Train Agadir Marrakesh. Morocco (Agadir, Marrakech)

The artist's house-museum is located 10 km from Tarudent. The artist died in 2011, but only now the house-museum has opened its doors to visitors.
You will visit the artist’s house, his studio, see his paintings, and walk around the property, which is located at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, among fields and groves.


  • Private excursion to Tangier (Morocco) from the Costa del Sol

    On any day during a holiday in Spain, tourists can visit the eastern state of Morocco and its port city of Tangier. An experienced guide will introduce travelers to oriental culture and the most striking sights historical center Tangier, gastronomy of oriental cuisine.


  • The wonderful Villat Limun Zoo is 40 km away. from Agadir

    If you are on holiday in Agadir, especially with children, do not forget to visit the open-air zoo, which is located 40 km from Agadir.
    You can relax in the lap of nature and have lunch if you wish.

    themed for children

  • Excursions around Morocco offer tourists a closer look at the main attractions of the hospitable Arab country. You can choose programs that include only a visit to the capital of Morocco - Rabat, or trips with walks to the sights of Marrakesh, Casablanca and other equally wonderful resorts. Please note that Morocco guides offer excursions of varying durations. So, you can book tours with visits to 2-3 attractions, which will take a couple of hours, or programs that last the whole day. At the request of tourists, excursions can take place on foot or with transport support - on comfortable air-conditioned buses. All programs are designed in such a way that even the shortest of them will certainly introduce you to the most important places of tourist interest.

    Exactly what sights will the local guides show and tell you about? Sightseeing tour in Marrakech, as a rule, includes acquaintance with central area Djema el-Fna, where during the day a street theater, a circus, all kinds of attractions, and a market simultaneously coexist, and in the evening it turns into a large restaurant under open air. Don't miss the Koutoubia Mosque, which stands 77 meters high, as well as the fabulous El Badi Palace and the majestic tomb of the Saadian dynasty.

    The economic capital of Morocco - Casablanca - will also find something to surprise even seasoned tourists. Local must see: Hassan II Mosque, Cathedral Notre Dame and ruins ancient city Anfa. As for excursions in Morocco, which take place directly in Rabat, here you will visit the territory of several ancient fortresses- Shella and Udaya, admire the famous Hassan Towers and visit the Mausoleum of Mohammed V. Please note that prices for excursion programs Morocco is not a low price, so it’s better to explore the sights not alone, but with a group of 4-5 people.

    Traveling to Morocco on your own is very easy! We have developed for you detailed description travel itinerary for Morocco with a well-developed travel budget. The goal is to travel around the entire country without missing anything interesting.

    Morocco is great option for independent travel. Firstly, it is open to Russians visa-free entry. Secondly, it is a very safe and politically calm country, which, among other things, is considered the most Europeanized Arab state. And thirdly, there is so much to see in Morocco that going there on a package holiday is absolutely pointless. If Morocco - then only on your own!

    Exchange rate: 1 Moroccan dirham (MAD) ≈ 7 RUB.

    We present to you the scenario of the most deep dive to this amazing country.

    Morocco: how to get there

    The easiest way get to Morocco from Russia - this is an air flight. There are many possible options. These include direct flights of Royal Air Maroc from Moscow to Casablanca, and a whole range of possible combinations of flights with connections in different European cities (Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Rome, etc.). There is even an option to get to Morocco by sea: first you will need to, and from there, from one of the southern ports, take a ferry to Morocco. The swim will last from 1 to 2 hours. However, the last two options assume the presence of . In addition, they are unnecessarily tedious and time-consuming.

    Somehow to find the best option both in price and in convenience, you need to compare everything possible options. Search for tickets All airlines provide services and Skyscanner. To learn how to find and book airline tickets at the lowest prices, study.

    And, of course, it always makes sense to keep track of new ones on our website.

    If you feel that you are not ready to organize an independent trip to Morocco, but go to this beautiful country If you want, then fly on the tour. You can also find a ticket online.

    Hotels in Morocco

    In popular tourist places finding a hotel is not a problem. There is a large selection of hotels for every taste and budget in Chefchaun, Casablanca, Agadir, Essaouira, Rabat, Marrakech, Ouarzazate and many other cities.

    It is better to book accommodation in advance, especially during high season.

    We recommend searching hotels on the service. This is a search engine, it compares hotel prices across all popular booking systems (Booking, Agoda, Ozone, Ostrovok, etc.) and finds the best option. In general, it provides wide choose, and allows you to make a reservation by best price. Pay attention to reviews and ratings of hotels - they are formed by tourists themselves, this is useful to use when choosing a good hotel.

