Entertainment on a cruise ship. Organization of cruise animation programs Cruise scenario plan

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Rivers, lakes, and seas are important tourism resources. They create a favorable microclimate, decorate the landscape, provide tourists with the opportunity to relax on the water, exercise aquatic species sports Cruise travel is travel by river or sea on board special passenger ships, as a rule, calling at ports. Cruises are one of the most comfortable, and therefore most expensive types of vacation. Cruise ships have their own classification of cabins into categories depending on the level of comfort. The level of comfort is a criterion consisting of several components: the number and location of seats in the cabin, the location of the cabin along the length and height of the vessel, the area and shape of the cabin, the availability of amenities and sanitary facilities, and the type of lighting. On board the ships the services of restaurants, cafes, bars, gyms and cinemas, shops, etc. are provided.

The duration of classic cruises ranges from several days to several months for round-the-world routes. In addition to port calls and excursion programs outside the ship, the rest of the time, cruise participants are in a beautiful, comfortable, but enclosed space, so the entertainment segment is an important element of a cruise trip, organically included in the organization of a cruise vacation. Due to limited space during travel, animation on river and sea cruises has its own characteristics. Animation is included in the general package of cruise travel services, with the exception of excursion services in port cities. This should be taken into account by the organizers, as well as the fact that river and sea cruises have their consumers, different in age, interests, and level of income.

The most popular sea cruise areas are: Caribbean and the Mediterranean Sea. Modern sea cruises are carried out both on relatively small sailing ships, and on huge liners equipped with the latest technology and designed to accommodate several thousand passengers. Large sea cruise liners have a good material base for organizing animation programs: auditoriums, swimming pools and artificial beaches, areas for sports and dancing, jogging tracks, climbing walls, fitness and gyms, karaoke rooms, casinos, special observation decks with a glass floor to observe the ship's controls. Animators, professional dance and vocal groups, and sports coaches are invited on expensive long sea voyages. The audience on such cruises is high-status and wealthy, which is why the animation programs are expensive and highly professional. Tourists are also offered entertainment events for the “high society”: receptions, banquets, ceremonies, show performances, carnivals, social salons and parties. Themes for animation events can be ethnic and recreational features cities visited, marine treasures and other topics related to the route of a sea cruise trip.

Traveling along inland waterways (rivers, lakes, canals) is usually called river cruises. River cruises are most developed in European countries rich in navigable rivers. Popular cruise routes are along the Loire, Rhine, Rhone, Seine, and Elbe.

River cruises can be carried out in one direction or have a circular route.

Russia has unique opportunities for river travel. Rivers, lakes and canals in the European part of Russia made it possible to connect the Baltic, White, Azov, Black and Caspian Sea, and Moscow became a port of five seas. In addition, the White Sea-Baltic, Volga-Baltic, and Volga-Don canals are used for tourist travel.

When organizing river cruises in Russia, multi-deck motor ships are used. The organizers of river cruises are shipowners, shipping companies, and cruise tour operators. River cruises can vary in duration. For example, Volzhskoe river shipping company operates cruises on the following routes: Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod- Moscow (10 days, with a visit to the cities of Uglich, Myshkin, Kostroma, Plyos, Murom), Moscow - Plyos - Moscow (6 days, with a visit to the cities of Uglich, Myshkin, Yaroslavl, Kostroma). Moscow River Shipping Company operates cruise routes Moscow - Astrakhan - Moscow (20 days), Moscow - Saint Petersburg- Moscow (13 days), Moscow - Yaroslavl - Moscow (5 days), Moscow - Uglich - Moscow (3 days).

River ships are smaller and have a much more modest material base for organizing an animation program. As a rule, on river boats There are reading and music salons, a solarium, a computer games room, a gym, a karaoke bar, children's rooms, a cinema room with a large screen, and a conference room. For the work of animators, various equipment is purchased (badminton, balls, jump ropes, hoops, puzzles, darts, dominoes, cards, chess, table tennis, etc.) and the necessary equipment (piano, button accordion, guitar, radio microphones, computer, projector, screen, light and music equipment, karaoke, video equipment, several consoles, including a DJ).

Not a single cruise is complete without animation, since tourists spend most of their time on board the ship. Animation programs on a cruise ship are formed taking into account the characteristics of vacationers, the theme and duration of the voyage. An important point is the consistency of the animation activities with the technical schedule of the vessel, which specifies the berths and the time spent on them. An example of an animation program on a river cruise ship is presented below (Table 2.6).

