of Semarapura. There is no port here. Therefore, large ships like ferries cannot be found in Kusamba. So the only way to get from here to Penida is by small speedboats (high speed boats).

Here is the basic information on the route:

  • Arrival port: Sampalan
  • Price: 100,000 rupees ($7.40) one way.
  • Travel time: 20-30 minutes.
  • Departure from Kusamba: 07:30, 12:30, 15:30
  • Departure from Sampalan: 07:00, 11:45, 15:00


There are two options here:

Speed ​​boat

  • Arrival port: Sampalan, Buyuk
  • Price: 75,000 rupees ($5.55) one way
  • Travel time: 30 minutes
  • Departure from Tribuana to Sampalan: 06:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:30, 15:45
  • Departure from Sampalan to Tribuana: 06:30, 07:00, 07:30, 12:30, 13:00, 14:15, 16:00
  • Departure from Tribuana to Buyuk: 08:30, 15:45
  • Departure from Buyuk to Tribulana: 07:00, 12:30

public boat

  • Price: 45,000 rupees ($3.33)
  • Travel time: 45 minutes
  • Route: Sampalan – Tribuana (one way only)
  • Departure: 06:00

Benoa Harbor

The port is located between the main part of Bali and the Bukit Peninsula. From here there are daily tourist excursions to the huge pontoon on the north-western shore of Penida. The trip on a comfortable cruise ship includes an entertainment program with aquatic species sports.

  • Ticket price: 570 thousand rupees ($42)
  • Travel time: 45 minutes
  • Departure: 09:00
  • Return sailing: 16:00


There is no port in Sanur, but due to its high popularity sea ​​cruises, there are several options for departure to Penida at almost any convenient time. There are a number of operators operating on the beach who provide transportation by speed boats.

So, there are three ways to get to Penida from Sanur:

Sanur – Sampalan (cheapest)

  • Departure from Sanur at 7:30 and 16:30
  • Departure from Sampalan at 08:30 and 15:30.
  • Price for tourists: 125,000 rupees ($9.25).

Sanur – Buyuk

  • Departure from Sanur at 08:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 16:30
  • Departure from Buyuk at 08:00, 12:30 and 16:00.
  • Price: 300,000 rupees ($22.20) for a round trip ticket for any time / 150,000 rupees ($11.10) one way

Sanur – Tuyapak

  • Departure from Sanur at 07:00, 09:10, 14:00, 16:30
  • Departure from Tuyapaque at 07:00, 07:30, 13:00, 15:30
  • Price: 150,000 rupees ($11.10)

Nusa Lembongan

If you are planning a trip to all the islands of southeast Bali, it will be more convenient to get to the busier Lembongan first. Water transport constantly comes here from almost all corners of Bali - you can’t go wrong.

And there are two ways to get from Lembongan to Penida:

  • On a public boat
    They run in the morning from the village of Jung ut Batu, the ticket costs 50,000 rupees ($3.70).
  • By private boat
    You can negotiate rent with local residents, but you will have to bargain. Focus on the cost of about 250,000 rupees ($18.50). The advantage of a charter boat is that you have the opportunity to sail from almost any part of the island.

Nusa Penida island on the map

1km 5km 10km 25km 50km 75km 100km 150km 200km 300km

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Sights of Nusa Penida island

Despite the low tourist popularity of Penida, there are a lot of interesting places here. And now I will introduce you to the most important attractions of the island.

Crystal Bay Beach

This is the main beach of Nusa Penida, which is also business card islands. It is located on the northwestern coast. This is a beautiful white sand beach and clean water– an ideal place for a picnic and snorkeling. In the water you can see the rare mola mola fish. The abundance of marine life off the coast is due to strong currents that carry plankton here from two oceans. This attracts an abundance of fish species.

Crystal Bay is also one of the busiest places on this quiet island, there are even small shops along the shore.

To get to the beach you need to get to the village of Sakti. In the village, turn onto a small road that stretches west of the main one - and continue driving until you hit the bank.

Goa Giri Putri Temple, or Karangsari Cave (Goa Giri Putri, Karang sari Cave)

The attention of tourists is also regularly attracted by the cascade of limestone caves on the east coast (4 km north of the village of Suana). Next to the caves there is a ritual temple - a must-visit place for Hindu believers. Before entering, you will need to take off your shoes and wash yourself with holy water. You can take holy water with you.

IN holidays There are a lot of Balinese here, and it’s not possible to explore the temple calmly. But in return you will witness an atmospheric ceremony with mystical chants. Also in the caves you will find a small Buddhist temple and you can admire the massive stalactites.

Temple of Pura Penataran Ped

Another important temple for Balinese Hindus, which is a place of pilgrimage. It is believed that prayer here allows you to protect yourself and loved ones from illness and death. Among local residents you can often hear the name Pura Dalem Ped - this is its second name.

