Holidays in Vietnam with children. Holidays in Vietnam with children Which are most suitable for families with children

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March. Family with children

We rested twice with my daughter in Vietnam, based on own experience I will describe what is here with the children. in Vietnam all year round warm, however, having gathered here in winter, it is best to go to the island of Phu Quoc, and in summer to the resort of Nha Trang. Both times we had no noticeable acclimatization at all.
With children it is great to relax on the island of Phu Quoc. There are the purest sandy beaches, gentle entrance to the warm sea. Great option strengthening the body, tired of a long winter. The island itself is very beautiful and peaceful.
Most hotels are located near the beach. Hotels here for every taste and budget. There are many family oriented hotels. There will be no problems with what to feed the child at all. There are many cafes with European and even Russian cuisine on the island.
My daughter and I went to waterfalls, to Coconut Jail, to evening squid fishing. The nearest uninhabited islands were explored on the boat. They brought with them a lot of impressions.

February. Family with children

For me it's like Vietnam perfect place for traveling with a child, despite the long flight. Most importantly, the country is generally safe. At a good level of medicine. A doctor's appointment with a blood test costs five dollars. Pharmacies sell all the necessary medicines, the prices are not high.
As a rule, most hotels include standard breakfasts in the price. You can have lunch and dinner at the cafe. There are a lot of cafes with European and Russian cuisine, and Vietnamese cuisine is not spicy and is great for children: rice, chicken, soups, vegetables. For a penny you can buy exotic fruits, enrich organisms with vitamins.
Highly good beaches we especially liked in Nha Trang. The sand is fine, the entrance to the sea is gradual. Our daughter learned to swim there. Visited the water park, amusement park, oceanarium. By the way, in mall Nha Trang has diapers, canned food, packaged juices, there is no need to bring it with you.

Vietnam is a country of beautiful landscapes, ancient temples and living legends. And besides, these are wonderful resorts, modern infrastructure, and all this for relatively little money. Family holiday in Vietnam in last years is rapidly gaining popularity, because the time spent in this exotic country will be remembered for a long time by both adults and children.

Pros and cons

A definite plus in favor of Vietnam is that it is one of the most well-groomed Asian countries. The hotel complex is developed at the world level, which significantly reduces the risk of catching some exotic disease with a child.

The local population is so welcoming and friendly, they love Russians so much that you will immediately be surrounded by attention and care.

The Vietnamese sympathize with the Russians in a special way, warmly and at home. Therefore, here among the pagodas, dragons and other attributes of Buddhism, you can easily find a statue of the leader of the revolution, Lenin, or a monument to pioneers.

Despite the growing popularity among tourists, Vietnam as a destination is not yet considered as massive as Thailand, and therefore there are always, even in high season, free places in hotels and on the beaches, which is important for vacationers with small children.

The beaches of Vietnamese resort towns are quite clean, even if they are not owned by hotels.

The Vietnamese in the provinces have a very negative attitude towards such a type of crime as theft. It is severely punished in this country. Therefore, you can no doubt leave things on the beach unattended while swimming, and no one will take them. This is not accepted. But in major cities you should keep your eyes open - the risk that your handbag will be cut off in the crowd is quite high.

The advantage of a holiday in Vietnam with a child lies in the financial benefits. Even for little money in this country you can get huge complex services. Suffice it to say that 1 Russian ruble is 382 Vietnamese dong (as of summer 2017). Food, shopping, excursions are quite cheap in the country. So, the bulk of the costs will relate to paying for the flight, and not the stay in the country itself.

The cuisine of the Vietnamese people is not replete with as many spices as the Thais. It is based on rice and vegetables, so even a child can be fed with local dishes if he has already grown out of infancy. If you don’t want to take risks, the vast majority of restaurants in the country offer a special children’s menu and can cook something personally for your child to order.

Cons of staying in Asian country always the same - only strict observance of all sanitary regulations, we will talk about them a little later.

Tourists often complain about the lousy traffic management in Vietnam, which makes being a pedestrian here an extremely dangerous mission. On the roads and cycle rickshaws, and large trucks, and motorcycles, and a lot of cars. And all this moves almost simultaneously, signaling and not letting pedestrians cross the road. Therefore, walking with a child around a Vietnamese city should be carefully, quickly and deftly.

Local merchants can be incredibly intrusive, literally chasing tourists both on the beach and in the markets. They do not understand the word “no” or pretend not to understand. Not in any language. Even in Vietnamese.

