The most extreme places on Earth. Kamead Grandi Island, Brazil

Inaccuable rocks with steep carved stairs, located on a huge height of glass and wooden suspended bridges, extremely distant from sushi island and inaccessible viewing platforms from which it is fabulous beautiful view - Here are just a few examples of places that can attract Extreme Fans. Walking along dangerous tracks and the rise on the tops of the rocks always make in themselves a serious threat, attend some places of the planet only the units of the most brave travelers prefer. If you are attracted only by the most dangerous adventures, if you have long dreamed of being in one of the most dangerous places of the planet and experience your nerves for strength, the rendered review will necessarily be interesting to you.

In China, the legendary Mount Huashan is located on the territory of Shenshi, for a long time it has a huge religious value for local residents. At the peaks of the mountains, which are total of five, are the ancient religious sanctuations, which from year to year attend thousands of pilgrims. However, travelers in these places are not attracted not to religious attractions, but an extreme "attraction" - laid hundred years ago by monks trail leading to the peaks of the mountain.

According to historical data, more than 700 years ago in the mountains lived monks-hermits, which built a very complex and dangerous passage in the rocks. Steep steps carved right in sheer rocks, lowered and incredibly narrow wooden ledges, passing over the gorges - every year these obstacles boldly overcome thousands of pilgrims and a huge number of extreme lovers. The lowest of five mountain peaks is the northern, comforters of comfort can get to the funicular. The same person who is not looking for light paths will be offered two pedestrian routewhich can get around all five peaks and see the vintage pagodas, carved by monks of the cave and the sanctuary.

The most popular of two is the route "Hua San Yu", the length of which is about 6 km, it takes an average of about 5 hours on its passage. Full dangers The way a wide range of travelers is known as a "death trail", the route is considered the most dangerous in the world. The most extreme parts of it are narrow wood bridgeslaid right along the edge of the cliffs above the gorge. Experienced tourists recommend making climbing in September, at this time of the mountain of the mountains are especially beautiful.

One of the main attractions of Utah is national Park Zingon. It is here among the picturesque canyons and mountain vertices One of the most extreme places of the planet is hidden - an overview point with the romantic name "Acute Angels". It is believed that it is from this observation deck opens best view On the canyon, the main complexity for tourists is that it is not so easy to climb to the sightseeing site. This event can become even more exciting than a nominal walk along the National Park.

Many Extreme Fans are sent to search for new sensations in Colombia. Here, there is an amazing rock of El Penon de Guatap, the ascent of the top of which promises to be one of the most exciting and memorable events in life, is located here between the miniature towns of El Penol and Guatap. The height of the cliff is 220 meters, according to scientists, it has been formed more than 70 million years ago. The cliff resembles a huge stone, its length is about 380 meters, and the width of about 100 meters, respectively. By approximate estimates, the weight of such a huge "stone" is close to 10 million tons.

In Spain, one of the best places for extreme rest will be the Gorge of El Chorro, which is known for its fabulously beautiful waterfalls, rapid rivers and futuristic landscapes. One of the main extreme sights of the gorge is the so-called royal trail - a concrete bridge laid along the wall of the gorge wall, deprived of any handrails and supports. Built this dangerous passage at the beginning of the 20th century for workers who were engaged in the construction of the dam.

Inmpoded mountains do not cease to attract lovers of dangerous entertainment, the purpose of brave climbers from all over the world is becoming a mountain mountain located on the island of Buffin, in Canada. This inaccessible granite mountain, the height of which is about 1,250 meters, is considered the highest vertical slope on the planet, the angle of inclination of the mountain is only 105 degrees. It is obvious that the climbing of the peak Torah is a dangerous and difficult event even for high-class climbers. However, a dangerous vertical slope is far from the only obstacle that expects fans of extreme. Significantly complicate the ascent of the mountain frequent stonepads, due to which many athletes have to abandon their bold and complete determination of intentions.

If for someone extreme is associated with conquest impregnable mountains, For others, with a visit to the most remote and hard-to-reach corners of the planet. One of these places is the amazing archipelago of Tristan da Cunya, located in Atlantic Ocean. The archipelago is inhabited, about 250 people constantly live on it. main feature The picturesque archipelago is that it is the most remote from the sushi inhabited archipelago in the world.

China is a real world leader in the number of extreme places for recreation. Most recently, the original bridge was built on Mount Tianmean, which was called the "Faith Trail". The bridge is an absolutely transparent design of high-strength glass, which was equipped along the slope of the mountain, right above the swords of the gorge. A walk through the glass bridge - the event is not for the faint of heart and definitely not for those who have a head spawning away from the height.