Table 2.6

Project of thematic animation program "Family Cruise" on the route Moscow - Konstantinovo - Kasimov - Pavlovo -

Murom - Ryazan - Kolomna - Moscow (9 days/8 nights)


12.00 - start of the cruise. Captain's cocktail (presentation of the tour crew, crew). An entertaining game for children and their parents, “This is my child,” where married couples (with children) compete with each other. Only those parents who know their child best and can guess all his reactions in the competition tasks will be able to win. Parents and children have to solve many riddles and complete tasks to prove that they know and understand each other well. Dating evening “Let me meet you!”


Morning health exercises “A healthy family is a happy family.” Arrival in Konstantinovo, parking from 10.00 to 13.30. Hiking with a visit to the literary museum and the parental home of the Yesenin family. Traditional family tea party with a samovar - an attribute of family peace "The tea ceremony is a good family tradition." Heartfelt conversations over a cup of tea with bagels and honey. Introducing vacationers to the family traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia; master class “Secrets of brewing tea”

An outdoor game on the open (boat) deck “Cat and mouse - dad, mom and kids” with elements of recreational gymnastics. Parking in Kasimov from 14.00 to 19.00. A family quest around the city, in which tourists will be able to get acquainted with a private collection of samovars, visit the museum of bells, learn the secret of the Kasimov bride, get acquainted with the charter of the Kasimov family circle, and see wedding dresses of past eras. After dinner - entertaining evening program “All ages are submissive to love”

Family breakfast: themed table setting, a figurine of a house - a symbol of home comfort on each table, a festively decorated treat. Stop in Pavlovo at 15.30. City tour, getting to know local traditional crafts. At 20.00 - departure to Murom. Work of a creative workshop. Thematic exhibition of handicrafts “Swan Fidelity”. White swan - symbol eternal love, devotion and happy marriage. Parents and children make a pair of white swans from salt dough, paint them with gouache, after which each family takes them with them as a symbol of a happy family and memory of the cruise

The ship stops in Murom from 8.00 to 15.00. Excursion to Murom: monument to Ilya Muromets; Holy Trinity Monastery; monument to Peter and Fevronia, monument “Union of Love - Wise Marriage” (launching white doves into the sky). Thematic animation program “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom


Arrival in Ryazan at 8.00. The stay here will last 8 hours, departure at 16.00. Children's room "Creativity" - the theme of the drawings is "My Family". Each child draws his or her family (without signing the drawing), and in the evening at the entertaining family game “This is My Child,” the parents will have to guess which drawing their child is drawing. Evening competition program “7 tests on the path to family happiness.”

Family sports morning program “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.” Stop in Kolomna at 9.00. Bus and walking tour of the city with a visit to the Kolomna Kremlin. Departure to Moscow at 18.00. Evening concert program “In the best family traditions”

Arrival in Moscow (southern River Station) at 10.00

A distinctive feature of river cruise animation is isolation and limited space, so the possibility of communication comes to the fore. On the very first day, animators must arrange for cruise participants to get to know each other and the ship’s crew. Further, the animation program on cruise ships is built by analogy with the programs in resort hotel complexes.

Despite the fact that the animation base of each ship has its own characteristics, the following animation events are most often carried out: morning exercises (aerobics), boarding; entertainment for children; evening show animation; concerts (if there are professional vocal and dance groups), film screenings; animation on “green parking lots”. The most traditional forms of cruise thematic animation are “Neptune’s Day”, “Retro Ship”, “Family Cruise”, “The East is a Delicate Business”, “Tournament of Heroes”, “In Russian Traditions”, etc.

Children's animation is often based on the type of group work. Each child will be able to do what he loves and knows how to do: sing, play, sculpt, assemble puzzles, compose, create models from construction sets, draw. Young creators and artists will be able to organize their exhibitions during the cruise.

During the cruise, special attention is paid to evening animation events, which can be held both on the open deck and in the premises of the ship. An evening on board the ship is something special: river (sea) air, starry sky, moonlight - all this creates a romantic mood. For those who want to meet friends over a cup of coffee or a glass of champagne, an evening party has been prepared entertainment, which will take place in the bars and restaurants of the ship, where guest artists perform and pop and dance music sounds. For those who like to spend evenings in front of the movie screen, a wide variety of films are shown. For those who like to spend time in the cabins, radio and television programs are offered.

Thus, a cruise is a trip on water transport, provided with entertainment activities on board cruise ships and excursion program at stopping places along the route. Cruise tourism is traditionally one of the most popular types of recreation. As a result, the number of cruise ships, new cruise routes are being developed, and the possibilities of animation activities on board modern liners are increasing. The concentration of entertainment in a confined space is the main distinguishing feature of cruise travel, therefore, on a cruise, due to the limited space, the tourist's vacation must be carefully planned.

