Providing food in case of flight delay. What to do if your plane flight is delayed? Flight delay more than two hours

A Mother and Child Room must be provided to passengers with children under 7 years of age immediately, regardless of how long the flight is delayed. Even if it's only 10-15 minutes.

Refreshments must be provided for delays of 2 hours or more. That is, after two hours of waiting, you have the right to demand that your rights be respected. You also have the right to two free calls or one email message.

Hot meals are provided if the delay is over 4 hours. And every 6 hours during the day, and every 8 hours at night. Food, of course, will not be brought to you, but most likely, you will be provided with food in a cafe or at the airport.

After an eight-hour wait during the day (6 hours at night), you are required to be taken to the hotel and ensure the safety of your luggage.

Do not hesitate to ask and demand respect for your rights. Don't let the airline save money at your expense. To do this, you need to write down the phone numbers of company representatives in advance, or find out their location in the airport halls. Don't be lazy and find out all the necessary information. This will help you avoid unnecessary inconvenience and trouble.

Flight delays often lead to bigger problems for passengers. You may be late for a business meeting, or miss your transfer. You will be left with an unoccupied room in a hotel that you have already paid for, or vice versa, you have already been evicted, and your flight has been postponed, and you have nowhere to simply go. You may lose tickets for a concert or excursion. For all such situations, there are financial compensations. To receive it, you need to remember and clearly know why the unfortunate delay occurred. If it is the fault of the airline, then you can safely demand your compensation. If the cause was the weather, or technical problems of the airport or plane (not the airline itself, but a leased one), then it will be impossible to bring a claim.

Now about the money. In any case, and only if it is definitely established that the delay in departure was due to the fault of the air carrier, count on a maximum of half the cost of your air ticket. This is maximum. And so, according to the rules, 25% of the minimum wage established in the country for each hour of delay. Today the minimum wage is 5554 rubles, which means that every hour of delay when paying you will cost the company 1388 rubles. 50 kopecks. Of course, such compensation is unlikely to cover even a small part of possible losses, but the law is the law.

Don't forget to mark the flight delay (for example, on your itinerary receipt). This can be done by airline representatives at the check-in counter, or at the departure point for your flight. If there is no representative, this must be done by airport staff at the information desk.

And also, do not forget to save all receipts and receipts for your independent expenses during waiting hours. Don't forget about the stamp and the reasons for the delay/rescheduling of the flight.

These rules may change for different companies, but only in the direction of improvement for the passenger.

If a flight is delayed, the passenger has the right to refuse the flight, demand compensation for losses and moral damages, collect a fine from the carrier and receive free luggage storage and security services. soft drinks, hot meals, etc.

Flight delay

A flight delay is a break in air transportation due to the fault of the carrier (airline) or a forced delay of an aircraft during departure and (or) in flight. The main reasons for flight delays may be technical malfunctions of the aircraft, bad weather conditions, or late arrival of the aircraft.

In case of a flight delay, the waiting time for flight departure begins from the time of departure of the flight indicated on the ticket (clause 99 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 N 82).

Passenger rights in case of flight delay

If a flight is delayed, the passenger has the following rights (clause 2 of article 108 of the RF CC; clause 227 of the Federal Aviation Regulations; clause 2 of article 13, article 15 of the Law of 02/07/1992 N 2300-1):

1) the right to refuse a flight. Such a refusal to transport is considered forced, and in this situation the carrier is obliged to return the cost of the air ticket even if the ticket was “non-refundable”;

2) the right to compensation for losses and compensation for moral damage. Thus, the passenger has the right to appeal to the carrier (airline) with a claim for compensation for losses that he incurred due to the flight delay (if, for example, pre-paid excursions were canceled, the passenger was late for the train, etc.).

The passenger must attach copies of documents confirming the losses incurred to the claim to the carrier. The claim is presented to the carrier at the airport of departure or at the airport of destination. For domestic air transportation, such a claim is made within six months from the date of flight delay (clause 4 of article 124, clause 4 of clause 1 of article 126 of the RF CC);

3) the right to collect a fine from the carrier for delay in delivering the passenger to the destination. Such a fine is set at 25% of the established minimum wage for each hour of delay, but not more than 50% of the cost of the air ticket, unless the carrier proves that the delay occurred due to force majeure, elimination of an aircraft malfunction that threatens the life or health of passengers, or other circumstances, independent of the carrier (Article 120 of the RF CC).

