The most unusual lakes in the world. Nine most amazing lakes in the world Unique bodies of water

Our planet is rich in amazing lakes. Some of them amaze with their picturesqueness, others with their unique healing properties, and others with their colossal size. The most interesting examples of amazing lakes are presented in the selection below.

The reservoir, formed in the crater of a mud volcano, is unique in that it is a natural deposit of asphalt. It is a huge bitumen pit with an area of ​​over 40 hectares and a depth of about 80 m.

Peach Lake was formed as a result of a tectonic fault, in which oil lying in deep deposits was literally pushed out onto earth's surface. The oil, which rose under the influence of vaporization of volatile substances, gradually began to turn into asphalt.

Objects that fall on the surface amazing lake world, gradually sinking to the bottom. After tens or even hundreds of years, they can suddenly float back up.

In the territory mountain lake Industrial development has been going on for 1.5 hundred years. Its raw materials are used to build the islands' road surfaces Caribbean, as well as paving the streets of cities from different corners peace. According to experts, at this rate of extraction, asphalt reserves will last for another 4 hundred years.

Boiling Boiling Lake in the Dominican Republic

Thermal lake measuring 60x60 m, located in national park Morne Trois Pitons is another wonder of the world. The lake is almost completely covered with clouds of steam, and the gray waters are constantly seething.

They are heated by a flooded fumarole, which is regularly active and releases volcanic gases. The temperature of the seething waters in good weather can reach +92°C, and in the cold season drop to +10°C.

From time to time, bursts of hot water in the form of powerful jets mixed with sulfur and hydrogen sulfide gases occur on its territory. At these moments, the moisture boils in a matter of seconds. For this reason, swimming in the waters of Boiling Lake is strictly prohibited.

Sulfur Lake, located in a volcanic complex on East Java, famous for its truly fantastic views. The incredible color of the reservoir is given by the increased acidity of the water, which is a mixture of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids with the inclusion of dissolved metals contained in them. The color of the reservoir largely depends on the activity of the volcano. It can change from gray to blue and turquoise shades.

The size of the reservoir is impressive: 100x600 meters long and 200 m deep.

The temperature of acidic water in the most amazing lake on earth reaches +60°C. You can touch it, the only thing is that with prolonged contact, irritation may appear on the skin.

Due to the ability of waters to release toxic gases to the surface, the object also bears a second name - Lake of Death. Directly below the water column is volcanic magma. But due to the high density of moisture, it remains locked below.

The Ink Lake got its name due to the fact that instead of life-giving moisture it is filled with real ink. They are poisonous to all living organisms. It is not surprising that you will not find representatives of flora and fauna in its waters.

The reason for the emergence of this amazing lake on our planet were tributary rivers:

  • first - contain a high concentration of iron salts;
  • second – a large number of organic compounds leached from peat bogs.

At the moment of merging, water flows enter into a chemical reaction with each other, as a result of which ink is formed. Dark blue ink became a source of income for enterprising locals. This product can be found at points of sale of office supplies in different parts of the world.

The reservoir, which is essentially a geothermal source, got its name due to its unusual shape. As the wife of the chief curator of the park, created in honor of Charles McGowan, once noted, visually it looks like a bindweed flower called “morning glory”.

A small reservoir with a depth of about 2.2 km amazes with the contrasting color shades of the water. The original color of the lake is due to the development of a colossal number of microorganisms. This was facilitated by the fact that the source that previously fed it was now clogged.

The water itself in the amazing colored lake is unusually clean. The color changes from pale turquoise to deep purple. It depends on the number of “residents”, internal temperature and weather conditions.

Salt Lake in British Columbia is famous for its unique composition. It contains a high concentration of over a dozen minerals and chemical elements, such as silver, titanium, sodium sulfate, calcium and magnesium.

During dry periods, when moisture evaporates, mineral deposits are revealed in the form of huge spots of bizarre shape. Their color is determined by what this moment mineral predominates. During the hot months, these minerals crystallize and solidify, forming natural transitions between the “islands.”

