Features of fishing in the Leningrad region and Karelia. Weekend hikes for climbers

Karelia is an amazing land that attracts with its diversity - unusually beautiful nature and multifaceted culture of the population. Here among the virgin forests in national parks Paanajärvi and Vodlozersky, among 60 thousand lakes and more than 25 thousand rivers, in Pomorye, Ladoga, Zaonezhye, Kalevala, an unusual local flavor has been preserved. Seids - sacred stones of ancient people, petroglyphs - rock paintings, Valaam, Murom and Vazheozersky monasteries of the XIV-XVI centuries, unsurpassed monuments of wooden architecture on about. Kizhi - this and much more you will see in Karelia.

The Republic of Karelia (an area of ​​180.5 thousand square kilometers with a population of about 780 thousand) is located in the northwestern part of Russia. In the north it borders with the Murmansk region, in the east with the Arkhangelsk region, in the west with Finland, in the south with the Vologda and Leningrad regions, and from the northeast, for 630 km, the republic is washed by the White Sea. Through a system of rivers, lakes and canals, Karelia has access to the Barents, Baltic, Chernoe, Caspian Sea and the oceans.
The climate of Karelia is characterized as temperate continental with maritime features. The average temperature of the coldest winter months is up to -13C, summer +13?. Peaks of annual temperatures can vary from +35C to -35C. The amount of annual precipitation ranges from 740 to 450 mm - from the southern to the northern regions.
The average annual atmospheric pressure is 748-758 mmHg, which is slightly lower than in Russia as a whole.

One of the most interesting phenomena of Karelia is the white nights. From close proximity to the Arctic Circle, in spring the duration of the dark time of the day begins to noticeably decrease, and in June for two weeks the night becomes so transparent that you can see how steam rises from the heated surface of lakes and swamps.

The territory of Karelia is crossed by railway and highways of federal importance, connecting it with Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Scandinavian countries, as well as Murmansk region and ice-free port of Murmansk with the center of Russia.

In the southern part of the Republic of Karelia is located Ladoga lake- the largest lake of europe, with an area of ​​18 thousand square kilometers and depths up to 225 meters. calling card Karelia is also Lake Onega with an area of ​​9.93 thousand square meters. km and a depth of 100 meters. It is curious that the conditions of navigation on Lake Onega are equated to those of the sea. Three islands - Valaam on Ladoga, Kizhi on Onega and Solovki on the White Sea, with monuments of world culture are not only the main cultural attraction of Karelia, but also symbols of the entire cultural heritage of Russia.

The capital of Karelia is the city of Petrozavodsk, with a population of 280 thousand people - the same age as St. Petersburg. It is located along West Bank Lake Onega. This is a large industrial and cultural center of the north-west of Russia. The city has higher educational institutions, theaters, hotels and restaurants, banks, post offices, hospitals, all kinds of enterprises. The main attraction for tourists is the world-famous Kizhi located 60 km from Petrozavodsk.

By national composition The RK is mainly dominated by Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, Karelians and Vepsians make up only 13% of the total number of residents. The main language is Russian. Only in the outback one can hear various dialects of the Karelian and Vepsian languages.

Animal world Karelia is rich and diverse. Of the game birds, the most common are upland game, mallard ducks, teal, dive. Of the animals, hares, martens, mink, brown bear, elk, and reindeer are quite common. Karelia is the "lungs of Europe"; forest funds are located here, in which an unprecedented variety of tree species and species is concentrated. The wonders of the Russian North have always been considered Karelian birch with a bizarre pattern of fibers and a slender horse pine, similar to the mast of a ship.


Priladozhye is a place of indescribable beauty adjacent to Lake Ladoga.

The Pitkyaranta region belongs to the Northern Ladoga region, since it is located along the northeastern coast of Europe's largest lake. It borders on the Sortavalsky, Suoyarvsky, Olonetsky regions of Karelia. Its area occupies 2.3 thousand square meters. km, the population is about 30 thousand inhabitants.

Lake Ladoga and the proximity of the Atlantic determine the climate of the area, which is milder and warmer than in most of Karelia. The average temperature in January is 9.70, in July +16.80. The snow cover lasts 157 days a year, its height rarely exceeds 28 cm.

