Calabria Coast ITALY. Open the left menu Calabria

Calabria is the most southern region of Italy, "sock" of the Apennine "boot". This area is called the "caribbeans of Europe" - thanks to virgin beaches, fascinating landscapes and rural charm. The rocky mountains, overgrown with forests, are replaced here by hills with vineyards, and the roads crosses fertile plains extending to the sea itself. Towns in the hills, the ancient Greek temples and the Byzantine churches come across here and there in the countryside, exactly small valuable pearls.

Winter in Calabria is soft weather, and summer is roast and dry. From three sides, the region is surrounded Mediterranean Sea: Ionian from the East, Tyrrhenian from the West and Messinsky Strait from the south. Accordingly, the local air serves as a real balm for urban lungs, and culinary masterpieces - for stomachs.

Cities and resorts

The main resorts are located on the Tyrrhenian and ionic coast of Calabria. The region is divided into five provinces that bear the names of the main cities: Cosenza, Crotone, Catanzaro, Vibo Valentia, Tropea and Reggio Di Calabria. The capital is the city of Katanzaro.

How to get to Calabria

In Calabria, two major airports: Lametia Terme (Lametia Terme) and Reggio Di Calabria (Regio Di Calabria). Regular flights to Rome fly from them, Florence and Bergamo.

Weather in Calabria

On the territory of Calabria allocate three climatic zones: Tyrrhenian sea, ionic sea and mountain. For the first characteristic hot summer, a moderate cold winter and a small amount of precipitation. In the Ionian zone of hot summer days more than in Tirren, so many tourists prefer to spend their vacation here. The climate in the mountain range resembles Alpine: snow often falls in winter, and in summer the average air temperature is significantly lower than on the coast.


Kitchen and restaurants Calabria

Calabrever cuisine is what you need to give a tribute to in full, as one of the attractions of the region. The fundamental ingredient in the local rather sharp dishes is peperonchino and other varieties of pepper. In the village of Diamond in the first week of September, the annual festival of acute Cayenne pepper is even held - an unofficial symbol of Calabria. Be sure to grab "Olio Santo", olive oil, flavored by burning pepper.

Other Calabrian delicacies are sustainable (popular dried sausage), stuffed with anchovies "Aichi Ripieni" and Sardella, which is produced on the ionic coast, in the tiene. This is an acute paste of small sardines, olive oil and all the same peppers.

As for the "hot", here a special place is occupied by liqueurs based on the grade of a local lemon variety - Cedro ("Chedro") and Limoncelllo ("Lemoncello") fortress from 25 ° to 38 °. They are usually drunk after lunch: it is believed that the substances contained in the sister contribute to the digestion. Cedro and LimoncellLo are fed to the table chilled to such an extent so that the bottle is covered with it.

Calabria maps

Beaches Calabria

The coast of Calabria is washed by two seas: Ionian and Tyrrhenian, and the beaches will have any taste: you can spend time in deserted, hidden among cliffs of cove coves or hang out on crowded, well-equipped beaches, which in the evenings turn into noisy discos. The beaches of the Tyrreno coast are sandy, long enough, surrounded by small rocks. Ioncial - more secluded, small and rocky.

In Calabria, you can engage in historical adventure diving: examine the remains of any of more than fifty sunken not far from the ships. Some of them belong to the 4th century BC. e.

Guides in Calabria

Popular hotels in Calabria

Entertainment and attractions of Calabria

Historically, Calabria was one of the poorest regions of Italy, although now the case is slowly changing. But still, the local places are enough for tourists and almost not touched. There are no particularly breathtaking attractions, except for the extraction nature. For example, such as in Praia-a-Mare with its amazing gentle-turquoise sea. Or on the island of Dino, famous for its blue cave, where you can swim in a transparent, like a tear, water surrounded by small fish.

Calabria's coastline is generally a paradise for those who are not a fan of mass lying on the beach and not tied to the whole soul to beach infrastructure. Small sandy beaches and rocky areas are constantly alternate here. And if you go down a little further from the sea, you can find wonderful places For mountain tourism in Calabria: For example, in the mountains aspromonte.

Tourism Center in the region - the city of Reggio di Calabria with long history, National Museum of Great Greece and the Embankment, which Great D'Enutsio read as the "beautiful kilometer in the country." Other attractive cities of Calabria are Gerace (Medieval Cathedral and Castle), a spa skyluchet on the seashore, a styled by Philosopher Campanella, Scale with Antipirat Torre Tarao Talao and Tropea with a shelter of Santa Maria delle Isola. And on the Kender Hill there is a fairly specific attraction: the old province cemetery, consisting of 23 combined cemeteries. it historical place huge square and huge beauty, real City With its own architectural attractions - chapels and gravestone monuments.

It would seem that over the past few decades russian travelers Well studied everything tourist routes And they found out how hospitally and beautiful Italy is pretty.

Calabria is one of the few Italian regions, which remained little-known and not mastered tourists. Our article will tell about this southern Italian area, the features of recreation and attractions will tell our article.