The pompous architecture of the temple contrasts sharply with the restrained landscapes of Penida. This place massively attracts the attention of tourists on the island, where beautiful natural landscapes significantly more than historical monuments. Pura Penatharan Ped consists of five temple grounds, each of which plays an important role in Hindu prayer.

The first prayer of this ritual begins in the northern part of the temple, Pura Segara. This place is considered to be the palace of Batar Barun. The second point of the “route” is a garden-temple with a pond where a lotus grows. This part of the temple is a kind of purgatory for believers. After it, Hindus move to the western part of the complex, which is the main one - this is Penataran Ratu Gede Mecaling, the temple of the magical power of Nusa. Finally, a visit to the eastern temple of Pelebaan Ratu Mas and Bale Agung in the center.

The temple is located in the village of Ped, on the main road of the northern coast - between Toyapakeh and Sampalan.

Pura Puncak Mundi, or Mundi Hill (Pura Puncak Mundi, Mundi Hill)

The island's relief consists mainly of hills, and the highest point is in its central part, at an altitude of 521 meters above sea level. There are beautiful views of the island here, and the Pura Puncak Mundi temple is located at the top. This is a religious complex that consists of the temples of Beji, Krang keng and the main building of Puncak Mundi. People pray in them in a similar manner. Every 210 days, a sacred ceremony is held here on the day of Umanis Prangbakat Anggarakasih, as indicated in the Balinese religious calendar. When visiting the temple, keep in mind that many monkeys live here. They are not aggressive, but often steal tourists' belongings.

Puncak Mundi Temple is located in Rata Hamlet, Batukandik village. You can get here along the main paved road to the south. The journey by transport takes about 45 minutes from Penida harbor, where the sign will tell you to turn east and go up a little more. The road here is mountainous and dangerous, check the condition of the car before leaving - if you are traveling with your own transport.

Temples Pura Batu Medahu & Pura Batu Kuning

Two more interesting temples are located nearby on the eastern coast of the island, near the coastal road. When traveling north to south along the main road to the east, it is important that you do not continue along it in a south-westerly direction when the road turns away from the coast. Instead, you need to turn left, continuing along the ocean shore on the smaller road. Before reaching Semaya Beach, you will find buildings about 1.5 kilometers after the fork.

Pura Batu Medahu in the beliefs of local villagers is considered the “temple woman”, the consort of Pura Dalem in the north. The temple consists of four courtyards. In the center of the main temple there is a beautiful man-made island with a shrine in the middle, which is considered a ritual place for the ablution of the celestial nymphs of the Dedari. Also in Pura Batu Medahu you can find two quaint stone sculptures with elongated figures. Pura Batu Kuning also consists of four buildings and houses important idols of the Hindu religion, the most significant of which is fully named Pura Payogan Bhatara Baruna Manunggal Ring Sang Hyang Tiga Sakti.

Beaches Broken Beach (Pasihuug) and Angel’s Billabong

Located nearby, south of Crystal Bay Beach. There is only one road south from it, so you need to follow it to the fork. At the fork, one direction goes east, towards the center of the island, and the other goes west, where you want to go. Then there will be another fork (to the left) and at the end of the road you will find the beaches you are looking for.

There are no historical sights or temples here - only amazing nature, with beautiful sunsets and various wildlife in the sea and on the shore. I note that it is impossible to get to Broken Beach itself on foot, but from above there is a picturesque view of the bay. You can take great photos here.

Rocks south coast

The entire southern coast of Penida is occupied by high white limestone cliffs. To see them, you can head to any convenient point on the southern coast - from Pendem, around Cape Bakung and to the coast west of Batu Madeg.

To the south, if you head along the coast, you will find yourself in the last remaining area of ​​virgin rainforest on the island. If you go through the cave, which contains another small Hindu temple, you will come to picturesque beach. The water is here - natural pool, which is formed due to the hilly terrain. Entrance to the beach costs 10 thousand rupees ($0.8) per person. Please note that only men are allowed to swim in the pool. There is a separate, smaller size for women.

Guyangan Springs (Mata Air Guyang an)

As we have already found out, Penida is an arid place without large water sources. But this does not mean that they do not exist at all. The Guyangan springs, located in a picturesque area on the slopes of a rocky hill, deserve special attention. About 120 liters of water per second falls from here. You can view the picturesque area from above, and below, visitors can take a dip in the spring. To do this, you will have to go down 700 steps to the beach - about 1 kilometer. This place is located southeast of Tembeling - you just need to follow the roads along the coast to get here from it.

Now let me give you some recommendations. If you are planning a trip to Penida, they will help you organize your vacation more comfortably - after all, many tourists coming here believe that the island is developed in the same way as Bali. But in fact, there are some specifics that it is better to know about in advance.

  • Bank Rakyat Indonesia ATMs that accept Visa and Mastercard are only available in Sampalan and Toyapaka. You can withdraw a maximum of 2.5 million rupees per day ($185). There is not always money on the island, so it is better to stock up on cash in Bali.