11.00 Loading, setting up equipment, meeting guests.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you on board our cruise ship Aurora on a journey dedicated to the ninth anniversary of Avalon Trade! Today we are waiting for you with an exciting entertainment program, many competitions, games, sweepstakes and unexpected discoveries. I mean that you and I will open bottles, fill glasses and drink to the bottom so as not to fall to the bottom ourselves. And since we have already set sail from the pier, according to the old maritime custom, it’s time to drink to the successful start of the journey. And according to the same maritime custom, the first solemn word is given - to CEO Avalon Trade company to Vladimir Konstantinovich Bannikov!!!

11.10 - Vladimir Konstantinovich gives a speech, everyone drinks and has a snack, light music plays.

Just before sailing, I was told that in one company the general and commercial director gathered the employees of their company, put them on a ship branded as a cruise, and then dropped everyone off on a desert island and sailed away. In this elegant way they decided to downsize. There were no conversations about staff reductions in your company before sailing? Will this not happen to us, Vladimir Konstantinovich?

By the way, a joke about desert island. One businessman says to another, I’m going to go on vacation to a desert island this year; I haven’t been there for five years. And the second one asks - how does your wife feel about this idea? And the first one answers him - he’s happy, you can probably imagine how much she missed me over these five years there!

But let us, dear ladies and gentlemen, not forget that you and I are not just idly riding on our wonderful ship, drinking and snacking, admiring the passing landscapes, but at the same time we are also celebrating the birthday of the company in which you work. Who knows how old Avalon Trade is?

Yes, for a child nine years is the age of formation and learning, but for a company, in my opinion, this is the age of adolescence. Or am I mistaken and nine years is the age of stable maturity? I think the answer to this question can be given by the commercial director of Avalon Trade, Andrei Nikolaevich Vasyutin.

11.20 - Andrei Nikolaevich gives a speech, everyone drinks and has a snack.

In the meantime, while you are all getting used to our wonderful ship, I offer you a little warm-up game. This will be a short acquaintance between you and me based on the signs of the zodiac, I will read a quatrain to you, and you will guess for which sign this forecast is for. And first, I want to introduce myself, my name is Olga, and Sergey will play the music and help me. Here we go.

And as I already said, we are here not only to have fun on a boat, but not to forget that today is our favorite company “Avalon Trade”’s birthday! I once witnessed how, at a corporate party, which naturally was not hosted by us, because this cannot happen here, at the end of the celebration, one of the employees pulled his face out of the salad where he had been sleeping and asked in surprise: “Who’s getting married?” -That?". And then, in order to figure out who was getting married, he began to shout: “Bitter!”

To prevent this from happening to you and me, during the trip we will “grow” our “Avalon Trade” from infancy until the age of nine. But we won’t grow it just like that, but by playing various exciting games related to the upbringing and development of baby Avalon as a person.

The most active participants in the games will be rewarded with banknotes, which we called “avalons” in honor of the company. Upon returning from the voyage, we will hold an auction of expensive prizes that are on display here, which you can redeem exclusively with these same “avalons.” Other banknotes will not be accepted for payment at the auction.

My dear friends, and now I would like you all to fill your glasses so that.....

Synonyms for drink. We have a last drink and give the floor to the Head of Direct Sales, Alexander Borozdin, and his deputy, Viktor Rybakov.

(accept, shudder, grunt, rattle, aggravate, rejoice...)

"Maternity hospital"

And we will begin our fun competition, of course, from the very birth of our “baby”. I need a man and a woman who will play the role of husband and wife for us. Well, not in the sense that you thought, but in the good way.

But I would like, I hope you will all support me, to have Alexander Borozdin play the role of the betrothed because... I know that it was on this wonderful day that he became the father of a beautiful son, and the role of the young wife was played by one of the old-timers of the Avalon Trade company, Irina Solovyova. If you all don’t mind, then let’s ask Alexander and Irina to come out to me and play these wonderful roles with friendly applause.

Imagine that you are suddenly informed that your wife has given birth. You drop everything, rush to the maternity hospital and see your wife behind the glass window of the maternity hospital. But the glass is double, soundproof, and you can only guess what your wife wants to tell you just by facial expressions and gestures. Now I give our “mother” a cheat sheet, according to which she will explain to her “husband” what she wants to tell him, and he will guess and tell us what exactly his wife wants from him. And then you and I will read this cheat sheet and find out whether our “new father” understood his “betrothed” correctly.