Geographical position

It is not at all by chance that this region, located in the south of Italy, at the tip of the Apennine "boot" is called "European Caribbeans" - here is a special rural charm and charm, beautiful landscapes, fascinating with their almost pristine beauty beaches. The vineyards and orange plantations heated by the hot sun alternate with overgrown forests, rocky mountains and fertile plains. In the picturesque corners, it is possible to randomly stumble upon the Byzantine church or an ancient Greek temple, and at the foot of the hill to discover a small vintage town. It is here that you can see and feel what is not bright tourist, but a real Italy. Calabria, washed by the Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas, until recently there was a popular resort area for the Italians themselves, and today, not many foreign tourists choose this land for relaxing.

Climate Calabria

In this region, it is customary to allocate the following climatic zones:

  • Mountain.
  • Ionian marine.
  • Tyrrenian marine.

Many resorts for tourists who want beach joys can offer Italy. Calabria Rest can offer much more diverse: Beautiful summer beaches and all sorts of water entertainment as on Tyrrhenian coastAnd on the hotter ionic. In the foothills and mountains, significantly cooler summer temperatures, and in winter - even snow.

When is it better to go?

Most of the travelers who have been there in the summer, charming Calabria (Italy). Tourist feedback is told that she opened them on the other, some more "home" side. At the same time, most celebrate the excellent quality of service and the general benevolent attitude of the local population. Better time for relaxing on the sea coast are all summer months, as well as the beginning of autumn. At this time, the water warms up to the temperature from +20 o C (at the beginning of the season) to +28 o C by the end of August and the beginning of September. If the rest is planned more excursion and cognitive, then quite mild, according to Russian standards, in the winter is beautiful Italy. Calabria and in the cold season can provide a lot of opportunities for an unforgettable rest, and even at lower prices.

Popular tourist centers

Most of the seaside cities of Calabria arose only in the second half of the last century and revived only during the tourist season, but there are also places where the travelers are happy at any time of the year.

First of all, this is famous with ancient times the thermal resort of Terme-Luigzhan, located in small town Guardia-Piemontes, that in the province of Cosenza. In the southern part of the Sant-Aufemia Bay, Pizzo is located, attractive not only by its beaches, but also cultural, historical sights.

Sea resorts

In the south of the Tyrreno coast, between the bays of Joya Tauro and Sant-Aufemia, one of the most beautiful and prestigious seaside resorts of Calabria is a trail. This city, thanks to architectural and historical monuments, managed to largely save medieval features in his appearance. Not far from Tropei is the coast of the Gods - Capo Vaticano, the pearl of the coast, which Calabria (Italy) is famous for. The photo, located below, confirms: not in vain proud clean air and beaches, unmatched landscapes and fragrant gardens, approaching the sea, is a beautiful Italian place.

Also on the Tyrrhenian coast is one of the most unusual and picturesque Calabrian resorts - the rocky. In addition to wonderful beaches, this city amazes that all its buildings (this is an impression) simply "grow up" from the cliff. In the old part of the city, the so-called upper rock, attract the attention of travelers Palace Spinelly and Norman Castle, as well as the Church of Scende and Santa Maria D'Episkopio. Lower rocky is a popular sea resort with a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Here you can find hotels and restaurants, playgrounds and beaches, supermarkets and boutiques for every taste and wallet.

On the shores of the Ionian Sea, in the Skvillece Bay, which is in the province of Katanzaro, there is another popular seaside resort - Soverato, in which only 10,000 people live. There are many small villages, famous for their wonderful beaches - "Claim Marina", "Montepaon", "Petrice", "Davoli", and others. In the city itself, you can see three round towers and the ruins of the ancient walls of the city, as well as the Church of the Holy Anthony of Paduansky and Madonna Del Rosario, with the panels of which are opening beautiful views of the bay of Skvillece. It is fairly easy to get to the famous Italian thermal resort Laming Terme.

Types of accommodation

Whatever the trip, please choose and book a hotel in advance. Calabria (Italy) hotels are the following types:

  • The room "Bed and Breakfast" (B & B) is a fairly popular view of accommodation, especially in historical towns, such as, for example, Pizzo and Tropea.
  • Hotels, especially in spa zones, many, distinguished by both starring and diet, the arrangement of the territory and additional services. If the hotel is located far from the sea, then tend to deliver guests to the beach on buses.
  • You can rent in Calabria and apartments, which is especially convenient when relaxing a large family or company. It is necessary to book them in advance, paying attention to the fee for the use of bed linen and cleaning.
  • Today there are suggestions for accommodation and rest in a rural house or on a farm with a nearby garden, vegetable garden and pastures. An interesting option for families with young children - calm rest At home and the wonderful opportunity to learn something new.

Given the fact that many Italians are happy to spend their July or August vacation in Calabria, book a hotel or apartments for this time in advance for about six months.

Beach rest

For those who wish to correct their health on the sea coast for not very big money, there are many opportunities, today it does not have elite and "luxury" resorts of Calabria (Italy). Traveler reviews confirm that this is a fairly expensive country, but rest on the Calabrian coast is several times cheaper than in other regions. On the coasts of the Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas, you can find both well-equipped beaches, and practically deserted, hidden among the cliffs of the bay. At the Tyrrhenian coast, there are mainly sandy and long, and on ionic - small, but also more rocky, secluded beaches. Tell some of them.