    We also recommend paying special attention to the service (experienced travelers will probably know it). You can book very interesting accommodation from the owners. Instead of a banal hotel, you can check into authentic riads, apartments or houses - and this, you see, is much more interesting, as well as more comfortable and often even cheaper. The choice of housing is very wide - thousands of options. Take a look, you'll definitely like something!

    So, our independent travel Morocco has begun - we are in Casablanca!

    Some travelers, having visited Kas (this is what the Moroccans themselves call this city for short), dissuade them from going here, saying that the city is not authentic and there is nothing to do here. Don't believe it - they're lying. Going to the second largest city in Africa is one hundred percent worth it. The city is beautiful because it is an explosive mixture of the most heterogeneous elements: there are colorful slums, partly reminiscent of the slums of Rio, partly the black neighborhoods of American cities, there is also the spirit of Miami and something from southern European port cities like Marseille, well, Of course, it has its own life in the medina.

    You can stay in Casablanca for two or three days - this is enough to explore the city.

    How to get from the airport to Casablanca

    Casablanca Airport is located quite a distance from the city itself - about 40 kilometers. A taxi will be incredibly expensive - 300 dirhams. Therefore, the easiest way to get cheaply (and at the same time comfortably and quickly) from the airport to Casablanca is by train. The station is located directly under the airport, trains run every hour. A second class ticket will cost 40 dirhams. Let's go to central station city ​​- Gare Casa Voyageur.

    Hotels in Casablanca

    The cheapest hotels can be found in the medina. A double room can be rented for 100 dirhams. But be prepared for the fact that the room will not have a toilet or shower, and you will need to pay an additional 10 dirhams per person for hot water.

    Hotels with a higher level of comfort will cost about 150-200 dirhams. They can be found in central region cities. Also look at housing options on the service.

    Public transport in Casablanca

    The pride of the city is an ultra-modern tram that connects two residential areas, the city center and the beach. A ticket costs 7 dirhams and is purchased from special machines that stand next to each stop. After purchasing your ticket, you go through the turnstile and board the tram. This type of transport is considered expensive and is used only by representatives of the middle class. But this is a really comfortable and fast mode of transport.

    Ticket for Shuttle Buses costs less - 3 dirhams. But keep in mind that buses are often packed to capacity.

    A petit taxi (small taxi) will take you depending on the distance for 10-20 dirhams. No more than three people can sit in the car. You can ask to turn on the meter, or you can agree on the price in advance.

    Grand taxis (old Mercedes) carry up to 6 passengers. The journey will cost about 6 dirhams.

    Having walked the length and breadth of Casablanca, you can move on. From the already familiar Casa Voyageur station, we take a train to the small resort town of Asila, which is located almost in the very north-west of the country on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It is better to take a ticket in first class; if you take a second class ticket, you risk being left without a seat and spending five and a half hours in a stuffy carriage, either standing on your feet or sitting in the vestibule or even the toilet of a carriage with a density of four to five people per square meter. The price of a 1st class ticket is 164 dirhams.

    By the way, here is the website of the Moroccan railways, where you can see all the routes, schedules and ticket prices.

    Asil has a wide choice of places where you can stay inexpensively. You can even find nameless hostel hotels, where accommodation will cost 40 dirhams per person.

    Asila is not just a classic resort town, where you will find everything you need for a relaxing beach holiday, it is also very a nice place, famous for its charming medina. And in addition to all this, there is also a large selection of seafood in local restaurants.

    If you wish, you can go from Asila to neighboring Larash. This city is picturesquely located on the rocks near the ocean. It is primarily known for its ancient Roman ruins, which are located near the city on a small hill. You can get to Larash from Asila by regular minibuses for 15 dirhams. Departure from Asila bus station, which is located in the east of the city. To get directly to the ruins, you need to ask the driver in advance to drop you off at the ruins, before reaching the city. Travel time is about an hour. After walking for some time in Larache, we return by minibus to Asila.

    From Asila, again by minibus for the same 15 dirhams, we go to Tangier, once a city of international status, an interzone and an attractive place for European and American writers and artists, marginalized people and outsiders.

    Now the city is not what it used to be, so there is no point in staying here. At the bus station we buy a ticket to Chefchaouen for 50-60 dirhams and after a 2-3 hour trip along mountain roads we are in one of the most famous and beautiful cities Morocco.

    Chefchaouen is one of the most attractive cities in Morocco. For many centuries, foreigners were not allowed here, as the place was considered sacred. Times have changed - now everything is the other way around here, an endless stream of tourists. Therefore, be prepared that every minute your peace on the city streets will be disturbed by pestering helpers, each with their own offer: a hotel, a restaurant, a cafe, hashish.