The game is underway. (For participation of 200 avalons) 2 people MJ participate

A year flew by quickly and now our newborn Avalonchik has already grown up, began to walk independently and speak his first words. And parents have more worries - they need to feed the baby, change his diapers, get up to the crib at night to lull him to sleep. And let's see if the new parents are ready to cope with their responsibilities of caring for their son?

I need 2 teams of 6 people, please don’t be shy, an equal number of men and women is not necessary. Both girls and boys can participate in this competition. As soon as the teams gather, I will explain your task, the competition is very fun and funny.

Game “Dress the Baby” (12 people participate). (Winners receive 600 Avalons)

And now I again offer to fill my glasses, and for the solemn speech (I ask you to come to me or I will come to you) to the head of the Department for Work with Hotels, Bars, and Casinos, Tigran Yeremyan.

Only a few minutes have passed since our last game, but in fact another whole year has passed and our Avalon has already grown significantly. Today he turned two years old, and now parents need to take care of the baby so that he develops, grows up as an intelligent and well-mannered boy, reads poems to him with expression and sings songs to him. The parents decided to hire a nanny who would read poetry to the baby.

And our incorruptible and impartial judges in the person of Vladimir Konstantinovich and Andrei Nikolaevich will help us choose the winner.

And don’t forget that for active participation in the games you will receive avalons, which you can use to buy the item you like on your way back to Moscow at our auction!!!

Our Avalonchik is TWO years old, and let's listen to what Alexander Denisov and his deputy Vladimir Zhuravsky from the commercial department can tell us about this. In the meantime, I look for them and approach them, please fill your glasses and get ready to listen to a wonderful toast.

A short dance break, anyone who wishes can sing.

I give the floor to the chief accountant Elena Alekseevna Semenova. TOAST.

13.30 - Landing, connecting equipment.

13.40 I give the floor to Irina Solovyova from the accounting and financial department. TOAST.

Now I propose to continue raising our Avalon, because another year has passed and he is already 3 years old. And at 3 years old, children really love when they are told fairy tales, and they love even more when they are shown them. I ask 10 willing people to come to me who want to cheer and console Avalon.

Game "Teremok"

14.00 And now I would like to give the floor to Vladimir Filtsev, control automation department

Do you know how, for example, a carpenter gets drunk? (on the board). Let's remember the different professions that exist and guess who can get drunk.

Now let's remember who loves how?

Glazier - to pieces

The cab driver goes into the arc

Fireman - in the haze

Shoemaker - insole

Tailor - in rags

Undertaker - to death

Football player - out

Hunter - into the snipe

Railroad worker - in the handcar

Cook - into the sausage

Cooper - in a barrel

The forester is a big deal

Musician - to the tune

Electrician - passed out

Sportsman - lying down

Medic - until he loses his pulse

Physicist - until resistance is lost

Journalist - to the point

Chemist - before precipitation

Writer - up to the handle

Astronomer - up to the stars from the eyes

Glazier - to pieces

The cab driver goes into the arc

Fireman - in the haze

Shoemaker - insole

Tailor - in rags

Undertaker - to death

Pig farm - until the pig squeals

Football player - out

Hunter - into the snipe

Railroad worker - in the handcar

Cook - into the sausage

Cooper - in a barrel

Decor.The assembly hall is designed as an airliner cabin. On the back wall of the stage are the words: “Flying high and landing softly.” Hall: the first rows - business class, as evidenced by the inscriptions on the backs of the seats - are intended for graduates and college teachers, the remaining rows - economy class - for guests and other students. The walls are decorated in the form of portholes. All invitees were given invitation cards in advance in the form of plane tickets. (Annex 1 ).


The hall is filled with guests, music and songs about aviation are heard: “Moscow - Odessa” (Spanish: V. Vysotsky), “Small Plane” (Spanish: Valeria), “The Sky Chose Us” (Spanish: A. Domogarov and I. Rudakov) .

Presenters come out dressed in flight attendant uniforms. Music is playing quietly in the hall.(Appendix 2 ).

Steward. Attention! Dear graduates!

Stewardess. Dear teachers and parents!

Steward. We invite you to take an anniversary cruise on the airliner "CSO and IT" (the name of the college department seeing off its graduates).

Stewardess. Registration of tickets for flight 20-09 (year of issue) is announced.

Steward. Dear passengers! Flight 20-09 of the CSO and IT airliner is dedicated to graduates of the following specialties:

Stewardess. Adaptive physical culture.

Steward. Foreign language.

Stewardess. Computer science.

