What time was the terrorist attack on September 11th? Who really blew up the Twin Towers in New York? Dead “terrorists” turned out to be alive

An event that changed people's lives

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this day was the most unusual on the planet in the 21st century. Then residents of all countries of the world glued their gaze to their TV screens and became glued to the Internet. And there, on the screens, something completely unimaginable was happening, reminiscent of footage from a science fiction action movie. Huge passenger liners crashed into the skyscrapers of New York, tall buildings folded like toy houses, drowning in clouds of dust reminiscent of a volcanic eruption. And - people: endless crowds of screaming people, running through the streets, or frozen in the distance with a cell phone near their ear...

Alas, it was not a film, but almost a direct report from the scene of an event that would later rightfully be called the largest act of terrorism in the history of mankind. Events wearing and quite official name: "The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York."

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 - how it happened

It is difficult to describe what happened, if only because the narrator inevitably slips into emotions, into personal assessments, and even into his own memories. Moreover, to this day, after many years, certain mysteries, unexplored aspects, and inconsistency of interpretations remain in the picture of the grandiose terrorist attack. However, the essence of what happened is as follows.

A group of Islamic terrorists captured four passenger liner, filled with people and performing scheduled flights. Further investigation revealed that there were a total of 19 attackers, all belonging to the same organization, al-Qaeda. Each plane carried at least one person who had undergone special training and was able to fly a passenger ship.

The terrorists flew two planes at tall buildings - the South and North towers of the World Trade Center, which were the pride of Manhattan and towered in its southern part. The planes crashed into these skyscrapers one by one, with an interval of about 16 minutes. As a result of the disaster, the buildings caught fire and subsequently completely collapsed, burying a huge number of people. Naturally, all the passengers on the planes also died.

The third plane fell on the Pentagon building, and the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania, crashing into a field. As the investigation showed, its target, apparently, was the building of the US Congress, but the terrorists failed to carry out their plans: a struggle ensued on board with the crew and passengers, which ultimately led to the crash of the plane. Naturally, everyone on the third and fourth ships also died.

The Pentagon building after a collision with a plane

At the moment, it is stated that as a result of these sad events, 2977 people died, not counting the 19 attackers. Also, 23 people are still listed as missing.

This is exactly what it looks like short description this extraordinary event, but for a more accurate picture it needs to be supplemented with some important facts.

Terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 - additional facts

All the hijacked flights followed their schedules to distant California, that is, they had a lot of fuel on board, because the hijackings occurred shortly after the departures. The plane flew into the North Tower at approximately the 95th floor level, and into the South Tower at approximately the 80th floor level. It is impossible to say more precisely, since in both cases these were Boeings, very large aircraft, and the contact area was more than one floor.

The terrible fire and destruction caused by the disaster led to the collapse of giant buildings. The South Tower was the first to fall, followed by the North Tower about half an hour later (the fire in the building raged for 102 minutes). The third building, also part of the World Trade Center complex, fell in the late afternoon. It was too close to the towers that were attacked and could not withstand the temperature and mechanical influences that fell on its walls. In addition, accumulated gas from destroyed communications exploded inside the building.

Some time passed between the hijacking of the planes and their crash, during which many passengers managed to mobile communications connect with your loved ones and friends. Some said goodbye to life, others tried to contact the special services. Many records of these negotiations have been preserved: emotional, deep, filled with fear and grief, but also love for loved ones.

In some cases, passengers and crew tried to resist the terrorists. One of the planes, as already mentioned, as a result of such heroic actions did not reach its target. In the Boeing that crashed into the North Tower, at least one passenger and crew commander were killed even before the collision; this has been proven by investigation.

Pennsylvania plane crash site 4

In the first hours after the terrorist attack, life in the United States changed beyond recognition. No planes received permission to fly into the country and land at its airfields. Passenger flights within the state were cancelled, all foreign flights went to land in Canada and Mexico. Hundreds of fighters took to the air and patrolled the skies around all major cities.

New York was given a special role. Thousands of firefighters, paramedics and rescue workers worked in Manhattan. All city police officers were involved, and colleagues from other regions urgently arrived to help them. The destroyed twin towers left behind gigantic rubble, the burning of which lasted about 100 days, releasing many harmful chemicals into the air.

Subsequently, US intelligence services found out that of the 19 terrorists, the majority (15 people) had the citizenship of Saudi Arabia, the rest were citizens of the UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. They were not typical fanatical martyrs: they all had a good education and a well-established philosophy of life.

Consequences of the terrorist attack

The monumental terrorist attack of September 11 had consequences commensurate with its scale. They have manifested themselves in various spheres of life, and all over the world. Here are just a few of them.


In addition to the completely destroyed three WTC skyscrapers, several other nearby buildings were significantly damaged, or even destroyed, including one church. Archives, works of art, and countless documents were lost. South part Manhattan lost its business importance for many years. The Pentagon building was very damaged.


The US government and Congress created a special commission known as the 9/11 Commission. She worked for two years and came to the conclusion that the main organizer and culprit of the attack was the Islamic fundamentalist organization Al-Qaeda, which spent about half a billion dollars on the plot. The origin of these funds remains a mystery to this day.

The organization was headed by Saudi Arabian Osama bin Laden. The basis of her ideology was hatred of Israel and the United States. In subsequent years, America, along with its allies, launched an unprecedented fight against fundamentalists, primarily al-Qaeda. Its leader was killed in Afghanistan by American special forces in May 2011.