Reference. Minimum wage affecting the size of the fine

The amount of the fine established depending on the minimum wage is determined based on an amount equal to 100 rubles. (Art. 5Law of June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ).

During international air transportation, the carrier bears responsibility established by the relevant international treaties of the Russian Federation. Thus, in the case of transportation covered by the Montreal Convention, the carrier’s liability is limited to the amount of 4,150 special drawing rights (Article 3 of the RF CC; Article 19, paragraph 1 of Article 22, paragraph 1 of Article 23, Art. 55 of the Montreal Convention of May 28, 1999; paragraph 1 of the Law of April 3, 2017 N 52-FZ).

The carrier may also enter into an agreement with passengers to increase its liability compared to the above amounts. In this case, the amount of the carrier’s liability is determined on the basis of this agreement (Article 123 of the RF CC).

Services that a passenger has the right to receive at the airport if a flight is delayed

In addition to the above rights, if a flight is delayed, the passenger has the right to be provided free of charge by the carrier additional services, namely (clause 99 of the Federal Aviation Regulations):

1) to organize luggage storage;

2) provision of mother and child rooms to a passenger with a child under seven years of age;

3) provision of refreshments, as well as two phone calls or two emails when waiting for a flight to depart for more than two hours;

4) provision of hot meals when waiting for flight departure for more than four hours. If the flight is further delayed, meals will be provided every six hours during the day and every eight hours at night;

5) accommodation in a hotel when waiting for a flight departure for more than eight hours - during the day and more than six hours - at night, as well as delivery of passengers by transport from the airport to the hotel and back.

"Electronic magazine "ABC of Law", current as of 06/19/2019

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Air travel has long ceased to be the preserve of the elite. Traveling by plane is, of course, the fastest and least tiring way to find yourself in another city, country or even on another continent. And with proper and advance planning, it can be even less expensive than traveling by train or car.

That's why every year more and more people around the world go on vacation or business trips by plane. Therefore, many have probably at least once encountered such an unpleasant situation as a delay in their flight. There may be many reasons for this; after all, air transportation is an extremely complex process, and a failure at any of its stages can lead to a delay in departure time.

The most common reasons for flight delays

  • Weather conditions

Because of them, the movement of aircraft may be completely suspended, or additional treatment of the aircraft will be required, for example, with a special anti-ice agent.

There are often cases when passengers on one flight have to wait for the weather to stabilize, while those flying on a plane from another air carrier land safely. There are no tricks here - the fact is that the so-called weather minimums are different everywhere. There are differences in movement restrictions not only among airliners of different models, but also among each individual crew. Exceeding the permitted thresholds is extremely dangerous.

  • Identified malfunctions of the airliner

If they are minor, then they will be fixed, as they say, on the spot, but if the breakdown is technically complex, the plane will be sent for repairs, and another aircraft will be found for the passengers.

Representatives of any airline are reluctant to talk about flight delays due to a malfunction. It spoils the reputation. And it scares many passengers, even those who do not suffer from aerophobia. Therefore, most often passengers are not informed that the plane required repairs.

  • Late arrival of the airliner

This is one of the most common reasons that are publicly voiced at airports when a flight is delayed - for passengers it sounds the most harmless. And that is why it is often abused.

  • Failure of ground services

If there is a delay in the chain of all necessary actions that are carried out at the airport with the plane during the connecting time, from the moment of arrival to departure, this will invariably entail a delay of the flight. This could be slow luggage removal, sluggish cleaning of the cabin, or the lateness of the new crew - there are a lot of reasons.

In most cases, when boarding an airliner is delayed by 20-30 minutes, this does not pose any particular problems for many. But if you have to wait for several hours, then passengers have the right to demand certain compensation.

If you are waiting for the coveted announcement about the start of check-in for your flight for more than an hour, first of all you need to ask the employees at the information desks for an explanation. Of course, you shouldn’t hope for a detailed explanation of the reasons for the delay. Most likely, you will be informed about unfavorable weather conditions or late flight arrival, which may not correspond to reality.

In any case, it is necessary ask to put a note on the boarding ticket indicating that the flight departed at the wrong time. It will become the basis for demanding certain free services guaranteed by the Federal Aviation Regulations.

If a flight is delayed for up to two hours, the carrier is obliged to provide all its passengers with:

  • luggage storage;
  • staying in the mother and baby room for those flying with children under seven years old.

