Excursion plan for the new Crimea. We learn Taurida correctly or by car in the Crimea with knowledge of the matter

It was told how we compiled the route to the Crimea, what we paid attention to and how we corrected it. We made a video for better understanding. In the second part, let's get down to the fun part. We will draw up a route around the Crimea, as well as search for interesting places and sights that we will mark on the map and transfer to a smartphone.

Route across the Crimea by car.

Let's get started. First, we will make a route through the cities of Crimea. The starting city is Kerch. We will refer to it the entire nearby district up to the village of Primorsky. For visualization, we recommend creating a travel plan in Google maps. To do this, you need to create a map:
1. We go to the service "My Cards" at this link ;
2. Click on the button "create new map» and get into the editor mode;
3. The world map has opened, we find and zoom in on the region of interest, we have it in Crimea;
4. In the left menu, click on the layer without a name and rename it to "Kerch";
5. In the same menu below, we change the display type of the base map to “satellite” - its advantage is that you can see trails and country roads suitable for driving by car:

6. Now it is worth deciding on the route in the Crimea. First, it is made preliminary, after marking the sights it is already brought to its final form:

7. You can sketch a route in several ways, we showed it by the example of adding routes. The purpose of the sketch is to determine the list of cities, the cities will be waypoints and layer headers, we have the following list:
7.1. Kerch;
7.2. Feodosia;
7.3. Ordzhonikidze;
7.4. Koktebel;
7.5. Sunny Valley;
7.6. Sudak, Meganom, New World;
7.7. Marine, Zelenogorye, Malorechenskoe;
7.8. Radiant, Alushta;
7.9. Utes, Partenit, Gurzuf;
7.10. Nikita, Massandra, Yalta and up to Katsiveli - Big Yalta;
7.11. Foros;
7.12. Balaclava;
7.13. Sevastopol, Inkerman;
7.14. Bakhchisaray;
7.15. Simferopol;
7.16. Evpatoria;
7.17. Olenevka, Mezhvodnoe, Guarding;
7.18. Belogorsk - the final point, after it to the crossing to Kerch.
The result was a route around the Crimea, covering all the main resort towns, we show on the example of the entire Crimea, by analogy, you will draw up your plan for the region you are going to.

Route across the Crimea. Search for attractions.

Next, we proceed to search for sights and mark them on the map. Let's show on the example of the first point - the city of Kerch. We start with the banal - we drive the query "Sights of Kerch" into the search engine and look at the result. Immediately in the first line, sights are shown in pictures, we write them out:
1. Mithridates - mountain;
2. Fortress Kerch;
3. Yenikal lighthouse;
4. Church of St. John the Baptist;
5. Yenikale - Turkish fortress;
6. Panticapaeum - an ancient settlement on Mount Mithridates;
7. Kerch Museum;
8. Tiritaka - an ancient settlement;
9. Lapidarium.
We get acquainted with the description of the sights and decide for ourselves which of them I would like to visit. For example, we do not like exhibitions and museums. But the ancient settlements and fortresses, as well as natural beauties, are to our liking. Having sifted out the superfluous, we start searching for the coordinates of the sights. We drive “mountain Mithridates - Kerch coordinates” into the search engine, we look at the results - as practice shows, a lot of the desired sights with coordinates are on the wikimapia website, continuing to compile a route in Crimea, you can search for coordinates directly on this site.
1. Copy the coordinates 45°21’2″N 36°28’10″E from it, drive it into the search bar on the map we are creating - we are shown a point that we add to the Kerch layer:

2. Edit the point - choose a color, write a name, description, you can add a photo to understand what it is on the journey. You can add an icon from existing ones or upload your own:

3. It turned out that the city of Panticapaeum is located here, 2 items from the list are in one place, this is how this item looks like after editing:

4. By the same principle, we act with the following attractions, which happened after adding:

5. Next, we study sites, maps, blogs of travelers, we search for “attractions in the vicinity of Kerch” on request. The longer you search, the more you will find little-known, but worthwhile places that will be interesting to visit. For example, ancient cities were searched on this map:

After such a search, the following sights of Kerch and the surrounding area were added:
1. Melek-Chesme barrow;
2. Fort Totleben;
3. Settlement of Nymphaeum;
4. Settlement Ilurat;
5. Bulganak mud volcanoes;
6. Opuk nature reserve;
7. Crypt of Demeter;
8. Adzhimushkay quarries;
9. Settlement of Parthenius;
10. Settlement of Porfmiy;
11. Lake Chokrak;
12. Royal mound;
13. Kazantip nature reserve;
14. Lake Tabechik;
15. Cape Chauda;
16. Unfinished NPP;
17. Arabat fortress;
18. Ancient settlement of Acre;
19. Elken-Kaya - rocks in the sea;
20. Mud volcano Dzhau-Tepe.
There are 29 attractions in total. Believe me, this is not all. Kerch is famous for underground passages and perhaps even cities. Many mud volcanoes are not included in this list. Crimea is truly rich in sights. Even the first point of the trip is enough to diligently explore and enjoy the variety of noble places for 2 weeks, the final route through the Crimea is full of icons, like a Christmas tree. There is a risk, especially with ancient cities, that you will not be able to find them if their location was determined from a map from the Internet.

See the video below the article for a good example of planning and a bonus - places suitable for spending the night in a tent and with convenient car access.
Following the example of Kerch, we are doing the rest of the cities, we hope the algorithm for searching and compiling a route is understandable.

Route across the Crimea. Route between attractions.

If you are traveling with a tent or by car, you should also find and mark the proposed places for spending the night. It is more problematic with a car, not everywhere there is an entrance to the sea. If you spend the night in hostels, hotels, hotels, also mark them on the map in order to plan a route to sights from them.
You can plan a route right away, but we do not recommend doing this. It is not known for sure where you will be able to spend the night. For ourselves, we chose the most correct option for us: to make a plan in the evening, before the day of following the route, or directly in the morning. All this is done on a smartphone.

