The water in Issyk-Kule is fresh or salty. Issyk-Kul mountain lake

Basic moments

Issyk-Kul is one of the deepest lakes in the world, located in the north-east of Kyrgyzstan in the Tien Shan mountains at an altitude of 1600 meters. The length of the lake reaches 180 km, and its width varies from 30 to 60 km. The average depth of the lake is 300 meters, but in some places it reaches 700 meters. In terms of purity and transparency of water, the lake is second only to Baikal. Due to the huge water column, the lake does not have time to cool and never freezes. About 80 rivers and tributaries flow into Issyk-Kul, flowing from the Tien Shan glaciers. But there is no runoff from the lake, and it accumulates all the valuable minerals brought by rivers and rains.

Beautiful lake scenery

The climate in the vicinity of Issyk-Kul is temperate maritime. The sun pleases with its appearance more often than on Black Sea coast. But there is no sweltering southern heat, and there are no frosts in winter. The average summer temperature is +24 °C, the water warms up to +22...+24 degrees. In winter, the thermometer rarely drops below 6 degrees below zero.

Hundreds of thousands of birds spend the winter or rest on the ice-free lake during their migrations, and nature lovers will spend many exciting hours watching them.

Why go

Issyk-Kul gives incredible opportunities for recreation and health improvement - the purest mountain-sea air, thermal springs available all year round, therapeutic mud and healing mineral water. For a good rest, a year-round tourism infrastructure- comfortable accommodation, well-appointed sandy beaches, cafes, cinemas, discos, rental of boats and catamarans. Guests of Issyk-Kul are offered fascinating excursions to places untouched by civilization. Fans of outdoor activities will be happy to take part in mountain climbing, hiking and horseback riding, rafting. For those wishing to see the underwater world, diving into the lake to a depth of more than 20 meters is organized. A hang glider flight over the beautiful Issyk-Kul will be one of the most exciting adventures in your life!

Fishermen will appreciate fishing on the lake - bream, carp, trout, tench, carp are found here.

There are only a few places on Earth with such a unique microclimate - the air contains a huge amount of iodine ions, sea salts, ozone, and the water of Issyk-Kul is a truly magical storehouse - it contains all the useful chemical elements and microelements, which, coupled with a weak alkaline reaction, have powerful healing effect on the human body.

Tamchy resort beach

Resorts and attractions

The northern coast of Issyk-Kul is more comfortable, there are a lot of hotels for every taste and a good entertainment infrastructure. The Cholpon-Ata resort is located here, the mineral waters of which are similar in composition to the Essentuki springs. Local silt and hydrogen sulfide muds are famous for their analgesic and antibacterial properties. Worthy of attention are local attractions, a water park and a 70-meter Ferris wheel. In the vicinity of Cholpon-Ata, look into the Stone Garden, where you will see the unique ruins of the city from the time of the Great Silk Road.

Not far from Cholpon-Ata there is the village of Bosteri, famous for its fair and local apricots, cherries, and honey.

For the calm family vacation the village of Bulan-Sogotu is perfect.

In Korumdu village you can see an ethnographic zone with ancient petroglyphs.

A shallow beach near the village of Sara-oy will satisfy vacationers with children.

Near the village of Ak-Suu you can plunge into unique sources, - although they are next to each other, the water in them differs in composition (hydrogen sulfide and radon) and in temperature (from +32 to +50).

Fans of esotericism consider it their duty to reach the local shrine of Tanga Tash - three gigantic stones lying at a distance of a kilometer from each other.

5 hours drive from Issyk-Kul lies dead lake with healing mud and so salty water that it is impossible to drown in this reservoir. The chemical composition of the water of the lake is equivalent to the water of the Dead Sea in Israel. Local mud is very effective in the treatment of colds and skin diseases. If you come here, be prepared for the fact that the lake is not equipped in any way, there are only yurts on its shores, where you will be offered dishes of the national Kyrgyz cuisine. In no case do not try to take out water - you are punished for this with a large fine.

To the east of Issyk-Kul is the legendary Sentash Pass - it was here that Tamerlane ordered to pour his famous stone heaps.