Steward. Today we will take an anniversary cruise dedicated to the fifth graduation of groups from the department of humanities education and information technology.

Stewardess. There are 14 minutes left before takeoff. Please take your seats in the cabin of our aircraft.

The song “14 minutes before the start” to the music of Oscar Feltsman is played.(Appendix 3 ).

Stewardess. Aviation Minister Nikolai Ivanovich is on board the airliner. (College Principal).

Steward. We ask him to go up to the registration desk and say a few parting words to the graduates.

Word from the college director.

Steward. Thank you. Take your seat in business class on our airliner.

Stewardess. The dispatcher has just informed us that more passengers are “rushing” to board our flight - future applicants to our college, and now members of a folk ensemble with the symbolic name “Belfry”.

Steward. Let's see what they can do.

Small children from the ensemble perform.

Steward. Thank you! You have proven yourself well, and for your creativity, with the permission of the minister, we are enrolling you in the 0th year at the BGPC without entrance exams, and the Minister of Aviation will now personally present you and your supervisor with letters of gratitude.

Gratitude is given.

Stewardess. But it’s too early for you to fly with us, grow up a little, but for now return to earth.

Steward. Attention! Dear passengers! We are pleased to welcome you on board the CSO and IT airliner.

Stewardess. Check your seats. Fasten your seat belts.

The melody of the song “14 minutes before the start” begins to sound quietly.

Steward. Dear passengers! Let me introduce you to the commander of our airliner, Galina Petrovna (G.P.). (Dean of the department).

G.P. Let me introduce the crew of the ship - my assistants:

Second pilot – Marina Ivanovna (M.I.). (Responsible for practice at the department).
Flight operator - Viktor Gennadievich (V.G.) (in headphones). (Cl. head of the informatics group V).
Navigator - Elena Vasilievna (E.V.) (with compass, ruler). (Cl. Head of the Foreign Languages ​​Group).
Flight engineer – Svetlana Fedorovna (S.F.) (with a stopwatch around her neck). (Cl. head of the adaptive physical education group).

G.P. Attention! Checking the Aircraft's readiness to fly! Has your knowledge base been searched?

M.I. Conducted. 79 passengers were cleared for the flight. Total flight hours: 5243.

G.P. Have the passengers gone through pre-protection?

M.I. Gone.

E.V. The foreigners kicked off and slept off.

S.F. The physical education teachers ran and jumped away.

V.G. Computer scientists - typed, printed and sealed.

G.P. Are monitors and instrumentation ready for testing?

V.G. Everything is fine. Only the radar failed, the return point disappeared.

G.P. Navigator, has the flight route been confirmed?

E.V. What else should I clarify? The point of return has been passed.

G.P. Are the cabins ready for the anniversary flight?

V.G. Computer showrooms are ready.

S.F. Sports salons are ready.

E.V. There is a language laboratory.

G.P. Conditions on board?

M.I. Friendly.

G.P. Flight engineer, are the engines ready for flight?

S.F. Dear teachers! Are you ready for the anniversary flight?

Teachers (stand up and speak in unison) READY!

G.P. Mister Minister, will you allow takeoff?

N.I.. Takeoff cleared!

G.P. Crew, take your seats in the cockpit. By screws!

Steward. To make the takeoff less exciting, Konstantin greets you with the song “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart,” music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by S. Grebennikov and N. Dobronravov. (Song is being performed).

Stewardess. 5 minutes – normal flight .

Steward. The temperature outside is 25-27 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero, the pressure is 120 to 80.

Stewardess. We ask passengers to loosen their belts and belts and sit comfortably.

Steward. During the flight it is prohibited:

Stewardess. Miss.

Steward. Eject from an airliner before it lands.

Stewardess. To pronounce words forbidden to graduates: “I can’t”, “I don’t want”, “I don’t know”.

Steward. To refuse the opportunity to sway, twirl, and whirl in the whirlwind of dance.

Stewardess. Tell others anything other than pleasantries, compliments and praise.

Steward. During the flight you are allowed:

Stewardess. Conduct tastings of all dishes and cocktails of stellar cuisine.

Girls in the uniform of flight attendants walk through the cabins of the airliner and offer candy and lollipops to everyone.

Steward. Congratulate each other on the successful completion of the BGPC.

Stewardess. Take an active part in training, using all the muscles of the face and body.

Steward. Give gifts to all passengers of the CSO and IT airliner.

Stewardess. Spread the virus of good mood to others.

Stewardess. Confess your love for the college, teachers, parents and each other.

Steward. Attention! Dear passengers! We make an emergency landing on the island of LINGVOLAND. Please remain calm!

