San Francisco population size. City of San Francisco

“If you're going to San Francisco, don't forget to put a few flowers in your hair” - words from the famous song by Scott McKenzie, which has been the unofficial anthem of San Francisco for almost 50 years. This city is personified as the capital of the hippie movement and progressive youth.

State: California

Date of foundation: 1776, city since 1850

Population: 852,469 people

Nickname: Frisco, Fog City, West Paris

San Francisco is picturesque sunny city, located on a peninsula between the bay of the same name and the Pacific Ocean. Numerous attractions of San Francisco attract a huge number of tourists to the city, which is worth the most big park in the USA, the most beautiful Golden Gate Bridge in the country and Alcatraz prison. The oldest cable car runs through the compact streets of the city, and Lombard Street is considered the most curved street in the world.

Lombard Street

Alcatraz prison

San Francisco is considered a pioneer of cultural innovation and experimentation, the home of the 1950s Beat Generation, the center of the 1960s counterculture, a hotbed of political protest, and the center of the American gay community. The population of San Francisco is represented by the most diverse ethnic groups in the United States.

Today, San Francisco is home to a huge number of cutting-edge high-tech companies, providing jobs to thousands of residents of this densely populated region.

The coastline of San Francisco stretches for almost 50 kilometers, so the city's climate can be classified as Mediterranean. Most precipitation here falls from November to March. Since San Francisco is surrounded by water on three sides, a distinctive feature of this area is the fog that often approaches the city from the Pacific Ocean.

History of San Francisco

The human trace on this land dates back to the 20th millennium BC.

The Spanish conquistadors who discovered California did not know about the existence of this peninsula for two centuries, since the fog approaching from the Pacific Ocean hid the peninsula from prying eyes. The first Europeans to discover this land were explorers traveling in a small group in 1769 from Mexico to Canada, led by Sergeant José Ortega. After 7 years, a small town was founded here - Yerba Buena. Later the city received its modern name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.

For more than half a century, this place was not given much importance, but the situation changed dramatically after the discovery of a gold mine here in 1848. The California Gold Rush sparked the rapid expansion of San Francisco. Thousands of gold miners who came to California in search of their fortune subsequently took root in the region. However, the gold rush brought not only wealth to the city, but also a wave of lawlessness. Gang groups began to form in San Francisco, gambling establishments and brothels began to open. In 1850, San Francisco was granted city status, after which local residents began to form vigilance groups to cleanse the city of criminals and restore order.

After the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869, San Francisco continued its development. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the city's population was more than a third of a million people. Everything changed at the beginning of the 20th century, when San Francisco residents experienced the greatest disaster in the city's history. On April 18, 1906, a massive earthquake struck San Francisco, killing more than 500 people. Ten square kilometers cities were razed to the ground. The fires caused by the earthquake could not be extinguished for three days. However, the residents of San Francisco persevered and, on their own, as well as with the help of donations from other states, restored the city. By 1915, the restored city hosted the world's first exhibition dedicated to the completion of the Panama Canal.

The first half of the twentieth century was a period of development of the city's infrastructure. In 1913, a dam was built on the Tuoloumne River in the Hetch Hetchy Canyon valley, in 1936, construction of the Bay Bridge connecting San Francisco and Oakland was completed, and a year later, the famous bridge The Golden Gate, which has become the hallmark of not only San Francisco, but the entire United States.

With the growth of industry, emigrants began to arrive in the city. In 1930, a large longshoremen's strike took place in San Francisco, which became the largest labor uprising in US history.

With the outbreak of World War II, the city's industry became even more powerful. This period also saw the forced removal of several thousand Japanese American residents of San Francisco to internment camps.

In the 1960s and 70s, San Francisco became a center of youth counterculture, a major site of student protest against the Vietnam War, and a center for the protection of the rights of sexual minorities.

The year 1979 was remembered for the high-profile murder of the mayor of San Francisco, George Mascone, the first openly gay leader of the city. That same year, San Francisco elected its first female mayor, Dianne Feinstein.

In 1989, residents of San Francisco experienced another powerful earthquake. However, despite this, in the next decade the city made huge strides in its development: government buildings were renovated, a museum of modern art, a main library and an art center were built.

Work in San Francisco

Due to its location, San Francisco has been the most important port center in California throughout its history. San Francisco is home to the main branches of the country's leading banks, insurance companies, the Pacific Stock Exchange, a branch of the Federal Reserve System and the US Mint.

Since the San Francisco metropolitan area is part of Silicon Valley, the IT and biotechnology industries are very developed in the city and its suburbs. Hundreds of the world's leading high-tech companies with offices in this region attract tens of thousands of IT specialists from all over the world.

Sports in San Francisco

San Francisco is represented by major league teams in all popular sports in the United States:

  • Baseball (MLB) – San Francisco Giants
  • Football (NFL) – San Francisco 49ers
  • Basketball (NBA) – Golden State Warriors

Golden Gate Park

Founded in the 1870s, Golden Gate Park is the largest urban park in the United States. The total area of ​​the park is 412 hectares. The park contains many gardens, artificial lakes, waterfalls, nature reserves, beaches, campsites, 43 km of walking paths, 12 km of horse riding trails. This park receives more than 13 million visitors annually.

Tourism in San Francisco

Despite the huge number of high-tech companies located in San Francisco, the city's main economic sector is tourism. San Francisco's natural beauty, mild climate and a large number of attractions, attracts more than 17 million tourists to the city every year. San Francisco is one of the ten most convenient cities North America for holding a variety of conferences, exhibitions and trainings, which also attracts a considerable number of visitors.

One of the most unique features of San Francisco is its collection of diverse ethnic neighborhoods. The most famous of which is Chinatown - the largest Chinese district outside of Asia. Chinatown is home to many oriental bazaars, temples, and restaurants.

Images of San Francisco landmarks can often be found on postcards or desktop monitor wallpapers. This sunny city will definitely surprise you with its changing geography - winding streets and green hills, will delight you with the bright colors of parks and squares, the diversity of vegetation and the gentleness of the surf. Plunging into the atmosphere of San Francisco, it will seem to you that life here flows in an eternal stream of carnival.

How do they do it 08/17/17 107 140 10

Self-driving taxis, fog and insured dogs

California is known for Hollywood, Silicon Valley and two cities: San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Daria Korableva

lives in San Francisco

Technology corporations, startups, film studios are located here, and world celebrities and millionaires live here. And my husband and I and two dogs.

Prices and budget

Before moving to the USA, we lived in the Balkans for two years. It was then that the ruble fell, and we learned to save, plan a budget and got used to the fact that everything seems expensive. It seemed that the cost of living in the United States should not surprise us much.

It is believed that California is the most expensive state in the USA. According to, California residents spend on average 35% more on living expenses than residents of other states. Housing costs are 92.7% higher than the US average, transportation costs are 30% higher, and food costs are 15.8% higher.

The prices surprised us while we compared them with prices in Russia and Europe. Once we stopped doing this and built a budget based on local income and expenses, everything became less scary. We began to spend much more money on food and services, but large purchases, on the contrary, became cheaper. Buying clothes, a laptop or a car here is much more affordable than in Russia or Europe. In general, prices in California are comparable to the average local income.

Visas and relocation

Millions of people try to move to America every year. Few succeed in this. In my opinion, American visa legislation can be described as follows: a lot of possibilities and no specifics.

Typically, professionals move to the US on an H1B visa. There are few such visas - several tens of thousands a year, but there are hundreds of thousands of applicants. Therefore, H1B is played in a lottery. You can qualify for H1B if you have a job offer in the US. At the same time, the employer must prove that he tried, but could not find among the Americans a specialist as good as you. In any case, you will have to participate in the lottery. No matter how much a company wants to hire an employee, H1B is a lottery, everyone is equal in its face.

There is an O1 visa, popularly called the “gifted visa.” It is given for talents and achievements: you need to prove that you are a recognized scientist, a respected artist in your homeland, a successful entrepreneur, and so on. You will need letters of recommendation, your published articles (or articles about you), evidence that you influenced the development of the industry in which you worked. The O1 visa is issued without a lottery. In addition, you can get a study visa with a part-time work permit, a fiancé visa, and so on.

American visa legislation is very extensive, it is impossible to understand it without a lawyer, so a lawyer is always involved in applying for any long-term American visa.

It is very difficult to understand US visa laws without a lawyer.

For support of the visa process, a lawyer will charge from $6,000 (360,000 RUR).

Many come to the United States on a tourist visa and stay illegally, and then legalize their status in the most unimaginable ways. The length of stay in the country is determined individually at passport control. Usually this is six months.

There is an opinion among migrants that the US visa legislation is deliberately so complicated so that either talented or very enterprising people come to the country, who managed to overcome all barriers, fit into society, find people who can vouch for them, and stay here by any means.