Route across the Crimea. How to download tags from the map and transfer to the phone

Now we need to download the labels, for this we do as in the pictures:

Finding a file

We find this file in the downloads folder and transfer it to the smartphone. You can transfer to your phone in the following ways:
1. Through USB cable;
2. Send by email;
3. Bluetooth, in general, in any way, like a regular file or music.
Then you need to find this file on your phone and open it with the navigation app. Ours is Maps.me. We recommend it to everyone, it is free, does not require an Internet connection, there is information about springs, attractions, shops, etc. The main thing is to download maps of places where you will go in advance. You can also create routes and drive along them.
This is where we end the story of how we worked out the route through the Crimea, the trip along which we made in May 2016. For a better understanding, do not forget to watch the video, everything is clearer there. Thank you for your attention, ask questions in the comments and share your thoughts and experiences!

Route across the Crimea. Video:

The true pearl of the Black Sea is deservedly the Republic of Crimea. This is one of the most beautiful corners modern Russia. Due to the variety of natural beauties, original history and mild climate, the peninsula has been attracting millions of tourists for decades. It has everything that even the most sophisticated vacationer, curiosity seeker and incorrigible romantic dreams of. Enchanting views landscapes create majestic mountains, picturesque bays, beautiful beaches, cliffs, caves, forest reserves and an abundance of vegetation.

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Emerald warm waters of the Black Sea, luxurious palaces and historical monuments cultures, parks and squares, a combination of mountain and sea air. Only an independent trip on a personal or rented vehicle will provide an opportunity to experience the absolute freedom of travel without limitation of distances and time. Among the variety of noteworthy resort towns and places, it is important for tourists to determine what to see in Crimea by car.

For a thorough acquaintance with the famous sights of the peninsula, a rented car is ideal. Such a voyage option will allow tourists to go on an exciting and comfortable journey along the desired route, without burdening themselves with finding the right public transport flight and studying the travel schedule. You can make stops on scenic stretches of the road and take as many things as you need with you.

Renting a car in Crimea is as easy as in other civilized countries. Many local rental offices provide their services here. It is recommended to book a car a few months before the trip through an online aggregator that will select the best rental offers from trusted local car rental companies. Thus, the client will be offered a large selection of cars of different classes at an affordable price. You can get a car directly upon arrival at Simferopol airport or specify any locality where the customer will be delivered the transport.

It is important to remember that before making a lease it is necessary to study the terms of the contract. You should pay attention to the subtleties of insurance, limiting the daily mileage of the car, the amount of the deposit and the general pricing of the rental. All information is detailed on the websites of aggregators. Upon receipt of the car at his disposal, the tourist must definitely conduct an external and internal inspection of the transport for damage.

The territory of the peninsula is pierced by an extensive network of roads. Routes to famous resorts Crimea runs through the steppe regions and steep mountain serpentines. Being in cities and towns, you can leave your car in the parking lot and go on an exciting walk. Most of the sights of Crimea are located along the vast coastline of the peninsula.


At the eastern tip of the peninsula is the hero city of Kerch, whose historical record dates back to the 6th century BC. This small port place has been of great strategic importance for centuries. The city stands on the strait of the same name, connecting the waters of the Black and Seas of Azov. There were fierce battles for the possession of this piece of land, as evidenced by the walls of the Yeni-Kale and Kerch fortresses. The citadels are masterpieces of fortification art of the 18th-19th centuries.

Kerch is famous for its abundance of historical sights. On one of the well-groomed seaside streets stands the Church of John the Baptist. The Byzantine-style church was built in the 8th century. Mount Mithridates rises in the center of the city, and you should definitely climb to the top of it. In fact, it is a hill 92 meters high. To get to the highest point of the mountain, you need to overcome 436 steps of a staircase decorated with sculptures of griffins (mythical winged predators) and vases. From the slope, tourists can see an amazing view of the city, immersed in greenery, the obelisk of glory to the Soviet troops, the "eternal flame", as well as unique ancient ruins.


The eastern resort of Crimea, Feodosia, hospitably welcomes its guests. The city, located at the junction of mountains and steppes, attracts tourists with beautiful landscaped streets with picturesque parks, magnificent sandy beaches and cultural and historical museums.

The visiting card of Feodosia is the embankment with a characteristic architectural color. The appearance of the main street of the resort is determined by the 19th-century villas. The facades of the buildings are decorated with columns, arches, towers and terraces with balustrades. Shrubs and flower beds are planted along the alleys. Spread out near the embankment picturesque parks where you can relax in the shade of trees. Walking around the city, you can see many monuments, ancient churches, fountains and playgrounds.

An unforgettable impression will leave tourists visiting the national art gallery named after I.K. Aivazovsky. The richest collection of seascapes is located in the personal home of the world famous artist, who was born in Feodosia. You can also visit the museum of another talented master - the writer A.S. Green. This is a literary and memorial institution that demonstrates to visitors the environment in which the famous romantic writer lived and worked.

Sunny Valley

Tourists who prefer solitude with the surrounding nature without the hustle and bustle will love the village of Solnechnaya Dolina. This place, located 12 kilometers from Sudak and 3 kilometers from the sea, is considered one of the most sparsely populated in the Crimea, even in the midst of the summer season. Severe huge rocks, forming a group of picturesque cliffs, tightly surround the settlement and protect the area from cold winds. Forest plantations and vineyards set a special tone for the local landscape.

The best grape varieties are grown in the Sun Valley, which is facilitated by a special microclimate. It is warm and sunny for more than 300 days a year, and there is little rainfall. The heart of the village is the winery named after Prince L.S. Golitsyn, founded by him in 1880. Among the abundance of exotic plants and flower beds are hidden long tunnels of cellars with barrels and bottles of a noble drink. In the tasting room, tourists are offered to experience the unique taste of several varieties of wines.

The nearest pebble-sand beach is located in the village of Pribrezhnoye. Along the coastline, you can find guest houses for vacationers and a green alley with stalls and small cafes.

New World

Among the juniper groves and pine forests, framed by majestic rocks, there is a small town - the New World. Coastline cut by cozy windless bays, in which Ottoman pirates have long sheltered their ships. A winding serpentine of roads permeates the hilly terrain that surrounds the village. The resort was born thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of Prince Lev Golitsyn, who in 1878 founded winery. Barrels of wine were stored in the caves of the rock formations.

The amazingly beautiful landscapes of the New World make a memorable impression on travelers. Tourists are advised to walk along the Golitsyn trail to see the breathtaking Crimean nature. The road consists of stone steps carved into the side of the mountain, enclosed by a curb. The trail, 3 kilometers long, runs along a cliff above the edge of the sea coast and under high rocky canopies. Overcoming the path, you can visit the grotto carved into the rock by the waves. Its height is 30 meters. The cavity of the cave is occupied by stone arches.