Quite a lot of different living creatures live in the sea off the coast of Vietnam, and not all of them are safe. For divers who climb into the water in order to admire the inhabitants of the sea, such meetings are a great success. For you who came to swim and sunbathe with a child, unexpected encounters with poisonous fish, jellyfish and other creatures are a very unpleasant incident.

In general, tourists who are going to Vietnam can find a lot of negative stories on the Internet on the topic “Why I won’t go to Vietnam anymore.” But you shouldn't blindly believe everything. With many minuses, there are really more pluses in this mysterious Asian country. And the main one is the visa-free regime. Up to 15 days, Russians can stay in the country without a visa.

best season

You can go to Vietnam at any time of the year. True, the climate in different parts of the country differs significantly due to the fact that it is “stretched” along the coast.

The weather in this country can be unpredictable. And during the low season, Vietnamese soil is often hit by devastating typhoons. So that the rest does not turn out to be hopelessly spoiled, in summer months You need to carefully approach the choice of a specific place of rest. Preference should be given to Donang, Hue and Hoinan.

Best Resorts

The choice of a resort is an individual matter. Some Russians are calm about the beaches, on which, apart from them, there are several hundred Chinese vacationers, others demand European service, comfort and privacy. Before you start choosing a resort for a trip with a child, you should answer the following questions: a few questions and formulate your own requirements for a place of rest:

  • Weather and climate in the resort.
  • How to get to the resort
  • Hotel quality.
  • Entertainment and infrastructure.
  • Possibility of rest with children.


Resort located on the coast Central Vietnam. There are excellent beaches, which are also not crowded. There are almost no ancient sights left in the city after the war with America, but there are a lot of modern places where you can go with your child.

The resort has a large selection of hotels of various categories. The international airport is located nearby.

In summer, the temperature here is up to 32 degrees, in the low season (winter months) - about 20 degrees. The rainy season here starts in September and ends by the end of December.

Hoi An

It is small but very beautiful resort town in central Vietnam. It is called a city-museum, because the architecture and atmosphere of the Asian port of the 15th century are perfectly preserved here. You can get to Hoi An from Da Nang, you will have to drive about 20 kilometers

It is not long to go to the beach from the historical center, for this you can use the services of a cycle rickshaw. The beaches are quite clean and very picturesque. Best time for visiting Hoi an - from January to August.

Nha Trang

The most famous Vietnamese resort is located in the central part of the country. Russians have already fallen in love with it so much that a new service has been organized especially for them at Cam Ranh Airport - obtaining a visa on arrival. Here are wide and long beaches, the air is filled with the aromas of eucalyptus trees. Thanks to geographical location(on the one hand - islands, on the other - mountains), the resort is not threatened by typhoons and floods. The best time to visit Nha Trang is January-August.

Phan Thiet

Phu Quoc Island

This is the largest Vietnamese island, it is located in the Gulf of Thailand. The comparison with a paradise island is quite suitable for the resort - quiet, secluded, picturesque. Highly beautiful beaches, White sand, palm trees, azure water, dense rainforests. The best time to visit the resort is from November to March. The rainy season "starts" in July and lasts until September.

Con Dao Island

The best time to travel to Con Dao is December - April. The rains start in May and go until November.

Vung Tau

But it is quite difficult to call Vung Tau a resort because of industrialization. The beaches in the city are quite dirty. But if you get to the southern outskirts, then the beaches here are much cleaner, and the atmosphere itself improves significantly. The best time to visit here is November-April.

Hotels with kids clubs

There are quite a few hotels where you can comfortably stay. Many hoteliers today rely on family vacations, and therefore almost every hotel in all resorts has family rooms, swimming pools with water slides, including for children. When choosing a hotel according to your pocket and to your liking, please note that hotels with children's clubs from tour operators are usually marked with a special icon.

Here is some of them:

  • Ocean Vista 5* (Phan Thiet);
  • Bamboo Village Beach Resort& Spa 4* (Phan Thiet);
  • Vinpearl Resort Nha Trang 5* (Nyanchang);
  • Amiana Resort 5* (Nyanchang);
  • Vinpearl Resort Phu Quoc 5* (Phu Quoc Island);
  • La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc - MGallery Collection 5 * (Phu Quoc Island);
  • Swiss-Belhotel Son Tra Resort & Villas 4* (Danang);
  • Vinpearl Luxury Da Nang 5* (Danang);
  • The Grand Ho Tram Strip (Vung Tau);
  • Le Belhamy Hoi An Resort and Spa (Hoi An);
  • Swiss-Belhotel Golden Sand Resort & Spa (Hoi An).