All the leading countries of the world have revised their views on terrorism, realizing its global danger. Security measures have been significantly tightened almost everywhere, especially on aircraft.

We can talk about the economic consequences of the event, its military significance, and its impact on geopolitics. But perhaps the main thing to note is the change, so to speak, in the modern philosophy of life. After such terrible events, all people, without exception, became acutely aware of what an essentially fragile world we live in. In this world, even the most powerful country turns out to be vulnerable, and danger awaits a person not only in warring states. The terrorist attack in New York showed that the boundaries between enemies and friends have become illusory, and the cruelties of wars do not necessarily manifest themselves only on the fronts of local conflicts.

Beautiful temporary memorials have been built on the site of the former Twin Towers; permanent monuments are under construction. The American nation celebrates this mournful date as a Day of Service and Remembrance. And in New York it's worth tall monument works by Zurab Tsereteli - “Tear of Sorrow”. Inside the split bronze slab is a huge steel drop. This is a symbol of grief not only for the people killed in the terrorist attack. And perhaps not even that much. This tear symbolizes the common pain of humanity, which after September 11 became in many ways different, not so carefree and happy.

Over 11 years after the catastrophic destruction World Trade Center, the government of the city of New York finally puzzled itself with the question: what could have happened to 1116 the victim who disappeared into it?

Every time a building collapsed in history, all the bodies of the victims were removed from the rubble more or less intact. The reason is that in collapsing buildings, human bodies are crushed, but do not disintegrate into tiny particles or disappear without a trace.

However September 11, 2001 The most famous "building collapse" in history somehow led to the magical disappearance of more than 1 thousand victims' bodies. Despite the careful efforts of sifting and digging, not a scrap of skin, a fragment of a fingernail, or a splinter of bone from any of these bodies was found.

But this secret is not the only one. There is little left of the 1,634 inhabitants of the World Trade Center who did not completely disappear. Most of the human remains discovered and identified by DNA were in the form of tiny, atomized particles rather than entire bodies.

What happened to the nearly 3 thousand human bodies that were annihilated during the ten-second disappearances of the 110-story Towers? Answer: the same as with office furniture, filing cabinets, telephones, computers and other contents of skyscrapers. Almost no remains of these objects were found.

They, like the bodies of people, somehow turned into a mixture of tiny fragments and less than 100 microns of dust, carried to the sea and slowly settled in Atlantic Ocean. As one of the sifting diggers noted, the largest piece of office furniture recovered from Epicenter was a tiny piece of a telephone keypad.

Today, more than 11 years later, the New York City government is finally acknowledging the mystery. In a memo to the families of those killed in 9/11, New York City official Casey Holloway announced that this Monday, April 1, the city's Chief Medical Examiner will begin sifting through the wreckage of the World Trade Center structures at the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island. 60 truck trips for its removal. A city spokesman said they hope to find the remains of at least some of the 1,116 victims.

Unfortunately, the chances of finding any significant new death toll appear slim. After all, the debris of the Twin Towers - which by mass made up less than 50 percent of the Towers (what happened to the rest of this mass?) had already been carefully sifted and dug up more than 10 years ago.

The city's decision to sift through the rubble starting April 1 bears more than a passing resemblance to George W. Bush's decision to crouch down to search under his desk for missing Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Is this some kind of cruel April Fool's joke?

The absence of crushed but intact human bodies, office furniture and equipment, and 50 percent of the Towers' mass suggests that the Twins did not collapse - they exploded. This may explain why the entire roof of the nearby Deutsche Bank building was discovered in 2006 to be littered with tiny fragments of human bones.

The simple gravitational collapse underlying the conclusions of the official government NIST report could not have blown human skeletons into fragments and led to the deposition of these fragments throughout the roof of a neighboring building.

Were the Twin Towers and the thousands of people inside them blown to pieces using explosives? This is what many family members of 9/11 victims believe. Robert McIlvaine, whose son Bobby died at the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, said about half the family shared the suspicion that the Towers were blown down in a false flag attack. Famous Hero 9/11 William Rodriguez, who has spoken to hundreds of thousands of people around the world, is another 9/11 survivor who claims evidence of "controlled demolition" is an open secret.

Scientist Carl Sagan once observed that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” But sometimes the lack of evidence is indisputable evidence of guilt. The absence of entire bodies, the contents of offices and half the mass of the Twin Towers is irrefutable evidence that confirms that the Towers were demolished by an explosion.

The missing contents and mass of the Twin Towers are not the only mysterious "absence" associated with 9/11. Other notable "missing clues" include:

▪ The absence of more than 80 US government videos of the attack on the Pentagon, some of which were seized by FBI agents literally moments after the attack. Only a few images have been released, and these images only show the explosion at the Pentagon, but not the large airliner.

▪ The absence of 100 thousand kg of the passenger Boeing 757, which is believed to have crashed into the Pentagon. There is not a single film of this 100-ton airliner wreckage, or of the aircraft's baggage and passenger remains, that was ever removed from any of the three widely separated Pentagon kill zones.

▪ The absence of 100 thousand kg of Boeing 757, which allegedly sunk into soft ground under a shallow crater with a diameter of 15 feet (4.6 m; approx.) in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There is not a single piece of evidence that 100 tons of debris from the airliner, along with what was left of passengers and luggage, were removed from the ground at the supposed crash site.