The end point of the Golitsyn trail is Cape Kapchik. The rocky ledge resembles the outline of a lizard that quenches its thirst with the waters of the Black Sea. This is a natural border between two bays with steep mountains. Here the sea waters are striking in their transparency and the cleanliness of the pebble beaches is pleasantly surprising. Nearby rises the highest coral reef in Europe - Mount Sokol (472 meters).


The sunny city of Sudak is located on the coastal highlands of the southeast of the peninsula. The resort is great for families with children. There are many sandy beaches, as well as a gentle and safe entrance to the sea. A narrow avenue of cypresses leads to a lively and well-maintained embankment, replete with entertainment venues. There are pleasant places where you can spend time measuredly surrounded by lush subtropical vegetation.

The main symbol of Sudak is the legendary Genoese fortress. This is a unique architectural monument of the medieval Crimea, erected at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries by the colonialists from the Republic of Genoa. The citadel stretches along a steep cliff, from where a picturesque view of the city's surroundings opens, and occupies 30 hectares of territory. The fortification consists of powerful battlements and quadrangular towers, the height of which reaches 15 meters. The historical building harmoniously fits into the sea and mountain landscape.


You can take a walk through the historical and memorable places where the legendary "Prisoner of the Caucasus" was filmed in one of the best resorts southern coast of Crimea - Alushta. The city is framed by a chain of majestic mountain ranges, which contributes to the constant circulation of air currents. The long and wide central embankment is dotted with fluffy crowns of evergreen coniferous trees, under which rows of benches lined up. In addition to a separate alley with restaurants, iconic symbols of the city are located on the embankment. These are a rotunda with six columns, a monument to the Olympic "Mishka", a fountain "Boy with a fish" and a large park with an abundance of plantings and flower beds.

Noteworthy are the surroundings of Alushta. You should definitely visit the Valley of Ghosts on the slopes of Mount Demerdzhi. This is literally an open-air natural museum, where, as a result of weathering, huge stone pillars have taken bizarre shapes. The dense fog that settles on the valley gives a special mystery to the figures. Walking through these places, you can see the famous tree, from where the hero of Yuri Nikulin threw nuts. The rock formations of the valley, which have their own names, are fascinating. For example, you can see the rock "Catherine's Head", because it resembles the profile of the Empress.

30 kilometers from Alushta there is an amazingly beautiful church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The church, built in the shape of a lighthouse, is dedicated to the lost travelers at sea. The temple is crowned with a golden cross instead of a dome. In the basement of the shrine there is a unique museum of maritime disasters, in which the walls and ceilings are decorated with shipwrecks.


most famous and popular resort Republic of Crimea is the unsurpassed Yalta, which is definitely worth a visit. it business card south coast of the peninsula. mountain ranges, landscaped parks and squares, palm and cypress groves, the azure Black Sea and many interesting places full of sights, give a special entourage to this city.

The long sea promenade of Yalta is a favorite street of tourists and locals, where you can take a pleasant walk, admiring natural beauties. Alleys of palm and coniferous trees, sculptural compositions, marinas with yachts and a lot of entertainment for every taste delight the eye here. Along the promenade, ancient buildings of the 19th century lined up in a long row, the facades of which are decorated with columns and roof balustrades. The embankment is chosen by street musicians and artists.

Being in Yalta, there is an opportunity to go on an air travel by cable car, which passes over the ancient streets of the city. Tiny double cabins make the ascent up to Darsan Hill. During the trip, you can see the gilded domes of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and historical buildings. From a height of 138 meters offers an amazing panoramic view of the city.

Pleasant impressions will be left by the park and palace complex in the village of Massandra, which is 5 kilometers from the center of Yalta. On a mountain slope, surrounded by forests and well-groomed alleys, there is a castle built for Emperor Alexander III. Causes delight beautiful architecture three-story palace. The facade is decorated with galleries, balconies, towers with spiers. The terraces are framed by balustrades with flowerpots. In front of the building is a small artificial pond with goldfish and a fountain. Those who wish can see the interior decoration of the premises and get acquainted with the conditions of the royal life of those times.


The legendary naval port of Sevastopol is located on west coast Crimea along several bays. Fanned by the spirit of historical glory and great achievements, the hero-city abounds with numerous sights that will not leave anyone indifferent. The architectural ensembles of the city reflect the greatness, valor and honor of the Russian people.

Start your walk with central square Nakhimov. The monument to Admiral Pavel Nakhimov, the memorial wall of the defense of Sevastopol with a relief image of a warrior, the Walk of Fame and the Eternal Flame attract attention here.

Near the square is the Count's Quay, the main entrance of which is a snow-white colonnade with a massive attic, built in 1846. Going down to the sea along a wide staircase, you can see a monument to scuttled ships 20 meters from the shore. The monument is presented in the form of a seven-meter column mounted on a granite rock and crowned with a bronze eagle.

Grafskaya pier smoothly turns into the embankment, from where a panorama of the Sevastopol Bay opens. The powerful Mikhailovskaya and Konstantinovskaya batteries stand out in particular, providing protection against the entry of the enemy fleet into the sea area of ​​​​the city. Pleasant impressions are left by Primorsky Boulevard, which is adjoined by a picturesque alley with lawns, trees, fountains and numerous architectural structures. There is a theater, a palace of culture, an oceanarium and a dolphinarium.

The museum complex "35th Coastal Battery" should be an obligatory point of view of the hero city. During the defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942, the fortress with artillery guns in the Cossack Bay to the last rebuffed the fascist invaders. On the territory of the complex there are two battery towers, a pantheon in memory of defense heroes, gun exhibits and military equipment.

In the vicinity of Sevastopol, there are the largest ancient Greek ruins, which are of cultural value for mankind. This is the national archaeological reserve Chersonese-Tauride. Tourists have a unique opportunity to walk around the city founded in 420 BC. On a vast territory of more than 500 hectares of land there are ancient ruins, columns, fragments of buildings and structures. A significant place in Chersonese is the Cathedral of St. Vladimir. According to legend, Prince Vladimir converted to Christianity here in 988.