Be sure to go on an excursion to at least one of the most beautiful local gorges - Jety-Oguz with a zoological reserve and hydrogen sulfide springs; Barskhan, along which the Great Silk Road ran; Boom with a botanical reserve; Barskoon with magnificent waterfalls and a monument to Yuri Gagarin, who loved to visit these places.


More than two hundred sanatoriums with excellent medical base, boarding houses, rest houses, mini-hotels are at the service of tourists. For those who want to get as close to nature as possible and enjoy the local exotic, traditional Kyrgyz yurts are offered for accommodation.

View of the Tien Shan mountains

Useful information

  • Do not buy alcoholic beverages in the markets and in small shops - there is a danger of buying counterfeit products.
  • During forest walks, do not eat unfamiliar berries and plants, do not pick mushrooms unknown to you.
  • It is more profitable to buy souvenirs and things not at Issyk-Kul, but at the Dordoi market in Bishkek.

How to get there

We fly by plane to Bishkek or Alma-Ata, then by bus or train we go to Issyk-Kul. From Bishkek the road will take 4 hours, from Almaty 8 hours. To cross the borders of Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan, a Russian passport is enough.

Issyk-Kul is a legendary lake, imposing, naturally salty, never freezing, shrouded in legends and loved by everyone who has ever visited its shores.

The lake is truly incredible in size: its length is more than 180 km, and its width is about 60 km. This is an impressive size not only for Kyrgyzstan, but for the planet as a whole. There are not so many lakes comparable with Issyk-Kul - it is given an honorable place in the list of the most big lakes in the world.

There are several versions of the name of the lake. One of the most popular versions refers us to the Turkic roots of the word "Issiq-Kul" ("hot lake"). The lake, by the way, is really “hot”: due to its properties, it does not freeze even in winter. This is due to the salinity of the water, the large reserves of heat that the water column retains and the relatively cold local winters. The second of the widespread versions of the origin of the name belongs to Eduard Murzaev, a famous Soviet scientist, professor, doctor of geographical sciences. He believed that Issyk-Kul means " sacred lake". Perhaps this is true - the local population treats their lake as the most expensive thing they have.

Lake Issyk-Kul is located in the northeastern region of Kyrgyzstan between the Tien Shan ranges. Height above sea level is about 1.5 kilometers. Depending on the amount of rain and in a certain natural cycle, the water level in the lake changes over the years.

The expanses of the lake are home to at least 20 species of fish, most of which are historically characteristic of these places, and some were brought separately from other regions. The most popular fish here is the Issyk-Kul chebak, a subspecies of roach.

During the periods of autumn and spring migration of birds, the lake is a saving respite and a resting place for many birds. Up to 50,000 birds stay on the lake for the winter.

Rest on the lake Issyk-Kul

Issyk-Kul is rich in both well-equipped beach areas and secluded wild places on the coast. beach line lakes are more than 600 kilometers. There are sand and pebble coatings here, in some places the coast is covered with boulders.

Among the most visited and developed places are Cholpon-Ata, Bosteri, Sary-Oi, Chon-Sary-Oi, Tamchi, located on the northern shore of the lake, Kaji-Sai, Tamga - located on the southern coast.

The best beach in Issyk-Kul is called a private beach in Cholpon-Ata, belonging to the Blue Issyk-Kul sanatorium. People come here to relax with children. In Bosteri, the Golden Sands beach is especially popular - those who aspire to outdoor activities and entertainment.

In general, the shores of Issyk-Kul offer a lot of interesting pastime: a water park, catamarans, scooters, boat or boat trips, hang-gliding, parachuting, surfing and even diving (for example, to see the ancient ruins of ancient settlements under water with your own eyes).

Beach in Botesri on Lake Issyk-Kul - Google Maps panorama


Unique climate zone, which arose in Issyk-Kul due to the actually maritime climate and the proximity of the mountains, the stunning beauty around, the incredible coniferous air mountain forests, mild climate (there is no need for acclimatization, which is inevitable when you go, for example, to the sea), have long and firmly made this region a favorite vacation spot for both the Kyrgyz themselves and a huge number of tourists.