Not all experienced tourists are aware that only one of the most dangerous places on the planet is just a couple of hours riding a car from Manhattan. Here is a small village of Kattshill, it is located near the mountain range of the same name and gave the name of one of the most dangerous path in the world. The length of the trail is a little more than 40 km. The path passes through an incredibly beautiful mountainous area, the main danger for travelers here is not only complex climbing in the mountains, but also wild animals.

September 17, 1944 was born the most famous extremal of modernity - Reinehold Messen. In honor of the birthday of a man who conquered Everest without oxygen and switched to Antarctica on foot, we made a selection of places for the most extreme rest.

Waterfall Victoria, Zambia

One of the most exciting and dangerous adventures in Africa is called "Jump in the Devil Pool". Those who want to experience their nerves and get the most powerful charge of adrenaline jump into the waterfall and then inexorably with the most powerful flow of water rushing to the abyss. The height of the waterfall is more than a hundred meters, and anyone confused down the man is just doomed! But in front of the edge of the abyss under water there is a wall, and for the suspension of extremals they are maintained.

Airfield of the city of Sevil, County Washington, USA

In the sky above this American town you can walk along the wing of flying at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour of the aircraft. At the same time, the pilot can also be made of various figures supreme pilotageSo to speak, to enhance the effect. The man on the wing, naturally, reliably fixed and is protected from falling, but still, such an attraction requires preliminary training, both physical and psychological.

Coast of Australia or South Africa

Bathing with cannibal sharks. This entertainment B. last years It began to use unprecedented popularity. Many travel agencies offer to swim with a large white shark, which is specifically embarrassed by blood, which is becoming very angry and aggressive. The client is placed in a solid cell and sent to the most visited ocean space visited by white shark on a special boat. The monster and cannibal is ready to eat a man with a cage! It should be said that this intervention in the life of the shark has tragic consequences. Frightened meat sharks began to attack swimsuits in coastal waters.

Sydney, Australia

Bridge climbing - a new urban view of the mountaineering, which is becoming increasingly popular with climbing lovers. For this you need only big Most And the lack of a ban on the authorities to rise to it. One of the most visited climbing climbers is the Sydney Harbor Bridge Bridge in Australia. He collects every year a lot of brands, ready to risk the sake of adrenaline, self-affirmation and a beautiful view that opens from above.

Rotorua New Zealand

Zorbing - has become quite familiar, but this is no less dangerous entertainment. Invented Zorb - a huge transparent ball, within which the passenger is placed - in New Zealand. A bowl with zorbonavt descend from the slope of a hill length near a kilometer. There were already many tragic outcomes due to the wrong choice of the route (too steep descent, immediate proximity to steep cliffs, etc.) or the overload of the Zerb. Therefore, when choosing the organizers of such attractions, you need to be very careful, it is best to turn to professionals from the New Zealand city of Rotorua, the first to have invented this entertainment and having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bsafety during the descents.

Plateau Kierag, News

Basedjamping is another more dangerous entertainment, known since the thirties of the last century, are parachute jumping in a special suit, which allows you to soar in the air. The parachute is revealed only approximately 150 meters to the Earth, which strongly tickles athlete's nerves. Jumps are made from fixed objects, most often from the rocks. One of the most famous places for Beisjumping is a plateau Chierag in Noviegy. True, it is worth it is not suiced, because for the jump it is necessary to equip and many hours of working with an instructor.

Macau, China

Lovers of urban besdjamping come here to make a deadly jump from the Macau Tower Tower Tower 223 meters high. This is approximately the sixtieth floor, and the fall time is only 5 seconds. No one has yet been able to resist the scream with the rapid approximation to the Earth!

Grand Canyon, United States

SLACKLINING is a transition over the abyss of an elastic not tight rope. This entertainment can be attributed to acrobatic tricks available only by the units of brave, because the feeling of equilibrium should be just perfect. Naturally, the American Grand Canyon, having a width level from 6 to 29 kilometers and a depth of 1800 meters, is a cherished dream for Slexlining fans from around the world.

Huashan Mountain, Shaanxi Province, China

The path to the top of the Huashan Mountain, despite the relatively small height of 2130 meters, is the most dangerous in the world. Every year accidents occur here, but it does not stop thousands of extreme lovers. The most dangerous lifting place is a narrow board with a width of about thirty centimeters and about four meters long, located on a sheer cliff. If you also add numerous Daeist monasteries, pagodas, gates and bridges, the dangerous trail passes here, it becomes clear that there are bravery, overcoming the entire rise and have seen a beautiful view from the top.

