Portugal official language. General information about Portugal

Portugal Located in the extreme Southwest of Europe in the western part of the Pyrenean Peninsula. She also belongs to the Azores and Madeira Island, located in the Atlantic Ocean. In the north and east, Portugal borders Spain, in the south and west is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The name of the country comes from the city of Porto (Lat. Portus Cale - "Warm Port").

Official name: Portuguese Republic


The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 92.3 thousand square meters. km. Together with the islands.

General population: 10.6 million people.

Administrative division: Portugal is divided into 22 districts, including 18 on the continent, and 2 autonomous region-Azores and Madeira Archipelago.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: President, elected for a period of 5 years.

Population composition: 90% - Portuguese, Spaniards, Ukrainians, as well as people from the former colonies (Brazil, Angola, Mozambique).

Official language: Portuguese. In the service sector - English, French, is extremely reluctant to use Spanish.

Religion: 94% - Catholics, 5% - Protestants, 1% - Orthodox.

Internet domain: .pt.

Voltage in the power grid: ~ 230 V, 50 Hz

Country Code: +351

Country barcode: 560


Subtropical Mediterranean, soft, without sharp temperature fluctuations. In the north, the marine climate caused by Golfustrim. Summer here is dry and sunny, but not roast (the average temperature is about 20 ° C, in the mountains - about 18 ° C), winter is cool (from + 4 ° C to + 10 ° C) and rainy.

In the south, the climate is warm and dry. The average temperatures of January from + 5 ° C to + 10 ° C, July - from + 20 ° C to + 27 ° C.

Precipitation on the plains drops from 400 to 800 mm, in the mountains from 1000 to 2500 mm per year.

The climate of the Azores islands is subtropical, marine. Islands are located in the formation of the Azores anticyclone and have a rather smooth temperature background - the average January temperature is about + 14 ° C, July - about + 22 ° C, and the maximum temperature on the slopes of the mountains can rise to + 24 ° in winter and +34 ° С summer.

The precipitation drops 700-800 mm per year, in separate places up to 1500 mm, and the Western and North-Western slopes receive a noticeably more rain. Maximum precipitation falls for the winter (from September to April). The temperature of the water fluctuates from + 16 ° C to + 24 ° C.

Best time To visit the islands from June to September, although the comfortable conditions for recreation are saved here almost all year round.

Madeira climate subtropical oceanic, soft and warm. The average temperature on the coast in the summer is about + 23 ° C, in winter - about + 20 ° C. The precipitation in the form of thunderstorms and storm rains fall predominantly in the winter, summer is relatively dry. Bathing season lasts almost all year round.


Portugal is located in the southwest of Europe, in the western Pyrenean Peninsula. It also includes the Azores and the Madeira Archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean. The Azores include 9 islands and are located 1500 km from Lisbon. The Madeira Archipelago consists of Madeira Islands, Porto Santo and uninhabited Dezrats and Selwagan. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 500 km from the African coast and 1000 km from the mainland. The country area together with the islands is 92,391 square meters. km. In the East and the North, it borders with Spain, and from the east and the south is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The north of Portugal is occupied by the strongly dissected stains of the plane oil. The prevailing heights in the area of \u200b\u200b1000 - 1200 m, and the maximum - 1993 m (Mount Estrela in the Ridge Serra da Estell). Estell is at the same time the highest point of the mainland country. Southern and central parts are busy portuguese lowland, hills and lowlands. In the east, Portuguese lowland is bored with a plateau, some sections of which reach 600-1000 m. The coast of the Atlantic Ocean is low and weakly dissected, the beaches are sandy.

Madeira and the Azores are the archipelagoes of volcanic origin. In their landscape, mountain terraces prevail, rising from the coast to central regions of the islands. On the island of the peak belonging to the Azores archipelago, the most high Point All Portugal - Volcano Peak (2351 m).

Portugal thick river network. The largest rivers on its territory is the Dora (Douro), Tejo and Guadiana. In the mountains of the river usually flow in narrow deep valleys and have a steep drop.

The most important environmental zone is National Park Peneda-Zheresh, located in the north. With the exception of the Natural Park Serra da Estela, all other security zones are located along the border with Spain (Serra di Montziny, Malkata, San Mammy) or on the coast (region of Dunes, Aveiro, Serra Di-Sintra, Serra Di Arabida, the west coast from Cape Sinish to Cape Sagrish, Laguna in East Algarve). Wet regions (bird colonies, nesting places) in the Delta of the River River south of the Netwebla, in the northern part of the Tejo delta, as well as the swamp of Kashtru Marin near the mouth of Guadiana.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The natural vegetation of Portugal, although very changed by a person, reflects the listed climatic features. Where oceanic influence prevails, pine is growing into abundance. On the northern and central coast, it forms significant forest arrays, in the woody tier of which the Portuguese oak is also found (QUERCUS Lusitanica), and in shrubs - a rocket. In areas with long, hot and arid summer, cork and stone oaks are common.

Forests cover 1/5 of the territory of Portugal; Almost half of them are coniferous, mainly pine. Approximately 607 thousand hectares occupy plug-in oak. Portugal supplies half the global corkbar products. Eucalyptus plantations are rapidly expanding, distinguished by rapid growth; This is the most important source of raw materials for the pulp and paper industry. Forests are essential for the economy and foreign trade of Portugal.

Animal world

From animals in the country, species typical for Central Europe (Lynx, Wild Forest Cat, Wolf, Fox, Caban, Bear, Various Rodents), as well as representatives of the North African Fauna (Geneltta, Chameleon, etc.). Portugal is located on one of the main ways of migration of migratory birds, so many types of feathelves are found here. In coastal waters there are more than 200 species of fish, including commercial, among them sardines, anchovies and tuna.


Fully small in the area, Portugal Nevertheless, unites the richest historical heritage on its land and numerous vintage fortress, Cathedrals and palaces, mild climate and beautiful beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, a calm hospitable people and modern resorts. Beaches Algarve ( southern Province The countries) and the island of Madeira, the resort areas of Estoril and Cascais, the Balneological resorts of Kaldash-da Rainy and Caldas de Monoshik, all this annually attracts more than 10 million tourists from all continents.

Banks and currency

Banks work on weekdays from 8.30 to 15.00, some branches of banks in Lisbon and tourist areas are closed at 18.00, and in major trading centers, Algarve work daily from 9.00 to 21.00. ATMs of the national system "MULTIBANCO" operate around the clock.

EURO equal to 100 cents. In turnover, there are banknotes with a par value of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros, as well as coins with a nominal value of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents.

It is more convenient to exchange money at Lisbon Airport (favorable course, below the commission fee), in banks and hotels the course below, and the collection is higher (in banks the Commission is 0.5%). Currency courses in different banks can differ significantly from each other.

Some commercial banks do not take commissions from transactions in the amount of less than 30 euros. In some private stores and markets, you can pay US dollars. Tourist checks are accepted everywhere and their course is more profitable than for cash, but commission is quite high (up to 13%), the exception is the American Express checks that can be exchanged without commission in AMEX. Evrochek with a guarantee check is exchanged in many banks. MasterCard credit cards, American Express and Visa are accepted everywhere. In all tourist centers There are ATMs ("Multibancos").

Useful information for tourists

Corrida is the favorite spectacle of Portuguese, although it is significantly different according to the rules from more "bloodthirsty" Spanish. During the fights, the bulls never deprive life, because Portuguese Corrida is a beautiful sports contest in agility and the power between a person and a bull. On holidays, the Corrida is arranged in many cities of Portugal.

The typical feature of the Portuguese is slowness and calm, they never fuss. Portuguese, unlike their neighbors of the Spaniards, are not noisy and well perceive other languages. They are friendly and indospective, not crying and not aggressive. The speech of their non-spill. The manner of communication is calm and quiet. The Portuguese loves the holidays, the occasion for which the pilgrimage, the mismatch of the saints, fairs may be, etc.

Useful information for tourists about Portugal, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information on the population, the currency of Portugal, the kitchen, the features of visa and customs restrictions of Portugal.

Geography of Portugal

Portuguese Republic is the most western state in Europe. Located in the southwestern part of the Pyrenean Peninsula. It borders with Spain, washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The northern part of the country is occupied by the low mountains of Serra da Estela (height until 1991), South and Central Parts - Portuguese Lowland, Hills and Lowland.


State device

Parliamentary republic with presidential form of government. Head of Government - Prime Minister. Parliament - Single-Paul Assembly (Council) of the Republic.


State language: Portuguese

Spanish and English are used.


Catholics (97%) and Protestants (1%).


International title: EUR

Euro is equal to 100 cents. In turnover, there are banknotes with a par value of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros, as well as coins with a nominal value of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents.

It is more convenient to exchange money at Lisbon Airport (favorable course, below the commission fee), in banks and hotels the course below, and the collection is higher (in banks the Commission is 0.5%). Currency courses in different banks can differ significantly from each other. Some commercial banks do not take commissions from transactions in the amount of less than 30 euros. In some private stores and markets, you can pay US dollars.

Tourist checks are accepted everywhere and their course is more profitable than for cash, but commission is quite high (up to 13%), the exception is the American Express checks that can be exchanged without commission in AMEX. Evrochek with a guarantee check is exchanged in many banks. MasterCard credit cards, American Express and Visa are accepted everywhere. In all tourist centers there are ATMs ("Multibancos").

History of Portugal

Until the Middle Ages, the history of Portugal is inseparable from the history of Spain. In the second century BC The territory of modern Portugal became part of the Roman Province of Lusitania.

In the V century AD. Control over the region has moved to WestHots, and in the VIII century - to the Masters. In 997, the territory between the rivers of the Dora and Minho (North of Portugal) dismantled at Mavrov King Leon Bermudo II. In 1064 King Castilla and Leon Ferdinand 1 captured the territory to modern Coimbra. The territories died in the mavrs were divided into several feudal fiops. In 1093, in thanks for help in the war with Moors, the King of Alfonso 1 complained Gerich Burgundy title of Count Portuguese.

After the death of Alfonso Heinrich refused to recognize the power of the Castilian kingdom and began the war. In 1143, the son of Heinrich Alfonso Enriches was proclaimed by Portuguese Knights King Portugal Alfonso 1. In 1179, Pope recognized the independence of Portugal.

Over the next two centuries, the Portuguese kings led war with the Moors, ended in the end by the expulsion of the latter from the country. At the beginning of the XV century, the first large sails of Portuguese sailors began. In 1418 and 1427, Portuguese seafarers opened Madeira and the Azores and attached them to Portugal.

In the XVII century, King Zhuan IV expelled from Brazil Dutch and established the full domination of Portugal in this region. At the beginning of the XIX century, fleeing from Napoleon's army, the royal family fled to Brazil and from 1807 to 1820 by the rules of Portugal from Brazil.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Republican traffic police in 1910 had gained strength in Portugal after the revolution of Portugal was proclaimed by the republic. One of the most black pages of the history of Portugal - the Board of the Salazar dictator who came to power in 1932 and created the authoritarian regime of the so-called Estado Novo (new power).

In April 1974, a group of young officers made a coup, called the April revolution yet. As a result, democratic reforms began in the country. Portugal is a member of the UN, GATT, IMF, WHO, NATO, EU, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Until the Middle Ages, the history of Portugal is inseparable from the history of Spain. In the second century BC The territory of modern Portugal became part of the Roman Province of Lusitania ....