  • The mountain town of Dalat. It was built by the French when Vietnam was a French colony. There are incredible waterfalls and grottoes. And also - the most inexpensive coffee in the country.
  • Amusement island Vinpearl Land (Nha Trang). This is a huge amusement park, where it will be interesting for both adults and children. There is an oceanarium, a mini-circus with funny animals, a color-musical fountain, and a water park.
  • Halong bay. This bay is considered one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Here, for centuries, wind and water have created bizarre configurations of stones, each stone has its own name.
  • Saigon (Ho Chi Minh). In the city you can see the historical center, get to know the Vietnamese culture. With an inquisitive student, you can go to underground city Cu Chi. From Ho Chi Minh City, you can go on excursions to the wild mango thickets of Kanzo.
  • Treasures of Mui Ne. These are lotus and crocodile farms, a unique lighthouse, a reclining Buddha and a Fairy stream. Incredibly beautiful and interesting places.
  • Marionette Theater in Hanoi. Large puppets, controlled by actors with long sticks, move straight through the water. The spectacle is impressive and, in principle, the only one in Hanoi. There is nothing else for kids to see.
  • Monkey Island. A real island with real monkeys near Nha Trang.

7 photos

Pay attention to the distance of the hotel from the airport. Otherwise, a 10-12 hour flight with a child threatens to last a 5-6 hour bus ride to your destination.

If the child is small, it is better to choose hotels with Russian-speaking staff. This is possible in the resorts of Mui Ne and Nyan Trang.

We rent private housing

There is no need to look for accommodation upon arrival, since this can be done in advance by finding and booking an apartment, a room in a guesthouse or a villa on Booking or Airbnb.

It is quite possible to rent an apartment without intermediaries, subject to payment on the spot. If they ask for 100% prepayment, it is better to refrain from such a lease.

Prices may vary depending on the season, distance from the sea, etc. You can rent an apartment for $100 a month, or you can find a room for $350. On average, an apartment near the sea costs from 8,000 Russian rubles to 30,000 per month.

Important nuances

Acclimatization is an important nuance to consider when planning a trip with a small child. It will be, but the severity of the process and its duration depend on how attentive the parents are to nutrition and drinking water for the baby. By the way, milk formulas are sold in all major stores in the country, as well as other baby food.

Before the trip, it is advisable to be vaccinated against rotavirus (if the child is not a year old), take Lariam malaria pills a week from departure, and be vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis, hepatitis and tetanus.

Do not forget about safety measures in this tropical country - use mosquito repellent, wash your hands often, wash fruits.

Vietnam provides excellent opportunities for active, sightseeing, health and other types of recreation due to the availability of really ancient culture, which was preserved in architectural monuments, wide beaches that are in excellent condition, the beauty of nature, the cheapest, but at the same time high-quality diving. Therefore, it is not surprising that all-inclusive holidays in Vietnam are such a success.

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Nha Trang

So, Nha Trang can be called the most versatile resort in Vietnam. It occupies a cozy bay, the presence of which guarantees both sea blue and golden sands, and therefore it is not surprising that Nha Trang Bay is considered one of the most beautiful in Vietnam. Nha Trang is a rather colorful and somewhat international place. The local hotel business is represented by both international giants and tiny family hotels scattered along the coast. It is worth noting that the local beach, which is almost seven kilometers long, is considered, without exaggeration, the best free beach in the country.

And here you can not only swim, but also dive. Local reefs will suit confident divers, and those who are just mastering this art can contact one of the professional diving schools. Nha Trang is especially proud of its cuisine - the gastronomic world of this resort is really capable of presenting the brightest colors, flavor combinations and unusual aromas, and all this for a relatively low prices. So, a huge lobster, which was caught a couple of hours ago here, in coastal waters, can be tasted for only three dollars. But Nha Trang does not end with a bay and a narrow ribbon of coastline - Nha Trang continues on numerous islands, the visit of which is guaranteed to impress.