Climate and nature

California is the sunny state. However, unlike Los Angeles, where it is warm and +30 °C all year round, San Francisco is always cool and windy. Here you need to dress in layers, otherwise it’s hot in the sun and cold in the shade. There is a strong wind in the city, sometimes there is humid fog. Hot summers are very rare here. I love the heat, but for work and study, the same cool weather all year round is ideal.

The water in the ocean is cold; you can only swim in a wetsuit. Waves all year round. Locals do not lie on the beach, but go surfing, kiting and kayaking.

There are many animals in San Francisco. You can meet raccoons, hummingbirds, fur seals and lions, herons, and pelicans. Turtles and coyotes live in city parks. Within a 15-minute drive from the city there are deer, cougars, and wild turkeys. The trees here are huge: the famous redwoods, eucalyptus and sequoias are very beautiful and smell incredibly delicious.

The appearance of the city

San Francisco is divided into districts and communities - national or by interests. There is a business district, a jazz district, a crime district, Chinatown, Japan Town, Little Italy, Russian Hill, Mexican districts and so on.

The business district is similar to New York: dense buildings of skyscrapers and lack of greenery.

The city is very fond of Victorian-style houses. Most older residential areas are built with two- or three-story houses with bay windows and towers.

There are a lot of homeless people in San Francisco. It's a whole subculture here. On some streets - under overpasses or along railway tracks - entire tent cities have been set up. Many people live without tents, simply laying out their sleeping bag somewhere under a roof at night, and resting on the sidewalk during the day.

Homeless people in the city are full members of society. People around them do not avoid them. A passerby on the way to work can simply sit down next to such a tent and chat for a couple of minutes with a homeless person about life.

Professional migrants are coming to San Francisco in droves. There are more men here than women, the average age of residents is 25-40 years. There are very few elderly people and children in the city.

Here you constantly see new technologies being created. For example, a cafe with a robot bartender, shoes made from recycled plastic bottles or driverless taxis are all part of everyday life in San Francisco. It seems that the future is coming here earlier than in other cities.


San Francisco has very expensive housing, twice the US average. A one-room studio apartment with an area of ​​50 m² in a regular area costs from $2,600 (RUR 156,000) per month. An apartment with one bedroom and another room will cost $3,000 (RUR 180,000) per month. Finding an apartment within this budget is quite easy, because people in the city often change housing after work and new rental offers appear constantly.

2600 $

the cost of renting a one-room studio apartment

You can rent housing from a management company or a private individual. The management company has higher prices, but it will help if a pipe breaks, the refrigerator breaks, or the ventilation turns off. You can search for housing on any real estate rental website, but I recommend making a list of residential complexes in the desired area, calling their offices and asking them to find options for you. An apartment is usually found within a couple of weeks. We found a suitable apartment in four days.

To rent housing, a passport with any visa is enough (a tourist visa is also suitable). You will also need an American bank account and collateral. For Americans, the deposit is small, usually $200-400 (RUR 12,000-24,000). For visitors without a credit history, the landlord may ask for up to four monthly payments as a deposit.

You can rent an apartment with a passport with a tourist visa

In America, apartments for long term rental are rented unfurnished. Usually only the bathroom and kitchen are equipped. In the living rooms, apart from the furniture, there is no light or even hooks for a chandelier on the ceilings. Many people simply install floor lamps to save money. We were lucky: we had a equipped dressing room - with shelves and drawers. This saved us about $1,000 (R60,000) during the setup.

As soon as we rented an apartment, we immediately went to the store. I had to buy a mattress, blanket, pillows, bed linen, towels, lamps, chairs, dishes, a kettle, iron, hair dryer, and basic household chemicals. It took us about $1,500 (90,000 RUR). Next we had to buy furniture.

1500 $

we spent on essentials when we moved into the apartment

There are many companies in San Francisco that offer furniture for rent. Putting designer furniture (not Ikea) - a bed with a couple of bedside tables, a dining table with chairs, a TV stand and a sofa - costs from $600 (RUR 36,000) per month. You just need to tell us the dimensions of your apartment, the desired set of furniture and style.

The company itself will complete the sets, bring and arrange furniture in the apartment. Buy a set of furniture for living in Ikea - from $1,300 (78,000 RUR). If you want not the simplest furniture, then from $2000 (120,000 RUR).

Furniture for the apartment can also be ordered for rent.

In houses, everything is usually thought out for the leisure of residents: there is a barbecue, a swimming pool, and sports grounds. In our residential complex There are two gyms, there are indoor premises with billiards, ping pong, table curling, climbing wall and basketball court. Yoga and fitness classes are offered. This is all free for residents and their guests.

A two-room apartment with an area of ​​70 m² in a residential area of ​​San Francisco costs $650,000 (RUR 39,000,000). And for a million dollars (60,000,000 RUR) you can buy the same apartment in the center, in a new building with a concierge and a gym. A house on the outskirts of the city on the ocean costs about the same.

Americans usually buy homes with a mortgage. Interest rates are constantly changing, but in general you can expect 3-5% per annum. The minimum down payment starts from 5% of the total cost of housing.


We moved to San Francisco with two small dogs. Finding an apartment here that allows you to live with a dog is difficult. When we finally chose an apartment and began to conclude an agreement, we were asked to fill out a separate questionnaire for each dog. It was necessary to indicate names, breed, age, personality traits, favorite food and familiar commands. This is necessary in case the management company needs to enter the apartment during our absence or so that in the event of an emergency evacuation they do not forget to evacuate our dogs.

Since we were checking in with dogs, the amount of our deposit tripled: without dogs we would have left 250 $ (15,000 R), and with dogs - 750 $ (45,000 R). The cost of rent has also increased: each pet costs $75 (4500 R) per month. We have two dogs, so we pay an additional $150 (9000 RUR) per month.

150 $

per month we pay the owner of the apartment for two dogs to live with us

You can go to a psychotherapist and get a certificate stating that you have emotional dependence on your animal. Then he will be given the status of service dog or emotional support animal. With such a doctor’s certificate, you are allowed to move into any apartment without restrictions, in addition, in most cases, the tenant is exempt from the extra charge on rent for an animal. This scheme was recommended to us by a realtor, but we didn’t use it because we think it’s fair to pay for lawn cleaning, plant replanting and dog packs in dispensers in the neighboring park.

Veterinary services in San Francisco are expensive. A doctor's examination costs $60 (RUR 3,600), and treatment of almost any disease or injury costs thousands of dollars. Therefore, many owners take out veterinary insurance for their animals.

60 $

It is worth checking the animal at the veterinarian

Our dogs are young and small, so insurance costs $40 (2400 RUR) per month for each dog. If the dogs were over 8 years old, the insurance would cost twice as much. Even with insurance, you will have to pay for treatment if something happens: the insurance plan covers 80% of the bill, has a payment limit of $10,000 (600,000 R) per year and a one-time deductible of $250 (15,000 R).

Pet insurance is required, otherwise treatment will cost thousands of dollars.

In addition, our insurance does not cover vaccinations, teeth cleaning, or routine tests for the animal. You can get unlimited insurance with full coverage, but it will cost from $120 (7200 RUR) per month for each dog.

Training, behavior correction, dog walkers, dog sitters and dog daycare - these services are used by most of our neighbors. This is the norm here. The social adaptation course is considered a basic need, therefore it is relatively inexpensive - $350-500 (RUR 21,000-30,000). Behavior correction is also a popular service. An hour and a half of work by a correction specialist costs $100-150 (6000-9000 R ), as in Moscow.

Most dogs in San Francisco are walked at least three times a day. During the day, 70% of people walking dogs are not owners. The services of dog walkers, or “dog sitters,” are very popular in San Francisco. There are 20 competing companies with a huge staff of dog walkers. Many people with shift schedules earn extra money this way.

The cost of an hour of walking is from $30 (1800 RUR). Dog daycare is more common in San Francisco than daycare for children. Every home has at least one within walking distance. Working owners take their dogs there all day long so they don't have to stay home alone. This service costs from $50 (3000 RUR) per day.

Dog walker is a very popular part-time job in San Francisco

We don't use daycare because our angry Russian dogs don't like to be socialized very much.

In America, you can leave dogs at home alone if they tolerate loneliness well. But if a dog barks or howls in an apartment for several hours in a row, then neighbors or the management company can call animal control. A service employee will take the dog to a dog hotel, and the owner will be charged for the hotel from $100 (RUR 3,000) per day, a fine of $300 (RUR 18,000) and a warning for cruelty to animals.

420 $

per month we spend on two dogs

Our average monthly budget for maintaining two dogs is $420 (RUR 25,200). The average San Francisco resident with a dog uses many more services than we do, and pays about $400 (24,000 RUR) per animal.


We pay about $90 (5400 RUR) per month for water, house maintenance, and garbage removal. Electricity costs another 50-80 $ (3000-4800 R). If you live in your own house, then you will pay about $100-150 for utilities (6000-9000 R ) per month.