Popular attractions

Tourism in Portugal

Where to stay

To date, Portugal provides many accommodation opportunities. Here you can find both fashionable hotels and cheap campings, rural houses for rent. Insofar as hotel business Strictly controlled by the state, the owners are trying to provide services at the highest level. After all, the slightest discrepancy between the hotel's rank of the hotel, threatens to be deprived of such a profitable business. Hotels in Portugal are cool from five stars and lower.

Portugal hotels usually offer half board. The cost of living depends on the location of the hotel, but a single price policy is practiced at most of the resort zones. Those who prefer comfort and amenities available only in hotels, choose apartments from 2 to 5 stars.

For all lovers of home comfort and measured luxury life, accommodation is available in expensive elite estates, which are located in a picturesque countryside. Moreover, the level of service is proposed indeed at a high level, because such estates correspond to categories 5 stars.

Among those who prefer economical recreation are also very popular, guests are also used - a peculiar analogue of the European Bed & Breakfast to the Portuguese manner. Pensions also have their own categories, namely, three, and the highest is intended, as a rule, for foreign tourists.

Popular dvors are popular in Portugal. The peculiarity of such courtyards is the location in ancient buildings, a spiritual family reception provided by the owners, as well as a high level of comfort.

No less color are peasant farms, which suggest a complete immersion in a typical life for Portuguese rural residents. In addition to location in comfortable pastries or rustic houses, you will be offered horseback riding, excursions to vineyards, and even participation in agricultural work.

Campgrounds are mostly located in the resort areas, they have a classification from 1 to 4 stars. It can be like a state camping for everyone, or closed private campgrounds, accommodation in which only members of the club are allowed.

Motels in Portugal can not be called the safest and convenient for living. They are located, as a rule, near the busy trails and are intended for a short rest during the trip.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Portugal

Portugal is one of the most ancient states of Europe. Despite its relatively humble sizes, it is a very interesting and beautiful country. Her fascinating centuries-old history and rich cultural heritage every year attracts a huge number of tourists. Portugal and magnificent natural landscapes, excellent resorts, a mild climate and a casual atmosphere of a welcome and hospitality local residents.

The heart of Portugal and his "pearl" is definitely her capital Lisbon - one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is located in an amazingly picturesque place at the mouth of the Lesju River on the Atlantic Coast. Drawing on seven hills historical Center The cities are impressive by the beauty of the magnificent architectural masterpieces of different eras, labyrinths of cobbled streets, many steep stairs and funicular, as well as abundance of cozy park areas. The most interesting sights of Lisbon is to highlight St. George's Castle, Lisbon Cathedral, Carmelite Monastery, National Pantheon Portugal (Church of St. Engrassia), Ajuda Palaces and San Beta (both in classicism style), Barlende Palaces and Kelush, Basilica da Esterela , Monastery Zheronimush and located on its territory National Archaeological Museum. No less interesting to the Church of St. Rohy and St. Vicente Di Fora, the Lisbon City Museum, the National Museum of Ancient Art, Museum of Puppets, Museum of the East, Museum of Music, Museum of Electricity and Aqueduct Aguash Librish. A great pleasure will be given to a visit to the National Theater of San Carlush and the National Theater of Queen Mary II, as well as walks along the famous Avenida da Liberdade (prospect of freedom) and Figueira Square. If you relax with children, you will certainly visit the magnificent Lisbon Zoo, Botanical Garden, Aquarium and Planetarium Galus Gulbekyan.

The surroundings of the capital are known for many medieval fortresses and castles, the picturesque mountain varnish of Arrabid and the famous Lisbon Riviera, famous for its resorts and reserves. Approximately 30 km from Lisbon is a city of Sintra with a lot of royal palaces and magnificent parks. The main attraction of the city is the famous Palace Complex of the Palace of Foam. The National Palace of Sintra, the Palace of Regaleir, the ruins of the medieval castle of Mavrov and Sintra Cascais National Park are also vast interest.

Very popular among tourists and the ancient city of Porto (the former capital of Portugal). His historical center located on the right bank of the Douro River, listed World Heritage UNESCO. The main attractions of the port are Clereigush Tower, the Cathedral, the Episcopal Palace with Mashada de Castra museum, the Church of St. Franciska, the Ponte de Don Luis Bridge, San Benth Station and the oldest Botanical Garden of the country. A lot of impressions will bring you a walk along Avenida Dos Ayados, as well as a visit to the Ribeir quarter and the city market. The city is famous for magnificent wine cellars, and in the suburbs of Porto Vilan Nova de Guy there is a unique Museum of Portwine.

It is famous for its attractions and Portuguese Museum of Evora, where historical monuments We will wait for tourists literally at every step, and an unusually beautiful city of Aveir. Also are of great interest to tourists such cities like Himaraes, Braga, Obidush, Coimbra and the world famous center of Fatima pilgrimage. However, you will find many interesting places in all corners of this amazing country.

The most popular resorts of Portugal (in addition to Lisbon Riviera) are Algarve, the Madeira Archipelago and the Azores. These places are famous not only beautiful beaches and excellent tourist infrastructure, but also stunning beauty with natural landscapes and protected areas.

Kitchen Portugal

The main difference between Portuguese cuisine - the use of fish and fish products.

Fish cooking is the main direction of Portuguese cuisine. The favorite dishes of Portuguese are already mentioned sardines, tuna (although it is too expensive for the alignment), cod salty, crockets from crabs and other seafood. Portuguese cuisine is rich in sauces.

In Portugal, fish from fish are more likely than meat, the latter is rarely used here. But if the Portuguese mistress is taken for the preparation of meat, then it is extremely tasty. This happens mainly due to use large number Green, garlic, bow and other spices. National Kushanye is a saline cod, which is prepared by more than 150 ways. Most often a cod is eaten with potatoes, steep eggs and sprouts of turnips, seasoned with olive oil and vinegar.

Figure is widely used, and not only as a side dish for second dishes, but also as a dessert - with milk and eggs, with sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, or lemon crust.

Portuguese loves sweet wine, and from drinks preference gives Portverin, as well as white "Vimieri" and "Verdos" who are exported. Portuguese and various Bowley are preparing perfectly. There is a good beer in the country, but the most common drink is a mixture of syrup, grated lemon zest and fresh water.


If you are satisfied with the service, leave the waiter about 10% of the tip. Taxi drivers also take 10% "for tea".


Work hours of institutions

Banks work on weekdays from 8.30 to 15 hours, some branches of banks in Lisbon and tourist areas are closed in 18 hours, and in major trading centers, Algarve work daily from 9 to 21 hours. ATMs of the National System "Multibanco" operate around the clock.

Shops are open on weekdays - from 9 to 13 hours and from 15 to 19 hours. On Saturdays, most stores are closed at 13 h.


VAT (IVA) is 8% for services and about 10% on goods. In the rates should be necessarily indicated, whether the value of the goods or VAT service is included ("Iva Incluido") or not ("Mas 8% IVA"). Many shops offer tax reimbursement when buying goods for a certain amount (in each store its own, but usually at least 50 euros). It is necessary to receive a check on the tax reimbursement, to present a passport, fill in a special form, and the reimbursement should be sent by bank transfer. You can also get a tax reimbursement upon departure from the country at Lisbon Airport (international departure hall), in the Lisbon Maritime Port, at the airports of Porto (before passport control) and Funchal.


In Portugal, you can buy high-quality and fashionable shoes and clothing, gold products, ceramics, original white or red port wine, world famous Portuguese wine Madera.

Portuguese navigators changed the world forever. Under the guidance of Prince Enrique of the Mariable (he himself never happened further to North Africa) The Portuguese became the first Europeans who went to the Atlantic under the sails and passed along the coast of Africa. Portuguese first (fleet under the command of Vasco da Gama) Sea from the West reached India. They were the first Europeans who landed on Ceylon, Sumatra - the islands of spices in the Molukskogo Strait, they laid the trade with China and Japan. In the West, the Portuguese first stepped on the ground South America And opened Brazil. There is evidence that Portuguese is still to Caribbean Travel Columbus 1492 reached the coast of North America.

Portuguese Fernanda de Magalyaesh - Fernando Magellan - headed first trip around the worldorganized by the Spaniards. Although he did not manage to return himself, but still he gained global fame. Portuguese navigators respected worldwide. The famous Francis Drake hired a Portuguese Captain on his "Golden Lan".

Architectural style Manuelino

The Portuguese became famous for the entire world with painted azul-zhu - tiles - and port, but no less significant contribution they contributed to the architecture, creating a refined style in which the stone carving was widely used. This style has arisen in Portugal at the end of the XV century. and existed only a few decades who coincided with the rule of King Manuel I (1495-1521) , in honor of which was called - "Manuelino".

Apparently, Portuguese architects inspired sea travel and discoveries. As a basis, they took Gothic and enriched it with a mass of jewelry, exquisite elements, mostly associated with the sea. The ropes, corals, sea rods, networks and waves were cut out of the stone. Other decorations that are not associated with the sea were widely used. For the first time, this style was used when making a small church of Jesus in Setubal and the Lisbon Tower of Belen, as well as the monastery of the Jeronimites. The true masterpiece of the manuelino style can be considered the unfinished Chapels of the Batalia Monastery.

The magnificent samples of this architectural style can be seen in Algarve: pay attention to the portals and windows of churches in Sillev (Church of Miserikondi), Alvore and especially in Monshik. In the XVI century Manuelino style came out of fashion. By 1540, Portugal joined the rest of Europe, where a more severe Renaissance style dominated at that time.


Although there are enough shopping centers and modern shops in Portugal, the greatest pleasure is to wander through small old shops, especially in Lisbon and Port.

Folk crafts persist in the country. Gourmet gold and silver products, hand-painted ceramics, wicker baskets and classic woolen carpets are sold in the markets and in small stores throughout the country. The best products of the folk craftsmen can be found on the first floor of the Ribeir market in Lisbon.

Of course, in Portugal a lot of fashion boutiques and jewelry stores. Especially famous for this Lisbon, Porto and Algarve. Be sure to look into the basements where the port is stored and other wonderful wines. Many consumer goods in small cities still cost inexpensively.

Return taxes

Citizens of non-EU countries can return value added tax included in the price of many products. Pay attention to the blue-white tables "Tax Free" and fill special documents that can be obtained in stores when buying. VAT can return to your credit card at the airport or send you by mail after returning to the homeland.

What to buy

  • Copper and bronze. Candlesticks, old-fashioned pots and pans, bowls and trays are sold throughout Portugal. Cataplanas is a wonderful, beautiful and functional souvenir. The Moorish tradition of metallic kitchen utensils persists in the town of Lola, on the Algarve.
  • Carpets and rugs. Beautiful and very high-quality handmade carpets, mainly from the Alentezh region, were famous for centuries. Arrayolusha woolen carpets have a rustic view. In this small town you will find dozens of shops where you can choose a carpet for yourself.
  • Ceramics and Azulju. Portugal has long been famous for bright ceramics and tips painted manually. You can buy a white-blue tiles with a house number, and you can pick up a whole panel. In some stores, the tiles sign on the order, including photos. Carrying ceramics are hardly, ask if your purchases can deliver mail. In each region, there is a private style: in coimbra, the masters prefer to depict animals in Barceloga - Petushkov, and a characteristic black ceramics is made in the chase.
  • For tiles, go to the Azulju Museum in Lisbon or to shops on the N125 highway on Algarve. Two large stores are in Porschev: "Olaria Algarve" (ceramics from Porschesh), where they work in an old Mauritan style, and "Casa Algarve".
  • Bung. Portugal is a leading manufacturer of products from a traffic jam. You will be offered mats, curious sculptures and other products. These are lightweight and convenient for transportation of souvenirs.
  • Embroidery. In Portugal, many embroidered products are sold - tablecloths and napkins. Especially a lot of embroidery on street markets. Pay attention to the exquisite products from Madeira - they are extremely good and relatively inexpensive.
  • Sweet gifts. Even if you are not a big lover of sweets, resist the marzipans with the Algarve, which give the shape of miniature vegetables and fruits, you can hardly succeed. This is a wonderful gift that is easy to bring home.
  • Jewelry. Portugal is famous for the filigree, which remains a legacy from the Moors. Product quality is very high. Buy silver brooches or earrings in the form of flowers or butterflies as a gift.
  • Leather Products. Everywhere you will find a large selection of fashionable and inexpensive belts, handbags and shoes, as well as jackets, wallets and gloves. In Lisbon, the main shoe stores are located in the baios.
  • Music. Bring home the soul of Portugal - records of the classic faad or other traditional music performed on folk instruments.
  • Wine and products. Wines from the regions of Dow, Douro, Minho and Alentezh are perfectly transporting transportation, but best gift - This is Portuguese Portwine. Buy a few bottles in the basements of Vila Nova di-guy. A good souvenir will become smoked sausages or sweets from almonds, marzipan and figs.