  • If you plan to stay in Penida for a few days, there are several supermarkets in Sampalan. Here you can buy relatively inexpensive food and basic necessities. When traveling around the island it will be difficult to find something quickly.
  • In the morning, there are markets in Sampalan and Tuyapaka where you can buy vegetables and fruits: bananas, mangoes, papaya, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and so on. The market in Tuyapaka is also open in the evening, from 16:00 to 18:00.
  • You will find small cafes serving Indonesian cuisine in all more or less large populated areas islands. Be prepared for the fact that the range of dishes here will be poorer than in Bali. Large restaurants, including those serving European cuisine, operate in Sampalan.

  • Please note that most of the beaches on the island are wild, and there is no place to eat there - it is better to take food with you. The exception is Crystal Bay with small cafes right on the beach.
  • The climate here is very dry (drier than Bali). Drink water more and more often. Before you go on a trip around the island, make sure you bring enough of it with you.
  • Accommodation options on the island are concentrated in the northern, “civilized” part - in Toyapaka, Sampalan and their surroundings. There is accommodation for every budget, starting from $8/day (110 thousand rupees) per person for a hostel bed. A small room in a bungalow for two can be rented for $10-11 (135-150 thousand rupees). It is most convenient to explore the island from here.
  • Be prepared for the fact that most local residents do not even speak English, so they will not be able to answer your questions.
  • If you still want to stay overnight in another part of the island, you need to contact the head of the community. This person will help you find a place to stay in his village.
  • The “season” on the island is from July to September. At this time, it can be difficult to find housing at an affordable price, since the offer on Nusa Penida in this moment cannot meet growing demand.
  • The rainy season on the island is, like in Bali, from December to March.
  • If you prefer to travel by individual transport, you don’t have to bring a bike with you from Bali. Renting a bike in the north of the island will cost you 30-40 thousand rupees per day (2.2-3 $).
  • The entire territory of the island is covered by several major roads, but transport infrastructure poorly organized. Most attractions are only accessible by gravel roads and paths. This means that traveling around the island may be difficult for children, the elderly and people with disabilities.

  • Please note that there are problems with the Internet in Penida. Most guesthouses and hostels only have weak mobile internet. The quality of the connection is highly dependent on the weather. Telkomsel has the best coverage, Indosat and XL have slightly weaker coverage.

Nusa Penida is a rather wild island, but if you wish, it will give you a lot of pleasure and diverse impressions. If this is your first time in this part of Indonesia, then it is advisable to first travel around the main Balinese resorts to understand what they are like - and then go to Penida.

Information about other islands can be found in the following articles:

Show on the map

A few kilometers south of Bali there are two small islands - Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan, where we were going for quite a long time. We went literally a week before departure.

South Bali Islands

These islands are located next to each other, but most tourists go to Nusa Lembongan from Sanur, from where all kinds of watercraft with frightening price tags constantly sail. WITH Nusa Penida things are somewhat more complicated, since a public sails there once a day ferry from Padang Bay.

Location of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan

On own experience We were convinced that with enough time and curiosity, you can get to know the country better and at the same time travel on a budget. Still, package tourism with excursions and “all-inclusive” does not give any idea about the host country, life and inhabitants of this country. We have developed a whole philosophy on this matter, but more on that later. In general, we decided to first get to Penida with our bike, from there swim without a bike to Lembongan, then return to Penida and sail back to Bali.

Start with the unpopular Penida (there is little information on this island on the Internet, we looked mainly at Wikitrave l) we wanted for several simple reasons. The first, and most important, is boobs - an ancient Indonesian tradition: there are rumors on the Internet that Penida women still walk around topless in public. In Bali, you can only see topless ladies of a very respectable age and with the appearance characteristic of witches, perhaps this is what they are.

The roads of excellent quality were the next reason: the Balinese “Yamanayama” destinations were a little depressing after Thailand, and in reports about their trip to Nusa Penida, people write that the roads there are simply chic, super new and well built.

The third reason is shrouded in mystical secrets, however, like the island itself, which among the Balinese is considered cursed, a place of black magic and the legendary abode of the evil demon Jero Gede Macaling - with such a name it is no wonder. Yes, I wanted to see the black magicians and steal dark Power from them. And may she be with me! =)

Padang Bay

Padang Bay is a port, located in the eastern part of the island of Bali. From here there are daily public ferries to the island of Lombok (the port of Lembar, which is a transshipment point to the famous tourist place– Gili Islands and Nusa Penida. Without your own transport You can get to Padang Bay by taxi, bemo (minibuses for locals), shuttle buses, for example, the Perama Tour company (a ticket from Ubud costs 50,000 rupees, other companies have approximately the same prices), which will be the most convenient and budget-friendly.

During the first reconnaissance mission to Padang Bay, we found out that the entrance to the port territory was guarded by police officers who stopped everyone and studied documents. They scolded us for not having an international driver’s license, but they immediately let us go and threatened us with a finger, saying that next time all the documents would be in order. The next time, of course, they were out of order again (although we honestly intended to get local tourist licenses, but the pumped-up corrupt officials scared us off) and they let us go with the same finger-wagging parting words.