In the USA, the Internet is expensive: for Wi-Fi in an apartment they pay $70 (4200 RUR) per month. On mobile communications with the Internet it costs about $50 (3000 R) per month for one.

It’s worth talking about the Internet in detail, because it is bad and expensive in San Francisco. We performed optics that are rare for California. The provider treats us like users of a new cool service. It’s surprising that in a city where Internet business rules the world, having constant access to the Internet is not perceived as something vital at all.

70 $

Wi-Fi in the apartment costs a month

One Saturday morning our internet went out. The support service arranged for us to visit a technician for the following Saturday - that is, it was assumed that we would be without a network for a week. As a result, it turned out that the Internet cable was damaged by road workers and the network did not work for the entire area. They fixed it three days later. During these three days, the provider's support service was torn with calls from angry residents of the area, most of whom work in IT.


A migrant's integration into the United States begins with a visit to the bank. You can open a debit account with a foreign passport and any visa confirming your legal stay in the country, including a tourist visa. The bank makes a card for the account for several days, after which it sends an envelope with the card by regular mail - it will be put in the mailbox, left with the concierge, or stuck in the door gap. For security, it will be written on the envelope that there is personal data inside. Opening someone else's envelope is a crime.

I was surprised by online banks and mobile banking applications: they have an outdated interface, limited functions, and a transfer between your accounts can take several days, especially if you send it on a Friday after two o'clock in the afternoon.

An “electronic payment” for rental housing may look like this: go to Personal Area, click the button to transfer funds, the bank receives the request, prints a check, puts it in an envelope and mails it to the leasing company.

Transfers between your accounts can take two days

American banks are trying to adapt to urban communities and neighborhoods. An ordinary American bank in Chinatown operates in an office that looks like a pagoda temple, but in the LGBT district, the Castro Bank is decorated in rainbow colors.

Credit history

A credit history in the US is a record of your responsibility. It records not only timely loan payments, but also paid bills for mobile communications and the Internet, for rent and housing and communal services. Based on the credit history, decisions are made on signing a rental contract, on the conditions for issuing a loan and enrolling in studies.

Every organization that wants to verify your reliability has the right to access information about your credit history.

There is a vicious circle: if you do not have a credit history, then you will not be issued a credit card. And if you don't have a credit card that you regularly demonstrate ability to spend and pay back, you won't have a credit history.

Credit history is the most important characteristic for a US resident

Some banks in America have an unusual “credit” plan for beginners - Secured Credit Card. You get a credit card and put $500 (RUR 30,000) on it. You forget that this is your $500 and pretend that this is your credit limit on the card. You can take this money “on credit”, you have a payment schedule, according to which you must spend and return the money to the card. This way you demonstrate to the bank that you are a conscientious person and remember your mandatory payments. After six months or a year of such a performance, your credit limit can be expanded to $1000-1500.

Medical service

Medicine in America is always a big expense. Treatment for almost any injury or illness costs thousands of dollars. Therefore, it is extremely important to have health insurance.

Health insurance here is catastrophe insurance. Insurance reimburses most of the costs of medical care, but does not cover them entirely; you will still have to pay out of pocket.

Insurance costs from $350 (21,000 R) to $800 (48,000 R) per month per person. When choosing an insurance plan, you need to focus on three main numbers:

  • the amount of the monthly payment for insurance;
  • amount of payments when visiting a doctor;
  • maximum potential cost per year.

For example, you can save on the insurance itself and pay less per month, but then your bills will increase each time you visit the doctor. And if you want to monitor your health in general and regularly visit a doctor, you will have to include money for this in your monthly budget.

For comparison, a visit to a doctor for a person without insurance will cost from $150 (9000 RUR), for an insured person - from $20 (1200 RUR). An X-ray without insurance will cost from $300 (RUR 18,000) to several thousand. Some companies in San Francisco and Silicon Valley cover their employees' insurance and any additional medical costs.

150 $

It's worth seeing a doctor if you don't have insurance. If you have insurance - $20

Products and shopping

For the first few months, I went to grocery stores like I was going to a museum. I can’t say that our food preferences have changed much, but there are a lot of new dishes that we cook at home. In any chain store you can find dozens of types of meat, a hundred different sauces, excellent fruits and vegetables, and Californian cheeses and wine are so good and varied that we still haven’t tried everything.

You won’t be able to go to the store for less than $50 (3000 RUR). The average check is $70 (4200 RUR).

70 $

our average bill at a grocery store

We spend $500-600 (RUR 30,000-36,000) per month on groceries and household chemicals.

The water in San Francisco and Silicon Valley is clean and drinkable from the tap. Therefore, during lunch, most people do not order drinks with their food, but simply ask for a glass of water - it is free.

Bringing your own bottle of water to a diner or cafe is also quite normal. If you order only food, then you can have lunch for $15-20 (900-1200 R). Coffee or tea - another 2-4 $ (120-240 R).

San Francisco tap water is safe to drink

Coupons and discount cards in the USA are power. This is where they really work. If you get discount cards from different stores and pay attention to bonuses and coupons from time to time, you can save up to $15 (900 R) per receipt.

Sales in stores are organized for every possible occasion, holiday or event such as the victory of a favorite city sports team. And also without a case: discounts are sent by mail, there are discounts on days of the week for certain credit cards, the discount can be found on the store's website. If you really like an item, but there is no discount, then you can always find it in another store at a discount, or just wait a couple of weeks - and it will cost less.

During the move, we brought three suitcases of things with us. But these clothes were not enough for life, so we bought a significant part of the wardrobe and spent $800 (48,000 RUR) on each due to sales on Black Friday.


Residents of San Francisco mostly get by without their own car. The city is small, many places can be reached on foot, by bicycle or scooter, especially since the weather allows this to be done all year round. There are also problems with parking: it is scarce and expensive. A parking space in our house costs $300 (RUR 18,000) per month. You won't be able to leave your car on the sidewalk: you are guaranteed to be towed and fined.

300 $

costs per month parking space in our house

Many city residents are abandoning cars in favor of bicycles, hoverboards and motorized skateboards.

If you travel far, it is better to use public transport. The city has buses, trams, and metro. The metro has five lines, they connect with cities on the other side of the bay.

There are also convenient and inexpensive taxis in San Francisco. Every second car in the city is an Uber or Lift. If you share a trip with other passengers in Uber Pool, you will pay 5-10 $ (300-600 RUR). A regular trip to Uber-X costs 7-20 $ (420-1200 RUR).

From San Francisco to any city in Silicon Valley, you can travel on Caltrain - it's like an electric train. During rush hour, Caltrain resembles a subway, only all the passengers here write code on a laptop, check tasks in Trello, or generally sit in glasses-monitors.

You can get from San Francisco to Palo Alto in 40-60 minutes and $8 (480 R). To San Jose - 1-1.5 hours and 17 $ (1020 R). Many companies are located in Silicon Valley, so when choosing housing it is better to focus on the location of the office, otherwise up to $20 (1200 R) per day will be spent on travel alone.

8 $

cost of a train ticket from San Francisco to Palo Alto

On weekends, we rent a car for trips out of town. There is no traditional car sharing, but there is the Zipcar service and analogues, the disadvantage of which is that the car must be returned to the same place where you took it; book a specific number of hours and drive no more than 180 miles per day. Renting a car costs 9-12 $ (540-720 R) per hour or 100-150 $ (6000-9000 R ) for the whole day, this price includes gasoline. If you travel more than 180 miles, you will have to pay an additional 45 cents (27 R) for each extra mile.

Entertainment and services

In San Francisco good museums. They often bring interesting and unusual exhibitions. Entrance to the museum costs about $30 (1800 RUR). Each museum has free admission days, such as the first Tuesday of the month. There is also a schedule of free days by city district or for cardholders of a certain bank. But there is a problem with these promotions: on free days the lines at popular museums are longer than at Picasso in Pushkinsky, so it’s easier to pay $30.

30 $

average cost of a museum ticket

There are a lot of jazz clubs in San Francisco. All of them are worthy of attention. Almost any concert in the auditorium will cost $50-100 (3000-6000 R) per ticket. Classical events are more expensive, and the cost of tickets, for example, to the ballet will be $100-300 (RUR 6,000-18,000).

Surprisingly, the beauty industry in the United States is always a problem. Finding a good manicurist is difficult; his work costs from $60 (3600 RUR), and finding a salon near your home that would meet sanitary expectations is almost impossible. I bought manicure equipment and do my own manicure at home. These costs were recouped in two weeks.

60 $

average price for manicure

We reduce the budget

Living in San Francisco is interesting, but expensive. If you rent a studio, don’t get sick, don’t buy clothes at all, and once a month entertain yourself with trips out of town in a rented car, then for a family of two people you need about $5,000 (RUR 300,000) per month.