▪ The airlines' lack of official passenger lists, security footage, ticket stubs, statements from airline workers, or any other evidence indicating that the 19 young Arab men accused of the 9/11 attacks were even on the planes.

▪ No audio recordings of FAA personnel reporting to each other about their experiences on 9/11. These records were seized by an FAA inspector, cut up into small pieces, and then scattered across many widely spaced trash cans - never to be collected and recovered.

▪ The absence of indestructible “black boxes” of planes that crashed into the Twin Towers. The US government claims that these flight data recording devices were never found, but early responses indicated that they were present when FBI agents found and seized them.

▪ The lack of the most important evidence cited by the government - audio and video recordings of protracted torture sessions and scripted false confessions of the mentally disabled "9/11 mastermind" Abu Zubaydah and his "associate" Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The CIA admits it illegally destroyed the tapes, anonymous accounts of which are cited second-hand in the 9/11 Commission report as its only evidence in support of the 19-hijacker theory.

Even plastic phones did not crumble into dust or melt, where did the bones and flesh of people go?

▪ The absence of any plausible and innocent explanation for the BBC's premature reporting of the collapse of Building 7 of the World Trade Center, Larry Silverstein's admission that he demolished WTC 7, and (of course) the apparently controlled nature of the demolition of that building.

In each of these cases - as in the case of the 1,116 missing victims - the lack of evidence is irrefutable proof of guilt.

The US government now faces a complete lack of legitimacy.

On September 11, 2001, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out in the United States, which resulted in the death of 2,977 people. By official version, the destructive attacks were carried out by members of the Al-Qaeda group *, but there are facts that can refute the generally accepted point of view.

Fast version

The official version of what happened is as follows. Early in the morning of September 11, 2001, four Boeing passenger planes were hijacked in the air by Arab terrorists. The hijackers were armed only with box cutters and gas canisters. Two aircraft attacked the twin towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan, the third plane was sent to the Pentagon building, the fourth did not reach the Capitol and crashed in the middle of a field in Pennsylvania.

This version was formed literally a few days after the tragedy and the American government never changed it. Such hasty conclusions suggest that Washington was preparing for this in advance.

We have already encountered a situation where the White House “knew for sure” that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons mass destruction, Muammar Gaddafi sponsors international terrorism, and Bashar al-Assad uses chemical weapons.

None of these accusations were ever confirmed. However, these suspicions became a pretext for the use of armed forces sanctioned by the US authorities in Iraq, Libya and Syria. It is expected that after the events of September 11, the Americans intensified military operations in Afghanistan.

Immediately after the explosions, the head of Al Qaeda* Osama bin Laden declared his non-involvement in the terrorist attacks. Unusual behavior for a man who always gladly took responsibility for terrorist attacks that were carried out with his participation. Later, bin Laden still admitted to involvement in the events of September 11, however, as some argue, he was only a person similar to the leader of Al Qaeda*.

Strange destruction

Probably not everyone knows that during the attack on New York, three buildings of the World Trade Center (WTC) collapsed. In addition to the well-known twin towers No. 1 and No. 2, there was also skyscraper No. 7. The government commission created to investigate the events of September 11 chose to remain silent about this fact. House number 7 is a 47-story high-rise building, noticeably inferior in height to its twin brothers.

In particular, it housed the New York branch of the CIA headquarters. This building escaped the plane's hit, but by 5 p.m. it had collapsed in the same pattern as the Twin Towers.

According to authorities, the cause of the building's collapse was burning fragments that fell on it from collapsing skyscrapers, as well as the ensuing fire. However, much closer to the towers were the WTC buildings numbered 3, 4, 5 and 6, and they all survived. Maybe there was another reason for the fall of the 7th house?

As for the twin towers, researchers are still concerned with a curious question: why did not only the upper floors of the building collapse, but also the lower ones? The official version is inexorable: when the building was destroyed, the top took the rest of it with it.

However, here too a problem arises. Parts of the tower’s structure did not fall in different directions, but folded straight under the base, like a house of cards.

The designers of the World Trade Center unanimously declare that when constructing high-rise buildings, the possible impact of an airplane on them was taken into account, as is the case with all skyscrapers. If a catastrophic scenario does occur, they say it cannot lead to devastating consequences of this magnitude.

The footage of the disaster clearly shows that the planes crash into the buildings in completely different ways: the airliner “entered” the northern tower directly in the center, and the southern one at an acute angle, cutting off the edge of the high-rise. At the same time, the destruction of the towers was surprisingly uniform and symmetrical, as in a prepared explosion. And then something strange happens: the one less damaged by the explosion collapses first. south tower, and only half an hour later the northern one falls, where the consequences of the disaster should have been more impressive.

Experts analyzed the video of the collapse of the towers and almost unanimously stated that this is how industrial demolition of buildings occurs. And indeed, if you carefully watch the slow-motion footage of the disaster, you can see how blast waves run across the entire height of the building at equal distances - as if a pre-placed charge had detonated.

Here are two more facts that will make you think. Shortly before the terrorist attack, the floors into which the planes subsequently flew were closed for repairs. And a few weeks before the tragedy, the owner of the twin towers, Larry Silverstein, insured them for $3 billion, and insurance against terrorist attacks was prescribed as a separate clause.