After the police checkpoint, you can immediately go to the ticket booths, where there is usually always a line of cars and bikes. In front of the ticket office there are boards with ticket prices, which indicate the cost per person/child and various modes of transport.

Ferry prices from Padang Bay to Lombok and Nusa Penida.

Ferries prices

If you want to get on the ferry on your own something with wheels, then you need to pay for transport and people with you. For example, we rode to Nusa Penida together on a bike and paid about 52,000 rupees or about $6 (15,000 rp. for each plus 20,400 for the bike). It is not clear why it turned out to be about 52. Maybe the prices have changed a little, maybe the Balinese have squeezed change, they love it. We received paper tickets and electronic tickets with a magnetic stripe, which were then simply handed over at the control. Apparently, some kind of Balinese nanotechnology.

Searches for the schedule led nowhere. With every step we only became surrounded by a crowd of captains and helpers, offering tickets for speedboats or pointing to the ticket office. According to our observations, ferries go to Lombok every two hours from the very morning, but to Nusa Penida it turned out only at 14.30. We found out this on the day of our departure to Penida, when we arrived in Padang Bay at 8 am and bought tickets. As a result, we had to walk around the neighborhood for half a day, but we wandered nearby to. We also noticed a lot of homestays and some tourists.

The same beach from the ferry

Nusa Penida

Having returned to the port an hour before departure, we could not get into the correct queue for a long time, since no one really knew where the ferry would land. Only people in uniform with whistles were aware, but they then turned the Nusapenid line towards another entrance.

Then loading onto the ferry took a long time, despite the fact that inside the ship the team of ferrymen quickly controlled the cars and quickly arranged the bikes. Before I could get off the bike, they gave me the keys and showed me where to go. We didn’t linger on the passenger deck because of the noise; we went straight to the roof, where, following the example of the locals, we settled down on the floor. Then many people secretly filmed us on their mobile phones, because we seemed to be the only white people on board.

The back of the ferry. Deck with transport

White people on the ferry

Let's set sail. Speedboats in Bali differ from Thai ones in that they are closed.

The Indonesian flag is similar to the Polish one

We sailed somewhere closer to three o'clock and at more than four o'clock arrived in Nusa Penida at the port of Buyuk.

Port of Penida

Upon leaving the port, the first disappointment awaited: the absence of famous good roads. There were just pits bordered by asphalt. I had to somehow maneuver between them. By the way, there were no topless women either, which greatly disappointed Lena, since this was her fix idea. Lena even harbored a grudge against Penida women. =)

Super steep Penida roads. These are still good ones!

We were heading to the village of Toyapakeh to find out about the departure time of the boats to Nusa Lembongan. The area along the way consisted of abandoned and dilapidated houses and homestays. The environment was somewhat reminiscent of the landscapes from the game “Stalker”; there were not enough people in chemical protection and mutant dogs. Although there were not enough people, there were occasional pickup trucks and bikers, invariably shouting “Halo.”

Nusa Penida Map

In Toyapaka, they learned from one captain that they had to arrive the next day at 6 am, because the boat leaves at seven. The ticket office opens around the same time. In an attempt to find housing, we followed the captain, who first showed a room for 80,000 rupees, the window of which overlooked another room where locals were watching TV, then he took us to a homestay, where there were quite decent bungalow rooms for 150,000 rp with a fan and 250 000 with air conditioning. But we were busy with the fan, and we didn’t want to overpay for an overnight stay.

Street to the pier in Toyapaka

Pier in Toyapaka

In general, this was the end of housing in Toyapaka. I had to lull myself back to Bayuk and look for something suitable along the way. Among the abandonments, there was a hotel proudly standing in a field, where there were a lot of staff and prices starting from 300,000. After announcing the price list and our grimaced faces, the staff began to show where to go for the “chip room”, or rather, they began to catch up with us and shout that, they say, you have to go “there”. While we were driving somewhere there, a guy followed us and offered us a room for 50,000, but with cold water... but with a TV (in Bali, by the way, a rarity for ordinary homestays). His words were incredibly surprising, I spent a long time trying to get an answer from him, whether he had messed up anything, showed the amount on his phone and even waved a 50,000 rp bill to make sure that he definitely hadn’t messed anything up.

Having followed him somewhere deep into the island, after about 15 minutes of driving through the mountains we found ourselves at a very decent homestay, where, judging by the reaction of those who met us and the slap on the head to this guy, he clearly messed up something, but he told us that everything was okay, pay later and gave me a jar of coffee mirinda.