Reggio Calabria Province, Italy

In the capital of this Italian region - Reggio di Calabria - you can stay in a hotel or apartments that best book in advance, and diversify your beach vacation for walking on this amazing city With atypical for Italy, the planning of urban streets, as well as visit the museums, churches and castles located here.

Here are the popular beaches of this province:

  • "Costa Viola" is a cozy and white sandy beach, located in the Canantello Commune, which is on the coast of the Messinsky Strait.
  • Bova Marina is specially equipped for vacationers with young children.
  • The beach "Siren" ("Marina Grande") is spacious and clean.
  • "Palmy Tonnara" and "Sierne" - beaches with a well-developed infrastructure.
  • "Marina di Silla" is a wonderful golden beach, close to which popular discos and famous restaurants are located.

Cosenza - "Athens Calabria"

The capital of the province of the Italian region of Calabria, Calebria, Clenets, is located on the merger of two rivers - Krati and Buziento, surrounded by the luxurious vegetation of the mountains.

In this city, you can see the sights of Calabria (Italy), as built in the XI century, the cathedral of the cathedral, interesting in that, right up to the past century, he was in rebuilt. In the middle of the 20th century, the later superstructures were removed, and today you can see the Duomo-Di-Cosenz almost in its original form. In the cathedral itself there are burials of many rulers and noble people of Italy. On Piazza Piazza XV Martzo are located: Rendano Theater, Government Palace, Clean Academy and a beautiful garden, laid down in the nineteenth century, Villa Village. Also in this town there are castle and many churches that can be visited by tired of sunbathing.

Beaches Kozreni

In this province there are beautiful, well-equipped rocky beaches, stretched out by a wide sandy strip from Chirella to Ainell. The lack of them is only one - in the flight order they are crowded, but if you book a hotel with your own beach plot in advance, then the crowd of holidaymakers will not hurt you. On the beaches of Amantei there is no such influx of tourists in the peak of the season, as in the rock, in addition, here is a very clean sea and a downstream bottom, which makes this beach almost perfect for relaxing with young children. Cozy Beach "Praia-a-Mare" - a favorite place of the Italians rest. It should also be noted that Riviera Cozenza is well equipped for active water sports, such as windsurfing, diving and others.

In addition, as well as all Italy, Calabria on his sea coast in the province of Cosenza built so popular with water parks tourists, for example, located near Rossano Odyssey 2000 Zolfara.

Want to relax in Italy in Inexpensive? Calabria is waiting for you!

In the south of the Apennine Peninsula, the Italian Region with the capital of Katanzaro (Catanzaro), washed by two seas - ionic in the East and Mediterranean (Tirren) in the east and Mediterranean (Tirren) in the West. Calabria is five provinces, with a population of almost two million people. A little south-west of Messinsky Strait spread the famous Sicily. Italians love to come here to relax from the bustle, enjoy the sea air and beautiful, crystal blue sea.

Advantages of rest in Calabria

In the south of Italy, especially in Calabria, you can see Italy as it really is. The fact is that this part of the country has never developed the same pace that other parts of Italy and even Europe. And this situation has its advantages. First, economic: in southern Italy best prices At the housing in terms of price-location-quality. Due to the low development rates, most beach Calabria Not yet spoiled and not built up. Lack of mass building helps to find housing a few steps from the sea at good prices.

Beach rest Just begins to actively develop, tourists are not so much, the sea is still perfectly clean, so it is necessary to take advantage of the opportunity to relax here.
Another advantage of the region is the quality of life. In Calabria, there is no so-called "micro-crime". This is one of the few regions where you can not lock the doors of the houses at all. Young people can safely walk along the streets of cities at any time. Unfortunately, this can not boast most European cities.

Beaches Calabria

Since the sea surrounds the region by almost all sides, the beaches are in abundance. IN Reggio di Calabria is more.

Tourist season Calabria since the beginning of June at the beginning of September. Weather round year Moderately warm, and in summer - hot. Since early June, the water temperature is heated with + 20 ° C to + 25 ° C, in July already + 25 ... + 26 ° C, in August sometimes reaches + 28 ° C. The hottest months in Calabria - July and August, the same months are a high season.

The best beaches of Calabria stretched along the coast between the towns Tropea (Tropea) and Capo Vaticano.

Coast of Gods or Costa Degli Dei

Here in the Tyrrhenian Sea stands, sharply breaking down and picturesquely hanging over blue water, the smallest mountain range of Calabria - Capo-Vatican (Capo-Vaticano). The beach (Groutticelle) is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful on the coast of the gods - a long coastal line for every taste: small pebbles, sand and stones closer to the rocks. You can pay for a sun bed with an umbrella or sunbathing on your towel - everything is enough space.

Of course it is beautiful, but quite crowded. But there is an opportunity from Grotticelli Beach to get to secluded, secluded beaches with purest water And white sand. Just take the catamaran by 1.5 - 2 hours and enjoy the magnificent views of the coast and bathing in transparent azure water.