And you know where are the most extreme places on the planet? Read to the end and find out.

Plateau Ennedi, Chad, Africa

Ennedy is a sandstone mining plateau in the Republic of Chad, surrounded by Sugara sands. Mountain plateto Ennedy is one of the wonders of nature. To get here is very problematic due to a number of factors: lack of developed tourist routes, prosperous banditry among the local population, which lives in poverty, political riots. You used to get to Anni, it was possible only to join the caravans, but now the safari on SUVs became popular here.

But all the difficulties are moving into the background when you get on the Plateau Ennedy. The rocks from the sandstone tall up to 120 m high, natural arches, balancing stones, ancient petroglyphs on the rocks. Arches on the Plateau Ennedy for a long time tried to conquer dozens of climbers from around the world, and only in 2010, a group of climbers under the leadership of Sinnott's brand managed to climb the highest of them.
Plateau Ennedi, Chad, Africa

Danakil, Ethiopia / Eritrea, Africa

Danakil is a desert in the north of Ethiopia and Southeast Eritrea. Desert area 100,000 km2. Populated by the people of Afar, which are predominantly engaged in salt mining. High temperature, low humidity, poisonous evaporation, faults from earthquakes, sulfur lakes Do this place dangerous to visit tourists.

However, despite all these dangers, the Danakil desert is a popular tourist attraction. Before those who risked Visit Danakil, excellent species depicting space, extraterrestrial landscape.

Chernobyl, Ukraine

Everyone heard about the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which happened on April 26, 1986. Events to eliminate the consequences of the nuclear explosion explosion began immediately after the accident and continue to this day.

After the radiation level in the station has decreased, the Chernobyl alienation zone has become an object open to visit. The first tourists appeared in the 30th kilometer zone of alienation in the mid-90s, when the level of radiation decreased significantly.

Tens of starting appear tourist firmswho were engaged in the organization of excursions to the exclusion zone. In 2002, the UN report comes out, according to which it was now possible to be in the exclusion zone without much harm to the human body. Starting from this year, the number of tourists who visited the exclusion zone began to grow tirelessly, on average, two thousand people per year. Forbes magazine in 2009 called the alienation zone of the Chernobyl NPP to the most "exotic" place for tourism on Earth.

Nevertheless, this place remains dangerous and when visiting the exclusion zone you need to comply with a number of rules:

It is forbidden to move around the territory without accompanying the guide.
Visitors are obliged to wear only a closed, tightly fitting clothes.
It is not recommended to smoke outdoors and eat.
It is not recommended to touch the buildings and structures, as well as plants.
It is not recommended to sit down and set any items to the ground.
It is not recommended to drink water from land sources located in the territory of the alienation zone.
It is strictly forbidden to endure and export any items from the alienation zone.
When leaving the zone on the checkpoint, dosimetry control is carried out. In the case of a high level of radiation contamination, subjects are subject to withdrawal. Despite the decline in the level of radiation, a visit to the alienation zone is still associated with a risk for health. The organizers of the tours are not responsible for the health of visitors, so before entering the alienation zone, you must put a signature on your consent with this item.

Station East, Antarctica

Station "Vostok" - Russian Antarctic Scientific Station. This unique station was founded on December 16, 1957. It is located in the center of the continent, among ice and snow. Ice cover thickness under a 3700 m station.

Station "Vostok" - a symbol of inaccessibility. A station is 1253 km from the South Pole and 1260 km from the Sea coast. 120 days The polar night continues here - from the end of April to the end of August. The population of the station does not exceed 40 people.

Low temperatures, height more than three kilometers above sea level, full insulation from the world in winter time Make it one of the most uncomfortable people to stay on earth. Despite the hardest conditions, life at the "East" does not stop even at -80 ° C. Scientists are engaged in the study of a unique retirement lake, which is at a depth of more than four kilometers.

Tiger Monastery, Thailand

Tiger monastery - Buddhist monastery in the west of Thailand. Founded in 1994 by Abbot Prakhitkaro as a forest monastery and shelter for wild animals, among which were several tigers.

To visit these ferocious predators, feed them and could only be stroked in a tigrin monastery. The first Tigrenka in the temple was brought in 1999. The monks came out the beast, and he had a great deal with people even as an adult part. In the temple they lived more than 130 tigers. Despite the tigence of tigers, accidents and accidents took place. Time time tigers scratched tourists.

But on May 30, 2016 Thai police and representatives of the Department National Parks, Wildlife And the preservation of plants began to export all tigers from the monastery. During this operation in the veterinary office of the monastery, about 40 dead crucibles were discovered. The monastery was accused of trading tigers in the black market.