Selective fire

If you believe the official findings, then in a monstrous fire, hundreds of thousands of tons of steel structures melted, and hundreds of tons of concrete were ground into dust.

Is it possible that ignited aviation kerosene, the combustion temperature of which is less than 1000°C, will cause hardened steel, which melts at no less than 2000°C, to “quiver”? In this case, a critical loss of strength occurred in 50 massive load-bearing beams at once, which is only possible if the fuel was evenly spilled over all areas of the floor.

The explosions left passengers on both Boeings with charred and unidentifiable body parts. Meanwhile, the passport of Mohammed Atta, one of the plane hijackers, which became one of the main pieces of evidence in favor of the guilt of Al Qaeda*, turned out to be completely unharmed. According to the commission, the document miraculously survived a powerful explosion, fell out of the plane and landed safely near the building.

The US government was in such a hurry to come to the desired conclusion that it was not even going to pay attention to such incidents. Further more.

The investigative commission announced the identification of some of the passengers and crew members of the aircraft using “DNA residues.” And this is after the fire virtually completely destroyed the hull of the airliner, made of high-temperature-resistant aircraft aluminum.

It is curious that despite the “remnants of DNA” being fantastically preserved, the black boxes were considered completely destroyed by fire. Looking at this, one can only believe that the fire acted selectively, completely not guided by the laws of the physical world.

Without a trace

The third hijacked Boeing, American Airlines Flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon, according to official data. In order to inflict the most significant damage to the building and people, the terrorists sent the plane along the lowest possible trajectory. It is known that the height of the Boeing 757 is 13 meters, the Pentagon is 24 meters.

Based on this, the final kilometers of the airliner's flight had to take place at an altitude of only a few meters above the ground, which is an almost impossible task for pilots who have just completed express courses.

Moreover, such a maneuver was absolutely unjustified, since, according to many experts, it would not have led to such damage as with a fall at an angle. It would be difficult for even an inexperienced pilot to miss in this case, given the impressive area of ​​the Pentagon - 117,363 sq.m. It turns out that the terrorists, who carefully planned the terrorist attack, chose a more difficult and less effective path.

However, the main incident is ahead. Independent researchers who studied photographs of the disaster were alarmed by the fact that the Boeing, when it hit the building, did not leave any traces of its wings. Their wreckage was not found nearby. Moreover, inside the destroyed section of the building there were no hints of aircraft fragments. According to official findings, they were all destroyed by a powerful explosion and fire, which is very doubtful.

All of the above facts suggest another reason for the destruction in the Pentagon - a planned explosion. But if we assume that the Boeing 757 did not crash into the Pentagon, where did the plane itself disappear with the passengers and crew of this ill-fated flight?

As for the fourth Boeing, which did not reach the Capitol and fell in the fields of Pennsylvania, there are fewer questions about it. However, there are still inconsistencies. Authorities claim that the cause of death was an impact with the ground, but they could not find any significant number of fragments of the plane at the alleged crash site. Eyewitnesses say that the debris was scattered for many kilometers. According to researchers who do not share the official point of view, the airliner could have been shot down in the air by a missile fired from a fighter.

The official version says: passengers, having contacted their relatives by mobile phones, learned that two planes had already crashed into buildings in Manhattan and decided to prevent the hijackers’ plans. It was as a result of the struggle that ensued on board that the plane lost its course and went into a steep dive. However, experts say that the ability to use cellular communication appeared in flight only in 2005.

Avoid discrepancies

Everything about this story is alarming, including the behavior of senior American officials. Thus, President George Bush for a long time ignored the invitation to speak before Congress, but when he agreed to the meeting, he set conditions that at first glance defied logical explanation. He insisted on limiting the conversation to no more than an hour and requiring Vice President Dick Cheney to be invited to the event. At the request of the head of the White House, only two people were to be present from the commission investigating the tragedy.

After lengthy debates, it was finally possible to agree on the participation of 10 commission members and remove the time limit. During the meeting, everyone expected to hear from the president comprehensive, and most importantly, reliable information about what happened, but everything turned out to be much more complicated. Bush did not allow videotaping, audio recording, or even shorthand recording of the meeting. In addition, Bush and Cheney refused to take an oath that could assure listeners of the veracity of what they said.

In April 2004, the performance finally took place. However, to this day it is unknown what Bush and Cheney told the congressmen. Many people point out the absurdity of this situation. It looks like this if one witness agreed to speak in court only in the presence of another witness. Why is this necessary? Probably in order to avoid inconsistency in testifying.

The world is increasingly convinced every year that the terrorist attacks were planned by US intelligence agencies to justify the actions of the US military in the Middle East. But it is premature to draw final conclusions. For now, we can say with certainty only the following: if the US authorities did not carry out the terrorist attacks themselves, then at least they did not interfere with their planning.

*Al-Qaeda is a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York divided the history of the United States of America into before and after. The three thousand people killed in the explosion of the Twin Towers is an irreparable loss for the American people. Question: “Who blew up the towers?” For many it remains open to this day. There are too many logical inconsistencies in the official version of the investigation.

Mission Possible?

According to the official version, the twin towers were destroyed due to the explosions of planes that rammed the buildings. The fire that broke out during the attack weakened the metal structures and the building collapsed. Then the same thing happened to another skyscraper.