Administrative center district - the city of Pitkyaranta (in translation - "long coast"), spread out on the coast of Lake Ladoga. The largest European highway "Blue Road" passes through Pitkäranta, connecting the countries of Scandinavia with Russia. The distance from Pitkyaranta to the capital of Karelia is 180 km to the northeast, the same distance to Lodeinoye Pole to the southeast, and to the border with Finland in the west (Vyartsilya checkpoint) - 100 km. Communication with St. Petersburg is carried out by the Oktyabrskaya railway.

There is a post office, telegraph office, currency exchange offices, city ​​Hospital operating various industrial enterprises. The only drawback is the lack of ATMs. In Pitkyaranta district, you can use mobile phones, but not all operators work.

The territory of the Pitkyaranta region is elevated, there are often rocks, so the roads are winding, with sharp turns. Plain areas are not numerous - in the Borderlands and Salmi.

Ladoga area conquers with an abundance of rivers and waterfalls. Here, in the immediate vicinity of the "Blue Road", the waterfalls "White Bridges" and Koirinoya beat from a height. The Ladoga skerries are extremely interesting for travel, representing an interweaving of hundreds of diverse islands, capes, bays and straits.

The highlight of the Ladoga region for many centuries was an Orthodox monastery - the Transfiguration Monastery on about. Balaam. Surrounded on all sides by water, far from the bustle of the world, Valaam seems to be created for a quiet, contemplative, monastic life. In a relatively small area, there are about 480 species of plants inherent in various natural areas, there are about 200 species of birds, elks, hares, squirrels, and foxes. On the deserted islands In the archipelago, you can see the rookeries of the Ladoga seal listed in the Red Book, salmon, char, whitefish, grayling and other valuable species of fish are caught here.

At present, historical monuments of different periods have been preserved in the village of Pogrankondushi. Of great interest is the border stone on the former border between Sweden and Russia in 1618. A huge stone is located on northeast coast Lake Ladoga on Cape Varetsky, 3.5 km southwest of the village. And there is also a rare copy of the border sign that marked the state border between the USSR and Finland from 1917 to 1940.

The events of the Soviet-Finnish and World War II passed through this area with a heavy tread, and the memorial complexes "Valley of Heroes" and "Nietjärvi", the monument "Cross of Sorrow" remind of this. Of particular interest is the village of Impilahti - a former Finnish volost center with a typical Finnish layout, as well as the Sorrowful Church in the village of Orusyarvi and the majestic brick church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Salmi.

White Sea.

The Belomorsky region is located in the northeast of Karelia along the coast of the White Sea. The territory of the district is 12.8 thousand square meters. km, population 28 thousand people, length coastline- about 200 km. There are more than 40 lakes and 10 rivers in the region.

The administrative center of the district, Belomorsk (16.4 thousand people) is located 376 km from the capital of the Republic of Karelia - Petrozavodsk. The city is located on picturesque islands and the delta of the Vyg River, which flows into the Soroca Bay White Sea. It is easy to navigate in Belomorsk - the post office, market, shops are located in one place next to the bridge over the river. Vyg. But if you need to go to lock number 19 or to the railway station, ask better way from local residents.

The area has a good transport accessibility: there are two lines here - Oktyabrskaya Railway and a branch on st. Obozerskaya, connecting Belomorsk with Arkhangelsk and Vologda; the highway "Kola" (St. Petersburg - Murmansk) passes through the territory of the district; at the exit of the White Sea-Baltic Canal to the White Sea is located sea ​​port. Communication with the Scandinavian countries is provided through the automobile transport checkpoint "Luttya" 180 km from Belomorsk along the road Kostomuksha - Ledmozero - Kochkoma.

Numerous attractions, picturesque nature, clean forest lakes, rapids, the sea, the microclimate of the coast attract an increasing number of tourists to the area. There is excellent fishing on the White Sea coast, a myriad of berries and mushrooms.

The lake-river system of the river is especially attractive for tourists. Ohty, where on about. Troitsky on Lake Muezero stands since 1602 the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands (1672). In the village of Virma, the church of Peter and Paul (1625) has been preserved (now being restored). White Sea - unique corner Karelia, because it was here, in the immediate vicinity of the sea, that a special culture of the Pomors was formed, with its own traditions, so unlike the traditions of other peoples of Karelia.