Mountain trail El Caminito Del Rey, Spain

El Camminito Del Rey is located on the slope of a sheer cliff in the village of El Chorero in Malaga, Spain. She was recently discovered after reconstruction. Closed the same dangerous path in the world after the death of 5 people who tried to go through it in 2000.

The construction consists of concrete and robbed crutches and railway rails. The road is located at a very long distance from the ground, its length is 3 kilometers, the width of only 1 meter.

The trail was built in the period from 1901 to 1905 in order to move the building materials for workers of power plants on Chorro and Gaitanejo waterfalls. She received her name "royal trail" after the visit of the king Alfonso XIII, which passed on it to the place of the solemn event of the opening of the dam in 1921. Over time, metal supports and concrete structures were unusable, and the trail was required by reconstruction.

Despite the official ban on visits, extremals were located, who still passed along the royal trail, applying safety equipment. On the Internet there are videos devoted to such extreme passage of the trail.

The trail was opened on March 29, 2015 and mentioned in the list of the best new attractions of the Lonely Planet guide.

Villarrik Volcano, Chile

Villarrick is the most active volcano Chile and one of the most active in the South American continent. It is located in the southern Andes in the same name National Park, towering over the lake of the same name.

Villariki height - 2847 m. It has rich history registered eruptions. The volcano is part of the caldera - an extensive basin - which was formed 3500 years ago. In addition to Villarrika, there are about 30 slag cones and volcanic faults.

Volcano Vilorric attracts tourists not only with its beauty and power, but also that you can go skiing and snowboarding.
Existing volcanoes By themselves, extreme places for visiting, but for 10,000 dollars you can make your visit to the volcano is still extreme and arrange a bungee jumping from a helicopter directly over the volcano. The service includes six days of accommodation at the hotel, meals, a helicopter flight over Villarrik and Equipment.

Everest, Nepal / Tibet

Every year, climbers from all over the world are trying to conquer the most high mountain In the world - Everest. The height of the vertex is 8848 meters. When climbing, climbers face the following difficulties: lack of oxygen in the air, low temperature, hurricane wind, threat to avalanche, etc.

The first official expeditions appeared here in the 20s of the XX century. For the first time, the peak was conquered in 1953 by Shero Tenzing Northeye and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. At various times, when attempting to climb on top, 287 people died, but, despite this, there are new wishing to conquer Everest every year.

Pamplona (Emboserro), Spain

The small town of Pamplona is a calm and quiet place. But once a year, Pamplon becomes one of the most extreme places on the planet - a week Emborro.

Enceerro is a Spanish national custom, which is running away from specially released bulls, cows or calves. The holiday was known to the world after Roman E. Hemingway, "and the Sun (Fiesta) rises."

The most famous eneerro in Spain takes place in the city of Pamplona during the holidays of St. Fermin (from July 7 to July 14 daily in the morning). The entire route of the run (from the chapter to the arena on the city streets) is struck by wooden barriers from BRUSEV, which is easy enough to climb (or bring to them). The length of the route is about 1 km. Everyone will escape can escape: from members of local clubs of Lovers of Corrida to foreign tourists.

Many runners fall and often get serious injuries. The largest number of victims was recorded in 1924. This year was killed 13 and wounded 200 people. In 2009, a 27-year-old man died.

Movements for the rights of animals are performed by protests against Entorro, including in the form of "human entrazro".

Kamead Grandi Island, Brazil

Kamead Grande or Snake Island, is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 35 km south of the coast of Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. Area island about 0.43 sqm.

The island is named Snaken, because he is sick of thousands of snakes. This is a real serpentarium under open sky. There is not a single house or hotels here, only an empty autonomous lighthouse. Here is one of the most dangerous snakes on the planet - the Mochagol Island Botrops (Bothrops Insularis), which has one of the strongest poisons. Bite of Botrops causes rapid leaning fabrics, acute renal failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, brain bleeding death in 7% of cases.

There are no natural enemies on the island of the main inhabitants, therefore it is an ideal place for their prosperity. Snakes are fruit here round year, one female is able to produce up to 50 individuals.

There is no other liveliever on the island, since any animal immediately becomes the prey of snakes. They feed mainly by migratory birds that calmly sit on the branches of the trees, unaware of their fatal hazard.

Sometimes snakes lived on the mainland, but people set fire to the jungle and dried the swamps. Gradually snakes were ousted on the island. According to experts, Kamead Grandi and Mainland joined the narrow stakes, according to which the snakes moved. As a result of geological processes, the experiencing fell into the sea, and the island was fully disposed of poisonous settlers.