Due to its unique composition, the reservoir is classified as a site of ecological heritage and traditional medicine of the Okanagan Indian people. Enjoy its beauty with observation deck It is possible only by obtaining special permission from the tribal leader.

The high-altitude lake Nyos is famous for its ability to explode. The reason for this phenomenon is that the reservoir was formed on the site of the maar as a result of a powerful explosion when lava collided with groundwater. The magma beneath it still releases carbon dioxide today, filling Nyos with carbon dioxide and easily turning its waters into carbonic acid.

The area of ​​the reservoir is only 1.9x1.2 km with a depth of 200 m. Its main danger is regular emissions carbon dioxide. A striking example of this is the case of 1986, when, as a result of a colossal release, residents of nearby villages suffocated. Within just a few hours of exposure to the gas, the number of victims of the tragedy reached 1.7 thousand people and 3.5 thousand livestock. The limnological disaster is considered the largest case of asphyxia resulting from a natural phenomenon.

The reservoirs of Croajingolong National Park gained worldwide fame just 7 years ago. A tourist group vacationing at that time noticed that the waters glowed with blue neon light.

Reason amazing phenomenon turned out to be a rare species of algae that last years have grown greatly. Night lights are not visible to the human eye. All that is visible to the eye is the radiance pouring out from them, which arises as a result of the chemical reaction of their vital activity.

Bioluminescence allows algae to release large amounts of energy, grouped in the form of glowing lights. At night, both the water itself and the splashes formed when the water surface is disturbed glow.

Previously, examples of natural bioluminescence in nature were extremely rare. A similar effect is observed only in ocean depths, where the sun's rays practically do not penetrate.

Jellyfish lake in Palau

A body of water formed on the archipelago Rocky Islands, is interesting because it is a haven for isolated populations of two species of cyphosis jellyfish.

During the existence of the isolated reservoir, in the absence of natural enemies, the inhabitants multiplied to such an extent that they reached 2 million individuals. In addition to the colossal number of individuals, local jellyfish - mastigiasis - are unique in that they lack stinging cells. Therefore, nothing threatens divers who dare to swim in their surroundings.

However, you won’t be able to scuba dive in the waters of the most amazing lake. At a depth of 10 m, an oxygen-free water layer is formed, which contains concentrations of phosphates and ammonia exceeding the boundary values.

Crater lakes formed at the top of a volcano in the central part of the Indonesian island of Flores are a true natural wonder. They were formed as a result of the last volcanic eruption in places where depressions formed in the magma.

The uniqueness of the three located in close proximity amazing colored lakes differ from each other in that they tend to change. Throughout the season, the color changes from emerald and turquoise to red-brown and even black. This occurs as a result of a chemical reaction between gases and minerals present in the water.

Locals They believe that the waters of Kelimutu are a haven for the souls of the dead:

  • the western one, called Tivu-Ata-Mbupu, guards the souls of old people and symbolizes the wisdom that comes with age;
  • the central reservoir of Tivu Nua Muri Kooh Tai preserves the souls of boys and girls;
  • eastern - Tivu-Ata-Polo serves as an eternal refuge for the ruined souls of villains.

The lake acquires its richest and most unusual shades at sunset and sunrise. The fog that envelops them adds to the special atmosphere of mystery.

One of the most amazing lakes in Russia is fraught with many unresolved mysteries. Inconspicuous in appearance and small in area, the reservoir received its name due to the fact that not a single inhabitant of the underwater kingdom can survive in its element. His ability to kill all living things in just a few days is legendary.

Although numerous studies conducted by eminent scientists confirm that the water in the lake is fresh. It does not contain harmful impurities or toxic substances, and therefore is suitable for living beings. Attempts to forcibly populate the reservoir were unsuccessful, although in the neighboring lakes connected by channels, “life is in full swing.” Even birds avoid this area.

