Travel notes. Morocco

MOROCCO is a crossroads of civilizations, connecting two worlds, a place where beautiful Europe ends and mysterious Africa begins... Hearing only the word “Morocco”, majestic palaces surrounded by the most beautiful gardens appear in memory one after another; numerous souk markets, fragrant with a variety of spices; the charming snake charmers of Marrakesh; "Fantasy" with brilliant rituals. The ancient Medina attracts with its mystery, narrow shady streets, where real life is in full swing. Turning off the wide street, you will plunge into another, serene world, you will find yourself in front of the most beautiful doors. Open them and you will find yourself in the world of a real oriental fairy tale with beautiful palaces and hospitable hosts. Forget about everything and wonderful country will reveal his deepest secrets to you...

Morocco is a country where modernity is built around the past; here you can find places that have not changed at all since the Middle Ages. Walk along the shore Mediterranean Sea, look into oak forests and shady palm groves, take part in a maritime wedding of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, discover beautiful riads and the secrets of beautiful Morocco will be revealed to you...

The capital is Rabat.

Main resorts: Agadir, Marrakech, Essaouira, Casablanca, Fes, Tangier, Oualidia and El Jadida.

How to get to Morocco

Direct flight with Royal Air Maroc from Moscow to Casablanca (departure from Sheremetyevo 3 times a week). Travel time is about 6 hours.

Another option is regular flights of foreign airlines on the same route with a transit stop in Europe. The easiest way is Lufthansa flights (via Frankfurt) or Air France with a transfer in Paris, from where the same airline flies to Casablanca, Marrakesh and Rabat. Flight duration is at least 8-9 hours (depending on the connecting time, which can take from 1 to 3 hours). There is a direct charter Moscow - Agadir, which flies with May holidays until the end of November once every 10-12 days, flight time is about 6 hours. A domestic flight from Casablanca to Agadir (or Marrakech) takes about 45 minutes (Royal Air Maroc).

Visa to Morocco

Russian citizens do not need a visa to Morocco if their stay in the country does not exceed 90 days.


The import and export of foreign currency is unlimited, but its circulation in Morocco is prohibited. The export of national currency is prohibited. It is allowed to import duty free: no more than one bottle of spirits and one bottle of wine per adult, up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco.

Hunting equipment and professional photographic equipment are subject to mandatory declaration, and in some cases an official import permit is required. The import of photographs, videos and printed materials containing elements of pornography, materials contrary to Islamic norms, as well as drugs and weapons is prohibited. The export of objects and things of historical and artistic value without special permission is prohibited.

Transport Morocco

Buses are the most popular form of transport in the country, so it can sometimes be difficult to buy a ticket for them. They are equipped with air conditioning and travel is inexpensive (from 3 to 10 USD depending on the distance). There are few intracity buses and they run quite infrequently (every 20-25 minutes, fare 5-10 MDH).

The network is well developed in the northern and central parts of the country railways ONCF, connecting Casablanca, Rabat, Fes, Meknes and Marrakesh. Train travel is safe and fairly inexpensive. Fast trains are quite comfortable and air conditioned, most of them have bars or a buffet.

Inside the city limits there are “small taxis” (maximum three people), which are clearly visible thanks to their bright colors, flags and roof racks. They can pick up other passengers. The fare is about 1 USD per 1 km, but more often the price of the trip can be discussed in advance with the driver (bargaining is appropriate), since there are no taximeters in such cars. Traveling around the city costs on average 10-50 MDH plus tip. There are also so-called “large taxis” (analogous to “minibuses” for six people), intended for intercity and suburban trips (departed only after all seats in the cabin are filled). The fare (20-50 MDH) is agreed upon in advance and divided among all passengers (paid to the driver at the end of the trip). The cost of a taxi from the airport to Casablanca (30 km) is approximately 250 MDH (about 30 USD). Traveling around the city by taxi costs 20-50 MDH.

Rent a Car

To rent, you must have an international driver's license, a credit card and be over 21 years old. Car rental is a very popular service in the country; often a car is rented “complete” with a driver.

Offices of international rental companies are widespread and prices are low. Renting a middle class car costs about 400 MDH per day. Taxes, mileage, insurance, roadside assistance and transportation costs are paid separately depending on the type of vehicle. In large resort areas, it is recommended to reserve a car in advance. Before renting, you should especially carefully familiarize yourself with the technical condition of the car: often cars have hidden defects that will have to be paid for upon return.