The beach season on the lake is relatively short (from mid-June to early September), it is during this period that the largest "influx" of tourists is here. However, the climate is very mild and allows you to have a great rest in these parts at any time of the year. The local climate is considered to be temperate maritime - mild winters and rather cool summers prevail here. The average temperature in January is close to zero (−2°С…−6°С). The usual temperature during the day summer months about +20°С…+23°С, with a light breeze, and in July often with thunderstorms. There is never sweltering heat here, although the amount sunny days in a year is quite sufficient to get the right share of solar "vitamins".

Water temperature in Issyk-Kul

The warmest water is in July-August - the lake heats up to + 18 ° С ... + 23 ° С. In winter, the lake maintains a stable temperature of +4°C. In general, the swimming season here lasts up to six months, and great vacation possible all year round.

The mountain rivers that fill the lake constantly keep the water in Issyk-Kul clean.

The salinity of the lake (from 5.8 ppm at the surface to 18 ppm in deep water) is a result of the composition of the river water entering the lake. The unique composition of mountain springs is essentially a special mineral water that fills the lake.

They are also "responsible" for the color of the water in Issyk-Kul - all shades of blue (from pale blue to deep blue, almost black).

For comparison, the water in the lake is much less salty than in the resorts we are used to. For example, going on vacation to the Crimea or Sochi, you will get water on average 3 times more salty than in Issyk-Kul (17 ppm), and on the Turkish Mediterranean coast at least 6 times more salty water (from 36 to 39 ppm). ). After swimming in the lake, there is no need to take a shower. Moreover, after a few days of rest on the lake, you will definitely notice the beneficial effect of water on your skin. In addition, there are no jellyfish or large fish, which are often characteristic of sea water.

Wild beaches on Issyk-Kul lake

Sanatoriums and boarding houses

Rest on the shores of Issyk-Kul is chosen not only by connoisseurs of good rest, but also by those who care about their health. Here, problems with the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, diseases associated with breathing, the work of the heart and blood vessels, endocrine disruptions, skin diseases and much more are cured. This is facilitated by the use of therapeutic mud (hydrogen sulfide and silt mud), healing colored clay, a special composition of the air, as well as radon therapy (hot springs enriched with radon). Local mineral water is similar in composition to such well-known waters as Narzan, Borjomi or Essentuki. It is used in the form of hot baths, massage showers, special irrigations.

The most popular sanatoriums in the region that offer exactly treatment programs are: Cholpon-Ata, Aurora, Kyrgyz Seashore, Blue Issyk-Kul. Tourists who often come here for rest and recovery choose to stay in one of the private boarding houses or small hotels surrounding the sanatorium - this makes it possible to choose the option of rest in terms of comfort and accessibility that you want for yourself, and combine it with procedures on the territory of the sanatorium.

How to get to Issyk-Kul lake

The lake is located 240 km from the capital of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek and 135 km from the regional center of Karakol.

The local small airport "Issyk-Kul" closest to the lake is located 35 km from the lake. In the period from June to September, it receives flights from Osh, Alma-Ata, Tashkent, Novosibirsk.

You can also get to the lake by train only in the summer. from Bishkek to west coast lake (Balykchy station) a train was launched. From departs from the capital of Kyrgyzstan at 6.25. and after 5 hours brings you to Issyk-Kul.

Available for other periods of the year Shuttle Buses and minibuses.

Buses Bishkek-Cholpon-Ata run between these cities all year round. Most often they depart in the evening (after 21:00). Travel time is about 5 hours.

The Bishkek-Issyk-Kul minibus goes to the lake several times a day. Travel time is also about 5 hours.

Aerial photography of Lake Issyk-Kul (video)

Issyk-Kul is a lake in eastern Kyrgyzstan in the northern part of the Tien Shan mountains. It is the tenth lake in the world in terms of volume (but not surface area) and the second largest among saline lakes after the Caspian Sea. Translated from Kyrgyz, Issyk-Kul means “warm lake”, despite the fact that it is surrounded on all sides by snowy peaks, the lake never freezes.

The lake is 182 km long and about 60 km wide. This is the second largest mountain lake in the world. It is located at an altitude of 1607 meters and reaches a depth of 668 meters. 118 rivers and streams flow into the lake, but not a single one flows out. There is a hypothesis that the waters of the lake have an underground outlet to the Chu River.
The salinity of the water in the lake is low - only 0.6% (for comparison - ordinary sea water has 3.5% salt). The water level decreases annually by 5 centimeters. The climate in the lake area is mild, not as hot as in other regions of Kyrgyzstan.