It is noteworthy that the water of the empty lake is suitable for drinking and has a pleasant taste. The tiny bubbles present in it, formed under the influence of natural gas, make it look like a carbonated drink.

Unique natural object near the high plateau of the Altiplano presents a fantastic picture. The waters of the lake, saturated with mineral salts, are pink-red. Depending on the lighting, they can play with all shades of the color palette, starting with emerald green and ending with radical red. The picture is complemented by a spectacular frame in the form of boiling geysers and rocks shrouded in fog.

Against the backdrop of the extraterrestrial landscape, pink flamingos contrast effectively with the local plankton.

This amazing place perceived as a mirage. The colors used by local nature can be safely used to embody fantastic landscapes of distant planets. It is also unusual that the surface of the reservoir is covered with bizarre islands, the basis of which are chemicals used in the manufacture of detergents.

The selection ends with the most ancient and deep lake peace. This is one of those places that captivates you immediately and forever.

Baikal is amazing because it contains a fifth of all natural reserves drinking water. Moreover, it managed to remain filled for 25 million years. The water in the reservoir is so clean that objects are visible through a thickness of 40 m of water. Due to the high concentration of minerals, it is often equated to distilled water.

The area of ​​the reservoir is so large that it can accommodate three small states. The depth of the reservoir is 1637 meters.

The bottom of the Baikal depression is considered the lowest point globe. There is a version that in the thickness of its waters the most high mountains of our planet, which reached 7.5 thousand meters.

In geography lessons at school, teachers told us that Lake Baikal is the deepest, and the largest reserves fresh water in Titicaca. However, today we present to your attention a selection of the most unusual lakes in the world, which have more interesting features.

Lake Hillier

Have you always thought that water should be blue, transparent, or, in extreme cases, gray-green? Then you are in for an incredible discovery! There are at least 8 lakes in the world that are not blue, but truly pink! This feature is determined by the algae Dunaliella salina. Naturally, all the lakes where it lives are salty. Except for one thing – Lake Hillier, which is why it opens our list. No algae was found in it, and no special reasons were found at all why the lake could be an unusual color. However, bird's eye photographs claim that Lake Hiller is frankly pink.

Lake Melissani

You have always believed that a lake is a body of water near which there is a beach and, most likely, you can swim if the water is clean enough. I don't want to upset you, but you were wrong. Melissani is a lake with rocks instead of a beach. And all because Melissani is located deep in the caves on one of the greek islands. Have you heard the expression “Water wears away stones”? This is the same case. The water looked for outlets and gradually washed away the rocks. In this amazing way, the water destroyed enough space for itself, which became one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. Melissani is only partially illuminated by the sun, and the color of the water in the lake depends on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays - it changes very dramatically during the day. The water in the lake is so clean that it feels like the boats are not floating, but hanging in the air.

Lake Hamilton Pool

From the same school curriculum we know the concept of an “underground river.” Since this river is underground, it means that it flows deep underground - logical, but not always true. This simple logic was refuted by the dome of one of the Texas underwater rivers - it simply collapsed, and it turned out that the underground water became surface water too. The dome did not fall completely, what remained was something like an incredibly beautiful natural canopy of enormous size - under it is now the famous Hamilton Pool Lake. All this splendor is complemented by a 15-meter waterfall. How can you not admire this beauty?

Crater Lake

IN modern world this feature of Crater Lake in the USA is probably the most valuable - it cleanest lake. For centuries, the Indians managed to keep the secret of the existence of this lake from everyone who tried to explore the nature of this region. However, it was certainly impossible to do this indefinitely, so now this territory has been declared a national park. But the unusualness of the lake does not end there - in its waters you can see a small island of volcanic origin. But the most interesting thing is that a log has been floating in the waters of the lake for more than a century. Don't you think this is surprising? But the log is 9 meters long and it floats vertically!