In a mountain gorge, among dense vegetation and far from the coast, there was once the capital of the Crimean Khanate, which existed under the patronage of the Ottoman Empire until 1783. This is the colorful city of Bakhchisarai. Narrow streets with small old houses immerse you in the atmosphere of antiquity.

The main pearl of the city is the vast quarter of the residence of the Crimean Khanate. This is a palace complex of structures that forms a labyrinth of unique oriental buildings. Two-story buildings are decorated with openwork window bars, high minarets, galleries and murals reflecting the traditions of Tatar culture. On the territory of the complex there are gardens, fountains, gazebos, utility buildings, a harem, a stable, baths, a falcon tower and a mosque.

Walking through the small rooms of the khan's residence, you can pay attention to oriental luxury. The halls of the palace are decorated with bright floral ornaments, decorative patterns, and carpets. In addition, there is a museum of culture, art, history of the Crimean Tatars.

After getting acquainted with the traditions and lifestyle of the Crimean Khan, it is recommended to go to Chufut-Kale. This is one of the masterpieces of cave cities, located on a rocky plateau of a sheer cliff 600 meters high. Here, in the Middle Ages, mainly Karaites lived, professing a religious doctrine similar to Judaism. AT stone formations economic and residential premises were skillfully cut down. During the time of the Crimean Khanate, a mint was located in the cave fortress.


Simferopol is the capital of the Republic of Crimea and the gateway to the peninsula, which welcomes tourists arriving at the international airport. This is where it starts an amusing trip by car. A highly developed transport network of roads leads to absolutely any resort places in the Crimea. Most travelers are often carried away by a trip to the coast, so Simferopol is left without due attention. However, in the city there is something to see and where to walk.

The central street is Lenin Square, on which there is a monument to the leader of the proletariat, the building of the government of the republic and the academic theater. You should walk along the pedestrian Pushkin Street. Ancient buildings of the 19th century lined up along the boulevard. The Gagarin Park is replete with plantations, well-groomed lawns, fountains, monuments, memorials, shops and entertainment areas with attractions. The central part of the vast territory of the park is occupied by a lake with a small island in the middle, which can be reached by catamaran.

Worthy of attention is the ennobled Vorontsovsky Park with a botanical garden, full of flowers and rare plants. More than 200 types of roses of all colors of the rainbow are grown here. In the garden, you can retire to gazebos, walk along narrow forest paths or along wide alleys under the crowns of tall trees. On the territory of the park there is a small estate of Count Vorontsov with classical columns. The hallmark of Simferopol is the railway station, built in 1951. The majestic building is decorated with a clock tower and an elegant arcade gallery. The architectural ensemble forms a courtyard with a broken square and a fountain.


The amazing resort of Evpatoria is one of the few Crimean cities that combines comfort, entertainment and cultural monuments architecture. lovely sandy beaches, wondrous beautiful parks, a refined embankment with endless entertainment venues and various historical buildings evoke enthusiastic feelings among tourists.

Evpatoria is famous for its religious architectural buildings. You can see the multi-domed Juma-Jami mosque, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, temple complex ancient Karaites, Armenian church, synagogue. Shrines reflecting cultural heritage different peoples, amaze with beautifully designed facades. The city is full of sculptures and monuments dedicated to the historical past, famous figures, fairy-tale characters. For lovers of active and cultural recreation there is a water park, a dolphinarium, a zoo, a theater and a museum.

Cape Tarkhankut

The pearl of the western part of the peninsula is Cape Tarkhankut. This place attracts tourists with its pristine and untouched by civilization nature. The lack of vegetation is compensated by numerous coastal cliffs rising vertically from the sea. For a thousand years, waves and wind have carved caves, arches and stone blocks of bizarre shape along the coast.

Among the enchanting view of the landscape, the natural aquarium "Bowl of Love" deserves attention. This picturesque place is a heart-shaped pool surrounded by boulders. The bowl is filled with water thanks to an underwater tunnel pierced by waves in the coastal rocks.

In the article we tell in detail how to independently reach the Crimea by car in 2019. We share tips on traveling to Crimea by car from Moscow (and other cities) for 2019. We will tell you about how to cross the Kerch Strait by ferry and tell you where to buy ferry tickets in advance.

The route to Crimea can be easily made by any navigator or application like Maps.Me, 2Gis, Google Maps and Yandex.Maps. The main route to the Crimea lies through the M4 (E115) "Don" highway. On the highway, you need to get to the port "Caucasus", and from there by ferry to the Crimea (until the bridge is built). We describe the route in more detail below.

Route Moscow → Crimea by car (2019)

The main route from Moscow to Crimea by car:

  1. From Moscow (MKAD) exit onto the M4 Don highway and move towards Voronezh, bypassing it.
  2. Then we move along the M4 highway to Rostov, going around it as well.
  3. From the M4 highway we turn after the Kislyakovskaya sign and move to the Kislyakovskaya station.
  4. After all, we move along the main points: Leningradskaya - Kanevskaya - Timashevsk - Slavyansk-on-Kuban - Temryuk - Port "Kavkaz".

Note: Be careful and after the traffic police post in Ilyich, look for the sign “Sea Terminal”.

On the road Moscow - Crimea, you can seriously get stuck in traffic jams for many hours, to help you avoid them, we wrote below.

Toll sections of the road M4 "Don" (Mokva → Crimea)

There are paid sections of the road on the M4 Don highway. The fare is not high and fully justifies itself: the roads are maintained in good condition. The infrastructure is also well developed here.

Do not try to bypass toll sections of the road in the hope of saving money. Driving around these sections will only increase your travel time and fuel costs by 15-20%. In addition, bypass free roads are often inferior in quality to paid ones at times.

As for prices, they are lower on toll roads at night (from 00:00 to 07:00).

If you move along toll sections of the road from Moscow to Crimea by car, then at night the total amount will be 540 rubles, and if during the day from 7 am to 12 am, then 840 rubles.

If you have a T-pass transponder installed in your car, then a trip during the day will cost 597 rubles, and at night 420 rubles.

Fare for toll sections of the M4 Don highway (Moscow - Crimea)

Problematic sections of the road on the Moscow-Crimea route

There are 3 main problem areas on the Moscow-Crimea route:

  1. At the entrance to the village of Losevo in Voronezh region. (excl. 22:00 to 07:00)
  2. Road in front of Rostov-on-Don
  3. Railway crossing in Timashevsk

Note: Many locals ready for a fee of 500 rubles to show the detour.