Ordinary people are still perplexed: how could people from Arab countries, whose names were previously known to the intelligence services, come to the United States, undergo training to pilot passenger Boeings, carry dummy firearms on board aircraft, and capture several at the same time? aircraft and ram several buildings with enviable accuracy?

This whole operation looks incredible in appearance, but, nevertheless, theoretically it is feasible. Much more complex questions to the commission involved in the investigation are asked by experts who have received the results of analyzes obtained after examining the wreckage of the twin towers. At the scene of the tragedy, traces of explosives and thermite were found - a substance that reaches a temperature of 1500 degrees when burning. But let's talk about everything in order. Let's consider the main conspiracy theories of explosions.

Analysis of building debris taken to landfill

Less than a month after the terrorist attack, the US Army invaded Afghanistan, destroying the hotbeds of terrorism, and at the same time writing off its debts, destabilizing the situation in the region and laundering multi-billion dollar investments in the military industry, in which, as it became known during the election campaign Hillary Clinton, Washington “hawks” have not only state, but also personal interests.

The terrorist attack freed the hands of US intelligence services, which received the right to listen to other people's conversations and read other people's letters, not only on their own territory, but in any corner of the world. Even the leaders of the G7 countries have no right to their little secrets from Washington. This was clearly demonstrated by the scandal surrounding phone tapping. Angela Merkel.

There are many supporters of the idea that American intelligence services at least knew about the preparation of terrorist attacks, and most likely played a key role in the preparation. Only with the support of "Big Brother" could Islamic radicals with ties to al-Qaeda find themselves on US soil, receive top-notch flight training, end up on board planes with gun-like items, hijack planes and fly them into the wrong direction. predetermined goals.

Like a house of cards

Looking at the collapse of the Twin Towers, experts agree that it looks a lot like a controlled explosion. Such explosions are used when it is necessary to demolish a large building in a densely populated area of ​​the city. Explosive engineers, having studied the design of the structure, calculate the power of each charge placed at the base of the supporting structures. As a result, the demolished object should fold like a house of cards, so that each wall rushes inward.

When carrying out such events, residents of nearby houses are evacuated just in case. If there is an error in the calculations or some charges do not work, the building, instead of folding inward, may fall on its side, and then the destruction will be much greater than planned. Looking at the video, it’s hard not to be amazed at how neatly and how quickly the towers fold. It looks like real professional explosives experts worked on this.

Well, what about airplanes? After all, thousands of people saw them, and they were captured on film. Proponents of the controlled explosion theory are confident that the planes were needed for a beautiful picture and so that ordinary people would not have questions: how could a bunch of terrorists deliver tons of explosives into two carefully guarded buildings in the center of New York and set the charges in such a way that they would collapse fully?

As for the plane that hit the Pentagon, it may not have been there at all. Images taken immediately after the attack show destruction, but do not show any details of the Boeing. The plane could explode, but it could not dissolve. Large pieces of the fuselage and engines should be visible. In addition, the damage to the building is too minor for a large passenger airliner to invade. They are more reminiscent of the consequences of being hit by a cruise missile, and terrorists simply could not have such missiles.

Who shot down the fourth plane?

There was also a fourth hijacked airliner, which the terrorists planned to aim either at The White house, or - to the Capitol. But he did not reach his goal. According to the official version, the passengers began to fight the terrorists and, as a result of a fight that broke out on board the plane, the plane crashed to the ground. Some conspiracy theorists are confident that the plane was shot down by the American military. This theory is confirmed by the fact that the debris was scattered at a great distance from each other. But several passengers managed to call their loved ones before the crash; even recordings of these conversations were preserved, confirming the official version.

Small atomic bomb

There are so many different opinions about the September 11 tragedy that some of them are even completely fantastic and incredible. For example, they say in all seriousness that a small atomic bomb was exploded under each building. Allegedly, the developers who planned to build the Trade Center were given a condition by the New York authorities - to provide for the possibility of dismantling the building. After all, it is clear that sooner or later it will fall into disrepair, and demolishing such a huge structure at that time, as it seemed then, would be much more difficult than building it. And for subsequent dismantling, the builders allegedly placed a nuclear charge under each building. But this theory is easily refuted by critics. At the site of a nuclear explosion, even a small one, there should be an increased level of radiation. But he was not observed.

She's also a victim

According to the official version of the American government, the most painful issue is the third tower that collapsed during the terrorist attack. This skyscraper was called the Seventh Tower of the World Trade Center. This building was not hit by a plane, however, it collapsed overnight, like the two twin towers.

According to the official theory, the cause of the collapse was a fire that spread from neighboring towers. Allegedly, the communications through which water was supplied to the building to automatically extinguish the fire were destroyed, the fire engulfed the building, the structures could not stand it and collapsed.

Half of Americans surveyed a few years ago were unaware that three buildings were destroyed in New York City during the 2001 events. Many of those who know do not believe that the 47-story structure could instantly collapse as a result of a fire. In the United States, activists have repeatedly demanded a new investigation into the case and the publication of the results of the investigation, but the authorities did not hear them or simply did not want to hear them.

Last week, CIA officer Simon Kotz was found dead in his London apartment. It was he who two months ago made a sensational statement that the tragedy of September 11, 2001, in which about three thousand people died, was a grandiose special operation.

And he has irrefutable evidence of this crime. In September 2015, Kots was going to make public documents that would shed light on this tragedy, but on September 3 he was found dead in his apartment.