When and where to buy

Most stores running Mon-Fri 9.00-13.00, 15.00-19.00, Sat 9.00-13.00. Modern shopping centers are usually open from 10.00 to midnight or even later. They often work on Sundays. More and more shops refuse to lunch break. Markets start working around 8.00 and closed after noon.

Street markets (Feiras or Mercados) - Excellent entertainment. Here you can buy products of folk craftsmen, clothing and products. In Lisbon "Thief Market" (Feira da Ladra) Opened beyond the Church of SAU Vicente de Fora on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The largest market in the country works in Barceloga. In July and August, the National Fair of Crafts is held in Vila-Do Conde near the port. A similar fair is arranged in Lugosha on the Algarve in August. Masters come here from all over the country.

Almost all urban shops take credit cards, but in small cities, the situation is different. Prices are usually fixed, you can bargain only in the markets.


Evening entertainment in Portugal depend on where you are. In Lisbon and Porto, you can listen to any live music, visit theater, sit in the bar or club. Many clubs and discos on the Algarve. Little cities are much calmer and quieter.

Fad. Classic evening in Portugal - this evening spent in the Fada Club (Casas de Fado) In the alpha form or Bayru Alto. Often the program includes dinner or drinks. The origin of this music is unknown. It may have happened from sad songs about sailors missing in the sea, or reminds of the tragic days of slavery. Today, these songs can be called a kind of Iberian blues. Usually, the ship is a singer, dressed in black, which accompanied men playing 12-string Portuguese guitars and "VIOLAH", that is, Spanish guitars. Fada - the music is sad, stretching and nostalgic. She is too sad to dance for it, so sometimes songs alternate with folk dances.

If you want to listen to Fad in Lisbon, we advise the following institutions: "Adega Machado" (Rua Do Norte, 91); "And Parreirinha Da Alfama" (BECO DO ESPIRITO SANTA, 1); "A SEVERA" (Rua Das Gaveas, 51); "SENHOR VINHO" (Rua Do Meio A LAPA).

On the Algarve in bars and hotels, too, "Evenings of the Fada", where you can get acquainted with this purely Portuguese musical tradition.

Live music and theater. It is easiest to visit the opera, listen to the concert of classical music or visit the ballet in Lisbon. The city has an excellent opera house, and Gulbenkian fund finances its own symphony orchestra and ballet troupe. National Ballet acts in the new hall in the Nations Park. Excellent concert halls and theaters are open in the port. On the Algarve there is an orchestra who tours with concerts throughout the country.

Night clubs. Clubs and bars working are late, in the port and Lisbon are completely complete.

In Lisbon, the best bars are in the Quarter by Bayru Altu, as well as in the former docks of Alkantara. Amateurs have fun from the port often go to Fosh Dora. The best discos and clubs Algarve are located in Albufeira and Praia da Rock. Lagosh - perfect placewhere fun lasts not only in the summer. Evora and Coimbra are university cities, where there are many student bars and clubs. The rest of the city in the evenings just fall asleep.

Gambling. The main Casino Lisbon is located in Estorile. Recently, the owners received a license to open a casino in the capital - in the fashionable coastal garden of Zhardin Du Tobacu. New Casino, Casino de Lisboa, operates in Nations Park in Auditorio Dos Oceanos (Tel.: 218-929-000, www.casinolisboa.pt). On the Algarve casino work in Monte Gorda, Vilan and Praia da Rock, as well as in Figueir da Fosh, Espino and Poa Di Warzim. To get into a casino, you must have a passport with you and be over 21 years old.


Portugal - Paradise for athletes. Moderate climate in the southern country allows you to play golf and tennis all year round.

Water sports

Diving and swimming with a mask. About 30 diving centers operate on the long southern coast of Portugal. This sport is particularly popular in the West Algarve (Luz, Lagos, Sagres). On the coast of Estoril and South Lisbon, the water is very clean and calm. It is nice to swim from the mask and do diving.

Fishing. Along the coast of Portugal, you will constantly see fishermen on the beaches, rocks and breakwaters. For river and lake fishing need permission. Information can be obtained at the Portuguese National Council for Tourism or in the Forest Institute Institute Florestal; Avenida Joao Crisostomo 26, 1000 Lisbon). The best time for fishing is winter, from October to mid-January.

In Portimau, Faro, Sesimbar or Setubal, you can rent a boat. The best conditions for fishing are near Cesimbra, where the sword is found. On the Algarve, the best conditions for fishing in Europe.

Sailing and rowing sports. On most beaches, protected from the open ocean, there are rowing boats, canoes and water bikes - they can be rented. Experienced athletes can take a sailing yacht. On the Algarve you can undergo a sailing course (Praia de Luz, Quinta Do Lago, Portimao). Large sailboat can be rented in yacht clubs (Vilamoura, Carvoeeiro Club). Almost in any city of Algarve you will be offered a boat trip or a whole cruise. On kayaks can be melted on mountain rivers and reservoirs in the north of Portugal, for example, to Minho.

Swimming. With such a number of beaches, it is not surprising that there are a huge variety of swimming opportunities in Portugal.

It is best to swim on the Algarve - water here is warmer, and the beaches are better protected from the waves than on the west coast. Rescuers are not everywhere. Most hotels have pools. Since the coast of Estoril is badly polluted, Lisbon can only swim in the Estorile itself, whose beach has received the blue flag for the purity of water.

Ground sports

Bicycle. In the north you can engage in a mountain bike. Travel companies Organize various mountain walks, especially in Serra da Eshtrel National Park. The thirteenth farmeter path of Ecopista runs along scenic places in the River Minu Valley.

Golf. Portugal is one of the best places in the world for golf. Many companies offer programs on the "All Included" system. Excellent fields are near Lisbon, especially in Estorile. The world-class tournament is held on the Golf Do Estoril field. There are several good fields near the port, but most of them are focused on the Algarve. The best fields are in Vilamore and Kinta Du Lag.

All information can be found in the booklet, which releases the Portuguese National Tourism Council. Passionate golfers can stay at the Golf Hotel. Typically, such hotels are located near the fields and offer free (or with a significant discount) Games in the fields, to get on which in a different way is very difficult. They organize tournaments for their guests.

Horseback riding. In Portugal, a lot of stables, where the horse can be rented. Many Quintas hotels offer horseback riding guests. Many equal centers (Centros Hipicos) On the Algarve. Most of the horses at least partly refers to the famous local rock "Lusitano". Tourist centers in the north of Portugal offer horse rides, such as Campo Du Zheresh in the Minho region.

Tennis. Large hotels have their own corts, but there are tennis clubs and public courts everywhere. Courts are also available at many golf clubs. On the Algarve there are several high-tennis clubs of the world-class - one of the best "Valle do Lob". Two more excellent tennis clubs - T6nis Rocha Brava near Carvoir and "Estoril Tennis Club".

Hiking. Many national parks In the central and northern parts of Portugal - a great place for hiking. Go to Serra da Esterela, Penada-Jerseh or Montesigno. An excellent hike can be made along the beaches and rocks on the Algarve coast or the Mogador hills in Tras-Os-Montse. To organize such a trip to you will be helped in local tourist bureaus.

Entertainment sports

Corrida. In Portuguese Corrida, the bull is not killed in the arena, but later on the fool. Corrida is arranged in Vila Frank di-Shira in Ribateju. Boeful battles are also arranged in the Campo PEQUENO PRA ^ A de Touros arena in Lisbon (The season begins in May and lasts until the end of September, battles are held every Thursday and Sunday) And in the monumental arena in Cascais. Corrida for tourists is organized in Lugosh, Quratelight and Vila Real di Santo Antoniou, as well as in Albufeira (pay attention to the poses with the inscription "RGAA DE TOIROS"). Season lasts S. easter Sunday until October.

Football. Football in Portugal enjoys great popularity. The main teams of the country - "Benfica" and "Sporting", as well as "Porto". On Algarve, the Farnese team is serving in the capital of the region.

Portugal for children

Families with children prefer to relax on the beaches. Many hotels have pools and special minor pools for children.

Beaches Algarve are great for recreation with children. Kids can compete on sandy fellows, older children - explore stony coves. Pay attention to flags that signal the condition of the sea.

The green flag means that the sea is calm and on the beach. Rescuers duty. Green with a checkered - the sea is calm, but there are no rescuers, the yellow flag is not recommended, and the red just prohibits.

The main children's attraction of Lisbon - Park of Nations, where a wonderful aquarium is located, there are playgrounds, fountains, rowing boats and a cable car.

In coimbre, you can go to the Park "Portugal in Miniature" (PORTUGAL DOS PEQUENINOS).

On the Algarve for children there are several entertainment parks, zoos and water parks, including Aquashow near Quartines (between Vilam and Lola) on the highway N396; Slide & Splash (N125 Vale de Deus near Lugosha) and Aqualand - The Big One (N125 near Alcantarillia)which is considered the largest in Europe. Another attraction - Zoomarine (N125, 25 km) - amusement parkwhere dolphins and sea lions are speaking, there are show parrots, rides and swimming pools. A Cova Dos Mouros is a real Neolithic village, built around a prehistoric copper mine. Immediately you can ride on donkeys.

Holiday calendar

  • February March. The main carnivals are held in Funchal, Lole, Nazare, Ovar, Torresh-Vedora. Everywhere are arranged processions and fireworks. Fada Festival is organized in Lisbon.
  • March, April. Pilgrimage to the Church of Bon-Zhezushh in Brage is the main event of a passionate week.
  • May. Holiday of crosses in Barceloga: concerts and fireworks on the Kavada River ( first weekend). May 13, the first pilgrimage in Fatima. Coimbre is satisfied with the ceremonial burning of tapes in commemoration of the graduation year. The International Music Festival is held on the Algarve for a month.
  • June July. Music, dance and theater festival in Lisbon. Fair and festivities in honor of the People's Saints: St. Anthony (June 13), St. John (June 24) and St. Peter (June 29). The feast of the Body of Christ in Vila-do-Konde is accompanied by processions and floral carpets. In Vila Frank di Shira, running with bulls along the streets (the first two Sundays of July).
  • July August. International Music Festival in Estoril and Cascais.
  • August. Three-day holiday in Himaras with flare processions, folk dances, orchestras and colorful parade in medieval costumes (August 4-6). In Viana do Castela, a religious holiday of Nos Senior Yes Agonia is satisfied, and participants wear bright folk costumes (coming by August 20th weekend).
  • September. Annual Pilgrimage in Baroque Temple in Labo: Tormetic Processions, Folk Dances, Fair and Fireworks and Triumphal Procession (September 6-9). Religious holiday in Nazare: Fishermen carry the statue of the Holy Patronage throughout the city, Corrida, fairs, concerts, folk dances and songs (second week of September).
  • October. Last pilgrimage in Fatima (October 12-13). Oktyabrskaya Fair in Vila Frank di-Shira - Running with bulls and Corrida (for the first two weeks).
  • November. Equestrian Fair in the Gallet - Fair of St. Martin (Second Week).
  • December. Christmas markets in Lisbon are opened throughout the city.