With a budget of $8,000 (480,000 R) you can live more freely, but with children and traveling abroad it will be difficult. A comfortable budget for living in San Francisco is from $10,000 (600,000 RUR) per month.

We really like it in San Francisco. There is good weather, a dynamic environment and many business and career opportunities. I want to do more and achieve more. At the same time, we do not feel a crazy rhythm, overload or irritation from the people around us. Here there is a time for everything and people do not forget to relax and devote time to themselves and their hobbies.

One of the most beautiful and popular cities in the world among tourists is located in the state of California, USA. Despite the crowds and thanks to its location near the water, the abundance of parks and hilly terrain, you rarely see more than a few blocks at once. In San Francisco, you always feel as if you are in a small town, and not in the center of a metropolis where more than 4 million people live.

Video: San Francisco

Basic moments

Many famous films were filmed in San Francisco, some of the most recognizable being Escape from Alcatraz and The Rock. San Francisco consistently ranks among the most visited cities in the United States. Just one visit and you will remember the famous lines: “I left my heart in San Francisco.”

Quite compact, the fourth largest city in California, San Francisco occupies only 18 km², due to which it is the most dense populated city America after New York. Despite this, its location near the water, hills and many parks make the city seem not so small.

The main feature of the city is the frightening and at the same time charming steepness of the streets. The first time you find yourself in San Francisco, you will definitely ask the question “how can everything be built so vertically when you can’t find a horizontal section longer than 100 meters in the city?” This city is not located on the hills, no, it is located on earthen waves, some of which can easily compete in steepness with the sea’s “ninth wave”, leaving far behind the most sophisticated “Roller Coasters”. Renting a car will make you feel like a surfing hero.

You can safely forget about the gas pedal in San Francisco; the main thing is to take care of timely braking. You have to brake often. You can start laughing, since the figurative meaning of braking willy-nilly will accompany you, especially the first hours of getting to know the city and its habits as a driver.

Whether you're looking for sightseeing, dining, culture and history, exercise, or simply enjoying the views, you'll love San Francisco.

San Franciscans openly love their way of life, and at every turn you find confirmation of their assurances that this is “the city everyone loves.” The very location in the hills around the bay makes it extraordinary cozy place; There is an invigorating freshness in the air, and even the sea fog covering the city gives it not an ominous, but a romantic coloring, while the haze creeping over Twin Peaks, enveloping the Golden Gate Bridge or Golden Gate Park creates a bewitching view.

Psychedelic drugs, innovative technologies, gay rights, environmental movements, freedom of speech and gastronomic experiments have all become commonplace in San Francisco a long time ago. After one hundred and sixty years of ups and downs, the favorite pastime of the locals has become the Rebel Run with very liberal views on clothing, gay pride parades and idleness on Baker Beach on hot sunny days. It’s not customary to be shy here: in a crowd of eccentrics of all stripes, no one will notice traces of a swimsuit. Goodbye, prohibitions. Hello San Francisco.

Sights of San Francisco

All the sights of San Francisco


Until 1848, the tables of the inhabitants of the Mexican settlement of San Francisco included, at best, oysters and acorn bread - but only a year and a few gold nuggets later, these tables were already laden with champagne and Chinese stew. Thanks to gold discovered in the neighboring foothills of the Sierra Nevada, a coastal village with eight hundred inhabitants turned into a port city of one hundred thousand, where miners, swindlers, prostitutes and honest people tried to earn their conscience - and only luck could tell who was who. A friendly bartender might slip drugs into your glass and you'd wake up a mile offshore, on some ship that was taking you off to slavery in Argentina.

By 1850, California had been taken from Mexico and hastily annexed to the United States, and San Francisco attempted to subjugate two hundred saloons and an untold number of brothels and gambling establishments. When Australia flooded the gold markets in 1854, panic ensued and an absurd fury descended upon the Chinese community of San Francisco. From 1877 to 1945, the United States had anti-Chinese laws that limited the rights of Chinese Americans to live and work in Chinatown. The main way to pay off debts was construction work railways, dangerous because of the bandits and thieves who mined the tracks, blew them up with dynamite, clearing their way to the Golden West, and built magnificent mansions in Nob Hill above Chinatown.

The city's considerable ambitions and more than 20 theaters were destroyed in 1906, after an earthquake, when a terrible fire claimed the lives of three thousand people and left one hundred thousand homeless. Much of the city turned to dust - including almost all of Nob Hill's mansions. Theater companies and opera divas performed downtown among the smoldering ruins, beginning a tradition of free public concerts in parks.

In the 1930s, ambitious public projects continued as Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, and government-funded muralists brought influences from leftist politics into painting, as can be seen in some 400 murals in the Mission District.

Second World War brought global changes to the city. Women and African Americans working in the San Francisco shipyards sparked a new economic boom. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Emergency Order 9066 authorized the forced removal of the city's historic Japanese American community. What followed was a forty-year trial that ended with an unprecedented apology from the American government. San Francisco became a testing ground for civil rights and free speech when, in 1957, beat poet Lawrence Ferlingeggi fought a court ban on the publication of Allen Ginsburg's marvelous, incendiary work, Howl and Other Poems.

US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hoped that an experimental drug called LSD would turn test subject Ken Kesey into a fighting machine, a fighter without rules, but instead, the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest got his friends hooked on LSD and thereby ushered in the era of the psychedelic 60s. The "Summer of Love" meant freedom in food, love and music in the Haight-Ashbury until the '70s, when enterprising gay hippies founded the Castro (Castro) gay community. In the 1980s, San Francisco witnessed the devastating toll of AIDS, but the city rallied and showed the world how to treat and prevent the disease.

In the mid-1990s, geeks and cyberpunks gathered in San Francisco. They created the Internet, giving rise to the dot-com boom - until the bubble burst in 2000. However, San Francisco loves risks and continues to launch new ideas. And while recession reigns elsewhere, the city is developing social media, mobile applications and biotechnology

What to see and try

San Francisco's forty-three hills and over eighty museums will keep your feet and your imagination busy with (literally) breathtaking scenery. The 11.2 x 11.2 km city is built according to a conservative layout, but the main street, Market Street, is heretically diagonal. All downtown attractions are located near Market Street, but be very careful and prudent, especially around the South of Market areas (SoMa) and Tenderloin (between 5th St and 9th St). The main historical attractions are located in the Mission district, and the most interesting of the newest ones are in Golden Gate Park.

San Francisco's Chinatown, the largest Chinese community outside of China, begins at the entrance to the ornate colored gates at Bush and Stockton streets. There are a great variety of tea shops and groceries, shops selling the most incredible trinkets, pharmacies, restaurants, bakeries, flower stalls and markets where they sell animals, a veritable sea of ​​​​people splashing around and a cacophony of exotic sounds and aromas raging.

Not far from Chinatown is North Beach, which is called "Little Italy". Poets Alan Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac loved to come here and perform at the City Light bookstore. There is Washington Square Park with a wonderful church, street fairs, and many restaurants with authentic Italian cuisine and coffee shops where you can refresh yourself before continuing your walk.

From nearby Fisherman's Wharf, where you can see sea lions, you can take a ferry to Alcatraz, the world's most secure prison where the world's hardest criminals were once imprisoned, and visit historical island Angel where is national park. From here you can go to two fashionable coastal resort- Sausalito and Tiburon.

On the slope of Russian Hill is located one of the most crooked streets in the world - Lombard Street. The slope of this small and winding street is 27%, so traffic is one-way and limited to eight kilometers per hour.

The Embarcadero, a tree-lined boulevard lined with palm trees near the new ferry building, is home to organic fairs and has some of the most incredible restaurants, bars and shops, all somewhat reminiscent of Europe. railway stations. Stop here and spend the morning sampling the best local cheeses, fruits and breads before heading to Golden Gate Park. Often shrouded in fog, the park is famous for its beautiful botanical garden, ponds and lakes. Golden Gate Park is home to a museum and one of the best botanical gardens in the world, and it is also perfect place for a picnic. A herd of bison also lives here.

On the edge of the park is Haight-Ashbury, another colorful area where hippies of the 1960s and 1970s made free love. Teenagers and organic café regulars still hang out here, so a walk around the Haight feels like traveling back in time.

Another famous area- Home to much of the city's gay population, the Castro is also known for its abundance of cafes and many small art galleries.

In front of the Letterman Digital Arts Center is Marina Green, a place famous for its golf courses, jogging tracks and beautiful beach, which offers the most spectacular views of the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

Be sure to visit Alcatraz Island and the prison that is said to be impossible to escape from. Be sure to take a ride over the Golden Gate Bridge, just go there on a sunny day.

The Museum of Modern Art is housed in a stunning building in the South of Market, while the Palace of Fine Arts is in Pacific Heights and also houses a popular science museum. The Palace of the Legion of Honor in Lincoln Park is interesting for its European paintings. Other museums include the Museum of the African Diaspora, the history of San Francisco, crafts and folk art, Mexican, Chinese, and Jewish culture.