Tourist safety in Morocco

Moroccans are warm towards Russian tourists(as, in principle, to guests from other countries). Their pleasant difference from the same Turks or Egyptians is their unobtrusiveness.

The country is socially and politically stable and relatively safe in terms of crime. In the hotel areas you can walk even at night. However, in markets and places with large crowds of people, you must keep a bag with valuables in front of you and constantly monitor the people around you, and do not leave things unchecked. The local population has great respect for the police.

With rare exceptions, non-Muslims are prohibited from entering mosques. Hugging, and indeed showing strong emotions in public, is not accepted.

7 things to do in Morocco

  1. Relax on one of the Kingdom's magnificent beaches.
  2. Relax body and spirit in one of the traditional hammams in Marrakech.
  3. Get lost in the labyrinth of streets of the Fez medina and emerge from it, frantically clinging to the sleeve of a local.
  4. Drink a glass of authentic Moroccan tea at a coffee shop in Jemaa el Fna Square.
  5. Ride the stormy waves of the Atlantic on one of the surfing beaches in the vicinity of Agadir.
  6. See Europe across the Strait of Gibraltar from Tangier.
  7. Buy real Little Muk's shoes - so you can walk around the house in them on long Russian winter evenings.

Climate of Morocco

Due to large differences in relief and the proximity of the capricious Atlantic, the climate in Morocco varies significantly throughout the country. On the Mediterranean coast, the country's climate is mild, subtropical, with hot summers and moderately cold winters. The temperature in summer reaches +29..+35°C, and in winter +15..+20°C, in the mountains -15°C. The summer heat is well tolerated thanks to the cool ocean breeze. Average water temperature +18..+21°C. In the mountains, even on the hottest days, the temperature does not rise above +15 °C; in winter, some peaks are covered with snow. There is snow at an altitude of 2000 meters for more than 5 months of the year.

It is rarely completely cloudy in Morocco. Marrakesh and Fez, as well as Agadir, average more than eight hours of sunshine per day. The number of frosty days in a year is 120.


Wide sandy beaches, less often - their own (with free sun loungers and umbrellas), more often - municipal ones (1.5-2 USD for a furnished place in the sun). On some parts of the coast of Morocco there are noticeable ebbs and flows.


It is better to exchange money in banks or special exchange offices with a “gold” inscription. Banks Banks are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 11:30 and from 14:15 to 16:30. There are also exchange offices at airports. Credit cards Eurocard, Master Card, Visa and American Express are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and many shops.

Tips are usually given little by little, but often - in restaurants and hotels up to 10% of the order amount (often they are already included in the bill, but additional “baksheesh” is welcome), maids - 2-10 MDH per week, car security guards - 1-2 MDH , car washers - 5 MDH, guides, drivers -10 MDH per excursion. However, these are only general recommendations: in any case, the size of the tip remains at the discretion of the tourist.

Morocco Hotels

The country has a European classification of hotels. The hotels are mostly in Arabic style, most of them on the coast. 2-3* hotels are located at a distance of 500-600 meters from the sea, 4-5* - closer to the coastline - 200-300 meters. Of course, there are also hotels located directly on the first line of the beach. Meals are most often half board, but you can also find a good all inclusive.

Along with classified hotels, there are also unclassified ones. Service in hotels differs from European ones in the direction of greater simplicity. At the same time, the “star” classification is carried out quite arbitrarily: in a five-star hotel there may easily be no hair dryers and shampoo in the room, while in the next three-star hotel all this will be available. There is no European clarity in the work of the staff.

The voltage in the electrical network in new buildings is 220 V, in old ones - 110 V, frequency 50 Hz. The sockets are standard European, with grounding.

Cuisine and restaurants of Morocco

Moroccan cuisine widely uses fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood and, of course, spices. As elsewhere in North Africa, couscous is king here. It is prepared from crushed wheat grains, garnished with a stew of meat, vegetables, tomato paste and spices. Another national dish is “tagine”: lamb, lamb, chicken or fish stewed with vegetables and seasoning (prepared differently in different regions of the country). The national drink is sweet tea made from fresh mint. Couscous, fish and seafood, sweets and a huge number of local delicacies.

A traditional Moroccan drink is tea with mint and coffee, usually very strong and hot, often with cardamom. Coffee with milk is much less common and is called “kahu kasse”.