The best period for beach holiday- July, August, the air temperature at this time is about 25 degrees, the water temperature is 22-23 degrees.

How to get there

The shortest way to Issyk-Kul is a flight to Bishkek airport. Shuttle taxis depart from the East Station, on the way about 4 hours. A taxi will cost about $60.

Calendar low prices for flights to Bishkek:

Order individual transfer from the airport HERE

A longer option is a flight to Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan). At one time I took advantage of this particular path, tk. I also wanted to visit Medeo. In addition, the flight to Alma-Ata was cheaper. Buses from Alma-Ata to Issyk-Kul leave late in the evening, the journey takes about 8-9 hours, i.e. the road lasts all night. It should be taken into account that rest in Issyk-Kul for the residents of Kazakhstan is an economy class vacation, so the buses were crowded with tourists, mostly young people.

The bus was very noisy, so it was difficult to sleep. In addition, at night it was necessary to go out to pass the border.

The border is formal, a Russian passport is enough, but do not forget to take out medical insurance just in case.

Where to stay

The most populated is the northern part of the coast of Issyk-Kul. southern part, although no less picturesque, was once subjected to mercury contamination, gold mining by a foreign company is carried out in the area. Although it is believed that the ecology of the region has already been completely restored, this part of the coast developed more slowly, and the main tourist settlements located on the northern part of the lake.
The main settlements are Cholpon-Ata and Bosteri, and numerous villages are also located along the lake. Another major city on Issyk-Kul is Karakol (formerly Przhevalsk), it is located on the east coast of the lake.

There is a ski resort there.

In the area of ​​Lake Issyk-Kul there are sanatoriums and boarding houses. The most famous - sanatoriums "Blue Issyk-Kul", Cholpon-Ata and "Kyrgyz seaside" in Bostery.

They have a developed infrastructure and offer a wide range of services, located right on the lake. It is recommended to buy tickets in advance.

You can book accommodation in Issyk-Kul HERE.

While still on the bus, at the entrance to Issyk-Kul, real estate agents began to sit down to us and offer various accommodation options. We agreed with one of the agents that he would show us several options in Bosteri. We moved to a passenger car and soon chose a nice room in a private mini-hotel 5 minutes walk from the lake. Accommodation prices are cheaper than in similar private hotels on the Black Sea coast.
A room in the private sector can be rented even cheaper. Usually, private sector located further from the coast, but its advantage is homemade food from the owners and the ability to use the kitchen.

Search for hotels in Cholpon-Ata:

Excursions around Issyk-Kul

The main reason why it is worth making such a long journey to Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan is, of course, excursions. There is something to see here.

Excursions can be purchased at boarding houses of settlements.
We took excursions to Karakol, a two-day tour around Issyk-Kul on an SUV with an overnight stay in yurts, a trip to the famous Dordoi market in Bishkek.

Karakol (formerly Przhevalsk)

Karakol is the fourth largest city in Kyrgyzstan. It has interesting tourist attractions:

Russian Orthodox Cathedral

The cathedral was originally built of stone in 1872, when Karakol was a garrison town on the border of the tsarist empire. It was destroyed in 1890 by an earthquake and the current cathedral was built of wood on a brick foundation. Construction lasted 6 years and was completed in 1895. After the revolution of 1917, the building was used as an educational center, gym, theater, dance hall and even a coal warehouse. Then, in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the declaration of independence of Kyrgyzstan, the building was again transferred to the Orthodox diocese.

Dungan mosque

The Issyk-Kul Central Mosque of the city of Karakol was built according to the design of the Beijing architect Chu Seu in the traditional Chinese style. The construction of the mosque began in 1904 and ended in 1910. The mosque was built without a single nail, and is a monument of wooden architecture. In the period from 1929 to 1947, the mosque building was used as a warehouse, in 1947 it was transferred to the Muslim community. The mosque is currently open to visitors.