In order not to stand in a traffic jam for hours and not pay an extra 500 rubles, there are several options to bypass these sections of the road.

  1. Bypass Losevo

In order to bypass the problem area with Losevo, it will be enough to lay a road through the neighboring villages: Sredny Ikorets - Liski - Kamenka - Pavlovsk.

Note : such a detour can take about 50-60 minutes (90 km).

  1. Road detour in front of Rostov

Here you can use 2 options:

From M-4, you need to turn to Novocherkassk, and then move along the Bolshoy Log-Aksai route.

For directions to the Crimea, many drivers use an alternative route: the village of Krasny Kolos - Krasny Krym-farm Leninavan - Koisuga - Novoaleksandrovka. And then Michurinets-3, through Peshkovo to the villages of Starominskaya and Staroderevyankovskaya (Kanevskaya).

  1. Bypassing the problematic track of Timashevsk

The main problem in Timashevsk is the traffic jam near the railway crossing. Therefore, resourceful drivers find workarounds.

Ignoring the ring road to Timashevsk, we continue to drive further towards Krasnodar. It is necessary to find a turn into the city on the street "50 years of October". Then we move to Shevchenko street, here you need to turn and go to Brativ Stepanovyh street. Further to Profilnaya street, where we cross the railway crossing and head to Pobedy or Voroshilov street.

You can also ignore the road through Timashevsk and take a different route: Highway M4 - the village of Kanevskaya - Bryukhovetskaya - Novodzherelievskaya - Grechanaya Balka - Slavyansk in the Kuban.

By car through the Kerch Strait

On a ferryboat

Most questions arise about crossing the Kerch Strait by car. In order to get to the Crimea, you need to get to the port "Kavkaz" and take a ferry. After the introduction of electronic ferry tickets, life for motorists has become much easier: many hourly traffic jams have been reduced significantly.

Note : during a storm, ferries stop running.

If you bought a ferry ticket in advance, then you move in a special (priority queue) and do NOT wait for hours in a general queue, which can stretch for several hours. You can buy tickets on the official website gosparom.ru.

Photo © sovraskin/flickr.com

Documents required for the crossing:

  1. Passport for each person in the car
  2. Birth certificate of the child (if there is a child in the car)
  3. Vehicle registration certificate
  4. printed e-ticket or money to buy a ticket at the port.

Note : On the ferry and in the port, food and water prices are high, so it is better to take care of food and water in advance.

Ferry prices to Crimea

How long does it take to get to Crimea by car?

How long it will take to get to the Crimea by car is very difficult to say for sure. It all depends on how many stops you make, staying in hotels or eating continuously (taking turns driving), whether you get stuck in traffic, etc.

  • 1maps
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From Moscow you can get to the Crimea in about 20-22 hours. From Moscow to the port "Kavkaz" for 19-21 hours + about 1 hour ferry crossing to Kerch.

From St. Petersburg to the Crimea by car to go about 30-32 hours.

Travel to Crimea from Voronezh will take about 13-15 hours.

From Rostov you can drive to the Crimea in 7-8 hours.

Where to stay on the way to Crimea

Many hotels along the M4 highway are designed just for those who travel by car and spend no more than a day in the hotel. If you are going to travel to Crimea by car in 2019 with stops, then here is a list of inexpensive hotels and hotels along the way:

Note: It is best to book a room in advance and with free cancellation.

21-93 km Moscow region.

For those who travel to the Crimea from St. Petersburg, you can stay in hotels along the M4 highway in the Moscow region.

  • Vidnoff Hotel - 3 stars, rooms from 2,700 rubles per day. per number
  • Guest house Relax Domodedovo - from 2,200 rubles per day. per number
  • Guesthouse Motel Zorina - from 1660 rubles per day. per number

93-414 km, Tula region and Lipetsk region. Hotel Marseille gosparom.ru.

  • Watch the weather at the crossing. During a storm, ferries stop running between the mainland and Crimea.
  • Observe the speed limit. If you do not want to bring home fines for several thousand rubles from a trip, then it is better to observe the speed limit. A large number of traffic police posts are located after Rostov-on-Don and in the Tula region. Do not forget about the cameras, which can send "letters of happiness" for a tidy sum.
  • Do not avoid toll roads on the M4 highway. Going around them, you can lose a lot of time and money (+ 15-20% gasoline costs). On some detours of toll sections of the Don highway, the speed is no more than 40 km / h, and the quality of the roads is not the best for traveling by car. There are no checkpoints and many cameras on the toll sections of the road on the Don highway, here you will not be fined and you can relax (however, it is better to observe the speed limit).
  • Try to allocate time so that you come to the village of Losevo in the Voronezh region. between 22:00 and 07:00. At this time, there are few cars and the risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam is less.
  • If you are planning to do overnight stops along the way, then look for inexpensive hotel options.
  • When traveling to Crimea by car with kids We advise you to stock up on water and plenty of toys. Also, at stops, it is best to take the child out of the child seat and let it move more. If the child is very small, then you need to give him a massage.
  • To track traffic congestion to Crimea, it is best to download an application that shows traffic jams. The same "Yandex.Traffic" will do, but you should think about the Internet. The same application will help you avoid traffic jams.
  • Crimea is a separate story that must happen to everyone. It has absorbed an amazing amount of beauty, sights and simple human joys in the form of blooming lavender or breakfast, along with mountain echoes on the seashore.

    It is better to travel around the Crimea by car. So you can choose the route yourself and take your time to enjoy every moment, which opens up a lot for the autotraveller. The whole trip may take about 5 days, but any seasoned tourist advises to increase this period by at least three times.

    Most popular route

    One of the most impressive car routes in the Crimea:

    • Kerch - Feodosia - Planerskoye (Koktebel) - Sudak - Novy Svet - Zelenogorye - Yalta - Alupka - Ai-Petri - Scientific.

    Only about 500 km one way.

    Kerch – Feodosia

    The Kerch ferry crossing itself is already an attraction. A kind of mini-sea voyage. Crossing the water section of the path from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the weather. During this time, you can fully enjoy the seascapes and feel like a little sailor. From Kerch to Feodosia by car to go a little over an hour.