The country produces the best wines in North Africa: red Bouluan, Ostale, Cabernet President, Taleb, Pierre Antoine, Cardinal Amazir, as well as white Chude-Sautel and Valpierre.

Thalassotherapy in Morocco

This is not to say that thalasso in Morocco is the most affordable or super-unique. But what is there is of quite decent quality and is worth the money. Typically, thalassotherapy centers offer the following procedures: all kinds of massages, electrophysiotherapy, lymphatic drainage of the body and face, hydromassage baths, Charcot's shower, algae wrap ("talatherm"), "hamam" with a mud mask or a mask with algae, gommage, sea pool with phlebological paths, underwater music therapy, cardio training, facial skin care treatments, cavitasonic and much more. Procedures can be ordered individually or in a course lasting 3-9 days and starting at 500 USD.

In Agadir, there are thalassotherapy centers at the Atlantic Palace, Palais des Roses and Riu Tikida Beach hotels. In Casablanca - at the Riad Salam hotel, in Essaouira - Sofitel Thalassa Mogador, in Marrakech - at the Palmeraie Golf Palace & Resort hotel.


There are two types of hammams, that is, steam baths, in Morocco. The first ones are especially for tourists, where they sweat intensely under the supervision of local bath specialists. A visit to a “tourist” hammam will cost about 150 MAD. The second type of hammam is an authentic public steam bath, where Moroccans themselves go. You will need to take a cleaning mitt, towel and underwear with you there. Men and women either have separate hammams or have different visiting hours. Men are strictly forbidden to go naked in public hammams, while women can go with or without underwear. Finally, the cost of public hammams is much lower than tourist ones: 7-15 MAD for entry, 30 MAD for a scrub and 30 MAD for a massage.

Shopping and shops

Store opening hours are variable: owners set them at their own discretion. State stores are usually open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; some supermarkets are open 24 hours a day. Most trading takes place in the markets, which are usually open while it is light.

In the city “medinas” and souvenir shops you can buy souvenirs for every taste, as well as paintings, lamps (made of leather, copper, etc.), national clothes, products from thuja, silver and gold items and jewelry, handmade carpets, products from clay, porcelain and much more. In large stores, the quality of goods is higher, but the prices are corresponding. In the medinas and souvenir shops, everything is 30-50% cheaper. You should definitely pay attention to leather goods: Moroccan tanners are famous throughout the East.

An original souvenir from Morocco is traditional oriental shoes with curved toes (like Little Mook, for example). They are made of soft leather and decorated with silk embroidery with gold and silver threads.

Alcoholic drinks are sold everywhere, but their sale in stores stops at 20:00 (in hotels, exceptions are often made to this rule).

Entertainment, excursions and attractions

Morocco is exceptionally rich in a variety of interesting attractions.

Casablanca: Great Mosque of Hassan II, Cathedral Notre Dame, ruins of the ancient city of Anfa.

Marrakech is another ancient capital of Morocco, whose central square Djemaa el Fna is listed cultural heritage UNESCO. This is the real quintessence of Moroccan exoticism: snake charmers, tattoo artists, storytellers, singers... It is almost impossible to find the attractions recommended by the guidebook in the labyrinth of this city. But we will still list the main ones, in case someone gets lucky: the Koutoubia Mosque with a height of 77 meters, the El Badi Palace, the tombs of the Saadian dynasty.

From Marrakech it is convenient to make one-day trips to the mountains. For example, to the clay fortress of Teluet, a bright red clay ruin with a forged gate that must be unlocked with a meter-long key. Inside there is a collapsed staircase, tiled tiles and rooms for a harem. You get to Telouet through the highest pass in the Atlas Mountains, Tizi n’Tishka. An alternative to Telouet is the Ouzoud waterfalls in the picturesque valley (bonus - caves with stalactites) and mountain resort Ukaimeden.

Essaouira: Toubkal and Tazzeka national parks.

Popular excursions in Morocco

Agadir sightseeing tour - about 15 USD, Tafraout - 50 USD. Folklore show “Fantasy” in Inzegan, a town 10 km from Agadir - 20 USD. Excursion to Marrakech for a day - 65 USD, route Marrakesh - Essaouira (for 2 days and one night) - 130 USD. Oasis Immouser with the “Blanket of Lovers” waterfall (1 day) - 30 USD, “Berber evening” with dinner in the village of Tassile - 30 USD, “jeep safari” (1 day) - 45 USD. And also: boat trips, shark hunting, camel and horse riding.