Stewardess. The population of the fabulous island would like to welcome the passengers of our liner.

Steward. The first to greet the islanders are group 471. (Band performance).

Stewardess. Meet the islanders of group 481. (Group performance).

Stewardess. The inhabitants of this island filled our tanks with positive emotions, and we fly on.

Steward. Our next landing is on the island of SPORTLANDIA.

Stewardess. The residents of this beautiful island would like to wish all passengers a HIGH FLIGHT.

Steward. The islanders of 472 groups welcome you. (Group performance).

Stewardess. Meet the islanders of group 492. (Band performance)

Steward. The islanders of 482 groups welcome you. (Group performance).

Steward. Thank you! We continue our flight, and our next stop is COMPUTERRA island.

Stewardess. The islanders wish the passengers of the airliner a SOFT LANDING.

Steward. Please do not go into sleep mode, otherwise we will freeze for a long time.

Computer science students perform with a song to the tune from the movie “Heavenly Slug”.(Appendix 5 ).

Girls in the uniform of flight attendants walk through the cabins of the airliner and offer drinks to everyone - glasses of mineral water.

Steward. Dear passengers! During the flight, we got into an air pocket and all our luggage got mixed up. We ask those responsible for our cruise to show their luggage. And the first to be invited to the stage are the passengers of group 464.

– And now we invite passengers of group 452.

Response performance of the graduating group.

– We ask passengers of group 441 to come up to the stage.

Response performance of the graduating group.

Stewardess. Thanks to all graduates. The luggage found its place.

Steward. Dear passengers! Our airliner is heading to the island of "Nominations".

Stewardess. The right to award the winners of the nominations is given to the commander of our aircraft, Galina Petrovna.

G.P. Every year, in distant California in Los Angeles, the Oscars are awarded for the highest achievements in the field of cinematography. You know as well as I do that college is a movie. College has everything: intricate detective stories, chilling thrillers, and romantic love stories. Therefore, the college administration has established its own prize for graduates - medals, and now a ceremony will take place to present them in various categories, in which there may be several winners at once. So here we go!

Steward. Nomination "Smart Men and Women"!


How wonderful it is that there are guys in the group,
Whose intelligence and knowledge bring her glory,
After all, it is about them that one day they will say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!

Steward. We ask the winners of the “Smart Men and Women” nomination to come up to the stage: __________.

(Appendix 6 ).

Stewardess. Nomination "Soul of the Group".


Becoming a group leader is not easy,
Needed for everyone be interesting,
The stars are unlikely to help you here,
It is important to know and love people.

Stewardess. The winners of the “Soul of the Group” nomination were __________. We ask them to come up on stage.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Steward. The next nomination is “Miss Charm”.


– There are different callings in life,
Who cares what
Charm will help you
And more than once.
-You already know about this
Experienced the spell
That's why you smile
From the very beginning.

Steward. Charming graduates are invited to the stage: ____________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Stewardess. Nomination "A True Gentleman".

Steward. True gentlemen have always been a rarity, but they exist among our graduates.

- He will let a classmate through the door,
On the steps he will give his hand,
These are strokes, for example,
But they decorate you.
- Gentlemen are not born
It all depends on yourself,
The benefits are multiplied
When you multiply them.

Stewardess. We ask the winners in the nomination to come up on stage: ___________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Steward. One of the most popular nominations in our time is “Photo Model”.


Beauty is great power
Sometimes she blinds.
If only the film didn't light up,
And she was able to convey the tones.
– Let the photographer suffer from creativity,
But then on the pages of a magazine,
When everything works out for him,
We will see you and find out.

Steward. Our photo models are on stage. Meet: _____________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Stewardess. Now we find out who won in the “Irreplaceable” category.


– It’s always calm around them,
Even if you got into trouble.
They will get along without reproach
And they silently open the backpack.
- They have a pen in stock there,
And just in case - a notebook,
There are no more reliable and better friends,
They will be able to support you on time.

Stewardess. We invite to the stage the winners in the “Irreplaceable” category: ____________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Steward. Nomination "Miss and Mister Charm".


Someone accidentally smiled -
My soul became lighter,
As if happiness had touched
And the anxiety has already disappeared.
- Charm is just a miracle,
It's your lottery ticket,
According to which the winnings will be
Even at eighty years old!

Steward. So, we invite the winners in the “Miss and Mister Charm” nomination to the stage. This

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Stewardess. The next nomination is "Mr. Invisible."


We have such people:
At least send him on reconnaissance missions!
As if wearing an invisibility cap...
And try to catch them!