In the evening, a lot of holidaymakers Capo Vatican go to the lighthouse to enjoy a peaceful sunset pattern. From this place offers a beautiful panoramic view of the coast, the Eoli Islands, the Beach of Grothella, Rock Scoglio Mantineo. The setting sun drops into the sea right behind the island of Stromboli.

From the Capo Vaticano, excursions are held several times a week Eolie Islands (Isole Eolie). Excursion to the Islands Stromboli-Panarea-Lipari Volcano lasts all day, there is even a night tour of the volcano. We recommend going to go, because these islands are listed world Heritage UNESCO, and the volcano of Stromboli - still current.

Tropea (Tropea)

Tropea - one of the most beautiful cities Calabria, which is often called the pearl of the Tyrrhenian coast.

His story began during the Roman Republic. They say, just along this coast passed the battle of Pompey and Octaviana. Oktaviano, Augustus, liked a picturesque and comfortable harbor, and he built a trading port here.

But if you believe in other legends, the founder of the cities was Hercules. Returning from Spain, he stopped on the coast of the gods, and so the Tropea appeared - one of the ports of Hercules.

Here life boys always: the people are sitting in cafes and restaurants, go shopping, bathes on city beaches, from sea Port. Sleep sightseeing ships on Eoli Islands.

In the old town on Piazza Ercole Square there is a tourist Information CenterThere you can take a map of the city, free booklets and use Wi-Fi.

Skalea (Scalea)

Another excellent option for beach holidays on the Tyrrhenian coast - city Scale (Scalea) - 8 km of a wide beach strip. Water on the ionic coast, of course, warmer than Tyrrhenan, but in summer it does not matter much.

Amanthea (Amantea)

And if you decide to spend your vacation here in a high season, it is advisable to take care of the accommodation in advance, since there are more holidaymakers here than in other parts of Calabria. But if the beaches, on which the apple has nowhere to fall you, to put it mildly, annoy, then go south, closer to the capital, in the town (Amantea). Tourists there are significantly less and local beaches are great for recreation with young children.

Soverato (Soverato)

If you like the coast of the Ionian Sea, where precipitation and cloud days are much smaller, then pay attention to the beaches of the town (Soverato). Picturesque rocks, in some places close to the water, the smallest white sand and good infrastructure - there is everything you need for excellent holiday. Moreover, it is possible to get here by bus directly from the airport.

Transport Calabria

There are three airports on Calabria:

  • AEROPORTO DI LAMEZIA TERME - Central Airport in the city of Lamezia Terme 20 km from the capital of the Catanzaro region. Flights from large cities Italy, as well as from France, Germany, Great Britain.
  • Aeroporto Dello Stretto. - Airport is 5 km from Reggio di Calabria. It serves only domestic flights, including those that associate the mainland with Sicily.
  • Aeroporto di Santa Anna - Airport in the city of Crotone, carries out seasonal transportation to Rome and Milan.

The nearest airport is outside the region in Naples. Calabria is significant, but if necessary, you can drive here by train: the road will take 4 hours with one transplant, and the ticket will cost at least 41 euros.

Also in Calabria is well developed a ferry message. Basic ports:

  • Reggio di Calabria (reggio di calabria),
  • Vibo Marina (VIBO MARINA)
  • Sibari (Sibari) is located in the north of the region, on the ionic coast.

There are also several small ports serving mostly summer tourist routes.

Tourists without a car move between cities on trains. The compositions go small, only 2 cars
Main Railway Knot - City Reggio di Calabria (REGGIO DI CALABRIA), from which two branches go - one by western coast, toward Naples, the second along eastern coast To Taranto in Puglia.

Some parts of the region can only be reached by car, so those who love a moving holiday, it is better to think about renting a car upon arrival in Calabria.

The history of Calabria is very, very ancient - according to the found rocky drawings, it can be judged that people here lived in the 9th millennium to our era. And the Greek colonists came to the eight thousand years later, the Greek colonists came to the tribes who lived before them. Then Kalabria consistently captured the French, Aragons, Spaniards ...

Pyrrr, Hannibal, Spartak passed through her. And only in 1861 the region became part of the United Isalya.

But, despite non-easy story, Natural cataclysms, the region was able to preserve the spirit, full of harmony and beauty. Here, as in any other place, the features of Byzantine, Albanian, Greek, Spanish and French culture are connected.

But it was precisely the period of Greek colonization that left the most tangible mark in the history of the region. By the way, the word "Sibarrit" also "nodes" from Calabria - so called the inhabitants of the city of Sibaris, known for luxurious living conditions.

So you can see and visit in Calabria?

In almost every town you can find several remarkable old buildings, moreover, it is interesting to just wander through the streets of small towns, which have absorbed the history of the two thousand years!
Little Warning: Going on sightseeing, remember about Siesta - During the day most places closed to visit!

Aragon Castle In Pizzo, it was built at the beginning of the XI century by Normans, but became known thanks to the tragic fate of Joachim Muachim Murat, who was Marshal Napoleon and married to his sister Carolina.
Until now, the castle walls are so strong that they remain unharmed during the devastating earthquake of the beginning of the 20th century, which destroyed many buildings.