Museum of Przewalski

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky is one of the first Russian geographers who began to study the geography, flora and fauna of the countries of Central Asia. Starting from 1870, he organized 4 major expeditions to Mongolia, China and Tibet. He discovered and described over 200 plant species. He also amassed a gigantic zoological collection. He died in 1988 from typhus, was buried on the banks of Issyk-Kul near the city of Karakol. The Przhevalsky Museum opened in 1957 near the scientist's grave.

Salt Lake Issyk-Kul/

Salt Lake located at the southern tip of Issyk-Kul. It has a unique microclimate. Presumably, earlier it was part of Issyk-Kul, but then separated from the main lake, and the concentration of salts increased due to evaporation.

The chemical composition of the lake is close to the composition of water in the Dead Sea.

The lake has a small size, but it is difficult to cross it, because. because of the high salinity it is impossible to swim there. Here, as in the Dead Sea, you can read a newspaper while lying on the water. The shores are covered with dark mud, which is considered curative. Around the lake there are picturesque canyons where you can take pictures.

Gorge of the Seven Bulls (Jety-Oguz)/

Scenic red rocks east coast Issyk-Kul. If you go further, you can see beautiful waterfall Girl's tears. In the gorge they offer horseback riding, tea drinking in a yurt, koumiss.

Here you can buy delicious mountain honey inexpensively.

It is impossible to tell about all the sights of Issyk-Kul in one article. Follow the site for updates. And if you are planning a trip to Kyrgyzstan - write questions in the comments, I will try to answer them.

The most beautiful and most big lake Kyrgyzstan - Lake Issyk-Kul. It is located in the northeastern part of the republic between the ridges of the Northern Tien Shan: Kungei Ala-Too (facing the sun) and Terskey Ala-Too (facing away from the sun) at an altitude of 1609 m above sea level. Lake Issyk-Kul one of the largest mountain lakes in the world.
The basin of the lake, surrounded on all sides by powerful mountain ranges, remained for a long time a hard-to-reach region of Kyrgyzstan. Now you can get here on the road passing through the famous Boom Gorge, there are also 2 airports on the territory of the basin: Cholpon-Ata, located near resort town, and international Airport Tamchi, which was built and opened in the summer of 2003 on the basis of a military airport.
Here are some numbers about it unique place attracting an increasing number of tourists: the volume of all water is 1738 km², the area of ​​​​the water mirror is 6236 km², the length coastline- 688 km, average depth - 278 m, the greatest depth is almost 2.5 times greater and equals 668 m, the length Issyk-Kul from West to East is 182 km, and from South to North - 58 km. During the last two centuries, the level of Lake Issyk-Kul has been decreasing and, as a result, both the depth and the length of the coastline have decreased. According to Big Soviet Encyclopedia since 1886 it has fallen by 4 m, according to other sources, by 9 m.
Due to the great depth of the lake, the water does not have time to cool completely - the lake never freezes, except perhaps along some shores. Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyz means "Hot Lake". The ancient Kyrgyz called this pearl of the country "Tuz-Kul" - "Salt Lake" for the brackish taste of water, which is not suitable for drinking either for people or for animals.

The climate of Issyk-Kul lake

Lake Issyk-Kul belongs to the tectonic formations and due to the orographic isolation of the basin - the climate here is peculiar, almost maritime. It is softer, warmer and more humid than in other Tien Shan depressions located at the same height. According to the thermal regime, Issyk-Kul is a subtropical lake. Here, on the coast of the lake in summer it is moderately warm, in winter it is not cold. The average air temperature in January is minus 2 - minus 10 degrees, in July - plus 17 - plus 18. The average water temperature in summer is plus 21 - plus 23, in winter - minus 3 - minus 4. The western part of the basin is arid, rains are rare, snow almost never falls out. In the western mountains bordering the lake, only 115 mm of precipitation falls, on the eastern shore - about 600 mm. However, in last years the amount of precipitation has increased - the influence of Global warming is also noticeable in Kyrgyzstan.
To Lake Issyk-Kul more than 80 rivers and rivulets flow in, but not a single river carries its waters away from this azure lake, which causes the accumulation of salts (water mineralization - 5.90%). The largest rivers flowing into the lake are Tyup (103 km) and Dzhergalan (81 km), the length of the rest does not exceed 50 km. Once upon a time, the Chu River, flowing along western outskirts hollows, carried its waters into the lake.
Diverse contrast natural areas: in the east - these are steppes on dark chestnut soils, along the slopes of the mountains in the west - semi-desert, but in the east, at the same heights, especially along the gorges of Terskey Ala-Too, - dense spruce forests. The organic world of the lake is also diverse - about 20 species of fish live here, 10 of them are acclimatized. The Issyk-Kul is inhabited by: chebak, carp, marinka, osman, pike perch, bream, mirror carp, grass carp, Amurdarya and Sivan trout, whitefish and other fish.