Lake Nakuru

This lake is located in Kenya, but it is not people who have chosen it, but birds. There are a lot of them here - ducks, herons, cormorants, pelicans and many others, more than four hundred different species. But most of all there are pink flamingos! The pink inhabitants have so filled the lake that the water is practically invisible, and you can see only as many flamingos as you can see!

Lake Kliluk

We are used to comparing lakes by area, depth, and cleanliness, but what rules should we use to measure a lake that consists entirely of small lakes? And they are all different both in depth and in all other parameters. The sun evaporates part of the lake's water, and limestone paths become visible, which separate the small lakes. The territory is a protected area, which the indigenous inhabitants of the surrounding area have been striving for for a very long time. Due to different depths and under the influence of sunlight, the water in the Kliluk lakes can change its color in completely unimaginable ways.

Jiuzhaigou Lake

Strikingly transparent, completely surrounded by greenery that covers even the bottom - Lake Jiuzhaigou in China. You know that water freezes even at zero temperatures? This is not the case; the water in Jiuzhaigou Lake does not freeze at all. For a long time it was believed that the bottom of the lake was littered with thermal springs, however, after careful research, this fact was not only not confirmed, but no other reasons for the non-freezing of water in the lake were found. Thus, beautiful lake Jiuzhaigou is pleasing to the eye all year round.

Peach Lake

Asphalt is a substance invented and manufactured by man. Is not it? Not true! Peach Lake is a direct example of this. Six million tons of real liquid natural asphalt, what could be more amazing? The asphalt does not harden; on the contrary, it flows and smokes. However, this does not stop tourists from coming here not only to admire the incredible phenomenon, but also to simply swim. Yes, and there are such places on the surface of the lake - ordinary clean water. For those interested, there is a museum on the coast, which displays a variety of objects recovered from the waters of the lake. An incredibly large sloth bone is not the most unusual thing.

Lake Matheson

We all know that you can see a reflection of the surrounding world on the surface of the water if it is calm enough. However, the surface of Lake Matheson in New Zealand is so perfect that it rivals any mirror. The peaks of Cook and Tasman are reflected so clearly, all the smallest details are so clearly visible, that it becomes difficult to believe. But you should believe your eyes, so we can only marvel at the incredible picture that opens up to our eyes at dawn.

Many times photographs of unusual ones were published on chips. extraordinarily beautiful and other unique lakes in the world. But apparently they have no number.
And if some of them are known for their beauty, others for their healing properties, others for their size, then there are those that have become popular due to the unusualness of their nature or even its strangeness. There are bubbling lakes, there are lakes that disappear and appear again, there are even asphalt and spotted lakes.

In the USA, in Yellowstone National Park, there is a famous source - Lake of Morning Glory. This small hot lake has a depth of about 2200 meters, in addition, it changes its color from dark purple to pale turquoise, and sometimes turns green. The behavior of the lake is also constantly changing - sometimes it is calm, sometimes it boils or even explodes like a geyser. Typically, such explosions occur after seismic activity in the vicinity of the lake. The temperature of the lake is favorable for the growth of various bacteria. Unfortunately, numerous tourists have the habit of throwing coins into the lake, which clogged the source heating the lake and the temperature of the lake dropped to 100 degrees in depth and about 50-65 degrees on its surface. However, the water in the lake remains very clean and clear.

2. Kliluk Lake (Spotted Lake) in Canada

Kliluk Lake (the famous Spotted Lake) is located in Canada, near the city of Osoyoos. Due to the fact that Kliluk contains the largest amount (compared to other lakes) of minerals, summer evaporation of water on it leads to the formation of bizarre islands. Depending on the mineral composition and time of year, these spots are painted in different colors. The minerals harden so much that you can walk on them. In addition, the waters of Lake Kliluk have a pronounced therapeutic effect, which is why Canadian Indians consider this lake sacred and protect it in every possible way. The lake and the land around it officially belong to the indigenous people, so it is almost impossible to get to the lake due to the erected fence. However, the picturesque view of the lake can be enjoyed from the highway located next to it, which is taken advantage of by numerous tourists who have heard about the history of the lake and the legends surrounding it.