Pidigrotta (Chiesetta di Piedigrotta) - very peculiar, chopped in a rock, church in Pizzo (Pizzo). The church halls, which are in the thicker of the rock, contain many statues of saints and whole compositions on religious topics "under the old". Although they are actually made in the XIX - XX centuries, but very organically fit into the gloomy flavor of the room. Very unusual place.

Pizzo is also famous for its truffle ice cream tartiufo. (Tartufo).

For the first time, ice cream was manufactured in 1943 specifically for the visit of Prince Umberto I from Savoi. Tartufo (Tartufo) is a small ice cream ball with filling inside. According to the classic recipe, Tartyufo is made of walnut ice cream, then the ball is collapsed in cocoa to give a saturated dark brown color, and liquid black chocolate is used as a filling.

There is also a TartiFo based on lemon ice cream with Limoncello inside. Now every cafe-ice cream in Pizzo (Pizzo) has its own special recipe for the preparation of TartiFo, with its unique taste.

To enjoy a refreshing delicacy, and at the same time enjoy the sights, best in motion on central Square Republic overlooking Murata Castle.

The Urban Embankment of Reggio Di Calabria is called "the most beautiful kilometer of Italy." The embankment is 2 parallel roads - Corso Matteotti and Via Falkcomat, separated by an excellent botanical garden.

On the embankment attracts the attention of a red building, built in the 14th century in Venetian style. it Villa Dzerbi.. She still belongs to the descendants of Dzerbi from Genoa. At Ville Dzerbi today is held in southern Italy events of the Venetian Biennale of Arts. In front of the Villa Dzerbi installed 3 very peculiar modern sculptures, according to some, they personify the 3 stages of human development.

And still say that sometimes you can see an unusual mirage. It appears at certain points in the Messinsky Gulf, and it is possible to see it only from Regjo-di Calabria.

Pentedatthyl (Pentedattilo) - Ghost City. 40 km from Reggio Di Calabria is the oldest settlement of the region, which existed for more than two millennia, but abandoned by residents two centuries ago due to the devastating earthquake.

And in the twentieth century, a group of European enthusiasts began to restore an abandoned city. Here, no one still lives, but the city is waiting for tourists - the museum and restaurant, craft shops and a store are open.
Nearby there is a town Melita Di-Port-Salvo (Melito Di Porto Salvo), where you can stay, if you decide to stay in this place longer.

Castle Ruffo (Castello Ruffo) - in the town of Silla (SCILLA). In the old building of the XIII century, the residence of Kalabria rulers was previously located, now there is a museum, to get inside which can be in just 1.5 euros.

City of Gerace (Gerace) is known to all as the city of 100 churches, but in reality they remained only 20.

There are many interesting places here:

  • Church of Ottimati or Santa Maria Annunziata (Ottimati, Santa Maria Annunziata)
    - The church was built in Byzantine-Arabic style in the X century, during Saracin. It is worth paying attention to the mosaic floor laid out by the Byzantine mosaic.
  • Madonna del Carmelo - Church among chestnut forests at the very top mountain Plate Monte Poro (Monte Poro), towering at an altitude of 711 m above sea level. Local residents The church sells fresh home products at prices is significantly lower than in the supermarket.
  • Grotto Madonna (Grotta delle Fonti) - in the village of Spiginga - Very beautiful place with lush vegetation. In the grotto there is a statue of Madonna (Madonna Della Fontana), near a very picturesque reservoir. Up leads track decorated with bas-reliefs on biblical themes ..
    By the way, in Spieling produces the famous Calabrian sausage- nduja di spillinga.

Also in many towns, antique castles and cathedrals have been preserved, which have already celebrated their millennia. In one of these cathedrals in the city Cosenza (Cosenza) Stored ancient relic: Wooden crucifixion of the XV century, installed in memory of Isabelle Aragon, the wife of France Philippip III, who died here, returning to her husband from the next crusade.

Cathedral of the XI century - Maria Santissima-Assunta Assunta In Cielo is the largest church of Calabria. Inside the cathedral there are sarcophages of local bishops V-VI in. Special attention should be paid to works of art: Two baked Bark's concession, a marble altar with bronze bas-reliefs Antonio Berti, 19th century paintings and medallion Francesco Jerace. Next to the square in front of the cathedral is a staircase that will lead to the statue of the first episcopa Stefano di Niche and the Apostle Paul.

Vibo Valentia

Vibo Valentia (Vibo Valentia) - "Fame" which was brought by Ndrangheta (Ndrangheta), which arose here at the end of the XIX century organized criminal grouping is less known than the Sicilian goat of Nostra or Camorra, but more powerful (with an annual income of 35-40 billion euros, which is equal 3.5% of ITALY GDP). They say Ndrangeta has long ceased to be a local grouping and reached the level of international criminal corporations.

However, tourists do not care about this account - the interests of the organization affect completely different spheres of life.