    Speaking of the latter, Chefchaouen is located in the Rif Mountains, which are famous for their hemp plantations. Therefore, almost everyone you meet offers hashish, and local residents smoke it while sitting on the street.

    The beauty of Chefchaouen is due to two things: firstly, its picturesque location in the Rif Mountains, and secondly, the medina is colorfully painted in various shades of blue. The best time to walk through the winding streets of the medina is early in the morning - you will not get such pleasure at any other time. In the morning there are no traders, no annoying helpers, no countless tourists with their cameras.

    If you wish, you can do trekking - from short walks to multi-day hikes. There are even small waterfalls in the mountains north of Chefchaouen, mountain lakes and rivers.


    From Chefchaouen we go to Tetouan (25 dirhams) to change there to another bus and go to Marrakesh (225 dirhams from STM). The road will be long - almost 10 hours of travel with two stops for lunch.

    The Marrakech bus station is located right outside the walls of the medina. It is better to settle in the medina, preferably closer to the main square of Jama El Fna. This will make it easier not to get lost, because the streets of the old city are a real labyrinth. A night in a budget hotel will cost 100-180 dirhams for a double room.

    Marrakesh is the most popular city in Morocco for tourists, so be prepared for the same problem as in Chefchaouen: importunity and the desire to extract money from you in any way.

    When visiting Marrakech, it is worth devoting a couple of days to a trip to the nearby Atlas Mountains. You can even climb to the top of the high mountain North Africa - Jebel Toubkal (4064 meters). Anyone can do this healthy person, since the climb is very simple and does not require any special training. To do this, you need to use a grand taxi, which from Marrakech will take you to the mountain village of Imlil, where the ascent begins. After conquering the peak we return back to Marrakech.


    From Marrakech our route lies to Ouarzazate. The city is known as Africa's Hollywood because many films have been filmed here, from Lawrence of Arabia to Gladiator. A CTM bus ticket costs 80 dirhams, other carriers cost about 60-70. Travel time is four and a half hours.

    The road between Marrakesh and Ouarzazate passes through the Atlas Mountains and is considered one of the most scenic in the world. It is here, on the southeastern side of the Atlas Mountains, that the Sahara Desert begins.

    The main attraction of Ouarzazate is the ksar (clay fortress) of Ait Benhaddou, located 30 kilometers from the city. It is considered the most beautiful in Morocco. To get there, you should use the services of a grand taxi.

    From Ouarzazate we go east to the small town of Tangir (ticket price - 70 dirhams). There is nothing to do or see in the town itself. But next to it there is a magnificent oasis, and a little further - the Todra Gorge. A fantastic place with incredibly high (up to 300 meters!) sheer cliffs. Here you can go mountaineering, or you can just enjoy the scenery. There are many hotels and restaurants in the gorge, so you can stay right here.

    Fum-Zgid and Erg Shigaga

    From Tangir we return to Ouarzazate, where we change to another bus going to Foum Zguid. A ticket for the latter will cost 60-70 dirhams.

    Foum Zguid is a small village in the south of Morocco, near the border with Algeria. It is attractive because from here you can go to sand dunes Erg Shigaga. To do this, you will need to look for people who carry out these trips to the dunes and arrange an excursion. Alas, this is the only way (unless, of course, you have your own SUV). Typically, in the dunes, people spend the night in a small Tuareg settlement, watch the sunset and sunrise, and return back to Foum Zgid during the day.

    Choosing a further path

    In Fum Zgid we take the morning 9-hour passing bus and go to Guelmim (the ticket costs about 90-100 dirhams). The journey is long, so it is better to leave at 9 o’clock in the morning. The bus will arrive in Guelmim in the afternoon. And here you have to make an important choice about your further route.

    The most desperate may move south to the unrecognized Western Sahara, which is actually controlled by the Moroccan government. Western Sahara is more than a thousand kilometers of monotonous desert landscapes. If you are ready for this, then welcome to Dakhla - a city located at the crossroads between the real Africa and Morocco.

    There is basically nothing to see in the city, but here you can feel like you are on the very edge of the Earth. After all, on one side of you is an endless desert, stretching thousands of kilometers deep into the continent, and on the other, an even more endless Atlantic Ocean. It's definitely worth enduring a long bus ride for this. Dakhla is also known for its waves and is therefore a kind of mecca for surfers. Geographical location Dakhly is also unusual: the city is located on a narrow peninsula stretching for 40 kilometers.

    After exploring Dakhla, you will need to return to Guelmim along the same road.

    There is no point in lingering in Guelmim, so we immediately take a grand taxi and head north to the port town of Sidi Ifni, located 60 kilometers from Guelmim.