Snakes have repeatedly defended their rights to the island. They kicked out banana planters in the 19th century, killed 3 beaches of the lighthouse. In the end, people were tired of fighting and the Brazilian government declared a snake island for a prohibitive zone for visits. This is the only case known in history when the serpentine community completely displaced from the territory of a person.

Despite the prohibitions, the shores of the island float boats with tourists who want to be picked up to the nucleus of the land to be sided with poisonous snakes.

Have you ever thought about where is the most extreme place on Earth? For each place its place. If someone it seems dangerous, then another may seem ordinary and, on the contrary. So, get ready to see the 25 most interesting and extreme places on the ground, from which you probably will capture the spirit.

1. TheAsupo, Tahiti

You can catch the most difficult and greater wave here. Surfers from all over the world flock into this place to try their strength in the fight against the deadly wave on earth. Waves rolling from coral reefs are able to seriously harm you if you are an inexperienced newbie, so do not join the fight alone!

2. Station "Vostok", Antarctica

Perhaps the coldest place on earth and is not best holiday For the whole family, but someone may seem interesting. At the station "Vostok", the temperature can reach minus 87 degrees Celsius, so even the scholars in the winter there are relatively small - only 13. In summer, their number reaches 25 people.

3. Waterfall Angel, Venezuela

Angel's waterfall in Venezuela is the highest and only waterfall in the world with a continuous free fall. Its height is 984 meters. This is three times higher than the Eiffel Tower.

4. Dead Sea

Located between Israel and Jordan, the Dead Sea is the lowest place on Earth - approximately 430 meters below sea level. In addition, the Dead Sea is the most salty in the world.

5. Mount Tor.

Named in honor of the Norwegian god thunder, the Mount Tor is powerful and truly worthwhile to wear this name. In addition, it has the most vertical slope.

6. Gansbaya, South Africa

In this place they love large white sharks. And it is there that they are removed documentaries. If you are bold enough, you can rent a boat and do diving in the waters of the sharks.

7. Cave of Crever, Abkhazia

Located near the Black Sea, the Crever of the Cruber is the second in the depth of the cave after Verevkin's cave. The entrance is located at an altitude of 2197 meters above sea level. Initially, the moves in the cave were narrow and small, but many excavations in the process expanded them and allowed them to go inside. In recent years, the cave is mastering speleology "Everest".

8. Atakama Desert, South America

If you have a dry climate, then go to the Atakama desert located in Chile. You will not find a dry place. Studies conducted by NASA scientists successfully proved this. It is even more surprising that such a dry climate is replaced by the relative cool air. The day here is + 40 ° C, and at night + 5 ° C.

9. TaumataTafakanthahangakoauauauatamateapocaIfenuaAkitanatay, New Zealand

New Zealand, in addition to extraordinary landscapes, can also be proud that one of the hills with the longest name in the world is located. But local call it just Taumata. Literally, it translates as: "The peak of the hill, where a man with big knees of Tamataa, known as the Earth's died, rolled, rushed again, swallowed the mountain and played the flute for his beloved." This toponym is worth visiting New Zealand.

10. Mariana Wpadina, Guam Island

Mariana Trench It is considered to be deep point Pacific. Only a few were able to dive into its subsoil. Located at a depth of 11 kilometers, it will certainly enjoy all extremals and scuba diving lovers.

11. Keimad Grandi, Brazil

More famous as the island of Snake, Kamead Grande, located near Sao Paulo, is the most dangerous Moz on the ground. It is here that the largest number of deadly poisonous spear vehicles are concentrated. Because of this, tourists and in general, anyone may be stupid on the island. In the case of bite, death occurs less than an hour. Although access directly to the island is banned, Brazilians earn on excursions to the island of boats. Tourists swim to the most secure distance from which there may be a lot of snake clubs lying on the stones. Especially brave pay local residentswho spend them on the island itself in special clothing. But it is still not worth risking.

12. Oymyakon, Yakutia

Russia is also rich in extreme places. One of them is the village of Oymyakon in Yakutia. This is the coldest place on Earth. The temperature on the "Pole of the Cold", as it is called, can reach -88 ° C (!). At the same time, people constantly live here. But life here is incredibly dangerous and difficult.

13. Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii

Whatever you love Estraim, but be near this volcano during his eruption would not want anyone. This is the most active volcano of all existing ones. During one of his long eruptions, he destroyed about 200 buildings.

14. Vulcan Dallol, Ethiopia

This volcano is distinguished not only as unearthly, alien scenery, but also an incredibly high temperature. And it is not just high, but steadily high. On average, it reaches + 35 ° C for a year.