Penida Mountains

Then I took him for a ride on the bike, because he showed where you can fill up with gasoline (here it’s called “bensin”, and not petrol, as in Bali). According to his “Eeeee... ohoy... aaaaa!” and periodically grabbing my clothes, I realized that I was driving somehow too quickly for this area, although in Bali I always trail behind. But anyway, I’m now his best friend, just like the Frenchman who checked out of the hotel this morning. Only here it dawned on us that the phrase: “I have a friend from there,” among Indonesians actually means: “we exchanged a few words, and I know where he’s from, although I have no idea who he is.” Sometimes words are confirmed by a joint photo on a mobile phone.

Together with us, an Indonesian family examined the rooms, the head of whose family filmed everything on camera. When they were getting ready, a girl came up to me and asked me to teach her father English, to which I replied that I myself was not particularly Master Yoda and, apparently, had offended them.

Apartments in a miracle hotel. Guest room with TV, bedrooms to the left out of frame

Having checked into the wonderful hotel, we went to have dinner, which also turned out to be not an easy task. We traveled around the surroundings of the port and the village of Sampalan, which is nearby, and found only a couple of warungs. We took one of them by storm and ordered classic nasi goreng (“fried rice” in Indonesian), paying 12,000 rp for two servings and two bottles of tea. Well, that’s it, I thought, the fairy tale has begun, with such and such a freebie in prices for food and hotels. Although hotels in the port area started from 150,000 rubles, we found a superchip in the mountains.

One of the bedrooms. We had something like this, only bigger

This is a real Indonesian shower. It's called "mandi". Water is drawn into this micro-pool and then you pour water over yourself with a ladle. The toilet is in the same perverted Indonesian style: a standing one, in Russia they call it an army one.

However, in the evening in the “superchip” the show “mine is yours, don’t understand” began. We thought that since it was so cheap, we could spend a night or two here, but in the reception house there were completely different people who were not there when we checked in: a young guy and an uncle. Realizing that there was a language barrier between us, I drew a comic about “I, sleep, room, two, night, and pay, price, 100,000 rp.” The guy looked through the comic and said that it was never about Batman and the room cost 150,000 per night. Attempts to explain that I was promised a different price led nowhere. The uncle's diplomatic actions - pouring two glasses of milk and giving me a plate of cookies, if only I would go to bed - were met with a cold wall of refusal on my part, and then they called a black demon of an English-speaking man, who came and explained that the devil was the one who brought us here He brought us in, looked wildly stupid and said the price for Indonesians (for visitors it’s three times more expensive, he confused us with the locals, well, it happens) and in general he’s no one to call here (but his name sounds something like Mukak). After a short argument, during which everyone froze, as a cold mountain wind was blowing, which witnessed our difficult conversation, the English-speaking Nusapenian reduced the price to 70,000 rp. and wrote out a check for payment at my request, so that there would be no more misunderstandings. But at first he knocked off up to 100,000 rp, saying that the room has an air conditioner, but after my remark that it didn’t hit the mark and somehow we weren’t hot, the Angloman said “well, if you don’t use the air conditioning, then 70 thousand.”

Reception house

With a bit of a feeling of remorse, but not without a share of joy for the victorious bargaining in the negotiations, we went to bed. In the morning, in the dark, we went to buy tickets to Nusa Lembongan and go there.

At a distance of 12 km south of Bali there is a small island - Nusa Penida. The Balinese consider him damn place, where black magic conspiracies are committed and an evil demon lives. Criminals, unreliable people and sorcerers were sent here for a long time. The island, measuring 19.4 km by 13.7 km, covers an area of ​​203 km². The island's relief is represented by three plateaus. The lowest is the northern one, located on the same level with the ocean and facing the water. This is the most populated part of the island. The main infrastructure facilities and large settlements are concentrated here.

In the central part of Nusa Penida, at an altitude of 450-520 m above sea level, stretches a hilly ridge. The third plateau occupies the southern part of the island, its height is 200 m above sea level.


For a long time, the island was inaccessible to tourists, as the Indonesian government only recently lifted the ban on tourism development. Now the situation is changing for the better.

Nusa Penida is not a place where you can spend a good multi-day holiday. There is an acute shortage of food and fresh water. They are imported from Bali. There are no lakes or rivers that have a source. During the rainy season, many streams and rivulets appear, but with the cessation of rainfall they quickly dry up. For the same reason, agriculture is poorly developed. The main occupation of the indigenous population is growing algae on the coral shallows.

The island is home to the Indonesian Bird Sanctuary, home to endangered bird species.

Free entry was only opened in the 2000s, for this reason Nusa Penida is practically unknown in the world of tourism. Infrastructure development has begun recently. There are hotels, restaurants, ATMs, cafes, but there are too few of them. But in principle there are no entertainment complexes, such as water parks, dolphinariums, etc. The whole appeal of Nusa Penida lies in its coastal area.

The most best beaches with dazzling white sand are located on the western and northern coasts. Crystal Bay is a heavenly landscape created by Mother Nature. The lagoon is located between the islands of Nusa Penida and neighboring Nusa Ceningan and is an excellent place for diving and beach holidays. There are other beaches where you can swim, but not everywhere, because the coral reefs approach the very shore. Most often, farms engaged in the cultivation of algae are based there.