The most impressive spectacle of the White Sea are the petroglyphs, the rock paintings of primitive people. This is the "stone chronicle" of Karelia, recorded in the vivid language of artistic images in the 5th-4th millennium BC. e.

A monument of modern history, which arouses constant interest among foreign tourists, are the constructions of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, which connects the three pearls of tourism in the north of Russia - Valaam, Kizhi and Solovki.


There are many natural wonders on our Earth. And in order to see something extraordinary, it is not at all necessary to fly by plane for two days, travel by train for 3 days and spend a lot of money. Plenty of attractions and natural monuments located very close to their native St. Petersburg.

The nature of the Leningrad region is unique and attracts tourists from all over Russia. Just imagine: White Night, tent, fire, water surface, guitar, good company and delicious smoky buckwheat. You can feel the whole indescribable atmosphere of adventure with the PIK tourist club on weekend trips.

Rivers and lakes of the Leningrad region, Ruskeala quarries, rock massifs of Yastrebinoye, Karelian forests, Valaam on Lake Ladoga, fortresses of the Pskov region and much, much more. All this is close, convenient and inexpensive. In a word, PVD or a weekend hike is an ideal vacation option for those who sit up too long in the office and cannot escape on a long trip from St. Petersburg. And also for those who are interested in the nature of the north-west of Russia and for the most beginner hikers

Weekend hikes from St. Petersburg

The most ideal and favorable travel season in the Northwest region lasts from the beginning of May to the end of September. And in May-June, you can fully enjoy the romance of the white nights.

Every summer weekend (and periodically in autumn, winter and spring), the Peak tourist club organizes: hiking, spring and summer kayaking, boat rafting, horseback riding, husky riding, cycling trips, climbing routes, game quests in nature, trips on a yacht and ship, festivals and other events. A weekend hike from St. Petersburg is a great way to test your strength before a longer outing, to get acquainted with the camping life and our tourist club. Here everything is for real: transitions with a backpack, duty in the camp kitchen, chopping firewood, kindling a fire, spending the night in a tent.

An experienced instructor will help you with all the hiking difficulties. The necessary personal equipment can be obtained at the equipment rental, which operates at our tourist club in St. Petersburg for weekend hikes different type or longer trips.

Rafting on the river

Two-day water trips (kayaking), we conduct them from the beginning of May to the end of August. This is the perfect form of relaxation that your body will thank you for. Sunsets of Vuoksa, romance of kayaking, swimming... Pleasant pain in the arm muscles for guys and a bronze tan for girls will be a nice bonus to a water trip.

Horse and bike rides

Horse rides and trips to husky dogs are very popular. tourist destination of our weekend hiking club in St. Petersburg. Traveling and communicating with animals give a lot of positive energy, which charges you seriously and for a long time.

Bicycle lovers also have something to offer. Cyclists have an undeniable advantage in speed, which allows them to see much more interesting places for a shorter period of time. We have developed bright saturated bike routes for weekend trips. They will allow you to get acquainted with the previously unknown areas of the Leningrad region, have fun and usefully spend time in a friendly company of like-minded people.

Weekend hikes for climbers

For beginner climbers in St. Petersburg and those who want to try their hand at rock climbing for the first time, we offer a large selection of places for trips near the city: a rock massif of Lake. Yastrebinoye, small rocks and Mon Repos park. Experienced instructors will fix the routes, explain the basics of climbing techniques, organize competent insurance. When going on a weekend hike with our climbing section, do not forget to throw comfortable shoes into your backpack: tight-fitting sneakers, and ideally rock shoes.

Sailing trips and multi-excursions

Another type of interesting pastime on the weekends is yacht trips. During the day you sail, and at night you sleep in tents and sit by the fire. Experienced captain, real sea ​​wolf, will talk about how to manage a yacht and answer all your questions.

For those who love everything at once, we can offer combined multi-departure. They can be used for river rafting, rock climbing and cycling in one weekend. On our website there is a plan of weekend hikes from St. Petersburg. You can always choose for yourself exciting options for outdoor activities.