In addition to the "mafia" history, in the old town there are many churches, vintage villas, parks. Many tourists also come to Vibo Valentine on Shopping.

Another interesting place In the province of Vibo Valentia- Abbey San San Bruno. Here it is acting monastery, and mountainous terrain and deciduous forests surrounding abbey create a special healing microclimate.

Santa Maria Dell'IZOLA (Santa Maria Dell'isola) is a very impressive spectacle - on the sea in the city of Tropea (Tropea), on top of a hill surrounded by sandy beaches, a snow-white church towers, to which the staircase is conducted in the rock. According to the legend, it was built sailors who were crashed off the coast of Calabria and saved thanks to the statue of St. Mary, which was later installed in the temple. Unfortunately, the entrance is prohibited into the church, but you can enjoy the beautiful species, including from a specially equipped observation deck.

Festivals Calabria

In addition to historical attractions, you are waiting for more fun (and very tasty) entertainment. During the year, several large and very original festivals are held in Calabria:

  • in may The strawberry festival is held here;
  • at the beginning july - Festival of fish-sword, the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the revival of one of the oldest traditions on Earth: Fish hunt - Sword. It was precisely this time that is not by chance - in early July, the sword fish rushes to the search for a partner for breeding. As a rule, these fish are inhabited in the calm waters of the Messinsky Strait.
  • in august Reggio Calabria is held in the Stocco festival - a tasting of fresh or dried cod, prepared in various ways in accordance with traditional recipes. The history of the holiday is rooted in the distant past.

The story began in the 16th century, when Calabria was part of the Neapolitan kingdom, the dried cod arrived at the port of Naples from Norway, then on small boats, the fish was transferred to the south of Italy in the town of Pizzo, where the dried cod was subjected to special processing, as a result of which became very gentle and Soft, ready to use in various dishes. Over time, the dried cod became one of the traditional dishes of the region, and in honor of it annually on August 9 a gastronomic festival is held.

  • August 23 Every year Cavaluccio is celebrated in Reggio Di Calabria - the holiday of Calabrian dance, dedicated to the patron of the castle of St. Anthony.
  • in the end october - Festival of mushrooms is held in Reggio di Calabria.
  • in september - Peperoncino Festival in honor of the Red Calabrian Punch, and many other exciting entertainment.

There are also festivals of bread, wine, sausages, red onions; carnivals and religious processions; FEATING FIRS AND DORY FREEDOM AND MUCH MUCH MY MORE.

Each significant holiday corresponds to its menu, with a clearly defined amount of dishes and accurate observance of all the rules of their preparation. There are many vintage traditions that have been saved unchanged many centuries.

So if you decide to go to Calabria, then you will not be bored for sure!

And in vain, since each region of Italy has its own, different from the other, the atmosphere. Local beauties, virgin beaches, gentle sea - all of this you get in Calabria certainly. Unique Calabria will charm you and will be a pleasant memories in your travel piggy bank.

Brief historical certificate

In antiquity, the Italian tribes lived here, in about 8 centuries BC, Greeks appeared.

The name "Calabria" is etymologically dates back to the phrase, meaning something like "fertile soil".

Some time later, the terrain came to decline as a result of pirated invasions and malaria.

In the 11th century, Kalabria won the Scandinavians. Later, the region was part of medieval states: the Kingdom of Sicily, the Neapolitan Kingdom. Later, the region became one of the battlefields for the combination of Italy.

Well, now Calabria is one of the regions of the country, mostly by the agrarian center. Here are engaged in the cultivation of citrus, olives, grapes and other southern products. In addition, fisheries developed, as well as tourism.

Brief geographical reference and climate

How to get?

The easiest way to get from Lamezia-Terme. The train will go about 1.5 hours, and the cost of the ticket will be around 10 euros.

What to see and do what to do?

The city was designed very and very unusual: straight lines of corners and streets, wide areas. Be sure to stroll along the embankment of Matteottti. Palaces and Villas in Modern style here are moved by excellent exotic trees.

Fans of antiquities will want to see the ruins of the Byzantine Abbey, belonging to the 10th century. And for more preserved beauties, Corso Garibaldi should go to the street! Cathedral of Maria Santissima-Assunta-In-Man - this highest building In the city, and the main temple. Stained glass windows, sarcophagi, bas-reliefs and paintings - which you just won't see in the museum.

Stroll and inspect the Aragon Castle. The medieval architecture has been preserved directly in detail: ditch, random, towers - all elements of the building are what they were intended for.

For those who are tired walking through the streets, you can go to National Museum Great Greece and a little refreshing in his halls. The exhibits are devoted to Rome and Byzantium, these are jewelry, mirrors, marble heads, even painting.

Interestingly, some tourists are going here not south. The fact is that on the slopes of the mountain aspromonte is located ski resort Gambari that functions precisely in winter.

In Reggio Di Calabria, visiting all the sights, relax in the cafe on the waterfront. Looking at beautiful Sicily, through the strait, enjoy the unforgettable taste of coffee Mauro. And you can go to Sicily: After all, it is at all here!