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Culture and history of Morocco

High city walls and breathtaking coastline Atlantic Ocean, eastern country and the capital Rabat charm and inspire. The history of this fascinating city dates back to Roman times, 300 BC, when the Punic port of Halla was built on the banks of the Bou Regreg River.

The Rabat Fortress, as well as the Kasbah Oudayas, are fantastic relics from Rabat's heyday. In 1912, Rabat became the capital of Morocco and today it is a modern and dynamic city of the 21st century.

Morocco used to be a French colony, so even today on the streets of the city, in addition to Arabic, you can hear French spoken. In the early 1950s, popular independence movements increased in the country. As a result, the Sultan of Morocco was expelled in 1953, and his uncle was appointed in his place. This was followed by a wave of discontent from foreign authorities, which was the first step towards Moroccan independence. France and Spain could no longer maintain their authority in the country, and in 1955 Sultan Muhammad V was able to return to the country.

In 1956, Morocco gained independence from France. Since 1975, the country has occupied Western Sahara.

The best place to experience Morocco is in Rabat.


Sacrees du Monde Music Festival
The festival of sacred music takes place in May in the city of Fez. Over the course of one week, orchestras, solo artists, choirs and dance groups from all over the world perform. The festival takes place in the city, in the gardens and medina. You can also buy a universal pass. In 2017, an all-inclusive ticket to the festival cost 305 euros.

Folklore Festival in Marrakech
From March to April, a folk festival takes place in Marrakech. As part of this festival, you can watch folk dances and experience oriental culture. The festival brings together both local groups and dancers from European and African countries.

Mawazine Festival in Rabat
Rabat hosts the annual Mawazine festival, a week-long world famous music Festival. The group includes artists from all over Africa, Europe, Asia and other countries. During the week there are many concerts, in different styles and genres.


January 11 Independence Day is celebrated. The manifesto of January 11, 1944 led to the formation of the "independence party" (Al-Hizb al-Istiqlal), which continues to play an important role for Moroccans.
1st of May Labor Day is celebrated.
July 30 celebrate the day of the Throne.
August 14 marks the return of the Sahrawi provinces to Morocco.
August 20 commemorate the day of the uprising of the population of Morocco against the expulsion of the king.
August 21 people celebrate the birthday of their king Mohammed VI century. “Youth Day” is also celebrated on this day.
November 6 The so-called “Green March” (La Marche Verte / El Massira el khadrae) takes place.
November 18th 1956 Morocco celebrates independence from France.

Also don't forget about Ramadan and fasting. At this time, the opening hours of shops and some attractions change.

National cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is a delicious experience. Morocco is famous for its spices, so you can try a lot of new things here. National dishes are tagine and couscous, which are definitely worth trying in Morocco. Couscous is usually prepared on Fridays and is often eaten with your hands. Processed cucumbers and tomatoes are often seen in Moroccan salads. You can also try all kinds of meat skewers or fish dishes by the ocean. One of the most unusual dishes is cooked goat's head with salt and cumin. At Sprachcaffe you have an amazing opportunity to take part in a master class:

Morocco is located at the crossroads of Africa and Europe, almost touching the Iberian Peninsula at its northern tip. It is washed in the north by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and in the west by the Atlantic Ocean. The Strait of Gibraltar separates Morocco from mainland Europe. Borders with Algeria. The southeastern border in the Sahara Desert is not precisely defined. In the center of Morocco there is a group of mountains: the Middle Atlas and the High Atlas. Highest point— snow-capped peak Jebel Toub-kal (4165 m). The country's main rivers are the Muluya, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea, and the Cebu, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. On the northern coast of Morocco are the Spanish exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. It is called Al-Maghrib al-Aqsa - “the farthest country of the sunset”. Morocco brings together the best of two neighboring cultures. If you want to go on a trip, feel the African flavor and get service (in hotels and riads) of European quality - go to the Kingdom of Morocco!