15. Vulcan Chimboraceau, Ecuador

There is a common belief that the highest point On Earth is the peak of Everest. It is true, but partly. If you count the distance not from the sea level, but from the center of the Earth, then this volcano is much higher than Everest. By the way, it is always above the clouds, so you can enjoy his landscape from the portholes of the aircraft.

16. Chernobyl, Ukraine

Recently, Chernobyl noted his 30th anniversary. The emission of tons of radioactive waste at NPPs in 1986 was made by one of the once prosperous cities to Pripyat - the Ghost City, and the life in it is impossible for any living being. Despite this, several thousand pensioners remain in the city, and tourists visit the city, examining only some of his places, the least infected with radiation. But attending Chernobyl is still not recommended.

17. Mount Washington

In winter, the magnificent landscapes of Washington Mountain are carefully covered with snow. In fact, it is one of the snowtest places on Earth. On average, about 16 meters of snow falls for the year.

18. Solonchak Uyuni, Bolivia

The largest saltchart in the world is 7242 km long. Otherwise, it is called the "mirror of God." Indeed, at the sight of such beauty captures the spirit. Solonchak sparkling in the sun is blown by bright colors, changing his color during the day. However, tourists independently get to him not easy. There are no road to Solonchak, and in the winter it becomes unusually cold.

19. Bishop Rock, England

Most small island with the largest structure on it. The lighthouse, built here in 1858, has a height of 51 meters and still helps the ships find the road.

20. Tristan da Cunya, United Kingdom

Most remote inhabited island on earth but not the most the best place for relax. There are no hotels and restaurants, and here do not accept a credit card. Before the island you need seven days by boat, as there is no airport here too. 300 people living on it are engaged in fishing and hunting on seals.

21. North Korea

Perhaps there is no more extreme place than North Korea. Such a totalitarian regime, reigning in the country, labor camps, full of country isolation and lack of access to the Internet. Want to relax from gadgets, smartphones and computers? Then you definitely need to visit the DPRK.

22. Pico de Loro, Colombia

A good place For surfing. The place is not so popular and very remote. In order to get there, you need a guide help. Do not forget to take appropriate meals, drinks and tourist equipment.

23. Mong-Kok, Hong Kong

The area located to the west of Hong Kong is famous for the fact that this is the most populous place on the planet with a density of 130,000 people per square kilometer.

24. "Iron Mountain", California

Iron Mountain in California is strongly contaminated with acid rivers, salt and bacterial mucus, which local mines allocate.

The concentration of pollution and acid in water may even burn the skin and dissolve the tissue. As far as it is dangerous, confirms the Robot sent NASA in the mine, which he never returned from there.

25. Laboratory Orfield, Minnesota

The most quiet place on Earth, which even fell into the Guinness Book of Records. It is so quiet here that you will hear the sounds of your own heartbeat. As a rule, people here are maintained from the strength of 20 minutes.

Do you know where are the most extreme places on the planet? But in Russia? Read the post to the end and find out.

№10. Plateau Ennedi, Chad, Africa

Ennedy is a sandstone mining plateau in the Republic of Chad, surrounded by Sugara sands. Mountain plateau Ennedi is one of the wonders of nature.

To get here is very problematic due to a number of factors: the lack of developed tourist routes, prosperous banditry among the local population, which lives in poverty, political riots. You used to get to Anni, it was possible only to join the caravans, but now the safari on SUVs became popular here.

But all the difficulties are moving into the background when you get on the Plateau Ennedy. The rocks from the sandstone tall up to 120 m high, natural arches, balancing stones, ancient petroglyphs on the rocks.

Arches on the Plateau Ennedy for a long time tried to conquer dozens of climbers from around the world, and only in 2010, a group of climbers under the leadership of Sinnott's brand managed to climb the highest of them.

№9. Danakil, Ethiopia / Eritrea, Africa

Danakil is a desert in the north of Ethiopia and Southeast Eritrea. Desert area 100,000 km2. Populated by the people of Afar, which are predominantly engaged in salt mining.

High temperature, low humidity, poisonous evaporation, faults from earthquakes, sulfur lakes make this place dangerous for visiting tourists.

However, despite all these dangers, the Danakil desert is a popular tourist attraction. Before those who risked Visit Danakil, excellent species depicting space, extraterrestrial landscape.

№8. Chernobyl, Ukraine

Everyone heard about the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which happened on April 26, 1986. Events to eliminate the consequences of the nuclear explosion explosion began immediately after the accident and continue to this day.