    Sidi Ifni is a place where you can finally truly relax after difficult trips through the desert. It has a great beach and a great selection of seafood.

    And 15 kilometers to the north is the main pearl of these regions - known throughout the world for its amazing arches. This place is not to be missed. You can go there by grand taxi for 20-30 dirhams, depending on the agreement.

    To get to Essaouira, you will first need to get to Tiznit (by CTM bus for 25 dirhams), and from there take a bus to Essaouira (80-100 dirhams).

    In Essaouira you can relax even more than in Sidi Ifni. It also has an excellent beach, an abundance of seafood, and a large number of clubs, discos and even museums. Essaouira has an excellent medina, where it is best to stay (a decent room for two can be found for 100 dirhams). Another pride of Essaouira is its wonderful port, which is best visited early in the morning.


    Essaouira will be the final destination Moroccan travel. All key cities, places and attractions have been examined - now you can return back to Casablanca, and from there fly home.

    A bus from Essaouira to Casa will cost about 100 dirhams. In Casablanca we take the train to the airport (40 dirhams) and arrive in Russia a few hours later.

    This is our solo travel to Morocco will end. But there is no doubt that having completed this fantastic trip, you will want to repeat it again somehow. Believe me, bringing this amazing journey to life is not much more difficult than reading this text. Honestly. Just do it.

    P.S.. If we could do it, so can you.

    Introductory image source: © ameztegui / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


    Agadir airport is small, one-story. Except our plane on the runway more planes
    No. You walk from the plane to the airport. At the Airport, except for the people from our plane and
    There is no one else on staff. Have a pen with you to fill out the required information.
    at customs.

    How to get from the Airport to the city of Agadir

    Bus (10 dhr)
    Bus number 22, then you will have a transfer at 20,24,28

    Taxi (200 dhr)


    Bus (3dhr)

    Taxi (up to 40 dhr)

    2. The central streets and embankment are guarded by policemen who walk along the 3rd with machine guns.

    3. It’s better to ask the hotel or Europeans for directions, or Google, since the locals will help you
    They smile, they easily engage in dialogue, and what’s more, even if this guy walked in the other direction, he changes
    direction and leads you to the place you asked him about, and as soon as he leads you, he asks
    pay for his services, and when you give him 5 dirhams he says that he has six children and this is extremely

    4. In Agadir you can take photographs without fear; in Marrakesh you may be charged a day.


    Cash only and petty cash only. I withdraw, as always, you can withdraw 1000 DHR at a time from an ATM.
    For cashing out you will be charged 100 DHR and it doesn’t matter whether you withdrew 1000 or 200, for this operation
    they will charge you 100 DHR, so it makes sense to withdraw money not far from the hotel and return to the hotel,
    take the required amount and leave the rest in your room or hotel safe. All the way
    I use bank card Sberbank VISA ruble, was in Hong Kong, New York, Sydney
    no one blocked, but this does not mean that this will not happen, so there must be spare ones

    1. The first time you use the card at an ATM, withdraw a certain amount
    and the next day check the card to see if it is blocked. Thus, you at least have
    the money you withdrew yesterday will remain, and you will be able to live on something as long as you have
    the card will not be unblocked. How, for example, today you buy a Big Mac with a card, and tomorrow you find out
    that your card is blocked and you have no cash left.

    2.Call the bank the day before and find out how to solve such problems if they arise.

    3. A spare card to which friends will transfer money while yours is in the block.

    4. Have cash for the first time until you solve this problem.

    5. I use credit card— Sberbank VISA — been to Australia, Hong Kong, New York
    blocked (VTB card is sometimes blocked, I tried calling and warning that I was leaving,
    but they say that they do not have such a function, and that they can only solve the problem after the fact)


    There are not many of them in Agadir because in the 1960s it was completely resolved by an earthquake, according to
    can be compared with an ordinary provincial town, it looks like nothing, but it’s worth
    go around the corner
    or look behind the fence full of garbage, wrappers, bags and others. Agadir shelter
    and one of the main beach towns Morocco

    1. Mountain with the inscription in Arabic “God. Fatherland. King"
    He climbed there himself and took a taxi back with his compatriots. Walked along the road until
    I couldn’t find a place where I could start climbing, and then everything was just 30 minutes later and you were at the top.
    If you only walk along the road, it will take too long, as the road is very winding. From the top
    offers panoramic views of the city, beach and port of Agadir. At night it lights up and looks
    at least not usually.

    2. Agadir souk or, in our opinion, Market. Monday is a day off.
    On the first day I went specifically without money, just to have a look. And you go and look
    take a photo, ask the price, remember what you liked, don’t be afraid to get lost there,
    The market is not big compared to Marrakech. Night think about what things are real to you
    did you like them and how much are you willing to buy them for? Before going to the market for the second time
    exchange small money and actively bargain, you can throw off up to 50-60 percent, do it
    It looks like you are leaving, they are also falling for it and agreeing to your terms.