Stewardess. We ask the winners in the “Mr. Invisible” category to come up to the stage

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Steward. Now the winners of the “Miss Artistry” nomination will take the stage to receive prizes.


– You are talkative, but why use words?
Movements, turns, gestures.
So many people talk about you
Beautiful, but without any flattery.
– You didn’t bury your talent in the ground,
You know how to shine and conquer.
May your life be bright
What more could you wish for?

Steward. We ask the winners in the Miss Artistry category to come onto the stage: __________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Stewardess. Perhaps one of the most noble nominations of our competition is “Miss Kindness”.


The main key to success is
Not a despicable metal at all.
Has always been valued for centuries
Human kindness.
Life can be difficult.
It’s difficult, it’s just unbearable.
A kind person will not leave you,
A kind person will be able to help.

Stewardess. We ask the winners in the Miss Kindness category ___________ to come up to the stage.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.


Who is your favorite person in the world?
Children will immediately say this.
Go around the whole world,
There is no better mother in the world!

Stewardess. We greet the participants in the “Young Mother” nomination with applause: ____________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, and medals are placed around their necks.

Steward. The award ceremony is over. And now – a photo for memory.

A photograph of all winners is taken.

– We ask everyone to take their seats in the salon.

Stewardess. The floor is given to the commander of our liner.

G.P. Let's land! Where are the navigator, flight mechanic, flight radio operator, and part-time class teachers of graduating classes? They are given the floor.

Word from the class teachers.

Steward. And now the solemn moment has come for which we have gathered here today.


The sun is over college, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, last call?
The universe doesn't fit in the windows,
The college watches, but itself decreases,
Views fly over the distant helm,
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, like over an assembly hall,
The day is filled with blue and scarlet
With this crystal farewell call!

Steward. The right to submit the last call is granted to students: graduate and first-year students.

A graduate enters with a freshman on his shoulder, who rings the last bell.

Steward. Thanks to all passengers! Our flight was more than successful. We wish all our graduates high flight and soft landing!

The final song “Crane Song” from the movie “We’ll Live Until Monday” plays, and people fly into the hall paper airplanes with wishes to the graduates.

Olga Krikun
Holiday script " Sea cruise Around the World" (for children of senior and preparatory groups)

Target: Organization active rest children.

Secure interest children to exercise in the pool.

Help improve motor skills.

Strengthen spatial orientation skills.

Nurture friendly relationships between children, create a positive emotional mood.

Duration. 60 minutes.

Equipment: 2 bananas, 2 balls, 2 basins of water, pebbles, 2 plastic mugs, 2 saucepans, 2-4 fish, 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 2 apples, 2 oranges, little mermaid costumes, soundtrack of children's songs; costumes of pirates and Neptune.

The progress of the holiday

Leading: Hello guys! Today we are going with you to sea ​​cruise around the world - around the world sailing is a journey across the seas and oceans. Our ships will sail at some distance from each other. If we need to transmit any message to a neighboring ship, you and I will develop special signals that will help us, but in order to understand these signs, we must be very careful.

A game "Signals" (music – track number 5)

The presenter shows his palm to the children:

1. straight line - normal walking

2. up – down – jumping

3. wave - lunges

4. circular movements - running

Leading: our ships are setting off on a long voyage. Sailors must be strong and agile, so I suggest all the guys warm up and practice.

Warm-up (music – track No. 6 "About the Giraffe")

Leading: Our ships sailed many miles and the sailors saw the land - Africa. And here's the first stop. The sailors went ashore. Who do you think lives in Africa? That's right, monkeys. And now you and I will turn into little monkeys and hold monkey competitions.

Relay race "Pass the banana" (teams of 6-7 people)– (music – track number 7 "Monkey").

Leading:Thank you guys for playing with the monkeys. It's time to sail on. Guys, we are sailing through cold Antarctica. Show how cold it is in Antarctica. Let's make a stop. Who lives in Antarctica? (penguins) What are they? Now we'll play

into penguins and show how they walk.

Relay race "Penguins with a ball" (music – track number 8)

Leading:But the storm has subsided, the ship needs to moor to the shore, and the sailors need to rest a little. And here is the land - we sailed to Asia. The sailors went ashore, and the water was so clean and transparent that all the pebbles on the seabed . You know guys, in Asia many women collect pearls on seabed. They dive deep into the sea to get pearls. So we will imagine that we "Pearl Fishers" and take turns taking the pebbles out of the water.

Relay race "Pearl Fishers" (music – track number 10)

Leading:Well done boys. They completed the task quickly and deftly. Our ships set off on their way back to the kindergarten. But what is this island on our way, it’s not on the map? Let's stop on this island.