Flight delay more than two hours

In this case, Russian legislation provides for each passenger:

  • two phone calls, not only via domestic but also international lines, or two messages by e-mail;
  • must be organized at the expense of the carrier distribution of soft drinks.

Flight delay more than four hours

If you have to languish in the airport terminal halls for more than four hours, then passengers have the right to demand hot meals.

Subsequently, the rules stipulated that hot food should be served at intervals of 6 hours during the day, and every 8 hours at night.

Flight delay of 6 hours or more

When a flight is delayed by a quarter of a day or more, the air carrier will have to fork out money and pay for the hotel stay of its passengers who did not depart on time.

Hotel provided if the flight is delayed for more than 6 hours at night, or more than 8 hours during the day; the way to the hotel The airline also pays.

What compensation can you expect?

The carrier also expects additional expenses if the flight is delayed due to his fault. According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, for each hour of waiting, the passenger is entitled to compensation - 3 percent of the ticket price. And also - a quarter of a percent of the minimum wage, also every hour of departure delay. True, no more than half the cost of the ticket.

According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the airline will be obliged to compensate passengers for the losses they incurred due to being late to their destination. These can be paid tickets for another type of transport, for theaters, musicals, operas, concerts or excursions. Respectively, do not forget to save all payment receipts and the tickets themselves.

If air tickets were included in the price of a tourist package, then you can also demand compensation from the carrier for paid but missed days at the hotel. In this case, a claim must be filed within 20 days after the end of the contract for the provision of tourist services, that is, immediately upon returning home.

When one flight delay causes a delay connecting flight same airline, the passengers will be transported free of charge on another plane. At the same time, they will not have to pay extra for seats in business class if there are no free seats in economy class. But if you paid for a “business” flight, and are offered to fly in the budget tail of the plane, demand a refund of the difference in price.

There is a chance to recover from the airline both moral and material harm due to lost profits due to delay. In this case, the evidence will be developed project presentations, business plans, forms of contracts prepared for signature, etc.

How to get compensation?

If the carrier does not fulfill its obligations, do not be upset. First ask the airport terminal administration a certificate confirming the delay of your plane's departure indicating the reason. And then feel free to go to a restaurant and order any dish, rent a hotel room, get there by taxi (the main thing here is to use the services of official companies that issue checks) - all this will subsequently be reimbursed by the air carrier.

In our country, within six months after an unpleasant incident, you need to send a claim to the airline with a request to reimburse your unplanned expenses. The application form must be accompanied by photocopies of the ticket, a certificate of flight delay and all available receipts issued at a restaurant, hotel, taxi, etc.

It is difficult to resist such a set of papers in our bureaucratic state - the carrier company will almost certainly quickly resolve the issue in your favor. According to the law, such requests from passengers can be considered no longer than one month.

But if the airline management does not want to resolve the problem amicably - write a statement of claim to the court. It must also be accompanied by copies of checks, receipts, certificates, as well as an official response from airline representatives to the request to reimburse expenses.

Seek the return of your Money going through the Russian legal system is, of course, not the fastest or most pleasant thing. But if you act decisively, you can achieve compensation with minimal temporary losses.

So, to summarize all of the above, when going on an air trip, you need to be prepared for the possibility of departure at a time not indicated in the flight schedule. It is necessary to save all reporting documents received during a long forced stay at the airport (checks, receipts, certificates), as well as tickets for entertainment events in the place where you are flying, but not used due to being late.

And, perhaps most importantly, always have additional funds in your account- they will be required if the air carrier refuses to fulfill its obligations to provide meals and hotel accommodation for passengers of the delayed flight. But all expenses incurred will then be reimbursed.

Video on the topic: “What to do if your flight is delayed”

How to get compensation of 600 euros for a flight delay or cancellation without going to court. what passengers are entitled to if their flight is delayed. What the law says. When compensation is due. Compensair service.

Compensair - what passengers are entitled to in case of flight delay or cancellation

Air travel has become a part of everyday life. People fly on vacation, on business trips, for treatment. Often, passengers' plans change dramatically if the flight is delayed for any reason. It’s not scary when the wait lasts only a couple of hours, but what should those who have experienced a long flight delay, which is what passengers are supposed to do?