After the radiation level in the station has decreased, the Chernobyl alienation zone has become an object open to visit. The first tourists appeared in the 30th kilometer zone of alienation in the mid-90s, when the level of radiation decreased significantly.

Dozens of tourist firms began to appear, which were engaged in the organization of excursions to the alienation zone. In 2002, the UN report comes out, according to which it was now possible to be in the exclusion zone without much harm to the human body. Starting from this year, the number of tourists who visited the exclusion zone began to grow tirelessly, on average, two thousand people per year. The "Forbes" magazine in 2009 called the Chernobyl nuclear power plant zone by the most "exotic" place for tourism on Earth.

Nevertheless, this place remains dangerous and when visiting the exclusion zone you need to comply with a number of rules:
It is forbidden to move around the territory without accompanying the guide.
Visitors are obliged to wear only a closed, tightly fitting clothes.
It is not recommended to smoke outdoors and eat.
It is not recommended to touch the buildings and structures, as well as plants.
It is not recommended to sit down and set any items to the ground.
It is not recommended to drink water from land sources located in the territory of the alienation zone.
It is strictly forbidden to endure and export any items from the alienation zone.

When leaving the zone on the checkpoint, dosimetry control is carried out. In the case of a high level of radiation contamination, subjects are subject to withdrawal. Despite the decline in the level of radiation, a visit to the alienation zone is still associated with a risk for health. The organizers of the tours are not responsible for the health of visitors, so before entering the alienation zone, you must put a signature on your consent with this item.

№7. Station East, Antarctica.

Station "Vostok" - Russian Antarctic Scientific Station. This unique station was founded on December 16, 1957. It is located in the center of the continent, among ice and snow. Ice cover thickness under a 3700 m station.

Station "Vostok" - a symbol of inaccessibility. A station is 1253 km from the South Pole and 1260 km from the Sea coast. 120 days The polar night continues here - from the end of April to the end of August. The population of the station does not exceed 40 people.

Low temperatures, the height of more than three kilometers above sea level, complete isolation from the world in winter make it one of the most uncomfortable people to stay on earth. Despite the hardest conditions, life at the "East" does not stop even at -80 ° C. Scientists are engaged in the study of a unique retirement lake, which is at a depth of more than four kilometers.

№6. Tiger Monastery, Thailand

Tiger monastery - Buddhist monastery in the west of Thailand. Founded in 1994 by Abbot Prakhitkaro as a forest monastery and shelter for wild animals, among which were several tigers.

To visit these ferocious predators, feed them and could only be stroked in a tigrin monastery. The first Tigrenka in the temple was brought in 1999. The monks came out the beast, and he had a great deal with people even as an adult part. In the temple they lived more than 130 tigers.

Despite the tigence of tigers, accidents and accidents took place. Time time tigers scratched tourists.

But on May 30, 2016, the Thai police and representatives of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and the preservation of plants began to export all tigers from the monastery. During this operation in the veterinary office of the monastery, about 40 dead crucibles were discovered. The monastery was accused of trading tigers in the black market.

№5. Mountain trail El Caminito Del Rey, Spain

El Camminito Del Rey is located on the slope of a sheer cliff in the village of El Chorero in Malaga, Spain. She was recently discovered after reconstruction. Closed the same dangerous path in the world after the death of 5 people who tried to go through it in 2000.

The construction consists of concrete and robbed crutches and railway rails. The road is located at a very long distance from the ground, its length is 3 kilometers, the width of only 1 meter.

The trail was built in the period from 1901 to 1905 in order to move the building materials for workers of power plants on Chorro and Gaitanejo waterfalls. She received her name "royal trail" after the visit of the king Alfonso XIII, which passed on it to the place of the solemn event of the opening of the dam in 1921. Over time, metal supports and concrete structures were unusable, and the trail was required by reconstruction.

Despite the official ban on visits, extremals were located, who still passed along the royal trail, applying safety equipment. On the Internet there are videos devoted to such extreme passage of the trail.

The trail was opened on March 29, 2015 and mentioned in the list of the best new attractions of the Lonely Planet guide.

№4. Villarrik Volcano, Chile

Villarrick is the most active volcano Chile and one of the most active in the South American continent. It is located in the southern Andes in the National Park of the same name, towering over the lake of the same name.

Villarriki height - 2847 m. It has a rich history of registered eruptions. The volcano is part of the caldera - an extensive basin - which was formed 3500 years ago. In addition to Villarrika, there are about 30 slag cones and volcanic faults.

Volcano Vilorric attracts tourists not only with its beauty and power, but also that you can go skiing and snowboarding.