    3. There is a free zoo not far from the embankment
    Bald parrot, pink flamingos and a bunch of stray cats, free, so you can
    come in and take a look.

    4. Surfing and beach holidays
    Agadir is one of the capitals of surfing in Morocco. So go for it, Atlantic Ocean is waiting for you!

    I lived in Agadir and since there was nothing special to see there, I took a two-day excursion
    Agadir - Marrakesh - Essaouira - Agadir. I also recommend that you take this excursion,
    because this is where you can see the real Morocco. There are official excursions
    offered by travel agencies and regular ones offered to you by locals on the beach
    entrepreneurs. Official ones are more expensive because in case of an emergency they will be able to help you out, and
    they are responsible for you and they emphasize this every time.
    For entrepreneurs
    cheaper and already proven routes and excursions for years,
    I took the official one, but I met
    many people who took from entrepreneurs
    and were satisfied, so the choice is yours.


    1. Bahia Palace (late 19th century palace)
    The tourist brochures say that this is the main attraction of Marrakech,
    but I wasn’t impressed at all by it, it’s empty and the guide says that if it’s covered with carpets
    and hang it with mirrors, it will be very beautiful, but still, I think if you don’t get into it,
    then you won't lose anything.

    2. Koutoubia Mosque (69 meters)
    The largest mosque in the Moroccan city of Marrakech. Wikipedia to the rescue.
    Don't expect that when you enter Old city, you can navigate it,
    You can't see her at all!

    3. Marrakech Market / Souk / Souk Marrakech
    Just a huge old city with narrow streets in which it is very easy to get lost.
    Remember the road, take note of landmarks. Because I got lost and went there,
    where even tourists don’t go anymore, but I never reached the end of the old city

    4. Botanical Garden Majorelle
    Be sure to read the history of its creation, its existence is very interesting
    Yves Saint Laurent occupies not the last place

    5. Goats in trees
    On the road from Marrakech to Essaouira, you can see goats in the agar trees and even
    take a photo with them. Where they stop sightseeing buses it's clear that
    goats are specially planted on a large tree near the road and the broken branches of this tree
    already wrapped, rewound with ropes, but when we had already driven away from this attraction
    I still actually saw a goat walking on a tree, so it’s true :)

    The idea to go in Morocco on your own has matured for a long time. The vivid impressions of other tourists, as well as colorful photographs of their reports, seduced and beckoned. Therefore, having made a decision, we were concerned about its implementation. And it turned out that visiting Morocco on your own is actually very simple.

    Flights to Morocco

    The most convenient flights are those with connections in Paris. That's why flights to Morocco we bought with the following route: Kyiv-Paris-Rabat. We spent about three hours in Paris waiting for the connection. As a result, the journey took us less than a day and in the evening of the same day we ended up in Rabat. Schengen visa (if you are not leaving transit zone) need not. Our flight at the moment the trip cost about 600 USD for us. per person. This is the cost with a transfer in Paris, two ways.


    Standard tourist routes for independent exploration of Morocco usually include the cities of Tangier, Fes, Meknes, Marrakesh, a jeep trip to the Sahara and coastal cities: Essaouira, Safi, Casablanca.

    We had 12 vacation days at our disposal, two of which were automatically “eaten” by the road. Therefore, the route was developed, trying to minimize the time spent on the road. Climate was also an important factor; due to the extreme heat, the cities of Fez and Meknes were rejected, and the stay in Marrakech was reduced to three days. As a result, the following route was developed: Rabat (2 days) - Marrakesh (3 days) - Agadir (4 days) - Essaouira (2 days) - Rabat.

    Getting around the country

    Traveling independently in Morocco is easy. We traveled mainly by buses, only from Rabat to Marrakesh we went by rail ( Tickets can be purchased in advance, on the Internet, or already on the spot, at the station. But we were not confident that we would be able to meet the planned deadlines, so we bought tickets locally, at the station. The cost of travel from Rabat to Marrakesh was approximately 12 euros per person (second class), tickets were purchased at the ticket office of the station itself.

    When purchasing tickets, pay attention to the following points: train classification, its route (direct or transit), carriage class, be sure to check these parameters with the cashier. Otherwise, you risk, like us, ending up in a third-class carriage, surrounded by local residents and local wildlife. We concluded that on train tickets It’s better not to save money, then the trip will be as comfortable as possible.