Of course, in addition to all of the above, no less important in our trips is the inspection of natural and cultural attractions. We are constantly coming up with something new and interesting. Follow the updates on our website and the news in the VKontakte group. The organization of weekend trips brings us joy, and communication with those who, like us, are passionate about travel, is real happiness.

Join us, we are glad to meet new interesting people!

The Leningrad Region is located in the northwest of the Russian Federation. The terrain is represented by plains and lowlands, a significant part of which is swampy. Upon careful examination of the map of the Leningrad region from a satellite, you can see that it borders on several subjects Russian Federation, namely with the areas:

  • Novgorod;
  • Vologda;
  • Pskov.

In the north, the borders of the region are limited by Karelia. Also, the Leningrad region has common borders with Estonia and Finland.

The government of the region is located in the city of St. Petersburg, it allows you to consider the map of the Leningrad region by district. It is atypical for our country that it is not part of the region, but is a semi-enclave territory.

Most of the hydrographic objects in the region appeared thanks to the basin Baltic Sea. Therefore, in the north-west of the region there are a huge number of rivers and lakes. To the most major rivers, which can be found on the map of the Leningrad region with diagrams, include:

  • Pasha;
  • Oyat;
  • Meadows;
  • Volkhov;
  • Syas.

If we add up the lengths of all the rivers of the region, we get more than 50 thousand km. One of the most significant hydrographic objects is also Lake Ladoga - the largest in terms of area in Europe and one of the deepest in the country.

If you zoom in on the map, you can take a closer look at the areas on the map of the Leningrad Region, the cities that are part of them, as well as streets and houses.

Districts of the Leningrad Region on the map

The region is divided into 17 districts. The largest areas by area:

  • Vyborgsky;
  • Tikhvinsky;
  • Luga;
  • Boksitogorsky;
  • Podporozhsky.

The infrastructure, location of streets, roads, houses, office buildings, railway stations and attractions in each district will help to consider the map of the Leningrad region with settlements.

More than 30 large highways, which connect the region with St. Petersburg, the Scandinavian countries, Moscow and other Russian cities. Part ring road around Saint Petersburg passes through the Lomonosovsky and Vsevolozhsky districts, which can be seen on detailed map roads of the Leningrad region.

Passenger and cargo traffic is also carried out by navigable transport. There are such major ports, how:

  • Vysotsk;
  • Ust-Luga;
  • Primorsk;
  • Kronstadt;
  • Vyborg.

In addition to maritime transport, large river vessels go along the Neva and Volkhov rivers. Since Soviet times, the western regions of the region have remained a border zone through which ferries from by car, freight and passenger ships. If we consider the map of the Leningrad Region in detail, then we can find all the port border cities of the region.

To get to other cities of the country and abroad, residents of the region can use the only international passenger airport "Pulkovo", which is located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

Map of the Leningrad region with cities and villages

There are more than 30 major cities, all settlements, both large and small, allows you to consider the map of the Leningrad region with cities and villages. The most significant in terms of area and number of people living settlements areas:

  • Vyborg;
  • Tikhvin;
  • Gatchina;
  • Sertolovo;
  • Pinery;
  • Volkhov;
  • Kingisepp.

Almost all cities have a characteristic "northern" architecture and many historical monuments. Architecture and identity of the local population. Thousands of tourists arrive in the region every day who want to see the most beautiful architectural and historical monuments in Russia, which are indicated on the map of the Leningrad Region with villages. The main attractions and the most interesting places in the region:

  • Ulyanovka village - Sablinsky caves;
  • the village of Belogorka - the estate of Eliseev;
  • v. Nevsky parkleskhoz - the ancient Church of the Intercession;
  • Priozersk - Konevets Island;
  • Vyborg - Mon Repos;
  • Gatchina is a museum-reserve.

Attractions can be listed endlessly. If you are going to visit this historical region countries, use the Yandex maps of the Leningrad region, which will become an indispensable assistant on a trip.

Economy and industry of the Leningrad region

The region's economy is represented by many industries. Hunting, fishing and forestry have always been and remain traditional for the region. The leading positions are occupied by such branches of the economic sphere as:

  • transport and communication;
  • manufacturing industry;
  • construction;
  • energy.