Entertainment, Kitchen and Shopping

Calabrians are quite like to have fun. Therefore, just lying on the beach will not work - folk festivities arrange here for any occasion. Holiday olives, celebration Ricotta! Many products have been awarded their own events because agriculture is so important in the region's economy. These gastronomic holidays are arranged in August. Cities are decorated, the show reigns on the stage, you can try and buy a "day dish" on the fairs.

Where to go to Calabria, you probably want to dine at least once in a local restaurant and try something. The main ingredients here are peperonchino and other varieties of peppers, sometimes sharp enough. So always specify the sharpness of the dishes served to you. Love here and dried sausage, and anchovies.

From drinks - Limoncello Liquors and Chedro.

Food in an inexpensive restaurant will cost about 12 euros, dinner for two in the restaurant in the area of \u200b\u200b40 euros, well, and fast food will cost about 8 euros. It's nice that in many Calabria places there is a special children's menu and a game room.

What souvenirs should be a memory and a gift from solar calabria?

For example:

  • pepper peperonchino;
  • red onion;
  • liquorice;
  • wines;
  • products from cedar.

For kids in Calabria, a beach holiday will be pleasant, but you can find how to diversify your family. Of course, visit the water park !!! ACQUAPARK ODISSEA 2000 is located in Rossano, tourists praise the place for a good organization, cleanliness, the number of rides for the whole family. Aquafans, located in Praia-A Mare, is a much more old water park. It is less, but calmer, and is more suitable for quiet or small children.

Nightlife in all Calabria is not too stormy. Clubs buzz all night only in the largest cities, like Reggio di Calabria.

Rest in Calabria is considered inexpensive, and therefore young people dance right on the beaches where there is no dress code.

Discover the stranger earlier corner of southern Italy: Calabria. Rome, Tuscany, Venice - for hearing already at all. But before the "sock" of the boot comes far from all, but in vain. After all, rest in the village of the charming towns, on clean nature, with a delicious kitchen and an abundance of a variety of beauties will warm the heart at no less noisy excursions "gallop" by the heart of Italy. Go to rural, lazy, bright Kalabria - and have fun "with a bang"!

The Calabria region (Calabria) is located in the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula: it forms the thoughts of the Italian "boot". Almost two million people live here. As part of Calabria - five provinces, the capital is Catanzaro (Catanzaro). The region is located between the two seas: ionic in the East and Mediterranean (Tirren) in the West. South-west of Calabria island (Sicilia); The Messinsky Strait (Stretto di Messina) shares them, its width is in a narrow place - only 3.1 km.

In the relief of Calabria, small elevations are dominated. Climate dry and hot. Here are good conditions for growing fruits and vegetables, as well as for winemaking.

Calabria is perhaps the only region of Italy in which a little historical monuments. This is due to its location: they often visited pirates, destroying and robbing settlements, so investing significant funds in the development of this part of the peninsula were unprofitable. For the same reason, local nature felt the harmful effect of the developed industry in a much lesser extent than other parts of the country. For a long time there were no big cities here; Even less than 100 thousand people live in Catanzaro. Therefore, the Italians love to come to Kalabria to relax from the fuss.

Sad fame region brought Ndrangheta (Ndrangheta). This is the name of the organized criminal group arising here at the end of the XIX century. It is less known than or Camorra, but significantly surpasses their power. According to some estimates, the annual income of the organization is 35-40 billion euros, which is 3.5% of Italy's GDP. To achieve such indicators and for a long time to remain in the shadows allowed the strategy of the leaders of the Organization, which refrain from the open opposition to the authorities and thoroughly hiding their activities. According to some estimates, NDRANGET has long ceased to be a grouping local significance And reached the level of international criminal corporations. However, at the coming to Kalabria tourists, this does not affect - the interests of the organization lie at all in other areas.

History and culture

Founded on the territory of Calabria, rock paintings indicate that ancient people lived here for another 9 millennia BC. Eight thousand years later, Greek colonists came here, to push the tribes who lived before them. Reggio di Calabria (Reggio Di Calabria), the center of the province of the same name, the first in the number of residents in the region, was founded in 744 to our era. The name of the terrain, "fertile land", also gave the Greeks. Another Greek word, "Sibarrit", also "nodes" from Calabria - so called the inhabitants of the city of Sibaris, known for luxurious living conditions.

Despite its remote location, Calabria, it and it turned out to be on the path of the next conquerors or their opponents. Pyrr, Hannibal passed through her. In 410, it was captured by Westges led by the first king Alarich. Here he died and was buried not far from modern City Cosenza. In the XI century, the region was divided into two parts, Latin North and Greek southern. Calabria consistently captured the French, Aragons, Spaniards ...

The region entered the United States in 1861. This delicately affected the economy of the region, and without the bit underdeveloped. Because of the increased competition, many enterprises closed, a significant part of the population emigrated to the United States.

The period of Greek colonization left a deep mark in Calabria's culture, including a significant impact on her kitchen. There are many ancient traditions that are preserved by unchanged centuries. For example, each significant holiday complies with its menu, with a certain amount of dishes and their content. During the year, several large festivals associated with the culinary preferences of local residents are held here. So, in May, the festival of strawberries is held here, and at the end of July - the Festival of the fish-sword, during which you can take part in the underwater hunt.