Portuguese cuisine

Portuguese cuisine is good always - whether it is about snacks, hot or sweets. Herbs and spices use (sharp pepper is quite rare) And in the best restaurants, and in simple eateries, and exclusively in order to emphasize, and not to kill the taste of the dishes itself. Portuguese cuisine is quite simple and not too exquisite, but still amazing. Best seasoning for Caldeiradas - Coriander (COENTROS). This grass is perfectly combined with meat, and with fish. Each region has its own corporate dishes. Marinated Pork adores (Rojoes). In Boussaku and Coimbre, you will be offered a baked milk piglet Leitao Assado). Tripe (Tripas) - corporate dish port. And mollusks or mussels baked in the deep pan CataPlana, the favorite dish of Algarve residents. A raw egg is added to the soups and feed soup at the end of meals. Fish and seafood use only the freshest, and they have a stunning taste. Everywhere you will see excellent cakes, cakes and sweet puddings. Usually they are prepared from eggs, sugar and almonds. It is impossible to resist such a temptation. The perfect place where you can try the best local cuisine- These are restaurants of the ship.


Portuguese hotels have from two stars to five with a plus. In small hotels and guesthouses, the prices are lower, but there are much less such places. Estalagem - a small hotel, Pensao - guesthouse, where offer breakfasts, Residential - accommodation without food. In Lisbon, you can rent a furnished apartment, and in the countryside it is possible to stay in a luxurious mansion.

Sugades - Public hotels located in historic buildings, monasteries and castles, in the picturesque corners of the country. All information can be found at www.pousadas.pt. Periodically, various shares are arranged in the houses when the number can be booked with a significant discount. Discounts are often provided with newlyweds and those older than 55 years.

Portugal has two state tourist schemes Turihab and Solares de Portugal. Private houses adapt or completely refubinate for the needs of tourists (Tel.: 258-931-750, Fax: 258-931-320, www.solareesdeportugal.pt or www.turihab.pt). Such housing is divided into three groups: Casas Antigas - mansions of the XVII-XVIII centuries; Quintas E Herdades - Country estates and farms, including the winery of the North; Casas Riisticas - cottages and rural houses in a typical regional style.

You can rent a villa or apartment. In this case, we advise you to look at Owners Direct sites (www. ownersdirect.co.uk), PORTUGAL VILLA. (www.portugalvilla.com) or Algarve Villa. (www.algarvevilla.net).

In high season (mid-June - mid-September) Housing is better to book a month for two months. In the low season, many hotels are closed, others offer serious discounts - especially often in seaside resorts.

Prices in Portuguese hotels are very intelligent, although in Lisbon in last years They rose and now quite comparable to prices in most european capitalsAnd in the highest price segment even exceeds such popular cities like Barcelona.

All hotels, with the exception of the smallest apartments, take the main credit cards. If you book a room on the phone, Portugal code 351.

Youth hostels (hostels)

In Portugal, there are 36 youth hostels. Many guests are offered and food. The conditions are modest, but some hostel are located in beautiful historic buildings. We advise prior to departure to join the international organization Hostelling International (www. Hihostels.com)But this can be done in Portugal. Portuguese Association Address: Portuguese Youth Hostel Association, Movijovem, Rua Lucio de Azevedo, 27, Lisbon; Men.: 217-232-100; Booking Places: Tel.: 707-203-030, www.pousadasjuventude.pt.


In Portugal, three international airports - in Lisbon, Faro and Porto.

Lisbon Airport is just 7 km from the city center. The road by car will take 11 minutes (per hour peak - 20 min). Near the terminal there are always a lot of taxis, and the trip to the city center will cost 10 euros. In addition, you can take a bus 91. This is a shuttle, which is sent every 20 minutes from 7.45 to 20.45. He goes through the city center, Rossiu Square and Kaisch Roc Station. On this ticket, you can ride the trams and buses all day (but not on the subway). Information at the airport: Tel.: 218-413-500.

Farra International Airport serves Algarve. The airport is 7 km from the capital of the Faro region. On a taxi you will reach the headlight for 10 minutes, half an hour to Albufeira. In addition, the fair can be reached bus. Information at the airport: Tel.: 289-800-800.

Francischka Ca Carneir Airport in Porto is 20 minutes drive from the city center from Matosinosha. In 45 minutes you will reach the airport in the purple metro branch. You can take a taxi, it will cost you in 25 euros, but you can spend a lot of time in traffic jams. Information at the airport: Tel.: 222-432-400.

Information about the National Airlines "TAP Air Portugal": Tel.: 702-205-700. Site of all airports Portugal: www.ana.pt.

Trud budget

Portugal is generally cheaper than many European countries. However, the exchange rate and season can affect the cost of your trip.

The road to Portugal. From Russia regularly carried out charter flights to Lisbon, Porto and Faro.

Tickets for museums. From 2 to 11 euros, depending on the place.

Accommodation. Prices for luxury hotels are comparable to prices in major European cities, but strongly depend on the season. In July and August, the price in Algarve is simply translated - often twice as high as low season. In a high season, a double room with a bathroom for a night in a 3-star hotel can cost 75-100 euros, in a 4-star hotel - 125-200 euros, in the 5-star hotel - 200-400 euros. In the houses, the double room depending on the style can cost from 120 to 280 euros. Remember that the price often does not include breakfast and VAT in the amount of 17%.

Food. Prices Even in the most luxurious restaurants in comparison with most European countries may seem surprisingly available. Portuguese wines are characterized by good quality and attractive price. (even in expensive restaurants). Lunch of three dishes with wine in a decent institution usually costs 15-30 euros per person. In lunchtime, visitors often offer comprehensive dinners. (EMENTA Turistica) No more than 20 euros.

Beverages. Non-alcoholic beverages cost about 1-3 euros, alcoholic beverages - 3-13 euros. It all depends on where you decide to drink.

Local transport. Buses and taxis are surprisingly inexpensive. The bus ticket costs less than 1.5 euros, and most of the trips within one city usually costs 4 to 10 euros.

Nightlife and entertainment. Prices are quite different. For the entrance to the disco will have to pay 5-20 euros (Typically, this price includes the cost of the first drink), for the entrance to the casino - 10 euros (Sometimes the entrance is free, for example, in Estorile, although for the entrance to the main game room will have to pay from 4 euros or more).


Campgrounds in Portugal are very popular, and there are a lot of such places throughout the country. Buy booklet "Roteiro Campista" (www.roteiro-campista.pt; 6 euros)where all Portuguese campgrounds are listed. These booklets are sold in bookstores and travel bureaus, as well as via the Internet. The best campgrounds belong to Orbitur (www.orbitur.pt). Camping information can also be obtained in the tourist bureau or in the Campgrounds Federation (Federaicao de Campismo E MONTANHISMO DE PORTUGAL, AVENIDA CORONEL EDUARDO GALHARDO 24D; MEN.: 218-126-890; Fax: 218-126-918; www.fcmportugal.com).

Camping is allowed only in highlighted places. In some natural parks For camping requires permission or membership in an international organization. In addition, you will need a passport.

Car rental

IN major cities And there are offices of international and local firms at the resorts. The driver must be at least 21 years old, and it should have a driver's license with a driver's experience of at least a year. Most rolling companies are satisfied by national driving licensing.

Economic machine rental cheaper than in other European countries, - 30-60 euros per day (including insurance and taxes). In local firms, you can find more attractive offers. If you order and pay the car before arriving, the price will be below. Specify whether insurance is included in this price.

VAT is added to the total amount of the account, but at advance payment is included in the amount.

Insurance of civil liability is obligatory and included in the price, but we advise you to make full insurance. Many credit cards automatically make out full insurance if you pay for car rental on them. And yet specify all the information in advance. In order to take and pass the car at the airport, an additional charge is usually charged.

Good locals Rental companies: Holiday Autos (Tel.: 218-925-834; www.holidayautos.com) and "PORTUGAL AUTO RENTALS" (Tel.: 236-218-999; www.portugal-auto-rentals.com). International Companies: Elekorsag (Tel.: 213-535-115; www.europcar.pt), "Avis" (Tel.: 213-514-560; www.avis.com. PT), "Hertz" (Tel.: 213-812-430; www.hertz.com.pt). In major airports there are always many offices of such companies.


In Portugal, the mild climate reigns - the only exception is the sunny coast of the Algarve, where in the summer it is hot, and in the winter cool. In Lisbon and Alentezh, the summer is too hot. (Always have a bottle of water with you.) In the north in winter it is cold, especially in the mountains.


The Mediterranean climate reigns on the Algarve, but with the exception of the summer of the summer you will need something warm for the evening.

In the north, warm clothes will be needed, especially if you are going to the mountains. Get ready for rain. In restaurants, the dress code is usually not observed, but still it is worth capturing something exquisite for the most expensive institutions.

Crime and security

Portugal as a whole country is safe. Small crimes on the Algarve and tourist centers are distributed more than in other parts of the country. Serious crimes against tourists are rare. The most common crime is theft from rolling machines. In the countryside, this problem is not so acute, but in the resorts and where the cars are thrown for a long time unattended, the risk is quite large. Thefts from rented apartments occur although less often than from cars, but still there. So be on beside. Take the same precautions as home.

Declare the stealing at the hotel and contact the nearest police station or travel bureau. You need to inform the police within 24 hours. To obtain insurance compensation, you will need an official protocol. If you need help, call tel.: 213-180-100 from 8.30 to 18.00.

Lisbon is sadly known for its pockets, which are especially much in the subway and in Russia. Be especially careful in the evenings in Bayru Altu and the Alphaba.

Car driving

If you arrived on your own car, you will need a driver's license, registration documents and insurance - civil liability insurance is required. Green Card is valid abroad.

Roads. Road rules are similar to European. The priority has those who are already on the "flower bed" of a circular movement, unless there is no sign talking about in the other.

Safety belts are required. If you detain for an unsuccessful belt, you will have to pay a solid fine. Local drivers are pretty careless. In cities, pedestrians theoretically have priority on transitions, but we would not advise you to rely on this rule unconditionally.

Speed \u200b\u200blimitations: 120 km / h on the tracks, 90 km / h on other roads, 50 km / h in cities. On some stripes of roads and suspended bridges The blue numbers indicate the minimum speed. Caravan machine speed (trailers) Limited to 50 km / h in cities and up to 70 km / h on the roads and tracks. Most tracks are paid. Many Portuguese breaks speed limits, but this does not mean that you should do the same.

Fuel. Gasoline in Portugal is expensive. Prices are controlled by the government and the same throughout the country. Many filling stations work around the clock, credit cards accept on all.

Parking. Parking need in the direction of movement. Unless otherwise indicated, the parking time is not limited. Some places parking paid. In the so-called blue zones you need to receive a receipt in automata. In Portugal, many official land and underground parking lots.