Works in the region a large number of enterprises of light, food and processing industries. Shoes, clothes are sewn here, plastic and metal products are produced.

A great contribution to the region's economy is made by investors who see great opportunities in the region for the development of large businesses and the opening of large-scale investment projects.

Rest in Karelia sounds like a fairy tale. And really incredible beauty nature, kind and hospitable people. Mast pines, boulders of granite and marble, like blocks grow out of the ground, seething waterfalls, forest lakes. Loose bushes of blueberries and cranberries, fragrant field grasses creep underfoot. Here and there mushroom caps peep out.

Being in Karelia for the first time, you understand that time flows differently here. In a couple of days you get more strength and impressions than from long idleness on sandy beach. There is time to enjoy the colors of life, to go headlong into your favorite hobby.

Karelia healing

Near Petrozavodsk is the famous resort "Marcial Waters". The clinic at this spring was founded by Peter I in 1719. The peculiarity of this ferruginous water is such that it keeps its healing properties for a few hours. Therefore, health resorts are located within walking distance to the "living key". Another popular sanatorium of Karelia "Palaces" is located near the source. The clinic "Kivach" is highly valued. VIP level gives guests a sense of peace and tranquility. A real temple of health, as vacationers themselves call it. "White Keys" balneological resort of a wide profile.

Karelia is hospitable

The recreation center in Karelia is a special kind of tourism. The abundance of lakes and rivers provides an opportunity for secluded outdoor recreation. There are economy level camp sites with a set of basic amenities for fans of virgin nature. Well, for tourists tempted by comfort, recreation centers in Karelia offer a wide infrastructure with individual cottages, restaurants, wide rental water technology and fishing gear, ATVs. And even dog sledding or extreme kayaking down the rapids. There are recreation centers in Karelia with an ethnic and historical bias.

It is better to travel around Karelia in your own car. on the public transport it's difficult. Traveling by car, you will be more mobile and visit more interesting places and devote more time to your favorite ones, without risking falling behind the group. Organized excursion tours many pluses and a rich program, and a prepared life with food.

In addition to the sanatoriums of recreation centers in Karelia, there are also city hotels, designed mainly for tourists who want to devote themselves sightseeing vacation. And there is something to see in Karelia.

Karelia is fascinating

First of all, tourists come here for natural beauties. Endless expanses of Onega and Ladoga lakes (the largest freshwater lake in Europe). Waterfalls Kivach, White bridges or Ruskel waterfalls with their brown waters attract thousands of tourists every year.

White Nights is a highlight of every summer. This phenomenon is brighter than above the sky of St. Petersburg. Only for an hour the sky is covered with twilight, at which one can read books without the light of lamps.

You can also make a pilgrimage to the island of Valaam or the Solovetsky Islands, steeped in the spirit of history. Kizhi with the Museum of Wooden Architecture.

Karelia surprises and falls in love with its sincerity and simplicity. Even if you think that there is nothing to surprise you with, it is not so. Karelia remains in the heart and memory for a long time.

Karelia for the soul

Fishing in Karelia is wonderful. On Ladoga and Lake Onega, as well as in small forest lakes and rivers. Even without tricky equipment, you are guaranteed a precious catch. Well, if you yourself do not like to fish, but appreciate delicious fish, you can easily find fresh fish, river trout, burbot in local markets.

Any recreation center in Karelia can boast of a rich northern forest. At the end of summer, you can harvest a good harvest of northern berries without going far from the path. Cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries and, perhaps, the most outlandish and delicious - cloudberries. It grows in swamps, so it is the most difficult to find and easier to buy at the local market.

Returning from a vacation in Karelia, in addition to traditional magnets, we advise you to bring truly Karelian souvenirs as gifts. Crafts from shungite - a rare healing mineral. Karelian balm - which is nice to finish off in tea or coffee. And crafts from the famous Karelian birch.

Fishing in the Leningrad region and Karelia has its own specifics and features, which, of course, would be difficult to say anything about in a nutshell. Therefore, the purpose of this material is to convey as much as possible detailed information about the specifics of fishing in the above-mentioned regions of the Russian Federation.