    One of the main advantages of the city is the lack of congestion. There are always tourists, but there are not too many of them, so walks will turn into enjoying the scenery from the embankment without unnecessary pushing with your elbows.

    It is best to leave the car in a shady place and take a walk. In this way, you will bypass the entire city in a few hours.

    Legendary Kaffa

    Interesting places in Feodosia:

    • Aivazovsky Gallery;

    Aivazovsky is the best marine painter in the world. Viewing his creations is a true aesthetic pleasure. Starting a cultural program from this place is the key to a successful holiday and the right attitude for a further journey.

    • Green Museum;
    • Column of Constantine;
    • Genoese fortress.

    Do not forget to take a walk around the surroundings near the fortress, but be careful - in some places the seashore is very steep. By the way, have you ever seen capers bloom? Not? Nothing, having been here, fix it.


    It bears two names, the second is Planerskoe, which the place owes to Mount Uzun-Syrt and comfortable winds. Also in Soviet years competitions between glider pilots were held on the mountain different countries a truly historic place.

    You can spend the night here, there are many places. Decompose faster to enjoy some of the most beautiful views of the Crimea that open from the Uzun-Syrt (Klementieva) mountain for a longer time.

    Separately, it must be said about overnight stays in the Crimea for car travelers. All along the peninsula scenic spots for camping. There you can safely leave the car in the designated parking lot, dial drinking water and spend the night. Although the highlight Crimean rest is the ability to sleep anywhere.

    To spend the night, you just need to turn off the busy road. A dream in a mountainous area will leave a special impression, where the stars are closer and the landscapes are colorful.

    • Mount Klementieva;
    • Starfall of memories;

    A place where dreams come true. All guests talk about the special energy of the space, which is felt more subtle if you enjoy it in the air while flying on a hang glider or paraglider.

    Starfall of memories
    Golden Gate
    Mount Klementieva

    Do not forget to swim on the beach of Koktebel, wash off the "air dust" after the flights.

    • Kara-Dag;
    • Golden Gate.

    Sudak - New World

    If you decide to visit the Genoese fortress again, remember that the entrance will be paid, unlike the entrance to Feodosia.

    For those who spent plenty of time on the stone walls of ancient structures, they will especially like relaxing holiday New World with its picturesque bays with places for camping, where you can spend the night.

    Don't pass by!

    the most memorable places in the New World:

    • Golitsyn trail;
    • Grotto of Chaliapin.

    Golitsyn trail
    Grotto of Chaliapin

    Take water and lunch with you. If you do not have a thorough experience of walking on steep mountains, it is better not to go off the tracks. The Crimean mountains are famous for their steepness and high danger of falling down.

    You can stay on the trail all day, there is something to see and take unforgettable photos.

    Important point! Practically in any historical or simply beautiful place The Crimean peninsula can be entered for free. To do this, you need to have ingenuity, courage and be ready for adventure. And of course, ask experienced travelers how to do it.


    The advantage of traveling around the Crimea by car is the ability to independently lay a route. Near Zelenogorye, you definitely should not follow any strictly established tourist routes. Give space to creativity and spontaneous desires. Feel free to turn off the road if it seemed that there, around the corner, something beautiful and new was waiting. Don't refuse to take risks. The most interesting impressions usually arise precisely after unexpected actions.

    So it is in the Crimea - here, wherever you turn, you will always see something fascinating. Greenland is no exception: waterfalls, tracts, trails, beautiful views. The choice is large.


    On the way to Yalta, there is the city of Alushta, which, unfortunately, may not leave the most pleasant impressions. For example, you can’t just get parking for a car, you must definitely rent a house. Therefore, this town is just passing by for the time being.

    But the surroundings of Alushta delight with their mountains Kastel, Denerdzhi, Chatyr-Dag, fortress ruins and the Valley of Ghosts.

    The pearl of the peninsula and its surroundings:

    In the lower reaches of the mountain, there are many offering to “bring up” for a certain amount. If you have your own car, it’s better to drive by yourself, of course, if you don’t want to walk and enjoy the beauties of the mountains.

    The most common way to get up is by cable car. The trailers, although old, are made to last and there is no particular risk when climbing. It is best to have a bite to eat at least an hour before the ascent, so that once at the top you don’t go to numerous eateries and enjoy the beauties in peace.

    Ai-Petri is truly one of the main symbols of the Crimea, so there are many of those who are interested in your pocket. Checkpoints, merchants, guides - remember, you can do without all this.

    Back down, you can remember that you have a car and try out a good serpentine road leading through the plateau.

    • Grand Canyon.

    It is there that the road from the serpentine leads after Ai-Petri. You need to set aside a whole day to see it. Be sure to take your time and charge your cameras.

    Glade of fairy tales
    Vorontsov Palace
    grand canyon


    Nauchny is an urban-type settlement in which the Crimean Astrophysical Laboratory is located. There are several small museums, observatories, telescopes and the atmosphere of real scientific experiments.

    In Nauchny, it will be good to stop for the night.

    Tired of car life and dusty roads, you will be happy to find yourself in a cozy, quiet hotel away from the hot sun, which is really less there thanks to the densely growing pine trees.

    Summing up

    This route involves 500 km of travel to see only a part of the most interesting sights and fascinating landscapes. Crimean peninsula. Of course, if you wish, you can go back by a new route or continue your journey further. It all depends on time, effort and your desire.

    Each person periodically experiences an acute need for new experiences, a change of scenery and relaxation. It is important to listen to this desire. However, you don’t always want to change everything around you drastically: climate, cuisine, people, spend time adapting. Especially when it comes to holidays with children. It is also not always convenient to trust your vacation to travel agencies. What to do in this case?

    The ideal option would be a vacation in the Crimea, organized independently. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Let's figure out how to go to the Crimea on your own.

    Travel plan

    First of all, you need to collect as much information as possible about where you want to go. There are only five large cities in Crimea, and each of them is interesting in its own way. Decide which one independent rest in Crimea you prefer: beach and relaxed or active, with hiking and sightseeing. The more you describe your future independent Crimean trip, the easier it will be to plan a route and create an entertainment program.