If you need help. If your automotive organization has concluded a contract with the Portugal car club (Automovel Clube de Portugal, Rua Rosa Araujo 24, Lisbon; Men.: 213-318-0100; www.acp.pt)You can use their services for free. Otherwise, please contact any garage.

Road signs. Standard international pictograms are used in Portugal, but you may encounter local signs.

Embassies and consulates

Address of the Russian Embassy in Lisbon: Rua Viscone de Santarem, 59, 1000-286 Lisboa, Portugal.

Embassy: Tel.: (8-10-351-21) 846-24-24, 846-25-24, 846-24-23; Fax: (8-10-351-21) 846-30-08; E-mail: [Email Protected] embaixadarussia.pt; Official site: http: //www.portugal. Mid.ru/

Consular Division: Tel.: (8-10-351-21) 846-44-76, 849-07-11; Fax: (8-10-3511) 847-93-27; E-mail: [Email Protected]

Emergency services

In emergency cases, call 112. You can call the police from any blue street with the inscription POLICIA, but you can hardly answer some other language in except for Portuguese.

How to get

Aircraft. Aeroflot carries out flights Moscow - Lisbon from Sheremetyevo-2. AIR FRANCE Airlines also holds regular flights. (with intermediate landing in Paris)Flying in Lisbon and airplanes airlines "Lufthansa", "Finnair" and "KLM". From mid-June to mid-September, charter flights are regularly organized to the resort area of \u200b\u200bAlgarve - Faro. Usually the flight takes 2-3 hours.

Guides and excursions

Information about various excursions will be given to you in the tourist bureau, as well as in hotels.

All excursion firms offer excursions to Mafru, Kelush, Sintra, Cascais and Estoril, as well as longer travel north from Lisbon - in Fatima, Alkobasu and Batalia, Obidysh and Nazare. Contact Portugal Tours (Tel.: 213-191-090; www.portugaltours.pt).

From May to September state railways (www.cp.pt) They offer trips on the historic train on the shores of the Douro River from Regula to Tua.

If you are traveling yourself, you can inspect all the sights at a slow pace, making stops on the day or different. Excursions For individuals, families and groups, also organizes Tours for You (Tel.: 213-904-208, www.toursforyou.pt).

Health and medical care

Hygiene standards in Portugal are very high. The main dangers that lie tourists are the hot sun and alcohol. You can drink tap water, but still everything, including locals, prefer cheap bottled water.

Pharmacies (Farmacias) Open in ordinary working hours. Each area has a pharmacy duty, which works around the clock. Addresses are indicated in newspapers and showcases of all pharmacies.

In case of serious illness or injury, contact British Hospital (Rua Tomas Da Fonseca Edifico Bef, Torres Da Lisboa, Lisbon; Tel.: 217-213-400; or Campo de Ourique, Tel.: 213-943-100). In these hospitals speak in English.

For such a policy, you will provide free medical care in the state and municipal hospitals of Portugal. Visit to private clinics is very expensive.


Portuguese comes from Latin. It is spoken in Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, on Timor, in Sao Tome and Princepe, Cape Verde and Macau. All this former portugal colonies. Knowledge of Spanish will help you understand the signs and menu, but will not reveal the secrets of Oral Portuguese. In Portugal, they speak much faster than in Brazil.

Almost everyone understands Spanish. Many Portuguese speak French. In Lisbon, Algarve and other corners of Portugal, many are quite balanced, and even speak English fluently. English and French are taught in schools.


In travel bureau different cities There are convenient maps, including transport. Red, Green and Yellow Maps "Portugal Touristic Map", which will be offered to the tourist bureau, cover the entire territory of the country.


In Portugal, a number of newspapers in Russian: "Arguments and Facts" (32 bands of the most popular weekly with exclusive materials of the best Russian journalists), "Word" is a Russian weekly newspaper, "Lighthouse of Portugal" - a weekly Russian newspaper, etc., and there are sites on the Internet.

There are four main television channels in the country: two state (RTP1 and RTP2) And two independent. Movies usually shown in the original language with subtitles. In most hotels from three stars and above there are satellite TV.


Currency. Portuguese currency - euro. In the turnover of banknotes in dignity of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros, as well as coins of dignity 1 and 2 euros, 1, 2, 5,10, 20 and 50 cents.

Currency exchange (Banco, Cambio). Typically, banks operate Mon-Fri 8.30-15.00. In tourist areas, some banks close later, as well as open on weekends for currency exchange. Airport exchange offices work around the clock. Cotacambios exchange office (Tel.: 213-220-480; Rossio 41, Lisbon; www.cotacambios.com) Open daily 8.00-22.00. Similar exchange points are in all major cities.

Significant commissions are charged for cash checks. In addition, you will need a passport. Get the euro is much easier in ATMs. In addition, there is a more profitable exchange rate.

Credit cards (Cartao de Credito). Credit cards are not taken in all stores and restaurants, especially in small cities.

Traveler's checks. Checks can be credited in any bank.

Opening hours

Most shops and offices are open on weekdays for 9.00-13.00, 15.00-19.00, Sat 9.00-13.00. Most museums are closed on Mondays and festive days. Palaces are closed on Mondays or Tuesdays. All other days (including Sunday) Open from 10.00 or 11.00 to 17.00. However, in many places there are lunch from 12.00 to 14.00 or from 13.00 to 14.30. Some shopping centers in large cities opened at 10.00 and work until 23.00 or until midnight, including on Sundays.


Police with bandages with the inscription CD (Corpo Distrital, that is, the local police) Must assist tourists. Such policemen are usually talking about English.

National Republican Guard is engaged in road traffic (Guarda National Republicana - GNR). These policemen ride on white cars or motorcycles. In emergency cases, call 112.

post office

Post offices are indicated by the letters of STT (Correios, Telegrafos E Telefones). Mail in Portugal works well, although in the midst of the letter of the letter go long. Brands can be bought in most shops (Look for a Correios sign). Most red mailboxes.

Central deflation works Mon-Fri 8.30- 18.30 or 19.00. Local branches are open Mon-Fri 9.00- 12.30, 14.00-18.00. The chief candidates in large cities work on Saturdays in the morning.

Letters to Europe go about a week. The urgent correspondence "Correio Azul" is delivered in three days.

Public holidays

  • January 1 - New Year
  • April 23 - Freedom Day
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • June 10 - National Day of Portugal
  • August 15 - the Assumption of Our Lady
  • October 5 - Republic Day
  • November 1 - the day of all saints
  • December 1 - Independence Day
  • December 8 - Holiday of Immaculate Conception
  • December 25 - Christmas

There are holidays with a variable date, such as:

  • Carnival
  • Good Friday
  • Corpus Christi

Specify the date of these holidays in advance.

In addition, in every city, at least once a year, the day of the saint patron saint is observed.


Portugal - Catholic country. In the travel bureau you will find a list of services for English-speaking Catholics and representatives of other denominations. Visiting the churches and cathedrals, dress accordingly. Do not enter the church with naked shoulders or shorts.


Portugal code - 351. Local codes must be recruited in front of all phone numbers even with local calls. (All rooms are nine-digit).

PORTUGAL Telecom machines accept phone maps and credit cards. Phone cards of different dignity from 3 euros can be bought by mail, in telephone companies and newsstands.

You can call in Portugal and abroad from hotels, but it is much more expensive - use international telephone cards.

To call abroad, type 00 (international communication code and to Europe, and ocean), then the country code and the telephone number of the subscriber with the city code without initial "0". To call Moscow, dial 007 - 495 (499) and the subscriber number. From most hotels, you can send a fax.

In Portugal works perfectly mobile connection. Main operators - "Vodafone" (www.vodafone.pt), "TMN" (www.tmn.pt) And "Optimus" (www.optimus.pt). If your GSM phone is not blocked, buy a local SIM card with advance payment. It will be much cheaper than paying international roaming.

Difference in time

Time in Portugal lags behind Moscow for 3 hours.


In hotels and restaurants, the service cost is usually included in the accounts, but in restaurants it is customary to leave the tips in the amount of 5-10%. The receptionist usually leave 1 euro per suitcase. Tipping taxigators make up about 10%.


Public toilets are in large cities. But you can always use the toilet in any bar or restaurant.

Tourist information

Portuguese National Tourism Board (ICEP or Investimentos, Comercio E Turismo de Portugal) has branches in different countries (See WWW.TURIMODEPORTUGAL.PT site).

Representation of the tourist administration of Portugal in Russia: 129110, Moscow, ul. Gilyarovsky, d. 51, p. 1, tel.: + 7-495-787-11-93; Fax: + 7-495-787-11-91. [Email Protected]

In Lisbon, the Central Travel Bureau is located at: Lisboa Welcome Center, Rua Do Arsenal 15, Prafa Do Comercio; Men.: 210-312-700. The kiosks "Ask Me Lisboa" are scattered throughout the city. Another office is located at the airport (Terminal arrivals, tel.: 218-450-660). Local travel bureau (Turismo) is almost in any city.

Help can be obtained by phone: 211-140-200 or 808-209-209. Call cost is equal to a local call. For these phones, you can get information about the attractions, hotels, restaurants, transport, hospitals and police.


Public transport usually works from 6.00 or 7.00 to midnight or hour night.

Local buses (AutoCarros) And trams (Electricos). In each city, at bus and tram stops, there are usually small maps and information about which routes stop at this stop. Tickets can be bought on the bus. You can also buy travel or ticket books in kiosks and some stores. (if you doubt, ask the tourist bureau).

Metro (Metro). Four metro lines operate in Lisbon (www.metrolisboa.pt). This is a convenient and fast type of transport. The port has more than 70 metro stops. (www.metrodoporto.pt). Tickets need to be processed before landing on the train.

Taxi. Taxi in Portugal is most often black with a green roof and the "Taxi" sign. There are meters in urban taxis. On weekends, holidays and from 23.00 to 7.00, rates are increased by 20%. In addition, additional fees are charged for every place of baggage. Tips are 10%. If the counter is not, then you must agree on the price before the trip. Most often a taxi is in special parking, but some run around the city in search of passengers. Taxis can be hired for a fixed amount. Specify information about such excursions in the tourist bureau.

Intercity buses. Long-distance buses - fast, comfortable and inexpensive way to travel in Portugal (www.rede-expressos.pt). Buses belong to different companies, but usually depart from one bus station. In major cities there may be several bus stations. All information will be given to the tourist bureau. The network of bus routes is much more extensive than the railway network.

Trains (Comboio). Trains in Portugal belong to the state company CP (Caminhos de Ferrpo portugueses; www.cp.pt). Local trains stop at most stops. Long-distance trains are more expensive and stops do less. Express (Rapido) Go from Lisbon to the port without stopping and stand more expensive. From the port and Lisbon you can directly reach the Algarve on the Blue Train (Comboio Azul).

All trains are the wagons of the first and second classes. Elderly passengers on trains that go from 6.30 to 9.30 and from 17.00 to 20.00, except for weekends and festive daysAlso on suburban trains A 50% discount is provided (But you first need to get a free Cartao Dourada).

Prices on the railway are lower than in most Western European countries. You can buy Bilhete Turisticos, which is allowed to unlimitedly use trains within 7, 14 or 21 days.

All Railways of Portugal converge in Lisbon. There are four stations in the city: Santa Apolonia - international trains and trains going to the north of the country; Kaish do Sodre - electric trains in Western suburbs, Estoril and Cascais; Russia - trains in Sinthra and west; From Sull-E-Suest train station trains go south (including Algarve) and southeast (If necessary, the cost of the ticket includes the cost of ferry crossing through a Tejo).