The best places for fishing in the Leningrad region

It would be logical to start this material with what reservoirs in the Leningrad region are suitable for fishing. There are quite a few of those, by the way.

In addition, it should be noted that there are much more artificial ponds than, for example, rivers, where you can also fish well, the main thing is to know “in what place” and “for what bait”, because each of the “water” inhabitants has its own weaknesses and preferences for bait.

And although, according to statistics, the number of rivers in the region is quite small, there are still several rivers that are popular among fishing lovers:

  • Izhora- a river, around which there are meadows and a mass of shrubs, giving it the appearance of a not very well-groomed river. In parallel to this minor disadvantage, it is noted that the fauna includes a solid number of fish such as roach, pike and perch. As an addition, it would be foolish not to note that the mass of noble fishermen consider the village of Skvoritsi to be the most promising place for fishing;
  • Stormy- a river with a rather funny name never ceases to delight fishermen with its beauty and good catch. The inhabitants of these waters are such fish as trout, burbot, perch and pike;
  • Neva- notorious fauna, which is often mentioned in folk songs. In addition to the large length of the reservoir, it should be noted that it flows into the Baltic Sea (through the Gulf of Finland). The Neva has become a "home" for bream, pike perch and perch (they are the most active);

Regarding this type of reservoirs, one can talk and tell for a long time and a lot, but it will be at least stupid, because it will be more radical to outline only those lakes fishing which is the most fruitful:

  • Mirror- a lake that got this name for a reason, because its water is quite clean, and in some places even transparent. In addition to the beautiful nature, here you can catch roach, perch and ruff in a relatively short period of time;
  • Pioneer- a lake in the Leningrad region, which once had a camp for children (hence the name). Today, this lake is a real paradise for fishermen, because it has been proven in practice that fishing on the lake can bring a good catch: bleak, perch, bream. According to professionals, the best catches were recorded in the area of ​​the village of Ryabovo;
  • Roshchinskoe- a lake located in the village of Torfyanoe, Leningrad Region. Regarding fishing, sources claim that this artificial reservoir accommodates burbot, crucian carp and tench;

Today, almost every region of the Russian Federation has lakes and ponds, the visit to which is paid. Naturally, the main purpose of such "visits" is fishing, but now, in addition to it, on the territory of the base you can spend the night in a hotel, have a good dinner in a restaurant, rent a boat or boat.

In order to concretize this issue a little, to the attention of readers is a list of the most notable paid places for fishing:

  • Coin- a very popular base, which includes a small hotel with 8 beds, the possibility of renting a boat, breakfast / lunch / dinner. As for the reservoir itself, while fishing, carp pecks well, the weight of which can reach 10 kilograms;
  • Kind-fish farm, which is located an hour's drive from the regional center. It is one of the largest fishing spots in the region. Around the territory of incredible beauty there is a coniferous forest, a restaurant, several cottages and even swimming pools, which are often used by visitors, especially in summer. The waters of the pond are inhabited by such inhabitants as crucians, carps, scavengers and silver carps;
  • backwater is the name of a very fruitful and beautiful place, where citizens from all over the region often fish, of course, not for free. Staying at the base, you can rent a boat, buy tackle and even bait. Trout and carp are the main "residents" of the reservoir, which most often act as a catch for visiting fishermen;

To begin with, it should be noted that the following reservoirs received the title of “best” places for fishing by no means by chance, but only after a detailed analysis of a wide range of feedback from fishermen, which pay tribute to the following places:

  • - a river with a rather strange and incomprehensible name, located in the Leningrad region. The waters of the river include walleye, bream, whitefish, ide and even salmon;
  • The Gulf of Finland- a bay where fishing is desirable only in cloudy weather. According to fishermen, bream, pike perch, roach and perch bite very well;
  • Volkhov- a river where it is advised to fish only in summer, moreover, from a boat, because many say that even long-term fishing from the shore can be fruitless. Most often you can catch zander and pike in the middle of the river;
    • Prices. The pricing policy for fishing in the aforementioned places and many others is very different. Somewhere you can fish well for 500 rubles (half a day), and somewhere for 3000 rubles (a day). Much in this matter depends on the range of services provided, living conditions and the availability of fish species;
    • Rules. As for the rules, they did not begin to include anything new: do not argue on the territory of the bases, do not throw bait based on chemical additives into the water, do not withdraw from the base the amount of fish that was not agreed with its management;

The best places for fishing in Karelia

The Republic of Karelia, which, by the way, borders the Leningrad region, also has many wonderful places for fishing. According to official sources, the number of reservoirs in the Republic has long exceeded the mark of 70,000 (rivers, ponds).