3. Asphalt Lake in Trinidad

The island of Trinidad, located in the seas of the Caribbean, has become popular thanks to its Peach Lake (the famous Asphalt Lake). The lake is located in the crater of a mud volcano and is a natural source of asphalt, so you won’t be able to swim in the lake. The asphalt lake was formed after the Caribbean continental plate fractured. Oil rose to the surface of the earth along a fault line. Oil rising up the crater of a volcano, under the influence of evaporation of volatile substances, turns into asphalt, whose properties are not inferior to asphalt obtained by production. New asphalt still appears on the surface of the lake to this day. Asphalt development is also underway here; about 150 thousand tons of asphalt are produced per year, which is mainly exported to the USA, China and England for use in construction.

4. Jellyfish Lake in Palau

Jellyfish Lake, located in the Palau archipelago, has no analogues in the world. Despite the fact that this is a rather small enclosed lake, it is home to about 25 million jellyfish - Mastigias. Jellyfish gather together in the middle of the lake, forming an almost continuous wall. But as soon as a person approaches this wall, the jellyfish part to allow guests into their amazing kingdom. It is completely safe for humans to be among jellyfish, since in the process of evolution jellyfish have lost their stinging cells and do not sting. However, you won’t be able to scuba dive in the lake either, since at a depth of more than ten meters, the water becomes toxic. Palau currently has three lakes inhabited by Mastigias jellyfish. And although all the lakes are separated from each other, the evolution of jellyfish in them is exactly the same, which is interesting for biologists.

5. Kelimutu Lakes on Flores Island in Indonesia

On the island of Flores there are famous lakes Kelimutu. Not only do the lakes have different colors, but they also change color. For example, black lake may turn red, then turquoise, then green. The color of lakes depends on the predominant minerals dissolved in their waters. The local Lio tribes have a legend about the islands, according to which the souls of the dead live in the lakes. So, the souls of old people are in the red lake, the souls of the young dead are in the green, and the souls of children are in the white. According to another version of the same legend, the souls of murderers and sinners live in the red lake, the righteous and old people live in turquoise, and young people live in green.

6. Loch Ness in Scotland

Scotland is home to one of the most mysterious lakes - Loch Ness. Since almost every castle in this country has its own ghosts, and many other places are shrouded in legends and myths, this lake has gained worldwide fame thanks to the Loch Ness Monster. Tourists come to the shores of the lake not only to enjoy the beauty of the lake and breathe fresh air, but also with the hope of seeing the famous monster. Therefore, there are dozens of different routes - cycling, walking, driving. All these routes pass through places where the mythical Nessie was once seen. Although no one has yet been able to examine the monster, perhaps due to the high peat content in the waters of the lake.

7. Lake Gippsland in Australia

The Gippsland Lakes, popular among tourists, are located in Australia. Here is located national park Croajingolong with giant eucalyptus trees, white sandy beaches. However, in 2011, a phenomenon was captured on one of the lakes that made it especially popular. Tourist group, who was vacationing on the lakes not for the first time, noticed that the waters of the lake glowed with blue neon light. There are very few examples of natural bioluminescence in the world and it mainly occurs in the ocean depths, where sunlight does not penetrate. In this case, the cause of the glow was a rare type of algae that had grown in the lake over several years. Noctiluca scintillans (Nightlights) are not visible to the human eye, but the light emanating from them is.

What else does our mysterious and beautiful nature? How many interesting bodies of water, birds and animals there are on our Earth. And I would like to tell you about the 4 most unusual lakes on Earth. Who would have thought that there would be an asphalt lake on our native Earth? And it turns out there is even such a thing.