Hotels are concentrated in settlements near seaports. These are the town of Sampalan - the capital of the island and the village of Toyapake. Places must be reserved in advance. Here you can rent a motorbike, boat or bicycle.

The roads are new, of high quality, but only those that run along the coastline. In the interior the islands are deserted and there are no signs on them. It is impossible to move along them without a map, since often there is no one to tell the right direction.

The most stunning pictures in Nusa Penida are the sunsets. Beautiful pictures You can take pictures against their background from anywhere in the unpopular Penida. There are not many places on our planet with such a play of colors.

Things to do

Civilization has practically not affected the life of the local population. Therefore, it will appeal primarily to ecotourism lovers. Active tourists can go on excursions to karst caves, visit ancient temples and watch a huge population of unique birds.

The size of the island allows you to visit places worthy of attention, in one day of light. Despite the fact that Penida is located next to Bali, the differences between them are too obvious. First of all, this concerns the Balinese dialect, which is over a thousand years old and is spoken by the inhabitants of Nusa Penida. The differences in the architectural development of the settlements are noticeable even with a superficial examination; it will be even more interesting to get acquainted with the Muslim part of this magical island, the Toyapakeh area.

Despite the fact that the Bird Sanctuary is constantly replenished with endangered and exotic breeds of birds, the territory has no official status. Therefore, protection programs do not work as expected. There are a lot of poachers here, although the local population actively helps the environmental movement. Thanks to this, many populations of endangered birds have been restored.

As you take the coastal road to the northwest, you can see fishing boats. A sure sign that the coral reefs here come almost close to the shore and there is an opportunity for snorkeling. Equipment for this can be rented on the Blue Lagoon beach. Prices there are low. A complete set for 24 hours will cost 30 thousand rupees.

Thousands of divers come here every year. There are over twenty diving areas around Penida. Coral reefs here occupy an area of ​​1,400 hectares. IN last years Diving centers were opened here and it became possible to book underwater excursions directly on the spot.

Travel around the island

To see the most interesting places in one day, you should plan your route in advance and start best from Atuh Beach.

Atuh Beach

It is located in the eastern part and hidden in the bay. Here you can watch the most beautiful sunrise, when a huge ball rolls out from behind the top of a mountain located near Lombok. You can see how the golden path connects the two islands. The best place to celebrate a new day, not a beach, but a house in the branches of a tree that grows on a hill nearby.

Teletubbies Hill

What strikes you first of all about Nusa Penida is the variety of landscapes that replace each other. Half an hour's bike ride to the west and you find yourself in a vast world of green hills.

You need to stock up on food for the day, since it is almost impossible to find a store or shop here.

Spectacular Kelingking

A hand-shaped rock divides the beach into two unequal parts. On the left the coast is covered with black sand and dark stone blocks, and on the right there is dazzling white sand and an azure sea. You can get down by a narrow bamboo staircase along the rock. It will take at least an hour to go down to the sea and then up again. Dusk falls on the island quite early, so it is better to plan your descent in the morning. Many vacationers are intimidated by the height of the cliff and the steepness of the path, so they prefer to enjoy the surrounding beauty from the observation deck.

Tembeling Forest

Going to Tembeling Beach, located in the south, you will certainly find yourself in the last remaining corner tropical forest, which in ancient times covered the entire island. Next, the road leads to a cave, after passing through which you can exit to a platform overlooking the ocean. You watch how the waves crash noisily against two-hundred-meter cliffs, and it takes your breath away. The place is really very beautiful, and you need to visit here at least once in your life.

Broken Bay or Pashikh-uug

This is what they call a fantastically beautiful coastal rock in Balinese. If you look from above into the depths of the sea, then with luck you can see turtles and elegant manta rays. A five-minute walk from this place you will discover a hidden natural reservoir with emerald-colored water that has no equal. At low tide you can swim in it.

Crystal Bay

Crystal Bay Lagoon is an ideal place for snorkeling. It's great here. Tourists who come here spend more time in the water than in sandy beach. The underwater world of the lagoon is very diverse; schools of colorful fish will scurry around you. Here you can meet clown fish or Nemo and sea turtles, swim with stingrays and sunfish. This place is the busiest of all and is the hallmark of Penida. There are shops on the shore, which in itself is a rare phenomenon in these parts.

An untouched paradise forty minutes from Bali contains not only unique natural beauty, but also many interesting places.

Karangasari Cave

4 km north of the Suana settlement you will find a cascade of limestone caves with large stalactites. At the entrance to the caves there is a ritual temple, which is mandatory for Hindu believers to visit. To enter the sanctuary, you must remove your shoes and bathe in holy water.

On festival days it is crowded and you will not be able to enjoy the beauty of the temple in a calm atmosphere, but you can listen to mystical chants and witness the ceremony. Another temple, a Buddhist one, is located in the caves themselves.