Music is playing (track No. 11 – Neptune's exit)

Neptune: Who disturbed my peace?

Who made the noise and howl?

Get out of my possessions!

Otherwise night will come,

I want you too by morning

I will wipe everyone off the face of the earth!

Leading:Don’t be angry with the commands

Let's figure it out better

Look at the guys -

A kindergarten has gone to sea!

Neptune: Proud ruler of the seas I am,

Pisces, dolphin lord.

My palace is at the bottom sea

All covered with amber!

I'll give you a competition

I'll check my mind and diligence.

Neptune:First, I’ll play a game with you "Fishing rod"(plays with children senior preschool age) . And now I tell you guys I want to make riddles:

1. What can’t you hold in your hands, what can’t be carried away in a sieve? (water)

2. he walks and walks along the shore, but when he doesn’t reach the shore, he disappears (wave)

3. no arms, no legs, but runs. (river)

4. A bag of water flew over you, over me.

It flew into a distant forest, lost weight and disappeared. (cloud)

Neptune:I tested your intelligence, and now I want to see it. How do you carry water?

Relay race "Don't spill the water" (music – track number 12)

Neptune: Yes, I see you guys are careful, you don’t waste water. This is very good. You know, while I was playing with you, I seemed to get very hungry.

Leading:And we, Neptune, will now cook fish soup for you - tasty and rich. Really, guys?

Relay race “Who can cook fish soup faster?”(music – track number 13 – "Cooks")

Neptune:Now I will try the fish soup and I ask you all to remain silent! (checks what foods the children put in their ears)

Leading: Dear Neptune, where is your daughter the Little Mermaid? Isn't she with you?

Neptune:I didn’t come to you alone. My daughter sailed with me. But for some reason she hasn’t been around for a long time. Something must have happened to her on the way. Maybe she was attacked sea ​​robbers - pirates? Are there any daredevils among you who are not afraid to fight the pirates and free the Little Mermaid?

(children answer)

Music is heard (track number 14 "Song of Wild Guitars", pirates enter with a tied up Little Mermaid.

1 pirate: Where did we go? I have never seen such island inhabitants before. How pretty!

2 pirate: And the chubby ones probably eat well.

1 pirate Let's steal them, and then demand a ransom for them.

2 pirate: Yes! And mothers and fathers will cry for their children and pay us such a ransom!

1 pirate Come on, take out your pistols and nets, we’ll catch them now (trying to catch children) (music track number 15 "Criminals Hiding")

Leading: suggests attacking the pirates with water pistols and saving the Little Mermaid. Children spray pirates with water.

1 pirate Oh, save me!

2 pirate: Help!

1 pirateWe won't do this anymore!

2 pirate: We will give you everything you want - gold, silver...

Leading:No no no! We don't need your gold and silver. Give us the little mermaid!

Neptune:Oh, you robbers! Why was the Little Mermaid kidnapped? I command that the pirates be punished!

1 pirate (fall to their knees) Forgive us, great Neptune!

2 pirate: We will never rob or mistreat again!

1 pirate We will become good, like these children.

Neptune: Well, Little Mermaid, shall we forgive them?

Mermaid:We'll forgive you if you guess my riddles (children help guess):

1. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, there lies a mustachioed log. (som)

2. She had a drink in her mouth, lived under water, scared everyone, swallowed everyone, and now it got into her ear. (pike)

3. I don’t walk or fly, but try to catch up! I can be golden, come on, look into a fairy tale! (gold fish)

Neptune: And now, Little Mermaid, please me and our guests by dancing with your girlfriends - the little mermaids.

Dance of the Little Mermaids (music track No. 16 "To Eliza")

Little Mermaid Guys, listen to another riddle:

In the summer in the swamp you you will find, green frog, who is it? (frog)

Leading: And now we’ll see which of our little frogs can jump to the swamp faster.

Relay race "Frogs" (music track no. 17)

Neptune: I am pleased with you, friends, brave men and women!

Prowess and agility were shown, everyone did well today!

Soon you will you go to school,But I will give one piece of advice:

Forever with water sea You need to make friends!

And for saving my Little Mermaid, I want to reward you with sweets! music track number 18)

Little Mermaid It's time for us to go to the sea,

Goodbye, kids! (leave) (music track no. 19)

Leading: And again the tempting waves are calling to you,

And friendly hearts are full of united strength!

Under the canopy of sails we hurry back,

We cannot deviate from the planned course!

And so we sailed to our kindergarten, our ship is at the pier and all the sailors go ashore.