Lemon lyrics, Chedro (CEDRO) and Limoncelllo, are especially popular from alcoholic beverages. Served them strongly cooled, in injected bottles.


As mentioned above, in Calabria not so many places rich in architectural masterpieces or valuable historical monuments. However, in almost every town you can find several notable vintage buildings, Yes, and just walk through the streets of small towns, many of which exist the second millennium is very interesting. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the cities of Reggio-Di Calabria and Vibo Valentia, which are centers of the provinces of the same name.

Reggio di Calabria (Reggio di Calabria) - the most big city Calabria. Almost 190 thousand people live here.

In Reggio di Calabria is worth a look at aragon Castle (Castello Aragonese), built at Normanha, at the beginning of the XI century. Its walls are so durable that even during the devastating earthquake of the beginning of the 20th century, which destroyed many buildings.

The urban embankment is considered one of the most beautiful in all Italy. In good weather on the horizon you can see Sicily.

Located 20 kilometers north of Silla Town (SCILLA) - the population is barely exceeded 5,000 people - is famous for the castle Ruffo (Castello Ruffo), built in the middle of the XIII century. Previously, there was a residence of Kalabria rulers, now this is a museum. You can get inside for 1.5 euros.

Gerace (Gerace), located on the shores of the Ionian Sea, 90 km from the capital of the province, is known as the city of St Cerciver. However, there are only 20 of them, including the Chiesa Della Nunziatella (Chiesa della Nunziatella), erected in the 10th century and miraculously survived during numerous earthquakes. Cathedral City (Duomo) is the largest church of Calabria; This building dates back to the XI century.

Another old building is the Byzantine Chiesetta di San Giovannello; She was also built in the 10th century.

At the very south of the peninsula, 40 km from Reggie Di Calabria, there is Pentedattilo (Pentedattilo), the so-called ghost city. One of the oldest settlements of the region, founded in 640 to our era, was greatly suffered from an earthquake that occurred at the end of the 18th century. Most residents left the city, and after a few years he completely empty. The city was in an abandoned state until the second half of the 20th century, when volunteers from European countries began work to restore it. Here, no one still lives, but a restaurant, a museum, several craft shops. Those who wish to visit the nearby town of Melito Di Porto Salvo is located nearby (Melito Di Porto Salvo).

Vibo Valentia.

Vibo Valentia (Vibo Valentia) is considered homeland ndrangeta. Here is the Norman castle; The exact period of its construction is unknown, but in the official documents dated 1070, the castle is already mentioned.

Pizzo City (Pizzo) is located 10 km north of Vibo Valentia. His main attraction is a rocky chieselta di Piedigrotta. The halls of the church are placed in the thicker of the rock, inside - many statues of the apparent old, but in fact created at the end of the XIX-early XX centuries with two local sculptors, father and son. The church is open daily, the entrance is paid.

30 km west of Vibo Valenia on the seashore costs Tropea (Tropea). This medieval city It was not at all injured from the earthquake of 1905, so all medieval buildings were preserved here. One of the most impressive is the Santa Maria Dell'izola Santa Maria Dell'IZOLA. The building stands on the top of the hill; It leads a staircase cut into a rock. You can not get to the church, but no one interferes with the view. At the foot of the hill spread out sand beach; take a look at it from the height allows viewpoint On the street Largo Migliarese.

Crotone, Catanzaro, Cosenza

Crotone (Crotone) - one of ancient cities Calabria, from which her colonization of the Greeks began. According to legend, the place on the seashore, where in 708 the ancient Croton appeared before our era, the Greeks pointed out the Delphic Oracle. In the center of Crotone from the IX century rises cathedral (Duomo).

An old castle, based at the same time, should defend the city from Saracin raids. He was rebuilt with the seven centuries later; Nowadays, it contains the exposition of the Archaeological Museum.

The center of the province of the same name, Catanzaro (Catanzaro) is notable for its location, because of which strong winds constantly blow in the city. It is in the seismic zone, so many historical Buildings And the facilities over the years of their existence were repeatedly destroyed, rebuilt and restored. An example is the cathedral built in 1121: the last reconstruction was carried out after World War II, during which significant damage was caused by the Cathedral.

One of the attractions of the city of Cosenza is the Cathedral of the XI century. After numerous restorations, he acquired his current appearance, which has not changed since the beginning of the XIX century. The cathedral stores an ancient relic: the wooden crucifixion of the XV century. It is established in memory of Isabelle Aragon, Philip III, King France, who died here, returning to her husband from the next crusade.

Beach rest

Since the sea surrounds the territory of the region almost from all sides, there is no lack of beaches here. This is all the more pleasant that in the summer in coastal areas of Calabria is very hot. Local resorts are designed for people with average sufficiency: Calabria is the poorest region of Italy, Therefore, the price level here is significantly lower than in other parts of the country. Beach holiday is just beginning to actively develop, the sea is still clean, so it is worth using the opportunity to relax here until the situation has changed for the worse.