Nature of Lake Issyk-Kul

Large vertical extent Lake Issyk-Kul, the complexity of the relief, significant fluctuations in hydrothermal parameters and other environmental factors have led to a wide variety of flora and fauna in the Issyk-Kul basin. At relatively close distances from each other, there are various types of vegetation - wormwood and saline deserts, sod-like steppes, tall-grass and alpine meadows, coniferous and deciduous forests and shrubs. The most notable representatives of shrubs on the shore of the lake are thickets of sea buckthorn, and in alpine meadows there is yellow edelweiss, listed in the Red Book.
Woody vegetation is represented mainly by Schrenk spruce forests. Spruce forests are distributed mainly on the northern slopes of the mountains bordering Lake Issyk-Kul. Spruce grows in separate massifs, islands, interspersed with glades, scree and rock outcrops, alternating with meadows. The slopes of the mountains are rich in thickets of wild rose, barberry, currant, mountain ash, juniper. In the lower reaches along the banks of the rivers, in more humid places, willows are abundant. In the east of the valley they form deciduous forests.
Animal world Priissyk-Kulya includes 50 species of mammals, 285 - birds, 11 - reptiles, 31 - fish, 4 - amphibians. Black-throated diver, bittern, black stork, mallard, gray duck, demoiselle crane, common gull, blue kingfisher nest near the coastal waters of the lake and flowing rivers. A large number of bird species occur during wintering and migration. Among them are characteristic: gray heron, swans, gray goose. In the 1940s, over 100,000 waterfowl wintered here. By the end of the 1960s, their numbers had halved. Thanks to the introduction of a 2-km buffer zone and the ban on gun hunting on the coast, the number of wintering birds has increased and now stands at 70-80 thousand individuals.
11 native and more than 10 acclimatized fish live in the lake: osman, marinka, chebak and chebachok, carp, trout, tench, bream, etc. Osman, bream, marinka, carp, carp, trout, pike perch, chebak and chebachok are of commercial importance. The latter are also objects of traditional amateur fishing.

Additional information about the lake Issyk-Kul- Guides:

Why is the water salty in Issyk-Kul

Prices for holidays on Lake Issyk-Kul are growing much faster than the quality of tourism infrastructure is improving. According to Kyrgyz tour operators, the weather is the most predictable on the lake this year. As for the prices for the services of boarding houses, here it is possible to predict the situation only in terms of their growth.

The most inexpensive season was June, when the average price for a vacation in more or less decent boarding houses was 50 conventional units. What exactly is meant by units is difficult to say unambiguously. In the last two years, the owners of the tourist business prefer to make payments in more stable euros. “A night in the most comfortable hotels on the coast in July will cost an average of about $150. But we are not talking about suites, but about standard rooms. A suite will cost at least $200. It is possible that during the peak of the holiday season in August, the cost will be even higher,” one of the Bishkek travel agencies told Liter. If last year you had to pay $35 for rooms with the most modest conditions, now you will need at least $70.

This is on condition that vacationers will be fed only breakfast and dinner, - Ainura Bekesheva, tourism manager, shares information. - Now many boarding houses indicate in their price lists prices exclusively for accommodation in rooms, not including meals. Therefore, the price of $50 per day changes to $70 or $80.