Reasons for delay

Why is the flight delayed? The reasons vary. The unexpected delay is not necessarily the fault of the airline. The carrier is relieved of liability if the flight is delayed for the following reasons:

  • bad weather, natural disasters;
  • aircraft malfunction;
  • terrorist activities;
  • military conflicts or civil unrest;
  • an order from security officials;
  • strike of airport employees.

The carrier assumes certain obligations when selling tickets. An airline is considered to be in violation if the plane is delayed:

  • due to the fault of the crew;
  • due to scheduling conflicts;
  • due to financial difficulties.

Even if the airline’s obligations are not fulfilled for objective reasons, passengers are entitled to compensation for the delay of the plane’s flight. This applies not only to regular flights, but also to charter flights, otherwise the company will face a significant fine.

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Is it possible to insure

People have no control over the vagaries of nature. Force majeure circumstances occur even with a reliable carrier. Reputable companies such as Aeroflot, S7 or Pobeda are not immune from surprises.

And yet, experienced travelers are trying to protect themselves. When buying an air ticket, they look for information about how often flights on a particular airline are delayed. It would be useful to have flight delay insurance, which can be purchased separately or in one package with compulsory medical insurance.

Please note that flight cancellation is considered another insured event. And if your contract does not include flight cancellation insurance, you may be denied a refund under the insurance. Therefore, when deciding on additional insurance, pay attention to all clauses of the contract and statistics on the chosen route and carrier.

Even not being insured, you do not lose the right to monetary compensation for lost time and ruined vacation if the flight is canceled by the airline.

Flights within the country are regulated Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the amount of compensation is determined by the laws of the Russian Federation and is directly related to the established minimum wage, which is quite modest in our country. After all calculations, payments will be a maximum of 50% of the ticket price.

If the plane Russian company detained at one of the airports in the European Union, the passenger’s rights are protected by EU regulations. The amount of payments will be higher, and a message about a change in departure time received less than 2 weeks in advance is the basis for receiving monetary compensation. Depending on the route and delay time, the person who submitted a written application will pay 250-600 euros.

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On protecting the rights of passengers

If a flight is delayed, no matter for what reason, the airline is obliged to take care of its customers and provide comfortable waiting conditions. Passenger rights are specified in special legislative acts, including the air and civil codes and the law on the protection of consumer rights. Russia is subject to the resolution of the European Parliament, according to which Passengers are paid monetary compensation in the following cases:

  • he was denied boarding;
  • the flight is delayed indefinitely;
  • flight cancelled.

In the event of a flight delay, the airline is obliged to notify customers of the change in departure time. If there is no justification for the reasons why the flight was delayed, and the company’s agent is unavailable, you are left with an appeal to the Federal Air Transport Agency service or a claim with the tour operator.

Airline responsibilities

If the flight is delayed even by a quarter of an hour, parents with children under seven years of age receive the right to rest in the mother and child room.

If the company delays flights for a fleet of hours or longer, every person has the right:

  • for 2 calls or messages by email or phone;
  • storage room;
  • beverages.

Waiting for departure 4 hours or more, meals are provided in one of the airport cafes. Airline obliged to feed their clients through 6 hours during the day and through 8 hours at night. Lunch vouchers are issued by company employees.

If air carriers delay the flight's departure longer than 8 hours during the day and 6 hours at night, passengers are provided with a hotel, providing a free transfer to the place of overnight stay.

When delayed longer than 5 hours you should be refunded the full cost of the ticket.

No additional payment required. A standard set of services is required for all airlines.

Unfortunately, Russian realities are such that company employees often have to be reminded of their responsibilities. If the passenger's rights are not respected, a written complaint must be filed with the airline. You are protected by a law that takes into account material losses associated with a delayed or canceled flight.

Let’s say a person missed a connecting flight or was unable to check into booked hotel. The client can recover monetary compensation from the airline because he missed his connection due to the fault of the air carrier. But you will not be able to get money if the company’s guilt is not proven, and the reason for the flight delay was objective circumstances.

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Passenger actions in case of flight delay

How to find out about a plane flight cancellation? Departure information can be conveniently tracked on online scoreboard at the airport, or by calling the help desk.

If you notice on the electronic board that your flight is delayed, remain calm. Keep an eye out for schedule changes. The delay may be minor.