Pura Penataran Ped

The second most important temple is located between the settlements of Simpalan and Toyapake. Place of pilgrimage for Balinese Hindus. The prayer said in it protects against illness and protects against death. The architecture of the temple is grandiose and pompous, and makes a striking contrast to the tranquil landscapes of Nusa Penida.

The complex is represented by five sites, each of which has its own role in the prayer service.

The first prayer is read in its northern part, in the palace of Batara Barun. Next, believers go to the purgatory of the temple: to a garden with a pond in which a lotus grows. The next point on the route is the temple of magical power, located in the western part. Hindus then visit Pelebaan Ratu Mas in the eastern part. And the ceremony ends in the center of the complex, in the Bale Agung Temple.

Mundi Hill

Another religious architectural project is located in the heart of Penida, in its highest point. The complex is represented by three temples: Beji, some of whose premises tourists are not allowed to visit, Krangkeng and the Puncak Mundi Temple, which keeps the secrets of ancient Bali. Prayer services are held in the same order. Going to this place you will meet a large number of monkeys. They do not show aggression, but they cleverly steal tourists’ belongings.

The religious complex is located in the village of Batukandik. A paved road leads here from the harbor. By car or bike the trip takes about an hour. The route is mountainous and unsafe, so transport must be in order.

You can get to the island through Bali by water. If you do not plan to take rented transport with you, then you should use the services of a speedboat or public sea transport. Bali has six ports from which you can sail to Penida.

Padang Bai

You can take a speed boat or public ferry. In the first case, the fare will cost 75 thousand rupees, and in the second - 31. Traveling by ferry will take twice as long. But you can bring a bike (50 thousand Rp) or a car (300 thousand Rp).


Beach in the vicinity of Semarapur. Among the proposals - only a speedboat, because there is no port. The trip will take no more than half an hour, and the fare is 100 thousand Rp.


You can go to Penida by speedboat (75 thousand Rp) or a public boat. The first ones depart every half hour from 6 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., and public transport departs once a day, at 6 a.m.

Benoa Harbor

From this port you can go to Penida by cruise ship. An entertainment program will be offered to your attention. The ticket price is $42, and the travel time is 45 minutes. The ship leaves at 9 am.

Pantai Sanur

There is no port here, but due to the popularity of boat trips, you can depart from this point at any convenient time from morning to 16:00. The operators working here will offer speedboats. Most cheap option– 125 thousand rupees one way.

Nusa Lembongan

Water transport from all parts of Bali docks here. You will be taken to Nusa Penida Island by public transport for $4 or you can rent a boat from local residents. It's not worth paying more than $19, so bargain.

If you have never been to the island, then comfortable travel It is better to use the recommendations of experienced tourists.

There are few ATMs here, and those that accept Visa and Mastercard are located in two settlements: Sampalan and Toyapaka. There is a limit, you can withdraw no more than $185 per day, so think about cash in advance.

You can stock up on everything you need for traveling around the island in Sampalan supermarkets. In the mornings there is a market where you can find inexpensive vegetables and fruits.

Along the way there are sometimes villages with cafes. But the menu there is much more modest than in Bali. European cuisine is served only in large restaurants. They are also located only in Sampalan.

The majority of the population does not speak English, so dialogue will not work in most cases.

Hotel rooms are more expensive than in Bali. This is explained by their small number and lack of competition.

If the night is far from Sampalan or Toyapak, then you need to find the head of the village community, he will help with accommodation.

The Internet here is poor or non-existent, remember this.

Nusa Penida has not yet been developed by tourists, there are bad roads and there are no entertainments usual for the much-hyped Bali, but after visiting here, you will get a sea of ​​the most amazing impressions and take with you a piece of this magical island.

3 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Offering an outdoor pool and free WiFi, Saka Boutique Hotel is located in Nusa Penida, 15 km from Seganing Waterfall and 27 km from Pulau Djerbu Viewpoint. I liked absolutely everything! We stayed from March 12 to 14, rented two rooms with friends. Without hesitation, take and stay with Sam Saki! confirmation comes as quickly as possible, after which you can contact him via WhatsApp, and this wonderful person helped us with everything: he organized a round-trip speedboat for us at a discount, organized a transfer from the hotel to the speedboat and the same thing upon returning to Bali, organized drivers twice for east tour and west tour, agreed on a private boat for snorkeling, provided, if possible, a room where you could take a shower before leaving. A pleasant surprise was that we were met and taken to the pier with our suitcases without asking for it. Excellent hotel, fresh rooms, air conditioning, safe, excellent mattress, everything is in good order, good plumbing (but be prepared for the fact that the bathroom needs to be locked with a key, as there is natural air conditioning of the room - a window without glass))) but this does not suit us at all interfered. Swimming pool, sun loungers, balcony!) From the entire trip to Bali and nearby islands (two A's on Nusa Dua, four in Ubud, good hotel on Gili Trawangan) - it was Nusa Penida that captivated us and left us with the most vivid impressions, and Sam Saka undoubtedly contributed to this. Breakfast a la carte, normal, no frills, in general, the same as on the whole island. Overall, this is a wonderful person and a wonderful hotel! We have recommended Sam Saka to all our friends and will definitely come back to him again! Everything was great!!! We booked 2 rooms. Mr Sam Saka is a great host who helped us with everything: he made us a discount for the speedboat, organized transfer fro the hotel on Bali to speed boat two times (on the way to Nusa Penida and back), organized two cars for east and west tour trips, made a reservation for a private boat for snorkeling, kept us from and to speedboat harbor himself on his car. The hotel is great and new one. It was really great weekend. Thanks, Sam Saka, we will come back for sure and will recommend your hotel to everyone who is going to Bali!)