    Traveling by bus did not cause any problems. Although the cost of tickets here directly depends on the level of comfort. Cheaper tickets will most likely be on bus routes for locals, with all the attendant nuances.

    Bus tickets were also purchased directly at bus stations. There are several large bus carriers in Morocco, their offices are located at bus stations. We used two carriers: CTM ( and Supratours (, we have no complaints about the companies, we delivered without delay with a normal level of comfort. The cost of moving Marrakech-Agadir in our case was about 10 euros per person. In general, the companies' price levels are approximately the same.

    Language in Morocco

    It is a well-known fact that until recently Morocco was a colony of France, so its residents, in addition to Arabic, widely use French, and not English language. We were a little worried about this, since no one here speaks French. I must say that our fears were not groundless: even in the tourist areas of Marrakesh and Rabat, not everyone can speak English. So having a Russian-French translator with a minimum set of common phrases on hand will not be amiss. Well, if you want to plunge headlong into the atmosphere, then Russian-Arabic will not hurt.


    The most European of the Moroccan cities we visited, perfectly suited for a start independent trip in Morocco. Eat public transport, but we traveled mainly by taxi. Taxis in every city in Morocco are of different colors. In Rabat these are small blue cars, of course, with checkerboards. It’s easy to catch - just like anywhere else, by raising your hand. When boarding a taxi, be sure to make sure that the meter is turned on, as cunning drivers try to avoid this and then demand exorbitant sums for travel of about a kilometer. If you didn’t have time to “check” the counter, then bargain when the amount is announced to you. Rabat taxi drivers are the most loyal in this regard, but may give in a little. A trip to the famous sites of the center of Rabat will cost relatively inexpensively - about 3-5 euros.

    From what you need to visit in Rabat. Kasbah of Udaya (free entrance) You can visit the Shellah necropolis (entrance about 1 euro) Hassan Tower, Mausoleum of Muhammad V and his sons (free).


    The Arabian fairy tale city turned out to be not as impressive for us personally as we expected. Maybe the suffocating heat, incredible traffic on the roads and 24-hour smog in the city center were to blame - I don’t know. But I will say right away that the famous Moroccan medina left a rather negative impression. I have never met such a number of arrogant and boorish beggars in other Arab countries. It’s easy to get lost in the medina of Marrakesh – which happened to us too, despite the fact that we had several maps and a guidebook. Street names are written differently - in some hybrid of French-Arabic language, house numbering, as such, may be completely absent. Most affordable way getting help means trusting a helper who is concerned more topics, to earn more money from you, and not so that you get to the desired attraction.

    What to see in a short time

    Jemaa Al Fna Square, the heart of Marrakech. The square in the daytime and after sunset are two different places; it is much more interesting after sunset. Acrobats, tamers of various reptiles, dancers, drummers, food trays local cuisine, barkers, beggars - all this creates the impression of a real oriental show, live, not television. Seafood and exotic items in the form of snails and shells in small cafes are very expensive. A huge dish of this food for two will cost 10 euros. Alcohol is not served anywhere on the square, so prepare for this in advance.

    The tombs of the Saadian dynasty are not for everybody, there is an entrance fee, they are open according to an inconvenient schedule: a couple of times a week, in the afternoon. In fact, we looked for them longer than we looked at them. Although the decoration of this necropolis with the famous Moroccan mosaics is very beautiful.

    Exhibitions and festivals of national crafts in the medina. They are announced beautifully, but in reality these are the same merchant shops that sometimes hold something like master classes, again, for money.

    Sunset over the Koutoubia Mosque. An unforgettable sight, a kind of “must see” of Marrakech. In order to enjoy it to the fullest, you need to take a seat in advance in one of the cafes with a panoramic terrace on Jemaa Al Fna Square before sunset. An impressive sight that will be remembered for a long time.

    The next part of our route ran along the ocean coast. Therefore, having boarded a bus at the central bus station (Gare Routiere Ouiled Ziane), we moved to Agadir - a popular seaside resort. Buses from Marrakech to Agadir run frequently. Morning flights are most convenient, since you will be in Agadir immediately after lunch and will have time to look around the area.


    The city itself is of little interest, since its old part was severely destroyed after an earthquake in the middle of the last century. Now it is a typical seaside resort - with chain hotels, a wide beach line, and port. It's nice to stroll along the embankment, but nothing more. You can go up (by taxi or rent a car) to the observation deck on the mountain above Agadir. From there you have a good view of almost the entire city.

    The beach holiday quickly became boring and already on the second day we found a car rental office. We rented a small VW Polo (diesel, 1.2) for one day. We rented from the Hertz agency, and we didn’t regret it one bit. Transparent rental conditions, a humane price (rent for a day cost around 30 euros), a sympathetic manager, in general, we were satisfied.