If it's passed 2 hours, and you are still at the airport, start taking action:

  1. Ask for an explanation from the airline representative. It is usually located at the ticket office or reception desk. Don't expect him to look for every passenger and tell him about his rights. Take the initiative.
  2. You will need a flight delay certificate. If a company agent is not available, please contact the information department for a note.
  3. The company agent should give you coupons for hot lunches, show you to the rest room and provide access to the storage room.
  4. If you did not receive the required services, eat on your own, pay for luggage storage, keep your receipts.

If a flight is cancelled, the stranded person is guaranteed a seat on board another aircraft. Let him buy the most cheap ticket, and you are transferred to business class, you won’t have to pay an extra ruble. Otherwise, when you are offered economy class instead of the business class you paid for, be sure to insist on a refund of the difference in price.

What to do if the flight is cancelled? You have every right to cancel the flight and return the ticket, even if it was purchased at a non-refundable fare. Such a refusal is forced.

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Chartered flight

The cancellation of charter flights is not the responsibility of the carrier, but of the tour operator who chartered the ship. Passengers are offered the same range of services: financial compensation, food, hotel, transfer.

Refusal of compensation is possible only in the event of bad weather, aircraft malfunction, terrorist attacks, or strikes. In other cases, consumer protection is the responsibility of aviation and travel companies. Where to complain if the carrier violated the established deadlines and did not provide the necessary services? Remember, the airline is responsible for the cancellation of a regular flight; a charter flight is the responsibility of the tour operator. But the rules for canceling a flight are the same for everyone. You have the right to submit an application for compensation for material damage within six months. The guilty party considers it within a month.

The passenger can sue for reimbursement of material costs by attaching, along with checks and receipts, a certificate or note confirming the cancellation or delay of the flight. But in practice, not everyone has the competence, time and patience to achieve the required payments.

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About the Compensair service

If a carrier or tour operator cancels a flight, and no one is in a hurry to compensate for the damage caused, contact the website for help.

The founder of the service, Roman Gilmanov, once spent 24 hours at the Chicago airport and personally experienced all the difficulties that befall thousands of travelers around the world. This is how the idea of ​​creating the Compensair service came about.

In 2016, Compensair ltd was registered in the capital of Great Britain. Its main task is to assist in obtaining additional payment in case of a delay or complete cancellation of a flight. According to the resolution of the European Parliament, when detained for more than 3 hours, in addition to standard obligations, the passenger is entitled Compensation from 250 to 600 euros. The final amount depends on the duration of the flight and the time spent at the airport.

The problem is that the service is of a declarative nature, that is, the passenger must initiate an investigation himself or go to court.

The Compensair service, by power of attorney received from the client, undertakes to:

  • file a claim against the airline;
  • negotiate with the carrier’s representative;
  • represent the interests of the passenger in court;
  • bear legal costs;
  • provide the client with a refund for the canceled flight.

The service charges a commission for its work - 25% of the payment amount. This is not a scam for money, but real help. The reward is charged only if the outcome is successful, the client does not lose anything. This is evidenced by real reviews of people who asked for help and received the desired result.

Most tourists travel using regular or charter flights. And, unfortunately, more and more often air travel is accompanied by delays or cancellations.

If your flight is delayed, you should know the following basic rights and actions:

1. Passengers on charter and regular flights have the same rights. The carrier is equally liable to the passenger for the delay of both a charter and a regular flight.

2. You have the right to reliable and accurate information. Contact a representative of the airline operating the flight (most carriers have representative offices or designated counters at almost all major Russian airports) or, if you are flying from a small airport where there is no official airline representative, the airport information desk. In any case, they must explain to you why and how much the flight departure is delayed.

If the responsible persons of the air carrier or airport “do not understand” you, then you can remind them that, according to the requirements of paragraph 72 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, “ General rules air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (hereinafter referred to as FAP), regular flights are operated in accordance with the aircraft schedule generated by the carrier and published in the computer database of aircraft traffic schedules, and charter flights- in accordance with the charter flight plan (schedule).

At the same time, paragraph 73 of the FAR defines the information requirements for each regular flight, which the published aircraft schedule must meet. In the event of a change in the aircraft schedule, the carrier must take possible measures to inform passengers with whom the contract has been concluded air transportation, on changing the aircraft schedule by any in an accessible way(clause 74 FAP).

Information about the delay or cancellation of the flight, as well as the reasons for the delay or cancellation of the flight, is communicated to passengers by the carrier or the organization carrying out airport activities (service organization) directly at the airport in visual and/or acoustic form (clause 92 of the FAP).