Morocco is a true spirit of the east and oriental culture, you will get to know fairytale palaces, picturesque ruins, luxurious nature and colorful streets of Moroccan cities. Holidays in Morocco will appeal to those who just want to relax on the beach sand, and those who want extreme sensations, and lovers of antiquities, and those who come on vacation with children. When you go on holiday to Morocco, you can stay in resort town on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea, wander through the narrow ancient streets, oriental bazaars and squares, go on a safari, ride camels, visit the Sahara Desert in the south of the country and even, oddly enough, ride a alpine skiing in the Atlas Mountains.

Historically interesting country Morocco attracts tourists not only for its attractions and cultural monuments. You will be surprised how comfortable it is to relax here, how beautiful the landscapes are and how thoughtful the service is. Tours to Morocco are very popular, and our tourists return here again and again to enjoy unforgettable vacation on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.


Morocco's climate is temperate and subtropical, with the country's coastline cooled by breezes from the Atlantic Ocean. Weather is unpredictable and can vary from extreme heat to unexpected cold. The climate also varies greatly depending on the region and locality, and travelers are advised to check climatic conditions depending on the destinations they will visit.

Taroudant – ancient city with a thousand-year history, where French influence is manifested to the least extent. The city is surrounded by a medieval seven-meter wall, which stretches for five kilometers and encircles the entire city. Taroudant is very similar to Marrakesh, with the only difference being that Marrakesh has long gone beyond the boundaries of its ancient walls. The best time to admire the city walls is at sunset – at this time they literally shimmer in shades of gold, pink and orange. Immediately behind the wall begins a palm grove, in which palm trees grow mixed with orange and olive trees. On the eastern side, spurs of the High Atlas approach the city, the peaks of which can be admired against the backdrop of medieval walls.

The city of Taroudant is called “little Marrakech”. He is in every way like this great southern capital, but much smaller, quieter, calmer and not so crowded with tourists. Beautiful gardens have more space here than buildings. At colorful local bazaars you can buy leather and copper products, and silver jewelry. On the way to Taroudant you will pass the picturesque Sousse Valley - the center of citrus cultivation. You will have a wonderful view of the snowy peaks of the High Atlas. A small town that seems like a small copy of Marrakech is the largest and most beautiful city on the banks of the Sousse River. The city flourished in the 17th century. Taroudant is also located at the foot of the mountains, surrounded by the valley of the Sousse River, 150 km long and 40 km wide, which leads to the sea. In the city itself, it is worth visiting the Bahia Palace, this luxurious building was built in 1880 by order of Ba Ahmed, chief vizier of Sultans Moulay Hassan and Moulay Abd El Aziz. The property is surrounded by an eight-hectare garden and the building itself consists of several lush apartments, the windows of which open onto a patio. They say that a thousand artisans from the city of Fez worked on the construction of the palace for seven years. The Grand Vizier lived in the palace with four wives and 24 concubines. Take time to admire the cedar sculptures and relax in the palace's inner garden. All 160 rooms of the palace are inaccessible to visitors. Currently, part of the premises of the Bahia Palace is occupied by the royal army. That is why there is a guard of guards at the entrance to the palace. This is one of the most beautiful oases in the South of Morocco with amazing palm trees. This is a city that will enchant you. You can have lunch at the "Pearl of the Sousse Valley", - Taroudante - ancient capital Kingdom founded by the Saadian dynasty. This is one of ancient cities kingdoms.

Morocco is one of the best expressions of Africa. This is the Sahara Desert and the gentle waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. These are oriental bazaars and modern hotels. This is excellent excursion program and wellness. In general, this is Africa in a modern way.

The capital of Morocco is the city of Rabat. Occupied territory - more than 446.5 thousand square kilometers. The country has more than 32.7 million inhabitants.

Resorts of Morocco

The most popular Moroccan resort is Agadir. Here beautiful beaches with yellow-golden sand, conditions for windsurfing and sea ​​fishing. There are many entertainment venues in Agadir: discos, restaurants, bars.

Casablancamodern city, incorporating the culture of East and West, modern technology and African customs.

Essaouira famous for its conditions for those who like to catch waves. Several surf centers welcome visitors. Just beach holiday in Essaouira it is not comfortable due to the constantly blowing winds.

How to get to Morocco

Belarus and Morocco do not have direct flights. You can fly from Minsk to Moroccan resorts only with connections in other countries.

You can take a direct flight from Moscow, doing the same there.

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Climate of Morocco

The best time to visit Moroccan resorts is from October to April. The hot summer weather during this period is smoothed out by a light breeze from the sea-ocean, which greatly facilitates your well-being.