Take a ride on the cable cars - start at Fisherman's Landing or Union Square and head up to the wealthy mansions of Nob Hill.

Other attractions include the luxury Fairmont, Huntington and Mark Hopkins hotels, fine boutique shopping in the Marina/Cow Hollow area, and Fillmore Street, which goes up, up, up - past the mansions of the rich and famous. city ​​residents.

The best way to see the city from afar is to take the scenic Mile 49 Highway, passing through parks and beaches to discover many historical and scenic attractions. You should also definitely take a ride on one of the famous trams, so don't forget to bring your camera!

Hills of San Francisco

San Francisco is famous for its 40 hills. Getting to know Nob Hill (by cable car from Powell Street or California Street)(by bus) and Russian Hill (on a cable car) will give you a complete picture of the past and present luxury of wealthy citizens.

The majestic Victorian buildings of the Nob Hill residential area, where the nabobs, that is, the nouveau riche, lived, were destroyed by the 1906 earthquake, sparing only the luxurious brown sandstone mansion of James Flood, which now houses the prestigious Pacific Union Club. You won't get there, but you can (with a sedate look) check out two notable hotels: Fairmount and Mark-Hopkins. The latter houses a bar with a 360-degree view; ordering an overly expensive drink is worth the view, especially at sunset, and the bartenders will not let you down with a cocktail.

The climb to Telegraph Hill is justified by the breathtaking views observation deck Coit Towers. The tower, built in 1934 in honor of the firefighters of the local fire station with money bequeathed by the local widow Lillie Hitchcock Coit, was supposed to resemble a fire hose in its appearance.

Russian Hill is not as luxurious as the other two, but its gardens and neat houses look very nice. The name comes from the Russian colony that settled here. Highest point The humpback streets of San Francisco reach Lombard Street, between Leavenworth and Hyde streets. Once you've navigated the dizzying ups and downs of the winding street with its seven hairpin bends, you won't mind that it's the world's crookedest street.

A convenient means of transportation through the hills of San Francisco is the famous cable car. This is the most pleasant form of transport in the city, since from here you can admire the local views slowly unfolding before you. Night trips are especially romantic. The routes are shortened at this time, and the night environment is especially enchanting. Cars run until 22.00.

The funicular first started operating in 1873, and one of the cars from that time is now in the Cable Car Museum (Cable-Car Museum; Washington and Mason streets), which is also the control room of the operating cable car. The hand-built carriages are constantly being refurbished and repaired, so don't be surprised if a line doesn't work. It is forbidden to enter the ice cream car due to the shaking of the road, so as not to dirty the passengers.

Festivals and events

Chinese New Year Parade

Chase a 200-foot dragon and see costumed dancers and kungfu kids in February. Details at

San Francisco International Film Festival

Every April, stars and directors begin their premieres at the country's oldest film festival. Details at

Rebel Run

Take part in the race (in a suit or naked) from the Embarcadero to Ocean Beach on the third Sunday in May as runners in pink make their way. Registration for the race will cost $44-48. More details at


Are they Brazilians or fake tan and oil? Shake things up at the Mission the last weekend in May. More details

Gay Pride in San Francisco

One day for pride is not enough: June begins with the International LGBT Film Festival (International LGBT Film Festival; and ends in style with the Dyke March (Dyke March; on “Pink Saturday” of the last weekend and a crazy gay pride parade for thousands of people (

Do not miss

  • Coit Tower.
  • Cable trams.
  • Drive to Auckland across the bay.

Should know

  • Don't call the city "Frisco" local residents I don't like it.
  • San Francisco is considered the gay capital of the world.

Hotel deals

Excursions from San Francisco

Bay area

North of San Francisco, at the southern end of Marin County, are two cute port towns, Sausalito and Tiburon, accessible either by car via the Golden Gate Bridge or by ferry. The quietest of them is Tiburon, although it also has a vibrant Mediterranean atmosphere. Nearby you can see the famous giant sequoias standing like a wall in national park"Muir's Woods" Some trees are a thousand years old and reach 75 meters in height.

Vinogradarsky region

Wine lovers will love driving through the vineyards of Napa Valley and along the Sonoma Valley, hidden behind the Mayacmas Mountains. Napa, located less than 50 miles northeast of San Francisco, lies between the Mayacmas and Howell mountains, stretching from Napa in the south to Calistoga in the north. The main road through the valley is Highway 29. The Silverado Hiking Trail, which runs parallel to the highway, is a slower, quieter, more scenic route. The wineries offer tours and wine tastings in the cellars, as well as picnics among the vineyards. The largest wineries are Sterling, Mondavi, Martini, Beaulieu and Beringer in the Napa Valley, as well as Sovereign and Sebastiani in the Sonoma Valley.

Homesick French wine lovers might want to visit the Domaine Chandon vineyard, owned by the renowned Moët et Chandon winery. Small, family-run wineries offer exceptional wine tastings in their showrooms in a relaxed atmosphere. Napa Valley Information Bureau (Napa Valley Conference and Visitors Bureau; 1310 Town Center Napa; men.: 707-226-74-59; will provide you with maps and necessary information. Best restaurants These places usually close on Tuesdays.

From San Francisco, head south on Highway 101, ending at Castroville on Pacific Coast Highway 1. (Pacific Highway, Route 1), and you will find yourself in Monterey - the ancient Spanish and Mexican capital of Upper California. The local bay was discovered back in 1542, but began to be populated only in 1770, when the Franciscan monk Junípero Serra founded a mission here under the protection of the garrison of the fortress of Governor Gaspar de Portola. Monterey was a windswept region where disease was rampant, so Portola advised handing it over as divine punishment to the Russians, who also laid claim to Monterey. But the Franciscan Serra was not afraid of adversity, taking up the conquest of the wild places of Monterey. His statue stands guard on Corporal Ewing's route.

You can take a tour of the city by following specially installed signs along historical buildings old city, including the period of Mexican rule in the 19th century. and the beginning of American rule. Here there are two-story houses with a balcony, combining features of both adobe Spanish buildings and wood-clad American colonial-style buildings: this mixture is called the “Monterey style”. At the Monterey Chamber of Commerce (380 Alvarado Street; tel: 831-648-53-60; you can get a map showing the main buildings.

Visit the Larkin House Museum (Jefferson and Calle Principal streets), place of residence of the first (and the last one) US consul in Mexico's Alta California in the 1840s. Thomas Oliver Larkin, and the Robert Louis Stevenson House Museum (530 Houston Street), the hotel where the writer lived while working on Treasure Island. On Church Street you will find the site of the mud-brick church of Friar Serra; in the building built in its place in 1795, the Royal Fortress Chapel, otherwise known as the Cathedral of San Carlo Borromeo, is now located. To the left of the altar is a statue of the Virgin Mary from the 18th century. from Spanish Mexico.

Closer to the water on Customs Square stands the Pacific House with a nice shady courtyard planted with flowers and fenced off with arcades, as well as the customs house itself (1827) - the first federal building on the Pacific Coast.

The First Theater in California has a more pronounced American look. (First Theatre; Scott and Pacific streets)- a cabin built from pine in 1847 by Jack Swan as a saloon with furnished rooms of dubious purpose above. Visitors were attracted (and attract) Victorian melodramas, but there are no rooming houses anymore.

Fisherman's Wharf, like the landmark of the same name in San Francisco, is the same collection of shops and restaurants on the pier, only the boats bob closer. The fish here is always fresh, but it won't change the shabby appearance of Cannery Row. From 1921 to 1946, it was the premier sardine production site in the entire Western Hemisphere, but by 1951 there were no sardines in these waters. Today, the wooden cannery buildings made famous by John Steinbeck house restaurants, fashion stores and art galleries.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium is a great success. (tel.: 831-648-48-00;, containing the inhabitants of the bay. In the 4.5 million liter aquarium of the Outer Bay exhibition hall (Outer Bay) spectators are surrounded inside and out by barracudas, Californian triple-tooth sharks, anchovies and graceful jellyfish. During feeding, divers put on a diving suit and, once underwater, tell visitors something through a microphone.

A little further on is a toll scenic road that winds its way through the Monterey Peninsula. (27.5 km) where it is prohibited to ride a motorcycle. However, you can go straight south to Carmel, a wonderful resort town that was once an artists' colony. This is a place created for relaxation and shopping.

Just outside the city is the entrance to Cape Lobos State Wildlife Refuge, a collection of intricate weathered rocks, tiny beaches and dramatic cliffs. To the southeast of the city lies the restored mission-fortress of Carmel in the form of the church of San Carlo Borromeo de Carmelo, where the Rev. Father Serra is buried. The coastal road from Carmel to Big Sur is only 48 km, but it takes an hour of careful driving to cover it, where after each sharp turn Another picturesque view opens up.