    Ocean coast of Morocco

    The chain of wild beaches to the north and south of Agadir (Aglou, Legzira, Sidi Ifni) is a completely different Morocco. Places where you can relax not only your body, but also your soul. This trip took us one daylight. The total mileage is about 260 kilometers (round trip).


    Pleasant town by the ocean. A former Portuguese fortress, and now a favorite place of European bohemia. Cozy streets, a completely unusual, relaxing atmosphere not typical of Arab cities.


    We stayed exclusively in riads - Moroccan guest houses. These are a kind of family boarding houses combined with a hotel. The price tag is much more humane compared to regular hotels; many offers are presented on Booking, where we booked our stay. It is better to settle closer to the city center or in the medina, then you can get to many attractions on your own. Although, in this case, the cost of living will be higher. In Rabat, I can recommend Riad Dar Zouhour ( Excellent value for money and location.


    We boldly ate at national catering establishments. There have never been any problems anywhere. In the historical part of the city, restaurants can sometimes be difficult to find; they can be hidden in inconspicuous alleys, without signs, behind ordinary doors. In this case, you will have to resort to the help of a helper, or look for something online like McDonald's. The price tag in the medina of Rabat was quite high - lunch for two with wine - about 30 euros. But it was the center of the city, and alcohol, like in any Arab country, is insanely expensive.

    Summary: Morocco is certainly a very vibrant and distinctive African country. And, most importantly, take a ride in Morocco on your own Tourists with any level of training and experience can.

    Elena, Kyiv, 38 years old

    You can simultaneously get acquainted with the life of the country, visit small towns and villages in the spurs of the Anti-Atlas, and see Berber holidays. The most interesting events are organized from Agadir excursions. Morocco conquers not only and not so much beautiful beaches, so many stunning landscapes and culture.
    Definitely worth a visit - this is the heart Morocco. Here you can feel how the past continues to live in the present, and they do not interfere with each other, but, on the contrary, complement each other.
    Visit to soak in its rebellious spirit, breathe in the salty air in which the smell of fresh fish is mixed with the aroma of old buildings, boats in the port and a million other components.

    Who to buy excursions from while on vacation in Agadir?

    If you come on a tour from one of the major tour operators, then it is, of course, more convenient to buy basic excursions from a guide. Firstly, it is economical, since large companies have a good group size for excursions. Therefore, the prices are very optimal.
    Is it possible to buy excursions in Agadir from “street agencies”? Can. All travel companies in Morocco are licensed and operate legally. The main thing is that the excursion is led by a good Russian-speaking guide.
    If you are interested in individual service, please contact us and we will tell you where you can book individual excursions With good guide. Call +7 495 6918901.

    Approximate cost of excursions for 1 person (for a group of at least 5 people)

    Sightseeing tour of Agadir (3 hours) – 15 euros
    Taroudant / Tiut (all day, lunch included) - 40 euros
    Tafraout (all day, lunch included) – 50 euros
    Berber evening – 40 euros
    Essaouira (all day, lunch included) – 50 euros
    Marrakesh + Essaouira (2 days, overnight at the hotel, 1 breakfast and 1 lunch included) - 130 euros based on double occupancy
    Mass / Tiznit (all day, lunch included, ocean swimming included) - 60 euros
    Boat trip on a yacht (7.5 hours, swimming in the ocean is included) - 50 euros
    Where lunches are included, drinks must be paid additionally.

    Excursion to Marrakech / Marrakech (273 km from Agadir)

    Marrakesh in the evening (excursion from Agadir)

    A trip to Marrakech - main excursion to Morocco. One-day excursion from Agadir starts early in the morning and ends late in the evening.

    Marrakesh- red city, ancient capital Morocco, located on the Haouz Plain, at the foot of the High Atlas Mountains. In the 11th century, Marrakech was the capital of the Almoravid dynasty and gave its name to the entire country.
    The most prominent landmark of the city is Jemaa El Fna Square. Life doesn’t stop here for a minute. During the day, street performers give their performances; at night, tables are set up on the square and bars are open. From the square you can access the famous souks of Marrakech.
    The pride of the city, the 800-year-old Koutoubia Mosque, is an imposing structure painted in the traditional ocher color of Marrakesh. The Koutoubia Minaret was created according to the same design as the Giralda Tower in Granada (Spain) and the Hassan Tower in Rabat ( current capital Morocco).
    Tourists visit the Bahia Palace, the cemetery of the Saadin dynasty, the delightful gardens of Menara, and, finally, the medina of Marrakesh, where you can feel the rhythm and real spirit of Morocco, with bazaars and other oriental attributes.
    In the evening - Moroccan dinner with a performance (belly dancing, Berber dancing) in a restaurant located in an ancient merchant's palace of the 17th century.
    In Marrakech you can buy: carpets, all kinds of spices, mint and other aromatic herbs, national dresses, ceramics, objects of decorative and applied art.