Mui Ne

Mui Ne contrasts sharply with Nha Trang, first of all, with its more modest size. There are no entire blocks here that are lit by sparks of lanterns only at night - there is only one central street that is never empty. Mui Ne started as a small fishing village, which at some point attracted the attention of the conquerors of the waves, which determined the future fate of the now resort. What people come here for is surfing in its various variations. A number of schools of the corresponding profile are concentrated here, where you can take courses or simply rent equipment. Another unexpected bonus is the favorable attitude of the local population towards tourists from Russia: local restaurants are well aware of what borsch is, and most of the signs are duplicated, albeit in a somewhat broken, but still Russian language.

Vung Tau

Vung Tau has long been open to Europeans, although this “discovery” took place in a far from peaceful environment. During military conflicts, it was in Vung Tau that American units were located, which radically changed the face of the city, which reoriented itself to the western way. Today, nothing remains of that occupation atmosphere, except for a number of gambling establishments and bars that play decent jazz music, which is a rarity in Vietnam. Yes, and mostly couples come here and quite often with children. The only thing to keep in mind when it comes to Vung Tau is its oil profile, which has become too prominent in recent years. Due to the development of local deposits, the beaches, which were previously considered almost standard, fell into some desolation. The best beaches, offering the perfect balance of cleanliness and comfort, are located outside the resort, although they formally belong to it.

Phu Quoc

Phu Quoc is considered the southernmost and concurrently the most intimate resort in Vietnam. This island has a decent size - it is barely inferior to Singapore. Among tourists who go for their own vacation, and not for parties until dawn, Phu Quoc is considered the best option. It is here that you can observe all those views that adorn advertising brochures - the tropics, beaches and the sea are in abundance here. Moreover, if fans of the views, vacationing in other resorts of Vietnam, are obliged to get up at dawn in order to capture that very brief moment when the waters become almost burgundy, parting with the sun rising above the sky, then Fukuoka guests may well enjoy a similar spectacle, but already at sunset as the resort faces west. The main local entertainment is diving, and underwater attractions are hardly inferior to land-based ones, among which plantations where black pepper is grown, a pearl farm, and fish sauce factories are especially interesting for tourists. And for lovers of chilling stories on the island, the Phu Quoc Prison, which previously served as a concentration camp, is open to the public.

When to go to Vietnam

The climate of Vietnam is mostly subtropical, although this does not apply to those regions of the country that are protected by mountain ranges. However, depending on the region climatic conditions somewhat change. So, in the south, two seasons are usually distinguished - dry and wet. The first one starts in December and ends closer to the middle of spring. This period is best suited for tourists from European countries, as at this time comes " the Velvet season with gentle sun and comfortable water temperature. The best months are January and February. The wet period is less favorable for tourism, especially during the summer months, when it rains heavily in the south of Vietnam. The center of Vietnam demonstrates a slightly different situation: it is better to organize a trip here in February or in the spring-summer period, when the temperature becomes more stable and it hardly rains. Other months, most likely, will give typhoons or heavy rains. The north of Vietnam is most similar to the West in terms of climate: winter begins in November and ends with February, bringing with it light drizzling rains, which are called “fung” in Vietnam. Starting from May, it opens tourist season with hot sun and warm sea.

The best hotels in Vietnam

The hotel world of Vietnam is very diverse - there are both luxurious hotels and relatively cheap hostels. However, what really pleases is the ratio of promises and the real situation - a five-star hotel in Vietnam is guaranteed to demonstrate compliance with high European standards.

Sol Beach House Phu Quoc 5*

The hotel located on really paradise island- in Fukuoka - among the lush greenery of tropical gardens. It offers a private beach area and terraces for relaxing and sunbathing, as well as swimming pools. Guests can relax in the spa or sauna, or work out in the fitness centre. The rooms are decorated in light colors and most of the rooms offer spectacular sea views. The hotel complex includes three restaurants that have a different profile: international cuisine, Mediterranean cuisine with a clear influence of Spanish traditions and a "street" food format represented by local dishes.

Sol Beach House Phu Quoc

On the coast of Truong, Phu Quoc Island

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Premier Village Danang Resort Managed By Accor 5*

This Da Nang hotel complex is a series of small villas, elegantly decorated and spacious. Each of them has a living room, kitchen and dining areas, as well as outdoor terraces and even a private pool, so guests of Premier Village Danang Resort Managed By Accor can not worry about privacy. AT resort complex also includes a business center where guests can be assisted in organizing events of various profiles, a rich library, mini market, spa, fitness center, kids club and much more. Local restaurants are focused on international cuisine, and on the roof of the local club there is a chic terrace where you can enjoy noble wines and colorful views.