    Secondly, you need to decide on the duration independent travel to Crimea. How long will your entire vacation take? How much time would you like to spend actively, and how much relaxed, how to relax in the Crimea? Be sure to study the main attractions, excursion programs and trips that are offered, compare the cost, read reviews. Make a preliminary travel plan to the Crimea yourself.

    Thirdly, you need to calculate the budget of the trip. To do this, you need to study the prices of tickets, housing, find out how much you spend on food, how much entertainment costs, how much you want to spend on gifts and souvenirs. It is most convenient to plan costs as follows. Allocate a separate amount for tickets and accommodation. Decide in advance which excursions you want, set aside money for them. Find out how much you are willing to spend on souvenirs. The money left over for food, travel and inexpensive entertainment is best divided by the number of vacation days. So you get a daily limit that you need to fit into. It is very important to keep track of expenses while traveling independently in Crimea, this will help control spending.

    Fourthly, you need to book tickets and rent accommodation in Crimea on your own. Collect all the necessary documents, take care of the insurance.

    The stage of planning an independent trip to the Crimea can take a lot of time. You don't need to be afraid of it. The magic is that the more time you devote to preliminary preparation, careful collection of information, analysis, calculations, choosing the best accommodation, the most interesting places and programs, the better you can organize everything, the easier and more enjoyable your vacation will be.

    When is the best time to go

    Admirers of the Crimea, of course, argue that it is wonderful here at any time of the year. The choice of season depends on the purpose of the trip as a savage.

    If you are interested in seeing natural sights, admiring waterfalls, lush, fresh greenery, walking a lot, then April and May are recommended. At this time, Crimea and travel are especially good, the rivers are full-flowing, it is not hot and there are not so many vacationers.

    If an independent trip to the Crimea has the goal of sunbathing and swimming, of course, you need to go in the summer. The sea is warm here from May to October, the season starts in June, the most popular time is from mid-July to the end of August. At this time, there are especially many tourists here, there is a strong heat, fruits ripen and prices rise significantly for everything.

    If you want to swim and go sightseeing, but at the same time not to push on the beaches and not overpay for everything, then you should go here in the fall, starting from mid-September. It's not so hot anymore, people are starting to leave, prices are dropping, and the water in the sea is still warm and comfortable for swimming. We can say that September is the ideal time to make an independent trip to the Crimea, as the reviews testify.

    A few words about winter. Winter recreation has never been a strong point of the Crimea, although there is snow in the mountains. You can go skiing or snowboarding in Ai-Petri, there is all the necessary infrastructure: slopes and lifts, equipment rental, cafes, shops, guest houses. You can take an instructor. There are trails near the Marble Cave and on the Angarsk Pass. The center of winter tourism in the Crimea is Yalta.


    The fastest way to get to Crimea is by plane. major airport is located in Simferopol, it is here that the main Russian airlines operate flights. There are direct flights not only from Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is easy to fly from the regions: Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Perm and other cities.

    Independent travelers in Crimea with experience assure that the plane is not only the fastest way to get to the Crimea, but also the cheapest.

    It is most convenient to purchase air tickets through the service for several reasons:

    Also in favor of the service is the ability to choose an airline, the time of departure, arrival, the ability to see in advance how long the journey will take when choosing one or another option. Buying tickets is very easy with a credit card.

    Airfare low price calendar

    Check airfare prices:

    How to get there by car

    The option of an independent trip to the Crimea by a private car is considered one of the most inconvenient, this is due to the problems that arise on Kerch ferry. Therefore, motorists often leave their cars before the crossing and continue on by bus or ferry. It may also be difficult to cross the border.

    The most popular way for today, how to go to the Crimea, is through the Krasnodar Territory to the ferry from the port "Caucasus" to the port "Crimea". The car can also be transported by ferry, paying for this from 1700 rubles. You will have to wait quite a long time for your turn. The situation is a little easier at night and on weekdays. If you wish, you can go by a rented car if you live very far from the Crimea, but cannot imagine your life without an iron horse. You can rent a suitable car. If you are going on an independent trip to Crimea by car, remember that parking fees may be required.

    How the ferry works

    You can get acquainted in detail with all the information related to the operation of the ferry, the cost of travel and the purchase of tickets on the official website gosparom.ru

    Let's list the main things you need to know. Ferries run around the clock, departing once every hour. The journey takes 40 minutes.

    Children under six years of age are entitled to free travel. A ticket for a child under the age of 12 costs 80 rubles, for an adult 150 rubles. The free baggage allowance is 25 kg, everything that is carried in excess costs 10 rubles per kilogram.

    You can buy an electronic ticket in advance on the website indicated above. The ticket must be printed for independent travel to the Crimea.


    There are many accommodation options in Crimea. The search technique includes only two options: on the spot or in advance via the Internet.

    In Crimea, the method of self-searching for housing on the spot implies a certain risk. Despite the fact that there are many offers at least in season, at least not in season, there is a chance that in the period from mid-July to the end of August you will not find what you want. Of course, they won’t leave you completely on the street, but the location can be inconvenient, the conditions are not very comfortable, and the cost is high. Therefore, it is better to deal with the issue in advance.

    The rental price depends not only on the season, but also on the city. For example, it is more expensive to live in Yalta, it is cheaper in Alushta. Cheap housing can be rented in Feodosia, Sudak. Sevastopol is also considered an expensive city. To budget options include Bakhchisaray, settlements in the suburbs of Evpatoria, Koktebel, which is distinguished by the presence a large number good and inexpensive hotels.

    Booking hotel rooms on RoomGuru

    Find a cheap hotel from RoomGuru right now:

    Renting an Airbnb

    Airbnb is an excellent resource that, on the one hand, helps to save money, as it offers options without intermediaries, and, on the other hand, guarantees reliability and security. The site will require you to register. It is important to fill out a profile in detail, tell about yourself, this increases the likelihood that the owners of the accommodation you like will agree.

    Here you can find not only standard hotels and hostels, but also interesting unexpected options, like a castle. The site allows you to communicate directly with the hosts, find out all your questions and pay for the reservation safely. If you wish, you can also offer your housing for rent.

    Airbnb is a really good way to find a cheap place to stay, save on brokerage fees, and make new, interesting friends. Read more about this service written.

    Required documents

    Due to the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia, the conditions for entering its territory for citizens of the Russian Federation have become much easier and more pleasant. A visa is not needed for the trip, entry is possible with an internal Russian passport. You must bring your child's birth certificate with you.