This is not the first mysterious murder of researchers of the September tragedy. So on April 13, 2014, the American writer Michael Ruppert was shot dead, who, while studying documents about the September 11 terrorist attacks, came across interesting information that the CIA was selling drugs with the support of well-known oil companies to finance secret operations. And a year earlier, in 2013, in England, the corpse of national security agent Philip Marshall was found in the apartment of his own house, along with the bodies of his minor children.

A little later, evidence appeared indicating the involvement of the CIA in this high-profile murder. Marshall promised to release documentary evidence that the administration of President Bush Jr. was in collusion with Saudi intelligence, which trained the future perpetrators of the September 11 terrorist attack.

And now there is a new high-profile murder of CIA officer Simon Kotz, found in London, in his city apartment. His colleagues claim that he possessed classified information related to President Bush's involvement in the air attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Work on a sensational book was interrupted by a mysterious murder. And secret materials, drafts, and manuscripts mysteriously disappeared.

What really happened? What was so important that I wanted to talk about? former employee CIA? And can it be considered a coincidence that exactly a month after his sensational statement there was a mysterious air crash?!

On August 1, 2015, a private plane crashed in the UK. During an emergency landing, the pilot missed runway. The plane tilted, fell into the parking lot, and then exploded. As it turned out later, the closest relatives of “terrorist number one” - Osama bin Laden - his stepmother, half-sister and her husband were on board. Coincidence? Accident? But aren't there too many tragic accidents? Why is it that even today, a full fourteen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, evidence strangely disappears and witnesses die? And how does this relate to the recent sensational statement by American Congressman Stephen Lynch, who called on the current US administration to make 28 pages of materials from the investigation into the September 11 air attack public?

An entire section of data was classified under President George W. Bush. Then the US government explained this in the interests of national security. However, today information has leaked that classified materials are related to secret contacts between two families: bin Laden and George Bush.

On September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists hijacked four planes. One plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Another Boeing was sent to the Pentagon. Two more planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers, after which the towers collapsed.

"The planes that crashed into the towers were just a staged spectacle. The authorities had certain reasons to make the public believe that the towers themselves collapsed. Although, I am sure that the towers were mined," explained the Cambridge University Ph.D. John D. Wyndham.

It is curious that the official version of the government commission that investigated the terrorist attacks does not say a word about the third fallen high-rise building. But the third tower at number 7 was also part of the World Shopping Center. Tower 7 was not hit by a plane, nor was it subject to a terrorist attack. The 47-story skyscraper, which was based on metal structures capable of withstanding a hurricane, tsunami and a powerful earthquake, folded like a house of cards in seven seconds. Meanwhile, firefighters were evacuated several hours before it collapsed because someone started a rumor that it would collapse, although, judging by the available photographs, the fire was only on a few floors and did not pose a danger to the building.

"The owner of the high-rises made a statement about tower number seven. He said that... I have it written down here. Let me take a look. He stated that they made the decision to pull the building and then watched the destruction. What is pulling the building? It's a controlled explosion " said Wyndham.

The owner of the three fallen high-rise buildings was a certain Larry Silverstein, a major player in the real estate market. Six weeks before the tragic events of September 11, Larry Silverstein will sign a lease for the Twin Towers and Tower 7. Many of his competitors will be surprised by such an acquisition. After all, high-rise buildings were nicknamed “white elephants” - their maintenance was ruinous. They annually “ate” millions on electricity, water, heating, and repairs alone.

The previous owners dreamed of demolishing them and building profitable housing in their place. Although the city authorities were not against it, they did not allow the buildings to be destroyed. It was feared that carcinogenic asbestos dust would cover Manhattan when the towers fell. And this will lead to the fact that demanding citizens will begin to sue and ruin the city budget on claims alone for the deterioration of their health.

These facts already indicate that for some people the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center were very disturbing. And then, as if in a fairy tale, businessman Larry Silverstein appears, closely connected with government circles. He is ready to pay more than three billion dollars to rent the towers. He manages to quickly conclude a contract for ninety-nine years. Larry is also pushing for an incredible increase in insurance. At the same time, Larry will only have time to pay one relatively small tranche for the rental of buildings, after which his towers will collapse.

“Six weeks before the events of September 11, Silverstein signed a lease for three buildings. At the same time, he took out insurance. As a result of this transaction, Silverstein earned more than eight billion dollars from the destruction of high-rise buildings,” Wyndham emphasized.

It was Silverstein who would say in a television interview (which he now deeply regrets) that when Number 7, or the Solomon Brothers Building, was on fire, he made the decision to "pull it down, pull it down." Classic term for controlled destruction.

CNN reporters reported that the third explosion shattered the World Trade Center. In about half an hour, there will never be any mention of the explosions in any American news.

“Yes, in the first days it was heard that “We laid it down” there or “We lowered it,” that is, with a directed explosion. Such comments were heard initially,” said Doctor of Technical and Biological Sciences Alexey Diashev.

The very fact that building number 7 collapsed in the early evening of September 11 clearly showed that the terrorist planes were unnecessary, and that the destruction of the same twin towers would have happened in any case. Someone just wanted the high-rise buildings to collapse, and they did. And, most likely, this someone was informed about the air attack in order to then blame all the blame on the terrorists. There were many who wanted to turn high-rise buildings into a pile of twisted concrete. The first on this list, oddly enough, could be the owner of the buildings himself.