Toli, fortunately, or unfortunately, but for some reason there are few rivers in Karelia: about 1-2 thousand. But, even this fact cannot prevent the fishermen from successfully bringing home solid catches.

Where exactly you can go fishing, you, dear readers, can find out from the following list:

  • Shuya- one of the most visited and longest rivers of Karelia (194 kilometers). It is noted that the reservoir is quite deep, includes such inhabitants as perch, bream, roach, pike and trout;
  • Ohta is a river that has a very high banks, is surrounded by coniferous forest and has a large vegetation. Perch, crucian carp, trout and roach bite well in this pond;
  • Chirka-Kem- considered the most long river in the Republic of Karelia, its length reaches 200 hundred kilometers, which should be noted. Grayling, roach, salmon, perch and pike are the most active species fish, which can often be brought home as a catch;

In percentage terms, 92% of all reservoirs of the republic are lakes, many of which act as brilliant and more than suitable places for fishing.

So that, if necessary, you, dear readers, can make the right choice, to your attention the range of lakes most suitable for fishing:

  • Ladoga- Lake, which is considered to be one of the largest in Europe. The artificial pond is inhabited by many inhabitants, of which there are more than 50 (species of fish). If we talk about those inhabitants of deep places that most often become prey for fishermen, then these include such fish as burbot, catfish, ruff, chub and even eel;
  • Onega- a very large zero, which is located almost in the very center of Cornelia. Fishermen will also have something to do on it, for example, catching vendace, pike, whitefish, roach and crucian carp;
  • space lake- a clean and well-groomed lake with an extraordinary name, which causes a lot of discussion among local citizens. While fishing on it, you can observe a good bite of ruff, perch, roach, whitefish and pike;

How to catch more fish?

Every ardent fisherman undoubtedly has his own secrets of successful fishing. I myself, during the time of conscious fishing, have found quite a few ways to improve the bite. I share my TOP:
  1. . Stimulates a strong appetite in fish, attracting them even in cold water. Blame it all pheromones included in its composition. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. Proper selection of gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Today, it will not come as a surprise to anyone that many individuals rent ponds, put fish in them, and only after that they start making money on “this”, allowing citizens who love to fish to catch the same fish, of course, not for free.

You can get this specific, designed for an amateur, not free “pleasure”, at such tourist bases:

  • roll- the base, which is located on the banks of a not long, but well-groomed river Szeged. On its official portal, it is stated that for only 800 rubles (per day, per person), a citizen can use a whole range of services on an all-inclusive basis: go fishing (roach, perch, bream, crucian carp), give barbecue, hunt a bear and taste a real Russian bath;
  • "At Stepanych"- a small base with a symbolic Russian name, which, like the previous one, provides its guests with the opportunity to relax body and soul: from spending time in a Russian bath to catching pike, crucian carp, trout and bream;
  • Lakhta- a small base, called the name of the village in which it is located - the village of Lakhta. A group of five people for 5,000 rubles a day can freely fish from morning to night, trying to catch perch and burbot - the most common fish in this reservoir. Not to mention the excellent and very comfortable geographical location bases: only one hour drive from the capital of Karelia - Petrozavodsk;

It is very difficult to have any discussion on this topic, because in Karelia there are a lot of rivers and lakes worthy of being called the best according to one or another criterion.