    The only exception is the road through the territory of Ukraine. For such entry, you will need a foreign passport. If a trip to Crimea takes place with a child without a second parent, then you will need to issue a notarized consent to take the minor abroad and, of course, a foreign passport must also be issued for the baby.

    Main attractions

    There are a lot of interesting places here, it makes no sense to list everything, so we will focus only on the most popular ones.

    The castle "Swallow's Nest" can be called a symbol of Crimea. It is located on a steep cliff, beautifully hangs over the sea, looks especially romantic against the backdrop of sunset.

    Famous Livadia Palace, Messandrovsky Palace. These are imperial residences. In Alupka, there is another symbol of the peninsula - the Vorontsov Palace, surrounded by a magnificent park. The Nikitsky Botanical Garden is famous for its unique collection of rare plants; the pride of the garden is the rose garden.

    These were the main attractions South Shore. What to see on the West Coast?

    Here, first of all, the hero-city of Sevastopol is of interest, in which the famous monument to the sunken ships is located. Not far from the hero city are the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Tauric Chersonesos. This monument is included in the UNESCO list. In Evpatoria you can visit the medieval monastery of dervishes.

    Ruins of the ancient Greek city of Tauric Chersonese

    The east coast is famous primarily for its beaches. The city of Sudak is interesting here with its ancient Genoese fortress. The neighboring Novy Svet offers a visit to the Golitsyn's house-museum, during the tour there is a tasting of champagne wines. In Kerch, you can visit the ancient Turkish fortress Yeni-Kale. In Koktebel is the main natural attraction of the Crimea - the ancient dormant volcano Kara-Dag. Here you can also admire another symbol of the peninsula - the Golden Gate, an amazing rock of an unusual shape, which turns golden in the rays of the sun.

    Genoese fortress in Sudak

    The Crimean mountains are also magnificent. It is worth going to the Marble Caves, climb Mount Ai-Petri, enjoy the ride on the cable car to the observation deck, admire the Crimean waterfalls. The most beautiful and powerful waterfall in the Crimea is Dzhur-Dzhur, water flows from a height of one hundred meters. Also in the mountainous part is the famous Bakhchisarai with the Khan's Palace and the "Fountain of Tears".

    There are also many fascinating places for children in Crimea. Not far from Yalta, you can visit a private zoo, there is also a wonderful town "Glade of Fairy Tales", which is liked not only by kids, but also by adults. Almost every resort town of Crimea has a water park, an amusement park. There are several dolphinariums on the peninsula, the largest in Europe is located in the Cossack Bay of the city of Sevastopol.

    Buy cheap and interesting excursions can be on the website.

    Approximate travel cost

    Let's take a calculator and figure out how much an independent trip to Crimea will cost for one person living in Moscow. Let's say that it was decided to rest in Crimea from June 13 to June 26, 2016, Yalta was chosen for vacation.

    A direct flight from Moscow to Simferopol and back will cost 10,673 rubles. Next, you still need to get to Yalta. A direct trolleybus runs along this route, the ticket price for it is 98 rubles. You can take a bus and get there for 110 rubles. The total cost of travel will be about 11 thousand rubles.

    We choose housing. The most inexpensive option is a place in a hostel dormitory room with a bunk bed. For twelve nights, such accommodation will cost 5280 rubles. Guest house with a place in a superior quadruple room - 16,200 rubles. The simplest hotel with an economy class double room - from 18,000 rubles.

    The Airbnb website offers accommodation in a separate room in an apartment from 628 rubles per day. For twelve days - 7536 rubles. Total accommodation, depending on the degree of comfort, can cost from 5280 to 18,000 rubles and more. Consequently, travel and accommodation will require from 19,000 to 40,000 rubles.

    Meals in Crimea depend on whether you eat in cafes and restaurants or manage more modest options. In a cafe, a salad costs from 50 rubles, a barbecue from 200 rubles, a cocktail from 130 rubles. Fruit from 100 rubles per kilogram, seafood from 80 rubles per serving. There are many grocery stores, you can buy in them and cook your own food. Consequently, food and travel local transport you need to lay at least 1000 rubles per day. Total 12,000 rubles for the entire holiday in the Crimea.

    Excursions from 700 rubles, entrance tickets can still be added to the cost.

    Gifts and souvenirs. A box of local sweets costs from 190 rubles, wine from the Inkerman factory from 120 rubles per bottle. They bring teas and herbal teas, dried fruits, souvenirs from shells, cosmetics, fish from Crimea. How much to spend on gifts? It is difficult to answer this question, someone carries a lot with them, someone chooses to leave light.

    It turns out that the approximate costs will be from 39,000 rubles per person. Is this a budget trip? In 2017, an independent vacation in the Crimea will only be more expensive.

    How to save

    The advantage of independent travel to the Crimea is that you yourself regulate the cost of the trip. How to vacation on a budget? Here are the main directions for cost optimization.

    • Do not go during the high season (July and August). Prices at this time are significantly, but unreasonably high. A trip in early June or September will give you no less pleasure, but it will cost less than an independent vacation in the Crimea from mid-July to the end of August. The most pleasant and budgetary are independent vacations in May and October.
    • You can reduce the cost of air tickets if you choose not a direct flight, but fly with a transfer. The difference in cost for one ticket can reach up to ten thousand, depending on the city of departure and the date of travel. It is also convenient to use the low price calendar on the service to select the optimal cost, it makes sense to subscribe to a direction and wait for a promotion from the airline.
    • Surprisingly, keeping track of expenses during your trip and planning your budget well will, in and of itself, lower your costs, even if you don't set yourself the goal of saving money.
    • When planning a trip to Crimea, check out the experiences of other tourists, read on the forums about the places you plan to go. People generously share information about interesting but inexpensive shops and cafes. As a rule, such establishments are located away from popular hiking trails, so you need to find out about them in advance.
    • How to save on housing in Crimea? It is better to rent housing not in Yalta or Sevastopol, but in Bakhchisarai, Koktebel or a suburb of Evpatoria. The most budgetary are the smallest resort villages. Use the site to select options.
    • Majority excursion programs you can visit on your own using public transport. There are also closed tours, which can only be accessed as part of tourist group. But there are not many of them.