"The buildings may have been mined. There is evidence that a few weeks before the events of September 11, in the middle of the night - about three o'clock in the morning - trucks drove up to the buildings. Then someone worked in the elevator shafts. Something was drilled there for several weeks , and all at night. However, I have no direct evidence that this is connected with the mining of high-rise buildings,” Wyndham voiced his point of view.

Theoretically, of course, it is possible to mine high-rise buildings with ordinary explosives and help them collapse under the cover of an airplane collision. But we need to work on this for a very long time. Especially if the conversation is about the demolition of such a huge complex as the World Trade Center. If such work really took place, then Larry Silverstein has nothing to do with the mining of high-rise buildings. Because according to the timing, it turns out that they began to conduct them before Silverstein’s arrival.

"If we consider the version that something explosive was planted, then we need to pay attention that preparation for this could take from a month to several months. This is to be brought in, placed. Even if radio fuses are installed. Well, this is not in the movies, where Schwarzenegger stuck a mine there, say an M18A1 Claymore, it exploded and the entire mansion was scattered. This is absolutely not true,” engineer and explosives specialist Viktor Averyanov shared his opinion.

It is believed that the World Trade Center buildings were mined back in the sixties, at the time construction began. The fact is that the New York building code did not allow the construction of skyscrapers to begin until the designer submitted for approval a plan for the demolition of the skyscraper in the event of an emergency or due to the dilapidation of the housing.

Traditional demolition methods were only applicable to old buildings. But the twin towers were a new design solution. No one yet knew how to demolish such frame structures. Something fundamentally new was required that could convince officials to issue a building permit. And this something new was found. Emergency nuclear demolition. No. No one was going to blow up the World Trade Center - it was just an unconventional decision to circumvent bureaucratic obstacles. And at the same time, it was necessary to place a nuclear charge deep underground, so that new high-rise buildings would be at the epicenter of a simulated explosion. It is not for nothing that the site of the former World Trade Center is called Ground Zero - the zero mark, that is, the epicenter. And what a coincidence - all that was left of buildings, furniture, people was dust, like a nuclear explosion.

Whatever the reality, one thing is clear - without outside help, the three towers of the World Trade Center would not have collapsed. And the conclusion is this: no one, neither businessmen nor authorities, was interested in saving the buildings. In this situation, it was beneficial for everyone to blame the tragedy on Osama bin Laden.

"Evaporated Gold"

In 2007, Cuban radio broadcast Fidel Castro's sensational message to his people. The Cuban leader said that the cover-up of the truth about the 2001 terrorist attacks is connected with the disappearance of hundreds of tons of gold bars stored in the basements of the World Trade Center.

Many believed that this kind of denunciation was connected with Fidel Castro’s traditional hostility towards the US government. However, other evidence has emerged confirming the words of the Cuban leader. This is what the Doctor of Technical and Biological Sciences learned

Alexey Diashev from the royal families South-East Asia, when I developed a joint project with them:

“These are the royal families, the so-called Dragon Family. A lot of information appears in the press now about “white dragons”, “yellow dragons”, blue, dark blue, gray-brown-crimson, black. This means there are seven such families. During the creation of the Federal Reserve System, the participants and founders of the association were, among other things, the imperial families of Southeast Asia."

During the Kennedy years, the Dragon family transferred another, large batch of gold to America. Thus, supporting the plans of the young American president, who wanted to issue new treasury notes, not under the control of the Rothschild family. The gold of the royal dynasties transferred to the United States was valued at $144 billion. In 2000, the Dragon Family, which at that moment was headed by the Philippine dynasty, asked for this gold to be returned. The courts granted the request.

When it comes to gold, there can be completely different scenarios. It cannot be ruled out that there was simply no gold in the basements. Anyone who knew about the upcoming terrorist attack also knew that the gold could not be imported, but that everything could be blamed on Osama bin Laden.

However, if we approach it objectively, it should be noted that the US financial model, by and large, did not depend too much on the gold of the royal families. It is known for certain that the brokerage firms located in the towers contained many valuable documents, in particular, government bonds worth hundreds of billions of dollars. But if we consider the destruction of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, four commercial aircraft and the death of almost 3,000 people not as a “terrorist attack”, but as a crime with specific financial goals, then logic appears.

"The FBI has compiled a list of 19 so-called terrorists. But it turns out that some of them are still alive. There is little evidence that terrorists were actually on board the planes. It is also known that at least two of the so-called terrorists were FBI informants for a year before the attacks," Wyndham said.

Air strikes were carried out on financial targets: banks, brokerage firms, securities warehouses, and even the Pentagon accounting department. On the same day of September 11, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency. And for the first time in US history, it demanded emergency powers. This allowed the redemption of approximately three hundred billion dollars of secret government bonds.

The day before the explosion of the twin towers, that is, September 10, US Deputy Secretary of Defense and subsequently World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz will announce that trillions of dollars have been mysteriously lost from the Pentagon budget. But this confession was forgotten the next day. It already seemed insignificant compared to a terrorist attack unprecedented in history, including the plane hitting the Pentagon, or more precisely, the part of the building where accounting records were kept.

As a result, no media reported the shocking financial news from the Pentagon, and where the taxpayers' money went remains a mystery.