Summer temperatures in the Mediterranean are +29 - +35, winter - +15 - +20. Water on average is +18 - +21.

And here ski resorts We invite you from December to March.

Beaches of Morocco

Morocco is distinguished by the convenience of its beaches with a wide coastline. As a rule, they are covered yellow sand and quite clean.

If the beach belongs to the hotel, both the entrance to it and the beach equipment will be free, but if the state owns it, you will have to pay for the beach equipment.

The hotel base of Morocco is beautiful buildings in oriental style with excellent service. 4* - 5* are located very close to the sea. The price includes either breakfast and dinner, or an all-inclusive system. These types of hotels may have heated swimming pools and gyms.

However, when planning a trip, you should carefully study the information about the chosen hotel, since the stated “star rating” may be overestimated.

Alternative accommodation options in Morocco include renting a villa or apartment, or staying in a hostel.

Banks, money, exchange offices

In Morocco, the local currency in circulation is the dirham, equal to 100 centimes.

You can exchange money in banks and exchange offices, as well as in hotels and at the airport. Cash must be counted immediately to avoid miscounting. Changing money on the streets is strongly discouraged.

Tourist safety

The crime rate in Morocco is low. But simple safety rules will not harm: in crowded places, do not lose sight of personal belongings, and it is better to leave large amounts of cash and valuables in the hotel safe.

Do not walk alone along the streets of unfamiliar cities, especially in the dark.

You should not drink tap water - only boiled or bottled water. Don't order drinks with ice on the streets.

IN in public places It is unacceptable to be with bare shoulders, chest, and knees.


There are air and rail connections between major cities in Morocco. Trains are cheaper and come in varying speeds and degrees of comfort.

Traveling on intercity buses. One “but”: tickets should be purchased in advance.

The main cities are connected by an analogue of our “minibuses” - “grand taxis”, designed for six passengers.

The basis of urban transport is also buses, but they run quite rarely. There are taxis that can carry three passengers. The fare should be agreed upon in advance. IN major cities Special tourist buses run for a better acquaintance with the sights.

Foreigners can rent a car. The average rental cost is from 50 US dollars per day. You should not rent a car on the streets. When driving in Morocco, you need to be extremely careful - local drivers are not entirely “friendly” with the rules of the road as Europeans understand them. The best option will rent a car with a driver.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Morocco

Morocco is a rich and interesting excursion program.

The famous Fes attracts with its fortresses, museums, mosques, fortifications, and beautiful nature.

Rabat has been known since the 12th century. There are many palaces, museums and natural attractions here. Not far from the capital there is a place of pilgrimage for Muslims - ancient Sale with its famous chapel.

The old city of Marrakech is under the protection of UNESCO. There are also mosques, palaces, mausoleums and other antiquities here.

One of the main natural attractions of the country is the “Lovers' Veil” waterfall.

In Casablanca there is the famous Hassan Mosque 2 – business card countries.

Throughout Morocco there are buildings with unique architecture.

Ecotourism is popular in the country national parks And nature reserves. The main attractions here are the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert.

Morocco attracts tourists with its relatively inexpensive health treatments, hammams - especially for tourists, ski holiday, the possibility of windsurfing.

Shopping and shops

Morocco is a paradise for shopaholics. Here you can buy leather and wooden products of excellent quality, clothing, shoes, and jewelry.

Handmade carpets, forged items, ceramics - bargain and get them at an affordable price.

Excellent quality hair and body care products.

Private shops operate on individual schedules, some supermarkets operate 24 hours a day.

Cuisine and restaurants

Moroccan cuisine is a mixture of traditions from Africa and Europe, East and West.

Most dishes are prepared based on meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits and local spices.

Popular dishes among tourists are kebab - specially fried lamb, veal or chicken meat. Tazhin is an analogue of goulash - made from beef marinated in lemon juice, with chicken (lamb), olives, and prunes. Not a single feast is complete without couscous (made from crushed wheat grains) - with meat and vegetables.

For dessert – marshmallow with almonds, fish or milk.

It is advisable to eat in more expensive establishments - they will ensure the safety of your health.


Currency can be imported and exported in any quantity. Local money is prohibited for export.

Alcohol and cigarettes are subject to import restrictions.

Import and export of cultural and historical values ​​is carried out according to a special document.

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