Premier Village Danang Resort Managed By Accor

Luxurious villas in the heart of Da Nang

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Furama Resort Danang 5*

This resort is located in historical center Danang - so, just half an hour away is Hoi An, an ancient port that was once part of the notorious Silk Road. This historical internationality is reflected both in the interiors of the hotel and in the cuisine that is offered here. Furama Resort Danang has six restaurants. Indochine specializes in Pan-Asian cuisine, despite the fact that the interiors are decorated in a pronounced colonial French style; Don Cipriani's presents Italian cuisine in its traditional format; other establishments work with international cuisine. The house is located on the territory of the hotel. water sports, specialists from which can help in mastering certain sports disciplines. Many guests of Furama Resort Danang are also attracted by options such as yoga or tai chi classes right on the coast.

Furama Resort Danang

Luxury resort hotel

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The Shells Phu Quoc Resort & Spa 5*

This spa hotel has an unusual location - on the shores of Duongdong Lake, although it also owns a private area on the coast. Hotel provided as rooms various categories in the hotel buildings, as well as small villas with all possible amenities. As the name suggests, the local spa receives high marks and always pleases its guests with the quality of service. There is also a tour desk on site, where you can get information on all matters related to local tourism. It is noteworthy that the restaurants located in The Shells Phu Quoc Resort & Spa serve mainly traditional Vietnamese cuisine.

The Shells Phu Quoc Resort & Spa

Duong Dong

Outdoor pool, fitness center and private beach

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Victoria Hoi An Beach Resort & Spa 4*

This resort is located near the ancient Vietnamese city of Hoi An, now under the protection of UNESCO. It offers spacious rooms decorated in Japanese, French or traditional Vietnamese styles. They offer sea or river views. At the local spa and fitness center, guests can work on their appearance under the guidance of professionals. In addition, guests can relax in the Turkish bath or swim in the pool. The restaurant menu includes both local and international cuisine.

Victoria Hoi An Beach Resort & Spa

Cua Dai, Hoi An

Located next to Cua Dai Beach

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Golden Sand Resort & Spa 5*

The hotel is within walking distance of the main attractions of Da Nang, many of which are protected international organizations. The spa hotel owns an extensive beach area where you can not only swim, but also go diving or windsurfing. The hotel offers rooms of various categories and different configurations. To work with children, the hotel provides animation staff and qualified nannies. There is also a kids' club on site. Local restaurants serve both Eastern and Western cuisines.

Family holidays in Vietnam are best spent in the south of the country, because it is here that all the components are combined in the best way. Almost all year round it is warm and the air temperature is + 20-30 degrees on average. In the south of Vietnam, all conditions have been created by nature itself for a pleasant and harmonious beach holiday. The Vietnamese are very hardworking people and therefore carefully look after the beaches. Here, perfectly clean sand and clear sea water, warm and unusually comfortable for a long swim. For a family vacation with children and the elderly on the coast of the south of the country, it is best to choose the period from the end of November to the beginning of May. The central regions of Vietnam are good from March to August, and in the north of the country you can relax in spring and autumn, so these regions should be preferred during these months of the year. When choosing the south of Vietnam for a family vacation, you should pay attention to such resorts as Nha Chaga and Bai Dai. In the central part, Da Nang and Kya Dai are popular. There are many places for entertainment, shops, cafes and comfortable hotels that meet the wishes of numerous travelers. If you want solitude and peace, then in Vietnam there are exotic places where you can spend time inexpensively and take a break from crowds. The resorts of Nyachagi are very attractive for young tourists - here you can spend a family vacation with children and give them the opportunity to ride along cable car and visit the Vinpearl Land amusement park. The whole family will be able to find entertainment for themselves in this park, which is even called little Hollywood. Children will ride rides, parents will attend extreme events and all together will be able to visit the oceanarium with a unique collection of marine life and plants. A good aquarium with rare species of fish is located on the Vietnamese island of Chi Nguyen, and in the vicinity of Nha Chaga, children will be interested to find out what “monkey island” is. Fascinating excursions for the whole family are also held in the capital of the state - Ho Chi Minh City, where you can watch a funny performance in the original puppet theater on the water. Going to Vietnam with children, you can rest assured that regardless of your child's hobbies and age, an interesting and memorable pastime is guaranteed. Responsible modern requirements hotels will provide not only decent accommodation and quality food, including a children's menu, but also entertainment for any age groups, and in many of them you can take part with your child.