But, be that as it may, against the background of the many thousands of rivers and lakes, the most popular and visited can be distinguished:

  • Segolake- one of the very popular reservoirs among fishermen, the settlement of which, by the way, is not free, but you should not be afraid of this, because according to reviews, the prices are quite reasonable;
  • "At Ivanych”- another base that symbolizes the Russian “spirit”. Here you can fish both in summer and winter, which is very attractive to anglers who are ready to even pay for “this” pleasure;
  • Longas- a small private area where there is an artificial lake with a lot of fish, catching which, unfortunately, is also not free. Among other things, you can take a steam bath, take part in excursions, visit the nearby museum-reserve;
    • Prices. The cost of visiting the above paid bases and fish farms very often differs from each other. These very differences are easy to explain: the higher the quality of service, the wider the range of services, the higher the daily payment for staying in private territory;
    • Rules. Fortunately, the new rules that would aggravate the rights of the fisherman have not yet been exceeded, this moment they are unchanged - do not throw cigarette butts and food waste into the water, do not steal fish from the territory, do not damage the property of the base (sofas, boats, equipment), do not litter and do not try to use chemicals as baits that can harm the inhabitants of the fauna ;

What kind of fish can be caught in the Leningrad region and Karelia?

The range of fish species in these regions is quite diverse, it allows every fisherman to get enough of catching both ordinary carp and sturgeon or eel, which are infrequent guests of fresh waters.

So, after the analysis of the mass of sources, we can distinguish the following types of fish that are "inhabitants" of the fauna of Karelia and the Leningrad region:

  • Zander;
  • Roach;
  • Perch;
  • Pike;
  • White Amur (Leningrad region only);
  • crucian;
  • Asp;
  • Mirror carp (Leningrad region only);
  • Tench;
  • Rudd, smelt (Leningrad region only);
  • Grayling;
  • Paliya;
  • Ide (only Karelia);
  • Sturgeon;
  • Burbot;
  • Minnow (only Karelia);

From the above, it can be understood that out of dozens of existing fish species, almost all live both in Karelia and in the Leningrad region, which undoubtedly allows millions of fishermen from all over the country to enjoy both paid and free fishing, within which, you can catch the most that there is a wide range of fresh inhabitants of the fauna of the aforementioned regions of the Russian Federation.

Feedback from fishermen

Leonid, 33 years old (Karelia)

For quite a long time (3-3.5 years) I have been fishing exclusively on the Neva River. This hobby of mine is excellent for many: firstly, visiting the reservoir is free, secondly, fish is caught even without bait, thirdly, it’s incredible beautiful nature which gives peace to the soul and mind. By the way, regarding fish, in 6 hours of fishing I caught 31 perch and 5 perch.

Ignat, 45 years old (Leningrad)

In my lifetime there were many chic rivers and lakes, which withered away before my eyes. Every ten years, leading best places for fishing are changing, and this is a fact. And if 30 years ago I was happy to fish on the Okhta, today I prefer another river - the Shuya. So, my recent visit to this reservoir has borne fruit: I brought home 7 pikes, each of which was no less than 800 grams. I advise everyone!

Alexey, 56 years old (Karelia)

I would like to recommend the Vuoksa River to everyone, whose inhabitants are mainly pikes and salmon. Most often I fish with a spinning rod, I was always happy with the result, I never came home without a catch. The only thing, half an hour before fishing, it is advisable to cover the place with bait to improve the bite.

Gennady, 22 years old (Leningrad)

About two weeks ago we visited the base "At Stepanych" - it is located in the village of Popov Porog. The prices are quite reasonable, there is a place to spend the night, even a barbecue was made later. What is important is the availability of chic fishing spots and a good bite. Now 3.5 hours we (3 people) in total caught 14 kilograms of trout. We recommend to everyone!

Alexander, 28 years old (Karelia)

I just have no words about the lake "Monetka". There are no bad words, but good ones are just “sea”. My friends and I were shocked, just imagine, some of us caught crucians of 7-8 kilograms each. I'm not talking about a good biting carp. In general, we really liked it here, the service and conditions of stay (accommodation, food) are at the highest level!

Nikita, 37 years old (Leningrad)

I didn’t really like fishing on the so-called Space Lake, where supposedly there are a lot of fish and the catch is guaranteed. Nothing like this. You need to catch here only from a boat, and even then, it’s not a fact that the process will be fruitful. There is no fishing from the shore, I tried a lot of baits, changed the range of baits - nothing. In half a day I caught two small pikes.