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Hotel Arsa Santhi Nusa Penida 3 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Offering an outdoor pool and terrace, Arsa Santhi Nusa Penida is located in Nusa Penida, 10 km from Seganing Waterfall, 18 km from Pulau Bay Viewpoint and 2.9 km from Dalem Temple... I liked the very prompt service, I didn’t have time to book a room, and they were already going to meet me at the port. We checked in quickly. The room is clean and comfortable. The bed is very large and comfortable, I couldn’t get up in the morning as I wanted to soak up. The bed linen is white and clean. Basik, sunbeds, towel - everything is in order! Toothbrushes, soap, shower gel available.

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Kampuak Cottages 2 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Kampuak Cottages offers 2-star accommodation in Toyapakehe. It features a garden and terrace. This 2-star hotel has a 24-hour reception. Great location, really pleasant and clean rooms, but the thing that makes this such a good place to stay are the staff. All of the people are incredibly helpful and generous with their time and advice. Thanks for making our visit to Kampuak Cottages that much better.

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Kamasan Cottage 3 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Kamasan Adults Only Cottage features a garden and terrace for adults only. This 3-star hotel offers concierge and ticketing services. Nice, new place, where we stayed for one night, when visiting Nusa Penida. Very friendly and, what’s important, very helpfull staff. Not far away from the harbor for walking but we were offered free pick up. The breakfast (included) very tasty. If you want to see the island, don’t hesitate, stay in Kamasan Cottage.

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Ogix Cliff Paradise 3 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Ogix Cliff Paradise Hotel is located in Nusa Penida, 11 km from Pulau Serbu Viewpoint. It features a ticket service, non-smoking rooms, a garden, free WiFi and a bar. Very friendly staff.

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Pradana Beach Inn Luxury 4 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Pradana Beach Inn Luxury is located in Nusa Penida, 17 km from Pulau Seribu Viewpoint. It features non-smoking rooms, an outdoor swimming pool, free Wi-Fi and a garden. Wonderful pool, wonderful staff, comfortable rooms, beautiful view of the ocean, good breakfast.

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Pandawa Beach Resort and Spa Luxury 5 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Offering an outdoor swimming pool, a garden and a terrace, Pandawa Beach Luxury Resort & Spa is located in Nusa Penida, 17 km from Pulau Djerbu Viewpoint. Responsive and nice staff, very tasty dishes in the restaurant, tomato soup is absolutely awesome. The mini villas are beautiful and clean. So we liked everything when we went, prepared for the worst, but when we arrived we were amazed! Well done guys!!!

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Semabu Hills Hotel Nusa Penida 4 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Set in the tranquil hills of Nusa Penida, the hotel offers stunning views of the island and sea. It features an infinity pool and a restaurant serving delicious Asian cuisine. Very big room. The hotel is very nice, beautiful view, good breakfast.

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Bintang Penida Resort 3 stars

Hotel in Nusa Penida

Offering a garden and bar, Bintang Penida Resort is located in Nusa Penida. The place is extraordinary. (Read details.)I dont think you will find a place like this for nusa penida. It is very clean. Bathroom is classy. With blue led light the furniture are all expensive and all class. Even the room furniture are all new and expensive. Everything is clean and every morning the staff clean your room. The pool is big great and clean. The towels quality is really good, soft and fluffy. You have towels at your bathroom your bed and at the pool. This you can find at most of places. (Only 1 towel at your room normally). You have slippers at your room and dental kit.The staff is super friendly. They help with whatever you need. Another great thing is FOOD. Their plates are really delicious and cheap for penida. (1 avocado chicken salad + 1 pica margarita + 2 main dishes +a big bottle of water) not exceding 20 euros or 300k IDR for 2 ppl. Another thing to be mentioned is that they have pick up and drop off service from the harbor to hotel for free. (other hotels around 20 euros additional). Even if you are staying somewhere else l recommend eating here. Exceptional. You get more than you are paying for. Comparing to other places (l stayed at 2 places in penida). So everything is really good. No cons for this place. The owner and staff will make you feel really good. What can I say more. 👌👌👌❤❤❤

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