Asphalt Lake

Trinidat Island became famous only because in its central part there is a real asphalt lake. Magnificent asphalt! Of course, you can’t go into the lake and take a dip, but it is located in the crater of a former mud volcano, its depth is... 90 meters (!), and its area is 46 hectares. Emerging from the bowels of the earth through a volcano, oil lying at great depths loses all its volatile substances under the influence of evaporation and turns into asphalt. All this happens in the center of the lake basin. The place where more and more new layers of liquid asphalt appear is called “Mother Lake”. It is thanks to him that the Trinidad lake retains its reserves, despite the fact that every year up to 150 thousand tons of asphalt are extracted from it, which is used for construction needs. The bulk of it is exported to the USA, England and China. During the development of the lake, more than 5 million tons of asphalt were extracted, while the level of the miracle lake dropped by only half a meter! Any object that falls on the surface of the lake disappears into the black abyss. Scientists who explored the coastal depths of the “reservoir” discovered a whole cemetery of prehistoric animals. Including skeletons of mastodons, extinct during the Ice Age, which lived in this region. There are also deposits of valuable resin in the Dead Sea, famous for its salt reserves. The whole world knows about the extreme salinity of its water, in which it is impossible to drown. However, only specialists know about the deposits of the rare resin. Extraction of this unique substance from waters Dead Sea has been going on since ancient times. Resin is used in a wide variety of fields: medicine, for road construction, coating ship hulls, and in the chemical industry.

Ink Lake

This unusual lake is located in Algeria, near the city of Sidi Bel Abbess. The lake is filled with ink. There are no fish or plants in the lake, since the poisonous dark blue ink is only suitable for writing with! Until recently, people could not understand how such an unusual substance ended up in the reservoir. Scientists, having carried out relevant research and analysis, came to the conclusion: it’s all about the composition of the water of two small rivers flowing into this mysterious lake. One of them contains simply a huge amount of dissolved iron salts, the other contains all kinds of organic compounds from peat bogs located in the river valley. Merging together into a lake basin, the streams interact with each other, replenishing the amount of wonderful ink. Local residents view this miracle differently: some consider it a devilish obsession; others, on the contrary, benefit from it. The ink is sold not only in stores in Algeria, but also in Africa, the Mediterranean countries, and the Near and Middle East.

empty lake

But the mystery of the Russian Empty Lake, located in Altai, has not yet been revealed. All the reservoirs around are teeming with fish and lake game, but in Pustoy there is not a blade of grass, not a fry, not a bird on the shore, and this despite the fact that rivers flow from the fish lakes and flow into Pustoy. Researchers have tried dozens of times to populate the mysterious lake with local aquatic fauna and flora, giving preference to the most unpretentious species. However, all the experiments ended the same way: the fish and other living creatures, after a day or two, died, the vegetation rotted. The empty remained empty. But what is most surprising is that chemists, who have repeatedly analyzed water for the content of toxic substances, have proven that the water is absolutely non-toxic, suitable for consumption, and even... resembles champagne thanks to the smallest bubbles of harmless natural gas. The water of the lake was studied by experts from Germany, the USA, Belgium and Britain, and no one until now could explain or at least offer a plausible hypothesis about the phenomenon of this amazing reservoir. Will this mystery be solved in the foreseeable future? Alas, the experts shrug their shoulders vaguely.

acid lake

But still, the most “dead” sea on planet Earth is the ill-fated Lake of Death - a large body of water located in Sicily. Its shores and waters are devoid of any vegetation and living creatures; even birds do not fly over the lead-gray water. Swimming in it is deadly. Any living creature that falls into the water of this terrible lake dies instantly. A person who dips his hand into the water for a second watches in horror as it turns red, becomes covered in blisters, the skin peels off, revealing bloody bones, bursting veins and blood vessels. But the fact is that water contains in huge concentration... sulfuric acid. Very dangerous studies conducted by scientists in 1999 led to a stunning conclusion: concentrated sulfuric acid is released into the lake from two sources located at its bottom. It is not surprising that from time immemorial the Sicilian mafia hid their victims in these deadly waters: an hour - and a person does not even have teeth left.