Ferries (Barcafa). Many companies offer services for crossing the Temue and other rivers, including Dora and Guadiana, on the Troy Peninsula and neighboring islands. Information you get in local tourist bureaus.

Local flights. Tar company aircraft fly between Lisbon, Porto and Faro.

Visas and customs

Citizens of Russia need to receive a visa at the Embassy of Portugal at home. The border between Spain and Portugal is difficult to call the border. You can freely visit both countries, but you need to have a passport.

Internet sites and Internet access

www.visitportugal.com - the official website of the National Tourism Council. www.askmelisboa.com and www.pousadas.pt - information about public hotels. www.portugalvirtual.pt - general information and tourism database.

In the tourist bureau in Lisbon and port there are lists of an Internet cafe, where tourists may be for reasonable hourly (or comber) Card Check your email. Outside major cities and tourist resorts Algarve find an Internet cafe is more difficult.

Republic of Portugal - a small state with a warm climate, picturesque nature and rich history. This is the most Western country in Europe, in which one of extreme points Mainland Eurasia. What is characterized by geographical position Portugal? Photo and description of the main features of the country can be found in our article.

"Warm Port"

Portugal covers the area of \u200b\u200bjust 92.151 km 2, and stands at 109th place in the world in size. As solid and independent country She appeared on the World Arena in 1143, turning from the county to the kingdom.

Due to the peculiarities of the geographical position of Portugal, its territory has never been empty and has been inhabited before our era. At different times, Lusitans, Romans, Westges and Arabs lived within its limits. The location on the coast contributed to the development of the state as an important sea Port. At the intersection of trade routes between continents. Even the country's name occurred from the Roman name of the PORTUS CALE settlement, which is translated from Latin as a "warm port".

In the Great Epoch geographic discoveries It was from Portugal that the first trade and research expeditions were sent towards Africa, Asia, North and South America. The navigators of this country opened Brazil, and St. Helena, Mauritius, Tristan De Kunya Archipelago, Madagascar, opened the sea route to Japan. Later, the Portuguese kingdom owned dozens of colonies in Africa, North Atlantic, Latin America, Southeast Asia and Persian Gulf.

Today, the country is the parliamentary republic. 10.3 million people live in it. By the number of residents of Portugal exceeds Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, but inferior to them in economic Development. It enters the Schengen zone, is a member of NATO, UN, EU, OECD and the Commonwealth of Portuguese-speaking countries.

Geographical position of Portugal (briefly)

Portugal is located in the southwestern part of Eurasia, occupying one sixth of the Pyrenean Peninsula. It also includes several islands located in the waters of the Atlantic. Madeira Island is removed from it for 600 km, and the Azores are 1500 km away.

The geographical location of the country of Portugal on the mainland is isolated. Of all European states on land, it borders only with Spain, which occupies the rest of the Pyrenean Peninsula. From the west and south, Portugal is washes Atlantic Ocean and related to it. On the other side of the bay, approximately 250-300 kilometers from the country, is Morocco.

Portugal is strongly stretched from the north south. In this direction, its length is 550 kilometers. From the west to the East, it is much more compact and on average its width reaches 180 kilometers. Approximately 40 kilometers from Lisbon is Cape Roca is the most western point of Eurasia.

Because of the proximity to Gibraltar Strait and Portugal, it was always considered strategically important. That is why its territory is used as a bridgehead for the placement of NATO military bases, in particular on one of the Azores - Teresaire. In the city of Ouras, NATO Headquarters is located near Lisbon.

  1. Portugal is considered a mono-ethnic country, almost 90% of its inhabitants are ethnic Portuguese.
  2. There are Muslims, Hindus, Protestants, Buddhists, but 90% of its inhabitants profess Catholic religion.
  3. Colonial times did not pass without a trace. Today, Portuguese speaks 8 more countries: Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique, East Timor, Angola, Guinea Bissau, San Tome and Principe.
  4. American surfist Garrett McNamar in 2011 conquered a large wave of 23.77 meters high in Portugal. Achievement is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
  5. According to international law in marketing, the title "Portverin" can only be addressed to those drinks that are produced by special technology in the Douro River Valley next to the city of Porto.
  6. In Lisbon, the world's oldest bookstore Livraria Bertrand, which opened back in 1732.


Portugal's geographical position is one of the most essential factors affecting its natural and weather conditions. All its territory runs within the subtropical belt, the region of the Mediterranean type of climate.

Canary passes along the total western coast countries. It makes the climate more cool, and the weather is more unpredictable than in the rest of the Mediterranean. Despite this, the average temperature of the Portugal coast is +20 ˚С.

In winter, a lot of snow falls on the country. However, the lack of significant minuses does not allow him to stay for a long time. Most precipitates falls in the mountains and mainly during the winter months. Summer is quite arid. The most dry months in the year - August and July.

Nature of Portugal

The inhibited, border geographical position of Portugal is fully reflected in her natural complexes. In the country, two worlds were collected: Central European and North African. This is expressed both in landscapes and representatives of the local fauna.

In the north and in the central parts of Portugal, mountains and forests spread predominantly made of coniferous rocks. It grows mainly pine, but there are oaks and eucalyptus plantations. Animals are represented by boars, Iberian lysy and wolves, foxes, bears, wild forest cats.

In the south of Portugal, hilly plains are dominated, covered by evergreen tight bushes. This part there are deserted and semi-desert species close to African, for example, lizards, chameleons, vivners, genets, a variety of snakes.

The coast of Portugal is weakly cut and violated only by the estuaries of rivers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. North to low sandy beaches Mountains are approxitive, there are many lagun and small bays in the south. On the banks of the country lives a lot of waterfowl, and water, wash them, inhabit the dolphins, coushlots, mollusks, shrimps, anchovies and sardines fish.


Traditionally, Portugal is an industrial-agrarian country, the main emphasis in which is to sewing, cotton, woolen industry, production of port wine, olive oil and canned fish. Recently, tourism and services of services have become of great importance.

There are about 600 thousand hectares of oak plantations in the country - the source of almost half of the world's cork bark. Portugal eucalyptus groves are an important source of raw materials for the paper industry. In addition, uranium, tungsten, pyrite, coal are produced in the country, cement, facing tiles, petrochemical products are produced, ships are being built.

Despite the profitable Portugal in 2017, it was approximately the 43th place in terms of PPP GDP among the countries of the world. In Europe, it is inferior not only Switzerland and Austria, but also Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Estonia. The local market is closely connected with the Spanish state in the transport, banking and energy sectors. The development of business and the influx of investments in many ways prevents strict regulation by the state.


Due to the peculiarities of the geographical position of Portugal, its largest cities are located on the coast. Great settlements Countries - Lisbon and Porto. Both are included in the list of global cities and are key elements of world trade and economics.

In Lisbon, approximately 550,000 people live (in agglomeration about 2.3 million). This is the capital of Portugal as well the largest port, Transport and economic node of the state. He is one of the oldest European cities and is first mentioned in 205 to our era.

About 220,000 people live in the port (about 2 million agglomeration). In the past, he was the capital of Portugal, but now the city is simply a major industrial center and port. Most of all it is known for the production of port wine. The old city center is a cultural value and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List.

Stories of many travelers begin with the words "I always dreamed of going to Iceland" or "from childhood dreaming France, and so I had a chance ...". In my story, nothing like this was, and I am the Soviet, if I start in the same way, but to acquaint you with Portugal with lying seems to me a crime.

In general, I fell into Portugal almost by chance. Well, I was visible to visit. From my first trip passed for more than 5 years, and since then I have brought three more visits to Portugal, because I returned home, but my heart is there and remained.

So there is nothing to smear, I all started to be prosaic, but now one solid poetry, and I hope my story about this country will seem quite convincing and informative for those who also, as I once, did not have the idea that Such Portugal and why go there.

Start, probably, stands with a simple question: "Why is Portugal?" This country has never been included in the standard set of a novice traveler in Europe, yielding his place under the sun of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Greece. I first thought to twist about the injustice of life, but not too much popularity among tourists is more advantageous than the disadvantage.

Many were in Barcelona and Rome, but who heard the music of Lisbon streets, consisting of a trigger tram, sad melody of the Fada and noise of the surf? Many saw the balcony Juliet in Verona and even left her messages, but who visited Alcobus, famous for her beautiful and terrible history Love?

In general, what is called if you want to stay away from Mainstream, then you are on the way with me to Portugal.

Visa and border crossing

The receipt of a Schengen visa in Portugal differs little from receiving Shengen to any other country, therefore, the procedure does not seem familiar with this system. For those who fly to Europe for the first time, the receipt of a Portuguese visa is also hardly a problem. Portuguese either because of their good-natured nature, then by virtue economic crisis Boldly and easily give a visa to almost everyone.

And for this you just need:

  • get a certificate from the place of work or study;
  • print tickets and housing;
  • do not forget the original of the travel document (passport);
  • fill the visa application form in 2 copies (you can do in place);
  • prepare 3 photos according to the requirements of the International Organization civil aviation;
  • pay visa collection (35 €);
  • get medical insurance;
  • open all filled pages of a civil passport.

Well, bring it all, of course, in visa Center Or the Embassy of Portugal.

It is important to remember that help from the place of work or study will not be enough without confirming your material wealth. Also, do not forget that the package of documents for children differs from the above.

There are other conditions for filing a visa, for example, an invitation from the country entry or a non-unistricted goal of the trip. Then you need to print and bring this invitation, as well as a copy of documents confirming the legality of the stay of the inviting person in the EU.

In my memory, I have never had no time to consider the longest deadline, but I personally prefer to take care of obtaining a visa as soon as possible and do this no later than 2-3 weeks before the trip.

The direct crossing of the border is usually simple and painless, but once I was taken from the Russian duty free a purchased bottle of alcohol in the Russian, so it's better to buy and remove everything in advance in a suitcase.

How to get

As you know, Portugal is the most western mainland European country, and therefore you can guess, the path to it from Russia is not close at all. But there are several options.


Faster and easier, of course, fly by plane.

Direct flight from Moscow to Lisbon takes a little less travel From the central part of Russia in (5 hours 30 minutes from the first-hearth to the capital of Portugal), but you can comfort yourself that long expectation only warms the effect.

Alas, companies that make straight flights from Moscow in, not so much. Here are the names of these heroes in the vests: Tap Portugal and Ural Airlines. The cost of tickets on average ranges from ten to thirty thousand there, but sometimes it is more expensive.

Well, if a direct flight is an optional condition for your trip, that is, many other companies that run flights to Portugal, having transplants in different cities of Europe (and it is more economical): Lufthansa, Air France, Klm Royal Dutch Airlines, Iberia, S7 Airlines, British Airways, Turkish Airways, Swiss, Vueling Airlines, Alitalia Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Emirates Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Air Europa, Czech Airlines, Air Berlin, Finnair and other airlines

And at least a transplant extends your way to Portugal, you can either choose a flight with a rather short docking, or, on the contrary, stockday time for a walk, for example, in Amsterdam (Schiphol Airport) or Munich (Franz-Josef Airport), where KLM stops Royal Dutch Airlines and Lufthansa. The success of the trip, of course, is not directly proportional to the number of kilometers traveled and visited by cities, however, how can I refuse to inspect new places?

The optimal flight option can be viewed in the Travevsk section.