“You see, I also talked with representatives, former employees of the Pentagon, they also have huge doubts that this could have happened. Even those people who served there at that time were in another wing. But the fact that the money was missing and the documents confirming , so to speak, the theft of this significant amount of funds, this is confirmed by many,” Diashev informs.

Economist Mikhail Khazin, on the website of a well-known magazine, predicted terrorist attacks the day before September 11, clearly and logically explaining his point of view.

“On the website of the Expert magazine, I wrote that, most likely, in the near future the Americans will organize some major terrorist attacks against themselves. I gave an analogy with the terrorist attack against the embassy, ​​that is, it seemed to me that this would most likely happen outside the United States than inside. But this, I say again, was a pure analogy, and that they will blame it all on bin Laden, because he is very active in Lately“, a couple of months before the terrorist attacks, the American press began to “rinse”,” said economist Mikhail Khazin.

His forecast of terrorist attacks was based on a deep analysis of the economic situation. The fact is that by 2000, the resources of the United States, which America inherited after the plunder of resources, were exhausted Soviet Union. Growth rates were declining, financial bubbles began to burst, and in addition, Clinton, who was leaving the presidency, made a number of global economic mistakes. In particular, he repealed many laws adopted during the Great Depression, which made it possible to revive the economy, albeit not always through legal means.

The fact is that the entire US financial model was built on the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944, when US GDP was more than half of the world's. And America's financial policy was based on the constant expansion of the dollar zone. Money was printed for this purpose. But sometimes there come times when there is nowhere to expand. A crisis is coming due to an overabundance of printed money, that is, emission. If the issue is suspended, then there will be no profit.

In the fall of 2001, both quotes and the purchasing power of the dollar fell sharply in the United States. The “speculative bubble” was ready to burst, and only extraordinary events comparable to war could prevent the explosion. According to Mikhail Khazin, a typical situation for America has repeated itself, when the organization of a major provocation allows the inevitable crisis to be blamed on it.

The closure of American stock exchanges after the air attack allowed official Washington to redirect the course of the financial and economic crisis, which was about to enter an acute stage.

That is, the air attack on the Twin Towers opened up new economic opportunities for the United States, since it justified the inclusion of the monetary printing press, and the expansion of the dollar sector of the world economy, in view of the emergence of the euro. It was not without reason that the then head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, made an unprecedented statement about his readiness to provide all banking and financial institutions of other countries with the necessary amount of cash dollars - supposedly to prevent the undesirable consequences of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

As a result, after September 11, the position of the dollar in the global financial system strengthened, and the world economy was transferred to a state of emergency, or “expectation of war anywhere in the world.”

And of course, the “carte blanche” for an anti-terrorist operation against the whole world dramatically improved and improved the financial and economic situation of the United States.

“You know, when Raikin performed in Odessa, at the second concert they told him: “Comrade Raikin, this is Odessa, here the same joke doesn’t work twice.” That means it’s necessary to come up with something else, yes. Well, they come up with it, yes They come up with ISIS, they come up with Ebola, etc. But I repeat: the problem is that we need to do something with our own population, whose standard of living is falling - that’s the question. This is already the specificity of the American political logic,” Khazin believes.

And yet, international terrorism is no longer some fictitious abstraction. US policies give rise to such monsters as al-Qaeda and ISIS. And the lack of calculation of the consequences of certain political and military decisions actually gave birth to the genie, which America let out of the bottle, after which it received a blow to the very heart of the United States. Military expert Igor Korotchenko shared his opinion about the terrorist attacks:

“In reality, there was a large-scale and skillfully carried out al-Qaeda attack on the symbols of the United States of America. Suicide bombers were trained, who brilliantly carried out this terrorist attack from an organizational and practical point of view. Although, perhaps, this word is not entirely appropriate in this context, but what is, that is, the terrorist attack was carried out professionally."

“The terrorists associated with bin Laden were generated by American intelligence services. But what happened there was this: when they needed them to kill our people in Afghanistan, they generated them, made them, and then, according to American tradition, when this son of a bitch is not needed - they took him and abandoned him,” commented Sergei Markov, a member of the RF OP.

A resident of New York, Russian emigrant Felix lost his wife fourteen years ago. Lyudmila worked as a manager for a well-known company that rented offices in the Twin Towers. Lyudmila's office was on the ninety-fourth floor. The first suicide plane would crash into its windows, with a beautiful view of Manhattan, on September 11th. To this day, Felix believes that, to some extent, he is involved in the death of his wife.

“I couldn’t forgive myself. This thought just killed me, that if I hadn’t brought her, she would have remained alive,” says Felix.

His wife Lyudmila had to come to work at nine o'clock in the morning. But that day she asked Felix to drive her to the office half an hour early. It was necessary to double-check some documents. These thirty minutes played a fatal role in their fate.

“I brought her at 8:25. It took her five minutes to get to the elevator to go up to the ninety-fourth floor. And I dropped her off and went to my work. Twenty minutes later a plane flew in. From the north. Right through her window,” said man.

Every morning, Russian emigrant Felix comes to the weeping willow in this New York park. The willow was grown from a miraculously preserved piece of branch found on the site of the fallen twin towers.

Next to the tree is a monument to the victims of September 11, erected by the Russian diaspora. There are eighteen names of our compatriots who died in the terrorist attack. In the middle column is Lyudmila Ksido. She was 46 years old. Three small children were left without a mother...