The main tourists, as in previous years, are natives of Russia and Kazakhstan. For the majority of Kyrgyzstanis, Issyk-Kul is nothing more than a weekend itinerary; there is not enough money for more. True, this year there are fewer Russians due to rising prices. According to tour operators, rest, consisting of monotonous lying on the beach and eating smoked Baltic herring, which is often passed off as the “indigenous” Issyk-Kul whitefish, does not particularly appeal to foreign lovers of exotic travel. Starting this year, scooters are also prohibited on the lake. The reason is a large number of accidents in the 2007 season. Also, the issue was raised in parliament that jet skis threaten the ecology of the lake. The jet ski this time will be available only in closed elite hotels. So the most common suggestion is the horse route.

The reason for the increase in prices was the increase in the cost of electricity, as well as their sharp jump in food. However, charging an order of magnitude higher than conventional units does not guarantee that the rest will also not be conditional, but comfortable. For the first time, a government commission headed by the newly appointed Vice Prime Minister Elmira Ibraimova decided to meticulously study the conditions for receiving tourists. The ex-leader of the pro-presidential parliamentary faction "Akzhol" chose the most popular places recreation. It is no coincidence that the inspection concerned only the northern coast, where the tourist infrastructure is most developed. From the vigilant state eye of a high-ranking commission, nothing could escape. Tourist business owners were subjected to harsh criticism, ranging from poor landscaping to areas that were inefficiently spent on major repairs.

The members of the commission had many questions about the fences around the beach area. According to Turusbek Mansurov, akim of the Issyk-Kul district, local residents are outraged that now they cannot pass through the beach. And the owners of private property say that otherwise valuable things may disappear from someone. “We need to think about how to solve this issue,” Elmira Ibraimova noted. The words of the director of one of the oldest boarding houses on the coast, Issyk-Kul, that repairs were recently carried out here for 500,000 soms, caused only a lot of questions from the members of the commission. “It is imperceptible that such money has been invested in the health resort,” concluded E. Ibraimova.

Representatives of the state commission, consisting of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the state construction, sanitary and epidemiological supervision and environmentalists, came to the conclusion that in all state boarding houses, due to the lack of sufficient funding, there are problems with fire safety; and the toilets leave a lot to be desired. In addition, the inspectors noted that many health resorts have a large territory, but it is not well maintained or deserted. "It is necessary to attract investors in order to develop infrastructure, as private traders do," the members of the commission believe. Raised questions set list paid services. According to Zamir Dzhumashev, a representative of the State Tourism Agency, owners often make a profit from renting cottages, but are in no hurry to invest the money they receive in the development of the infrastructure of boarding houses. “Here you have to pay for every step: for blankets, mattresses, for entering the territory of the health resort. And this is despite the fact that vouchers are very expensive,” said a representative of the main tourism department of the country, leaving Golden Sands.

There were also comments about the toilets. In a number of places of rest that fell under the test, stationary ones did not work, and dry closets have not yet been installed. “You understand that when there are no toilets near the beach, people relieve themselves in the lake,” the deputy prime minister appealed to the professional duty of the directors.

Ecologists did not remain in debt, noting that the nature protection zone is not taken into account at all: cafes, summer bars are located right on the coast, throwing garbage into the pearl of Central Asia. “Most of the garbage is brought to us by local residents who come to swim, taking food with them,” the leaders of the Blue Issyk-Kul boarding house told the state commission. The beach of this health resort is open to everyone. Experts believe that soon there will be little such free luxury. Most of the beaches will be paid, which is already causing discontent local residents.

Summing up the results of the state audit, E. Ibraimova instructed the employees of the relevant departments not to issue permits for the reception of tourists to those boarding houses that do not meet the accepted standards. “And if different “roofs” call you, show firmness, because the well-being of the region and the safety of the lake are behind you,” she said.

But, most likely, this indication remained nothing more than a good wish. So far, there is no information that any boarding house on the coast has been closed.

On the other hand, positive changes must take place in matters of ensuring resort area law enforcement. “The Ministry of Internal Affairs is considering the issue of involving a cavalry platoon of patrol service to duty on the territory of the Issyk-Kul region. In addition, about 200 police officers of the region and cadets and officers of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic sent to help them will be involved daily,” the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Liter. Increased security measures are associated with the holding of a large number of events on the lake this summer through the CIS, where Kyrgyzstan presides this year.

Ruslan Andreev, Bishkek - Cholpon-Ata

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