Main Airport Lisbon - Split (Aeroporto Internacional Da Portela). It serves as the main place of arrival and departure and the docking point between, for example, Russia and Brazil. The second place in size and significance is the airport of Francischka di Sá Carneiro (Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro), and it is located in.

By train

Tourist regions

Portugal, like Russia, have two capitals, and, beyond any doubt, and still compete with each other, but both of them are equally interesting and meaningful for the traveler.

Rather, so tell me the conscience, but I confess that my soul is given to Lisbon, besides, from him to file to him Central regionwhere the most (in my opinion) are concentrated and significant places of Portugal. NorthI think is interesting only with some neighboring cities (for example, Viana do Castelo), while the center of Portugal is the very color of her beauty.

Great value for Portugal have her coastal resorts. Here, of course, go for vitamin D and bathing, but for the Soft Sun Seekers and Gentle Waves, Portugal will not seem an ideal place to relax.

Nevertheless, this country is far from being deprived of resorts in their classical understanding. To the one who dreams of relaxing on the beach and at the same time see any entertaining places, perfectly suitable Lisbon Riviera. Estoril, and - cities with a rich past and a bright real, I highly recommend even the easiest things to tear yourself away from the towels on the beach and make small raids in these places.

However, for those who want to surrender resort rest To the end, there is - the region is slightly less rich in attractions, but perfectly suitable for whom the resorts of Spain and Greece. This is also for those who want to tan, swim and lie down on the sand. A significant center is its capital, the city of Faru. This place is quite popular among the Spaniards, from the homeland of which this city has close transport links, as well as Russian tourists traveling by charters.

But if a similar rest is bored with you, then you should go to Leiray, Alkobasu, Fatimaand adjacent areas. This is for those who are interested in the culture and history of the country. Unprotected OT northern winds Makes the weather of these places somewhat cooler, and the water temperature rarely exceeds twenty degrees. However, a certain weather severity is not the main advantage of this area.

Personally, I love these areas for the great many interesting to visit places, ranging from magnificent gothic temples, strict fortresses and ending with secluded beaches, pine forests.

Separate mention is worthy Azores and MadeiraBut they require no less time than on the whole portugal, and therefore, if you want to visit them, relax there and go back, then count the duration of your trip.

Such a rest is well suitable for those who have long dreamed of visiting the islands, but or not by pocket.

But the map on which all regions marked by me and some cities are listed.

By the way, hotels in Portugal usually booking on Booking - after looking at Travelask, there is no price more profitable. You can live not in the hotel, but in a private apartment.

Top cities

The first in the list, of course, will be the hearts of Portugal: Lisbonand.

By the way, next to the zheronimmush is located the oldest and most famous coffee shop in Lisbon, famous for its dessert Pashtel de Nata. The name of the coffee shop is Belen, and find it is absolutely not difficult, as it is in a pair of steps from the cathedral itself and close to McDonalds, to which many pointers are leading. The turn in Belen always goes to the street, but believe me, it is worth it, because you must be infrequently destroyed in coffee shops working since 1837?

However, it is not necessary to think that Lisbon is good only by churches and palaces, and therefore do not try to rely on the capital, if you decide to come to Portugal.

But not one Lisbon is good Portugal, and time to turn to the north, where the ancient is waiting for us. The city seems much calmer than Lisbon (apparently, it is the lot of all northern capitals), but it is not less interesting.

How can there be a boring city, where is the Museum of Portwine? :) Surely everyone knows such an alcoholic brand as Sandeman, and if you remember that mysterious figure in the Black Cloak and Sombrero, then you will be doubly interested to know that this image symbolizes two alcoholic beverages: Portuguese port (cape) and Spanish sherry ( hat).

A separate pleasure is to walk through the museum cellars along huge barrels with wines dated at the beginning of the last century. Well, of course, who will refuse tasting?

However, if you all do not take all these alcoholic beings, you can just start walking and watching that there is a beautiful in the city. For example, the Kleurigush Tower, which overlooks the whole city. Only here to climb it very tiring :).

Mention is also worthy of, for example, the Church of Santa Clara, known for its wooden carvings with gilding. Thanks to its inner decoration, it can even resemble the Orthodox church, but such, of course, Santa Clara is not.

Next to the church there is a famous chapel of bones with an optimistic greeting "Our bones are waiting for your bones here." On this, by the way, the case does not end, and the walls and columns are found inside you, decorated with patterns from bones and skulls. Cute, right?

However, not the portion and bones together as well as Lisbon, worthy of your attention, and Portugal itself is not limited to two capitals.

If you missed the tragic love stories worthy of the pen of Shakespeare, then you just have to visit Alkobasuand touch the temple, which has become a symbol of loyalty, bordering the madness.

If you want to see a grand monument of the victory of Portuguese over the Spaniards (and glad that you preferred to Portugal her Eastern neighbor), then your road lies in Batalia.

If you always manifted the story of the Templars, then keep the way in if you want to see the residence of Pope Roman, then go to Leiray. The crown of this medieval fairy tale is the city-founded fortress ObidyshWhere every year the magnificent festival goes to which you can come, changing the noble lady or the knight, a nun or a jerk, Arabic or a Jew.

Entrance in a suit (they can be done and choose directly there, you do not need to sew anything at night and drag with you) costs everything on euros more than usual, but you will get pleasure for life! And how much can I put on Instagram ... :).

However, those who are not too interested in all this Middle Ages Kurthma, in Portugal there is something to see and without listed cities. For example, Fatima. It is not necessary to be a believer person to visit this place, but I will still say that Fatima plays a special role for Catholic pilgrims. According to the legend, it was there that Mary's Virgin was three children and gave them three prophecies, each of which had already come true. In less than a hundred years, Fatima became a significant cultural attraction for Portuguese and tourists, and for Christians - the Holy City. Also close to Fatima are famous caves. Peace deEire.

Interested in religion will also be interested to see BusakuWhich once the hunting grounds of the kings and now become a luxurious hotel. However, not only and not so much the palace is an interest for a potential traveler. All the most important is hidden in the forest. A long time ago, the carmelites built a celi there and created the path to the top of the mountain, similar to the fact that the Savior was held. In every cell - the scene from the life of Christ, and on the road you can "read" the entire history of the crucifix and resurrection of Jesus.

If you are far from religion, like Lisbon, you will simply be simply pleasant to take a walk to the top of the narrow paths of this mysterious park, see the samples of cork trees and finally get to the top, from which it opens the impossible view of all Portugal.

So, summarize:

  • Porto and Lisbon are not discussed, because the capital.
  • Alkobasa, because it is a very bright and beautiful city, famous for its love story.
  • because where without the Templars?
  • Beadaka, because Portugal from the height is very beautiful, as well as the path to the top.
  • because Gothic is always good, and victory over the Spaniards too.
  • Fatima, because how can you pass by one of the most famous places of pilgrimage of the Catholic world?
  • because beautiful and sunny.
  • Obidush, because medieval festivals are a very good idea.


Few know O. Madeirasomething besides what Princess Sisi was treated there, ah, yes, well, Ronaldu, of course. Meanwhile, Madeira seems to me just an incredible placefortunately or regret undervalued russian tourist. About Azores By the way, they know even less, and therefore they, like Madeira, should devote a separate article, but for now I'll just say how to get to them.

Cheaper than just from Russia to Madeira can be reached by leucerators from the Baltic States, but the flights will be affordable and by Frankfurt, and, of course, through. From Lisbon, you can fly to Madeira within 100 €.

As for Azores, the journey there complicates the fact that this is not one island, but the archipelago, and therefore you need a message between the islands. From Moscow, it will be cheaper to fly to San Miguel, and from there it is already flying or saved on the ferry.

Top sights

I think I have already mentioned enough steepHowever, if you bring some outcome, I would probably call the following:


The ocean is not a sea, and its strength is so great that the weather depend on his mood. In the summer, Portugal is really hot, especially if you suddenly begin to blow the wind from Spain. But usually the closer to the coast, the more I want to take a slight jacket with you or at least scarf.

Often until noon, the sun is hidden behind the clouds, if necessary, in the presence of wind, it becomes very and very angry, but it is worth looking at the sun, as it starts to have a very straining. In general, do not be broken by the means of protection from the Sun, no warm things. Portugal is inconvenient as a naughty girl, and therefore it can be waiting for anything. Still, it is summer and, perhaps, autumn can be considered a season for visiting the country.

In the winter in Portugal, it is necessary to those who live on the coast, because the all-consuming dampness is hardly what can be nice to someone. It is much more pleasant to spend time in the depths of the country, because the temperature is rarely lowered below the zero, and the wind rarely credits disturbing residents and guests.

The season in Portugal ends with the onset of the second half of autumn. Get ready for asleep cities and almost complete absence of tourists. Such silence may seem boring for those who are looking for the Sun, but the fallen ticket prices can become worthy of compensation.


What kind of sin, Portugal is in a difficult financial situation, and therefore prices are more than tolerant and even can be called funny.

The country's currency is euro, and exchange it, of course, is more profitable at home than in Portugal itself. Visa and Master Card cards are accepted almost everywhere. There are no specific conditions for the use of money.

Moving around the country

Let's start, perhaps, from the Lisbon Metro. The Moscow Metro is considered to be the most beautiful in the world, but there are cities in which it is no less beautiful, and is one of them. The best artists and architects of Portugal have worked on the design of the stations, in addition, there is quite clean and tidy, not as an example of many other European metro.

Lines in the metro are only four, and even to them, the Portuguese approached from the point of view of aesthetics, calling them simply in colors (red, yellow, green and blue) and giving each of them their small symbol. The blue branch accompanies graceful seagull, yellow - joyful sunflower, green - elegant carriage, and a red - a neat compass.

One ride on the metro costs 1.40 €, and for a day - 6 €. By the way, the travel ticket is also working on the ground subway, similar to our trams.

The metro has a card system that can be replenished as soon as the trip will end. It is important to maintain a ticket to the end, otherwise you will simply not release out and make the penalty will be forced. The work of the metro begins at 06:30, and ends at 1:00.

A message of trains and buses has been well established between cities, however, for traveling around the country, of course, you need to take the car. Rent usually stands just less than 50 € per day. How much are different models of cars for rent, you can see by. And let you do not stop paid autobahn! You can save, purchasing a Via Verde map, in addition, individual stripes on the road for its owners can become a pleasant bonus. The tenant can be a person not under the age of 21 and not older than 75, whose experience is at least a year. Documents require foreign, rights and bank card.

It is most convenient to pay on the roads using bank cards, as far from all highways there are operators. Usually the calculation procedure does not take much time and does not slow down. The cost depends on the overcome distance, for example, from Lisbon to the road will cost less than 1.5 €, and already from Lisbon B is a little more than 20 €.

Be careful with the parking lots: they are strictly prohibited next to bus stops and trams, in addition, often work around the clock.

Do not forget to restrict alcohol. The permissible level of alcohol in the blood - 0.49 % . Also remind you of the need to have chairs for children under 12 years old and the inadmissibility of a ride without seat belts (even on the rear seats). No less strictly causal and talk on the phone, and exceeding the number of passengers in the car.

If you decide to take a rental car in Portugal, treat all the rules with attention and care, because Portuguese police do not give to relax, and personally, I know a lot of stories that ended with colossal fines and deprivation of rights.

Finally, I will say about bicycles, suddenly there will be enthusiasts among readers. Navigate through Lisbon because of its hilly, the bike will be difficult, and therefore it is better not even attempting, but outside the cities very many road road Cycling paths are accompanied, and they are not only pleasant to ride them, but also safely. When I lived in, I often made a bicycle frazzle in the surrounding area. I hope you divide this joy with me :).