The current volcanoes themselves are extreme places for visiting, but for 10,000 dollars you can make your visit to the volcano even extremely and arrange bungee-jumping from the helicopter directly over the volcano. The service includes six days of accommodation at the hotel, meals, a helicopter flight over Villarrik and Equipment.

Number 3. Everest, Nepal / Tibet

Every year, climbers from all over the world are trying to conquer the highest mountain in the world - Everest. The height of the vertex is 8848 meters. When climbing, climbers face the following difficulties: lack of oxygen in the air, low temperature, hurricane wind, threat to avalanche, etc.

The first official expeditions appeared here in the 20s of the XX century. For the first time, the peak was conquered in 1953 by Shero Tenzing Northeye and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. At various times, when attempting to climb on top, 287 people died, but, despite this, there are new wishing to conquer Everest every year.

№2. Pamplona (Emboserro), Spain

The small town of Pamplona is a calm and quiet place. But once a year, Pamplon becomes one of the most extreme places on the planet - a week Emborro.

Enceerro is a Spanish national custom, which is running away from specially released bulls, cows or calves. The holiday became known to the whole world after Roman E. Hemingway, "the Sun (Fiesta) rises."

The most famous eneerro in Spain takes place in the city of Pamplona during the holidays of St. Fermin (from July 7 to July 14 daily in the morning). The entire route of the run (from the chapter to the arena on the city streets) is struck by wooden barriers from BRUSEV, which is easy enough to climb (or bring to them). The length of the route is about 1 km. Everyone will escape can escape: from members of local clubs of Lovers of Corrida to foreign tourists.

Many runners fall and often get serious injuries. The largest number of victims was recorded in 1924. This year was killed 13 and wounded 200 people. In 2009, a 27-year-old man died.

Movements for the rights of animals are performed by protests against Entorro, including in the form of "human entrazro".

№1. Kamead Grandi Island, Brazil

Kamead Grande or Snake Island, is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 35 km south of the coast of Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. Area island about 0.43 km2.

The island is named Snaken, because he is sick of thousands of snakes. This is a real open-air serpentarium. There is not a single house or hotels here, only an empty autonomous lighthouse.

Here is one of the most dangerous snakes on the planet - the Mochagol Island Botrops (Bothrops Insularis), which has one of the strongest poisons. Bite of Botrops causes rapid leaning fabrics, acute renal failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, brain bleeding death in 7% of cases.

There are no natural enemies on the island of the main inhabitants, therefore it is an ideal place for their prosperity. Snakes here are fruit all year round, one female is able to produce up to 50 individuals.

There is no other liveliever on the island, since any animal immediately becomes the prey of snakes. They feed mainly by migratory birds that calmly sit on the branches of the trees, unaware of their fatal hazard.

Sometimes snakes lived on the mainland, but people set fire to the jungle and dried the swamps. Gradually snakes were ousted on the island. According to experts, Kamead Grandi and Mainland joined the narrow stakes, according to which the snakes moved. As a result of geological processes, the experiencing fell into the sea, and the island was fully disposed of poisonous settlers.

Snakes have repeatedly defended their rights to the island. They kicked out banana planters in the 19th century, killed 3 beaches of the lighthouse. In the end, people were tired of fighting and the Brazilian government declared a snake island for a prohibitive zone for visits. This is the only case known in history when the serpentine community completely displaced from the territory of a person.

Despite the prohibitions, the shores of the island float boats with tourists who want to be picked up to the nucleus of the land to be sided with poisonous snakes.

The most extreme places of Russia:

1. Oymyakon. This village, located 1000 kilometers from Yakutsk, in which a little more semi-thousand residents live, is considered the most severe place on the planet, where there is a permanent population. Oymyakon is quite popular among the brave points who want to get new emotions, and at the same time test themselves. - 67.7 degrees - absolute minus on the Oymyakne.

2. Altai well known fans active rest. Annual climbers come here, connoisseurs of equestrian tours, lovers of descents on rivers and lakes. Altai ridges rise to a height of up to 4,000 meters, and the most impressive vertex - Beluha Mountain (4506 m).

3. Kamchatka. Volcanoes are the main attractions of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The activity of volcanoes is one of the causes of small underground jokes occurring in close proximity From the volcano or on it itself. During the eruption of volcanoes into the atmosphere, volcanic ashes, volcanic slag and volcanic bombs - bunches of molten rocks, as well as a large number of diverse gases and water vapor pairs are emitted.

In total, Kamchatka has more than 300 volcanoes. Kamchatka volcanoes are included in World Heritage UNESCO.