    Excursion to Essaouira (173 km from Agadir)

    Essaouira. Portuguese fortress. (excursion from Agadir)

    Essaouira (Essaouira, Essaouira) located on the coast, north Agadir. The age of the city cannot be determined; it is known that there was also a trading post of the Romans who traded with the local population. In the 7th century BC. port of Mogador(the old name of Essaouira) was one of the centers not only of Morocco, but of all African life.
    Essaouira is considered the real “White Pearl” of the Atlantic: here, thanks to the alize winds, the climate remains mild throughout the year. The 6 km long southern beach welcomes guests with a pleasant and safe coastline.
    In the 70s, Jimi Hendrix wanted to found a hippie colony here, and today Essaouira is an arts center that attracts not only Moroccan artists, sculptors and musicians, but also bohemians from all over the world.
    IN last years Essaouira and its surroundings are becoming increasingly popular among lovers aquatic species sports related to wind (windsurfing, kitesurfing, etc.).
    In Essaouira you can buy: thuja products, natural dyes, local spices, argan oil.

    Excursion “Marrakech + Essaouira” (2 days)

    2 days excursion from Agadir and includes a visit to both Marrakech and Essaouira. Overnight in Marrakech in a 3-4* hotel. Departure from Agadir at 7:00, return at 19:00.

    Excursion “Taroudant - Tiout” (about 70 km from Agadir)

    Departure from Agadir at 8:00, return at 17:30.
    City Taroudant, located in Sousse Valley, called "little Marrakesh". He is in every way like this great southern capital, but much smaller, quieter and calmer. Taroudant was the capital twice: during the time of the Almoravids, in 1056, and also during the time of the Saadins, in 1520. Beautiful gardens have more space here than buildings. At colorful local bazaars you can buy leather and copper products, and silver jewelry. The tour includes a stop at the tomb, located in an orange grove.
    After visiting Taroudant, tourists have lunch in the picturesque oasis of Tiut.

    Excursion to Tafraout (about 160 km from Agadir)

    Departure is at 7:00, return is at 19:00.
    Crazy beautiful town, surrounded by majestic granite mountains, is located in the heart of the Anti-Atlas Mountains. Here you can watch amazing sunsets, when everything around seems to be on fire.
    Along the way there are Berber villages and ancient fortresses.

    Excursion from Agadir: “Little Sahara”

    Excursion “Little Sahara” + Tiznit / Tiznit + Massa / Massa

    City Tiznit founded by Moulay Hassan in 1881. Surrounded by six kilometers of pink walls, inside of which a market is held every Thursday, where artisans sell silver and enamel jewelry that created the fame of this city.
    The most interesting point of the excursion is a visit to the so-called “little Sahara”: a piece of desert with a diameter of approximately 3 km. Here you can imagine yourself in a real desert, take a photo with the inhabitants of the Sahara: snakes, scorpions, monitor lizards.


    Shores Massa River represent one of the most beautiful landscapes Morocco: on the one hand there are sand dunes turning into green fields, on the other there are boulders, dunes and wild beaches. Massa is the wintering place for many northern birds, usually living on different continents. This attracts a huge number of tourists and ornithologists from all over the world.

    Excursion “Berber evening”

    Exotic evening with Bedouins in a small village near the Massa River: traditional Berber cuisine, Moroccan wine, folklore program. This excursion gives an idea of ​​folklore Morocco.

    Camel ride

    Excursion walk through the Sousse Valley accompanied by camel drivers.
    In the morning: from 09:00 to 11:00, in the evening: from 15:00 to 17:30.

    Horseback riding

    Excursion walk through the Sousse Valley accompanied by professional riders.
    In the morning: from 09:00 to 11:00, in the evening: from 15:00 to 17:00.

    Boat excursions from Agadir

    Sunset: from 17:00 to full sunset (duration depends on the time of year); dinner: grilled sardines, sea fish soup.

    Dinner on board the ship: from 17:00 to 21:00; dinner: Moroccan salad, fish soup, minced meat, seasonal fruits, soft drinks.

    Sea lunch: from 10:00 to 14:00; Lunch: Moroccan salad, fish soup, grilled sardines, fish kebab, minced meat.

    Shark hunting and boat trip: from 09:00 to 12:00; Shark hunting, port visit, lunch.

    Boat trip:(minimum group - 10 people); from 09:00 to 12:00; Coffee, orange juice, grilled sardines.