If you are planning to stay in Portugal not for a couple of days, and a little longer, then I recommend that you purchase a local SIM card. Most cheap operator To contact Russia - lycamobile, but I personally did not use it.

There is, of course, the well-known Vodafone, but I get better familiar with Meo. I do not know if there is something similar in Portugal now, but last summer the company had a promotion. They give a gift (honestly) given SIM cards with unlimited Internet anyone who wishes under 25 years. To believe in such a, of course, it is difficult, but it was not a divorce, and really the Internet worked without any restrictions. Of course, there is no money on the SIM, and the account balance should be replenished independently. But if you needed only the Internet, it was generally perfect :).

You can, however, purchase a card for 9.9 € (and this money will already lie in you on the SIM). Meo provides several tariffs convenient for tourists, for example, for 10 € per month you can possibly be able to unlimited calls and SMS in Portugal and 1 GB Internet. In my opinion, it is quite good if you need to contact your fellow travelers.

In Lisbon, and other major urban cities and Wi-Fi, there are practically in all intercity trains and buses, as well as as well as common areas, hotels and sometimes meets next to small stalls selling lemonade and ice cream. But already in less tourist places The situation is more complicated.

Language and communication

The official language of the country is Portuguese, however if you suddenly had a knowledge of Spanish or French, then it will help you very much and very much.

Yes, by the way, about Spanish :). Do not try to talk on Portuguese, inserting the sound [C] instead of the sound [C], because phonetic differences are far from all. However, most Portuguese really understand the language of the neighboring country, and if they answer you in Portuguese, with a lot of probability, if you speak Spanish, you will understand them.

The same applies to French. Very many texts in in public places Duplicate not only in Spanish, but also in French, and therefore, with the knowledge of this language, you definitely disappear. And my friend Maria, who owns Italian perfectly, spoken in Portugal in that year, and they were also answered in Portuguese, but everyone understood each other.

A little more complicated about the English. The Portuguese own them, but rather uncertain, and therefore trying, for example, to communicate on it with a generation over 60 years old is usually meaningless. More often there are English-speaking Portuguese among middle-aged people, well, the youth, of course, owns the language practically free.

However, Portuguese "free English-owned" is very different from, for example, Scandinavian, and not in favor of the first.

With the Russian language, I did not meet the Portuguese at all, who know at least "Hello" or "Thank you." Although lying. I know. But this portuguese has a Russian wife, so it is not considered.

In general, we will use our great and mighty for traveling to other countries, and you yourself will learn a few words in Portuguese. They will be nice :).

  • SIM (SIM) - yes.
  • Nao (NAU) - no.
  • Ola (Ola) - Hello / Hi.
  • Me Chamo [Name] (MI Shama) - My name is [Name].
  • Adeus (Adiges) - Goodbye.
  • Tchao (Chow) - so far.
  • Por Favor (Porphavor) - please.
  • Obrigado (Olligado) / h. Obrigada (Own) - Thank you.
  • Desculpe (Dishkulpe) - Sorry.
  • Nao Falo Portugues (Eau Na Falu Portuguezh) - I do not speak Portuguese.
  • QUANTO CUSTA (Kuanta Kushta)? - How much is?

Features mentality

Portuguese are friendly, welcoming and cheerful. They are easy to confuse with the Spaniards, and those who met the latter will easily submit their Western neighbors.

Not in the habits of the Portuguese passing by someone's misfortunes or show disrespect.

Portuguese are those guys who will patiently stand on the traffic light and wait until you decide to move your way or not, or will definitely ask what happened if you have a kneel or scatter face. They are generally responsive and friendly, like most residents of the southern countries of Europe. Only here are noisy very :).

Food and Drinks

You do not need to be seven spans in the forehead, to guess that the main food supplier for Portugal was and remains the ocean. If you want plenty of seafood, you definitely need to take tickets to Portugal, and soon you will hide them for two years ahead.

However, start from the beginning, that is, with snacks. In Portugal, like, for example, in Italy, a restaurant business is often family, and therefore you can easily get a chef, advise the best dish and with a satisfied look to the kitchen to execute your order.

The work of the waiter, by the way, also belongs to otherwise: many are in this position for many years and do not consider it something amiss, on the contrary, they like to enjoy people, entertain them with conversations and take care of their convenience.

So, as you already understood, Portuguese restaurants are hospitable by themselves. It is worthwhile to enter, it's only to lie down with paper tablecloths on the table, as you already find next to you a basket of hot bread, a saucer with olives and olives, a couple of pasha jars and something else's taste of a restaurant. You have the right not to touch anything from the proposed, and then you will not be included in the price of lunch, but be careful and honest: for any pleasure you need to pay, and for a couple of olives eaten, including. However, the cost of these snacks is usually so low that it does not represent much significance for a common check.

The menu usually looks quite simple, and this is a good announcement to dishes themselves, because the main quality of Portuguese cuisine is simplicity. Where there is the sophistication of France and Italy before what is happening in Portugal restaurants.

Maximum simple food, but it does not make it less tasty, believe me. The garnings of the Portuguese are quite monotonous and more often are variation of potato or rice preparation.

It is necessary for the presence of vegetables on a plate, and their portuguese prefer to serve not in salads (although it is worth given a tribute to a popular salad with a tuna), but separately. Fruits are generally absent on the table, but they should be used separately, so the Portuguese, of course, is definitely right. What is up to the main dishes, then ... fried sardines, oysters in lemon juice, crockets from crabs ... If you already have saliva when you mention these dishes, I do not understand what you still do at home.

However, for those who do not like fish (or just tired of her), there is always meat or a bird. Speaking of the latter, it is impossible not to mention the famous Piri Piri. The pieces of chicken marine in the sauce, giving the name of this dish, after which they roasted or baked. The dish is pretty sharp, and therefore be careful :). Love Portuguese and Beef, and Kozdy, and Pork. The latter even has its own special restaurant of dairy pigs in the district of Liaria, which is in the courtyard of the establishment.

Separately, it is worth mentioning desserts, because personally for me indifferent to the fish (in such quantity!) And meat, it was a real sweat. I absolutely do not like cardboard cakes, beaten by tiramisu and other popular desserts, and Portugal pleasantly surprised me.

A heavy summer heat served as excellent soil to create a variety of mousses and puddings, which are taken cold. The Portuguese has all the tastes: chocolate, lemon, manga, strawberry ...

A special place in the heart of Portuguese occupy the above-mentioned Pashtel de Nata. This is a very tasty and rude flour dish, which can be used both hot and cold. Externally, it resembles neat bird nests filled with something from the inside. For me personally, this is one of their best desserts in the world :).

As for drinks, the Portuguese prefers different types of wines, ranging from the easiest and young, ending with the dessert port. Alcohol in Portugal is inexpensive and tasty, and therefore, if you are not afraid to sleep, you can safely taste and join.

And, of course, the Portuguese, like all the Europeans, are very loved by coffee and almost do not drink tea. Usually it is my personal pain, because I just do not complain coffee, but there is no tea everywhere everywhere.

I will complete a story about food I am questions of tips. Yes, in Portugal it is accepted, but remains at your discretion. Usually the waiters are really friendly and polite, and therefore encourage their work even nice.

Oh yes! And last. Portuguese all serve some fantastically huge portions, so do not rush, even if you are very hungry, order more than one dish. Do not eat. I'm sure. And if you still have done stupidity and took so much that it doesn't climb into you, or just do not want too much, but you liked the dish, feel free to ask you to put it with you. Portugal - the country is simple, and here it is completely normal.


Shopping in Portugal is just the fact that the doctor prescribed. Do you want to buy to the coming season, but in Russia the prices bite? Portugal will heal your wounds and makes life ahead. Most of the well-known brands in Portugal are much cheaper than we see in Moscow's price tags.

Best of all, of course, buy clothes in Lisbon (although I, living in, went to Leiray, and there in the main mall I found everything I needed).

Vacation with children

To confess, it always seemed to me that for children of more or less conscious age, any journey should be a big adventure, and therefore I even get lost when I was asked where it is best to rest in Portugal with children. Yes ... everywhere! Children get the same impressions as adults, and in this country they will be excess.

However, I will try to remember several places where it will be possible to spend time and children, and their parents. I will, perhaps, from the aquariums, which I have already spoken, in Portugal as two. Senior is located in Lisbon, and several years ago, another one opened in. Despite my hot love for the capital of Portugal, for the first time I will give the palm of the championship. The Lisbon's oceanarium is good in itself, but it is interactive in it, and the one entertaining for children.

But in Lisbon, there is a cool zoo (I have already mentioned it above when I spoke about the bus station Set Rios), and he definitely stands to visit him.

Of course, how you can bypass the face of the water park. The most popular of them are in Algarve, but still you can not remember the panoramic water park next to Pombal and the water parks in Amarantte, and penishe.

On many beaches of Portugal, there are animation, playgrounds, trampolines and unpaired carousels.


Rumors came up to me that there are people, a little confusing Brazil and Portugal, confident that Portugal is some kind of criminal nest. So, I have a hurry to debunk a similar myth, if anyone else remains. Portugal is an ordinary southern European country. This is not with its phenomenal levels of theft, but also to neglect the standard security rules, I do not recommend.

No need to carry precious things with you, large amounts of money and, especially since left them somewhere. Do not take anything over the most necessary on the beach in order not to detect suddenly that you cannot find your gold rings after building a castle from sand or bathing in the ocean.

No matter how ridiculously sounded, do not close to the ocean very close with documents or technique. I know at least one person who has carelessly left a bag with passports, the money of his family on the shore and deprived of them in the blink of an eye, and for example, for example, a sea wave attacked the phone in his hands and, of course, damaged his fine technical organization.

As for crime, the big cities are large cities, and therefore there should always be careful, but in small towns about murders, robbees and violence no one has heard for a long time. My friends who have long been living in Portugal say that it is easy to let go of their children late in the evening to visit friends and do not call a hundred times if they are delayed because they just have nothing to be afraid.

5 things that need to be done in this country

  1. First, it is simply necessary before the duck to fit seafood, because if you do not live in the Far East, then there is no ocean at hand, and all this costs quite expensive. Time. And two - fresh seafood is much tastier frozen :).
  2. Secondly, get away from the shore into the water and swim in order to be able to say: "And I swam in the ocean!"
  3. In addition, go to Cape Roca (Cabo de Roca) and feel yourself on the edge of light. After all, there is only an ocean and.
  4. Oh yes. Well, listen to Fad. No, confess, personally I am not a fan, but it seems to be a standard minimum of any guest of Portugal.
  5. And of course, to go to Obuhydysh, visit his medieval carnival, change clothes in the gallant knight or his lady, eat rude and simple food, listen to overwhelming folk music and drink Jinji to a chocolate cup.

Nearby countries

The neighbor in Portugal is alone, and her name is. At these two countries, ancient times, the relationship is not easier than in Germany and France, but it's more interesting to compare. Especially if you are frozen in Portugal and want warm waves, then you definitely stand for a couple of days to get rid of Spain.

From Lisbon to Barcelona some 1,259 kilometers, and therefore you can safely take the car and go to the east. Even faster from Lisbon to get to Valencia. But to Madrid get faster from. As I said, a trip on the roads of Portugal along the coast and forests is pleasant in itself, and when one more adventure is waiting ahead ...

But if it does not attract you, then the prices of the plane from Lisbon to Barcelona and are quite adequate, and therefore you can save time by choosing the airline ticket. If you take tickets in advance, then you can fly a little more than 60 €.

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