The Town of Big Sur and Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park offer excellent opportunities for outdoor recreation, camping, hiking and fishing on the Big Sur River. This place, where writer Henry Miller was born, allows for privacy.

The road winding along the rugged coastline will take you 105 km to San Simeon, where newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, immortalized by Orson Welles in his cinematic masterpiece Citizen Kane, built his dream home, called Hearst Castle. (Hearst Castle; guided tours, advance reservations recommended; tel.: 800-444-44-45; Hearst himself called the 50 hectares of land with a castle, guest palaces, terraces, gardens, Roman baths, his own menagerie and tennis courts an “estate.” Construction began in 1919 and was still not completed when the tycoon died in 1951.

The estate, with an area of ​​110 thousand hectares, is located among hilly terrain at an altitude of 500 m above sea level. After leaving your car in the parking lot, you board a tour bus that takes you past the zebras, maned rams and goats grazing on the slopes - all that remains of Hearst's menagerie.

Architect Julia Morgan of San Francisco built the "manor" according to Hirst's instructions as a "convenient showcase" for his art collection. The scope of the collection itself becomes clear even at the sight of a 30-meter swimming pool with a Greek colonnade and a cast of the Florentine statue of David by Donatello on two baroque Venetian fountains of the 17th century. Above the huge main entrance stands an authentic 13th-century statue. Madonna and Child.


Emergency and medical services

American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine; tel: 415-282-9603;; 450 Connecticut St; 8:30-21:00 Mon-Thu, 9:00-17:30 Fri & Sat) Acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic (Haight Ashbury Free Clinic; tel: 415-746-1950;; 558 Clayton St) free doctor visits by appointment; drug and alcohol addiction support and mental health services.

Pharmaca (tel: 415-661-1216;; 925 Cole St; 8am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9am Sat-Sun) Pharmacy and naturopathic medicines.

Police, fire and ambulance (tel.: 911) San Francisco General Hospital (San Francisco General Hospital; ER 415-206-8111, 415-206-8000;; 1001 Potrero Ave) Open 24 hours. Trauma and Violence Rehabilitation Center (Trauma Recovery & Rape Treatment Center; tel: 415-437-3000; 24/7 hotline. Walgreens (tel: 415-861-3136;; 498 Castro St; 24 hours) Pharmacy with branches throughout the city (see website).


There are free Wi-Fi hotspots scattered throughout San Francisco - find your nearest one using Free signal in Union Square, most cafes and hotel lobbies.

Apple Store ( cisco; 1 Stockton St; 9.00-21.00 Mon-Sat, 10.00-20.00 Sun) Free Wi-Fi and internet terminals.

San Francisco Main Library (; 100 Larkin St; 10.00-18.00 Mon and Sat, 9.00-20.00 Tue-Thu, 12.00-17.00 Fri and Sun) Free Internet access for 15 minutes; Wi-Fi is available in some places.

mass media

  • KALW 91.7 FM ( National Public Radio affiliate (National Public Radio, NPR).
  • KPFA 94.1 FM ( Alternative news and music.
  • KPOO 89.5 FM ( Public Radio; jazz, rhythm and blues, blues and reggae.
  • KQED 88.5 FM ( Branch of the National Public Radio and State Television Broadcasting (Public Broadcasting, PBS), podcasts and video streaming.
  • San Francisco Bay Guardian ( The free alternative weekly covers politics, theater, music, art and film.
  • San Francisco Chronicle ( Main daily newspaper; news, entertainment and events posters.


Bank of America (; 1 Market Plaza; 9.00-18.00 Mon-Fri)


Post office in Rincon Center (Rincon Center post office;; 180 Stewart St; 8.00-18.00 Mon-Fri, 9.00-14.00 Sat) Postal services plus historical frescoes.

Tourist information

Information tourist centre San Francisco (tel.: 415-391-2000;; lower level, Hallidie Plaza; 9:00-17:00 Mon-Fri, until 15:00 Sat-Sun)

Web sites

  • Craigslist ( San Francisco Resource; work, dates, free stuff, Buddhist babysitters and whatever.
  • Yelp ( Review site for shops, bars, services and restaurants. Join the local verbal battles.


Information about transport routes in the Bay Area (Bay Area) and flight schedules can be found by calling 511 or visiting the website

Transportation from San Francisco International Airport

BART (; one-way ticket $8.10). Fast, direct connections to downtown San Francisco.

SamTrans (; one-way ticket $5). The KX Express will take you to the bus station (Temporary Transbay Terminal) in about 30 minutes.

SuperShuttle (tel: 800-258-3826;; one-way ticket $17). Door-to-door vans depart from the baggage claim terminal. Most areas of San Francisco are 45 minutes' drive away.

Taxi. The cost of a trip to downtown is $35-50.

Transport from Auckland International Airport

The cheapest way to travel from Oakland Airport to San Francisco is by BART. AirBART buses ($3) every 10-20 min. depart to Coliseum Station, where you can catch the BART train to downtown San Francisco ($3.80, 25 min.). The cost of a taxi ride from Oakland Airport to Oakland averages $25 and to San Francisco about $50-60. The cost of a trip to downtown in a multi-person SuperShuttle van is $25-30 (tel: 800-258-3826; Airport Express Buses (tel: 800-327-2024; follow the schedule every 2 hours. (from 6.00 to 0.00) from Oakland Airport to Sonoma County ($32) and Marin ($24) .


Blue & Gold Ferries ( depart Alameda - Oakland from Pier 41 (Pier 41) and ferry terminal (Ferry Building). Golden Gate Ferry ( go to Sausalito and Larkspur (Larkspur) in Marin County (Marin County), departing from the ferry terminal (Ferry Building).


Try not to drive in San Francisco: parking is harder than finding true love, and the meters are merciless. Downtown parking is located at the Embarcadero Center on Fifth Street. (5th St), Mission Street (Mission St), Union Square (Union Sq), Sutter Street (Sutter St) and Stockton Street (Stockton St). National car rental agencies have offices at the airport and downtown.

Public transport

To the municipal transport network MUNI (Municipal Transit Agency; includes buses, trams and funicular lines. Two cable car lines begin at Powell Street (Powell St) and Market Street (Market St), the third is on California Street (California St) and Market Street (Market St). Detailed map MUNI Street & Transit Map routes can be downloaded for free from the website or purchased for $3 at a kiosk (Powell MUNI kiosk). The standard fare for a bus or tram ride is $2, for a funicular ride $6. MUNI Passport (for 1/3/7 days $14/21/27) gives the right to unlimited travel on all types of municipal transport, including the funicular; it is sold in tourist information center San Francisco (San Francisco's Visitor Information Center) and at the TIX Bay Area ticket kiosk in Union Square. Seven Day City Pass (adult/child $69/39) gives the right to travel on municipal transport and to visit five attractions.

BART electric trains connect San Francisco to the east side of the Bay. They go under Market Street (Market St) and follow Mission Street (Mission St) and south to international airport San Francisco and Millbrae (Millbrae), where they intersect with the CalTrain line.

The rate is approximately $2.25 per mile; the amount on the meter at the beginning of the trip is $3.50.

  • DeSoto Cab (tel: 415-970-1300)
  • Green Cab (tel: 415-626-4733;
  • Luxor (tel: 415-282-4141) Yellow Cab (tel: 415-333-3333)

Road there and back

By plane

San Francisco International Airport (San Francisco International Airport, SFO; located 22.4 km south of the city center, next to the highway (Highway) 101. Accessible by Bay Area Rapid Transit. (BART).

By bus

Until new terminal will not be completed in 2017, San Francisco Intercity remains Temporary Transbay Terminal (Howard St and Main St). AC Transit buses depart from here ( to eastern Bay Area (East Bay), Golden Gate Transit buses ( go north to Marin and Sonoma counties, and SamTrans transport ( carries passengers south to Palo Alto (Palo Alto) and on the Pacific coast. Greyhound buses (tel: 800-231-2222; depart daily to Los Angeles ($56.50.8-12 hours), Truckee (Truckee) at Lake Tahoe ($33, 5.5 hours) and in other areas.

By train

Amtrak trains (tel: 800-872-7245; this is not only a low emission of pollution into the environment, but also a quiet road to San Francisco and back. Coast Starlight sails an exciting 35-hour route from Los Angeles to Seattle with a stop in Oakland. California Zephyr is coming (51 hours) from Chicago via Rokis (Rockies) to Auckland. Both trains have sleeping cars and dining cars (bars) with large windows. The Amtrak network also includes free commuter buses, going to the ferry terminal (Ferry Building) in San Francisco and the CalTrain station.

Cal Trains (; corner of Force Street (4th St) and King Street (King St)) connect San Francisco with Silicon Valley and San Jose.