Most people take the beauty of our world for granted, simply forgetting about it in the whirlpool of everyday life. And, sad as it may be, humanity has made a lot of efforts to speed up the process of destroying the natural beauty of the world around us. Outdoor recreation is an excellent way to restore strength and energy. Fresh air and cool water can work wonders. Today we bring to your attention a collection of 12 of the most unusual and mysterious lakes, which will surely give you a lot of new impressions:

12. Kliluk (British Columbia, Canada)

This lake, located in British Columbia, is decorated with colorful spots that are clearly visible from afar. Studies have shown that the lake's waters contain high levels of minerals such as magnesium, calcium and sodium sulfate. These substances provoke the appearance of peculiar spots in summer months. This feature of the lake has made local residents consider this body of water sacred since ancient times.

11. Lake Vostok (Antarctica)

The peculiarity of Lake Vostok, located in East Antarctica, is that it is one of the largest subglacial lakes in the world. It once came to the surface, but as a result of global warming it was buried under ice. Research has shown that the lake may have its own ecosystem, which holds many surprises considering the fact that it has been isolated for millennia.

10. Taal Lake (Batangas, Philippines)

Taal looks impressive from a bird's eye view. What's even more amazing is that it is a natural lake. At its center is volcanic island. What’s even more amazing is that there is also a lake in the center of this island! The volcano island itself is classified as active, although only one minor eruption has been recorded here over the past decade.

9. Lake Groom (Nevada, USA)

Area 51 in Nevada has always been a source of various rumors and gossip due to its closeness to the public. It is for this reason that Lake Groom, located to the north of it, is considered one of the objects where strange and mysterious things happen. This is a salt marsh whose flat surface is ideal for use as a military runway.

8. Lake Hillier (Esperance, Western Australia)

A lake of such a strange pink color in itself raises suspicions about what is hidden in its waters. In fact, everything is quite simple: the lake itself is located among a eucalyptus grove, and a special pinkish tint is given to it by a dye produced by bacteria living in its depths. Eucalyptus trees, in turn, create the necessary contrast.

7. Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

Plitvice Lakes in Croatia are widely known throughout the world. Limestone rocks contributed to the formation of the most intricate caves and waterfalls. They are the ones that attract millions of visitors to this national park every year.

6. Peyto Lake (Alberta, Canada)

The Canadian Rockies are one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world. One of the amazing local attractions is Peyto Lake. It is most beautiful in the summer, when the glacier caps melt, giving its waters an amazing hue.

5. Five Flower Lake (north of Sichuan, China)

This lake got its name due to its special properties. Local residents consider the lake to be enchanted. Algae, fallen tree trunks and travertine give it a rich range of shades.

4. Lake Abraham (Alberta, Canada)

It's hard to believe that a person is capable of creating a reservoir of such beauty. Abraham Lake was founded on the upper North Saskatchewan River in the lower part of the Canadian Rockies. It looks so majestic that it fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape. What makes it unique are the frozen ice bubbles located under its surface.

3. Lake Baikal (Siberia, Russia)

The lake is the largest freshwater body of water in the world. According to some estimates, this lake is more than 25 million years old. Thanks to such a long period, today this lake is home to the most amazing shapes life.

2. Crater Lake (Oregon, USA)

This lake is the main tourist attraction in Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. This is the deepest and one of the most beautiful lakes in the United States. Thanks to almost complete natural isolation, this lake is one of the cleanest bodies of water.

1. Lakes in the Badan-Jaran desert (China and Mongolia)

An oasis in the desert is always particularly spectacular. The Badan-Jaran Desert covers the territories of Mongolia and China and is famous for the presence of more than 140 lakes. These lakes are located among sand dunes and appeared thanks to a network of underground sources.