3. You have the right to request that a representative of the airline or employees of the airport of departure/destination put a note on the ticket about the flight delay. It is necessary if you later write a claim to the carrier or sue him. Exact time for an actual departure, ask for it to be written in hand by a representative of the airline/airport and certified with a stamp (this can be done upon boarding or re-check-in - this is carried out in cases where tourists were accommodated in a hotel during a flight delay).

4. In case of any delay in flight departure, the air carrier, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 99. FAP, is obliged to organize the following services for passengers free of charge:

provide a mother and child room to a passenger with a child under 7 years of age

organize luggage storage

4.1. If the flight delay is more than two hours:
- 2 phone calls or 2 emails;

Cold drinks.

4.2. If the flight delay is more than four hours:

hot meals; At the same time, they should feed hot food every 6 hours during the day and every 8 hours at night. (A bun with tea is not a hot meal, but a violation of the rules).

4.3. If the flight delay is more than six hours:

accommodation in a hotel (if waiting for departure more than 6 hours at night and more than 8 hours during the day).

organize delivery by transport from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided without charging an additional fee.

It is customary to accommodate passengers in the hotels closest to the airport. You do not have the right to be placed in a double room with strangers. If the conditions are not at all satisfactory, you have the right to choose a hotel yourself and wait for departure there, having previously agreed with airport representatives that you will be notified of the departure time. In this case, pay for the room yourself. And after returning home (or arriving at the resort), you will need to write an official request to the main office of the airline demanding a refund of part of the amount spent.

5. If the airline, in order to reduce the time of delay to a minimum and possible claims to zero, sends you on a different route or on a flight of another company, then this should be carried out exclusively at the expense of the airline or the airport; in this case, there can be no talk of any additional payments.

6. If, due to a flight delay, your trip has become shorter, you have the right to demand a refund from the tour operator for all paid but unused services: a night in a hotel, a missed excursion, etc. As a rule, claims are made after returning from vacation. At the same time, one must keep in mind that tour operators willingly offer compensation right on the spot: an additional excursion, full board instead of breakfast, etc.

7. In accordance with the provisions of Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, for delay in delivering a passenger to the destination, the carrier must pay a fine in the amount of twenty-five percent of the minimum wage established by federal law for each hour of delay, but not more than fifty percent of the carriage charge.

Tourists should take into account that a fine cannot be collected if the change in flight departure time was due to force majeure, the elimination of an aircraft malfunction that threatens the life or health of the aircraft’s passengers, or other circumstances beyond the control of the carrier.

According to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 401 of the Civil Code, circumstances of force majeure do not include violation of obligations on the part of the debtor's counterparties, the absence on the market of goods necessary for fulfillment, the debtor's lack of necessary funds (for example, to pay for fuel), and the carrier has the right to cancel or delay the flight specified on the ticket, change the aircraft type, change the transportation route only if required by flight safety conditions and/or aviation security, as well as at the request of government bodies in accordance with their competence.

To receive compensation, you must submit a claim to the airline, attaching copies of documents confirming your right to compensation. According to the provisions of Article 126 of the Air Code, a passenger has the right to make a claim against the carrier (the application can be submitted in person or sent by registered mail) within 6 months from the date of arrival - at the airline representative office at the airport of destination or departure. The carrier company is obliged to consider your claim within 30 days.

If the appeal was ignored or the culprits refused to compensate your expenses, you have the right to sue them. Claims against the carrier in accordance with the relevant rule on exclusive jurisdiction contained in Part 3 of Article 30 of the Civil Procedure Code Russian Federation, are presented to the court at the location of the carrier against whom the claim was made in accordance with the established procedure.

The statement of claim to the court will need to include copies of the air ticket with a note about the flight delay (cancellation), invoices for the expenses you incurred (for example, for hotel, meals, telephone conversations), as well as your written claim to the carrier and the response of its representatives.

8. The fact of cancellation or delay of a flight due to the fault of the carrier, as well as its failure to fulfill the obligations assigned to it in accordance with paragraph 99. FAP for the appropriate service of passengers may, in the event of a culpable interruption in transportation, be grounds for passengers to present to the carrier a claim for compensation for moral damage due to the infliction of corresponding physical and moral suffering (based on Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”). The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court and does not depend on the amount of compensation for property damage.