Calendar of low prices for air tickets

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Have you been to California? California - paradise, located on west coast American continent, one of the most beautiful states of the USA. The city of San Francisco is rightfully considered the pearl of California. and this is not an accident. Spread over more than 121 square kilometers on the northern coast of the San Francisco Peninsula, washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean and Golden Bay, it remains a dream for tourists around the world.

Amazing nature, combined with world-famous sights created by human hands, and a centuries-old history are a real value for the successful development of the tourism industry of the economy.

San Francisco city map

Economic Development of San Francisco

San Francisco leads the pack largest cities USA, both in terms of population and density. Despite this, the majority of its residents are not indigenous, but arrived from other states in search of work or better living conditions. As one of the largest cities on the West Coast, San Francisco is the main artery of California's financial, cultural and transportation activities.

Thanks to the advantageous geographical location- access to the Pacific coast, equal distance from such world megacities as London and Tokyo, Seattle and San Diego, the presence of sea ports, one of which is the port of Oakland, airports - favorable conditions have been created here for business development and the establishment of economic ties. The basis of the city's economy is tourism. The number of foreign tourists visiting the city every year is huge. The development of the tourism business also determines the rapid development of the city; evidence of this is the fact that San Francisco alone accounts for 30% of the commodity turnover of the entire coast. It is the most important financial center in the region.

The city's infrastructure is quite well developed. Here are located largest companies for the development of new technologies, research centers, various types of production. Particular attention should be paid to the famous technology center - Silicon Valley, which is also located in San Francisco. Great attention is paid to developments in the field of pharmacology, research is being conducted in genetic engineering, biotechnology, and new medical electronics are being developed.

Despite the rapid and steady growth of the economy, the cost of living in San Francisco is extremely high. The high cost of housing, food and consumer goods is one of the most pressing problems of the city. It is noteworthy that with a city agglomeration of 7.4 million people, almost 12% remain unemployed and are below the poverty line. The reason for this is the oversaturation of the labor market with representatives of undemanded professions who have received a good education and have at least a bachelor's degree. The state authorities, trying to solve the problem of poverty, are pursuing a consistent social policy, providing assistance to the poor and homeless. However, favorable climatic and social conditions have become attractive to numerous homeless people from neighboring states, who organize entire pilgrimages in the hope of finding refuge in a new place.

San Francisco is a city of contrasts

San Francisco can rightfully be called a city of contrasts. Its uniqueness can be seen in its architecture, its layout, and even in the faces of its people.

It is noteworthy that in San Francisco there are representatives of more than six races, while in percentage terms the numerical difference between them is small, among them are whites, Asians, African Americans, Indians and the rest - other or mixed races, Hispanics of any race represent 15.1% of the population San Francisco. The city is also known for its tolerant sentiments towards representatives of non-traditional orientations. One of its districts, Castro, is considered the capital of homosexuals. The contrast of the city can also be seen in its architecture. Despite the fact that the city is overpopulated, its distinctive feature is low-rise buildings located close to each other. The only difference is the city center, where high-rise buildings of offices, banks, and shopping centers are built.”

Like many megacities around the world, San Francisco is divided into districts. There are about forty of them in total. Each district is a separate conglomerate with its own attractions and infrastructure. But there is still a connection between them - to promote economic well-being. The most famous and popular among tourists are: Embarcadero, Financial District, North Beach, Union Square, Chinatown, Nob Hill, Russian Hill, Civic Center, South of Market, Haight-Ashbury, Castro.

Sights of San Francisco

San Francisco has many places created specifically for tourists, pleasing the eye and touching the soul. Nature itself made sure that the city would attract with its beauty by placing it on the hills; there are more than fifty of them in the city. The most popular among them is Twin Peaks Hill.

It captivates not only with the beauty and perfection of nature, but also with the fact that having climbed to its top, you can see most of the city at your feet.

Probably the most visited place in the city is an area called Fisherman’s Wharf, which translates as “Fisherman’s Wharf”. Everything has been done here to develop the tourism business. Morskoy became a real decoration of the area historical Museum, aquarium, pier 39, where you can admire the inhabitants depths of the sea peacefully basking in the sun. All this abundance is skillfully complemented by networks of restaurants and bars waiting for their customers.

If you're a fun-loving person, head to North Beach. The city's most respectable restaurants, nightclubs and bars are concentrated here. But don’t forget to climb the famous Coit Tower, standing alone in the middle of this fun, to admire the beauty of the city at night and dream in the romantic light of the night lights.

Do you want to go to the shops and do some shopping? Head to the Union Square area. You will be surprised by the huge assortment of goods presented and give yourself unprecedented pleasure by purchasing another souvenir as a keepsake.

Not enough exotics? You just need to know where to look for it! The most exotic place in the city is considered to be the Chinatown area, which translates as “a city within a city.” There are many shops crowded with exotic goods, markets, and restaurants here. Here you will satisfy the most extravagant tastes of both yourself and your friends by choosing the most unusual surprise.

Hotels and inns are located in the elite area of ​​the city - Nob Hill. The real attraction and architectural value here is Cathedral Grace Cathedral. Do you want to admire luxurious buildings and modern architecture? You are on Lombard Street - the most winding street in the world.

South of Market is famous for its museums. The most visited among them are the Zeum children's museum and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

Have you ever met representatives of the hippie or punk movements? No? Then you are welcome in Haight-Ashbury - favorite place representatives of various countercultures.

The city hall and a number of buildings built in a strict classical style, surrounded by two squares, Civic Center Plaza and United Nations Plaza, are a real decoration of the Civic Center.

Stuns the imagination and leaves an unforgettable impression park ensembles Golden Gate Park and Lincoln Park.

A walk through Golden Gate Park will take you to the west coast. Here, from the San Francisco Zoo to the park called "Earth's End" stretches an immense sand beach Ocean Beach. Walk a little further and you will see the Golden Gate Bridge, the main entrance to the city.

East of the Golden Gate in an area called Presidio, there is architectural ensemble The Palace of Fine Arts is a favorite place for brides, and with reverse side— innovative interactive museum Exploratorium.

The attractions of San Francisco include the islands located in the bay. One of the most popular among tourists is the prison island of Alcatraz, to which more than one work of world classical literature is dedicated.

Development of the San Francisco transportation system

The pearl of the city and its calling card is the port of San Francisco. It was once one of the largest ports on the coast and ranked first in terms of the number of cargo transportations performed. Now the focus of the port’s work has changed somewhat and is intended to carry out the main part of the city’s infrastructure - contributing to the development of the tourism industry. The marine terminal Ferry Building, with the famous clock tower, is today not only a landmark of the city, but also a marine terminal and shopping mall.

20 kilometers from the city is San Francisco Airport, the second busiest airport in the United States. It is second only to Los Angeles.

San Francisco can rightfully be proud of its roads. High-quality roads with comfortable, well-thought-out parking allow, in an overpopulated city, the transport industry to develop safely and contribute to the development of the tourism business.

San Francisco Climate

Perhaps nature has blessed San Francisco with many things. Along with the wonderful flora, the city is not deprived of an interesting relief landscape and a mild climate. Located in the southern latitude, washed by cold streams of underwater currents, nature, having accepted all these combinations, awarded the city with a mild climate with slight seasonal temperature changes. The coldest month is January, when the air temperature drops rapidly, reaching an average of 9.7 degrees Celsius.

The warmest month is September, with an air temperature of 17.7 degrees. A real paradise for vacationers. Affectionate solar heat, the golden sea coast preserves and nourishes dreams of summer and relaxation until the onset of the rainy season. With the arrival of November and into January, San Francisco plunges into the gloom of gray rainy days. The real riot of spring begins in San Francisco in February and March, when the cold gradually recedes, nature wakes up and enlivens the city with the aromas of flowering trees, adding the colors of luxurious flowers.

The most favorable time to visit San Francisco can be called April and May, when the morning thick fog first envelops the sleeping city in a shroud, bringing the freshness of the early morning and gradually recedes under the golden rays of the warm sun. Usually this time of year is dry and warm, but sometimes it rains. June and August are also quite warm months, but at night the cold air takes over the city so much that you involuntarily forget about the delights of a warm summer.

On the west coast of the United States, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, is located the most liberal city in America - San Francisco, California.

Tourist center, financial hustler, hippie capital of the world, creator of computer and biomedical technologies, beautiful city— unite in one metropolis, creating a unique atmosphere of everyday life, relaxation and communication.

It has the highest standard of living, the coldest fogs and the largest number of homosexuals. All this makes the city unique, unforgettable, arousing the interest of any tourist, deservedly receiving the name “Pearl of the West Coast.”

general information

The city of San Francisco dates back 239 years. The date of its foundation is considered to be 1776, when the Spaniards founded a fort named after the Catholic Saint Francis on the coast. The small village that formed nearby was called Yerba Buzna (or Good Grass). Since then, the city has undergone several fundamental changes and turned into a large populated center.

The first event that caused the city's population to grow 70 times was the California Gold Rush. Within three years of the gold rush, the population of 500 exploded to 35,000.

Then the city was destroyed by a strong earthquake (in 1906) and rebuilt. 60 years later, San Francisco has become the center of the hippie movement and the territory of sexual freedom.

Today's San Francisco is a city of almost a million people with a high population density. 880 thousand inhabitants are settled on 120 square kilometers of land. It is the second most densely populated city in America (after).


San Francisco is one of the most diverse. Among the city's population live 50% Europeans, 34% Chinese, 6% African Americans, and only 0.5% Indians. The remaining 10% are Hispanic.

Among the city's resident population there is the largest percentage of homosexuals in America (15% is the maximum for the continent). And the smallest number of children in the overall population (less than in neighboring cities, by 14%).

Almost half of the residents of the Northern Fleet have higher education. That's tightening the job market, driving up prices and making the city one of the most expensive cities to live in the United States.

The city of San Francisco is the tourist center of California. The number of visitors per year exceeds 17 million tourists. Income from the tourism sector exceeds income from any other type of activity (genetic engineering, computer technology, banking trading). Therefore, the city has established and functioning public transport, a system of hotels, restaurants and entertainment.

City districts

Modern San Francisco was built up after the destruction of 1906 (when a strong earthquake occurred). Therefore, the city streets have a clear architectural plan. Only the historical center (or Old city) with winding but very picturesque streets.

The city on the peninsula has 40 districts. Among them, the most popular among tourists are Fisherman’s Wharf, Embankment, Central Square, and ethnic quarters.

Fishermans Wharf invites you to Morskoy Historical park, to Pier 39 with souvenir shops and seals living on it, to the Aquarium, as well as to the seaport building with a tower and an ancient clock at the top. The building houses a shopping center and a marine terminal.

The next tourist mecca is central square Union. There are many shops and hotels here.

An area of ​​round-the-clock festivities and entertainment welcomes tourists on the Embankment.

Financial buildings (the Financial District or "FiDi") are located in downtown San Francisco. Here are banking skyscrapers and headquarters.

Ethnic neighborhoods are areas where exclusively immigrants live and work. The Italian area of ​​North Beach is today a place of nightlife with clubs and bars. Nearby is a picturesque tower on top of Telegraph Hill (Telegraph Hill area).

Chinatown or Chinatown is a place where the Chinese settled. The Chinese New Year Parade is held here every year. By the way, the population of Chinatown is growing every year.

Other Asians live in Sunset. Richmond is called the new Chinatown and is teeming with Russian emigrants.

The largest number of museums is concentrated in South of Market (SoMa).

Nob Hill is a prestigious and expensive place for wealthy citizens to live. The most expensive hotels are located here.

Another upscale neighborhood is called Russian Hill, although most Russian emigrants live in Richmond.

In addition, there is the punk and hippie district of Haight-Ashbury and the gay district of the Castro.

Climate and weather

San Francisco's climate is different from the rest of California. You can't sunbathe here like in Los Angeles or bask in the sun like in Florida. The city is located south of Sochi, at the latitude of Central Asia and Ashgabat. However, summer temperatures rarely exceed 25?C. This is due to the cold Pacific current and frequent fogs.

Baker Beach

The coast in the vicinity of the city is inconvenient for sea swimming; there is cool water (in summer - no higher than +15? C) and strong surf. Surfing is complicated by underwater currents.

The coastline along San Francisco is lined with beaches. However, you can sunbathe and soak up the sun not every day. Even in sunny weather, a cold ocean wind can blow.

A characteristic feature of the climate is that there are no large temperature fluctuations. In September, during the day the air warms up to +25?C, and at night it cools down to +16?C. In January, the temperature during the day is +13?C, and at night +8?C.

The average temperature of the summer months is colder than July in Moscow. But at the same time, there are no frosts in San Francisco, and winter represents the rainy season, not the cold season. Snow is such a rare phenomenon that its occurrence has been recorded several times over the course of decades.

The foggiest weather in San Francisco is in August-September (the temperature difference between air and water reaches its maximum). November marks the beginning of the rainy season. At this time, visiting the city is not so interesting. Therefore, most visitors appear here at the end of March or beginning of April, when winter precipitation ends. One of the best periods to visit the city is April and May. Dry, warm and little fog.

How to get to San Francisco

There is no direct flight Moscow - San Francisco, you can get to Los Angeles (ticket price - 45,000 rubles, travel time - 16-18 hours) or New York.

The second option for air travel is to make a transfer in London (the cost of the entire flight is 64,000 rubles, duration is about 20 hours), Helsinki (40,000 rubles and 20 hours) or Istanbul (35,000 rubles, 21 hours).

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San Francisco International Airport is located 22 kilometers from the city. Its short name is SFO(according to the code on the ticket). To get from SFO to San Francisco, you can take a taxi, minibus, or BART subway car.

Travel time by car is 20 minutes, if there are no traffic jams or congestion. Traffic without traffic complications is guaranteed by the underground metro (“BART”). This is the most inexpensive transport. Transfer from the airport will cost $8, the travel time will not exceed 30 minutes.

You can also use a minibus or a group taxi (shuttle). The cost of such a move is from $12 to $25 per person.

The city's attractions

Time flies by in San Francisco. I want to do everything, see everything, go everywhere. You can start exploring the city right at the entrance to the peninsula through the unique suspension bridge.

Connected the city with the opposite shore of the bay. In any weather it presents a stunning spectacle. Its length is 2.8 km. The length of each span is 1.3 km. The height above the water is almost 70 m.

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

In addition to the bridge, San Francisco offers picturesque hills, charming parks and unusual museums.


The number of hills on which the city is located exceeds 50 (the height of each of them is more than 30 meters). Hills, fogs and a suspension bridge represent business card San Francisco. The height of the most impressive hill reaches 280 m, this is Davidson Hill. There is a large cross 30 m high on it.

Among the hills, the twins are the most visited Twin Peaks. They are located in the center of residential areas and allow you to admire the panorama of the entire city.

Grand Cross on Davidson Hill in San Francisco Twin Peaks in San Francisco


The next group of city attractions are parks and green areas. Golden Gate Park stretches 5 km from the coast deep into the peninsula, here there are only artificial plantings.

There is Land's End Park, Lincoln Park and the parkland of the former Presidio military installation. The oldest park in the city is called Buena Vista; it was founded on one of the hills in 1867.


The most famous and notable island is a former prison. This Alcatraz- a maximum security prison for dangerous criminals. Today Alcatraz is open to the public as a museum.

Alcatraz - former prison island

The second notable island is named after Angels. This is a former migration camp area where military houses, ancient trees, wild animals and natural beauty have been preserved.


The number of museums in San Francisco exceeds 30. Among them: the Museum of Cable Cars, Contemporary Art, Science (Exloratorium), Ophthalmology, Mechanics, Tattoos and UFOs.

Museum cable cars San Francisco
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art The Exploratorium is an interactive science museum in San Francisco, California, USA. San Francisco Tattoo Museum

And also a number national museums: Mexican, Asian, African, Jewish. And also - the Russian Cultural Center.

You can easily explore the city of San Francisco on foot, sometimes using public transport. Car parking here is expensive, road traffic is unusual, with traffic jams and difficult maneuvers. Therefore, if you want to see the sights and not traffic jams, use buses or the old cable tram.

Where to stay in the city

The most inexpensive hotels in San Francisco are located near the international airport. In addition, they provide free bus services to the airport.

However, most hotels are located in the city. Living in them makes it possible to travel on foot or by boat. public transport, With minimal costs to move. The largest concentration of hotels is in the center (Downtown and Union Square). The main shopping spots are also concentrated here.

Crab restaurants greet visitors in the coastal areas (Marina and Fisherman's Wharf). There are also many hotels of different levels of comfort and prices.

Fewer hotels on Russian Hill. Specific hotels in San Francisco are in the Castro district (district of sexual minorities).

In addition to hotels, there is a widely operating hostel system. This is a budget accommodation where comfort is offered for less money. Here you can rent a separate room or a separate bed.

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How to call to San Francisco?

San Francisco Area Code +1 415 , where the first digit "1"— USA country code. When calling from a mobile phone, the combination is dialed +1415 , after which the subscriber’s number is dialed (7 digits). To call from a landline, dial the intercity access code (8), then the international call code (0 or 10), and only then the combination 1 415 and a seven-digit phone number.

To successfully make a call from Moscow, you need to correctly determine the time in America. The clock in San Francisco differs from the clock in Moscow by more than half a day. To find out what time it is in San Francisco now, you need to subtract 15 hours from Moscow time.

San Francisco is a city of eccentrics and experimenters, gays and businessmen. He can delight, he can attract with freedom or irritate with tolerance, but he will never leave a person indifferent. The pearl of the coast, the misty hills of California, the most romantic city in America.

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